Astronomy 115 02/26/13 “Does it rain on the Sun? Yes, although what falls is not water but extremely hot plasma. An example occurred in mid-July 2012 after an eruption on the Sun that produced both a Coronal Mass Ejection and a moderate solar flare. What was more unusual, however, was what happened next. Plasma in the nearby solar corona was imaged cooling and falling back, a phenomenon known as coronal rain. Because they are electrically charged, electrons, protons, and ions in the rain were gracefully channeled along existing magnetic loops near the Sun's surface, making the scene appear as a surreal three-dimensional sourceless waterfall. The resulting surprisingly-serene spectacle is shown in ultraviolet light and highlights matter glowing at a temperature of about 50,000 Kelvin. Each second in the above time lapse video takes about 6 minutes in real time, so that the entire coronal rain sequence lasted about 10 hours.” Tuesday, February 26, 13 1 “This remarkable self-portrait of NASA's Mars Curiosity Rover includes a sweeping panoramic view of its current location in the Yellowknife Bay region of the Red Planet's Gale Crater. The rover's flat, rocky perch, known as "John Klein", served as the site for Curiosity's first rock drilling activity. At the foot of the proud looking rover, a shallow drill test hole and a sample collection hole are 1.6 centimeters in diameter. The impressive mosaic was constructed using frames from the rover's Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) and Mastcam. Used to take in the panoramic landscape frames, the Mastcam is standing high above the rover's deck. But MAHLI, intended for close-up work, is mounted at the end of the rover's robotic arm. The MAHLI frames used to create Curiosity's self-portrait exclude sections that show the arm itself and so MAHLI and the robotic arm are not seen. Check out this spectacular interactive version of Curiosity's selfportrait panorama.” Tuesday, February 26, 13 2 ENCELADUS • Ice fountains suggest that Enceladus may have a subsurface ocean. Tuesday, February 26, 13 3 ENCELADUS CLOSE-UP 99% reflective! Tuesday, February 26, 13 4 ARE HABITABLE PLANETS LIKELY? Tuesday, February 26, 13 5 HABITABLE PLANETS Definition: •A habitable world contains the basic necessities for life as we know it, including liquid water. • It does not necessarily have life. Tuesday, February 26, 13 6 The more massive the star, the larger its habitable zone— and the higher probability of a planet existing in this zone. What is the problem with massive stars? Tuesday, February 26, 13 7 Constraints on star systems: 1) Old enough to allow time for evolution (rules out high-mass stars - 1%) 2) Need to have stable orbits (might rule out binary/ multiple star systems - 50%) 3) Size of “habitable zone”: region in which a planet of the right size could have liquid water on its surface Even with these constraints, billions of stars in the Milky Way could potentially have habitable worlds. Tuesday, February 26, 13 8 FINDING THEM WILL BE HARD Recall our scale model solar system: • Looking for an Earth-like planet around a nearby star is like standing on the East Coast of the United States and looking for a pinhead on the West Coast—with a VERY bright grapefruit nearby. • But new technologies will allow us to search for such planets. Tuesday, February 26, 13 9 • Kepler (launched in 2009) will monitor 100,000 stars for transit events for 4 years. Later: SIM and TPF interferometers may obtain spectra and crude images of Earth-size planets. Tuesday, February 26, 13 10 SPECTRAL SIGNATURES OF LIFE Venus Earth Oxygen/ozone Mars Tuesday, February 26, 13 11 ARE EARTH-LIKE PLANETS RARE OR COMMON? Tuesday, February 26, 13 12 ELEMENTS AND HABITABILITY • Some scientists argue that the proportions of heavy elements need to be just right for the formation of habitable planets. • If so, then Earth-like planets are restricted to a galactic habitable zone. Tuesday, February 26, 13 13 IMPACTS AND HABITABILITY • Some scientists argue that Jupiter-like planets are necessary to reduce rate of impacts. • If so, then Earth-like planets are restricted to star systems with Jupiterlike planets. Tuesday, February 26, 13 14 CLIMATE AND HABITABILITY • Some scientists argue that plate tectonics and/or a large moon are necessary to keep the climate of an Earth-like planet stable enough for life. Tuesday, February 26, 13 15 THE BOTTOM LINE We don’t yet know how