HUMA2670 Understanding Western Painting Course Syllabus

HUMA2670/UWP/Spring/14 HUMA2670 Understanding Western Painting Course Syllabus Instructor: Anna Y. N. KWONG (, ext. 6146, Rm 4616G inside Rm 4611, lift #31‐32) Office hours: Wed, Fri, 14:50‐15:50, or by appointment TA: Lucy Fan ( Office hours : Mon, 14:00‐15:‐00 Course Description This course introduces students to the masterpieces of Western Painting through an outline of chronology, painting techniques, life of the most renowned Western painters and painting genres by themes. Intended Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to: a) acquire a general understanding of the basic terminology of the subject b) gain knowledge of the chronology of Western painting from ancient Greece to the 20th century c) understand different painting techniques and material components of Western painting, and their socio‐economic and cultural implications in different epochs and styles, stylistic characteristics of different epochs, and typical themes of different categories of paintings d) know the life and masterpieces of the most renowned Western painters e) have personal contact with artworks through a visit to a local museum Assessment of students’ performance 1. 2 Short Quizzes (@20% x 2 = 40%) ‐
(MC questions, True/False questions, or Fill‐in‐the‐blanks) 2. Mid‐Term Quiz (30%) ‐
(MC questions, Fill‐in‐the‐blanks, short essays) 3. Final Exam (30%) ‐
(MC questions, essay questions) Compulsory Museum Visit A visit to an art exhibition in a local museum will be organized on a Saturday afternoon and participation is compulsory. Failure to fulfil this requirement will lead to the deduction of 5% points from overall performance. 1
HUMA2670/UWP/Spring/14 Reading Materials Andronicos, Manolis, The Greek Museums: National Museum. (English ed., translated by Brian de Jongh) Athens: Ekdotike Athenon, 1979. Benton, J.R., Art of the Middle Ages. London: Thames & Hudson, 2002. Gombrich, E. H., The Story of Art. (16th Ed.) London: Phaidon Press, 1995. Johnson, Paul, Art: A New History. New York: HarperCollins, 2003. Kemp, Martin (Ed.), The Oxford History of Western Art. OUP, 2000. Kleiner, Fred S. Gardner’s Art Through the Ages: A Global History. (Enhanced 13th edition). Australia: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, c2011. Vaizey, Marina (Ed.), Art: The Critics’ Choice. New York: Watson‐Guptill Publications, 1999. Woodford, Susan, The Art of Greece and Rome. (2nd Ed.) Cambridge University Press, 2004. Zuffi, Stefano (Ed.), Baroque Painting: Two Centuries of Masterpieces from the Era Preceding the Dawn of Modern Art. New York: Barron’s, 1999. Internet Resources Louvre Museum, Paris. Museum d’Orsay, Paris. www.musee‐ National Gallery of Art, London. Olga’s Gallery. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. Web Gallery of Art. Library Online Resources "painting, Western." Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. <‐9108651>. Oxford Dictionary of Art, 2004 Oxford Dictionary of Art and Artists, 2009 The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms, 2001 HKUST LMES Students are advised to access the LMES system for all the teaching materials, communication between instructor, teaching assistant(s) and students, and for the submission of assignments, if any. 2
HUMA2670/UWP/Spring/14 Class Schedule FEBRUARY 5 12 19 26 Wednesday
Introduction & Chronology Greek & Roman art Medieval art Renaissance 7 14 21 28 Friday Week 1 2 3 4 Friday Week 5 6 7 8 Week 9 10 11 12 Week 12 13 Terminology Byzantine art Gothic painting Short Quiz 1 Renaissance MARCH Wednesday
5 12 19 Renaissance Baroque Baroque 26 Mid‐Term Quiz 7 Renaissance 14 Baroque 21 Rococo Mid‐Term Revision 28 18th c English painting APRIL Wednesday
Friday 2 9 Neoclassicism The Pre‐Raphaelites 4 11 16 23 30 Mid‐Term Break Impressionism Neo & Post‐Impressionism 18 25 Romanticism Short Quiz 2 French Realism Holiday Impressionism MAY Wednesday
7 Modern art Friday 2 9 Modern art Conclusion & Revision Topics covered in quizzes and exam Short Quiz 1 @20% ‐ Greek & Roman art ‐ Byzantine art ‐ Medieval art ‐ Gothic art Mid‐Term Quiz @30% ‐ Renaissance ‐ Baroque ‐ Rococo 3
HUMA2670/UWP/Spring/14 Short Quiz 2 @20% ‐ 18th Century English painting ‐ Neoclassicism ‐ Romanticism ‐ The Pre‐Raphaelites Final Exam @30% ‐ French Realism ‐ Impressionism ‐ Neo & Post‐Impressionism ‐ Modern art Weekly Reading Assignments Week 1 ‐ 13 Terminology Terminology.pdf (in LMES) Week 2 Greek vase painting Woodford, pp. 39 (from 3rd paragraph) ‐ 56 (up to 2nd paragraph). Roman mural painting Woodford, pp. 101‐108. Byzantine art Benton, pp. 29 (from 3rd paragraph) ‐ 31, 35‐36 (up to 1st paragraph). Week 3 Illuminated Manuscripts Benton, pp. 41 (from 3rd paragraph), 42, 49, 54. Gothic Glass Painting Kemp, pp. 112‐113, 120‐123. Italian Gothic painting Benton, pp. 262 (from 3rd paragraph) ‐ 278. Week 4 & 5 Renaissance Kemp, pp. 152‐161. Week 6 & 7 (Baroque and Rococo) Baroque: Italy Kleiner, pp. 657‐665, 671. Baroque: Spain Kleiner, pp. 665‐671. Baroque: France Kleiner, pp. 691‐697. 4
HUMA2670/UWP/Spring/14 Baroque: Flanders Kleiner, pp. 674‐679. Baroque: Dutch Republic Kleiner, pp. 679‐691. Rococo Kleiner, pp. 754‐756. Week 8 18th century English Painting Kleiner, pp. 757‐759, 762‐765. Week 9 Neoclassicism Kleiner, pp. 766‐769, 777‐779, 781‐783. Romanticism Kleiner, pp. 784‐798. Week 10 Pre‐Raphaelite Brotherhood Kleiner, pp. 809‐810. French Realism Kleiner, pp. 798‐802. Week 11 & 12 Impressionism, Neo and Post‐Impressionism Kleiner, pp. 803‐804, 822‐838. Week 12 & 13 Modern art Vaizey, pp. 290,291,292,294,296,298,304,306,312. (Edited 2014‐02‐05) 5