Dance the DNA Lesson Plan

Perkins/ Seto Science Dance Integration Lesson Planning
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Arts Integration Strategy: Students will
develop choreographed dance that explains
what DNA is, what DNA looks like, and how
DNA copies are made.
Big idea 16: Heredity and Reproduction
Lesson Theme: DNA Structure and Function
Unit Essential Question: What is DNA?
Students will become the model of DNA and
show how the helical DNA molecule unzips
and nucleotide bases pair with the DNA
template to form a duplicate of the DNA
Lesson Essential Question: What does DNA look
like? How are copies of DNA made?
Dance Essential Question: How do dancers create
duets formed out of structured improvisation?
Science Objective: Students will be able to
Big Idea: Critical Thinking and Reflection
describe the structure and function of DNA and
how copies of DNA are made through a
choreographed dance.
Dance teacher: Mrs. Perkins
Science teacher: Mrs. Seto
Dance Objective: Students will visualize
scientific learning content benchmark and
apply it to movement invention, phrasing and
initiation, and spatial structure while creating a
choreographed dance piece.
Next Generation Sunshine State Standards:
Dance: DA.68.C.2.1- Solve challenges in
technique and composition by visualizing and
applying creative solutions.
Science: SC.7L.16.1- Understand and explain
that every organism requires a set of
instructions that specifies its traits, that this
heredity information (DNA) contains genes
located in the chromosomes of each cell, and
that heredity is the passage of these
instructions from one generation to another.
Common Core Standards:
Arts: movement invention, initiation, phrasing, spatial
structure, time, space, energy, spiral, duet
Science: deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), double helix,
nucleotide, ribosome, mutation, replication, insertions
Arts Materials:
Music: Electronic from 5th element soundtrack
Science Supplies: In sandwich bag/ student
1. 2- 6 in pieces of twizzlers
2. Colored marshmallows- 4 green (A), 4 pink (T), 4
yellow (C), 4 orange (G)
3. 8 toothpicks
Lesson Strategy:
Students should be able to:
Students will be able to
understand that DNA is made up
of compounds called nucleotides,
which consist of a sugar,
phosphate, and a base. Base
Students will know that DNA is
the material that determines
inherited characteristics in all
living things.
Students will be able to visualize
DNA base pairing and how DNA
copies itself in a process called
replication through a
choreographed dance.
Perkins/ Seto Science Dance Integration Lesson Planning
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pairing occurs between Adenine
and Thymine and Cytosine and
Guanine as the DNA molecule is
demonstration, free
write, brainstorming, analyze a
graphic organizer,
KWL, etc)
Bellwork: Students will build an edible model of DNA using materials
(twizzlers, colored mini marshmallows, toothpicks) provided in sandwich bag on
desk. Green (Adenine) base pairs with pink (Thymine) and yellow (Cytosine)
base pairs with orange (Guanine).
Students will watch short 2 min animation about DNA.
Students will warm up with set modern class: stretching, Horton Fortifications/
Conditioning and Limon Technique.
(investigation, solve
a problem, collect
data, construct
model, etc.)
Students will move in spiral shape to mimic the movement of the double helical
DNA and make duets (base-pairing) through contact improvisations. Students
will show how base pairing occurs as they move to pair the nucleotide A with T
and C with G. These nucleotides when paired correctly form a lock and key type
connection. Students will discuss problems connecting to the original strand of
DNA (dancers) and problem solve solutions of the dancer’s movement as it
relates to DNA replication and seen as DNA mutations, repetitions, and
(student analysis,
questioning, reading
and discussion,
teacher explanation,
compare, classify)
In two different groups, students will perform structural improvisations based on
DNA replication. Each group will analyze the other group and apply each
other’s solution to form correct base- pairing of the DNA. Students will see the
choreographed movements as a model of the actual DNA replication process.
Dancers must use the concepts of draw and attraction to create structure in
improvisations. Dance modeling will allow for dance concepts of draw and
retreat to be effectively executed.
(problem solving,
decision making,
inquiry, compare,
classify, apply)
Students will take the improvisations and the repetitions and use this
choreography to create the final choreographed dance. Students will observe the
other groups and discuss and critique the variations presented.
Perkins/ Seto Science Dance Integration Lesson Planning
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(any of above,
develop a scoring
tool or Rubric,
assessment, produce
a product, journal
entry, portfolio, etc.)
The students will match the base pairs correctly by placing the correct nucleotide
with its correct base paired nucleotide of the DNA molecule. This will be
observed through the dancer’s costume.
The final performance assessment (rubric attached)
Exit slip- 1. What is the structure and function of DNA?
2. Outline how copies of DNA are made.
5 question science in-class assessment (attached)
Holt McDougal Science Fusion unit 9, lesson 1 pg. 464-473
ABT National Curriculum Guide
Intimate Act of Choreography
Dance Imagery
s (web
or URLs
Gizmo- Building DNA
Introduction to DNA
DNA animations
Lesson Power Point
Handout- “Have your DNA and eat it too”
5 question science in-class assessment
Rubric for dance performance
Perkins/ Seto Science Dance Integration Lesson Planning
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After lesson completed:
Ideas to try on other days: