Liberal Arts Campus - Fall 2014 ITAL 1 (16 weeks) 5.0 units Elementary Italian (Sect. #71187) MW 11:20 AM – 2:25 PM Room M105 LAB Mondays 12:25 - 1:30 Room M103 Professoressa Marilyn Anania e-mail: Phone: (562) 938-4036 Syllabus – Il Programma Required Texts: Merlonghi, Tursi, O’Connor: Oggi in Italia (A First Course in Italian) 9th Edition Copyright: 2012 HEINLE/Cengage Learning ISBN #978-0-495-90077-1 TEXTBOOK Merlonghi, Tursi, O’Connor: Oggi in Italia (A First Course in Italian) 9th Edition STUDENT ACTIVITIES MANUAL (SAM) Copyright: 2012 HEINLE/Cengage Learning ISBN #978-0-495-90032-0 Recommended: ۩ 501 Italian Verbs (any edition) Barron’s Educational Series, Inc. ۩ Italian/English Dictionary (any paperback edition recommended) ۩ Schaum’s Outlines: Italian Grammar (Second Edition) by Joseph E. Germano and Conrad J. Schmitt ● Course Outline: This course introduces the students to the four skills necessary for language acquisition: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students will learn the sound system and basic grammatical structures. This course exposes students to everyday situations and cultural topics of the Italian culture. It is not recommended for native speakers of Italian nor students who have completed one year of high school Italian with a grade of B or better. ● Student Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the course the student should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Formulate ideas orally at a medium elementary level. Formulate ideas in writing at a medium elementary level. Demonstrate reading comprehension at a medium elementary level. Demonstrate aural comprehension at a medium elementary level. ● Course Objectives: Upon completion of the course the student should be able to: 1. Recognize the sounds and letters of the Italian alphabet. 2. Recognize and differentiate between gender and number of nouns. 3. Recognize and use subject, and demonstrative pronouns. 4. Correctly apply gender and number agreement of articles, descriptive/possessive adjectives, and adjectives “buono” and “bello.” 5. Recognize and use numbers from zero to million. 6. Employ correct subject and verb agreement in the present indicative. 7. Differentiate between the uses of “avere” and “essere.” 8. Differentiate between the uses of “sapere” and “conoscere” to express “to know.” 9. Synthesize grammar and vocabulary to convey basic ideas verbally. 10. Write short paragraphs and dialogues. 11. Evaluate aural information and respond appropriately. 12. Recognize geographical places and methods of transportation in Italy. ** The instructor reserves the right to change the syllabus as needed. If any major changes are made, students will be notified. 13. Recognize and describe physical and psychological states of being and adjectives of nationalities. 14. Describe family members and relationships in Italian. 15. Identify vocabulary as it relates to academic study, travel, pastimes and the weather. 16. Identify vocabulary as it relates to the Italian culinary world, meals and culinary customs of Italy. 17. Identify vocabulary as it relates to the Italian press, media and film. ● Attendance Policy: A student may be dropped from a 5 unit course if absent nine (9.5) consecutive hours or a total of fifteen (15) hours during the entire semester. If students do not drop the course before the withdrawal dateline (Tuesday, November 11 for a 16-week course) and they exceed the above mentioned hours, they may receive an “F” or an “N/P” according to the grading option that the student chose. Regular attendance is expected, and attendance will be taken at the beginning of each regular class meeting, and after the break. Perfect attendance is rewarded with 30 extra points on the final exam. Each class session is worth three (3) points, i.e. each hour of class attendance equals one (1) point, a total of six (6) per semester week. ● Absences: There are NO make-up chapter exams. For quizzes, only ONE make-up quiz will be accepted for the 16-week term. Make-ups take place ONLY on the day of return, during the break. ● Chapter Exams: At the end of each chapter there will be a written exam (maximum of 100 points) that will include listening comprehension, “fill-in the blank” questions, sentence formation, and paragraph writing. There may also be tests of a multiple-choice format. Exams and presentations count for 40% of your grade. Students may write with BLUE or BLACK INK PEN ONLY. ● Quizzes/Dictation: Almost every class meeting will include a graded assignment. Quizzes will be on chapter content: dictation will include the previous vocabulary and the vocabulary of the chapter, vocabulary match-up quizzes from the chapter’s vocabulary lists, paragraph writing on content previously presented, comprehension questions from a reading, and/or worksheets that accompany a grammar point, etc. Each graded assignment will vary from 30 – 56 points. Quizzes will be administered at 2:00 PM ONLY. These graded quizzes/assignments count for 20% of your grade. BLUE or BLACK INK PEN ONLY. ● Presentations: There will also be presentations that will count as a grade. Maximum presentation grade is 30 points and will count as an “Exam” grade of 40%. The presentation grade will focus on pronunciation, grammar accuracy, vocabulary variety and usage, speaking length, and overall enthusiasm. Computer translations are obvious and will result in a low grade. ● FINAL EXAM: It is a 200 point examination that includes writing and multiple-choice questions that will be a culmination of all the material presented in this course. It is worth 20% of your total grade. (The 30 extra points for PERFECT ATTENDANCE come in very handy here!) ● Laboratory: Each student is required to attend 13 hours in the laboratory experience. (We will be attending LAB 14 times in the semester, 50 minutes each visit.) An attendance print-out log done by Laboratory Technicians will indicate how many hours you have spent in the laboratory engaging in Italian reinforcement lessons. The final number of hours will be calculated the same as participation points (10%). Laboratory times for this semester will be announced in class. Laboratory attendance is MANDATORY. Off-task computer or internet work done during our schedule lab hour will result in being banned from using the lab for the remaining part of the semester during class time. The student will also lose the one point calculated for attendance at lesson session. ● Homework: At the end of each chapter, and on the day of the chapter exam, the pages from the Oggi in Italia (Student Activities Manual) for that chapter will be DUE for grading. (Rip out and staple the pages for the chapter from the manual.) The highest homework score, with all blanks completed with the appropriate Italian response, will be worth a maximum of 30 points. Homework counts for 10% of your grade. If homework pages are handed in later than the day of the exam, each session late will downgrade the mark by one letter grade. Incomplete homework will not be accepted. All blanks must be filled in! ● Participation: Students will be expected to respond to questions in Italian each class session and speak in front of the class in Italian when assigned. Participation counts for 10% of your grade. ● Grading & Academic Honesty: Letter Grade or Credit / No Credit Grades fall into the following categories: 90%+ = A 80%+ = B 70%+ = C 60%+ = D <50% = F ** The instructor reserves the right to change the syllabus as needed. If any major changes are made, students will be notified. Lack of honesty in the classroom is considered a very serious offense. Any form of cheating on tests, turning in work which is not one’s own (plagiarism), talking during tests, furnishing false information to instructors or knowingly misrepresenting one-self to the college is grounds for disciplinary action. The consequences of cheating are severe and may include the possibility of expulsion. (Colleges Catalog) ● Material Policy: It is mandatory that all students enrolled in a class in the Foreign Languages Department have the required materials for the level that they are studying by census date or they may be dropped from the course without notification. Have your textbook (and Student Activities Manual) by Monday, September 8. BRING your textbook to class each day. Mark it in some way to differentiate it from the Activities Manual. If you come to class without the text, you may go to the library to copy the chapter being studied, but you will be counted as absent during the time that you are gone. If you come to class without the text, you will be counted as absent. ● Classroom Behavior/Etiquette: All students are expected to conduct themselves in the classroom or any structured academic activity “in a manner consistent with the college’s function as an educational institution.” Any conduct that interferes with teaching, research or administration is subject to possible disciplinary action. All LBCCD students are responsible for adhering to the District’s code of student conduct, which can be found in the schedule of classes. (College Catalog) ● Cell Phones: Please remember that cell phones, two-way pagers must be turned off while in class. NO TEXTING ALLOWED during class time. ● Eating in Class: Eating and drinking is also prohibited in all buildings except where food is sold or is part of an approved and scheduled activity. (College Catalog) ● Basic Class Guidelines: It is the student’s responsibility to drop the class by the appropriate date. The instructor has the option to drop a student after five (5) absences. Attendance in the laboratory sessions is MANDATORY. It is the student’s responsibility to turn in assignments on the due date. You must bring a copy of this syllabus and the text to each class meeting. Tardiness is disruptive to the learning environment. Arrive on time. Leaving class early should be avoided, as it is also disruptive. If you know that you must leave class early for emergency situations, notify the professor prior to the beginning of class or at the break. There will be two 15-minute breaks. Quizzes given only at 2:00 PM. Class begins promptly at 11:20 AM, and after the first 15-minute break. Attention to cell phones or other electronic equipment is considered disruptive to the classroom environment resulting in disciplinary action. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fall 2014 Important Dates August 25, Monday Fall Semester Begins September 1, Monday LABOR DAY (College Closed) September 8, Monday CENSUS: Must have textbook or will be dropped September 22, Monday End of Grading Change Basis September 23, Tuesday FLEX Day – No classes September 26, Friday- NOON Graduation Applications due (Fall Graduation) November 10, Monday VETERAN’S DAY Observed (College Closed) November 11, Tuesday Last day to drop with grade of “W” Nov. 27-29, Thursday-Friday THANKSGIVING BREAK (College Closed) December 10, Wednesday Course FINAL EXAM on last day of class June 11, 2015, Thursday Graduation Day - Veteran’s Stadium Spring ’15 Semester begins Monday, February 9, 2015 ** The instructor reserves the right to change the syllabus as needed. If any major changes are made, students will be notified. L’orario delle lezioni - Lesson Schedule** La settimana 1 La data lunedì il 25 agosto LAB 1 mercoledì il 27 agosto 2 lunedì 2 il primo settembre mercoledì 3 3 La lezione Lettura e presentazione del Syllabus. Lezione Preliminare – Il Saluto Dialoghi: Presentazioni / Saluti Ascoltare la registrazione dei dialoghi - Pratica Dialoghi: Come ti chiami? Ascoltare la registrazione dei dialoghi Pratica - Parole analoghe (page 8) Lezione Preliminare – Il Saluto Dialogo: Che peccato! Ascoltare la registrazione del dialogo Pratica I nomi italiani Customary greetings LABOR DAY SAM / LAB Manual / il QUIZ (Student Activities Manual) Finestre culturali Levels of formality / Use of courtesy and professional titles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Studiate il vocabolario Compiti nel SAM: Pratica del vocabolario e della struttura: pp. 3-6 a-f. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lezione preliminare #1: QUIZ p. 7 Numbers, p. 13 Greetings, Farewells, Asking and giving names ß COLLEGE CLOSED Non c’è lezione Compiti nel SAM: Pratica della comunicazione: pp. 6-7 g-i. LAB SAM: pp. 173-176 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lezione preliminare #2: QUIZ pp. 10-11 Geographical terms, p. 13 Expressions involving time, Asking how someone is lunedì Ripasso della Lezione Preliminare DUE: SAM Lezione ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Preliminare l’ 8 settembre Lezione 1: Lei come si chiama? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lezione 1: Ascoltare la Monologhi registrazione del vocabolario MUST Domande p. 17 / Pratica Domande personali HAVE Situazioni Leggere “La scuola in Italia” p. 18 BOOKS Pronuncia ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lezione preliminare #3: LAB QUIZ p. 13 Persons, Courtesy titles, Other words and expressions mercoledì Compiti nel SAM: Lezione 1: Lei come si chiama? Pratica del vocabolario e della Ampliamento del vocabolario: il 10 settembre struttura: pp. 9-13 a-j. I numeri da 21 a 100 / LAB SAM: pp. 177-179 Cose utili ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Struttura ed uso: Lezione 1 #1: QUIZ Pronomi personali p. 17 Parole analoghe, Nomi, Presente del verbo essere Verbi, Aggettivi, Altre parole ed Presente del verbo avere espressioni Lezione Preliminare – Il Saluto Correzione dei compiti e ripasso. il 3 settembre Pronuncia / Ascoltare la registrazione I Numeri da 0 a 20 L’Italia nell’Europa Carta fisica dell’Italia Carta politica dell’Italia ** The instructor reserves the right to change the syllabus as needed. If any major changes are made, students will be notified. 4 4 lunedì Lezione 1: Lei come si chiama? Struttura ed uso: il 15 settembre Genere dei nomi e l’articolo indeterminativo Parliamo un po’ Conoscere l’Italia: LAB Roma Videoteca Video con gli esercizi mercoledì Ripasso Lezione preliminare e Lezione 1 Lezione preliminare + Lezione 1 il 17 settembre Compiti nel SAM: pratica del vocabolario e della struttura: pp. 13-16 k-o. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lezione 1 #2: QUIZ p. 20 Numeri 21-100, p. 22 Cose utili Compiti nel SAM LAB SAM: pp. 177-180 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ QUIZ: “Uno / Buono” p. 31 #2 p. 121 #3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Presentazione #1: See 5 lunedì il 22 settembre LAB 5 6 TEST: Lezione 1 “Oral Presentation Sheet” Due SAM: Lezione 1 Comincia Lezione 2: “Presentazioni” TEST: Lezione 1 mercoledì Lezione 2: Presentazioni Monologhi il 24 settembre Ascoltare la registrazione dei monologhi Domande Domande personali Situazioni lunedì Lezione 2: Presentazioni Ampliamento del vocabolario: il 29 settembre Materie d’insegnamento Che ora è? A che ora? LAB Struttura ed uso: Plurale dei nomi Articolo determinativo mercoledì 6 Lezione 2: Presentazioni Correzione dei compiti e ripasso. il primo ottobre Aggettivi possessivi Parliamo un po` 7 lunedì il 6 ottobre LAB ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Compiti: Pratica Finestra culturale: L’università italiana Compiti nel SAM: Pratica del vocabolario e della struttura: pp. 17-18 a-c. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lezione 2 #1: QUIZ p. 42 Parole analoghe, Nomi, Aggettivi, Verbi, Altre parole ed espressioni Compiti nel SAM: Pratica del vocabolario e della struttura: pp. 18 - 22 d-i. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lezione 2 #2: QUIZ p. 43 Materie d’insegnamento Compiti nel SAM:: Pratica del vocabolario e della struttura: pp. 22-24 j-m. LAB SAM: pp. 181-184 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ QUIZ: I paesi (countries) La carta geografica Compiti nel SAM: Lezione 2: Presentazioni Pratica della comunicazione: Correzione dei compiti e ripasso. pp. 24-26 n-r. Parliamo un po` Conoscere l’Italia: Bologna / La cucina emiliana ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Presentazione #2: See Videoteca Vedere il segmento del video “Oral Presentation Sheet” ** The instructor reserves the right to change the syllabus as needed. If any major changes are made, students will be notified. 7 mercoledì l’ 8 ottobre 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 TEST: Lezione 2 Comincia Lezione 3: “Che cosa fai di bello?” lunedì Lezione 3: Che cosa fai di bello? Pronuncia / Ascoltare la registrazione il 13 ottobre Dialogo Domande / Domande personali Situazioni LAB Pratica Finestra culturale: “Il bar” Vocabolario mercoledì Lezione 3: Che cosa fai di bello? Pronuncia il 15 ottobre Ampliamento del vocabolario: La città Pratica Espressioni con ‘avere’ Preposizioni semplici ed articolate C’è, ci sono, ecco lunedì Lezione 3: Che cosa fai di bello? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TEST: Lezione 2 Compiti nel SAM: Esercizi: pp. 27-31 a-h ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lezione 3 #1: QUIZ p. 63 Parole analoghe, Nomi, Aggettivi, Verbi Compiti nel SAM: Pratica della comunicazione: pp. 31-34 i-n. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lezione 3 #2: QUIZ p. 65 La città Lezione 3 #3: QUIZ p. 69 Verbi il 20 ottobre Struttura ed uso: Presente dei verbi in -are Ripasso: Preposizioni semplici ed articolate LAB SAM: pp. 185-187 LAB mercoledì Lezione 3: Che cosa fai di bello? Parliamo un po’ il 22 ottobre Conoscere l’Italia: Le piazze italiane / caffè famosi lunedì Lezione 3: Che cosa fai di bello? Videoteca il 27 ottobre Vedere il segmento del video LAB Fare gli esercizi di videoteca mercoledì TEST: Lezione 3 LAB SAM: pp. 188-189 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lezione 3 #4: QUIZ p. 63 Altre parole, Altre espressioni Presentazione #3: See “Oral Presentation Sheet” Due SAM: Lezione 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ il 29 ottobre Comincia Lezione 4: “Cosa prendono i signori?” TEST: Lezione 3 lunedì Lezione 4: Cosa prendono i signori? Pronuncia / Ascoltare la registrazione il 3 novembre Ampliamento del vocabolario: I giorni della settimana / Alcune espressioni di tempo LAB 11 Due SAM: Lezione 2 mercoledì Lezione 4: Cosa prendono i signori? Correzione dei compiti e ripasso il 5 novembre Struttura ed uso: Presente dei verbi regolari in -ere Compiti nel SAM: pp. 35-37 a-c. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lezione 4 #1: QUIZ p. 88 Parole analoghe, Nomi, Aggettivi, Verbi Compiti nel SAM: pp. 37-39 d-g. LAB SAM: pp. 191-192 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lezione 4 #2: QUIZ pp. 90-91 I giorni della settimana, Alcune espressioni di tempo ** The instructor reserves the right to change the syllabus as needed. If any major changes are made, students will be notified. 12 lunedì VETERAN’S DAY (observed) il 10 novembre 12 13 13 mercoledì Lezione 4: Cosa prendono i signori? Correzione dei compiti e ripasso il 12 novembre Formulare le domande Verbi irregolari dare, fare, stare lunedì Lezione 4: Cosa prendono i signori? Parliamo un po’ il 17 novembre Conoscere l’Italia: La Sicilia / Riposto (Catania) LAB Videoteca Vedere il segmento del video Fare gli esercizi di videoteca mercoledì il 19 novembre 14 lunedì il 24 novembre LAB 14 mercoledì il 26 novembre 15 lunedì il primo dicembre LAB 15 16 mercoledì Lezione 4: Cosa prendono i signori? Correzione dei compiti e ripasso TEST: Lezione 4 Comincia Lezione 5: (È Carnevale!) Lezione 5: È Carnevale! Ampliamento del vocabolario: Caratteristiche personali / Altre caratteristiche personali Struttura ed uso: Concordanza degli aggettivi qualificativi Lezione 5: È Carnevale! Correzione dei compiti e ripasso. Struttura ed uso: Posizione degli aggettivi con i nomi Presente dei verbi regolari in –ire Lezione 5: È Carnevale! Correzione dei compiti e ripasso. il 3 dicembre Verbi irregolari andare e venire Parliamo un po’ Conoscere l’Italia: L’Umbria / Le attrazioni dell’Umbria lunedì Lezione 5: È Carnevale! Correzione dei compiti e ripasso il 8 dicembre Videoteca Vedere il segmento del video Fare gli esercizi di videoteca LAB COLLEGE CLOSED Non c’è lezione Compiti nel SAM: pp. 37-39 h-i. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lezione 4 #3: QUIZ pp. 88+93 Altre parole ed espressioni, Verbi Compiti nel SAM: pp. 40-43 j, k, l, m, n LAB SAM: pp. 193-194 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lezione 4 #4: QUIZ pp. 96-97 Interrogativi (#2 and #3); p. 99 Espressioni con FARE Presentazione #4: See “Oral Presentation Sheet” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ QUIZ: Le feste americane Due SAM: Lezione 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TEST: Lezione 4 Compiti nel SAM: pp. 45-47 a-c. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lezione 5 #1: QUIZ pp. 113-114 Parole analoghe, Nomi, Verbi, Aggettivi Compiti nel SAM: pp. 47-49 d-g. LAB SAM: pp. 195-196 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lezione 5 #2: QUIZ pp. 114+116 Altre parole ed espressioni, Altre caratteristiche personali Compiti nel SAM: pp. 49-52 h-n. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lezione 5 #3: QUIZ pp. 115, 120, 122, 123) Aggettivi + Verbi in “-ire” Presentazione #5: See “Oral Presentation Sheet” LAB SAM: pp. 197-198 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lezione 5 QUIZ Le nazionalità + “I paesi” in italiano ** The instructor reserves the right to change the syllabus as needed. If any major changes are made, students will be notified. 16 mercoledì il 10 dicembre LAST DAY! TEST: Lezione 5 + L’esame FINALE: Italiano 1 Lezione Preliminare ➔ Lezione 5 Due SAM: Lezione 5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lezione 5 TEST + FINAL: 11:20 AM 2:30 PM ~ Room M215 Notes: 1. PERFECT ATTENDANCE = 30 BONUS POINTS ON FINAL EXAM 2. ONLY ONE MAKE-UP QUIZ - TO BE DONE ON THE DAY OF RETURN, DURING THE BREAK 3. LAB IS MANDATORY! CELL PHONE USE or OFF-TASK WEB BROWSING ON COMPUTER IN LAB WILL BAN STUDENT FROM LAB DURING CLASS TIME. 4. IF YOU HAVE 75% (C) GOING INTO THE FINAL, IT’S VERY LIKELY YOU WILL GET A “D” AS A FINAL GRADE (FINAL EXAM IS 20% OF TOTAL GRADE) 5. THREE LATE ARRIVALS = ONE HOUR ABSENCE 6. TEXTING DURING CLASS = BEING ASKED TO LEAVE CLASS FOR LESSON. PERSISTENCE = DROP! 7. NO MAKE-UP CHAPTER EXAMS 8. NO PENCIL ON TESTS OR QUIZZES 9. Notification to the instructor of a student’s need for special accommodations during test taking will come from the DSPS Office. Student to notify instructor of this need. 10. Distracting others, including the instructor, with private conversations, will result in being asked to leave the classroom, temporarily, and/or possibly permanently. ** The instructor reserves the right to change the syllabus as needed. If any major changes are made, students