important or negligible these concerns are. Tuesday, February 26, 13 16 CHAPTER 16 STAR BIRTH Tuesday, February 26, 13 17 WHERE DO STARS FORM? Insert TCP 6e Figure 16.1 unannotated Tuesday, February 26, 13 18 STAR-FORMING CLOUDS • Stars form in dark clouds of dusty gas in interstellar space. • The gas between the stars is called the interstellar medium. Tuesday, February 26, 13 19 COMPOSITION OF CLOUDS • We can determine the composition of interstellar gas from its absorption lines in the spectra of stars. • 70% H, 28% He, 2% heavier elements in our region of Milky Way Tuesday, February 26, 13 20 “We are star stuff” - Carl Sagan • • Tuesday, February 26, 13 Hydrogen and Helium formed in the Big Bang. Everything else was created by stars. 21 “The Herschel Space Observatory's infrared view of Cygnus X spans some 6x2 degrees across one of the closest, massive star forming regions in the plane of our Milky Way galaxy. In fact, the rich stellar nursery already holds the massive star cluster known as the Cygnus OB2 association. But those stars are more evident by the region cleared by their energetic winds and radiation near the bottom center of this field, and are not detected by Herschel instruments operating at long infrared wavelengths. Herschel does reveal the region's complex filaments of cool gas and dust that lead to dense locations where new massive stars are forming. Cygnus X lies some 4500 light-years away toward the heart of the northern constellation of the Swan. At that distance this picture would be almost 500 light-years wide.” Tuesday, February 26, 13 22 Tuesday, February 26, 13 23 Iron - FE Tuesday, February 26, 13 24 Supernova Explosions • Creates all elements heavier than iron. • Shock wave induces stable gas clouds to collapse. • Seeds new solar system with heavy elements and radioactive elements. Tuesday, February 26, 13 25 MOLECULAR CLOUDS • Most of the matter in star-forming clouds is in the form of molecules (H2, CO, etc.). • These molecular clouds have a temperature of 10–30 K and a density of about 300 molecules per cubic centimeter. Tuesday, February 26, 13 26 MOLECULAR CLOUDS • Tuesday, February 26, 13 Most of what we know about molecular clouds comes from observing the emission lines of carbon monoxide (CO). 27 “No, they are not alive -- but they are dying. The unusual blobs found in the Carina nebula, some of which are seen floating on the upper right, might best be described as evaporating. Energetic light and winds from nearby stars are breaking apart the dark dust grains that make the iconic forms opaque. Ironically the blobs, otherwise known as dark molecular clouds, frequently create in their midst the very stars that later destroy them. The floating space mountains pictured above by the orbiting Hubble Space Telescope span a few light months. The Great Nebula in Carina itself spans about 30 light years, lies about 7,500 light years away, and can be seen with a small telescope toward the constellation of Keel (Carina).” Tuesday, February 26, 13 28 INTERSTELLAR DUST • Tiny solid particles of interstellar dust block our view of stars on the other side of a cloud. • Particles are < 1 micrometer in size and made of elements like C, O, Si, and Fe. Tuesday, February 26, 13 29 INTERSTELLAR REDDENING • Stars viewed through the edges of the cloud look redder because dust blocks (shorterwavelength) blue light more effectively than (longer-wavelength) red light. Tuesday, February 26, 13 30 INTERSTELLAR REDDENING • Long-wavelength infrared light passes through a cloud more easily than visible light. • Observations of infrared light reveal stars on the other side of the cloud. Tuesday, February 26, 13 31 OBSERVING NEWBORN STARS • Visible light from a newborn star is often trapped within the dark, dusty gas clouds where the star formed. Tuesday, February 26, 13 32 OBSERVING NEWBORN STARS • Observing the infrared light from a cloud can reveal the newborn star embedded inside it. Tuesday, February 26, 13 33 GLOWING DUST GRAINS • Dust grains that absorb visible light heat up and emit infrared light of even longer wavelength. Tuesday, February 26, 13 34 “What do the following things have in common: a cone, the fur of a fox, and a Christmas tree? Answer: they all occur in the constellation of the unicorn (Monoceros). Pictured above as a star forming region cataloged as NGC 2264, the complex jumble of cosmic gas and dust is about 2,700 light-years distant and mixes reddish emission nebulae excited by energetic light from newborn stars with dark interstellar dust clouds. Where the otherwise obscuring dust clouds lie close to the hot, young stars they also reflect starlight, forming blue reflection nebulae. The above image spans about 3/4 degree or nearly 1.5 full moons, covering 40 lightyears at the distance of NGC 2264. Its cast of cosmic characters includes the Fox Fur Nebula, whose convoluted pelt lies below center, bright variable star S Mon immersed in the blue-tinted haze, and the Cone Nebula near the tree's top. Of course, the stars of NGC 2264 are also known as the Christmas Tree star cluster. The triangular tree shape traced by the stars appears sideways here, with its apex at the Cone Nebula and its broader base centered near S Mon.” Tuesday, February 26, 13 35 WHY DO STARS FORM? Tuesday, February 26, 13 36 GRAVITY VERSUS PRESSURE • Gravity can create stars only if it can overcome the force of thermal pressure in a cloud. • Emission lines from molecules in a cloud can prevent a pressure buildup by converting thermal energy into infrared and radio photons. Tuesday, February 26, 13 37 MASS OF A STAR-FORMING CLOUD • A typical molecular cloud (T~ 30 K, n ~ 300 particles/cm3) must contain at least a few hundred solar masses for gravity to overcome pressure. • Emission lines from molecules in a cloud can prevent a pressure buildup by converting thermal energy into infrared and radio photons that escape the cloud. Tuesday, February 26, 13 38 RESISTANCE TO GRAVITY Insert TCP 6e Figure 16.9 unannotated • A cloud must have even more mass to begin contracting if there are additional forces opposing gravity. • Both magnetic fields and turbulent gas motions increase resistance to gravity. Tuesday, February 26, 13 39 FRAGMENTATION OF A CLOUD • Gravity within a contracting gas cloud becomes stronger as the gas becomes denser. • Gravity can therefore overcome pressure in smaller pieces of the cloud, causing it to break apart into multiple fragments, each of which may go on to form a star. Tuesday, February 26, 13 40 ISOLATED STAR FORMATION • Gravity can overcome pressure in a relatively small cloud if the cloud is unusually dense. • Such a cloud may make only a single star. Tuesday, February 26, 13 41 THE FIRST STARS • Elements like carbon and oxygen had not yet been made when the first stars formed. • Without CO molecules to provide cooling, the clouds that formed the first stars had to be considerably warmer than today’s molecular clouds. • The first stars must therefore have been more massive than most of today’s stars, for gravity to overcome pressure. Tuesday, February 26, 13 42 SIMULATION OF THE FIRST STAR • Simulations of early star formation suggest the first molecular clouds never cooled below 100 K, making stars of ~100MSun. Tuesday, February 26, 13 43 WHAT SLOWS THE CONTRACTION OF A STARFORMING CLOUD? Tuesday, February 26, 13 44 TRAPPING OF THERMAL ENERGY • As contraction packs the molecules and dust particles of a cloud fragment closer together, it becomes harder for infrared and radio photons to escape. • Thermal energy then begins to build up inside, increasing the internal pressure. • Contraction slows down, and the center of the cloud fragment becomes a protostar. Tuesday, February 26, 13 45 GROWTH OF A PROTOSTAR • Matter from the cloud continues to fall onto the protostar until either the protostar or a neighboring star blows the surrounding gas away. Tuesday, February 26, 13 46 WHAT IS THE ROLE OF ROTATION IN STAR BIRTH? Tuesday, February 26, 13 47 EVIDENCE FROM THE SOLAR SYSTEM • Tuesday, February 26, 13 The nebular theory of solar system formation illustrates the importance of rotation. 48 CONSERVATION OF ANGULAR MOMENTUM • The rotation speed of the cloud from which a star forms increases as the cloud contracts. Tuesday, February 26, 13 49 Rotation of a contracting cloud speeds up for the same reason a skater speeds up as she pulls in her arms. Tuesday, February 26, 13 50 FLATTENING • Tuesday, February 26, 13 Collisions between particles in the cloud cause it to flatten into a disk. 51 Collisions between gas particles in cloud gradually reduce random motions. Tuesday, February 26, 13 52 Collisions between gas particles also reduce up and down motions. Tuesday, February 26, 13 53 The spinning cloud flattens as it shrinks. Tuesday, February 26, 13 54 FORMATION OF JETS • Tuesday, February 26, 13 Rotation also causes