Journal of Computer ScienceS Its Application, June 2[][]8, Vol. IS, No. I Development of a Mobile Airline Reservation System Oyelade 0. J. , Fatumo SA , Azeta A.A. and Ayo CK. Department of Computer and Information Sciences, College o.lScience and Technology, Covenant University. P.M.B. 1023 Ota, Nigeria• ola2000faith@yahoo. co. uk, fatumo uk, azeta_ ambrose@yahoo. com. ckayome@yahoo. com ABSTRACT Current~v, many people and companies are embracing the mobile air line reservation system. Reservation systems had been implemented in many parts of the world for decades, initially from manual to computerized reservation system. Mobile, airline, bus ticketing and automated reservation systems are effectively increasing in the market. As a result of the fierce competition in the airline sector, organizations within this sector are in the process of developing systems that will improve their services to customers. Consequently, an automated seat reservation system has continued to be an open area of research. The objective of this paper is to develop a mobile airline seat reservation system that will assist the public in gaining an easier and faster way for seat reservation and providing them with more options to book a ticketfor traveling on real time. The system was developed using the Wireless Markup Language (WML) asfrontend, MySQL 4.0 database management system as back-end and PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) as the server-side scripting language. The developed system will assist the airline customers and operators in providing cost-effective system that will make possible bookings and seat reservation on real-time using a mobile phone, irrespective of location of a user. Keywords: WML, WAP , Mobile Internet, Airline Reservation, Mobile phone. 1.0 BACKGROUND INFORMATION rrom all levels ofthe business industry the opportunity to access an untapped field The internet has really changed the that is still in its infancy. WAP (Wireless way transactions take place and has being Application Protocol) is a protocol for able to remove the barrier of time and accessing information and services rrom location. WA<P provides a markup and a wireless devices. WAP is defined and protocol that opens the possibility of the coordinated wireless environment and gives players consortium of industry players who have by the WAP Forum, a 59 interest in information and services to over Internet through components: the W AP browser, the W AP particularly mobile gateway and a server on the Internet. The phones. The objective is to define a mobile device connect to the Internet standard application framework that will through the W AP gateway. This W AP be universal, and will allow seamless gateway translates all the protocols used interoperability of all of the components in WAP to the protocols used on the required for mobile access to network Internet. customers mobile the W AP architecture. It is made up of three devices, applications. Figure 1 shows the basic WAP browser vvvw.; server WAP gateway Figure 1: WAP architecture Source:(Singe l'ee et a 12005) Most ofthe protocols in use today make a powerful set of assumptions about the environment, Computer), and is almost certainly of such as the type of network that will be a different architecture. available (particularly from the point of • as a PC (Personal Memory and storage -The memory view of bandwidth and reliability), the and storage unit of a mobile phone is a types of devices that will be accessing the lot more constrained than on a PC, services, and the types of services that because handset manufacturers are These cost-sensitive, and thus reluctant to assumptions do not necessarily ho ld true add any additional components unless in the wireless world such as use of it mobile phone. There are a number of mobi le characteristics applicable to a mobile: persistent storage oftheir own. will • • be available Form Factor - for access. a mobile device • is really necessary. Also devices Battery - do not some have a Mobile devices are battery needs to be small enough to move powered, and the need to have the around and ideally to be able to fit in device available for long periods of the palm of the hand or in a shirt time means that the processing CPU pocket. cannot make significant demands on CPU (Central Processing Unit) - In a the battery. mobile device, the CPU is not as 60 • Display- This is typically limited in the General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) size and resolution, and often cannot (Webopedia, 2006). The W AP Specification comple- cope with color. • Input- Mobile devices typically do ments existing wireless standards. For not have keyboards and ifthey do they example, it does not specify how data are limited in size. Therefore, input is should more challenging than on a typical PC interface; instead, it is intended to sit on (Howell, 2000). top of existing bearer channel standards so be transmitted over the air that any bearer standards can be used with 1.1 Wireless Networks versus Fixed Wireless Networks the W AP protocols to implement complete product solutions. It is also A wireless network is considerably different from a fixed-wired network. independent of any particu tar device, instead, it specifies the bare minimum Reliability profiles are considerably functionality a device must have, and it different, particularly where users move in has been designed to accommodate any and out of coverage areas, disappear into functionality above that minimum. The tunnels, and so on . Latency may also be WAP programming model is similar to an issue 111 wireless networks. An the World Wide Web (WWW) program- additional factor is that there are a number ming model. of mobile network standards in place across the world, and they do not interoperate seamlessly. Some countries even have incompatible standards in different regions. 1.3 Wireless Markup Language (WML) WML is a generalized markup language that is optimized for limited The Wireless Application Protocol capability devices and networks. WML ts designed to work with most wireless documents are an XML document type. It networks such as GSM (900, I ,800, and has also borrowed from Hand-held Device I ,900), European Digital Cordless Communication (DECT), Time Division Multiple Access Communication Division Personal Services (PCS), Code MuJtiple Access Cellular (COMA) , Data Language ('s 2.0 (HDML proprietary language) and HTML. WML language that provides a 2.0) markup IS a meta- format for describing structured data (Musiano & (CSD) , Kennedy, 2000). WML is designed for Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD) and specifying user interface behavior and Circuit Switch (TDMA), Markup 61 displaying content on wireless devices such as phones, pagers and personal digital assistant (PDAs). WML and PHP Templates can be used to specify a set of characteristics that apply to all cards in the deck. can be combined as a development tool for mobile client application while PHP 1.4 Benefits ofWAP/WML The following are some of the perform the server-side scripting such as database queries. With server-side scripting, dynamic page content can be generated, forms data collected benefits of W AP/WML: • Wireless network churn, cut costs, and increase the subscriber base both by improving WML is based on a deck of cards 111 For operators, W AP promises to decrease and cookies handled. metaphor, Operators: which a document analogous to a deck, and a card existing services, such as interfaces to IS voice-mail and prepaid systems, and 1s facilitating an unlimited range of new approximately analogous to an individual value-added services and applications, screen or unit of display. The unit of such transmission between the gateway and the management and billing inquires. New applications can mobile device is the deck, and the unit of be user interaction is a card within the deck. introduced without Rather than focusing on the details of the the quickly need and for easily additional infrastructure or modifications to the rendering of User Interface (Ul) elements, phone. This will allow operators to or of how the user should interact with the browser, WML focuses on the semantic meaning of the element. Separating the rendering from the meaning allows the differentiate themselves from competitors with customized information serv1ces. new, WAP their is an interoperable fi·amework, enabling the actual rendering and implementation on provision the device to be adapted to the capabilities of end-to-end turnkey solutions that will create a lasting ofthe device. consumer of features including text and images, the presentation hints can be included with text and images, but it is ultimately up to the browser how it renders the content. loyalty, build and increase revenues. ability to interact with the user, navigation Layout and advantage, competitive WML elements support a number capabilities and variables. as account • Content Providers: applications are Some written 111 mobile WML, which is a subset of extensible markup language (XML). WAP enables 62 content and application developers to 1.5 grasp the tag-based WML that pave the way for services to be written and M-commerce (mobile commerce) deployed within an operator's network is the buying and selling of goods and quickly and easily. As WAP is a services global and standard, interoperable content through wireless handheld open devices . such as cellular telephone and have personal digital assistants (PDAs). M- providers immediate access to a wealth of commerce a IS next-generation e- potential customers who seek such commerce and it enables users to access applications to enhance the service the Internet without needing to find a offerings given to their own existing place to plug in . Advances in Internet and and potential subscriber base. Mobile network technology consumers growmg number receive are becoming increased value-added • Mobile Commerce (MCommerce) keen functionality from their to and mobile and the rapidly of mobile personal devices result in the fast growth of eCommerce. The development and devices, and W AP opens the door to adoption of mobile technologies have the untapped market. made new services and related commerce End Users: End users of W AP benefit more and more avai !able. Some of the from easy, secure access to relevant factors Internet information and services such development as unified messaging, banking and development of the Internet and related entertainment through their technologies. mobile that contributed are Electronic devices. Intranet information such as the to this tremendous commerce IS the be electronic exchange (delivery or transact- accessed via W AP technology. Users tion) of information, goods, services, and corporate are able databases to can receive and also request infiJrmation in a controlled , fast and low-cost environment, a fact that payments over telecommunications networks. E-commerce establishing and activities include maintaining online renders W AP services more attractive relationships between an organization and to consumers who demand more value its suppliers, dealers, customers, strategic and functionality from their mobile partners, terminals. related to (or in support of) traditional regulators, and other agents delivery channels. Other activities include (Tarasewich et a! 2002): product searches 63 and comparisons by consumers; product and discussions and section 5 contains the information presentation and promotion concluding remarks. by manufacturers and retailers; support; customer purchase communication between post- seller 2.0 and OBJECTIVES The objective of this paper IS to shippers or banks; and other activities that develop a . mobile airline seat reservation are not directly related to the transaction system thal will assist the public itself. gaining an easier and faster way for seat in Mobile devices will become the reservation and providing customers with basic business enabler for e-commerce more options to book an airline ticket on (Marra A. 2000). The concept of commerce IS fundamental real time. to exchange goods and services in return for payment 3.0 SYSTEMS DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION or in the case of a barter economy in The system was developed using return for other goods or services. This concept obviously only works in the interest of both parties if basic security requirements such as the reliability of a transaction can be guaranteed. In the nonmobile IT world, most of the involved challenges have already been addressed and at least conceptually so lved. The different characteristics of non-mobile Ecommerce and M-commerce and their unique usage