will be notified. Italiano 1 OGGI IN ITALIA (9th ed.) Professoressa Anania ORAL PRESENTATION SHEET There will be 5 (five) oral presentations worth 30 points each. These presentations will be from Lezione Preliminare & 1 to Lezione 5. They will be presented on the lesson day before the day of the corresponding exams. All presentations are to be done in pairs (two students) or in three’s. Each student should have at least five exchanges lasting about a minute in talking time in Italian. As you perform the following dialogs, always greet each other first, with the customary handshake where appropriate. Following are suggested topics. You may create other ones. Lezione Preliminare & Lezione 1 Il Saluto - Greet and introduce one another, asking the state of health and telling each other where you are from and what class you like. Exchange telephone numbers, where you’re from, etc. Say good-bye. (Dialog could be in formal or familiar format, but make sure you are consistent!) Lezione 2 “Presentazioni” - Choose ONE of these: 1. La mia famiglia. Describe to each other your families. Include each person’s name and age and three or four interesting facts about each family member. Use possessive adjectives. 2. Domande personali: The following questions are suggested but are not limited to the following: Studente #1 + Studente #2 respond to each other: • Quanti anni hai? • Lavori e studi? • Quante classi hai? • Quali sono? • Abiti in una casa o un apparatmento? • Abiti con la famiglia o da solo/sola? • Hai un cane o un gatto? • Ti piacciono gli animali? Lezione 3 “Che cosa fai di bello?” – Choose ONE of these: (Remember you are speaking in Italian for at least one minute with a partner.) 1. La mia città. Prepare a dialog describing your city by asking each other these questions: • What is there? What is not there? (Cosa c’è? Cosa non c’è?) • Are there hotels and restaurants or just homes (case) and schools? • What public places are near your home/apartment? 2. Che cosa fai di solito il sabato e la domenica? Ask each other what you usually do on Saturdays and Sundays. When answering use only verbs that you know. ** The instructor reserves the right to change the syllabus as needed. If any major changes are made, students will be notified. Lezione 4 “Cosa prendono i signori?” – Choose ONE of these three (3) topics: 1. Al bar italiano. (for three students) You and a friend are at an outdoor caffè in Italy, and the waiter arrives to take your order. Write a short dialogue in which you both greet the waiter and order something to drink and to eat. 2. Il giorno preferito. Studente #1 - Tell which day of the week you like best and five things you normally do that day. Use -are and -ere verbs that you have learned. Studente #2 - Tell which day of the week you like least and five things you normally do that day. Use -are and -ere verbs that you have learned. ** The instructor reserves the right to change the syllabus as needed. If any major changes are made, students will be notified. Lezione 4 – “Cosa prendono i signori?” Choose ONE of these three topics (Cont’d): 3. Mi dispiace ma... Give excuses explaining why you cannot accept the following invitations. Studente #1 – o Desideri andare alla discoteca domenica sera? o Andiamo ad un concerto di musica rock sabato? o Hai voglia di giocare a tennis con i miei amici domani mattina? o Hai voglia di andare a vedere una mostra di fotografie venerdì? Studente #2 o Desideri vedere un film italiano domani sera? o Hai fame? Desideri andare alla pizzeria stasera? o Andiamo al bar a prendere un cappuccino dopo le classi? o Hai voglia di vedere un film sabato sera? Lezione 5 “È Carnevale!” - At least one minute speakng in Italian Create a dialog describing TWO of the following with opposite gender: • your best male friend (il mio migliore amico) or • your best female friend (la mia migliore amica) or • your boyfriend (il mio ragazzo) or your girlfriend (la mia ragazza) or • your husband (mio marito) or your wife (mia moglie) Use the following beginning suggested questions as a guide, then add more: 1. Come si chiama questa persona? 2. Qual è la sua nazionalità? 3. Dove abita? Abita con te? 4. Quanti anni ha? 5. Da (For) quanti anni conosci (know) questa persona? 6. Tre aggettivi che descrivono questa persona. 7. Due cose che gli/le piace fare. (Two extra points - bring regular or digital picture of the person – Cell phone images don’t count). ** The instructor reserves the right to change the syllabus as needed. If any major changes are made, students will be notified.