HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES Hydrol. Process. 14, 37±49 (2000) Measuring drop size distribution and kinetic energy of rainfall using a force transducer A. W. Jayawardena* and Rezaur R. B. Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Abstract: The relatively high cost of commercially available raindrop spectrometers and disdrometers has inhibited detailed and intensive research on drop size distribution, kinetic energy and momentum of rainfall which are important for understanding and modelling soil erosion caused by raindrop detachment. In this study, an approach to ®nd the drop size distribution, momentum and kinetic energy of rainfall using a relatively inexpensive device that uses a piezoelectric force transducer for sensing raindrop impact response is introduced. The instrument continuously and automatically records, on a time-scale, the amplitude of electrical pulses produced by the impact of raindrops on the surface of the transducer. The size distribution of the raindrops and their respective kinetic energy are calculated by analysing the number and amplitude of pulses recorded, and from the measured volume of total rainfall using a calibration curve. Simultaneous measurements of the instrument, a rain gauge and a dye-stain method were used to assess the performance of the instrument. Test results from natural and simulated rainfalls are presented. Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. KEY WORDS drop size distribution; kinetic energy; momentum; piezoelectric transducer; soil erosion; rainfall INTRODUCTION Since erosion starts with the process of soil detachment by raindrop impact, the basic unit of raindrop erosivity can be represented by the stress, momentum or kinetic energy of a single raindrop (Sharma, 1996), which are all functions of the drop size, drop shape and the terminal velocity. Of these, the kinetic energy of a single drop is the most commonly used unit of raindrop erosivity (Hudson, 1995). Frequent and routine measurements of drop size distribution, momentum, kinetic energy or impact forces of rainfall are often needed to better understand the mechanics of soil detachment by raindrop impact, and data on the kinetic energy load of rainstorms are basic in order to develop and verify physically based models of soil detachment by raindrop impact in interrill erosion processes (Jayawardena and Rezaur, 1999). There are several studies in which the response of the soil surface to single water drop impact force (Ghadiri and Payne, 1977, 1981; Nearing and Bradford, 1985), kinetic energy (Al-Durrah and Bradford, 1981; Sharma and Gupta, 1989; Sharma et al., 1991) and momentum (Riezebos and Epema, 1985) have been examined. All these models require speci®c information about the size and velocity of the impacting drops. The total kinetic energy of rainfall is calculated by summing up the individual kinetic energies of raindrops with the aid of drop size distribution and raindrop terminal velocity information for a rainstorm (Sharma et al., 1993, 1995). The commonly used methods of measuring the size distribution of natural or arti®cial rainfall are the dye-stain method, ¯our pellet method, high speed photographic method and oil immersion method (Eigel and Moore, 1983; Coutinho and Tomas, 1995; Cerda, 1997). These methods are laborious, * Correspondence to: A. W. Jayawardena, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong. E-mail: hrecjaw@hkucc.hku.hk CCC 0885±6087/2000/010037±13$17.50 Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Received 7 September 1998 Accepted 27 April 1999 38 A. W. JAYAWARDENA AND REZAUR R. B. time consuming and incapable of providing a continuous record. Since measurement of drop size distribution is cumbersome and subject to storm-type variability, such methods do not lend themselves conveniently to frequent and routine use. Even if detailed and accurate information on drop size distribution has been collected, there still remains the problem of combining such data with the terminal velocity of simulated or natural rainfall into momentum, kinetic energy or some similar function (Hudson, 1981). Automatic sampling devices designed to give a continuous record of the drop size distribution such as the raindrop spectrometer (Mason and Ramanadham, 1953), the photoelectric raindrop size spectrometer (Dingle and Schulte, 1962), balloon-borne instruments and instruments using the wind tunnel principle (described in Mason, 1971) have the disadvantage of being costly, complicated or having moving components that are inconvenient for routine use. The acoustic method based on the conversion into an electrical pulse of the sound made by the drop upon impact on the diaphragm of a microphone (Kinnell, 1972; De Wulf and Gabriels, 1980) has limitations for use as a disdrometer because of the duration of the decaying