8. Micelle Formation of Non-ionic Surfactants. Properties of Aqueous Rempei Solution of Polyoxyethylene GOTO, Takeo SUGANO and Naokazu (I) mono-alkyl Ether KOIZUMI* (Goto Laboratory) Received July 26, 1953 INTRODUCTION Ionic surfactants association in their aqueous solution are characterized by a high degree into colloidal micelles above a certain concentration, micelle concentration attributable (c.m.c.)'>. Since association to the contradictory in solution solubility relation Gonick and McBain'> expected exhibit similar properties critical of those surfactants is exhibited by the polar and nonpolar groups within the molecules, colligative the so-called of non-ionic surfactants to to those of the ionic type, and they showed for the first time that non-ionic laurate, "X" and Triton X-100) form colloidal micelles principally by means Detergent surfactants of ester type (nonaethylene glycol mono- of cryoscopic evidence. In the present factants in ether report, various properties of the aqueous solutions of non-ionic sur- type are discribed and discussed with respct to their micelle formation. EXPERIMENTAL Materials : Surfactants used in the present work are principally polyoxyethylene glycol alkyl ethers, HO(C:H40)„ (CH.)mH, and those used in the previous experiment°>. In the notation of the kinds of samples, lauryl, oleyl and cetyl are abbreviated to L, O and C respectivery, ethylene. For the standard ed to PL-6) carried and figures represent the degree of polymerization sample, pure hexaoxyethylene was prepared in the authors' laboratory. of polyoxy- glycol lauryl ether (abbreviatMost of the experiments were out at room temperature. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 1. Density Densities of the aqueous solutions were measured meter remains (ca. 30 cc) at 25°C. As shown almost constant increases gradually are plotted the following *n in Fig. until the concentration with the concentration. against relation concentration. with the 1, the density comes Ostwald's type picno- of the L-6 solution to a certain value and then In Fig. 1, also the partial specific volumes The partial : • dA— ( 305 ) specific volume V were calculated by — Rempei GOTo, Takeo SUGANOand Naokazu KOIZUMI [ 6)a~ 0.918. Spacificv• ~cd {v Y I wDensitoCn• 10 S p 4N (m).Axrd; y 0997 0I23a ,2 3 f567 4 8 9100.9s~• 5P t Concentrationof Surfactant(%) Fig. 1. Variationof densityand partial specificvolumewith concentrationin aqueous surfactantsolution. v_ 1 (w s—h} p h \ p where h is the weight of the dry surfactant solution, in the picnometer, w the weight of the solvent and p the density with the specific volume of L-6 (1.02 cc./g. s the weight of the of the solvent. Comparing at 25°C) in bulk state, the partial specific volume of the solute in the aqueous solution is considerably small at low concentrations and comes nearer to the value in bulk with solutions of other surfactants increase of the concentration. Aqueous gave similar results to L-6. Such change in density against the concentration the solution vary their degree of dispersion with suggests that the surfactants their concentration. It seems in that phase separation proceeds in the solution gradually as the concentration increases. And the rate of change of the partial specific volume is relatively large at low concentration and becomes smaller above a certain concentration. also Vetter') found similar facts in the aqueous defined the c.m.c. as the concentration increase. In comparison corresponds starts and to specific volume of the non-ionic Viscosity solution were measured with Ostwald's type As shown in Fig. 2., the increase of r,. becomes noticeable above the concentration of ca. 10-3 mole/1. the concentration C in Fig. 3. The reduced viscosity 728n/c are plotted The plots show generally decrease with increase of the concentration, certain concentrations. surfactants volume to the micelle fromation. The relative viscosities r,. of the at 31°C. of ionic Bury4), and with the results obtained with respect to the ionic surfactants, 2. viscometer solutions at which the partial specific it may be deduced that the increase in the partial surfactants Davies and and some that the reduced of them increase Similar behavior has been observed with several against viscosities again above colloidal- or poly-electrolytes. Kern6> and Seiyama'> ascribed the decrease of reduced viscosity to the characteristics of the electrolytes (ionic factor) and its increase to that of mac( 306 ) • Micelle Formation of Non-ionic Surfactants.(I) romolecules (macromolecular the rsP/^C of pottasium factor). Recently, chloride solution 5 1.4-CIO N .o- 08 a1.3L6 Nakamura decreases and linearly Kubo8) showed that with 1/e in accordance C.;• O8 a Aa53• 12-p • 1.1 .-RC182 "dI.00I2y IxConcentration ofSurfactants (%)b Fig. 2. Relation between ~t' relativel!.C18 viscosity and concentration of--*--<~` surfactants.0 1v C 10 1 2 3 4 5 Concentration of Surfactants (%) Fig. 3. Plots of reduced viscosity against concentration of surfactants. with the theory of electrolytes of Falkenhagen.However, viscosity has been observed not only with substance. ities such decrease of the reduced ionic substances but also with non-ionic Sata and Tyuzyo°) measured the diffusion constants of ionic and reduced non-ionic surfactants, and the reduced viscos- and pointed out that the minimum viscosity against the concentration corresponds 6 point of to the c.m.c. of the solution. With respect to the reduced viscosity, similar facts has been observed also in organic solutions of surfactants chloride by Takeda volume mentioned concentration a certain the change of partial micelle formation as Fuoss"), Absorption Spectrum and Rosen, critical The aqueous concentration As to there are of Dye Solution solution solution of the dye changes of the surfactant, tone of color with the alcoholic solution with the Kamath and Eirich1) have chloride is tinged with purple in its aqueous solution. specific in the solution. behavior of viscosity in the aqueous solution of surfactants, 3. in its alcoholic with above, the decrease of the reduced viscosity of surfactants to be discussed further, Pinacyanol authors") and in organic solutions of polyvinyl Comparing may be closely related with the characteristic problems shown. by the present and Tsuruta71>. where the of the dye. solution and with blue its color above shows similar This color change has been ex- plained in terms of solubilization of the dye into the micelles of the surfactants. Now, keeping pinacyanol chloride at a constant concentration (ca. I X 10-5 mole/I), ( 307 ) - Rempei GOTO,Takeo SUGANOand Naokazu KOIZUMi changes of absorption surfactants were the absorption spectrum observed spectrum two characteristic with of the dye solution Beckman's against the concentration spectrophotometer. It was found that of the dye solution containing the non-ionic surfactant absorption bands, a (600mji) and a Fig. 4 and Fig. 5, while in the case of anionic (550mp2) bands surfactant, of the sodium showed as shown lauryl in sulfate (S.L.S.), r band appeared at low concentration range, and above a certain concentration, a and .43bands appeared instead of r bands. Change of instensities of a, (3 and 0.7 e 1.9~x1U3 ~pP~l 06 - /~05 4)-7.92404 id f . ~p~f336/104 0.3 - 0.2 -., ^ INWATER 0.1 - 450 Fig. 500550600 Wave Length ' 650 (my) 4. Absorption spectrum of aqueous solution of pinacyanol of concentration of non-ionic surfactant (PL6). 0.8.PL6 chloride as a function a ,, 0.7- 00 •0•.6 0.5 .5-4a.A • O 0.•3~;. A 0.2 0.1 00 Fig. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Concentration of Surfactant (10-3-mole. /1. ) 5. Relation between concentration of non-ionic surfactant (PL6) of two characteristic bands. ( 308 ) 10 and optical density Miceile Formation r bands in the case of anionic of Non-ionic surfactant, Surfactants. are plotted 2.0 (sL .s.) against (I) the concentration of the. d • •• N • T 4 O • • • 41,A • • • 4 •• 67 8 9 IO Concentration of Surfactant (10-3-mole. /1. ) Fig. 6. Relation between concentration of anionic surfactant (S.L.S. ) and optical density of three characteristic bands. surfactant tant, in Fig. 6. It seems that at low concentration a and (3 bands are suppressed by r band. vens14>, the medial value of the concentration the so-called c.m.c. Comparing of the non-ionic surfactants magintude tants showed similar results ionic