The sunny side of chemistry: green synthesis by solar light

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PERSPECTIVE | Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences
The sunny side of chemistry: green synthesis by solar light
Stefano Protti and Maurizio Fagnoni*
Received 7th May 2009, Accepted 22nd July 2009
First published as an Advance Article on the web 25th August 2009
DOI: 10.1039/b909128a
The storage of solar energy is one of the main challenges in the near future. A rather unexploited way to
fulfil this goal is the solar light induced formation of new chemical bonds, i.e. the synthesis of
chemicals. Solar photons can be considered the ideal green reagents since they are costless and leave no
residue in the reaction mixture. In many cases the solar radiation could be successfully used in place of
toxic or expensive chemical reagents to overcome the activation energy in organic synthesis. In this
perspective, the emerging trends on the use of solar light for green synthesis are summarized,
highlighting the advantages of this photochemical method.
“Che l’energia solare, luce e calore, fosse necessaria alla vita, è
cognizione che si disperde nella più remota antichità; negli scrittori
e nei poeti di ogni epoca, che ne trovano indicazioni sicure e
molteplici. Scopo nostro non è quello di occuparci dell’azione della
luce nell’evoluzione organica e nella vita, ma di esaminare soltanto
l’azione della luce sui fenomeni che vengono attribuiti all’affinità
chimica, combinazioni e decomposizioni.”1
“It is well known from the most remote ancient times that life
needs solar energy, light and heat; we can find obvious and numerous
signs in the work of writers and poets in every epoch. However,
our aim is not to be interested in the action of light in the organic
evolution and in life, but we want to look into the action of light on
the phenomena attributable to the chemical affinity, combinations
and decompositions.”1
Department of Organic Chemistry, The University of Pavia, V. Taramelli 10,
27100, Pavia, Italy. E-mail:
Stefano Protti studied chemistry at the University of Pavia
(Italy), graduated in 2003, and
completed his PhD in 2006 developing photochemical arylation
reactions via phenyl cations. He
then moved to LASIR laboratory
(Lille, France), where he studied
the photoreactivity of flavonoids.
Returning to Pavia, he focused
his work on the optimization
of photochemical syntheses from
the eco-sustainable point of view.
In 2007 he won the CINMPIS
Stefano Protti
prize for the best PhD thesis in organic chemistry. Currently he is
a post-doc researcher at the iBitTec-S laboratory (CEA Saclay,
France), where he studies photocatalyzed oxidation reactions.
In this statement by Paternò, published in 1909, the author
recognized the importance of solar radiation for human beings
and at the same time defined the role of photochemistry in
investigating all of the chemical phenomena that the matter
underwent upon (solar) light absorption. Solar energy is the
prerequisite for maintaining life on Earth, as recognized many
thousands years ago when the sun had been an object of worship
in many ancient civilizations. Sunlight-induced transformations
on Earth are significantly older than life itself. It has been
demonstrated that the sun produces light with a distribution
similar to what would be expected from a 5525 K (5250 ◦ C)
blackbody (Fig. 1). Roughly, we can say that half lies in the visible
part of the electromagnetic spectrum and the other half in the
near-infrared part. Recently, the total solar irradiance has been
measured, confirming a solar constant value of 1366.1 W m-2 as
the average intensity hitting the Earth’s atmosphere.2 As a matter
of fact, the energy from sunlight reaching our planet in 1 h (4.3 ¥
1020 J) is more than that consumed globally in 1 year (4.1 ¥ 1020 J,
2001 data).3
Maurizio Fagnoni graduated
from the University of Pavia
(Italy) with a thesis under the
guidance of Prof. Angelo Albini
on the use of photoinduced electron transfer reactions in organic
synthesis. He spent part of his
PhD period at the University
of Münster (Germany) working
in the group of Prof. J. Mattay.
In 1996 he moved to the Istituto Ronzoni (Milan) where he
worked on the synthesis of pepMaurizio Fagnoni
tidomimetics and functionalized
chitosans. In 1998 he returned to the University of Pavia where
he was appointed associate professor in 2008. His interests lie
in the application of photochemistry to organic (green) synthesis
encompassing photocatalysis and phenyl cation chemistry.
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in recent years. Thus, we deemed it worthwhile to highlight the
new trends on solar-mediated synthesis of valuable compounds
by reviewing recent examples of the preparation of organic and
inorganic materials (photopolymerizations not included), and
emphasizing the experimental advantage. Thus, after a short
historical background, chemical processes occurring by exposure
to non-concentrated solar radiation, with no need of an elaborated
apparatus, will be discussed. When appropriate, examples from the
older literature will be quoted. As will be apparent in the following,
many reactions (some of them important key steps in multistep
syntheses)10 are accessible under these conditions. In the last part,
the scaling up and optimization and the use of solar collectors will
be discussed.
2. Historical background
Fig. 1 Solar radiation spectrum. Image created by Robert A. Rohde/
Global Warming Art. See:
From the above, it can be concluded that solar radiation is the
best energy source since it is cheap, clean and available throughout
the entire world.4 Unfortunately, the light flux reaching the Earth’s
surface is discontinuous depending on the weather conditions and
not available at night. Nevertheless, such conditions were sufficient
for nature to perform the photochemical reaction par excellence
viz. chlorophyllian photosynthesis used by organisms and plants
to fix atmospheric carbon dioxide and produce biomass (especially
sugars).5 The use of solar light for the synthesis of valuable
compounds is a challenge since the solar spectrum must necessarily
match that absorbed by starting materials. This is not trivial since
many compounds (e.g. organics) do not absorb in the visible or
in the limited UV portion region of the solar spectrum (Fig. 1).
On the other hand, the sun was the only accessible light source in
the earliest experiments of organic photochemistry since artificial
sources such as UV lamps were not yet available. Moreover, the
use of photochemical reactions mediated by sunlight is obviously
an appealing green way for storing the solar energy into the newly
formed chemical compounds.6 As for the use in synthesis, solar
radiation is clean and renewable, and further leaves no residues in
the reaction mixture, in accord with the postulates of green or ecosustainable chemistry.7 Despite its long tradition, however, solar
light is rarely applied in chemistry and the available reviews are that
of Scharf and coworkers at the Plataforma Solar de Almerı́a (PSA,
Spain), dating 15 years back,8 and the reports of Oelgemöller
et al. on the solar chemistry performed in Cologne (Germany)
and Dublin (Ireland).9 As a matter of fact, no systematic review is
available, while a large number of examples has been accumulating
The use of photochemical reactions can be dated back about
4000 years ago when ancient Egyptians and Babylonians used sunlight for the mummification and for waterproofing papyrus boats
via photopolymerization.11 The attribution of these processes to
the absorption of visible and UV light by matter and the ensuing
chemical transformations observed is quite recent.12 The beginning
of organic photochemistry up to the early 20th century has been
reviewed by Roth.13 Many classes of photochemical reactions
have been discovered at the end of that period. An example
is the sunlight-induced transformation of santonin 1 in 80%
acetic acid into photosantonic acid 2 through three consecutive
photochemical steps (Scheme 1; notice that the structure of
compound 2 was recognized only in 1958).
The [2+2] dimerization of anthracene and thymoquinone in the
solid state,14 the Z to E isomerizations of cinnamic and related
unsaturated acids15 and the photoreduction of carbonyls were
likewise investigated in that time period. A possible industrial
application of photochemistry emerged after the discovery of the
easy bromination of alkyl benzenes16 and of the rearrangement of
naphthoquinone diazides. In the last case, a Wolff rearrangement
with loss of nitrogen and ring contraction took place with
concomitant formation of a carboxylic acid. This was one of
the early examples of a photoacid generator that still has a
wide application for positive photoresist materials.17 Giacomo
Ciamician is considered the pioneer of modern photochemistry for
his systematic study mainly devoted to the photoreactivity of the
carbonyl group, including a and b cleavage, pinacolization, reduction and intramolecular cycloadditions.18-20 He demonstrated that
photochemistry represents a major branch in organic chemistry.
The image of the balconies of the University of Bologna “where
hundreds of bottles and glass pipes containing various substances
and mixtures were exposed to the sun rays” is familiar.19,21 Inspired
Scheme 1
1500 | Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2009, 8, 1499–1516
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by the ability of plants to behave as light-driven chemical factories,
he published 33 papers in cooperation with Paul Silber on
“the chemical action of light”. Ciamician’s presentation of his
photochemical work to the French Chemical Society in 1908 is
a milestone in the history of photochemistry.20 Also important
is the series of paper on the ‘Synthesis in organic chemistry by
means of light’ published by Paternò in the same years1 that,
apart from the cycloaddition of ketones to alkenes (now known
as Paternò–Büchi reaction), includes the oxidative dimerization of
alkylbenzenes and the cross-coupling reaction between aromatic
ketones with alkylbenzenes or amines.1
As one would expect, during the period of both World Wars
the development of photochemistry slowed down. Nevertheless,
in 1937, A. Schönberg was forced to move to Cairo,22 where
the favourable solar conditions allowed the development of
preparative photochemistry.8 The photoreaction of diketones in
the presence of olefins to give 1,4-dioxins, among others, was
one of the main topics investigated.23 Another milestone was
the preparation of the anthelmintic compound ascaridol (4) by
Schenck and coworkers in 1943 (Scheme 2) by using natural
chlorophyll (extracted from the leaves of stinging nettles) as the
sensitizer and not hazardous air as the oxidant. A pioneering solar
chemical pilot plant was built in Heidelberg (Germany) for this
Scheme 2
As evidenced above, many photochemical reactions have been
discovered by using sunlight. Despite this unquestionable fact,
there is a common prejudice that solar light is unsuitable for
a photochemical reaction since a limited number of organic
compounds absorb solar radiation. Accordingly, the development
of solar photochemistry gradually slowed down, especially when
artificial UV lamps became available at a reasonable price. The
potential applications of solar chemistry, however, were again
recognized in the 1980s and 1990s thanks to the work performed in
Almerı́a and Cologne by Scharf and co-workers (see also below).8
Scheme 3
A cleaner reaction has been reported in the benzophenone photocatalyzed addition of formamide to a,b-unsaturated esters.27d
The TiO2 photocatalyzed amidation of various heterocyclic bases
can likewise be induced by sunlight.28,29 The reactions were
successful despite the fact that TiO2 is able to absorb only <5%
of the solar radiation. No reactions occurred in the dark either
at room temperature or by refluxing the reaction mixture. The
reaction required the presence of hydrogen peroxide to occur
and the authors claimed that ∑ OH radicals could be generated
via the reaction of H2 O2 with excited TiO2 . These radicals were
able to abstract hydrogen from the amide to form carbon-centered
radicals thus initiated the reaction.
Some examples are depicted in Scheme 4. Quinoline and
2-methylquinoline were photoamidated in a regioselective fashion
in more than 90% yield upon illumination of a solution of the
heteroaromatic base containing H2 O2 and H2 SO4 in the presence
of TiO2 .
Synthesis using non-concentrated sunlight
In this section, we present some examples in which the reaction
occurs by simply exposing the reaction vessel to solar light (e.g.
on a window ledge) with no desire of concentrating the light flux.
These examples give an idea of how many photochemical processes
are actually accessible in this way. At least in principle, all of the
reactions mentioned could be improved and scaled up for large
scale application.
light (or generally UVA radiation).25,26 Many examples are known
regarding photoamidation reactions. In fact, one of the earliest
examples of photocatalyzed formation of C–C bond involved the
photoamidation of olefins developed by Elad and coworkers.27
Acetone acted in this case both as the photomediator and as the
(co)solvent. Formamide was generally used as the hydrogen donor
and added both to terminal (e.g. 1-octene27a ) and non-terminal (e.g.
cyclohexene27c ) olefins to give mainly the 1 : 1 adducts resulting
from anti-Markovnikov addition. The amidation yields in some
cases were higher when using sunlight rather than a UV lamp. The
reaction proceeded via the carbamoyl radical, ∑ CONH2 , generated
via hydrogen abstraction by the acetone excited state. This added
to norbornene forming norbornane-2-exo-carboxyamide (5) in a
high yield (87%) and in a stereospecific fashion (Scheme 3).27b
Photocatalytic/photomediated processes
Photocatalysis is a promising approach for solar mediated synthesis since light is absorbed by the photocatalyst and not by organic
substrates, inducing reaction also in molecules transparent to solar
Scheme 4
Photocatalyzed reactions induced by sunlight between various
heterocyclic bases and ethers have been reported, for example
for the functionalization of quinoline. Particularly interesting
were the derivatives obtained with trioxane that gave, after
acidic hydrolysis, excellent yields (88–95%) of the corresponding
heterocyclic aldehydes. For instance, attack of the trioxane radical
to position 4 in quinaldine gave 2-methyl-4-[1,3,5]trioxan-2yl-quinoline in 44% yield after 35 h of sunlight exposure.29a
Aliphatic and aromatic aldehydes can be photoadded to the same
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heterocyclic bases by using the same protocol, although a mixture
of acylated and alkylated compounds was usually formed.29b A
visible light absorbing photocatalyst such as Ru(bipy)3 2+ was
effective for [2+2] enone cycloaddition reactions. The photoexcited
state (Ru(bipy)3 2+ *) was able to reduce a a,b-unsaturated ketone
moiety in bis(enone) 6, and 7 was subsequently formed on a gram
scale by a cycloaddition reaction under ambient sunlight in a
laboratory window as the sole illumination (Scheme 5). Although
the reaction was slightly slower than that performed under highpressure UV-lamp irradiation, it was completed in 1 h and gave
Z-dione 7 in excellent yield (94%) and diastereoselectivity (10 : 1).30
reaction), when Fritzsche obtained the photodimer of anthracene
as an insoluble compound upon illumination of a benzene solution
of anthracene.14 Several early examples belonging to this class
were collected by Mustafa about 50 years ago.14 As an example,
the yellow-orange 1,3-diphenylisobenzofuran (8) was smoothly
converted into the dimer 9 by the action of sunlight (Scheme 6). It
is noteworthy that the same reaction took place thermally under
drastic conditions, i.e. when 8 was heated at 270 ◦ C in a sealed
Scheme 6
Strained polycyclic molecules have attracted considerable attention in recent years as possible models for the reversible storage
of light energy. An example is illustrated in Scheme 7 where a
trishomocubane system (11) was accessed by exposure of 10 to
sunlight for a few hours. This led to intramolecular [2+2] cage
cyclization. A catalytic acid-induced cycloreversion was able to
restore the starting bis(enone).34
Scheme 7
Scheme 5
Really green conditions mimicking biomimetic redox processes were recently applied in the photocatalytic oxidation
of alkenes in water with sunlight and oxygen as clean
reagents.31,32 Cyclooctene was smoothly oxidized to the corresponding epoxide, with a selectivity higher than 90% by using an iron(III)-based catalyst (meso-tetrakis(2,6-dichlorophenyl)porphyrin [Fe(III)(TDCPP)]) hosted in a properly designed surfactant such as N,N-dimethyltetradecylamine N-oxide (DTAO)
to allow the dissolution of hydrophobic alkenes in the aqueous
medium.31 Immobilization (and heterogenization) of the iron
catalyst into Nafion membranes was another approach that
markedly increased both the photocatalytic efficiency (by about
ten times) and the stability of the catalyst (turnover value >
1000). In such a way, the functionalization of hydrocarbons
(mainly cycloalkenes) via oxidation by sunlight and O2 at room
temperature has been obtained.32 The direct oxidation of alkanes
represents an important problem in the chemical industry. Takaky
et al. found that the CuCl2 (or FeCl3 ) photocatalyzed oxidation
of cyclododecane (to give the corresponding alcohol and ketone
as the main products) under sunlight took place more efficiently
than using halogen lamps as the light source.33
Sunlight-mediated dimerization reactions have been known since
1867 (this may be the first well-characterized photochemical
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Photoexcitation of anthracene derivatives in solution leads
to dimers usually in a head-to-tail fashion. In some cases the
starting material is coloured, thus allowing the use of sunlight.
