William F.E. Morley Poster Collection 1. Deserve Victory! Published by Graham & Gilles Ltd. (reproduced from an original poster held by the Imperial War Museum). 2. Harrowsmith – The Primal Knead (number 24). 3. “Let us go forward together” (reproduced from an original poster held by the Imperial War Museum). 4. Coming of Age – Experiences of Youth in Canada. May 7-Sept. 30, 1985. National Library of Canada 5. The Canadian Encyclopedia (coming in 1985). 6. Chaplan. A. Atelier Publishing. 7. Thousand Islands Playhouse 1985 Season. I’ll be back before midnight. Gananoque, Ontario. 8. Printing Week ’85. January 13-19. International Association of Printing House Craftsmen Inc. 9. Flight identification chart of British Aircraft. 10. Ontario – Yours to discover! (photograph of Ottawa?) 11. Britons “Wants You”. Join Your Country’s Army! God Save the King. 12. The Soul Serenaders. Sa. 23. Juni. 13. Calgary. Destination. Via Rail Canada. 14. Ottawa. Destination. Via Rail Canada. 15. Quebec. Destination. Via Rail Canada. 16. Aboriginal Rights in Canada. Exhibition Nov. 13 1985- April6, 1986. National Library of Canada. 17. Pulteney Bridge, Bath. 18. Three Loyalist Families. 9 June-12 August 1984. Agnes Etherington Art Centre. Queen’s University at Kingston. 19. “After 28 years of Conservative rule, is Ontario in the right hands? Had enough? Vote Liberal.” 20. Vancouver. Destination. Via Rail Canada. 21. Banff. Destination. Via Rail Canada 22. Arms & Art. An Exhibition of the Douglas Arms Collection from the Royal Military College of Canada. 23. Chicago. Queen’s Musical Theatre. 24. Longfellow’s Portland. Maine Historical Society. 25. Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme. 26. A King for Corsica. Comus Music Theatre of Canada. 27. Danse-theatre Paul-Andre Fortier. 28. Royal Canadian Mounted Police Band. Kiwanis Club of Kingston. 29. Grazia Regala. Grazia & La Casa. 30. Please don’t shop Eaton’s. Canadian Union of Public Employees. 31. Enduring. Carleton University Press/Centre for Editing Early Canadian Texts. (The History of Emily Montague – Canadian Crusoes – A Strange Manuscript Found in a Copper cylinder – Wacousta – Letters of Mephibosheth Stepsure – Roughing It in the Bush) 32. Six Days of Resistance Against the Censor Board. Ontario Open Screenings. April 21-27, 1985. Film, Video. Slides. 33. Huckleberry Finn. Barry Moser & Pennroyal Press centenary publication, 18851985. 34. I Racconta Storie. No. 2. In Vendita Qui. 35. Polar Bears & People Don’t Mix. Manitoba. Department of Renewable Resources and Transportation Services. 36. Celebrating Together. Ontario Bicentennial 1784 – 1984. 37. Dansechange Montreal-Paris. Du 5 au 29 Juin 1985. Festival de Danse Actuelle. 38. 18th Annual Winter Harbor Lobster Festival (Maine). Sat. Aug. 14, 1982. 39. Gilbert & Sullivan’s The Mikado. Presented by Kingston Meistersingers. 40. Mpz presented The Original Jane and special guest Tod Secret. 5 Oktober, 1984. 41. Stromness Museum. Orkney Maritime & Natural History Displays. 42. Saint-Pierre, Ile d’Orleans. Ministere des Affaires culturelles. 43. Lake Ontario Tall Ships Rendezvous ’84. 44. Lake Louise. Destination. Via Rail Canada. 45. Smokey the Bear. Forest Service – U.S. Department of Agriculture and Canadian Forestry Association. 46. Image of Canada. Documentary watercolours and drawings from the permanent collection of the Public Archives of Canada. 47. Sketches in the Canadas. By Coke Smyth. London. Published by Thos. McLean. 48. Fall Carnival. Brooksville County Fairgrounds Hwy. 41 South. November 15-24. 49. The 11th Annual Mount Dora Art Festival. February 1st and 2nd 1986. 50. Two Homes. Bellevue House, Kingston. Woodside House, Kitchener. Published jointly by Parks Canada, Ontario Region and the Art Gallery Of Ontario Extension Services. 51. Stratford Festival. 1984 Season. 52. Artsci 85. Pre-Formal Smoker. February 12. 53. A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Hart House Theatre. Graduate Centre for the Study of Drama. 54. ASUS (Arts and Science Undergraduate Society) presents Earle Birney. November 7th. 55. Queen’s Ethiopia Relief Fund – Drought in Africa. 56. Sophocles’ Antigone. Directed by Fred Euringer. The Rotunda Theatre. 57. Medieval Feast. Second Shepherds Play. December 7, 1984. Wallace Hall of the John Deutsch University Centre. 58. The Brockington Visitor 1983. Sir Edmund Hillary. Everest: Past, Present and Future. 59. Les Treteaux de Kingston et K.C.V.I. presentent Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme comedie musicale de Moliere. 60. Florida State Fair. Feb. 5 thru 16. Tampa. 61. Entrances and Exists. The Garden as Theatre. George James. December 8, 1984-February 3, 1985. Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Queen’s University, Kingston. 62. Thousand Islands Playhouse. 1983 Season. Gananoque, Ontario. 63. Perth Summer Theatre 86. Perth, Ontario. 64. Nationalism. P.C. Party, Ottawa, 1970(?). 65. The Ontario Bicentennial Town Crier Festival and Cry-off. August 18, 1984. Kingston, Ontario. 66. 1984. George Orwell’s and Ours. The Chancellor Dunning Trust Lecture Series, 1983-84. 67. Viking Raiders. Your ticket will take you back to the days of Orkney’s Viking Past. 68. The Kinsmen club of Kingston present A Little Night Music. Grand Theatre. 69. Bertolt Brecht’s The Resistable Rise of Arturolli. Queen’s Department of Drama. The Rotunda Theatre. 70. Tartuffe. Hart House Theatre. Graduate Centre for the Study of Drama. 71. The William Morris Society of Canada. Third Annual Symposium. University College, University of Toronto. 72. Woodbridge Disco. 73. The Sir George Somers Map (a scaled down reproduction of the original ancient map of Bermuda). The Bermuda National Trust. 74. Nuclear Disarmament Rally & Candle-light March. Queen’s New Democrats. 75. Women Beware Women by Thomas Middleton. Hart House Theatre. Graduate Centre for the Study of Drama. 76. A Literary Conference on the work of John Richardson. The University of Western Ontario. 77. Kennedy’s Children by Robert Patrick. The Baby Grand Theatre. 78. Armageddon, Go Home! B. Robert Bater. The Baccalaureate Service 1984. 79. Dinegar Tom. Queen’s University Department of Drama. 80. Creative Peacemaking Contest. Organized by World Federalists of Canada and St. Lawrence College. 81. Summer Sidewalk Sale. Downtown Kingston. 82. Hi Sailor Days Sidewalk Sale. Downtown Kingston. 83. Butterflies are Free. Kingston Summer Theatre. Grand Theatre. 84. Fiddler on the Roof. The Kinsmen Club of Kingston. Grand Theatre. 85. African Sanctus. David Fanshawe. Pro Arte Singers of Kingston. 16 May 1984. First Baptist church. 86. The Toronto Passion Play. Poculi Ludique Societas. The Church of the Redeemer. 87. The Good Person of Szechwan. Bertolt Brecht. Hart House Theatre. Graduate Centre for the Study of Drama. 88. The Art of Crisis Management. How to Make the Most of Finals! Dr. John Lee, Time Management Specialist. 89. Vote the Pearson Plan. Vote Liberal. National Liberal Committee. 90. Dido and Aeneas. Pro Arte Singers of Kingston. 24 October 1984. The Grand Theatre. 91. Summer Theatre by-the-Lake. Kingston, Ontario. 92. “Go placidly amid the noise & haste, & remember what peace there may be in silence...” Found in Old Saint Paul’s Church, Baltimore; Dated 1692. 93. Roger Caron is Go Boy! AMS/GSS Joint Speakers Board. Queen’s University. 94. International Conference on Festivals. October 3, 4, 5, 1985. Cornwall, Ontario. 1000 Islands Seaway Valley Tourist Corridor. 95. Theatre 5. The Male Animal. Grand Theatre. 96. Silken Dalliance – A Literary Fashion Show. Spring ’80. (poster by graphic artist Gordon Cornwall of Vancouver). 97. Friends of the Earth. Ottawa, Ontario. (pamphlet) 98. Golden Galleon. 2 hr. Long Distance Broads Cruise. 99. Wayzgoose ’84. Grimsby, Ontario. 100. Theatre 5. Nurse Jane Goes to Hawaii. Grand Theatre. 101. Wayzgoose ’86. Grimsby, Ontario. A Festival Celebrating The Printing Press. 102 Europe 85. American-European Students’ Union, Inc. Baltimore, Maryland. 103. Much Ado about Love. A Shakespeare Anthology for Secondary Schools. Kingston. 104. Symmetrics. Cut Above Alfie’s. Hair Design for Men & Women. Queen’s University Campus. 105. O.G.C. Nice. Escrime. L’Escrime, un sport et une activite educative dans un grand club. Stade du Ray, Nice. 106. Puss in Boots. A fairytale from world literature. Theatre 5. 107. Fund-Raising Evening for Dr. Morgentaler. Kingston Public Library. 108. Trinity College Chapel Choir. Cambridge, England. St. George’s Cathedral, Kingston. 109. “ane full burgh royal”. Glimpses from the past to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the creation of the royal burgh of Kirkwall. Tankerness House Museum. Kirkwall, Orkney. April-September 1986. 110 Celebrate Simcoe Day. Monday August 1, 1983. (sent from the Printing-Office at Poole Hall, in Grimsby, to those interested in our History & Geography). 111. Anton Kuerti. The Schubert Cycle. 1984. Grand Theatre, Kingston. 112. Exhibition Bells Through the Ages. From the Percival Price Collection. National Library of Canada. May-Sept. 1986. 113. Save Our Heritage. Vote Yes November 5 Question #6. Maine Citizens for Historic Preservation. 114. Kingfest Tattoo ’86. Richardson Stadium. Kingston, Ontario. 115. Meddle Oud-Ade. YWIS. 14 September. 21.00 uur. 116. The National Youth Orchestra of Canada. Presented by Performing Arts Office, Queen’s University. 117 Visit Scotland’s Gardens. Annual Plant Sale, Hill of Tarvit, Cupar. In aid of Scottish Queen’s Nurses Benevolent Fund and Gardens Fund of the National Trust for Scotland. 118. Likely Stories. Text/Image/Sound Works for Video and Installation. Works by Vera Frenkel. Agnes Etherington Art Centre. March 4-April 11, 1982. 119. Theatre 5. The Dresser. Grand Theatre. 120. Guazapa In Concert. A Salvadorean group which has played at the Vancouver, Winnipeg and Northwinds (T.O.) folk festivals. Sponsored by the Kingston Solidarity Committee. 121. Orkney. The first settlers. An Introductory Exhibition. Tankerness House Museum. Kirkwall, Orkney. 122. S.V. Ciudad de Inca (Oldest Sailing Ships Still Sailing) presents Jazz R+B Sundays 1 P.M. 123. Kingston Summer Theatre presents Ten Little Indians/A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum/Bedroom Farce. Grand Theatre. 124. Loyalist Expo. In the Massey Library, Royal Military College. Sponsored by the Royal Military College and the Bicentennial Committees of the City of Kingston and Pittsburgh Township. 125. John Milton’s COMVS. A Bawds Production. New Court Theatre, Christ’s College, Cambridge. July 1983. 126. For the Bed at Kelmscott (poem). William Morris. 127. Vanished Centretown. City of Ottawa. 128. Canada has the writers. We have the films. National Film Board of Canada. 1982. 129. Canada’s Major International Festival! Be There! June 27 to July 5. The 1980 International Freedom Festival! Windsor-Detroit. 130 The Canadian Heritage Rivers System. Parks Canada. 131. Pandamania. Metro Toronto Zoo. 132. Montreal 1976. 133. Wood Types Both Plain and Ornamented. A Specimen of Antiquated Letters newly dusted & printed from the collection of the Porcupines Quill. Erin, Ontario. 1980. The Centennial of Erin Village. 134. Heritage One Hundred. 1885-1985. Parks Canada. 135. Festival national du livre. Hommage a l’imagination. 13 au 20 avril 1985. Conseil des Arts du Canada. 136 . Upper Canada. The Globe and Mail. Toronto, Canada, 1976. 137. Joh. Sebas. Bach. The Well-Tempered Bach with Peter Ustinov. A public television special to commemorate the Bach tricentennial 1685-1985. Aid Association for Lutherans. 138. Ontario. Yours to Discover! (photo of Ottawa River) 139. The Great Lakes Seaway. Passage to Progress. Ontario. Ministry of Transportation and Communications. 140. [Map]. 1784 Canada, including that part later named Ontario. Exhibiting the adjacent countries and Indian Nations. Government of Ontario, 1984. 141. 23rd International Music Competition. Munich. September 3rd to 20th 1974. 142. Endangered Species in Ontario. Ministry of Natural Resources. 143. Ontario. Yours to Discover! (photo of Ouimet Canyon). 144. 3 Decades of Innovative Scholarship. An Exhibition at the Morris Library, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware. September 1984 to July 1985. 145. The Harrowsmith Reader. Edited by James Lawrence. The Best from Canada’s Award Winning Magazine. 146. The Harrowsmith Reader. Edited by James Lawrence. The Second Anthology of the Best from Canada’s Award Winning Journal of Country Living. 147. Harrowsmith. The Sun. Number Thirty. 148. Atma Buddhi Manas. The Later Work of Lawren S. Harris. Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto. September 27-November 24, 1985. 149. Frame of Mind. Art Toronto ’82. 150. Subscribe to the Sixth War Loan. Austria, 1917. Reproduced from an original poster, held by the Imperial War Museum, by Eyre & Spottiswade. 151. Ontario. Yours to Discover! (photo of Niagara Falls). 152. The Wrubel Gallery Inaugural Exhibition. Galen Rowell: California Views. Nov. 12 to Dec. 31 1983. The Nature Company Fourth Street Center. Berkeley, California. 153. Met Huygens op reis/ Tekeningen Van Constantijn Huygens Jr. 1628-1697. Museum voor Schone Kunsten. 154. Passionsspiele Oberammergau 1634-1984. Auffuhrungstermine: Ende Mai bis Ende September 1984. 155. Scotland. 156. Destroy this Mad Brute. Enlist. U.S. Army. 660 Market St. (reproduced from an original poster, held by the Imperial War Museum, by Gavin Martin Ltd.) 157. The Rideau Canal 150th Anniversary. 1832-1982. Parks Canada. 158. Jane Avril. 159. Ontario. Yours to Discover! (photo of Georgian Bay) 160. Ontario. Yours to Discover! (photo of Northern Ontario) 161. Les Ballets Jazz de Montreal. Grand Theatre. Kingston, Ontario. 162. Ontario. Yours to Discover! (photo of Muskoka Lakes) 163. The Chinese Exhibition. The Exhibition of Archaeological Finds of the People's Republic of China. Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, Ontario. 164. Stratford Festival 30th Anniversary. 1982 Season. Stratford Ontario Canada. 165. The Italians and the Creation of America. An exhibition of rare maps and books from the John Carter Brown Library. The National Museum of American History. The Smithsonian Institution. Washington, D.C. Beginning October 12, 1982. 166. La Porte Rouge. Rosina Wachtmeister. 167. Maine. 168. Ontario. Yours to Discover! (photo of Northern Ontario—winter) 169. Thomas Gainsborough. Tate Gallery. 8 October 1980-4 January 1981. 170. I. Anonymous Netherlands Sheet, c. 1565. 171. Konrad Berner, Frankfurt 1592. 172. National Book Festival. 28 April-5 May 1984. 173. St. Augustine. Florida. 174. Heritage Kingston. Agnes Etherington Art Centre. Queen's University at Kingston. June 3 to October 28, 1973. 175. Who is Canada? Dictionary of Canadian Biography. 176. Canada Life 1974 Annual Report. 177. Auditions. Canada's Wonderland. Singers, Dancers & Instrumentalists. 178. Keep it Alive! Participate in the 4th Annual Terry Fox Run. September 23, 1984. 179. Max Klinger. Agnes Etherington Art Centre. 14 October-13 November 1983. 180. Rideau Canal 150: Yours to Discover. Parks Canada. 181. Kingston Tercentenary. 1673-1973. 182. Immigrants, 1908-1910. Public Archives Canada. 183. Declaration Canadienne Des Droits. Oct. 1970. 184. Kingston. 185. Thames Theatre Chatham. The London Symphony Orchestra. 186. National Photography Collection. Curators of Canadian Photography. Public Archives Canada. 187. The Harrowsmith Cookbook. Volume Number 1. Classic and creative cuisine from Harrowsmith Kitchens. 188. Loyal She Remains. A pictorial history of Ontario. 189. Annabella. Yves Saint Laurent. 190. New Stamps. Inuit Spirits. Date of Issue: 25 Sept. 1980. Canada Post. 191. I Want You For U.S. Army. Nearest Recruiting Station. 192. Vivaldi. Heidelberg Chamber Orchestra. St. Mary's Cathedral. April 1983. 193. The freedom to read what you want is your right. Protect it. “Freedom to read” week Sept. 16-23, 1984. Sponsored by the Freedom of Expression Committee. Book & Periodical Development Council. 194. Halifax. Destination. Via Rail Canada. 195. Montreal. Destination. Via Rail Canada. 196. Ontario College of Art. Summer Printmaking Program. 1984. 197. Toronto. Destination. Via Rail Canada. 198. RCAF 60th Anniversary Air Show. Canadian Forces Base Trenton. Aug. 25, 1984. 199. Pipes and Pedals. Chronicles of Canadian Organs and Organists. Exhibition. May 17 to September 11, 1983. National Library of Canada. 200. Wild Dogs. 201. Helft uns fiegen! [?] Reproduced from a poster held by the Imperial War Museum. 202. The Art of Africa. Visions and Models. Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Kingston. 2 February-31 March 1985. 203. Isle of Man Steam Railway Supporters Association Ltd. Liverpool, Manchester, Belfast, Douglas, Thames Valley, South Staffordshire, Yorkshire, London. 204. William Hogarth: A Rake's Progress and other Engravings. Agnes Etherington Art Centre. Queen's University. Kingston, Ontario, Canada. 1975. 205. From War to Winterlude. 150 Years on the Rideau Canal. An Exhibition by the Public Archives of Canada. 206. Racing with the Moon. Paramount Home Video. 207. Roman Baths. Bath. 208. The Royal Crescent & Circus. Bath. 209. The 5th Annual Terry Fox Run. Sun. Sept. 15 '85. 210. International Youth Year 1985. Tales of Heritage. An exhibition of engravings at the National Library of Canada. 211. Wings Over America. Air corps U.S. Army. Reproduced from an original poster held by the Imperial War Museum. 212. Smokey the Bear. Forest Service—U.S. Department of Agriculture and Canadian Forestry Association. 213. Practica Di Astrologia. 16 fascicoli settimanali. 214. Bellevue. Bellevue House National Historic Park. Kingston, Ontario. Parks Canada. 215. Britain. Land of History. Published by the British Tourist Authority, 1982. 216. Auf zum kinderspielfest des TSO oberammergau. 217. I am Sir Oracle and when I ope My lips let no dog bark –Shakespeare 218. Women of Britain Say -- “Go!” (reproduced from an original poster, held by the Imperial War Museum. 219. Gainsborough: Giovanna Baccelli. The Gallery. 3 November-12 December 1976. 220. Bi-Centennial Map. Kingston Township (No. 1) United Empire Loyalists 17841984. 221. Daddy, what did YOU do in the Great War? Published by the Parliamentary Recruiting Committee, London. (Reproduced from an original poster, held by the Imperial War Museum). 222. Photograph of sailing ship. 223. Theatre Princesse Grace. Abonnements Saison 1984-1985. Monte-Carlo. 224. Where Will You Be in 1978? Action/Trudeau. 225. The True North Strong and ? Independent Canada. --to read “free”, join the Committee for an 226. Collect Canadian Stamps. Canada. 227. French Lithography. The Restoration Salons 1817-1824. 15 October-30 November 1976. Agnes Etherington Art Centre. Queen's University. Kingston, Ontario. 228. Michel Lambeth. Photographer. Public Archives Canada. 229. Monestier de Clermont. Soiree Dansante. Samedi 29 September 1984. 230. World Expeditions. Slideshows. Kingston Public Library. 231. Auerbergrennen. Leistung zahlt. 232. Night Hour. Downtown Kingston! 233. Canadian Players present Murder in the Cathedral. 234. De Metres & the Kinges Foot. Printed by the Poole Hall Press in Grimsby-onthe-Hill. 235. Kurkonzerte des Musikvereins im “Ammergauer Haus”. 236. Trenton Air Show 1985. Canadian Forces Base Trenton. 237. Four centuries of botanical illustrations. May 8-August 31, 1981. National Library of Canada. 238. The investiture of H.R.H. The Prince of Wales at Caernarvon Castle. July 1st 1969. 239. Grimsby Public Art Gallery. Grimsby Public Library. 240. Sail the Virgin Islands during reading week with Odyssey Travel. 241. Celebrate Victoria Day. Queen Victoria's Birthday on the 24th of May. 242. 1973 [Calendar]. 1673-1973 Kingston Tercentenary. The Empire Life Insurance Company. 243. Loyalist Days. Township of Ernestown. 1784-1984. 244. Geneve. Agressions: la justice plus severe. 245. “Way-Out Wednesday” Wednesday June 11, 86. Dollar Bill's. Prince George Hotel. Kingston. 246. Caveat! Steal not this Book my honest Friend For fear the Galows should be your hend, And when you die the Lord will say And wares the Book you stole away?... 247. Wayzgoose '82. Grimsby, May 1. Sponsored by Brights Wines Limited. Grimsby Public Library – Art Gallery. 248. Lyndsay Dobson wishes you A Happy New Year ('84). 249. The Homecoming. Hart House Theatre. Graduate Centre for the Study of Drama. 250. Barnardo Boy starring Jan Robes. Grand Theatre—Kingston. May 12-15 1982. 251. Blue Skies Music Festival 1985. Clarendon, Ontario. 252. Scala Universitatis; A Catalogue of Quality, Being a Listing of the most appropriate and suggestive Adjectives to be used in the evaluating of undergraduates... . Printed by William Whitla at Kelmscott House, Hammersmith, November 1978. 253. “It has been truly said that these old buildings do not belong to us only:...” William Morris. Hand-printed in original Janson Antique at the William Morris Centre, Hammersmith. 254. Cafe Restaurant Blaue Bams [?]. Ettal. 255. Think about it. Write about it ... writing a letter to your M.P. is a fast and easy way to make your voice be heard! 256. How a devil in womans guise would have tempted Sir Bors. Christopher Syed. Erlin Press, 1980. 257. Theatre 5. The Enchanted. Grand Theatre. 258. Turner and the Sublime. British Museum. 1981. 259. Music for Two Organs & Harpsichord played by Susi Jeans, Gerard Brooks, Neil Sissons. 25th July 1983. Mansfield College Chapel. 260. Railways in the Niagara Peninsula. John N. Jackson and John Burtniak. 261. Never Again. Three Day Vigil at MacDonald Park marking forty years since Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Kingston. 262. La Florecita. Plaza De Toros. 1980. 263. Great Moments in Ontario. Celebrating Our Bicentennial. 264. Never Cry Wolf. A True Story. Walt Disney Pictures. 1983. 265. [French movie listings]. Du 26 Septembre au 2 Octobre 1984. 266. Nixon in '71. 267. Hawaii. Israel. London. Barbados. 268. “Win a World Class Adventure with your World Class card”. Mastercard. 269. Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman. Starring Dustin Hoffman, Charles Durning, John Malkovich. 270. Nutcracker. The Motion Picture. 271. The Red Shoes. 272. Triumphs of a Man called Horse. 273. 16 Days of Glory Part II. The 1984 Summer Olympics. 274. Blades of Courage. 275. Cabot. Celebrate 500 Years. Newfoundland and Labrador 1997. 276. Ice Birds. Produced by National Film Board of Canada. A Film by Marc Hebert. 277. National Book Festival. A Celebration of Imagination. April 13-20, 1985. The Canada Council. 278. Aim High. The Agents of Sun Life. President's Month 1990. 279. The Moscow Circus '87. Canada. 280. Twist and Shout. Miramax Films. 281. The Rosary Murders. Donald Sutherland. Charles Durning. 282. E.M. Forster's Maurice. A Cinecom Pictures Video Release. 283. Iron Warrior ... The Legend! 284. United States of Hysteria. America's funniest comics take an outlandish look at the land of the free. 285. Forests. Nature's Gift – Our Challenge. Ontario. Ministry of Natural Resources. 286. Happy New Year. A Multi-faceted Comedy Caper. Peter Falk. 287. 84 Charing Cross Road. Anne Bancroft. Anthony Hopkins. 288. Harold's Club Change Girl. 289. Mardi Gras 1993. New Orleans. 290. “I am myself and what is around me. If I do not save it, it shall not save me”. Gassett. 291. Encountering the New World 1493-1800. Rare Prints, Maps, and Illustrated Books from the John Carter Brown Library, Providence, Rhode Island. 292. 30 Years After the Legend Lives on! [Marilyn Monroe] 293. Kingston, Canada. Fort Henry. 294. North: Landscape of the Imagination. Exhibition. October 28, 1993-March 27, 1994. National Library of Canada. 295. Bodleian Library, Oxford. 296. Temagami. The Last Great Pine Wilderness. 297. Hang in There, Baby! 298. The Golden Mask. 299. Butterflies. 300. Manitoba, Canada. Travel Manitoba. 301. New Zealand. 1990. 302. Carmanah. Big Trees not Big Stumps. 303. East Coast Discoveries: The Flora of Cook's Endeavour Voyage. Selected engravings from Bank's Florilegium. 304. Donana Parque Nacional. 305. Dogs. The Shur-Gain Guide to Canada's Purebreds. 306. Possums and Gliders in Victoria. Fisheries & Wildlife Division. Ministry for Conservation. 307. Wildflowers of Victoria. Department of Crown Lands and Survey. 308. Gold of the Thracian Horsemen. Treasures from Bulgaria. May 30 to October 4, 1987. 309. Hollywood Erotic Film Festival. 310. Catch a pass from Christchurch and Greymouth. Catch the Tranz Alpine Express. InterCity. 311. Catch a day out from Christchurch and Queenstown. Catch a Day Excursion. InterCity. 312. The Search for Alexander. Royal Ontario Museum. 5 March-10 July 1983. 313. The Shaping of Ontario. From Exploration to Confederation. [Book Cover] 314. National Book Week in Kingston. 315. Ontario Incredible! 316. Ontario Incredible! 317. Ontario. Yours to Discover! (photo of Georgian Lakelands) 318. XXI Olympiad. Olympic Postage Stamps of Canada. Canada Post. 319. Compassion. Gustavo Novoa. Studio 53. April 1983. 320. Morrisseau. September 20-October 26, 1980. Bayard Gallery. 321. Temagami. World's Largest Old-Growth Red and White Pine Forest. 322. National Book Festival April 23 to 30, 1983. 323. Gold of the Pharaohs. Museum of Victoria. 22 March-11 June. 324. Macropods of N.S.W All of these animals are protected in New South Wales. 325. XIII Pan American Games. July 23 to August 8, 1999. Winnipeg, Manitoba. Canadian International Development Agency. 326. Turner watercolours. British Museum. 9 May 1975-18 January 1976. 327. FAA Back Them Up! Australian War Memorial. 328. Britain Needs You at Once. Australian War Memorial. 329. South Australians: fall in! Australian War Memorial. 330. Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Combined Shows. 331. 40th anniversary. Dover Publications. New York. 332. Niagara Leap by the Wonderful Buislay Family. American Advertising Posters of the Nineteenth Century. From the New-York Historical Society Collection. 333. The Posters of Jules Cheret. Fete de France. Bloomingdale's. Sept. 14-Nov. 6, 1983. 334. The Century. Midsummer. Holiday Number. August. (Second prize. Century poster contest) 335. Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Combined Shows. The Greatest Show on Earth. 336. The Wave of the Future. Nokes Berry Graphics. 1982. 337. Dover Books on Music. Dover Publications, Inc. New York. 338. Rainforest animals. 339. “The Hay Wain”. John Constable. The National Gallery, London. 340. Rene Magritte. The Return – Musses Royaux, Brussels. 341. Harrowsmith. Number Thirteen. 342. Inuit Art. The McMichael Canadian Collection, Kleinburg, Ontario. 343. Butterfly of Love. 344. Canada in Space. 345. Brian Davis. Galerie Michael. Century City/Los Angeles. Dec. 1, 1981 through Jan. 1, 1982. 346. Sunday Times. The Wilson Era. 347. “The Summer Garden Embroiders the Twilight” by Helen Williams. 1978. 348. Arnold Schwarzenegger in “The Comeback”. 349. The Italians and the Creation of America. An exhibition of rare maps and books from The John Carter Brown Library. The Smithsonian Institution. 1982. 350. Making Sculpture. At the Tate Gallery. 4 July-14 August 1983. 351. Richard Dadd. Tate Gallery. 352. Penguin Classics. The Library of Every Civilized Person. 353. Choose from each food group at every meal! 354. Shakespeare. Signet Classic. 