Full Paper Hydroxyanthraquinones Carminic Acid and Chrysazin Anodic Oxidation Eric de Souza Gil,a, b Severino Carlos B. de Oliveira,a Ana Maria de Oliveira-Brett*a a Departamento de Qumica, Faculdade de CiÞncias e Tecnologia, Universidade de Coimbra, 3004-535 Coimbra, Portugal Faculdade de Farmcia, Universidade Federal de Gois, Setor Universitrio, 74605-220, Goinia, Gois, Brasil *e-mail: brett@ci.uc.pt b Received: August 7, 2012;& Accepted: September 6, 2012 Abstract The anodic oxidation of the hydroxyanthraquinones carminic acid (CA) and chrysazin (CR) was investigated. The oxidation of CA proceeds in a pH-dependent cascade mechanism, concerning the hydroquinone, the catechol and the 3-OH groups in the anthraquinone moiety. The oxidation of the hydroquinone following the catechol electrondonating groups occurs first at low positive potentials, the 3-OH group is oxidized irreversibly at a higher potential. The oxidation of CR is pH-dependent and occurs in successive steps. Oxidation of the hydroquinone tautomer in the CR-ring occurs first, and the symmetrical 1-OH and 8-OH groups are irreversibly oxidized at the same higher potential. Keywords: Hydroxyanthraquinones, Carminic acid, Chrysazin, Oxidation mechanism, Tautomerism DOI: 10.1002/elan.201200433 1 Introduction Hydroxyanthraquinones are one the most common groups of phenolic compounds widespread in the vegetal kingdom, being important chemosystematic markers of medicinal plants, i.e. Cassia and Senna genus [1–3], and anthraquinones present a wide range of biotechnological potentialities [3–8]. The ethnobotanical use of anthraquinones derivatives and plants that contain hydroxyanthraquinones can be attributed to diverse physiological activities, which are mainly associated to gastrointestinal and immunological functions [1–5], and the mild laxative effect exhibited by senna (Cassia senna), aloe (Aloe vera), ruibarbo (Rheum palmatum L) and frangula bark (Rhamnus frangula) is one the most common used plant-derived drugs [1–7]. Moreover, anthraquinones are good DNA-intercalating agents, usually presenting good cytostatic activity, and important in anti-AIDS, anticancer, antimalarial, antibacterial and antifungal activity [3,6–9]. Anthraquinones have also historical importance in the colorant industry. Indeed, natural anthraquinones dyes are generally the main choice within coloring agents for foods and pharmaceuticals, being also chemical precursors of many synthetic dyes used in textile and paint industry [4,10,11]. Furthermore, due to their redox activity, anthraquinones have also been used as catalysts in many industrial processes [12,13]. The redox processes of anthraquinones occur in the phenol and quinone moieties [3–6,12–15]. Electroanalysis 2012, 24, No. 11, 2079 – 2084 The chemical/biochemical processes linked to the biological and industrial applications are based on the chemical properties of hydroxyanthraquinones, as they deviate from the 9,10 quinonid structure and exit in a tautomeric dynamic equilibrium [16–18]. Carminic acid and chrysazin (Scheme 1) are hydroxyanthraquinones that have been widely studied for their biological and chemical properties [8–18]. Scheme 1. Chemical structures of the hydroxyanthraquinones: carminic acid (CA) and chrysazin (CR). 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 2079 Full Paper E. de Souza Gil et al. Chrysazin (CR), 1,8-dihydroxyanthraquinone, exist in a tautomeric dynamic equilibrium [16–18], is also known under the generic name Dantron, and is a natural component of laxative medicines [1,2,19]. CR has two electroactive phenolic groups, and is an effective redox mediator in electrochemical reactions [20]. Carminic acid (CA), 7-b-d-glucopyranosyl-9,10-dihydro-3,5,6,8-tetrahydroxy-1-methyl-9,10-dioxo-2-anthracenecarboxylic acid, is a natural red dye extracted from the body and eggs of the insect Dactylopius coccus, popularly known as cochineal, has low toxicity, being mostly used in food and cosmetic red dyes [10,11,21,22]. According to its poly-hydroxylated anthraquinone core linked to a sugar unit, CA exhibits higher aqueous-solubility, intense redox activity, good chemical stability and has a tautomeric interchanging equilibrium, characterized by eight possible forms [16–18,23]. The higher redox activity of CA leads to a higher radical scavenging activity [23–25], and CA is an effective redox mediator in electrochemical sensors [24,25]. The aim of this work is to investigate the electrochemical behavior of CA and CR at glassy carbon electrode in different electrolyte conditions, using cyclic, differential pulse and square wave voltammetry that so far is not clearly understood. 2 Experimental 2.1 Chemicals and Solutions All reagents were of high purity analytical grade, carminic acid (CA) was obtained from Sigma Aldrich, while chrysazin (CR), was obtained from Extrasynthse (Genay, France). Stock solutions of 1.0 mM of CA, in deionized water and 1.0 mM of CR, in ethanol, were prepared and stored in the darkness at 4 8C. The 0.1 M ionic strength electrolyte solutions were: pH = 2.0 KCl/HCl, pH = 3.5–5.5 acetate buffer, pH = 6.0– 8.0 phosphate buffer, pH = 9.0–11.0 ammonia buffer, and were prepared using analytical grade reagents and purified water from a Millipore Milli-Q system (conductivity 0.1 mS cm 1) [26]. All experiments were done at room temperature (25 1 8C). Microvolumes were measured using EP-10 and EP-100 Plus Motorized Microliter Pippettes (Rainin Instrument Co. Inc., Woburn, USA). The pH measurements were carried out with a Crison micropH 2001 pH-meter with an Ingold combined glass electrode. 2.2 Electrochemical Measurements Voltammetric experiments were carried out using an Autolab PGSTAT 10 potentiostat/galvanostat running with GPES 4.9 software, Eco-Chemie, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Measurements were carried out using a glassy carbon working electrode (GCE) (d = 1.0 mm), a Pt wire counter electrode, and an Ag/AgCl (3 M KCl) as reference electrode, in a 1 mL one-compartment electrochemi2080 www.electroanalysis.wiley-vch.de cal cell. The experimental conditions for differential pulse (DP) voltammetry were: pulse amplitude 50 mV, pulse width 70 ms and scan rate 5 mV s 1. For square wave (SW) voltammetry the experimental conditions were frequency 50 Hz and a potential increment of 2 mV, corresponding to an effective scan rate of 100 mV s 1. The GCE was polished with alumina (particle size 1 mm, Sigma Aldrich) before each electrochemical experiment. After polishing, the electrode was rinsed thoroughly with Milli-Q water. Following this mechanical treatment, the GCE was placed in buffer supporting electrolyte and voltammograms were recorded until steady state baseline voltammograms were obtained. This procedure ensured very reproducible experimental results. 2.3 Acquisition and Presentation of Voltammetric Data All DP voltammograms presented were background-subtracted and baseline-corrected using the moving average with a step window of 2 mV included in GPES version 4.9 software. This mathematical treatment improves the visualization and identification of peaks over the baseline without introducing any artefact, although the peak height is in some cases reduced (< 10 %) when compared to untreated curve. Nevertheless, this mathematical treatment of the original voltammograms was used in the presentation of all experimental voltammograms for a better and clearer identification of the peaks. The values for peak current presented in all graphs were determined from the original untreated voltammograms after subtraction of the baseline. 3 Results and Discussion 3.1 Cyclic Voltammetry The oxidation behavior of CA and CR at a GCE was investigated by CV, scan rate 100 mV s 1, in 0.1 M acetate buffer pH = 5.0. CVs in 25 mM of CA were performed in the potential range 0.2 V till + 1.3 V (Figure 1) and three consecutive well–separated oxidation peaks, from the hydroquinone moiety peak 1a, at Ep1a = + 0.47 V, from the catechol moiety peak 2a, at Ep2a = + 0.60 V and from 3-OH group peak 3a, at Ep3a = + 1.09 V, occurred on the first scan. Successive scans without polishing the electrode between the cycles clearly demonstrated a decrease of the oxidation currents due to the adsorption of CA oxidation products on the GCE electrode surface (Figure 1A). CVs in 75 mM of CA were performed