MA111 Homework 6

MA111 Homework 6
Due: 10/12/10
1. Convert 13 miles to kilometers (approximately, using the Fibonacci technique).
13 mi ≈ 21 km
2. Convert 13 kilometers to miles (approximately, using the Fibonacci technique).
13 km ≈ 8 mi
3. Convert 84 miles to kilometers (approximately, using the Fibonacci technique).
84 mi = 55+21+8 → 89 + 34 + 13 = 136 km
4. Convert 84 kilometers to miles (approximately, using the Fibonacci technique).
84 mi = 55+21+8 → 34 + 13 + 5 = 52 km
5. Use the formula for Fibonacci numbers and a calculator to find F27 .
(HINT: If you do not have a calculator that can do square roots, you can use Google. For example,
you can type “1/sqrt(5)” into Google and it gives you .447213595, which is approximately, “1 divided
by the square root of 5.” In order to do exponents, you can use the “b” symbol – that’s SHIFT+6 on
your keyboard. For example, if you type “2b3” into Google, it gives you “8”, which is 2*2*2.)
6. Is there anything we covered in class that was not clear?