CAPTAIN WALTER "BULL" WELLS "Bull" led his team through many

"Bull" led his team through many hard~fought games to the m ost successfu l year in the history of MurTay State Teachers' College. Playing all of every game at the ful1back position. he s howed courage and
leadership. which brought him success as a Captain. His terrific Jine plunging stood out in every game
and made his opponents fear him . H e backed up the line in All-American style. frustrating his opponents
by caling their plays before they were started and then stopping the man before he got to the Jine. H e is
known to the sport writers in Cincinnati as "Wee" Wells. the big, raw-boned Kentucky mountaineer.
Union was coached for a month on how to stop "Bull." But did they? W e say they did not. "Bull's"
hair is becoming thin on top from hitting the line so hard. H e will be hack next year to add to his glorious record as a football player.
1fT." is a dashing halfback , who makes a specialty of left-end running. In view of his super lative playing and his excel1ent qualiti es of leadership, he was chosen to captain th e team next year, his fourth year
of football at the Col1ege. "T." is a player who puts confidence into the team. When necessary, he can
take the quarterback position and fill it to perfection. He is also an excelJent passer, and was used in
this capacity many times. Whe n he starts around left end, his fi g hting face showing determination and
grit, he never fails to gain his yards. He was one of the fastest m en on th e team, always taking the game
seriously. W e are sure that "T." will lead the team to a victorious season next year.
Hugh is that dodging, twisting, s ide-steppi ng halfback from Missouri. Hugh carne to us with a splendid
reputation as a football player, and he has certainly maintained this reputation. H e has a deceptive s idestep which has carried him by many would-be tacklers. He is a hard tackler, besides being able to play
almost any defensive position. Hugh played one of his best games on Thanksgiving, running through the
ent ire opposing team forty yards for a touchdown. His most spectacular play during the seaso n was his
ninety-yard run against Hall-Mood y after intercepting a pass on his own ten-yard line. Hugh wil l be
back n ext year to bring greater g lory to his College and to himself.
Auburn was on e of the most versatile m en on the team. His regu lar position was left guard, but he
played in every other position except center and Quarterback at some time during the season. He was
called back on punt formation, and could run the e nd , plunge the line, punt, or pass, according to the play
required. H e is very active, and his clever use of the stiff arm and s ide-step ena bled him to clip off many
neat gains around ends. His best work was done during the game with Middle Tennessee Teachers' Coll ege. He was a reliable punter, getting off many long ones and not having a punt blocked on him during
the season. On offense he came out of the guard position into the interference, aiding the runner going
around the end. Auburn will be with us again next year to assist the team to bring home more honors.