Suggested use of Curriculum Vocabulary List Grades 1-6 with June Report Card Science and Social Studies Include in each student’s June Report Card, the Resource Information (Suggestions for Summer Learning Page) and the grade appropriate curriculum topics from the Curriculum Vocabulary List Grades 1-6. Purpose To provide students and parents with grade level Science and Social Studies curriculum topics and links for resources ! To encourage students to read fiction and non-fiction during the summer ! To support students in building background knowledge for up-coming curriculum topics for the next school year ! NOTE: Curriculum topics for multi aged schools would reflect the curriculum rotation. " Visit the public library and read both fiction (stories) and non-fiction (information) " Discuss with a friend, relative or parent ideas and stories in other languages " Focus on the meaning of new vocabulary words " Read informational books related to science and social studies topics for your next school year " Write about the ideas you are learning Helpful Resources Public library Address of Community Library: Shaganappi Branch 3415 8 Ave SW Phone: 260-2600 Alberta Education Click on: ↵ Kindergarten to Grade 12 at the left of the screen ↵ Information for parents ↵ Role of Parents ↵ Curriculum Handbooks for Parents and curriculum summaries ↵ Select your child’s grade level Purpose To Build Background Knowledge for Curriculum Topics “I know . . Therefore it makes me think of . . .” Background Knowledge: “Refers to what a student already knows about a topic.” Quote from: Robert J. Marzano – “Building Background Knowledge for Academic Achievement” GRADE SIX VOCABULARY 2007-2008 SOCIAL STUDIES Topic A – Government 320 government, local, issues, provincial, federal mayor, alderman, premier, prime minister, municipal governments, citizens, needs, wants, services, democracy, rights, responsibilities, lobby groups, votes, election, petition, political representative, by-laws, laws, campaign Topic B – Greece 938 social needs, education, communication physical needs, food, shelter, occupations, psychological needs, religion, architecture, olympics, beliefs/values, class structure, environment, climate, geography, affect, civilization, culture, artifact, historian, records, archaeologist Topic C - China: A Pacific Rim Nation sharing, interdependent, interaction, compare, contrast, influence, change, communication, technology, lifestyle, conflict, exchange of goods and services, Pacific Rim, location SCIENCE Topic A - Air and Aerodynamics 629 properties, pressure, fluid, compressed, Bernoulli’s principle, gravity, thrust, adaptation, propulsion, streamlining, gases in the air, forces, lift, drag Topic B – Flight 629 control surfaces, stability, control, rudders, propellers, wing, fuselage, vertical and horizontal stabilizers, elevators, ailerons, design, propulsion, yaw, pitch, roll Topic C - Sky Science 520 astronomy, seasonal changes, equinox, solstice, rotation moon phases, new moon, full moon, first quarter, third quarter, crescent, universe, galaxy. solar system, planets, asteroids, comets, emit, constellations, eclipse, sundial, hemisphere Topic D - Evidence and Investigation 363.2 investigate, forensic science, crime, accuse, condemn, evidence, investigator, source, classify, analyze, compare, chromatography, DNA analysis, fingerprinting Topic E - Trees and Forests 582 / 577.3 interaction, habitat, uses of trees, environment, plants, deciduous, coniferous, species, dendrochronology, nutrient cycle, decomposer, producer, consumer, decay GRADE FIVE VOCABULARY 2007-2008 SOCIAL STUDIES CANADA: THE LAND, HISTORIES AND STORIES 917.1 / 971 ! Physical Geography of Canada location, continent, countries, provinces, territories environment, physical feature, climate, natural resources ! Histories and Stories of Ways of Life in Canada lifestyle, immigration, demographics, cultural heritage. habitants, reserve, voyageurs, settlement, exploration, Francophone ! Canada: Shaping an Identify aboriginal, citizenship, confederation, Famous Five, industrialization, urbanization, Charter of Rights and Freedoms SCIENCE Topic A - Electricity and Magnetism 537 electrical current, circuit, conduct, generate, insulate, energy, renewable, non-renewable, atom, friction, magnetism, magnet, battery, electromagnet Topic B - Mechanisms Using Electricity 621.3 switch, alarm, simple circuit, short circuit, parallel circuit, series circuit, electrical device. Topic C - Classroom Chemistry 540 mixture, solid, liquid, crystal, chemical reaction, solution, acidic, basic, dissolve, surface