patterns entail various additional security threats mainly caused by the fact of mobility itself (Edgar, 2001). fo !lows. Sect ion 2 discusses the objectives ofthe research. Systems design ( and front-end, MySQL 4.0 database management system as back-end and PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) as the serverside scripting language to enable communication between the front-end and back-end. Modular programming tech- nique was applied during the program writing stage. The sequence diagram for requesting for flight information and the class diagram for the system are described in Figure 2 and Figure 3 respectively. The testing ofthe system was done The rest of the paper is organized as the Wireless Markup Language (WML) as implementations are contained in section 3. Section 4 enumerates the result usmg the Openwave SDK V7 simulator which serves as a means to deploy the software on a Personal Computer in the absence of the WAP micro browser and gateway. 64 \ill P.P Mobile Device Gateway WebServer r- Requestfli ght1 nfo() ,-:... Connect througll \/1/.AP __:_ __:_ __:_ .Autr1ent1ca te() ,-:... i\ctivate Apache Execu te Query() Retneve1 nfo() W ML cont ent Response 1nfo Send through cllannel '-:---:- D1splayfl1 ght1 nfo() --:- --:- '-:-~ Fi gure 2: Sequence Diagram for requesting flight information The System Functions operations. Figure 4 contains a welcome and authentication page ofthe system. Described below are some of the functionalities ofthe application presented in card form. Registration Card The registration card enables registration of new users. It consists of Welcome Card This card can be likened to the fields such as surname, other names, age, nationality, address, username and home-page in a web application. It is the password. The username and password at first card the user interacts with. It also this point has to be distinct and not gives the user the option of either logging already used. in, if the user is already an existing user, or registering, if the user is new to the system. Flight Enquiry Card This card enables the user to input his/her take off point of location such as Access Authentication source airport and destin at ion airport, so This card requests for the details ' of the already existing user, that is, the that it is checked up in the database if it user's username and password to enable Figure 5. the user access to the system and perform exists. The enquiry card is contained in 65 Passenger Surname: String Other_names: String Age: int Sex: String Address: String Nationality: String Reservation 0.* passenge r res I -getSurname() -getOther_names() -getAge() -getAddress() -getNationality() -getSex() Surname: String Other_ names: String Ticket - ld: String Teller_Num: String Bank: String +getS urname() +getOther_names() -getTicket_ Id() -getTeller_ Num() -getBank() __________o Flight Takeoff_ Airport: String Destination_ Airport: String Takeoff Time: time Flight_Num: int Takeoff Date: Date Flight_Cost: int Available seat: int Type_of_flight: String -getTakeoff_Airport () -getDesti nation_ Airport () -getTakeoff_Time() -getFiight_N um () -getTakeoff_ Date() -getFI ight_ Cost () -getAvailable_seat 0 -getType_of_ flight () Figure 3: Class diagram of Mobile Airline system 66 ~ Generk Device- . ~ Generk Devke File Edit \liew Settings Help File Edit ViE: 1N Settings Help V1.0 Flight Reservation System · Easier.'!/ : Foil ow t11e Linl<.s Figure 4: Welcome and authentication page ~ Gene-ri<: Oevif::~e Fill.! Edit V!t·v·.• Settin9s. Help O·?Stln.:-ttJon ~' .Ld·J·..:.•~ Figure 5: Flight Enquiry Card Server-side Script then presented with the option to make a This card outputs the list of all flights reservation based on this list. The flight going in the route selected by the user reservation information card is contained with details such as flight time, flight date, in Figure 6. flight cost, and available seats. The user is 67 ~Generic Device - . . . Help Figure 6: Flight reservation Information Card Resenration Card which can be activated at the different This card collects details of the user menu as the user navigates through the making details system just like going from one web page include Surname, other names, Flight to the other, or from one site to the other. number, teller number, and bank paid to. This modular approach made the program a reservation. These more interesting and it enhances easy 4.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION modification and debugging. The system was designed such that The restrictions of mobile devices any level of user can easily use it. To start such as size of the display screen are and run the application, the user need to major issue in user interface design for type the URL that refers to the index or mobile phones. The screen display is home page. If the URL is properly typed , made as brief as possible for proper a connection to the server is established paging. Scrolling is also possible to enable and the welcome screen is displayed . The user move the displayed information up or user can easily navigate back or front down on the screen, one line at a time. without previous knowledge of the mode Each screen carries sufficient instructions of operation of the application . The as to what operation is being performed at application is user friendly. The modular any time the user selects a function. Users approach of programming which is a can edit a wrongly typed text and can also ( prominent feature of the modern system modify any default value set by the of programming application. was applied. Each module was designed as a deck of cards, 68 5.0 CONCLUSION gateway In this study, the authors have application IS required to fully deploy the on a web server. The developed a mobile airline seat reser- developed system will assist the airline vation system using the Wireless Markup customers and operators in providing cost- Language (WML) as front-end, MySQL effective system that will make possible 4.0 database management system as back- bookings and seat reservation on real- end and PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) as time, irrespective of location of a user the scripting. using a mobile phone. The prototype application has been tested locally (on a localhost computer) using a mobile device emulator. 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