As an example, yellow syn-[2.2](1,4)-anthracenophane 12 gave
the corresponding colourless cage dimer 13 in quantitative yield
(Scheme 8).35 Interestingly, the reaction was completely reversible
either thermally (at 200 ◦ C) or photochemically under irradiation
with a shorter wavelength.
Scheme 8
Head-to-tail [4p+4p] photodimerization (U = 0.023) and
photodissociation of 9-anthroylacetone can also take place in
the solid state.36 Linear oligoacenes have been recently studied as semiconductors in thin-film transistors. A film containing a highly soluble derivative of pentacene, namely 6,13bis((triisopropylsilyl)ethynyl)pentacene was exposed to sunlight
in Manchester (UK) and underwent a clean dimerization where
oxygen or moisture seemed to have a limited role in the reaction.37
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A regio- and stereoselective [2+2] photodimerization reaction
has been reported by sunlight exposure (14 days) of a suspension of
various diethyl 1,2-benzoxaphosphorine-3-carboxylates in water.
In all cases mixtures of the corresponding anti head-to-tail dimers
were obtained.38
Although cycloadditions are one of the most widely used photochemical processes, solar light has been seldom exploited in
this case. As an example, the photocycloaddition of enol ethers
to 2-substituted anisoles (e.g. 2-cyanoanisole) smoothly occurred
in a regioselective fashion upon sunlight exposure.39 The thusformed bicyclic compound 14 was thermally transformed to
cyclooctatriene 15 that underwent a second photochemical step
to bicyclo[4.2.0]octa-2,7-diene 16. This one-pot procedure led to
a 20 : 1 mixture of 16 : 15 in 92% overall yield (Scheme 9).
3.4. Cyclizations
An example of the Norrish–Yang photocyclization, a useful tool
for the formation of C–C bonds under regio- and stereocontrolled
conditions, has been reported under solar light illumination. When
a solution of a-(o-toly1)acetophenone was photolyzed at 313 nm
in benzene, g-hydrogen abstraction and formation of 2-phenyl-2indanol (19) took place.43 The reaction was repeated under sunlight
in polymer beads obtained by cross-linking of a commercially
available ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer (Elvax 150 N, 20%
vinyl acetate content) meant to transfer energy to the selected
substrates. A quantum yield close to unity was claimed, even in
the solid polymer matrix. The reaction carried out in a 1-hectare
(108 cm2 ) illuminated area was estimated to produce 525 kg of
product per day (Scheme 11).44
Scheme 11
Recently, compounds containing the 1,2-diketone moiety have
been employed, as for the case of the 1-glycosyl-2,3-butanedione
derivative 20, where a new spirocyclic monosaccharide 21 was
formed in a diastereoselective manner and in a quantitative yield.45
Interestingly, compound 21 was also formed under solvent-free
conditions, although in a lower yield (42%, Scheme 12).
Scheme 9
[2+2] cycloadditions likewise took place under photocatalytic
conditions30 (see Section 3.1) and [4+2] cycloadditions were also
involved in the synthesis of endoperoxides (see Section 3.10).
Furthermore, sunlight may be employed for the generation of
ground-state reagents such as nitrosocarbonyl intermediates that
react smoothly both in hetero Diels–Alder cycloadditions and in
ene reactions. These 1,3-dipoles could be thermally generated from
1,2,4-oxadiazole-4-oxides at 100–150 ◦ C, but these conditions did
not allow the use of low boiling alkenes as the trap.40 Exposure
of a methanolic solution of 3,5-diaryl-1,2,4-oxadiazole (17) to
sunlight in the presence of tetramethylethylene, however, led to
the ene adduct 18 in an almost quantitative yield (Scheme 10).41
Scheme 12
The remarkable regioselectivity of the photochemical intramolecular 1,5-hydrogen atom transfer in 1,2-diketones was
also exploited for the diastereoselective synthesis of functionalized
cyclopentitols. Outdoors illumination of a nono-2,3-diulose (e.g.
22, Scheme 13) in a NMR tube led to a 1,4-biradical intermediate
23 that underwent Norrish type II photoelimination to give
Scheme 10
Interestingly the same procedure was performed also in solid
phase, although compound 18 was formed in a markedly lower
yield (20%) in that case.42
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Scheme 13
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enol 24. An intramolecular enolexo aldol reaction followed by
intramolecular acetalization gave bicyclic compound 25. The
acetalization step was crucial since it avoided absorption of visible
light by the 1,2-diketone intermediate.46
Photopinacolization (photoreduction)
Photopinacolization, viz. the bimolecular reduction of an aromatic
ketone or aldehyde by hydrogen abstraction followed by radical
coupling, was reported more than 100 years ago by Ciamician and
Silber.47 They found that an ethanolic solution of benzophenone
was efficiently reduced to benzopinacol by exposure to sunlight
for a few months. The reaction in alcohols (MeOH, EtOH
i-PrOH, etc.) has been explored in detail by Cohen, who extended the reaction to a variety of substituted benzophenones.48
Hydrocarbon solvents such as toluene were likewise found suitable
for the reaction.49,50 In addition, fine tuning of the reduction
pathway could be achieved by varying the reaction conditions, as
reported by Bachman who found that prolonged illumination in
the presence of a small amount of sodium alcoholate led selectively
to benzhydrols rather than benzopinacols (Scheme 14a).51
of different alkaloid analogues in good to excellent yields. The
process was based on an initial sunlight-induced radical decarboxylation, which generated a carbon radical, in turn readily
oxidized in situ to an acyliminium ion. Trapping of these ions
by different nucleophiles offered an easy access to a-substituted
heterocycles.54,55 Spirocyclic compound 27 was then obtained
by a new tandem decarboxylation/hetero-Diels–Alder reaction
(Scheme 15) by treating substrate 26 with DIB/iodine followed by
addition of boron trifluoride and 2,3-dimethylbutadiene.
