2014 CABM UseMisuse Statement

Certified Associate Business Manager (CABM) Credential Use and Misuse Statement
2014 CABM Recertification Cycle
As a part of the ANSI/ISO/IEC 17024 Accreditation Requirements for Personnel Certification Standards, each
CABM Certificant must acknowledge the following:
I hold the Certified Associate Business Manager (CABM) Credential from The Association of
Professionals in Business Management (APBM), NFP based on its CABM certification scheme.
As a CABM, I recognize that I am also a part of the greater movement surrounding the professionalism
in management led by the Oath Project—of which APBM is a founding organization. As an annual
signer of the CABM Code of Professional Ethics, I am also a signer of the larger management oath and
intend to abide by my commitment to hold myself and my peers to the higher standard of integrity and
service to society that is the hallmark of a true professional.
I intend to use the CABM Credential on my resume, business card, employment application, school
admissions application, or for any other good cause.
I do not claim that the CABM Credential is equal to an MBA degree or higher.
I will put Retired CABM next to my name on business cards or other places when I am retired to
indicate my status with the APBM.
I will not use the CABM Credential if I do not adhere to the annual recertification requirements, thereby
becoming inactive with APBM.
I do not and will not use the CABM Credential in any misleading manner either in my job or outside of
my job.
If found using the CABM Credential in any misleading manner, I will be subject to disciplinary actions
sanctioned by APBM’s Board of Governors .
CABM Certificant Name: ________________________________________________
CABM Certificate Number: ______________________________________________
Signature: ____________________________________________________________
Date Signed: __________________________________________________________
The Association of Professionals In Business Management, NFP | APBM
980 North Michigan Avenue | Suite 1400 | Chicago, IL 60611-7500 | USA
P: (657) 549-2726 | F: (312) 277-0980 | www.apbm.org | info@apbm.org