waveform. The pulses produced by successive impacts of raindrops tend to interfere with each other and the device can only be used at low rainfall intensity. A piezoelectric sensor used with unsophisticated sorting and storage equipment (Kowal et al., 1973) have given important results but the sensor, not being sensitive enough, was unable to detect smaller drops. Hudson (1981, 1995) recognized these diculties, and emphasized the need for an inexpensive, simple and robust instrument for widespread use in soil erosion studies. The most recent and advanced techniques, the optical disdrometer (Grossklaus et al., 1998), the 2D-video disdrometer (Schonhuber et al., 1994, 1995) and the Joss±Waldvogel rainfall disdrometer (Kinnell, 1976) use highly sophisticated electronic instruments capable of providing a completely automatic record of the drop size distribution. In common with all other electronic methods these instruments were primarily designed for meteorological studies of cloud physics and are too sophisticated and, at the present time, too expensive for routine studies of soil erosion. Recognizing that research in erosivity or the study of the potential of raindrops to cause soil erosion is impeded by a lack of simple instrumentation for routine use and of techniques for measuring the size distribution and kinetic energy or momentum of raindrops during individual rainfall event or soil erosion experiments, this study attempts to design and fabricate a simple and relatively inexpensive instrument by using commercially available materials for routine use in measuring the drop size distribution and kinetic energy load of rainstorms applicable to studies of water and soil conservation. INSTRUMENT DESIGN The design of the instrument centres around the choice of a sensing device which must be large enough to record a representative sample of drops during rainfall, but not too large that coincident counts will be too numerous. It must be sensitive enough so that a drop of given size will produce the same response within small limits of error at all points in the sensitive area, except at the very edges. The sensor must be fast enough to respond to the dynamic impact of raindrops and it should be capable of being served by a wide variety of electronic readout devices capable of recording the data as a function of time, either directly without analysis or with varying degrees of analysis as desired. Obviously, a facility for remotely controlled measurements through a computer is desirable. Of the various possibilities that exist, each has distinct advantages and disadvantages. The conclusion reached in the present case was that a piezoelectric force transducer would most nearly and most ¯exibly meet the needs detailed above and the needs for soil erosion studies. In the past, piezoelectric transducers have not been utilized to their full potential because transducers were expensive and had slow response time (Dowd and Williams, 1989). The high frequency response, fast rise time, high sensitivity and good response to dynamic and short duration static loading (Nearing et al., 1986; Taylor, 1997) made piezoelectric force transducers a logical choice for measuring transient water drop impact response for this study. The instrument essentially consists of two components; a piezoelectric force transducer and a computer data acquisition system. Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process., Vol. 14, 37±49 (2000) RAINFALL DROP SIZE AND KINETIC ENERGY 39 Figure 1. Schematic diagram of system components Operation and type of piezoelectric transducer Piezoelectric force transducers usually work on the piezoelectric eect of crystalline quartz discs which produce electric charges proportional to the force applied (Taylor, 1997). Although the charge in a crystalline dielectric is formed at the location of an acting dynamic force, metal electrodes equalize the charges along the surface making the transducer sensing area not selectively sensitive (Fraden, 1997). To measure the response due to rainfall impact, a force version of a Bruel & Kjaer* type 8200 surface mounting force transducer (Figure 1) was chosen. The transducer had a rugged, all-welded, hermetically sealed construction with a ceramic insulated microplug connector sealed with modulated glass, and a stainless steel sensing area, 16 mm in diameter, allowing it to be used under very severe environmental conditions. The connections between the transducer and the cables were waterproof sealed by RTV (room temperature vulcanizing) for enhanced survivability and to prevent ¯uid from entering and short circuiting or corroding the internal electronics. The overall thickness of the transducer was 13 mm. The transducer had a resonant frequency, fr , of 35 000 Hz, and a rise time of about 0.25/fr 7 ms (Bruel and Kjaer, 1998). It is dicult to obtain