Scheme 15
Potentially bioactive (a-amino) phosphonates have been likewise synthesized by a radical fragmentation-phosphorylation
reaction starting from the corresponding a-amino acids.54 Some of
the reactions from this group have been carried out in the crystals,
where, as sometimes happens, a clear-cut reaction was obtained,
in contrast to the formation of a mixture of products in solution.
In some cases, a clean crystal-to-crystal reaction took place.
This was the case of a suspension of carboxylate microcrystals
(28, 1.5 g) that upon sunlight exposure in 100 mL of n-hexane
with a medium-pressure Hg lamp (Pyrex-filtered light) lost CO
(>97% conversion in 12 h) forming the pure photoproduct 29 in
a completely stereoselective fashion (Scheme 16).56 This protocol
was ideal for large-scale reactions since compound 29 was simply
collected by filtration. The feasibility of the reaction under solar
light was assessed by exposing a small sample to sunlight and
yielded a quantitative reaction within 2 h.
Scheme 14
Very recently a general procedure for the reductive coupling of
aromatic aldehydes and ketones has been reported (Scheme 14b).
The formation of 1,2-diols by this protocol represents a valid
green alternative to thermal methods, especially for the case of
benzaldehyde where the solvent (isopropanol and acetone) was
recycled for three times.52
Synthesis via elimination of a group
The sunlight-induced cleavage of alkynyl(pheny1)iodonium salts
has been employed for the synthesis of alkynylphosphonium
derivatives, excellent Michael acceptors towards a large variety
of nucleophiles.53 A few years ago, a mild, one-pot protocol
for the preparation of a-substituted nitrogen heterocycles from
a-amino acids has been reported and was applied to the synthesis
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Scheme 16
Another example of selective carbon–carbon bond cleavage
in the solid state was observed upon exposure of crystals of a
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(diphosphine)Pt0 complex, namely [(1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)benzene) (h2 -2,2¢-dibromotolane)Pt0 ] to sunlight. This alkyne
complex underwent a highly selective insertion of a
(diphosphine)Pt0 complex fragment into an aryl–alkynyl C–C
The photoinduced loss of a Ph2 S group in N-conjugated
sulfilimines was adopted for the synthesis of various pyrrolo[2,3d]pyrimidine-2,4-diones as depicted in Scheme 17. Interestingly,
an almost quantitative yield of 31 was obtained by exposing to
sunlight a stirred, aerated solution of 30 in ethanol for only 40 min,
whereas refluxing compound 30 in toluene for 30 h caused no
Scheme 17
Sunlight-induced hydrolysis of a Schiff base was also used to
liberate an aromatic amine (or a sulfadiazine) from its benzalimine.
Aqueous acetone was the elective solvent of the reaction.59
Arylation reactions
3.8. Isomerizations
The sunlight induced interconversion of the Z and E isomers of
organic molecules is a well known process.15 This photoreaction
is usually adopted when the less easily accessible Z isomer is
required. As an example, the Z isomer of both l-phenyl-1,3butadiene and of p-benzoyl- and (4-bromobenzoyl)acrylic acids
and of their methyl esters and amides have been smoothly prepared
starting from the corresponding E isomers.15 6-(Z)-Styrylpurine
was likewise prepared by photoisomerization of the E isomer.62
3-Aryl-2-quinolinones are a class of compounds that find use in the
treatment of osteoporosis and can inhibit the migration of tumor
cells. A straightforward synthesis of such compounds involved
sunlight-induced isomerization of (E)-2-amino-a-phenylcinnamic
acids (e.g. 33) and the intramolecular amidation, as depicted in
Scheme 19.63
In some cases the process can be sensitized by triplet energy
transfer either from a coloured (rose bengal) or a colourless
(a-acetonaphthone) sensitizer. In the last case, a 1.2 g sample of
b-ionol gave the corresponding Z isomer in a de-oxygenated
ethanol solution after 15 h of exposure to late November sunlight
in Honolulu (Hawaii).64a A simple floating solar reactor was
designed for this purpose with no need of circulating cooling water.
The so-designed “kick-board reactor” has been employed for the
closely quantitative one-way E to Z photosensitized isomerization
of several dienes and styryl derivatives.64b
3.9. Halogenations
To our knowledge, only a few cases of sunlight-induced formation
of an Ar–X bond have been reported in the literature. For example,
Rajan et al. described an efficient phenylation of dimsyl anion by a
photostimulated ArSRN 1 reaction in DMSO in the presence of iodo
or bromobenzene.60 The solar-induced nucleophilic substitution of
an alkoxy group by butylamine has been successfully applied to
the synthesis of nitrobenzacrown aminoether 32 (Scheme 18).61
Scheme 18
Early reports dealt with the solar induced synthesis of variable
amounts of chlorinated hydrocarbons by reaction between simple
hydrocarbons and chlorine gas.16 On the other hand, activated
C–H bonds are well suited for halogenation reactions. A fast
and efficient a-bromination of aromatic and aliphatic carbonyl
compounds has been achieved through solar exposure by using
N-bromosuccinimide (NBS) as the halogen source.65 The mechanism was thought to involve a radical pathway, and occurred
at 30 ◦ C, with no need of catalyst or radical initiator. Et2 O
and THF appeared to be the most suitable solvents for the
reaction. Cyclododecanone was completely consumed in 2 min
under portionwise addition of NBS upon sunlight illumination
and gave compound 34 in high yield along with traces of the
dibrominated derivative (Scheme 20).
Substitution of a benzylic hydrogen with a halogen has
been likewise reported, as illustrated in Scheme 21. An easy
method to synthesize a,a,a-chlorodifluorotoluene in high yield
involved a sunlight- (or sunlamp) initiated chlorination of a,adifluorotoluene with N-chlorosuccinimide (Scheme 21a).66
NBS led to the monobromination of methylbenzenes by using
water as an eco-friendly solvent. As an example, a mixture of water
Scheme 19
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Scheme 20
Scheme 22
possible components in organic field-effect transistors. Recently,
the exposure of 6,13-dithienylpentacenes solutions to sunlight in
air afforded the endoperoxides in good yield. Interestingly, the thin
film formed with the endoperoxides underwent a deoxygenation
process under UV light exposure.70
Scheme 21
insoluble 4-t-butyl toluene (that formed a layer ‘on water’) and
NBS was vigorously stirred upon sunlight exposure. The increased
specific weight of the hydrophobic brominated product formed
(35a) caused the organic phase to sink to the bottom of the flask,
whereas succinimide formed as a byproduct remained in the water
phase. As a result, 35a was obtained in a high yield along with a
small amount of dibrominated compound 35b and easily separated
by phase separation or filtration (Scheme 21b).67
Synthesis of endoperoxides
The importance of endoperoxides is known, in particular with
regard to the significant biological properties. Natural compounds
having an endoperoxide group such as artemisinin (from Artemisia
annua) and artellene, belong to a promising new class of antimalarial drugs. Endoperoxides can be easily accessed by solar
dye photosensitized [4+2] reaction of singlet oxygen with a diene
As an example, the diene lactam 36 was exposed to sunlight
(eosin as the sensitizer) while oxygen was bubbled through the
solution forming the unstable endoperoxide 37 that was readily
hydrogenated in one-pot to give the diol lactam 38. This reaction
was applied to the multigram synthesis of thebaine analogue 39 in
view of its potential analgesic properties (Scheme 22).68
Sunlight-mediated photooxygenations of furanose ringsubstituted enones have been used to prepare new spiroendoperoxide compounds. These are appealing because of their
potential biological activities since polyether antibiotics such as
salinomycin and narasin contain spiroketal rings.69 It is noteworthy that no sensitizer was required for the reaction. In fact, the
direct sun illumination (4 h a day for about 20–40 days) was carried
out by exposing dilute (0.1%) carbon tetrachloride solutions with
occasional stirring of the flask for ensuring saturation with air.
In the frame of the study of organic semiconductors, the
development of an ecological film-forming technology is of
great importance, as is the study of pentacene derivatives as
1506 | Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2009, 8, 1499–1516
3.11. Oxidations/oxygenations
Solar-mediated oxidations have been used for the synthesis of
valuable compounds. Brasiliquinones, for example, are natural
substances known to possess both antibacterial and antitumour
activities. The last step of the synthesis of brasiliquinone B (41) was
accomplished by a simple exposure of a solution of antraquinone
derivative 40 in aerated chloroform for 6 h to sunlight. Oxygen oxidized one benzylic position in a chemoselective fashion
(Scheme 23).71
Scheme 23
The mild photochemical conditions allow the one step silyl
deprotection of a hydroxy group and the subsequent oxidation to
a carbonyl group and aromatization. This strategy was followed in
the synthesis of rubiginones, a family of cytotoxic natural products
recently investigated for their use in treatment of AIDS and
Alzheimer’s disease. Rubiginone C2 (43) has been easily prepared
from 42 by sunlight exposure under solvent-free conditions and by
using air as the oxidant; rubiginone A2 (44) has been synthesized
in a high yield by treatment of 43 under basic conditions
(Scheme 24).72
Very recently, the dye-sensitized photooxygenation of some
5-amido-1-naphthols was performed under sunlight in July
and August 2008 at Dublin City University. 5-Amido-1,4naphthoquinones were isolated in yields form moderate to excellent. The rate of formation was higher than under artificial
illumination and consumed only 0.002 kWh (or 7.2 kJ) of energy
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Scheme 24
for the air pump, since no cooling was required. In contrast, the
indoor procedure consumed a total of 0.45 kWh, mainly for the
operation of the artificial light source.73
Synthesis via Fischer carbenes
Fischer carbene complexes (mainly chromium carbenes) are
particularly valuable organometallic compounds that offer new
synthetic paths based on the electrophilic nature of the carbene
carbon and the ability of the metal to stabilize negative charges.
The metal is easily removed during (or after) the reaction upon
solar light exposure since the complexes are strongly coloured.
When the solution turns almost colourless the reaction is complete.
Carbene complexes can be used for the introduction of a carbonyl
moiety. Thus, exposure of carbene complexes 45 (Ar = Ph, 4MeOC6 H4 ) to air and sunlight gave cyclopropane carboxylate
derivative 46 in good yield and in a highly diastereoselective manner (Scheme 25).74 A similar protocol was reported in one of the
steps of the synthesis of (-)-rolipram where the carbene complex
was completely eliminated by two to five hours illumination on a
sunny day.75
Scheme 26
azirines under photolytic conditions has been likewise reported
(Scheme 26c).78
Dihydrooxazole 52 has been shown to be thermally unstable
and yield the b-enaminoketoaldehyde 53 in a few days in the
dark (Scheme 27). However, a marked acceleration of the reaction
has been observed upon sunlight exposure.79 The transformation
involved an initial ring opening of 52 by cleavage of the nitrogenoxygen bond, followed by b-hydride elimination. A further
reductive elimination and the hydrolysis of the resulting enol ether
function gave rise to 53.
Scheme 25
Pentacarbonyl[(methoxy)(alkyl or aryl)carbene]chromium(0)
complexes (see Scheme 26), are the most versatile intermediates
belonging to this class. The synthesis of 2-acylvinyl ethers was
accomplished by the photochemical reaction of 47 with stabilized
sulfur ylides in a Wittig-like reaction. Although the irradiation
was mainly at l > 360 nm, sunlight is preferred due to considerably shorter oxidation times to eliminate the metallic moiety
(Scheme 26a).76 Moreover, the reaction tolerates the presence of
different groups attached to both the carbene oxygen and carbene
carbon. Acyclic and cyclic imines also underwent a cycloaddition
reaction forming the corresponding b-lactams when irradiated in
the presence of a carbene such as 48 (Scheme 26b).77 Thiazolines
49 gave the penam ring system 50 in fair to good yields when the
reaction vessel was placed in a sunny spot outdoors at ambient
temperature. The formation of N-vinylimidates (e.g. 51) from
the reaction of chromium carbene complexes with 2-phenyl-1-
Scheme 27
The photochemical elimination of the metal in chromium
metal complexes was also reported in the synthesis of indene
derivatives.80 Another selective and high-yielding transformation under mild conditions was the thermal benzannulation of
1-metalla-1,3,5-hexatriene 55 (formed in the [2+2] cycloaddition
process from 54), where the final oxidation step took place by
exposure to oxygen and sunlight of the crude reaction mixture
(Scheme 28).81 Substituted o-alkoxyphenol derivatives (e.g. 56)
were easily accessed in this way.
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Scheme 28
Synthesis via chromoarene derivatives
Coordination of an arene to a chromium tricarbonyl moiety
imparts a different reactivity that can be exploited for synthesis.
Thus, the electron donation from the chromium is responsible
of the great stability of benzylic carbocations. Moreover, the
planar chirality imparted by the chromium tricarbonyl moiety
makes stereoselective functionalizations possible owing to the
participation of the metal. Arene chromium tricarbonyl complexes
are easily synthesized from the selected arene by treatment with
chromium hexacarbonyl; after the synthetic reaction, the tricarbonylchromium moiety can be easily removed by air and sunlight.
As an example, treatment of the cyclic acetals derived from
(R,R)-2,3-butanediol 57 with a Lewis acid (titanium tetrachloride)
and trimethylaluminium gave N-acetyl-1-phenylethylamine 58 in
excellent enantiomeric excess (via a Ritter reaction with MeCN
of the resulting benzyl cation) upon air oxidation and sunlight
exposure (Scheme 29).82
fashion.83 The diastereoselective addition of organozinc reagents
to benzaldiminetricarbonylchromium derivatives in the presence
of Lewis acids has also been reported.84 The asymmetric construction of spirocyclic ring systems, including the skeleton of the
potent cytotoxic compound fredericamycin A was accomplished
by the addition of unsymmetrically disubstituted ester enolates to
racemic arene complexes with a complete stereochemical control.85
A samarium diiodide mediated stereoselective intramolecular pinacol coupling of enantiomerically pure tricarbonyl(2,2¢diformyl-1,1¢-biphenyl)chromium compounds has been used for
the synthesis of pure 1,2-diols as potentially useful enantiomerically chiral ligands in asymmetric reactions.86 The stereochemical induction of the chromium substituents was successfully
applied in the highly enantioselective synthesis of the axially
chiral A–B ring system of vancomycin avoiding the requirement
of chiral centers in the neighbourhood at the bond-forming
position that otherwise had to be present.87 A planar chiral
tricarbonyl(arylhalide)chromium complex was used in this case
and the elimination of the chromiun substituent was carried out
in the usual way in 73% yield.
Again a highly diastereoselective aza-Diels–Alder cycloaddition
on a tricarbonylchromium complex followed by an intramolecular
radical cyclization reaction was the key step in the synthesis
of the alkaloid (-)-lasubine(I) (60) in an enantiomerically pure
form (Scheme 30).88 Desilylation and exposure to sunlight of
the phenylquinolizidine derivative 59 for 30 min gave the desired
alkaloid in 78% yield.
Scheme 30
Scheme 29
Since ortho and meta unsymmetrically-disubstituted arenes are
prochiral, their complexation as chromium tricarbonyl derivatives
leads to racemic mixtures that can be resolved. The resulting complexes are used for stereoselective reactions owing to the high facial
selectivity imparted by the bulky chromium tricarbonyl group.
Typical reactions are nucleophilic additions involving a carbonyl
or a related group directly tethered to the arene ring. In such a
way, the addition of Grignard reagents onto optical pure indan-1one and (1-tetralone)-tricarbonylchromium complexes afforded
the corresponding ‘endo’ alcohol derivative in a stereospecific
1508 | Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2009, 8, 1499–1516
By using chromium chemistry, an epimer of the bioactive marine
diterpene helioporin B was likewise synthesized in a highly stereoselective fashion.89 Chiral chromium complexed nitrones have
recently been used in intramolecular 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition
with electron-rich olefins, leading to optically active isoxazolidine
with a high degree of stereo- and regioselection.90
3.14. Synthesis of inorganic materials
In some cases the solar-mediated preparation of inorganic materials is more convenient than that carried out by using thermal
methods. In fact, the sol–gel synthesis of semiconductor materials
such as ZnO and ZnO2 under sunlight exposure has been recently
reported in the literature.91 This protocol can be considered
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superior to the other commonly used approaches. Both oxides
have been prepared in high purity by sunlight mediated reaction
between Zn(Ac)2 and H2 O2 . Interestingly, ZnO2 nano-particles
were formed at a temperature below 200 ◦ C but ZnO was obtained
by oxygen loss when increasing the sintering temperature. The
simplicity of the process makes it suitable for potential applications
in the industry.91 The use of sunlight for the preparation of new
sulfides of transition metal ions is of great importance since
it avoids the use of a furnace and a pressure assembly, thus
reducing the cost of production. To this aim the photosensitive salt
Na2 S·7H2 O was admixed with MSO4 ·XH2 O (M = Cu2+ , Zn2+ ) and
compounds such as [M(SH)(OH)(H2 O)2 ], promising materials for
the use in solar cell devices, were isolated.92 Sunlight was also used
for the C–H vinylic activation of a bis(ethylene) Ir complex.93
Furthermore, an important emerging field is the sunlightreduction method for the preparation of metal nanoparticles
from a solution of metal ions (mainly Au(III)).94-97 In fact, gold
nanoparticles, protected by soluble polymers, surfactants and
dendrimers with different sizes and shapes are widely used as
precursor materials in various applications owing to their unique
optical, electric, and catalytic properties. The use of protective
agents prevents aggregation or precipitation of the nanoparticles
and also results in functionalized particles. Sunlight allowed
control of the reduction of metal ions avoiding the use of an
excess of the reducing agent. The seeding approach, by using gold
particles having an average diameter of 5 nm as seeds that grow
upon solar radiation, has been used in some cases.94,95 In this way,
colloidal gold dispersed nanoparticles protected by PEG pseudocrown ethers,95 by a polyelectrolyte96 and by a dendrimer97 have
been prepared.
reactants were recovered almost unchanged after irradiation by a
4. Concentrated sunlight
4.1. General remarks
In early designed solar reactors (e.g. the Schenk’s plant for the synthesis of Ascaridol),8 the light (both direct and diffuse radiation)
was absorbed without prior concentration. The simple reactor
design represents what was available in the post-war period, and
was not optimized with respect to the exploitation of light. The
intensity of radiation was relatively low and thus carrying out
reactions in reasonable times required a high optical window
area. On the contrary, during recent decades the use of more
elaborate reactors has enabled the concentration of sunlight100
with a considerable increase of the space–time yield, depending
on the concentration factor chosen. Pioneering experiments
employing solar concentration systems have been carried out at the
Plataforma Solar de Almerı́a (PSA, Spain). Different apparatuses
(characterized by different concentration factors) have been built:
for gram scale reactions the SOLFIN (SOLar synthesis of FINe
chemicals, Fig. 2) facility, based on a CPC (compound parabolic
collector),101 employed low concentrated sunlight (concentration
factor, CF = 2–3). The SOLFIN was a simple reactor where a
coaxial cylindrical mirror angled towards the sun collected the
light that was directed onto a tube placed in the focus line through
which the solution (up to ca. 1 L) was circulated by means of a
centrifugal pump (Fig. 2).
Solar thermal reactions
Solar thermal reactions exploit the high temperature obtained by
concentrating light in solar furnaces (e.g. for the dissociation of
water for hydrogen generation).98 The use of solar heating in the
place of an electric heating mantle for carrying out a reaction under
milder conditions (i.e. <100 ◦ C) has been rarely considered. An
example was the preparation of 1,4-dihydropyridines via a fourcomponent unsymmetric Hantzsch reaction, where direct sunlight
allowed to warm the reaction mixture (dimedone, an aryl aldehyde,
a b-ketoester and ammonium acetate) up to 50 ◦ C (Scheme 31).99
This protocol avoided the use of a large excess of solvent and the
occurrence of a photochemical reaction was ruled out since the
Fig. 2 Image of the SOLFIN apparatus taken at Plataforma Solar de
Scheme 31
On the other hand, multigram scale reactors based on the use
of the Helioman Module were also tested. Here a concentration
factor up to 32 suns can be reached. This very effective apparatus
consists in parabolic trough-collectors having aluminium mirrors
that track the position of the sun or by holographic elements as
concentrating units.102 The photolyzed solution is located in the
focus line (see Fig. 3).
This idea was first developed by G. Schneider who designed
the SOLARIS reactor operating with a maximum volume of
70 L at the PSA. An improved design of the SOLARIS reactor
(that was dismantled at the PSA) is the PROPHIS103 (parabolic
trough-facility for organic photochemical syntheses) reactor, then
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Scheme 33
Fig. 3 Schematic representation of a parabolic trough collector.
rebuilt in Cologne, Germany. In both SOLARIS and PROPHIS
reactors the Helioman module was equipped with four troughs
(total aperture 32 m2 ), though in the first case only one was
used by Scharf for practical reasons.8 At any rate, the design of
this type of reactor is flexible and depends on each application.
The troughs were fitted with Pyrex glass reaction tubes in the
focal lines. The direct beam solar radiation was concentrated
with a ratio of about 30–32. As an alternative, a parabolic
dish reactor has been erected at the Institute of Solar Energy
in Bornova (Turkey).104 Using concentrating systems, various
target products have been synthesized up to the kilogram scale,
depending on the dimension of the parabolic collector. Contrary
to CPC collectors, the latter light-concentrating reactors can
only concentrate the direct fraction of global radiation missing
the diffuse UV-sunlight, which makes them more dependant on
natural illumination conditions. Some examples on the use of solar
collectors for the synthesis of fine chemicals are reviewed in the
following paragraphs.
Photooxidations and photooxygenations
Photooxidation is a class of photoreactions that can be easily
scaled up. One of the best known examples was reported by
Scharf and involves the dye-sensitized photooxidation of furfural
to give 5-hydroxyfuranone (Scheme 32).8 Apart from the synthetic
interest of the furanone formed (a versatile C4 building block),
the importance of the reaction resides in the use of high visible
light absorbing species (rose bengal or methylene blue) as singlet
oxygen photogenerators.
