Normande History The Normande originated in Normandy, France from cattle brought to the country by Viking conquerors in the 9 th and 10 th centuries. For over a thousand years these cattle evolved into a dual purpose breed to meet the milk and meat needs of the residents of northwestern France. In France, the Normande is associated with the production of such famous cheeses as Camembert, Pont-Lévêque and Livarot. Characteristics Normandes are a medium frame size breed.They possess excellent body depth and spring of rib while maintaining exceptional body length. The cattle are also very clean fronted and carry a strong topline. Normande females reach sexual maturity early and have good fertility, mammary conformation, mothering ability and production longevity. They have large pelvic areas and calve easily with calves showing excellent vigour Statistics Ultimate grazers Incredible feed converters Rich milk for cheese production and good growth rate in calves Ideal for dairy crossbreeding Fertility Calving ease Strength High percentage yield at slaughter