surfactant, falls at a concentration of magnitude with the non-ionic surfactants of the anionic surfacof Kle- at which a band rises, corresponds with the results of the PL-6, is in the same order Bain obtained rang According to the experiment with the c.m.c. of about 10-4 mole/1 whose the results in ester with type. of Gonick and Mc- Other non-ionic surfac- with PL-6. r band at low concentration of the anionic surfactant may be ascribed to the ionic interaction between the dye and the surfactant. Concerning the change of a and (3 band above the c.m.c., and non-ionic surfactants. there seems to be no essential difference between From this fact, it is suggested that itself is not affected essentially by the ionic character pointed out, but rather it may be dependent 4. Solubilization of the surfactants upon the surfactant of Sudan III in alcohol. Alco- of this dye is tinged with red orange and its characteristic is shown at 490 mg. Now, change of intensity of the characteristic to Sudan III was observed with the aqueous solution of non-ionic at various concentrations. surfactant, as Philipoff15> molecules. The dyestuff Sudan III is almost insoluble in water but soluble holic solution The results are shown sodium lauryl sulfate (S.L.S.), in Fig. solubilization ionic the micelle formation absorption absorption due or ionic surfactants 7. In the case of anionic of Sudan III was recognized above ca. 6 x10-3 mole/1. which is somewhat lower than the c.m.c. obtained by another method. For the non-ionic surfactant, PL-6, it was found that solubilization ( 309 ) • occurs at Rempei GOTO, Takeo SUGANO and Naokazu KOIZUMI 2.0 (f) Rs 1.0 - o.o S U .L.S.---t. • • • • •• 0 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 Concentration of Surfactants (mole. /4. x 103) Fig. 7, Comparison of solubilization curves for non-ionic and anionic surfactant. concentration range far lower than in the case of the ionic surfactant. with other experimental micelle formation not determined results shown above, such solubilization of the non-ionic surfactant In comparison may be ascribed in the solution, though the c.m.c. to was accurately. SUMMARY Concerning the aqueous solutions of non-ionic surfactants, it was °observed that partial specific volume, reduced viscosity and solubilization of dyes against their concentrations showed relatively large rate of change at low concentration range (ca. 10-1 mole/1.) and such behaviours were ascribed to the micelle formation in the solution in comparison not detemined necessarily dependent and non-polar formation with the case of ionic surfactants, accurately. And it was suggested upon the ionic character constitution of the surfactant that though the micelle of the surfactants their c.m.c. were formation is not but upon the polar molecules by the reason that the micelle can be recognized not only in the aqueous solution of non-ionic surfactants but also in the organic solution of surfactants as reported by Askin and Single terry") or others"). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors are indebted to Mr. T. Kariyone of Kao Soap Co. for the sufactant samples and to Mr. T. Yano of Mitsubishi Paper Mills Ltd. for the dyes used herein. Their thanks are also due to Mr. N. Hayama who carried out the viscosity and density measurements. REFERENCES (1) J.W.McBain, "Colloid Sceince" D.C.Heath ( 310 ) & Co. (1950). Micelle Formation (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) of Oon-ionic Surfactants. (I) E.Gonick and J.W.McBain, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 69,334 (1947). R.Goto, N.Koizumi, N.Elayama and T.Sugano, This Bulletin ,31,285 (1953). D.G.Davies and C.R.Bury, J. Chem. Soc., 2263 (1930). R. J. Vetter, J. Phys. & Coll. Chem., 15,262 (1947). W. Kern, Z. Phys. Chem., A 181 283 (1938). T.Seiyama. J. Chem. Soc. Japan, (Ind. Chem. Section)., 25,300 (1949). S. Nakamura and S. Kubo, J. Chem. Soc. Japan, (Pure Chem. Section)., 47,392 (1953). N. Sata and S. Tyuzyo, 5th and 6th Annual Meeting of Chem. Soc. Japan, April (1952) and April (1953), Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 26,177 (1953). R. Goto, N. Koizumi and T. 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