a uniform response over a large sensing area because the noise level increases rapidly with the size of the sensing area. Therefore, the detection of small drops or multiple drops impacting the transducer diaphragm simultaneously is prejudiced (Mason, 1971). The relatively small sensing area of the transducer ensured uniform response and reduced the chance of a number of drops hitting simultaneously on the sensing area. The issue of collecting responses from a representative sample of raindrops can be achieved by exposing the transducer to rainfall for a relatively long period of time. Since piezoelectric force transducers have no static response (Fraden, 1997), the accumulation of water on the transducer surface does not produce any response. The possibility of a damping eect due to accumulation of water on the surface of the transducer was eliminated by coating the transducer diaphragm with RTV and mounting it slightly inclined to facilitate removal of water by gravity ¯ow. By having the transducer surface slightly inclined (less than 108, to facilitate gravity drainage) the sensitivity of the transducer to drop impact is not aected. Data acquisition system The data acquisition system is based around a commercially available charge ampli®er (Bruel & Kjaer, Type 2636), an analogue to digital (A/D) board (Data Translation, model 2801-A) and an IBM AT compatible 16-bit personal computer (Figure 1). The transducer output terminals were interfaced with the computer through the charge ampli®er and the A/D board. This enables fast datalogging through the use of * Trade names and company names, included for the bene®t of the reader, do not imply endorsement or preferential treatment of the product by the authors. Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process., Vol. 14, 37±49 (2000) 40 A. W. JAYAWARDENA AND REZAUR R. B. data acquisition programs, resulting in considerably greater control of the measurement regime. The charge ampli®er converts the output charge (coulomb) of the transducer to a voltage. It also allows the use of long or varying lengths of input cables without disturbing the sensitivity of the transducer. The A/D board scans the transducer at a frequency of 2500 Hz, converts the analogue voltage pulses to a digital record as a function of time and sends the data to the computer for analysis and ®nal storage. The high frequency scanning provides adequate mapping of the amplitude of the voltage pulses produced by the transducer and resolves the dynamic process considerations imposed on the transducer by the raindrop impact. The A/D board also serves to record signals from multiple transducers simultaneously and provides user-speci®ed controlled measurements as circumstances dictate. The computer was used to store the data and to programme the A/D converter to monitor the transducer. The computer also served as a remote control. Because of the fast scanning rate of the A/D board, there is an in¯ux of a high number of data. A data acquisition program was written in HP VEE visual programming to control the A/D board and to extract the peak amplitude of the voltage pulses and the time of occurrence of the drop before they were ®nally stored. This arrangement reduced the volume of stored data. A schematic diagram of the system components of the instrumentation is shown in Figure 1. CALIBRATION The transducer response (voltage output) was calibrated for momentum, kinetic energy and equivalent drop mass with water drops of known size and known fall velocity. An inexpensive set-up (Figure 2) was developed which uses visible laser beams and photocells to measure the fall velocity of water drops. Within the open space between two stairs of a staircase, a variation of fall height between 0.5 and 14 m was accomplished by placing a burette provided with a capillary at dierent elevations. Dierent capillaries produced drops with diameters between 1.50 and 5.25 mm. The time interval between the formation of consecutive drops was 1±2 seconds. At the lower end of their fall trajectory, and before they hit the transducer, the drops were made to pass through a 10 cm wide and 50 cm long plexiglas casing. Within the casing, two horizontal laser beams at a vertical distance of 50 cm were interrupted by the falling drops. From the time interval between the interruption of the higher beam and the lower one, measured by a timer counter, the fall velocity of the drops was calculated. Figure 2. Schematic diagram of set-up for calibrating transducer. A: Drop former; B1, B2: laser beam emitter (laser diode module); C1, C2: photodetector; D: force transducer; E: feed for laser unit; F: timer counter; G: transducer response recorder Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process., Vol. 14, 37±49 (2000) 41 RAINFALL DROP SIZE AND KINETIC ENERGY Table I. Water drop characteristics Drop diameter (mm) Velocity (m s ÿ1) Drop mass (mg) m s m s Measured From Epema and Riezebos* 1.51 2.45 2.80 3.56 3.76 4.73 5.25 0.022 0.012 0.015 0.021 0.023 0.030 0.028 1.76 7.73 11.50 24.00 28.00 55.28 75.60 0.021 0.022 0.029 0.021 0.032 0.089 0.078 5.30 7.27 7.80 8.32 8.57 9.01 9.12 5.27 7.30 7.76 8.40 8.61 8.98 9.11 m mean. s standard deviation. Sample size 30 for each drop size and velocity measurements. *From terminal velocity data of Epema and Riezebos (1983) by interpolation. Transducer responses vs. momentum were measured on 1.51, 2.45, 2.80, 3.56, 3.76, 4.73 and 5.25 mm diameter drops. The mean and the variation of the drop sizes were determined by weighing 100 drops to the nearest 0.1 mg, repeated 30 times for each drop size. Between 30 and 35 impacts on the transducer were recorded for each drop size. For each drop size the mean and the variation of peak amplitude of voltage pulse were determined. The regression equations in the calibration curve were calculated from the complete data set but for clarity the data points for the mean values only are shown. The characteristics of the drops are given in Table I. Many of the drops which impacted the transducer did not fall wholly on the sensing surface. The drops that fell partially on the edge of the sensing area could be determined from the splash pattern on the block on which the transducers were mounted. The drops that fell completely on the sensing area formed a single ring centred around the transducer after impact. Erroneous data due to drop impingement on the transducer edge were eliminated in this way during data collection for calibration. The mean transducer response vs. drop size, momentum and kinetic energy curves and their best ®t regression equations are shown in Figure 3. The transducer response vs. drop size and drop momentum relationships were linear. The transducer response vs. drop kinetic energy relationship was analysed by ®tting a linear model and a non-linear model. The linear regression model did not ®t well to the data and was found to overestimate the kinetic energy for smaller drops and underestimate for larger drops. The non-linear model provided good ®t of the data. This is perhaps because of the presence of the velocity squared term (0.5 mv2) in the kinetic energy equation which did not allow a good ®t for a linear model. However, although the initial slope of the relationship between transducer response vs. drop kinetic energy for drop volumes smaller than 4 mm3 (1.96 mm diameter) is curvilinear, this is taken into account during data analysis for rainfall by grouping the drop sizes with volumes less than 4 mm3 into one size class. Since the kinetic energy of drops in the range 0.5±2.0 mm diameter is very small compared with the kinetic energy of drops larger than 2 mm diameter [about 57, 2.0 mm diameter drops or 37 771 drops of 0.5 mm diameter have the same kinetic energy as one 6 mm diameter drop, considered to be the largest stable drop by Lal (1990)], the total kinetic energy load of the rainfall is not greatly aected by grouping drop sizes of 0.0±2.11 mm diameter into one size class. CALCULATION OF DROP SIZE DISTRIBUTION AND KINETIC ENERGY OF RAINFALL The drop size distribution and kinetic energy of a rainfall event were calculated by analysing the voltage pulses stored, where each pulse represents a drop and the magnitude of the pulse corresponds to drop size, momentum and kinetic energy of the drop. The linear response between the transducer output and drop Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process., Vol. 14, 37±49 (2000) 42 A. W. JAYAWARDENA AND REZAUR R. B. Figure 3. Relationship between transducer peak output voltage, momentum, kinetic energy and drop size for drops falling at terminal velocity. (Each data point in the graph is the mean of 30 samples) momentum allows one to write an equation relating drop volume intercepted per unit area of the transducer to its output signal in the form (Kowal et al., 1973) Vi bli ni 1 where Vi is the volume intercepted per unit area of transducer (mm3 cm ÿ2) in a given amplitude size class i, b is a coecient (mm3 mV ÿ1) (slope), li is the mean transducer output amplitude (mV) in class i, and ni is the number of drops intercepted per unit area (cm ÿ2) of the transducer in amplitude class i. Since the total volume of rainfall must be equal to the summation of the volume of drops in dierent size classes, the volume of rainfall, TV, measured by a rain gauge (mm3 cm ÿ2) can be expressed as TV N X i1 Vi b N X li ni 2 i1 where N is the number of amplitude classes. The average volume (mm3) of each drop V0 i within a given amplitude size class i is obtained as 0 Vi Vi =ni 3 and the average diameter di of each drop (mm) within a given amplitude size class i is obtained as di 6V0i p 1=3 4 Since TV is known from rain gauge measurements, and li , ni are known from transducer output, Equation (2) is solved for b. Substitution of b in Equation (1) yields the volume of drops in amplitude size class i. Equations (3) and (4) are then subsequently used to ®nd the average volume and diameter of drops within each size class. The kinetic energy of each drop is obtained from the calibration curve using the information on transducer output amplitude. The steps for calculating the size distribution and kinetic energy of rainfall for a rainfall event recorded in Hong Kong on 22 May 1998 are shown in Table II. The ®rst step in preparing Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process., Vol. 14, 37±49 (2000) Transducer response Voltage class (mV) Mid value (mV) (li) 0.00±2.44 1.22 2.45±4.88 3.67 4.89±7.32 6.11 7.33±9.76 8.55 9.77±12.21 10.99 12.22±14.65 13.43 14.66±17.09 15.87 17.10±19.53 18.31 Total Total KE (J mÿ2 mm ÿ1) No. of pulses No. of drops per cm2 (ni) 108 54 14 7 6 5 4 4 201 54.0 27.0 7.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 2.0 (lini) 65.88 99.09 42.77 29.93 32.97 33.58 31.74 36.62 372.58 Volume in each class (mm3 cm ÿ2) (Vi blini) 264.18 397.35 171.51 120.02 132.21 134.21 127.28 146.85 Drop size Kinetic energy Volume (mm3) Diameter (mm) mJ cm ÿ2 drop ÿ1 (V0 i Vi/ni) (di) * { 4.89 14.72 24.50 34.29 44.07 53.68 63.64 73.43 2.11 3.04 3.60 4.03 4.38 4.68 4.95 5.20 0.054 0.239 0.435 0.658 0.873 1.087 1.315 1.527 0.058 0.221 0.412 0.621 0.844 1.077 1.321 1.572 5.83 12.91 6.09 4.61 5.24 5.44 5.26 6.11 51.48 34.43 6.26 11.93 5.77 4.35 5.06 5.39 5.28 6.29 50.33 33.69 43 Hydrol. Process., Vol. 14, 37±49 (2000) TR 14.94 mm 1494 mm3 cmÿ2, b TR/S(lini) 4.010. The odd fractions in the voltage class are due to dividing the minimum and maximum transducer response into eight class intervals of equal increment. *Using terminal velocity data from Epema and Riezebos (1983). {Using calibration curve of Figure 3. mJ cm ÿ2 * { RAINFALL DROP SIZE AND KINETIC ENERGY Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Table II. Drop size distribution and kinetic energy of raindrops of a 14.94 mm rainstorm recorded for 15 minutes by the instrument at the University of Hong Kong on 22 May 1998 44 A. W. JAYAWARDENA AND REZAUR R. B. the Table is to ®ll in column 3 showing the number of pulses corresponding to each amplitude class. The second step is to include in the Table the number of drops per cm2 corresponding to each amplitude or drop size, by dividing the number of pulses by the eective area of the transducer (201 mm2). Then, from the total value of lini and rainfall measurement TR, the value of b is obtained from Equation (2). The drop size distribution is then calculated from Equations (1), (3) and (4). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The instrument provides a convenient, fast and relatively simple means of assessing the drop size distribution of natural or arti®cial rainfall, from which the kinetic energy or momentum can be deduced and used to assess the erosivity of rainfall and to complement studies on soil erosion. Since the instrument records pulses in a time sequence, measurement of the rainfall can be made for any particular time during the storm. The reliability of the instrument and the technique was assessed by comparing the cumulative rainfall volume measured with a rain gauge with that obtained with the force transducer. The cumulative volume of rainfall from the force transducer was obtained by calculating the size (volume) of each rain drop using the calibration curve (Figure 3) and the cumulative summation of drop volume for that particular time. For all events, comparisons of rainfall rates measured by the force transducer and by a rain gauge reveal a good match. Figure 4 shows one such comparison for a simulated rainfall ( from a nozzle and spinning disk-type Arm®eld FEL3 rainfall simulator) of 60 mm hr ÿ1 intensity and 15 minute duration. The highest magnitude of absolute deviation in cumulative rainfall volume measurement by the instrument, for each successive one minute interval, was 10% of that measured by the rain gauge, and the mean deviation was 3%. This clearly demonstrates the reliability of the instrument. Figure 5 shows the drop size distribution obtained by the instrument for the simulated rainstorm. A further check for the reliability of the instrument is provided by comparing the drop size distribution with that obtained simultaneously by the dye-stain method. Figure 6 shows such a comparison for short time intervals during experimentation with simulated rainfall for various intensities and duration. Each point on the graph represents the number of drops of a particular size determined by the two methods. The regression Figure 4. Comparison of cumulative rainfall measured by a rain gauge and the instrument for a simulated rainfall of 60 mm hr ÿ1 intensity Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process., Vol. 14, 37±49 (2000) 45 RAINFALL DROP SIZE AND KINETIC ENERGY Figure 5. Drop size distribution measured by the instrument for a 14.94 mm rainfall recorded for 15 minute duration Figure 6. Comparison of number of drops of dierent sizes recorded by the instrument and the dye-stain technique for simulated rainfall of various intensities line ®tted to the data set gave a coecient of determination of 0.895 indicating good performance of the instrument. The Marshall±Palmer distribution function has been found to be a reasonable general predictor of drop size distribution for drop sizes greater than about 1.5 mm (Mason, 1971; Brandt, 1990). The function takes the form N d No e ÿfd f 41R Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ÿ021 5 Hydrol. Process., Vol. 14, 37±49 (2000) 46 A. W. JAYAWARDENA AND REZAUR R. B. Figure 7. Comparison of results on drop size distribution obtained with the instrument and the law given by Marshall±Palmer where No 8000 (mm ÿ1 m ÿ3), d is the drop diameter (mm), R is the rainfall intensity (mm hr ÿ1) and N(d) is the number of drops per millimetre diameter interval and per cubic metre of air (mm ÿ1 m ÿ3). In order to obtain the number of drops in each size class in 1 m2 on the ground, it is necessary to multiply N(d) by the terminal velocity of a drop of a diameter in the middle of the class interval (Brandt, 1990). Figure 7 shows a comparison of the drop size distribution obtained from the instrument for a 14.94 mm rainfall recorded for 15 minutes with the Marshall±Palmer model. The results from the instrument conform quite well to the distribution law of Marshall±Palmer which is shown in Figure 7. Assuming the numbers of drops in dierent size class are distributed according to the Poisson distribution, the small probability of two or more drops intercepting the transducer sensing area at the same time and producing a single pulse can be shown using the Marshall±Palmer distribution function. The assumption of the Poisson distribution was con®rmed by theoretical and experimental investigations carried out by Sasyo (1965). According to Equation (5), assuming the mean value n~ i of number of drops between diameters d and d dd (Joss and Waldvogel, 1969) intercepting the transducer surface in unit time (s ÿ1) to be ÿfd n~ i vi No e i ddA 6 where A is the transducer surface area (m2), dd is the increment in drop size (mm) between diameter d and d dd and vi is the terminal velocity (m s ÿ1) of drops in size class i. The probability p(xi) of ®nding xi drops with diameters between d and d dd on the sensor area in one second is xi n~ i ~ 7 e ÿni p xi xi ! To simplify the calculations, a constant rainfall rate R 60 mm hr ÿ1 was chosen (as it would produce a greater concentration of drops in air space). The probabilities of 2, 3 or 4 drops intercepting the sensor at the same time, for dierent drop sizes, were calculated using Equations (6) and (7). The terminal velocity vi for the drops were taken from Epema and Riezebos (1983) and a dd of 0.25 mm was used. The results are plotted in Figure 8 which illustrates the small probability of having coincident impacts from drops of dierent size intercepting the transducer surface at the same time. In common with other mechanically de®ned sampling devices, errors may arise due to interception of drops at the edge of the transducer. Using the same analogy Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process., Vol. 14, 37±49 (2000) RAINFALL DROP SIZE AND KINETIC ENERGY 47 Figure 8. Probability of multiple impacts and edge eects from drops of dierent size intercepting the transducer sensing area simultaneously or a drop intercepting the edge of the transducer as in Equations (6) and (7), the small probability of a drop interception at the edge of the transducer (area within 1 mm from the edge) is calculated and is shown in Figure 8. Table II lists the kinetic energy for each drop and the kinetic energy load of the storm as calculated using terminal velocity data from Epema and Riezebos (1983) and using the calibration curve in Figure 3. The highest magnitude of absolute deviation in kinetic energy (mJ cm ÿ2 drop ÿ1) measurements using the instrument was about 8% of that calculated using the fall velocity data from Epema and Riezebos (1983), and the mean deviation was 2%. Calculation of rainfall momentum followed the same procedure and, therefore, is not shown. The results are calculated from a record of the number and amplitude of the pulses recorded and from the measured volume of rainfall. Changes in the sensitivity of the instrument are re¯ected in the value of the regression coecient b, which accounts for all pertinent factors relating to the rainfall characteristics and the sensitivity of the instrument. If drops are falling at their terminal velocities, their momentum and kinetic energy can be calculated by making use of published data (e.g. Laws, 1941; Epema and Riezebos, 1983) on terminal velocity. However, most soil erosion and hydrological experiments, either in the laboratory or in ®eld plots, use rainfall simulators to produce rainfall to speed-up data acquisition and to control rainfall conditions. The calibration of the force transducer responses to drop momentum or kinetic energy for known drop mass and fall velocity enables direct calculation of the kinetic energy or momentum from transducer response information and the calibration curve. This can be useful in cases of simulated rainfall where drop size distribution can be measured, but fall velocities are unknown or are very dicult to measure. The performance and accuracy of the instrument and of the technique were found to be satisfactory to complement studies of soil erosion. The technique, however, is based on a few assumptions that should be taken into account when interpreting the results. Errors in counting and classi®cation of raindrops may arise from the fact that drops falling at the extreme edge of the transducer produce smaller responses than those falling near the centre, and by two or more drops falling on the transducer at the same time to produce only one pulse. However, since metal electrodes within the piezoelectric transducer equalize the charges along the surface, making the transducer sensing surface not selectively sensitive (Fraden, 1997), the possibility of edge errors is greatly reduced. Observation of rain shows that, even in the heaviest showers, drops of 1 mm and Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process., Vol. 14, 37±49 (2000) 48 A. W. JAYAWARDENA AND REZAUR R. B. Figure 9. A typical trace of direct output of signals from the instrument showing transducer response to drop impact larger occur only about once in every 103 cm3 of air space (Dingle and Schulte, 1962), and rainfall intensity in tropical areas seldom exceeds 3000 drops m ÿ2 s ÿ1 (Kowal et al., 1973). The sensitive area of 201 mm2 and the rise time 7 ms of the instrument is such that coincidence in this size range is therefore unlikely. It is considered that splashing of the intercepted drops on the surface of the transducer due to raindrop impact has no eect on the results since the momentum of the minute drops produced in splash is too small to produce a signi®cant transducer response. This was veri®ed by observing the amplitude spectrum of the voltage pulses from a typical trace of direct output signals of the transducer during a rainfall event (Figure 9). The large distinct pulses (Figure 9), each with a positive peak followed by a negative peak, represent a drop. The small pulses ¯uctuating around zero are the noise and are not considered as data. Positive peaks are due to compression produced by drop impact and negative peaks are due to the tensile force produced by the drop rebound and collapse on the force transducer. CONCLUSIONS The simple and relatively inexpensive instrument described and veri®ed in this study, though lacking the superior capability of optical raindrop spectrometers, resolves the frequently encountered problem in soil erosion studies and has the advantage that it can be constructed from readily available materials and assembled in most laboratories without diculty. This makes assembly a simple task for modestly equipped electronic laboratories in research and teaching organizations and eases on-site maintenance. Its simple and ¯exible design allows the relatively straightforward incorporation of multiple sensors as circumstances dictate. It has the potential to establish within realistic budgets, relatively dense measurement networks for detailed spatiotemporal analysis of rainfall erosivity. It is lightweight, robust and can be monitored continuously and automatically through PCs. The sensor occupies only a nominal space and, therefore, can be used in small erosion plots with simulated or natural rainfall to develop and verify models of soil detachment rate to kinetic energy of rainfall in interrill erosion processes. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the laboratory sta of the Civil Engineering Department of The University of Hong Kong, during the design, fabrication, experimental set-up, troubleshooting and data collection for this study. Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process., Vol. 14, 37±49 (2000) RAINFALL DROP SIZE AND KINETIC ENERGY 49 REFERENCES Al-Durrah, M. M. and Bradford, J. M. 1981. `New methods of studying soil detachment due to water drop impact', Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 45, 949±953. Brandt, C. J. 1990. `Simulation of the size distribution and erosivity of raindrops and throughfall drops', Earth Surf. Process. Landf., 15, 687±698. Bruel & Kjaer 1998. Force Transducers. 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