355. Mark Graf. Children of the Raven Gallery. Vancouver, British Columbia. May 8-June 3, 1981. 356. Lansdowne the Artist. May 11 to June 2, 1984. Waddington & Shell Galleries. Toronto, Ontario. 357. Gold of El Dorado. A Florida Tour. 358. Public Warning. German Airships/Aeroplanes – British Airships/Aeroplanes. 359. V.A.D Are Urgently Needed. (reproduced from an original poster held by the Imperial War Museum). 360. Office of Native Employment. Public Service Commission of Canada. 361. Clearwater Marine Science Center. Clearwater, Florida. 362. Preserving biological diversity for the future. Nature Conservancy Canada. 363. Barbara Wallace. Midnight Macaws. 1988. 364. The Rich Rewards of the World's Greatest Literature. Signet Classics. 365. ROM Reproductions Shop. The ROM Luohan. 366. Les Miserables. 367. The Phantom of the Opera. 368. Families and Communities Together. National Crime Prevention Week. November 4-10, 1990. 369. Ontario's Northern Experience. Ontario. Ministry of Northern Affairs. 370. Big or small, we help save them all. The Nature Conservancy of Canada. 371. Great Canadian Antique Tractor Field Days, 1997. Ontario Agricultural Museum. Milton, Ontario. 372. Dolphins and Porpoises. 373. Vancouver Magic. 374. Four British Water Birds. (Post Office special issue stamps, 1980). 375. Land Birds of Eastern Canada. The Globe and Mail. 376. Water Birds of Eastern Canada. The Globe and Mail. 377. Eagles, Hawks and Falcons of N.S.W All of these birds are protected in New South Wales. 378. Favorite Birds (original painting by Matthew Kalmenoff) 379. Cathedral Forests. Nature Conservancy Canada. 380. Birds of Prey (original painting by Matthew Kalmenoff) 381. American Wild Flowers (original painting by Susan David) 382. University of Alberta. Fertile Ground. 383. The Brooklyn Bridge Centennial 1883-1983. 384. Carlos Kleiber. 385. After the Axe. A Film about Executive Terminations. National Film Board of Canada. 386. JulilAGEtion. A Celebration of Age. Senior Citizens' Month. June 1990. 387. The Great Eclipse. July 11, 1991. 388. Ontario Agricultural Museum. Milton, Ontario. Great Canadian Antique Tractor Field Days, 1996. 389. California Native Plants. Spring Wildflowers. California Native Plant Society. 390. Made in Canada. Exhibition. Artists' Books. National Library of Canada. 1990. 391. Lighting up the Landscape. French Impressionism and its Origins. National Gallery of Scotland. 392. 1994 Cape Dorset. Annual Graphics Collections. 393. Arctic Wildlife. Department of Information. Government of the N.W.T 394. The World's Most Expensive Painting on Loan to Edinburgh. JMW Turner. Seascape Folkestone. National Gallery of Scotland. 395. “To leap over the wall of self, to look through another’s eyes – this is valuable experience, which literature offers”. X.J. Kennedy. 396. Tribute to Wilkie. At the National Gallery of Scotland, 1985. 397. Expo 86. Don't Miss it for the World! Vancouver, B.C. May 2-October 13, 1986. 398. Manitoba, Canada. Travel Manitoba. 399. Balconies of Malta and Gozo. 400. Maltese Door-knockers. 401. 20e Festival International du Nouveau Cinema et de la video. Montreal 1991. 402. Discover Central Australia's Wildflowers. Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory. [Australia] 403. Coastal Plains. Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory. [Australia] 404. Arltunga and the Gold Era. Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory. [Australia] 405. Top End Coastline. Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory. [Australia] 406. Nature's Boarding House. Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory. [Australia] 407. Central Ranges. Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory. [Australia] 408. Tropical Woodland. Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory. [Australia] 409. Western Australia. Australia's Golden West. 410. X-aroon/There Are Trolls. Journeys. Ginn and Company. 411. Reproduction of an original poster held by the Imperial War Museum. Austria, 1917. 412. Reproduction of an original poster held by the Imperial War Museum. 413. Preserving Florida's Heritage. Florida's Living Wilderness at the Tallahassee Junior Museum. 414. Isle of Enchantment. (St. Lucia, B.W.I, 1988) 415. Canadian Studies. Department of the Secretary of State of Canada. 416. Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology. Alberta. Culture and Multiculturalism. 417. Fossils. The Energy of our Resources – The Power of our Ideas. Energy, Mines and Resources Canada. 418. Indian Art – Navajo Weaving. The Conquest of Indian America. 419. Horses. (original painting by Tim Solliday) 420. Arctic Wildlife. Birds of Prey. Department of Information, Government of the Northwest Territories. 421. Arctic Wildlife. Sea Mammals. Department of Information, Government of the Northwest Territories. 422. Arctic Wildlife. Polar Bear. Department of Information, Government of the Northwest Territories. 423. Arctic Wildlife. Caribou. Department of Information, Government of the Northwest Territories. 424. Arctic Wildlife. Snowy Owl. Department of Information, Government of the Northwest Territories. 425. Arctic Wildlife. Ptarmigan. Department of Information, Government of the N.W.T 426. Arctic Wildlife. Small Mammals. Department of Information, Government of the N.W.T 427. Arctic Wildlife. Loon. Department of Information, Government of the N.W.T 428. Arctic Wildlife. Wolf. Department of Information, Government of the N.W.T 429. Britain. British Travel & Holidays Association. 430. Images. Illusion and Reality. A History of Photography. Museum of Victoria. 1986-87. 431. The Bodleian, Oxford: Duke Humfrey's Library. 432. Peter and the Wolf. Sir John Gielgud. 433. Made in Canada. Artists in Books IV. Exhibition. 1984-1985. National Library of Canada. 434. More than Meets the Eye. 1839-1989. Photography. National Archives of Canada. [photograph of Niagara Suspension Bridge, 1859] 435. The Cat Came Back. A Film by Cordell Barker. The National Film Board of Canada. 436. Wild Cats. (original painting by Tim Solliday). 437. Haymaking. Pieter Brueghel. The Narodni Gallery, Prague. 438. Winter Landscape. Pieter Bruegel the Elder. 439. Clipper Ship Comet, 1855. Currier and Ives (Americans). Museum of N.Y.C, New York. 440. “Surf, Sand and Rocks”. Reproduced from the Original Water Color by Henry Gasser. 441. The Harvesters, 1565. Pieter Brueghel. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. 442. Northern and Arctic Studies. Churchill Northern Studies Centre. 443. The Universal and International Exhibition of 1967. Montreal [map] 444. The forest belongs to every living thing. Smokey the Bear. Forest Service – U.S. Department of Agriculture and Canadian Forestry Association. 445. Forest fires catch fish, too. Smokey the Bear. Forest Service – U.S. Department of Agriculture and Canadian Forestry Association. 446. “Rescue 21” at the Promenade Penzance. The Lions Club of Penzance. June, 1981. 447. Landseer 1802-1873. The Tate Gallery. 1982. 448. Treasures from the Tower of London. ROM. 1983. 449. Common Garden Birds. Southern Australia. 450. Architectural Images of Yesterday. Exhibition. 1986-1987. National Library of Canada. 451. English and French ... in almost half the countries of the world. Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages. 452. The Next Step. A Series of three films examining the urgent need for services to battered women. National Film Board of Canada. 453. First Impressions. The British Discovery of Australia. Museum of Victoria. 1988. 454. The Official Story. [movie] 455. Caspar David Friedrich 1774-1840. Romantic Landscape Painting in Dresden. The Tate Gallery. 456. I Dreamed I was in Picasso's Shoes ... Teodoro Dragonieri. A Celebration of Great Artists. 457. Banks' Florilegium. Plants from Captain Cook's First Voyage 1768-1771. The National Library of Canada. 458. A Covenanted People. The Religious Tradition and the Origins of American Constitutionalism. The John Carter Brown Library. 1987. 459. 1931 – Painters of Canada Series. Exhibition of Christmas Cards. The Public Archives of Canada. 1983-1984. 460. Vicki Keith Swims the five Great Lakes for Variety Village. 461. Careless Talk Costs Lives. (reproduced from an original poster, held by the Imperial War Museum). 462. The Great Gatsby. [movie] 463. Coors Light Mardi Gras. 1993. 464. Four reproductions of original Second World War posters held by the Imperial War Museum. 465. The Pre-Raphaelites. The Tate Gallery. 1984. 466. The Pre-Raphaelites. The Tate Gallery. 1984. 467. James Barry. The Artist as Hero. Tate Gallery, 1983. 468. Edward Hopper. “The Early Years”. Friends of Art inc., Naples, Florida. 1984. 469. The Marie Selby Botanical Gardens. International Epiphyte Symposium. 1991. Sarasota, Florida. 470. Festival of Trees. Kingston, Ontario. 1992. (original painting “I'll be Home for Christmas” by Shirley Hulley). 471. Group of Seven. Canadian Landscape Painters. From the McMichael Canadian Collection. Kleinburg, Ontario. 472. The Recovery of the Classics and the Growth of Learning in the West. An Exhibition at the John Carter Brown Library at Brown University, 1984. 473. Womanspirit. Art Research and Resource Centre. London, Ont. 474. Notice of Revision. The Canada Elections Act. Electoral District of Oxford. 1963. 475. Cirage Jacquot & Cie. 476. Palais de Glace. 477. Motocycles Comiot. Paris. 478. JOB. I. Champenois Paris. 479. Compagnie Francaise des Chocolats et des Thes. 480. Lait pur de la vingeanne sterilise. 481. Bieres de la Meuse. 482. Governor General Jules Leger. Canada Post. 1982. 483. Canada 82. International Philatelic Youth Exhibition. Canada Post. 1982. 484. Celebrating the Patriation of the Constitution. Canada Post. 1982. 485. October is Stamp Collecting Month. Canada Post. 486. Canada Day. Canada Through the Eyes of Its Artists. Canada Post. 1982. 487. Canada 82. International Philatelic Youth Exhibition. Canada Post. 1982. 488. Frederick H. Varley. Paul-Emile Borduas. Marc-Aurele Fortin. Canada Post. 1981. 489. Les Floralies de Montreal. Canada Post. 1981. 490. Fringe. Edinburgh Festival. August 11th to 31st 1985. 491. Artists at Work: Process and Technique. McIntosh Gallery. The University of Western Ontario. 1982. 492. Great Canadian Botanists. Canada Post. 1981. 493. Canada from 1867 to Today. Canada Post. 1981. 494. Bicentennial of Niagara-on-the-Lake. Canada Post. 1981. 495. Emma Lake Artists' Workshop. Summer 1976. 496. John O'Brien 1831-1891. Art Gallery of Nova Scotia. 497. Artisan '78. The first national traveling exhibition of contemporary Canadian crafts. The Koffler Gallery. 1980-1981. 498. Harris. Pic Island. The McMichael Canadian Collection. Kleinburg, Ontario. 499. Jackson. Winter Morning at St. Tite des Caps. The McMichael Canadian Collection. 500. The Herbarium of Louis XIV. Copper Engravings from the Louvre. McIntosh Gallery. The University of Western Ontario. 1981. 501. A Memory in the Making. Olympic Torch Relay. XV Olympic Winter Games. 1987-1988. 502. A Specimen by William Caslon, Letter-Founder, in Chifwell-Street, London. Reprinted at the Printing and Post Office, Colonial Willamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia. 503. Terry Fox – Marathon of Hope. Canada Post. 1982. 504. Share the Flame. Support the Olympic Torch Relay Legacy Fund. 505. Talk to the Animals by Leslie Bricusse. Holt, Rinehart & Winston. 506. Hup, Two, Three, Four!. Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, Limited. 507. Breakfast as you like it! Health and Welfare Canada. 508. National Book Festival. A Celebration of Canadian Books and Magazines. 26 April-2 May 1982. 509. A Memory in the Making. Olympic Torch Relay. XV Olympic Winter Games. 1987-1988. 510. Bring McMaster to Hamilton. $500 000 needed. Give generously. 511. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Pennroyal Press. 512. Most parents don't Encourage their Daughters to become Doctors, Lawyers, Politicians. Why Not? Minister responsible for the Status of Women. 513. Unicef. 514. Who's Who at the Zoo. Metropolitan Toronto Zoo. 1978. 515. Who's Who at the Zoo. Metropolitan Toronto Zoo. 1978. 516. The Special Moment by John McInnes. 517. Doors. As found by Jamie Owen. Oakville Centennial Gallery. 1981. 518. Ontario Turkey. Anytime is Turkey Time. Foodland Ontario. 519. Royal Lipizzan Stallions. Memorial Arena, Kingston. 1986. 520. Reflections of an Insane Woman? And GentleMen. Memorial Hall, Kingston City Hall. 521. Autumn. The Explorer Series from Scholastic. 522. Canada's Fitweek. Fitness Canada. 1989. 523. Jacques Cartier in Canada. Exhibition. National Library of Canada. 1984. 524. Ninstints. British Columbia, Canada. 525. Ninstints. Haida World Heritage Site. Queen Charlotte Islands. British Columbia, Canada. 526. Wings. First Academy Award Winner 1927-28. Best Picture. 527. Discover your heritage. National Historic Parks and Sites. Parks Canada. 528. Queen's Spirit ... it's catching! Queen's University. Secondary School Liaison Office, Kingston, Ontario. 529. Chinese Arts & Crafts (H.K.) Ltd. Exquisite Collection of Creations by Chinese and Foreign Artists. 530. Automatic Overdraft Protection. 531. Get Tough. In the Militia You've got to do it on your own. 1988. 532. Jesse & the Bandit Queen/The Cenci. Adam House Theatre. Canada – University of Windsor. 533. A Last Belch for the Great Auk by David Halliwell. St. Columba's by the Castle. 534. Maenclochog Railway. (published for Pembrokeshire Museums by Museum Casts International). 535. Aircraft – Training and Transport. Canada Post. 1981. 536. Mount Allison University. 1839-1989. 537. TD Summer Reading Club. A Program of the Public Libraries of Ontario. 538. Grand Trunk Railway. Montreal and Brockville Section. 1856. 539. Anasazi Heritage Center. The Chappell Collection. 1988. 540. “Let Us Compare Mythologies”. Half a Century of Canadian Poetry in English. National Library of Canada. 1989-1990. 541. A distinctively Canadian gift. Canada Post. 542. Spuds Mackenzie. The original party animal. Bud Light. 543. Bentley Bros. Circus. Pinellas Park, Wagonwheel Flea Market. 544. A Harvest Gathered. Food in the New World. An Exhibition at the John Carter Brown Library, Providence, Rhode Island. 1989-1990. 545. Brown. The Rising Generation. 1992. 546. Florida Minerals. Florida Geological Survey. 547. Treasures Worth Collecting. Canada Post Corporation. 548. Studio Theatre. 1990-1991 Season. Department of Drama. University of Alberta. 549. Temagami. Art for Preservation. Exhibition & Silent Auction. 550. Just a Dream. Chris Van Allsburg. 1990. 551. Stage Polaris. 1991-92 Season. 552. The Lion of the North. 553. Bluenose II. The Last of the Tall Schooners. 554. Who's Who at the Zoo. Metropolitan Toronto Zoological Society. 1977. 555. Orcas of the West Coast. Beautiful British Columbia Magazine. 556. Atlantic North. National Film Board of Canada. 557. Contact Bankers. Getting the job done in Washington. 1988 [calendar]. 558. Enterprising Women. A film which inspires women to consider business ownership as a career alternative. National Film Board of Canada. 559. Purple Hearts. 1984. (film) 560. The Routeburn Track. Poster competition winner Emma Simmers. InterCity. (New Zealand, 1989). 561. Town and Area of Baddeck, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada. 562. Canada's Fitweek. Fitness Canada. 1988. 563. True Friends. People, Libraries, Books. Ottawa Public Library. 1987. 564. Canadian Pacific “Empress” Steamers. Luxurious Fast Mail Steamers to Canada. 565. Synchro. 1997 Western Divisional Synchronized Swimming Challenge. 566. PC. (1987 Provincial election in NB). 567. PC. (1987 Provincial election in NB). 568. Canada's Fitweek. Fitness Canada. 1987. 569. Hess. Michael Burrell. Grand Theatre. 570. Safety. Don't leave shore without it! Transport Canada. The Canadian Red Cross Society. 571. Symbolic Heat. Gender, Health and Worship among the Tamils of South India and Sri Lanka. 572. Collectors & Collections. Canadian Studies Symposium, 1991. Mount Allison University. 573. Roman Baths & Abbey. Bath. 574. The Wellcome Trust & the University of Oxford. An Exhibition. Divinity School. Bodleian Library. 1987. 575. Divinity School. Bodleian Library. Oxford. An Exhibition. 576. “Preservation of the Public Morals”. County of Perth, C.W. 1854. 577. Rules and Regulations of the County Poor House. Simcoe, County of Norfolk, Ontario. June 16, 1871. 578. Canadian flag. 579. From Our Hands. Native Ontario Crafts toured by the Ontario Crafts Council. 580. Joe Fafard. David Thauberger. National Exhibition Centre. Swift Current, Sask. 581. Jack Bush. National Film Board of Canada. 582. Villagers/Villageois. Ottawa, Canada & Gambissara, Gambia. 583. Canadian Endangered Species. 1993. 584. Thousand Islands Playhouse. Gananoque, Ontario. 1993 Season. 585. Journey through time: the Human Story. A science film from the National Film Board of Canada. 586. Herbicide Trials. A Film by the National Film Board of Canada, Atlantic Studio. 587. The Kid Who Couldn't Miss. National Film Board of Canada. 588. 1995 Chinese New Year Festival. Plaza of Nations. 589. Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages. [Illustration of animals, labeled in English and French] 590. North China Commune. A film by Tony Ianzelo, Boyce Richardson. National Film Board of Canada. 591. Speaking Our Peace. A film about women, peace and power. National Film Board of Canada. 592. Miller Brittain. An Artist's Life. National Film Board of Canada. 593. The Devil at Your Heels. National Film Board of Canada. 594. Outdoors '93. 2nd Annual All-Seasons outdoor Trade Show. Corner Brook. 595. Deja Vu, eh? Stop Free Trade. Action Canada Network. 596. Richard Nanes. Delfon Recording Society. 597. Kingston's Tercentenary '73. Year-long Celebrations. Kingston, Ontario. 598. Kick Up Your Heels! Canada's Fitweek. Fitness Canada. 1990. 599. Queen's Quarterly. 90th Anniversary. 1983. Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario. 600. The New Democrats. 1988. 601. Made in Canada II. Artists in Books. Exhibition. 1982. National Library of Canada. 602. No Accident. A short film about drinking and driving produced by the National Film Board of Canada. 603. Old House. New House. Energy Conservation at Ecology House. 604. John C. Yesno School. Fort Hope, Ontario. [1984 calendar] 605. Cetin. Galerie Evan. Renaissance Plaza, Toronto, Ontario. 1987. 606. Railway Country. Across Canada by Train. Dudley Witney, Brian D. Johnson. Key Porter Books. 1985. 607. The Moscow State Circus. Norwich Earlham Park. 608. Magnetic North. Algoma Country. 609. Taste that will stop you cold. Molson Canadian. 610. Cortez Cultural Center. In partnership with the University of Colorado. 1989. 611. National Trust. Higher Brownstone, Devon. 612. National Trust. The Fleece Inn. Bretforton, Worcs. 613. Kahlua. There's Only One. 614. Puss n Boots. 615. Rust Check. The Corrosion Experts. [calendar] 616. Grand Canyon. Yavapai Point. 617. Paris. les jardins de Bagatelle. 618. Edinburgh Festival Fringe 1980. The Life Association of Scotland Limited. 619. L'inspiration Cinzano. 1991. [calendar] 620. “Check out the trunks on those redwoods”. Santa Cruz County. 621. Private Label Travel. 1987. [calendar] 622. San Francisco. Golden Gate Bridge. 623. San Francisco. Cable Car. 624. Lost World Caverns. Lewisburg, West Virginia. 625. Winslow. Arizona. 626. Canyon deChelly. 627. Thunderbird Lodge. At the mouth of Canyon DeChelly. Chinle, AZ. 628. Carnaval 1995. Medina si donia. 629. Malta Carnival '89. 630. Out of Western's Attic. Curiosities, Memories, Traditions. McIntosh Gallery, University of Western Ontario. 1990. 631. Folk Treasures of Historic Ontario. Ontario Heritage Foundation. Ministry of Citizenship and Culture. 1985-1986. Rodman Hall Arts Centre, St. Catharines. 632. Celebrating Rideau 150. Ontario Historical Society. Annual Meeting. Kingston, Ontario. 1982. 633. Fixed in Time. A Victorian Album. National Film Board of Canada. 634. The Widening Sphere: Women in Canada, 1870-1940. Public Archives Canada. 635. Canada1. Canada's Challenger for the America's Cup! Labatt's. 636. The Dead in the Square. By Pablo Neruda. 637. Free Fennit Music Festival. 1981. 638. National Photography Collection. Curators of Canadian Photography. Public Archives Canada. [photograph at Little Whale River P.Q. Circa 1865, by George Simpson McTavish] 639. National Photography Collection. Curators of Canadian Photography. Public Archives Canada. [photograph of the Elbow of the North Saskatchewan River, September 1871, by Charles Horetzky] 640. National Photography Collection. Curators of Canadian Photography. Public Archives Canada. [photograph of King Street West from Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, c. 1894, by Frank Micklethwaite] 641. National Photography Collection. Curators of Canadian Photography. Public Archives Canada. [photograph of Montreal Harbour from the Customs House, P.Q., c. 1870, by Alexander Henderson] 642. The Canada Year Book 1990. Statistics Canada. 643. Christmas Tree Bicentennial. Collect Canadian Stamps. 1981. Canada Post. 644. The “A” Stamp. Equals $0.30 for domestic postage only. Collect Canadian Stamps. 1981. Canada Post. 645. The Hurson Collection of Modern Naïve Paintings. U.C.T Irma Stern Museum. 1984. 646. Celebration! Canada Day. Department of the Secretary of State of Canada. 647. Vision ... a future together. Canada 125. Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages. 648. Tradition. ... a shared history. Canada 125. Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages. 649. Perspective ... living in harmony. Canada 125. Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages. 650. Bla...Bla...Bla... Centre Francais de Queen's. (1990). 651. Amnesty International. Section Tunisienne. 652. Canada's Fitweek '91. Celebrate feeling great! Fitness Canada. 653. Shearwater. International Air Show. September 15 & 16, 1990. 654. Save our Past for the Future. Colorado Archaeology Preservation Week. April 7-13, 1991. 655. Eschaton. A play by Robin Marshall and James O'Regan. The Alumni Theatre, Carleton University. 656. Amnesty International. un espoir pour les prisonniers d'opinion dans le monde. 657. Canada, a society for all ages. International Year of Older Persons 1999. 658. Commissioner of Official Languages. [illustration of birds, labeled in English and French] 659. Birds of Canada. Canada Post. 660. The Travelers Currier & Ives Calendar. 1979. 661. Graphic Americana. The Art & Technique of Printed Ephemera. The Leonard L. Milberg Gallery for the Graphic Arts. Princeton University Library. 1992. 662. You Can't Sink Greenpeace. Say “no” to nuclear testing now! 663. China: Treasures and Splendors. 1986. Montreal. 664. Let's Celebrate 150 years of Queen's. Queen's University at Kingston. Sesquicentennial 1841-1991. 665. “Family” -- Kookaburras by William Delaney. Limited edition print. Fine Artwork International. 666. Sweet and Tasty Papaya. Tiram Fresh. (Malaysia, 1989). 667. Vancouver Island Marmot. Wood Bison. 1981. Canada Post. 668. The Alpine World of New Zealand's National Parks. Ours to Protect. National Parks Centennial 1987-88. 669. Wellington After All. From the Alexander Turnbull Library collections. National Library of New Zealand. (1989). 670. Whelan. by Eugene Whelan with Rick Archbold. Irwin Publishing. 671. Track Your Favourites with the Royal Canadian Mint. The 1996 Wildlife Collection. 672. Katherine Mansfield 1888-1923. New Zealand celebrates the Anniversary of her birth. 673. Drawn From Nature. Europeans record New Zealand 1770-1860. From the Alexander Turnbull Library, Drawings and Prints Collection. National Library Gallery. 1988. 674. Guardsman of Gor. John Norman. 675. Forum. The International Journal of Human Relations. December 1979. 676. A Gift in Time. Fashions from the collection of the London Historical Museums. London Regional Art Gallery. London, Ontario. 1987. 677. Lazy Days. Athena International, London, 1983. 678. Freesias. Athena International, London, 1983. 679. U Boote Heraus! (reproduced from an original poster, held by the Imperial War Museum) 680. Justice. Peace. Dignity. Ninth Annual Letelier-Moffitt Memorial Human Rights Awards. 1985. 681. Fanfare Books. Stratford, Canada. 682. Strawberries & Cream. Abby Brown Graphics. 683. Shrine Circus Kingston. Memorial Centre. Kingston District Shrine Club. (1987) 684. Woodland Indian Art. The McMichael Canadian Collection, Kleinburg, Ontario. 685. The Enchanted World. Time Life Books. 686. Turner Watercolours. The Vaughan Bequest. National Gallery of Scotland. 687. The Toronto Symphony. Illustration by Monique Roumy. 688. Challenger. An Industrial Romance. The story of Canada's great aviation venture. National Film Board of Canada. 689. America. 1499. [map] 690. Earth Day. Kingston. April 25, 1992. 691. Frank Patterson. A Great Night for the Irish! Grand Theatre. (1990) 692. [Rabbits]. Pamela J. Hardwick. 693. [Owls]. Pamela J. Hardwick. 694. [Squirrel]. Pamela J. Hardwick. 695. Complimentary Student Activity Guide '88. Queen's University. 696. Scenes of Atlantic Canada. Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick. Bill Brooks. 697. Scenes of Atlantic Canada. Hopewell Rocks, New Brunswick. Richard Vroom. 698. Scenes of Atlantic Canada. Twillingate, Newfoundland. Ben Hansen. 699. Win the Pot “O” Gold. $1000.00. Alliston Potato Festival. 1988. 700. Vancouver. “Inner Harbour”. Stefan Schulhof. 1993. 701. Vancouver. “View from Granville Island”. Stefan Schulhof. 1993. 702. Vancouver. “False Creek”. Stefan Schulhof. 1993. 703. China Mission. The Chester Ronning Story. A film produced by the North West Studio of the National Film Board of Canada. 704. Brighton Beach Memoirs. A Comedy by Neil Simon. The Grand Theatre, Kingston. 705. Life in the Past Lane. Black Creek Pioneer Village. Toronto, Canada. 706. Stop Free Trade. Action Canada Network. 707. Singlehanders. A film by the National Film Board of Canada, Atlantic Studio. 708. Elk Island. Managing a Sanctuary. National Film Board of Canada. 709. Crown Land Resources. Lake Abitibi – Detour Lake Corridor. Our Resource planning and Your development ideas. Government of Ontario. 710. In Search of Farley Mowat. National Film Board of Canada. 711. For the Love of Dance. Backstage with Seven Canadian Dance Companies. National Film Board of Canada. 712. The Heritage of Genghis Khan. Empires Beyond the Great Wall. Royal British Columbia Museum. 713. Rough Crossing. Adapted by Tom Stoppard from the original farce by Ferenc Molnar. Chester GatewayTheatre. 714. Up with People. The International Cast – On World Tour. (to benefit Hospice Kingston) 715. A Red Letter Day for Canada. June 28 '86 when the Canadian Pacific Railway opens to the Pacific Ocean. 716. Concert. The North Country Chamber Players. Sugar Hill Meeting House, Sugar Hill. 1985. 717. Oscarian Bros. Circus. Under the Big Top! 718. Turner & The Sea. Watercolours by J.M.W Turner. The Tate Gallery. 1982. 719. Share the Flame. Olympic Torch Relay Glass Customer Information. XV Olympic Winter Games. 720. F.R. Scott: Rhyme and Reason. A film portrait directed by Donald Winkler. National Film Board of Canada. 1983. 721. Exhibition. Images of Flora and Fauna at the National Library of Canada. 1989. 722. Granada. Costa Tropical. 