of water, properties, interaction, reversible, irreversible, changes, substance Topic D - Weather Watch 551 temperature, atmosphere, climate, humidity, condense, evaporate, thermometer, tornado, forecast, hygrometer, occlusion, barometer, anemometer, meteorologist, psychrometer Topic E - Wetland Ecosystems 577.68 wetland ecosystem, (slough, marsh, fen, bog), adaptations, food chain, food web, producer, consumer, decomposer, human actions, preserve, enhance GRADE FOUR VOCABULARY 2007-2008 SOCIAL STUDIES ALBERTA: THE LAND, HISTORIES AND STORIES 971.23 ! Alberta: A Sense of the Land geology, geography, paleontology, sustainability, fossils, agriculture, drought, protected areas ! The Stories, Histories and Peoples of Alberta multiculturalism, cultural heritage, oral traditions, diversity, migration, newcomer(s) ! Alberta: Celebrations and Challenges cultural identity, respect, linguistic diversity, Confederation, Provincial Historic Site, tourism SCIENCE Waste and Our World 628.44 / 363.728 recycle, environment, consumption, waste, disposal, reuse toxic reduce, biodegradable Wheels and Levers 621 motion, simple machines, levers, gears, pulleys, energy, transfer, force, model, fulcrum Building Devices and Vehicles that Move 629 wheels, rollers, propel, push, pull, compressed spring, weight, axle, move, crank, gravity Light and Shadows 535 reflect, refract, dark, light beam, source of light, luminescent, emit, opaque, shadows, translucent, prism, telescope, microscope Plant Growth and Changes 582 leaves, stems, roots, flowers, reproduction, characteristics, nutrients, temperature, humidity, life cycle, bulbs, seed, cuttings, runners GRADE THREE VOCABULARY 2007-2008 SOCIAL STUDIES CONNECTING WITH THE WORLD Peru – 985, Tunisia – 961, Ukraine – 947.7 ! Communities in the World India, Tunisia, Ukraine, Peru, quality of life, equator, poles, relative location, resources, goods and services, traditions, customs ! Global Citizenship relationships, import, export, rights, responsibilities, international, organizations SCIENCE Rocks and Minerals 552 minerals, soil, characteristics, texture, luster, identify, hardness, crystal, Building with a Variety of Materials 690 / 720 structures, construction, join, fasten, design, materials, span Testing Materials and Designs shape, thickness, strong, stable, unstable, weak structure Hearing and Sound 534 / 617.8 volume, pitch, vibration, quality, tone, loud, soft, sound-proofing, sound-amplifying, air, solid, liquid Animal Life Cycles 590 – 599 larvae, pupa, adult, egg, life cycle, backbone, mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects, fish, threaten, adaptation, habitat preservation, environment GRADE TWO VOCABULARY 2007-2008 SOCIAL STUDIES COMMUNITIES IN CANADA 917.1 / 971 ! Canada’s Dynamic Communities geography, culture, language, heritage, resources, services, rural, urban, Inuit, Acadian prairie, climate, monuments, occupations ! A Community in the Past history, Aboriginal, Francophone, fur trade, explorers SCIENCE Exploring Liquids 530 absorb, flow, drop, surface, bead, container, waterproof, freeze, melt, water vapor, evaporation Buoyancy and Boats 532 / 623.8 sink, float, buoyancy, stable, increase, decrease, rise, fall Magnetism 538 attract, repel, metallic, non-metallic, poles, magnetic field, strength Hot and Cold Temperature 536 / weather - 551 heating, cooling, thermometers, temperature, insulation, degrees Celsius, thermostat, body temperature, circulate, change Small Crawling and Flying Animals 595 habitat, shelter, environment, insects, slugs, spiders, worms, invertebrates, plant eaters, animal eaters, decomposers, predators GRADE ONE VOCABULARY 2007-2008 SOCIAL STUDIES CITIZENSHIP: BELONGING AND CONNECTING 307 ! My World: Home School and Community belonging, family, community, characteristics, rights responsibilities, role, vitality ! Moving Forward with the Past: My Family, My History and My Community change, celebrations, ancestors, generations, ways of life, interests, traditions SCIENCE Creating Colour 535 mix, light, dark, bright, primary colors, transparent, opaque, thick, thin, dissolve, separate Seasonal Changes 508 weather, change, preparation, pattern, cycle, environment, summer, winter, spring, fall, hibernate Building Things 690 / 720 design, model, object, compare, similar, different Senses 612.8 hear, see, taste, smell, feel, optical illusions, sensing danger, adapt, care Needs of Animals and Plants 580 / 599 / 598 / 570 – 577 living, non-living, air, light, temperature, space, basic needs, adapt, domestic, wild, depend