Scheme 32
A small scale parabolic trough reactor equipped with aluminium
mirrors was used for the synthesis of versatile biologically active
quinones such as the Juglone (5-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone
61, ca. 79% yield) by rose bengal or methylene blue-sensitized
photooxygenation of 1-naphthols under a stream of oxygen
(Scheme 33).105,106 Gram-scale synthesis of 61 has been achieved
after just 4 h of exposure owing to the favourable absorption in
1510 | Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2009, 8, 1499–1516
the visible spectrum of the dyes employed. This powerful and
environmentally friendly alternative to existing thermal processes
takes advantages of the geometric concentration factor of the reactor. Although this arrangement offered a geometric concentration
factor of ca. 15, optical losses reduced this value.
The PROPHIS plant was employed in the rose bengal photosensitized oxygenation of citronellol in isopropanol under oxygen
atmosphere that gave the isomeric hydroperoxides (ca. 1 : 1 ratio)
in an almost quantitative yield. Reduction to the corresponding
alcohols followed by acid-catalyzed treatment of the end mixture
allowed a cyclization of one of the regioisomer to give rose oxide,
an important fragrance.105 A mixture of rose oxide (Z and E isomers, 82% yield) was obtained in a similar way by PET oxidation
of citronellol with perylene diimide as the photosensitizer after
only 2 h of exposure to sunlight in a dish reactor; the super oxide
radical anion (generated by reduction from the diimide radical
anion) mediated the photooxidation.107
4.3. Cycloadditions
Using the CPC reactor, a quantitatively cyclobutane formation
was accomplished by a regio- and stereospecific (2p + 2p) photochemical addition of 2-acetoxy-1,4-naphthoquinone with styrene
(or 1,1-diphenylethene). The reaction could be easily scaled-up
since concentration of the quinone can be increased to 6% w/v
without any adverse effects. Moreover, the water cooling of the
solar-irradiated solutions could be omitted since the efficiency of
the photoreaction was not affected by temperature up to 60 ◦ C. It is
noteworther that this reaction did not require any purification procedure and the product was obtained in >99% purity directly by
evaporation of the solvent in vacuo.108 Some interesting reactions
have been performed by utilizing the SOLARIS apparatus.109 As
an example, a [2+2] cycloaddition between ethene and 5-alkoxy[5H]-furan-2-one was successful under acetone sensitization.8 This
was a remarkable result since an almost quantitative yield of the
cycloadduct was formed despite the fact that the sensitizer had
a threshold wavelength of 330 nm. The pheromone grandisol
and its analogue demethylgrandisol were finally obtained after
elaboration of the cycloadducts. The same reaction, when applied
to 5-ethoxyfuranone, led to incomplete conversion due to the
low solar photon yield (0.1%).8 Large amounts of Paternò–Büchi
adducts were also formed in a regiochemical and stereochemical
fashion in the reaction between (tert-butyl)phenylglyoxylate (63,
ca. 1 kg) in cyclohexane in the presence of an excess of furan
(5.4 equiv., Scheme 34).8
4.4. Photocatalytic reactions
Photocatalysis is well suited for solar light induced reactions
since a conveniently absorbing photocatalyst can be chosen
that overcomes the drawbacks related to the matching between
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Scheme 36
Scheme 34
the solar radiation and the absorption spectra of photoreactive
molecules.25 Various photocatalyzed alkylation reactions via alkyl
radicals generated both by hydrogen abstraction (from an alkane
or an alcohol) or by electron transfer (from a silane donor) have
been used. In the first case benzophenone or its disulfonated
derivative (BPSS) were adopted. Thus, solar exposure of a solution
of benzophenone and dimethylacetylendicarboxylate in neat cyclopentane gave dimethyl (Z)-2-cyclopentyl-2-butenedioate (along
with a negligible amount of the E isomer) in 78% yield after 4 h
of illumination.110 Fourteen hours (in three consecutive days by
using the SOLFIN facility) were required for the photocatalytic
synthesis of terebic acid (62) starting from maleic acid and BPSS
in an i-PrOH–water mixture (Scheme 35).111
reaction since the catalyst was photodegraded when using harsh
artificial UV light. The reaction was characterized by a high atom
economy and, although the conversion of the reagents did not
exceed 50%, it was found to be highly selective (a trace amount
of benzene was also detected) and competitive if compared to the
analogous thermal reaction. Contrary to the latter case, ambient
pressure and temperature are sufficient for the occurrence of the
4.5. Photoacylations
Photoinduced acylations could represent an eco-sustainable alternative to classical Friedel–Craft reactions, avoiding the use
of large amounts of Lewis acids and noxious acyl chlorides or
anhydrides as reactants. The pioneer studies by Klinger on the
direct addition under sunlight of both aliphatic and aromatic
aldehydes to quinones114 were reconsidered by Krauss,115,116 who
studied the acylation of quinones by prolonged UV irradiation
(5 days). However, this procedure led to a sluggish reaction and
benzene was adopted as the reaction solvent. These limitations
have been recently overcome by Mattay et al., who found that
500 g of naphthoquinone and 4 kg of butyraldehyde in 80 L of
a tert-butanol–acetone mixture (3 : 1) when exposed for 3 days to
sunlight formed the corresponding acylated derivative 64 in 90%
yield and in half-kilogram scale (Scheme 37).117 This reaction type
was used as a model reaction to test three different solar reactors,
viz. the PROPHIS having a concentration factor (CF) of 15, the
CPC (CF = 2–3) and a flat bed reactor (CF = 1). The CPC reactor
was found to give the best results due to its robustness in terms of
weather dependence.117
4.6. E/Z isomerizations
Scheme 35
Photocatalysis can be carried out under heterogeneous conditions as well by using a semiconductor such as TiO2 . Accordingly,
benzylated succinic acid (or anhydride) has been prepared on a
gram scale by a PET reaction between 4-methoxybenzyl(trimethyl)
silane and maleic acid (or anhydride). The reaction was based
on the photocatalytic oxidation of the silane that caused the
fragmentation of the resulting radical cation generating a benzyl
radical. In turn, the last species attacked the electron-poor
The (C5 H5 )CoCOD photocatalyzed syntheses of 2-substituted
pyridines has been performed by cyclization of ethyne and nitriles
(Scheme 36).113 Solar light was the elective light source for the
Solar collectors also allowed the clean E/Z isomerization of
olefins on a kilogram scale. The synthesis of large amounts of
olefins in the Z configuration by using thermal methods is in
many cases troublesome. On the contrary, these compounds can
be formed in high purity from the corresponding E isomer by photosensitized (benzil as sensitizer) isomerization, as demonstrated
in the E/Z stilbene isomerization.103
5. Potential industrial applications
The main handicaps of conventional industrial photochemistry
are high investment costs (light sources and related installations)
and high operation and maintenance (O&M) costs (electricity,
Scheme 37
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cooling energy, lamp replacement).118,119 In contrast, solar photochemistry does not need expensive lamps and has significantly
lower O&M costs, assuming that the photochemical system
can absorb the visible radiation of the solar spectrum. The
direct use of solar radiation rather than of artificial lamps is
highly attractive for the photochemical production of industrially
important chemicals. The opportunities for the industries are
twofold: solar chemical techniques can be employed directly at
locations in industrialized countries if there is enough sunshine
available, or can be exported to those industrializing countries
that have good solar conditions.120
The best known example of an industrial photochemical process
is the synthesis of cyclohexanone oxime hydrochloride 65 (the
precursor of e-caprolactame). This procedure is based on the
photochemical conversion of cyclohexane in the presence of NOCl
and was carried out on a large scale by Toray in Japan by using
UV-lamps (Scheme 38).119
Scheme 38
The feasibility of the reaction under sunlight simulating conditions (radiation wavelength ca. 350–550 nm)121 and an evaluation
of the energetic demand for the sunlight production of 65 on
industrial scale has been recently reported.122 Thus, the use of
solar radiation led to a 4-fold lower demand for electric current
and an 8-fold lower demand for cooling energy if compared
to the typical Toray protocol. In addition, emissions of up to
2.5 tons of CO2 due to the conversion of fossil fuel to electricity
can be avoided. As for the economic point of view,123 although
the calculated investments for a solar plants are higher (almost
two times) than those required for a lamp driven plant, the
reduced economic demand for electricity and cooling energy
would lead to a significant reduction of the production cost.