723. Zundel and Keegstra – Free Speech for Racists? Speakers: Alan Borovoy & Prof. Phil Goldman. Queen's University. 724. Berczy Symposium. National Gallery of Canada. 1991. 725. Crime After Crime: Sherlock Holmes to Benny Cooperman. The Sherlock Holmes Centenary Celebrations. 726. Canadian North by Ted Harrison. 727. The Natural History Museum. College of the Atlantic. Route #3, Bar Harbor, Maine. 728. Rules to be Observed at the Bathe. Abbot Feckenham 1576. 729. The Bath Experience! A unique Audio-visual Experience. Theatre Royal Bath. 730. Films by Bill Mason, Canada's most outstanding outdoor filmmaker. National Film Board of Canada. 731. Early Modern Maritime History. Public Lectures sponsored by the John Carter Brown Library. Brown University. 732. We have been in power 2 months, but I can tell you this, -- give us 20 years and you will not recognize this country! Brian Mulroney 733. [Unicorn]. Andy Mack. 734. Pow Wow. Curve Lake First Nation. Rekindling Our Traditions. 735. History in Stitches. An Exhibition of Modern Embroideries inspired by the Past. Moyse's Hall Museum. Cornhill, Bury St. Edmunds. 736. The North West Early Music Festival. Bramall Hall. Bramhall, Cheshire. 1986. 737. The Smoke. Tom Barling. An explosive novel of the violent struggle for supremacy in London's gangland. 738. Elgar. Dream of Gerontius. Cambridgeshire Village Colleges Choral Society. 1988. 739. Old Fort William. An Epic Canadian Adventure! Ontario. Ministry of Tourism and Recreation. 1988. 740. “The Snowy Owl”. Jim Beaudoin. 741. Requiem. Verdi. Kingston Symphony. Kingston Choral Society. 1990. 742. Noise gets in your ears. The Canadian Hearing Society Foundation. Toronto, Ont. 743. Kingfest 1983. A Summer Experience. 744. Nobody's Perfect. A musical play about epilepsy for grades 3-8. Mischiefmakers' Theatre. 745. The National Trust Poster Range. 746. 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics. [figure skater] Ron Broda/Artist. 747. 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics. [hockey player] Ron Broda/Artist. 748. 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics. [skier] Ron Broda/Artist. 749. 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics. [curler] Ron Broda/Artist. 750. A tribute to Canada's Olympic athletes. Olympic Souvenir Fine Arts Posters by Canadian artist Ron Broda. 751. Book Fair. Fifth annual Maine Antiquarian Booksellers Association. Portland, Maine. [1985] 752. Book Fair. Fifth annual Maine Antiquarian Booksellers Association. Portland, Maine. [1985] 753. John Barleycorn. A Heady brew of Music, Myth and attempted Murder. Eastern Angles Theatre Company. 754. Charley's Aunt by Brandon Thomas. Maddermarket Theatre. 755. Theatre 5 presents summer theatre-by-the-Lake. Kingston, Ontario. [1987] 756. Volunteers needed for the Elizabeth Fry Society of Kingston. 1987. 757. Celebrate Drummond Day on July 25th. Honour Gordon Drummond, who won the Battle of Lundy's Lane & saved the Niagara Peninsula. 758. An Organ Recital by Olivier Latry. St. George's Cathedral, Kingston. 1988. 759. For Family Fun visit Fantasy Farm. Lincoln, N.H. [1985] 760. [The Bluenose]. Painted by Franklin Arbuckle. 761. Limited Edition Books and Broadsheets from the Canadian Private Presses. The Poole Dolphin Book Store. Grimsby, Ontario. 762. Come to Wayzgoose '84 in Grimsby. 763. Come to Wayzgoose '84 in Grimsby. 764. Centennial Concert. The Choir of Bloor Street United Church. 1987. 765. Africans in the New World. 1493-1834. An Exhibition at the John Carter Brown Library. 766. Prelude to Performance. A recital by young Kingston musicians. Lamplight Theatre. 1987. 767. Keepsake of 1969. The Alcuin Society. 768. Keepsake of 1969. The Alcuin Society. 769. Keepsake of 1969. The Alcuin Society. 770. Keepsake of 1969. The Alcuin Society. 771. Keepsake of 1969. The Alcuin Society. 772. Trafford Tanzi by Claire Luckham. Battle of the Sexes. Mermaid Theatre. 773. “No Sex Please We're British”. Garrick Theatre. 774. La Vie en Rose. London's Fabulous Night Spot. London. [1983] 775. Song of the Queen Bee. E.B.W [E.B. White] 776. Victoria Symphony Friday Matinee. Christ Church Cathedral. 1996. 777. Harold Town. “The Eye is not the Ear”. The Review Lecture Series. 778. One Perfect Rose. Carolyn Hetherington as Dorothy Parker. Convocation Hall. Department of Drama. Queen's University. 779. Queen's University Chamber Singers. In concert ... with Patricia Rideout. 780. The Monk Gibbon Papers. Queen's University Archives. Kingston, Ontario. 781. The Guards. Les Gardes. Governor General's Foot Guards. Ottawa, Ontario. [1983] 782. The Sixth Ottawa Antiquarian Book Fair. Ottawa Congress Centre. 1985. 783. Stevie. From the Life and Work of Stevie Smith. Theatre 5. 784. Eagle Song. James Houston. A novel based on true events. 785. Movies at the Metcalfe. State Library of New South Wales. 1989. 786. Take Two: Duncan deKergommeaux and Roly Fenwick. A critical reassessment of outdoor landscape painting. McIntosh Gallery, the University of Western Ontario. 1982. 787. Valdy. In Concert. A Shantero Production. [1992] 788. 9th Annual Bethlehem Craft Fair. 1985. 789. The Washington County Fair. Pembroke, Me. 790. Michael George and Peter Gurney. Stoney's. 791. kin-lalat. Music from Guatemala. 792. The Seventh Ottawa Antiquarian Book Fair. Ottawa Congress Centre. 1986. 793. Leave your mark. Acta Victoriana. 794. Support Human Rights in Guatemala. The Latin American Human Rights Advocacy Center. 795. Proclamation by William Lyon Mackenzie. 1837. 796. Gasparilla Primetime Walk/Run at Sun City Center. [1990] 797. Everyman. A morality play. Queen's Drama Department. [1982] 798. Fridays by Andrew Johns. “a comedy about friendship...” Grand Theatre, Kingston. 1993. 799. James Dean. A L'est D'Eden. 800. W. Hogarth. Inv. et Pinx. 801. W. Hogarth. Inv. et Pinx. 802. A Proclamation. Francis Fauquier. Williamsburg, Virginia. 1765. 803. Dinting Railway Centre. Dinting near Glossop Derbyshire. 804. The Undersea World of Erik Satie. Impact Theatre. Henderson Row, Edinburgh [ca. 1980] 805. Explanation of the Frontispiece of this almanac. Samuel Neilson. The Quebec Almanack for The Year 1792. (to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Bibliographical Society of Canada, 150 copies of this broadside have been printed by George Walker at his press in Toronto). 806. Children's Miracle Network Telethon. June 4 & 5, 1988. 807. The Victoria Dance Series. 1998/99 Season. 808. The 17th Wayzgoose. Ninety-Five. Grimsby Public Art Gallery. 809. The Little Match Girl. A modern adaptation by Jack Neary of Hans Christian Anderson's classic tale. The Lennox Community Theatre. Selby. [1999] 810. Victoria Dance Series. 2001/2002. 811. The Victoria Dance Series. 1999/2000 Season. 812. If you are pregnant, or think you might be, tell your technologist. Ontario Society of Radiological Technologists. 813. Theatre 5's Beauty and the Beast. du Maurier Arts Ltd. 814. Music Hall. Kingston's Favourite Comedy Cabaret. Grand Theatre. 815. The Spanish Tragedie or, Hieronimo is mad againe. The Renaissance Stage Company. The Earl Street Theatre. [1994] 816. Much adoe about Nothing. The Renaissance Stage Company. The Earl Street Theatre. [1994] 817. The John Carter Brown Library. Research Fellowships 1995-1996. 818. Antiques Show and Sales. Venice, Florida. 1986. 819. The Bar Harbor Antique Show. An Outstanding Exhibition & Sale of 18th & 19th Century Antique Furnishings & Accessories. 1982. 820. The 11th Annual Mount Dora Art Festival. February 1st and 2nd 1986. 821. Listen! 1922-82. An Exciting Oral History with Arthur Zimmerman. 822. The London Symphony Orchestra. Eugene Istomin – pianist. 823. 8th Annual “Charity Golf Tournament” All proceeds to kidney foundation. Don Cherry, Master of Ceremonies. Colonnade Golf and Country Club. Kingston, Ontario. 1987. 824. 2nd Annual “Murder at Murney Tower” (a museological farce). Kingston. 825. Bridgehead Coffee. Helping third world farmers. 826. Discovery of the Titanic. Marine Museum of the Great Lakes at Kingston. (a traveling exhibit circulated by the Outreach Services Department of the Royal Ontario Museum). [1987] 827. Queen's Players Summer Troupe presents... Bewitched, Bewildered & Be Happy. The Playhouse, Gananoque. 828. Glenn Gould. Exhibition. National Library of Canada. 1988. 829. Ovibos Moschatus – The Muskox. Canadian Nature Federation. 830. California Suite. Four comedies set in a hotel suite by Neil Simon. Cairns Little Theatre. 831. The Seasonings. The Melbourne Chorale. Melbourne Concert Hall. [1989] 832. South Africa rally. [1986] 833. C.P.R Track Laying near Rogers Pass, 1885. #5 in the Ocean Cement “Building B.C.” Collection. 834. Victoria Dance Series. 2002/2003. 835. The Victoria Dance Series. Inaugural Season. 1997/1998. 836. West Coast Orcas. Sue Coleman. 837. Kingston Summer Theatre. Butterflies are free. Grand Theatre. 838. Building for Our Future. 1933. 1961. 1991. [New Democratic Party of Canada] 839. Put that Dinosaur Away. Transfer your home movies to video tape. Video Treasures. 840. Wayzgoose. Ninety-Two. Grimsby Public Art Gallery. 841. Preserve Dominion Day. July 1. 842. Another Medieval Feast. The Towneley Cycle XV. The Baptism of Christ. Queen's University. 1985. 843. Rosy Finch. Original pastel by Lois E. Robinson. 844. Stellar's Jay. Original pastel by Lois E. Robinson. 845. The Club. A Musical Diversion by Eve Merriam. Queen's Drama Department. [1983] 846. Wayzgoose 1997. Grimsby Public Art Gallery. 847. Fourth Annual Kingston Buskers Rendezvous. Downtown Kingston. 1992. 848. Reader, Lover of Books. The Book Arts in Ontario. Organized by the Canadiana Department, North York Public Library, 1981. 849. Instrument of surrender of Japanese forces... . Supreme Allied Commander, South East Asia. 850. The Life of Beethoven. “A Quartet from 1812”. [1992] 851. John Knox House. Museum. The Royal Mile. Edinburgh. 852. The Great Australian Art Exhibition. 1788-1988. Art Gallery of South Australia. 853. Naples/Marco Arts Festival. The Cultural Wave. 854. Requiem & Solemn Vespers. Mozart. The Exultate Chamber Singers. St. James Cathedral, Toronto. 1987. 855. Pocket Pool. David Berry. Peppermint Press. 856. Longleat. The Home of the 6th Marquess of Bath. Longleat Warminster Wiltshire. 857. The Royal Wedding. Official Souvenir. 858. Galerie Victoria presents Christmas. An evening of Entertainment. [1983] 859. Nativity Pageant. Glenburnie, Ontario. The Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints. 860. Here comes the British Brass! The Fine Arts Brass of England. 861. Scotline Tours. Tour Romantic Scotland. 862. A Christmas Tree for the Animals. The Fur-Bearers. Association for the protection of fur-bearing animals. 863. A Christmas Tree for the Animals. The Fur-Bearers. Association for the protection of fur-bearing animals. 864. A Christmas Tree for the Animals. The Fur-Bearers. Association for the protection of fur-bearing animals. 865. A Christmas Tree for the Animals. The Fur-Bearers. Association for the protection of fur-bearing animals. 866. A Christmas Tree for the Animals. The Fur-Bearers. Association for the protection of fur-bearing animals. 867. Anti-Apartheid Solidarity Rally. The Human Rights Coalition. University of Southern Maine. 868. Kingston Choral Society and Kingston Symphony. Elgar – Dream of Gerontius. 869. Grass Creek Park Bazaar. MacLachlan Woodworking Museum. 870. An Arctic Sketchbook by James Houston. Helen E. Stubbs Memorial Lecture. Toronto Public Library. 871. Pioneer Quest. A Year in the Real West. History Television. 872. Eros 97. Erotic Art Show. 873. Geneva. Amnesty International. [1989] 874. The Power of the Press. Aspects of the History of Printing from the 15th to the 20th Century. Grimsby Museum. [1990] 875. Wayzgoose 96. Grimsby Public Art Gallery. 876. Barn Dance. Henfield Scouts and Guides Supporters Association. [near Poynings, Sussex, 1979] 877. Summer Programmes. The Frontenac County Schools Museum. Kingston, Ontario. 878. Festive Christmas Evening. Queen's Collegium Musicum and poetry of Shakespeare and Dylan Thomas. 879. Messiah. Handel. The Pro Arte Singers of Kingston. 1983. 880. Bath Fire Dept. Annual Turkey Supper. 1985. 881. Club 55 Plus. Busch Gardens. Tampa, Florida. 882. Spring Fair. Sussex Wildlife Trust. [1988] 883. Really Rosie. The Clelsea Theater Center. 884. Gold of the Pharaohs. Museum of Victoria. [1989] 885. Love your Library. Handle with Care. Queen's University Libraries. Preservation and Conservation Working Group. [2001] 886. Moulin Rouge. Concert Bal tous Les Soirs. 887. Kenny's Window. Music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. 888. Vacation Readers have more fun than anyone. 889. Corinthian Yachts. A Special Exhibition for 1990. Marine Museum of the Great Lakes at Kingston. 890. The Total Male: A Mental, Physical, Social & Spiritual Being. Washington National Cathedral and the Church Association for Community Services. [1991] 891. Mary Malloy & Stuart Frank In Concert: Ballads & Songs of the Deepwater Trades. The John Carter Brown Library. [1987] 892. St. Mary's. Bramber. West Sussex. c. 1470. [1988] 893. Warning! Antique Pox. Very Contagious To Adults. Periwinkle Place. Virgil, Ontario. 894. Ayr Flower Show. 1986. 895. Merrickville Blockhouse Festival. [1992] 896. 10th Annual Book Fair. The Ottawa Antiquarian Booksellers' Association. [1989] 897. Auto Insurance Crisis. Speaker: Mel Swart, M.P.P Kingston Public Library. 898. Vigil. The Committee for the detained-disappeared in Guatemala. The Jesuit Center for Social Faith and Justice. The Community of the Holy Trinity Church. [1987] 899. Goodland's 4th Annual Mullet Festival. January 1988. 900. Baldoon. An O'er true story by Marty Gervais & James Reaney. 1977. 901. “A Merry Mood”. 16th Century Pageantry and Entertainment. Ottawa Public Library. 902. The first annual Naples Children's Concert. 903. Kingston City Hall. [1983] 904. Epilepsy Kingston. Annual Meeting. Nobody's Perfect. Mischiefmakers' Theatre. 1990. 905. Sweet Honey in the Rock! Concert. Celebrate Black History Month. 1990. 906. Blackwood. National Film Board of Canada. 907. Haitian Art Exhibition. In benefit of the Child Abuse Project. Women's Club of Aruba. 1990. 908. Christmas Musical Presentation. The class of '97. Winston Churchill Public School. 1983. 909. Come to Ripon Hall. Boars Hill, Oxford. Open to the public for one day only in aid of shelter. [1969] 910. Casino Night & Auction. Loon Mountain, Lincoln, NH. [1985] 911. SAS. America's Favorite Comfort Shoes. 912. Romance with the Sea Festival. Clearwater Marine Science Center Aquarium Museum. 913. Save the Rainforests. 914. Elisha Sills Gallery. Picton, Ontario. [1987] 915. If you drink – don't drive. [1987] 916. Patent Breech-Loading Fire Arms. J. Stevens & Co. Chicopee Falls, Mass., USA. 1875. 917. Maxwell Motor Company. 918. Caley's Friar of Orders Grey Crackers. 919. Bulletin. Progressive Conservative Party Leadership Convention. Toronto. 1961. 920. Run, walk or ride in aid of the Duke of Edinburgh's Award 30th Anniversary Tribute Project. 1986. 921. The Panda. Will Nelson. Wolong Panda Project. 1989. 922. Western Tiger Swallowtails. W.J. George Fine China. 923. 1817-1942. 125th Anniversary. 924. Williams Bros. Gospel Concert! Manatee High School. 1986. 925. Please help the Arms Control Centre stop Arctic nuclear weapons tests now! The Arms Control Centre. 926. Mid-Florida Flea Market. Grand Opening. 1990. 927. The Dance of Shiva. Chandrabhanu and the Bharatam Dance Company. [1989] 928. South West Area Day Conference. The Churches' Ministry of Healing. The Guild of Health. Exeter. [1983] 929. Samar. The gateway to hell! Warner Bros. 1961. 930. American currency, 1775-1781. 931. Bank Bills/Notes. 932. Tall Ships Cruise. Proceeds to the Adult Reading Program. [1984] 933. What's New 3 & Dover Shopping Week 1984. 934. “...The Porcupine's Quill of Erin, Ontario, is pleased to announce the publication of Intimate Distortions, a displacement of Sappho written by Steve McCaffery and illustrated by Virgil Burnett.” [1981] 935. A Proclamation by John Graves Simcoe. 1792. 936. Third Addition to the rules and regulations or the conduct of the Land Office Department. At the Council Chamber, Quebec. 1790. 937. Concordia Salus. The Armorial Bearings of the Bank of Montreal. 938. Le Moulin de Quetivel. St. Peter, Jersey. [1983] 939. Cariboo Mountains. Preserve this unique wilderness. [1994] 940. A Venetian Carnival. The New York Baroque Dance Company and Concert Royal. 941. The Back Doors. A tribute to Jim Morrison and the Doors. [1984] 942. Hotel Dieu Hospital Kingston. Caring since 1845. Charity Auction. 1987. 943. Tournee du Chat Noir avec Rodolphe Salis. 944. Caley's Bubbles Crackers. A.J. Caley & Son, Ltd. Norwich, England. 945. Caley's Christmas Fun Costume Crackers. 946. Caley's Queen of Hearts crackers. A.J. Caley & Son, Ltd. Norwich, England. 947. Book Fair. Rockcliffe park public school. [1982?] 948. Let it be known that Beth Watters attended Wayzgoose '85. 949. If you want to be happy for a night get drunk; for a weekend get married. Barbeque a pig if you want to be happy for a week. But to be happy all your life be a gardener. From the Chinese. [1985] 950. A private sale of vintage posters at the Essex House, New York City. [1986] 951. Renaissance to Ragtime. The Lute Group. [Norwich, 1981] 952. An Elizabethan Feast. Brighton Festival Armada Weekend. 1988. 953. With a Poet's Eye. A Tate Gallery Anthology. 1986. 954. The Injustice Done to Tou Ngo. Boundstone Community College. 955. Konica Dragon Boat Photo Contest. Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival – International Races 1989. 956. Proclamation by Sir Francis Bond Head. One Thousand Pounds to any one who will apprehend, and deliver up to Justice, William Lyon Mackenzie. 1837. 957. Rafleuchars. 1986. 958. Fifteenth Toronto Antiquarian Book Fair. 1984. 959. Jewels in the crown of nature. Band's Songbirds of Europe. World Wildlife Fund. 1985. 960. As You Like It. Tag Theatre Company. Orkney Arts Theatre. 961. House Tour. Historical Homes along the Loyalist Trail. Lennox and Addington Historical Society. Napanee, Ontario. 1984. 962. Cortez Cu Center. Providing vistas of worlds beyond our own. In partnership with the University of Colorado. 1990.