BIO. 212: ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY II LECTURE TOPICS Tu/Th Afternoons Thursday Lab SPRING 2015, CRN: 1613 BIO. 212: ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY II LABORATORY SCHEDULE SPRING 2015, CRN: 1613 Tu/Th Afternoons Thursday Lab First Draft Posted: January 05, 2015 Subject to Modification Turn sheet over for approximate Lecture dates. LAB: DATE: Ch. 14 Ch. 15 Ch. 16 Ch. 17 01. JAN 22 Introduction to the Course LECTURE: Blood: Histology/functions (Lec slides 1-24 and 36) LAB: Blood: Histology/functions (Lab slides 1-8) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------02. JAN 29 Exercise 39 (p. 317) Blood: Total White/Red Blood Cell Counts Hematocrit & Hemoglobin Determination Exercise 40 (p. 325) Blood: Typing --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------03. FEB 05 Exercise 41 (p. 331) Cardiovascular: Pig Heart + TBA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------04. FEB 12 LAB TEST A Labs 01 - 03 (50 points) see first column #s (01, 02, 03) Exercise 44 (p. 355) Cardiovascular: Blood Vessels (histology) Exercise 42 (p. 341) Cardiovascular: Electrocardiography Exercise 45 (p. 363) Cardiovascular: Pulse and Blood Pressure --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------05. FEB 19 LECTURE: (holiday week) Ch. 16, Lymphatic and Immune Systems --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 06. FEB 26 Exercise 46 (p. 367) Cardiovascular: Start cat + Human A/V (ASSIGN) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------07. MAR 05 Exercise 47 (p. 381) Cardiovascular: Blood Vessels, Cat Dissection --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------08. MAR 12 Exercise 47 (p. 381) Cardiovascular: Blood Vessels + Cat Dissection --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*** MAR 16-22 Spring Break No class; prepare for Lab Test B. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------09. MAR 26 LAB TEST B Labs 01 - 08 (100 points) see first column #s LECTURE: Ch. 17, Digestive System --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10. APR 02 Exercise 54 (p. 443) Respiratory System: Volumes + Capacities Exercise 52/53 (p. 429) Respiratory System: Organs + Cat Dissection Exercise 49/50 (p. 401) Digestive System: Organs + Cat Dissection --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11. APR 09 Exercise 56 (p. 459) Structures of the Kidney: Models + Transplant --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*** APR 16 RESERVED TIME Snow Day Makeup, A&P Field Trip or Catch-up --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12. APR 23 LAB TEST C Labs 09 - 11 (50 points) see first column #s Exercise 58 (p. 473) Cat: Urinary System Exercise 61 (p. 493) Cat: Reproductive System (male & female) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13. APR 30 LAB TEST D Second Chance (50 points): Cat Blood Vessels, all Respiratory, Urogenital and Digestion -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blood Cardiovascular System Lymphatic/Immune systems Digestion Ch. 19 Ch. 20 Ch. 22 Ch. 13 Respiratory system Urinary system Reproduction Endocrine system MATERIALS FOR LECTURE AND LAB: (approved alternate textbooks allowed) A&P Students from other instructors (BIO 211) may use their previous books. Shier, D., Butler, J. and Lewis, R., Hole’s Human Anatomy and Physiology (10th edition). WCB/McGraw Hill, Boston, MA, 2003. (ISBN = 0-07-243890-8) Martin, Terry R., Laboratory Manual for Hole’s Human Anatomy and Physiology (10th edition). WCB/McGraw Hill, Boston, MA, 2002. (ISBN = 0-07-243891-6) Morton, D. and Perry, J., Photo Atlas for Anatomy and Physiology. Wadsworth Publishing Company, New York, NY, 1998. (ISBN = 0-534-51716-1) Dr. Lawrence Altman Office: E-427 Phone: 203-596-8715 E-Mail: Via Website: or: Lectures: Tuesday Labs: Thursday 02:20 - 05:05 E-440 02:20 - 05:05 E-438 OFFICE HOURS: 5:10 pm - 6:50 pm Mondays and Wednesdays 5:10 pm - 6:00 pm Tuesdays and Thursdays Also, if requested: 1:30PM Monday-Thursday GRADING LECTURE: 300 points 3 LECTURE EXAMS LAB: 250 points 4 LAB TESTS (A, B, C & D) FINAL EXAM: 200 points 50% Female & Endocrine 50% Cumulative; Labs TBA EXAMINATION DATES: FEB 12 MAR 03 MAR 26 LAB TEST A APR 07 APR 23 APR 30 MAY 05 LECTURE EXAM 02 MAY 19 FINAL EXAM (Labs 01 - 03) LECTURE EXAM 01 (Chapters 14, 15 and 16) LAB TEST B (Labs 01- 08) (Chapters 17 & 19) LAB TEST C (Labs 09 - 11) LAB TEST D (Labs (06 - 11) LECTURE EXAM 03 (Chapters 20 & 22a) MONDAY 50% Female Reproduction (pending) Endocrine System 50% Cumulative: All Lectures + overlap Labs TBA REFERENCE: STEM DIVISION, NAUGATUCK VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE TOPIC(S): BIO. 212: ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY II LECTURE TOPICS SPRING 2015 CRN: 1613 Tu/Th Afternoons Thursday Lab First Draft Posted: January 05, 2015 Subject to Modification JAN 27 TUES FEB 03 TUES Ch. 14 Blood Lecture cont. (Lec. slides 25-39) Ch. 15 Cardiovascular System FEB 10 TUES Ch. 15 Cardiovascular System FEB 17 TUES Ch. 15 Cardiovascular System FEB 19 THUR Ch. 16 Lymphatic/Immune Systems: FEB 24 TUES Ch. 16 Lymphatic/Immune systems MAR 03 TUES ------- Ch. 19b LECTURE EXAM 01; Chapters 14, 15 and 16 Respiratory System MAR 10 TUES Ch. 19a Ch. 17 Respiratory System Digestive System MAR 17 TUES holiday SPRING BREAK. No classes; March 16 - 22 MAR 24 TUES Ch. 17 Digestive System MAR 26 THUR Ch. 17 Digestive System, (Room E-438, after Lab Test B) MAR 31 TUES APR 07 TUES Ch. 20 Ch. 20 Urinary System ------- Ch. 20 LECTURE EXAM 02; Chapters 17 and 19 Urinary System APR 14 Ch. 20 Urinary System APR 21 TUES Ch. 22a Ch. 22b Reproductive System (male) Last Day to Withdraw. Reproductive System (female) APR 28 TUES Ch. 22b Ch. 13 Reproductive System (female) and/or: Endocrine System MAY 05 TUES ------- Ch. 13 LECTURE EXAM 03; Chapters 20 & 22a only. Endocrine System MAY 12 TUES Ch. 13 Endocrine System TUES Room E-438 MAY 19 TUESFINAL 50% Cumulative: All Lectures + Labs TBA. 200 points 50% Female Reproduction and Endocrine. STEM DIVISION, NAUGATUCK VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE