Summer 2013

@ Your Service
Summer 2013
Vol. 11, #1
A timely digest of payroll operations and human resources information from IOI ®
Introducing the
IOI ® Learning Center
An Easy-to-Use, Online Training Experience
Do you have questions on how to process a payroll or how to use other basic
functions of IOIPay® and want the ability to learn the answers and inform
your staff? IOIPay® clients can now access a growing on-demand library
of helpful payroll processing tutorials and tools at the new IOI® Learning
Center. The Learning Center is a virtual information hub that serves as a
training tool and a resource where you can learn how to effectively use the
platform and many of its features and functionality – all at your own pace.
“Our main goal in developing the Learning Center was to give our clients a
unique training experience that is easy-to-use and incorporates the latest
technology for online learning. We want users at all experience levels to
feel confident running payroll,” said Training Manager Kori Schmidtendorff.
The Learning Center has earned IOI® industry recognition for customer service and the ability to deliver yet another way to meet the needs of clients.
This tool streamlines the learning process, is available 24/7, and includes:
An introductory video with navigational tips and a virtual tour
A searchable FAQ tool
The IOIPay® Quick Step Training Guide for processing a variety of payrolls
User certifications upon course completion
…and more to come!
Experience the Learning Center by logging into your IOIPay® administrator account and clicking the “Learning Center” link in the upper right-hand corner.
A public link to the Learning Center can also be found at
For help or questions about the Learning Center, please contact Customer Service at 888.697.0021 or e-mail:
Message from the President
In This Newsletter
Affordable Care Act...Page 2
At IOI®, our values are clear: Continue to innovate with vision and purpose, develop only the best
Cloud Computing...Page 2
payroll processing and HR administration products on the market, and consistently deliver on our
ACA Update...Page 2
promise of excellence in customer service. We have always, and will always, structure our business
Newsflash...Page 3
model around customer service, common sense, and doing things the right way – right now. It’s how we help you succeed
Tax Alerts...Page 3
– and when you succeed, we succeed. With many regulatory changes enacted and others on the horizon, your input helps
Featured Ancillary Service...Page 4
us innovate and allows us to continue to deliver a high level of service. Here’s to another quarter marked by successes and
opportunities to demonstrate our core values.
Najeeb A. Khan, President & CEO
Health Care Reform
Healthcare Reform and the Impact
on Your Business
Certain provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA)
will go into effect on January 1, 2015. As your business prepares, you may
have questions on how the ACA will impact your business. You are not alone.
IOI® continues to monitor the ACA’s implementation to help our clients
comply with the requirements, such as expanded W-2 reporting, averaging
employees hours over any range of dates and full-time equivalents and safe
harbor calculations.
IOI® clients who utilize the HR Support Center can find up-to-date information
on the ACA.
IOI® recommends you and your business advisors continue to follow the
developing laws, regulations, and implementation strategies of the ACA.
Cloud Computing
Did you know that IOIPay® has been at the
forefront of the cloud computing revolution
since 2002?
As one of the first web-based payroll solutions,
IOIPay® has since evolved into a comprehensive payroll and human resources Software as
a Service (SaaS) – securely storing your payroll
processing data and providing access anytime,
from anywhere.
Businesses which rely on IOI® need not worry about costly software
updates, IT issues, hardware, or disaster recovery. From payroll
processing and tax filing to human resource administration
solutions, IOI® is a leader in developing progressive technology
that competes in today’s payroll processing and software
market – helping your company maximize efficiency,
while reducing bottom line costs.
Further information on the ACA can be found at:
*Material provided by Interlogic Outsourcing, Inc., regarding the Affordable
Care Act (ACA) is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of
providing legal or business advice. You should contact your own attorney and
other business advisors with respect to your business’ compliance with the ACA.
Cloud Computing
Features and Benefits
• No client installation or updates required
• Zero footprint for IT • Secure SSL (security socket layer)
• Data back-up • Disaster recovery • Archived reporting
• Secure internet access anywhere, anytime
Contact an IOI® sales representative today.
888.697.0021, e-mail
or visit us at
Browser Compatibility:
Internet Explorer
Mozilla Firefox
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Update
Contributed by Chris W. Durkin, RHU, REBC
President, FBC Services, Inc.
Employer Mandate Provision of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Delayed Until 2015
In response to employers’ concerns that reporting requirements for the
employer mandate component of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care
Act (PPACA) were overly complicated, the IRS announced transition relief until
2015. In IRS Notice 2013-45 the employer mandate (otherwise known as “play
or pay” or employer shared responsibility provision) and information reporting
requirements are now delayed until 2015.
Background on the Requirements
Employer Mandate
The employer mandate requires employers with 50 or more full-time employees
(FTEs) on business days in the prior year to offer health insurance coverage to
their full-time employees and dependents (defined to include children to age
26). The coverage must be deemed affordable and provide minimum value (as
stipulated by the regulations). If coverage is not offered and a full-time employee
enrolls in a Qualified Health Plan (QHP) for which a premium tax credit (subsidy)
is allowed or paid, certain penalties apply. If coverage is offered but doesn’t meet
the requirements and a full-time employee enrolls in a QHP for which a premium
tax credit is allowed or paid, other penalties apply. This provision was scheduled
to take effect Jan. 1, 2014, although there was some transition relief for noncalendar year plans. There will be no employer mandate penalties in 2014.
However, they will take effect Jan. 1, 2015.
Obtaining Premium Subsidies Through Exchanges
The Employer Mandate delay has caused some to question whether the IRS
and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services will also postpone the
implementation of the Exchanges through which small employers (less than
50) and individuals can gain a premium subsidy (tax credit) to help offset the
cost of coverage. As of now, there is no postponement and it is anticipated the
Exchanges will be operational beginning October 1st of 2013 for coverage to
begin on January 1, 2014.
Recently, IRS acknowledged that “for income verification, for the first year of
operations, we are providing Exchanges with temporarily expanded discretion
to accept an attestation of projected annual household income without further
verification.” The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services also concluded
that the proposed rule “is not feasible for implementation for the first year
of operations.”
Additional questions have arisen from the likely scenario of non-covered
employees in over 50 life groups obtaining coverage and tax credits in 2014 and
then losing eligibility for those credits when the Employer Mandate Provision
is effective in 2015. This is a critical issue to be resolved by IRS and the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services prior to implementation in 2015.
The statements, opinions, and analyses expressed in this update are those of
the author and do not reflect those of IOI®. The information is provided
for informational purposes and not intended to provide legal or business
advice. Readers are encouraged to consult with their own legal and business
advisors to determine how to comply with the Patient Protection and
Affordable Care Act.
Newsflash & Tax Alerts
E-Verify: Form I-94 Automation - What Employers Should Know
On April 30, 2013, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) began automating the Form I-94 Arrival/Departure record at air and sea ports.
Employees who choose to enter their I-94 Admission Number on the Form I-9 should also enter their foreign passport number and country of issuance. Visit I-9
Central ( for more information.
To view the Form 1-94 Arrival/Departure press release, please visit:
For more information on E-Verify, please visit:
I-9 Form Update
U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) released the new Employment Verification Form I-9 on March 3, 2013, for immediate use by all employers.
As of May 7, 2013, employers must ONLY use the new Form I-9 (revision 03/08/13)N ( When you view the new Form I-9,
you will notice it increased from one to two pages and includes expanded instructions for better understanding.
The updated “Handbook for Employers, Guidance for Completing Form I-9 (Employment Eligibility Verification Form)” is available online at I-9 Central and USCIS
( For more information on Form I-9, including a FREE webinar and full Q&A, please visit
Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)
On January 2, 2013, President Obama signed into law the American Tax Payer Relief Act (ATPRA)
of 2012. This act extends the WOTC program through December 31, 2013 for taxable employ-
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
ers who hire individuals in targeted groups as well as qualified tax-exempt organizations that
The FUTA credit reduction tax is a result of states having
hire qualified veterans. The ATPRA extended the WOTC for veteran target groups (including
defaulted on their loans to the Federal Government for
those implemented under the VOW to Hire Heroes Act) through December 31, 2013. The act also:
unemployment insurance. Over half of the states with
√ Retroactively reauthorizes all WOTC non-veteran target groups from December 31, 2011 to
December 31, 2013
outstanding loan balances are expected to assess employers
for interest in 2013.
√ Retroactively extends the availability of the WOTC for taxable employers who hired individuals from other targeted groups in 2012
√ Retroactively reauthorizes Empowerment Zones, which determines eligibility for the summer youth target group from December 31, 2011 to December 31, 2013
Arkansas New Hire Registry
√ Does not reauthorize the Recovery Act disconnected youth and Recovery Act unemployed
veteran target groups
Effective July 1, 2013, employers located in Arkansas must
Targeted, Eligible Groups:
Department of Workforce Services’ State New Hire Registry.
• Veterans
report specific information on new hires to the Arkansas
For more information visit:
• Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Recipients
• Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Recipients
• Designated Community Residents (An 18-39 year old who lives within one of the federally designated Rural Renewal Counties or Empowerment Zones)
• Vocational Rehabilitation Referral (An individual with a disability who completed or is
completing rehabilitative services from a state-certified agency, an Employment Network
under the Ticket to Work Program, or the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs)
• Ex-Felons
• Supplemental Security Income Recipients
• Summer Youth Employees
Note from IOI®
Quarterly Tax Package information
Make sure you open and read your quarterly tax packets.
Page 2 of the packet will let you know if IOI® is going to
Employers can earn a tax credit between $1,200 and $9,600 per employee depending on the
target group of the new employee and the number of hours worked in the first year. IOI® can also
help you with the certification and reporting process.
generate an ACH transaction against your bank account for
Material provided by Interlogic Outsourcing, Inc., regarding the Work Opportunity Tax Credit
(WOTC) is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal or business
advice. You should contact your own attorney and other business advisors with respect to your
business use of the Work Opportunity Tax Credit.
that transaction will take place. Company packages will be
over or under collection of taxes for that quarter and when
available by the 20th day following the calendar quarter end.
Featured Ancillary Service
Bringing you the latest in cutting-edge payroll and HR administration solutions
Human Resource Support Center —
Save Time. Let The Experts Work For You!
Do you spend hours researching the web on employment laws and don’t know where to turn for answers? As an IOI® client, the Human
Resource Support Center is in place to help you. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you can connect to the web-based resource to:
• Download employee handbooks,
forms and health care reform articles
• Post unlimited employment law questions
• Create and customize job descriptions
• Build employee performance evaluation forms
• And more!
HR Support Center
Payroll & Employer Services
The IOI® HR Support Center even offers “Notice of Exchanges & Subsidies”
for Affordable
Care Act (ACA) compliance and ACA FAQs.
Save Time,
The Experts
Work For You!
To sign up for the service, learn more about the ACA, and obtain the
® on employment
you spend your
hours researching
the web
“Notice of Exchanges & Subsidies” forms,Do
local IOI
representative today.
laws and don’t know where to turn for answers? Do you
need tous
employee handbook and don’t have the
Call 888.697.0021 or visit
Featured Benefits
time or expertise?
25325 Leer Dr.
Elkhar t, IN 46514
HRAnswerLink, an independent third party provider, is in place
to help IOI Clients. With HRAnswerLink’s Human Resource
Support Center, you will be able to download employee
handbooks, forms and job descriptions, or have access to
unlimited professional HR assistance at your fingertips. With
two levels of service options available, you can choose the
one that best suits the needs of your organization.
Basic Service Option
A leader in payroll processing, tax filing and human resource
administration solutions, IOI can help your company
maximize efficiency, while reducing bottom line costs. The
IOI team strives to provide the highest quality of customer
service with our state-of-the-art technology and cuttingedge, scalable solutions to fit your business needs.
Premium Service Option – All of the above, plus
Employee Handbooks
HR Forms, Letters & Policies
Job Descriptions
State & Federal Employment Laws
Monthly Newsletter
Discounted Employment Posters
Unlimited Personal HR Consultation
Tailored HR Documents
Handbook Development with Assistance from HR Experts
Email and Phone Support
Contact your local IOI representative today.
Call 888-697-0021 or visit us at
Elkhart, IN Chicago, IL Fort Wayne, IN Grand Rapids, MI Phoenix, AZ Tucson, AZ Cincinnati, OH Palmdale, CA Philadelphia, PA Atlanta, GA Tampa, FL
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IOI® and IOIPay® are registered trademarks of Interlogic Outsourcing, Inc.