CFA Brand Presentation - 2015 - Canadian Franchise Association



live it. breathe it. believe it.


april 2015

our culture

fueled by collaboration, intelligence, creativity and fun elevating franchise organizations

We are a full service branding and marketing communications agency, specializing in elevating franchise brands.

We have deep experience in transforming franchise brands and managing resultsbased communications.

elevating brands: elevate franchisee growth & market position elevate unity of franchisor & franchisee under one vision elevate equity & perception of the franchise elevate the distinctiveness of the brand & the disruption in the category elevate the customers’ connection to the franchise elevate customer loyalty

& affinity elevate customer & franchisee ambassadorship

elevating brands: elevate unity of franchisor & franchisee under one vision

elevating brands: elevate equity & perception of the franchise

elevating brands: elevate the distinctiveness of the brand & the disruption in the category

elevating brands: elevate the customers’ connection to the franchise

elevating brands: elevate customer loyalty

& affinity

elevating brands: elevate customer & franchisee ambassadorship

today’s discussion

so, what

is a


personality positioning consistency promise value


from separate entities operating under one brand name it’s about what you do inconsistencies in brand experience, o ff ering & communication customer service: transactional value proposition - this is what we do to united force under one brand, led by a purpose it’s about the impact you have one experience, one voice, one o ff ering, one look - one brand customer experience: interaction value proposition - this is how you should feel

from separate entities operating under one brand name it’s about what you do inconsistencies in brand experience, o ff ering & communication customer service: transactional value proposition - this is what we do to united force under one brand led by a purpose it’s about the impact you have one experience, one voice, one o ff ering, one look - one brand customer experience: interaction value proposition - this is how you should feel

...what you make

people feel is


just as important

as what you make.”

we all live branded lives... and we start early.

we live in a brand saturated world.


brands don’t happen

by accident.

experience evolves, values stay true






AMC Jeep Wrangler

Sheraton Hotels

Porter Airlines

Tim Hortons core values fun, family entertainment rewarding, everyday moments authentic, athletic performance think di ff erent rugged, timeless, American warm, connected, community flying redefined making a true di ff erence

Successful brands consistently evolve their products and services to resonate with the changing needs of the customer, but stay true to their core values.

why do brands matter?


= reputation.


1,600,000,000 bottles

brand quiz.

what is the first thing that comes to mind


when you see

these logos?


franchise branding.

franchise branding

part of a greater


franchise branding

customer experience.

5 human truths:

we need to feel understood we need to be in control we need to feel like we belong we want to feel special we want to reach our potential

brand loyalty.

factors that drive brand loyalty

deliver product quality and consistency deliver on-brand service along the entire experience personalize customer experience connect emotionally with customers

mr. sub case study


current reality:

• Mr. Sub a beleaguered Canadian brand, out strategized by its big global competitors, was at a critical crossroads

• to succeed in the market, Mr. Sub would have to re-invigorate the brand, attract new customers to the system and take back its position as an innovator and leader in the sub category objectives:

• to unearth the magic, and then unleash the power of the brand, Mr. Sub



• unique, compelling and actionable brand positioning strategy


the brand positioning and strategy are the cornerstone for defining the brand. the strategy is the beacon that will guide and direct all aspects of the business:

Congested & fragmented with continuous pressure from new entrants !

Players intensely vying for consumer attention & market share !

Commoditization of offerings – what was unique is now point-of-entry !


Pressure to stay on trend

& menu relevant !

Price wars + price cutting intensifying !

Product offering alone is insufficient for winning – this intensity requires a brand to stand out with a unique/distinctive statement of who they are

UP !

™ our brand elevation platform clearly define the brand and its purpose develop a meaningful communications plan including content, contact and creative platform development deliver, execute and measure the most compelling campaigns across all touch points

UP !

™ clearly define the brand and its purpose


what we believe :

• every brand possesses opportunities for dramatic growth

• growth comes through transformation - of category dynamics, consumer perceptions, brand positioning or business definition


This stage consists of 4 distinct yet related steps.

Each phase has outcomes that enable us to proceed to the next.



1 discovery who you are and the landscape in which you operate including consumer audit 2 brand platform identify the transformational opportunities that carry the power to define your brand in the most powerful way identity how the brand is verbally and visually expressed. guidelines to build and maintain a consistent brand impression adoption working with you as a partner to engage all stakeholders into the culture of the brand


Mr. Sub findings

• though perceptions of quality needed to be elevated, a strategic positioning could not be about ‘quality’ alone because it is point-of-entry to the category

• all competitors are leveraging and circling similar themes to varying degrees

- quality, fresh, taste, healthy

• the sub/sandwich category is in desperate need of disruption

brand positioning

Genuine - Mr. Sub is a brand with history and integrity that is proud yet humble, approachable, down to earth, simple (but not boring) and exhibits the traits of trustworthiness, expertise, caring and classic comfort.

brand articulation

The brand articulation serves as a guidebook for all stakeholders to be able to consistently communicate the brand experience, both externally and internally .

It has been developed through consumer and competitive research , strategy and brand planning . It speaks about the mr. sub brand with passion , confidence and a clear understanding of the impact the brand has on its customers.



We have created an ownable structure within the design elements and language that will become Mr. Sub’s signature persona.


Mouthwatering food photography that looks real and appetizing , not contrived or over styled, is the hero.


Copy reflects friendly, supportive messaging that always supports the idea that Mr. Sub is here for you.


You belong here.

brand identity




UP !

™ our brand elevation platform develop a meaningful communications plan including content, contact and creative platform development


guided by a clearly defined brand purpose, we uncover the key insights to power campaigns with lasting impact what we believe:

• great ideas can be provocative, influential and genuine

• insights are gleaned in the “so what” of research findings. Not only what we hear, but what it means

• powerful consumer insights are the catalyst to ideas that get attention, have a consumer impact and the power to motivate a change in behaviour to drive growth

UP !

™ our brand elevation platform deliver, execute and measure the most compelling campaigns across all touch points


execute, manage and measure the most compelling campaigns driven by transformational ideas founded in a clearly defined brand what we believe:

• we believe bringing transformational ideas to life in a compelling, provocative, engaging and relevant manner is paramount

• the quality of the execution is as important as the thinking that drove it

promo posters

Corned Beef





menu boards





Corned Beef

12-inch 6-inch 5 99 8 99

Smokehouse Beef Brisket: hardwood smoked beef, fresh green pepper, red onion, mushroom, white cheese

Corned Beef Brisket: corned beef brisket, banana peppers, red onion, yellow mustard, white cheese





franchise branding where to from here?

thank you