jets of matter to shoot out along the rotation axis. 55 Jets are observed coming from the centers of disks around protostars. Tuesday, February 26, 13 56 Tuesday, February 26, 13 57 THOUGHT QUESTION What would happen to a protostar that formed without any rotation at all? A. Its jets would go in multiple directions. B. It would not have planets. C. It would be very bright in infrared light. D. It would not be round. Tuesday, February 26, 13 58 THOUGHT QUESTION What would happen to a protostar that formed without any rotation at all? A. Its jets would go in multiple directions. B. It would not have planets. C. It would be very bright in infrared light. D. It would not be round. Tuesday, February 26, 13 59 HOW DOES NUCLEAR FUSION BEGIN IN A NEWBORN STAR? Tuesday, February 26, 13 60 FROM PROTOSTAR TO MAIN SEQUENCE • A protostar looks starlike after the surrounding gas is blown away, but its thermal energy comes from gravitational contraction, not fusion. • Contraction must continue until the core becomes hot enough for nuclear fusion. • Contraction stops when the energy released by core fusion balances energy radiated from the surface—the star is now a main-sequence star. Tuesday, February 26, 13 61 Hydrostatic Equilibrium Gas Pressure Self Gravity Tuesday, February 26, 13 62 BIRTH STAGES ON A LIFE TRACK • Tuesday, February 26, 13 A life track illustrates a star’s surface temperature and luminosity at different moments in time. 63 ASSEMBLY OF A PROTOSTAR • Luminosity and temperature grow as matter collects into a protostar. Tuesday, February 26, 13 64 CONVECTIVE CONTRACTION • Tuesday, February 26, 13 Surface temperature remains near 3000 K while convection is main energy transport mechanism. 65 RADIATIVE CONTRACTION • Luminosity remains nearly constant during late stages of contraction, while radiation transports energy through star. Tuesday, February 26, 13 66 SELF-SUSTAINING FUSION • Tuesday, February 26, 13 Core temperature continues to rise until star begins fusion and arrives on the main sequence. 67 LIFE TRACKS FOR DIFFERENT MASSES • Models show that the Sun required about 30 million years to go from protostar to main sequence. • Higher-mass stars form faster. • Lower-mass stars form more slowly. Tuesday, February 26, 13 68 WHAT IS THE SMALLEST MASS A NEWBORN STAR CAN HAVE? Insert TCP 6e Figure 16.18 Tuesday, February 26, 13 69 FUSION AND CONTRACTION • Fusion will not begin in a contracting cloud if some sort of force stops contraction before the core temperature rises above 107 K. • Thermal pressure cannot stop contraction because the star is constantly losing thermal energy from its surface through radiation. • Is there another form of pressure that can stop contraction? Tuesday, February 26, 13 70 Degeneracy Pressure: The laws of quantum mechanics prohibit two electrons from occupying the same state in same place. Tuesday, February 26, 13 71 Thermal Pressure: Depends on heat content. Is the main form of pressure in most stars. Degeneracy Pressure: Particles can’t be in same state in same place. Doesn’t depend on heat content. Tuesday, February 26, 13 72 BROWN DWARFS • Degeneracy pressure halts the contraction of objects with < 0.08MSun before core temperature becomes hot enough for fusion. First detected in 1995 Tuesday, February 26, 13 • Starlike objects not massive enough to start fusion are brown dwarfs. 73 BROWN DWARFS • A brown dwarf emits infrared light because of heat left over from contraction. • Its luminosity gradually declines with time as it loses thermal energy. Tuesday, February 26, 13 74 BROWN DWARFS IN ORION • Infrared observations can reveal recently formed brown dwarfs because they are still relatively warm and luminous. Tuesday, February 26, 13 75 WHAT IS THE GREATEST MASS A NEWBORN STAR CAN HAVE? Insert TCP 6e Figure 16.20 Tuesday, February 26, 13 76 RADIATION PRESSURE • Photons exert a slight amount of pressure when they strike matter. • Very massive stars are so luminous that the collective pressure of photons drives their matter into space. Tuesday, February 26, 13 77 UPPER LIMIT ON A STAR’S MASS • Models of stars suggest that radiation pressure limits how massive a star can be without blowing itself apart. Tuesday, February 26, 13 78 EDDINGTON LIMIT Eddington Limit suggests that stars cannot exist over 120 solar masses, because the radiation pressure from the star’s nuclear fusion would overcome the star’s gravity at that mass. • The known