A hybrid photoreactor system by using sunlight during the day
and mercury lamps at night was also envisaged.121 One of the
most recent promising industrial applications of concentrated
sunlight is the synthesis of fullerenes and carbon nanotubes.
The process is based on the direct vaporization of carbon and
is a valid alternative to electric-arc discharge, laser ablation and
catalytic chemical vapour deposition.124-128 The latter methods
suffer from several disadvantages, in particular the high cost and
the high UV radiation power of the arc plasma that induces
photodestruction of the fullerenes once formed. In fact, although
fullerenes absorb strongly at all wavelengths below about 700 nm,
in the ultraviolet region below 350 nm the absorption is 10–
100 times stronger than in the visible. As a result, a large amount
of excited fullerenes reacted with other carbon species forming
nonvaporizable, insoluble products. On the contrary, focused
sunlight has both the role of vaporizing a carbon rod and of
maintaining carbon as an atomic vapour until it moves into
another light-protected compartment where the desired clustering
is finally permitted to occur. This can open the way to the low
cost gram-scale production of C60 –C70 (or higher fullerenes) as
1512 | Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2009, 8, 1499–1516
well as carbon nanotubes providing that the costs for building
and maintaining a solar furnace must be carefully evaluated. In
some cases the furnace was a mosaic mirror with a parabolic
shape and horizontal axis, lit by 60 flat tracking mirrors where
in the focal area the focused power can reach 1000 W cm-2 .128
Good quality samples of single-walled carbon nanotubes having
1.2–1.6 nm diameter have been synthesized in gram quantities
(vaporization rate = 6–15 g h-1 ) by having recourse to a 50 kW
solar reactor.126 Inorganic fullerene-like Cs2 O nanoparticles were
likewise obtained in yields exceeding those from the laser-ablation
method by a trivial, inexpensive, and reproducible photothermal
6. Generalizations and perspectives
Nowadays, most of the efforts to exploit solar energy (excluding
photodepollution) are devoted to the production of energy either
directly by conversion of solar energy into electricity or indirectly
by conversion into fuels.5,130-132 The use of artificial photosynthetic
systems for achieving such targets, e.g. by mimicking the molecular
and supramolecular organization of the natural photosynthetic
process, is certainly demanding.5 Likewise, the production of a
clean fuel such as hydrogen by sunlight is a hot topic. In fact, in
view of the great demand for hydrogen over the coming decades,
the solar energy storage in the form of H–H bonds is perhaps
the greatest challenge for scientists in the 21st century.5 Two clean
renewable energy systems have been developed to reach this target,
viz. hydrogen production from water splitting and solar direct,
indirect and hybrid thermochemical processes. In the first case, a
semiconductor photocatalyst that absorb in the visible spectrum
is required.3,26 In the latter case since at high temperatures
(T > 2000 ◦ C) water chemically disproportionates to H2 and O2 ,
solar energy is used for heating.98a Artificial nanomotors powered
by sunlight are another topic which still is in its infancy.133
Much less effort has been devoted, however, to the use of
solar energy for the synthesis of fine chemicals.8,9 Actually,
as it appears from the above, solar light could be used to
perform conveniently several classes of photoreactions, although
the awareness of this fact may not be generally diffuse among
practitioners of organic synthesis. Generalizations are that, as one
may aspect, the method is useful when the reagent absorbs the
solar emission, that is in the UV-A or in the visible, and when a
simple and predictable course is followed. Three groups actually
emerge in the literature. The first one involves carbonyl containing
compounds (ketones, a,b-unsaturated carbonyls, 1,2-diketones,
quinones, cyclohexadienones, and so on), actually undergoing the
longest and best known reactions under (solar) light. The second
one involves some efficient photocatalysts such as metal oxides
(e.g. TiO2 ) or photosensitizers (e.g. dyes) and the third one Fischer
carbene complexes and chromoarene derivatives that are smoothly
demetallated upon (visible) irradiation.
Using photochemistry is appealing, because excited states of
molecules have an energy comparable to that of the chemical
bonds and thus allow a deep-seated transformation of the reagent.
The activation energy of several chemical processes can be easily
overcome in this way. As a consequence, reactions mediated by
(sun)light often reach the target via a shorter path than thermal
alternatives (if any).
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In particular for the use of sunlight, a drawback is the variability
of the light flux according to the weather conditions and the
geographic position that makes the time required for the reaction
non-reproducible. This certainly is a major drawback from the
industrial perspective, but does not preclude either the systematic
use of the method for syntheses on explorative scale, since products
are formed in a reasonable yield as demonstrated by the above
examples, or scaling up. Advantages are that solar light is free,
and thus a relatively low quantum yield is tolerated in explorative
syntheses (though again not in industrial applications because
of the time required),134 the mild conditions (mostly no heating
required) and minimal environmental impact.135,136 This contrasts
with the high cost of artificial lamps, although new sources
such as LEDs (light emitting diodes)137 or excimer lasers138 are
more monochromatic than conventional arcs and allow a better
photochemical use of the absorbed electric power. Notice further
that the decrease of solar emission intensity with wavelength may
be an advantage in terms of selectively when the reagents absorb at
longer l than the products. As for the energy used, the simplicity of
the solar-mediated syntheses is apparent since a simple exposure
of the reaction vessel to sunlight is sufficient to allow multigram scale syntheses of fine chemicals. The energy required is
limited to that required for stirring, for running pumps and for
cooling the solution (when concentrated sunlight is utilized).
Notice that apparatuses such as CPC and flatbed reactors are a
good choice for a better space–time yield solar-mediated synthesis
as an alternative to flow systems.139 An unexplored but appealing
application may result from the combination of solar radiation
with microreactors.140
In summary, the use of solar light will probably play only a limited
role in the industrial production in the near future. Nevertheless,
the scale-up of a solar reactor where the production rate of
fullerene was estimated to be 2 g h-1 , whereas that of single wall
nanotubes was in the range 10–25 g h-1 , was recently reported.141
It is expected, however, that concern for the environmental impact
of chemical plants and the increasing ecological awareness of the
pollution originating in the production of energy will make solar
energy an appealing alternative.
We thank Prof. Angelo Albini for fruitful discussion and Robert
A. Rohde and Global Warming Art for Fig. 1.
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