St. John's Newsletter

“our mission - love, justice, mutual respect, acceptance and forgiveness”
St. John’s Newsletter
Friday 17th October 2014
Dear Parents and Friends
INSET Day—Wednesday 22nd October 2014
The school will be closed on Wednesday 22nd October 2014 for a staff training day.
Children’s Mass on Sunday 19th October 2014
There will be a Children’s Mass at 10.30am this Sunday. It is Mission Sunday and it would be
wonderful to see many of our children join the choir and congregation.
School Meals Classes 1—5
We have surveyed children for their views on the school meals provided this term. The
overall picture is a positive one. We would also welcome any observations from parents who
can comment through or phone views directly to
the school office.
Poppy Appeal
Poppies will be on sale on our return - Monday 3rd November, leading up to
Remembrance Day. To buy a poppy children are asked to bring in a silver coin.
Thank you.
Winter Uniform
All pupils are to return to school after half term in their winter uniform, details on
the website. Also could girls with long hair please make sure it is tied back for
school. Many thanks for your help with this matter.
Sewing in School—3rd/4th December 2014
Are there are any parent/grandparent volunteers who would like to come into school on either
3rd or 4th December to help children with some sewing? You will need to have had a DBS
check or if you contact the office this can be arranged for you.
Non Uniform Day in aid of CAFOD—Friday 17th October 2014
A huge thank you to everyone for contributing to our non uniform day in aid of CAFOD. The
chapel champions collected a wonderful £248.00 which will be used by CAFOD to support the
“Big Share” Campaign. Tom Charleton and Ellis Bright from Class 11 and 10 said “The day was
great because it gets you to think about people who aren’t so fortunate and allows us to feel
like we’ve helped somebody in need.” To find our more go to
St. John’s Catholic Primary School
“our mission - love, justice, mutual respect, acceptance and forgiveness”
St. John’s Newsletter
Friday 17th October 2014
Dear Parents and Friends
House Points
St. Therese
- 291
St. Rose
- 279
St. Dominic
- 228
St. Anthony
- 97
Parish News
Significant Feast Days this Week
18th October St Luke – St Luke was one of the four evangelists, besides the Gospel he also
wrote the Acts of the Apostles. Luke’s is the gospel of social justice, the poor, forgiveness and
God’s mercy. Throughout the gospel Jesus takes the side of the sinner who wants to return to
God’s mercy. Luke is the patron saint of artists, physicians and surgeons.
22nd October – Blessed John Paul II. After various ministries in his native Poland Karol
Wotjtyla was elected Pope in October 1978 and took the name John Paul II. His exceptional
apostolic zeal particularly for families, young people and the sick led him to make numerous
pastoral visits to 129 countries throughout the world. He left a rich heritage as he was a promoter of peace, champion of freedom and a healer of division.
Rosary and Benediction every Sunday, during October, at 4 p.m. at St John’s Church. The Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary are The Resurrection, The Ascension, The Decent of the Holy
Spirit, The Assumption and The Crowning of Our Lady as Queen of Heaven.
Girls Cricket Coaching
Girls, do you enjoy cricket? Then why not meet up with other like minded girls for some fun
batting and bowling games! Enjoy some cricket with qualified coaches at
SUNDAYS 23rd, 30th NOV & 7th DEC 2014
If you are interested or would like some more information please:
mobile: 07786 361222
Ali Goddard, Girls Lead Coach – Trowbridge CC
St. John’s Catholic Primary School
We have a facebook group,
please join us! Search for
Friends of St. Johns or
follow the link from the
school website.
Committee Members:
Co-Chairs: Harriet Heard, Pauline Evans
Treasurer: Rebecca Reece, Alice
Secretary: Rachael Grinyer
Parent Members: Jayne Dennett, Richard
King, Sharon Buxton, Beth Claesen, Mike
Reece, Amber MacMahon, Shelly
Garlington, Tracey Hayne, Hayley Beer,
Kamila Tomaszewska
Staff Members Frank Toner
You can contact us by email:
Dates for your Diary
Fri 7th November – Cake sale after school
Thurs 13th Nov– WW1 day at school
31st January – School Jumble Sale
4th July 2015 – Summer Fete / Go Wild
Cake Sale takings
Thank you to class 3 and class 10 for hosting the
last cake sale. They raised an amazing £169.19
Well done!
AGM Highlights!
Angry Apples at
Apple Festival
Thank you to
everyone who came
to the Friends stall
at the Apple Festival
in Trowbridge last
Saturday. We had a
stream of children
playing our Angry
Apples game which helped to make a profit
of £68 for the Friends. Well done to
everybody who helped out on the day.
Panto Tickets
If you have put your name down for Pantomime
tickets please could you pay for them in the
office as soon as possible. There are some people
on the reserve list, so if you any reason you
change your mind about going please could you
let the office us know.
As promised, we kept the Friends AGM as brief
and to the point as possible and the whole thing
was done and dusted by 4.30! The children and
grown-ups enjoyed popcorn, crisps and drinks
while watching a short film showing the
highlights of this year’s events. If you couldn’t
make it you can still watch the film by following
this link: It’s well
worth a look as John Kelly has done such a great
job of making it, and you could see yourself in it!
You can also find it on the Friends facebook
An amazing 9 new members joined the
committee: Rebecca Recce & Alice HamiltonBowman as Co Treasurers, Rachael Grinyer as
Secretary and Hayley Beer, Sharon Buxton, Mike
Reece, Beth Claesen, Tracey Hayne and Kamila
Tomaszewska as parent members. Fiona Cadell,
Valerie Rouger, Sally Andrew and Kate Oatley
have stepped down from the committee and we
would like to thank them for all their hard!
With such a healthy committee on board we
look forward to an eventful 2014 /2015. We
hope to raise lots of money for the children and
have some fun along the way!
9.30am-12.30pm & 1.30-4.30pm
at Trowbridge Town Hall
as part of Trowbridge Arts Festival and supported by Trowbridge Town Hall Trust
For families with children aged 7-11
for a fantastic fun session of
music games, singing and
CREATING a new piece of music.
Whether you play an instrument or sing in the bath, love to listen or
prefer to jig along, all are welcome to come and join in with inventing
music through improvisation.
You don’t need to be able to read music
or play an instrument,
just turn up and explore the possibilities
To enroll contact Sue Dawson
Wiltshire Rural Music School
113 Gloucester Road, Trowbridge,
Wilts, BA14 0AE
Tel: 01225 753175
Cost: Adults £5, Children £3