absolute mass (from eclipsing binary) 150-160 solar masses. • Highest estimated mass 265 solar masses. It is thought to have started out at about 320 solar masses. • Highest Tuesday, February 26, 13 79 Stars more massive than 150MSun would blow apart. Luminosity (we thought) Stars less massive than 0.08MSun can’t sustain fusion. Temperature Tuesday, February 26, 13 80 WHAT ARE THE TYPICAL MASSES OF NEWBORN STARS? Insert TCP 6e Figure 16.21 Tuesday, February 26, 13 81 DEMOGRAPHICS OF STARS • Observations of star clusters show that star formation makes many more low-mass stars than high-mass stars. Tuesday, February 26, 13 82 CHAPTER 17 STAR STUFF Tuesday, February 26, 13 83 HOW DOES A STAR’S MASS AFFECT NUCLEAR FUSION? Insert TCP 6e Figure 15.11 Tuesday, February 26, 13 84 STELLAR MASS AND FUSION • The mass of a main-sequence star determines its core pressure and temperature. • Stars of higher mass have higher core temperature and more rapid fusion, making those stars both more luminous and shorter-lived. • Stars of lower mass have cooler cores and slower fusion rates, giving them smaller luminosities and longer lifetimes. Tuesday, February 26, 13 85 Hydrostatic Equilibrium Gas Pressure Self Gravity Tuesday, February 26, 13 86 High-Mass Stars > 8MSun IntermediateMass Stars 3MSun - 8MSun Low-Mass Stars < 3MSun Brown Dwarfs Tuesday, February 26, 13 87 STAR CLUSTERS AND STELLAR LIVES • Our knowledge of the life stories of stars comes from comparing mathematical models of stars with observations. • Star clusters are particularly useful because they contain stars of different mass that were born about the same time. Tuesday, February 26, 13 88 WHAT ARE THE LIFE STAGES OF A LOW-MASS STAR? Tuesday, February 26, 13 89 WHAT ARE THE LIFE STAGES OF A LOW-MASS STAR? Tuesday, February 26, 13 90 A star remains on the main sequence as long as it can fuse hydrogen into helium in its core. Tuesday, February 26, 13 91 THOUGHT QUESTION What happens when a star can no longer fuse hydrogen to helium in its core? A. The core cools off. B. The core shrinks and heats up. C. The core expands and heats up. D. Helium fusion immediately begins. Tuesday, February 26, 13 92 THOUGHT QUESTION What happens when a star can no longer fuse hydrogen to helium in its core? A. The core cools off. B. The core shrinks and heats up. C. The core expands and heats up. D. Helium fusion immediately begins. Tuesday, February 26, 13 93 INCREASED TEMP IN CORE • proton-proton: 4 • As Hydrogen are turned into 1 Helium atom the total number of atoms shrinks, so does the core. • The core must then heat up to maintain hydrostatic equilibrium, which in turn raises the fusion rate. • Thus all main-sequence stars are slowly getting brighter with time. Tuesday, February 26, 13 94 RED GIANTS: BROKEN THERMOSTAT • As the core contracts, H begins fusing to He in a shell around the core. • Luminosity increases because the core thermostat is broken—the increasing fusion rate in the shell does not stop the core from contracting. Tuesday, February 26, 13 95 LIFE TRACK AFTER MAIN SEQUENCE • Observations of star clusters show that a star becomes larger, redder, and more luminous after its time on the main sequence is over. Tuesday, February 26, 13 96 Helium fusion does not begin right away because it requires higher temperatures than hydrogen fusion—larger charge leads to greater repulsion. Fusion of two helium nuclei doesn’t work, so helium fusion must combine three helium nuclei to make carbon. Tuesday, February 26, 13 97 THOUGHT QUESTION What happens in a low-mass star when core temperature rises enough for helium fusion to begin? A. Helium fusion slowly starts. B. Hydrogen fusion stops. C. Helium fusion rises very sharply. Hint: Degeneracy pressure is the main form of pressure in the inert helium core. Tuesday, February 26, 13 98 THOUGHT QUESTION What happens in a low-mass star when core temperature rises enough for helium fusion to begin? A. Helium fusion slowly starts. B. Hydrogen fusion stops. C. Helium fusion rises very sharply. Hint: Degeneracy pressure is the main form of pressure in the inert helium core. Tuesday, February 26, 13 99 HELIUM FLASH • The thermostat of a low-mass red giant is broken because degeneracy pressure supports the core. • Core temperature rises rapidly (seconds) when helium fusion begins. • Helium fusion rate skyrockets until thermal pressure takes over and expands the core again. Tuesday, February 26, 13 100