in the potential range 0.0 V till + 0.7 V. On the first scan peak 1a and peak 2a were obtained, and on the reverse scan, a very broad cathodic peak was observed, showing that peaks 1a and 2a correspond to quasi-reversible processes (Figure 1B). CVs in 75 mM CR showed a peak 1a, at Ep1a = + 0.46 V, and peak 2a, at Ep2a = + 1.12 V, and the oxidation products adsorbed strongly and block the electrode surface, 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Electroanalysis 2012, 24, No. 11, 2079 – 2084 Hydroxyanthraquinones Carminic Acid and Chrysazin Anodic Oxidation Fig. 1. CVs in 0.1 M acetate buffer pH = 5.0 in CA: (A) 25 mM and (B) 75 mM, (—) first and (·····) second scans, v = 100 mV s 1. Fig. 2. CVs in 0.1 M acetate buffer pH = 5.0 in CR: (A) 75 mM (—) first and (·····) second scans, v = 100 mV s 1 and (B) 300 mM first scan, v = 10 mV s 1. causing the rapid decrease of the CR oxidation peaks (Figure 2A). CVs in 300 mM CR were performed and the potential was inverted before peak 2a, confirming the irreversibility of peak 1a (Figure 2B). CVs were also obtained for different scan rates. Increasing the scan rate, the peak 1a current increases, but there was not a linear relationship between Ip1a and the square root of the scan rate, as expected for a diffusion-controlled oxidation process, due to the strong adsorption of CR molecules and/or their oxidation products on the GCE surface. 3.2 Differential Pulse Voltammetry The oxidation of CA and CR in buffer supporting electrolyte solutions by DP voltammetry for 2.0 < pH < 12.0 (Figures 3, 4 and 5) was investigated. The DP voltammograms in 0.1 M phosphate buffer pH = 6.0 in 5 mM CA showed that the oxidation occurs in Electroanalysis 2012, 24, No. 11, 2079 – 2084 Fig. 3. DP voltammograms in 0.1 M phosphate buffer pH = 6.0 in 5 mM: CA (—) first and (·····) second scans and CR (—, gray) first and (·····, gray) second scans, v = 5 mV s 1. 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim www.electroanalysis.wiley-vch.de 2081 Full Paper E. de Souza Gil et al. Fig. 4. (A) 3D plot of DP voltammograms baseline corrected in 50 mM CA as a function of pH. (B) Plot of Ep1a (&), Ep2a (*) and Ep3a (~) vs. pH. Fig. 5. (A) 3D plot of DP voltammograms baseline corrected in 50 mM CR as a function of pH. (B) Plot of Ep1a (&) and Ep2a (*) vs. pH. three steps, peaks 1a, 2a and 3a (Figure 3) in agreement with the CVs results. The effect of pH on the anodic behavior of CA was studied (Figure 4). For 2.0 < pH < 9.0 the peaks 1a and 2a potential were shifted to more negative values with increasing pH (Figure 4A). In the Epa vs. pH plot (Figure 4B) the slope of the dotted line, 59 mV per pH unit, showed that the mechanism of the peaks 1a and 2a, involve the same number of electrons and protons. The number of electrons transferred was determined by the peak width at half height W1/2 50 mV for both peaks, corresponding to electrochemical reactions involving the transfer of two electrons. CA peak 1a corresponds to the oxidation of the hydroquinone group while the peak 2a is corresponds to the oxidation of catechol group (Scheme 1) and both processes occur with the transfer of two electrons and two protons. For pH 9.0, the oxidation peak 1a and 2a is pH-independent indicating a mechanism involving only one electron (Figure 4B). CA peak 3a corresponds to an oxidation on the 3-OH group of the CA-ring (Scheme 1). The potential shifted to more negative values with increasing pH, and only occurs for electrolytes with pH 10.0 (Figure 4A and B). In the Epa vs. pH plot (Figure 4B) the slope of the dotted line, 59 mV per pH unit, shows that the mechanism involves the same number of electrons and protons. Taking into consideration that the width at half height of the CA oxidation peak 3a was W1/2 90 mV, it is concluded that the oxidation with the transfer of one electron and one proton [27]. The variation of peaks 1a, 2a and 3a current versus pH shows that the current reaches a maximum in the 3.0 < pH < 5.0 (Figure 4A) due to all CA OH groups being protonated in acid media and consequently increasing their hydrophobicity and adsorption on the hydrophobic GCE surface. 2082 www.electroanalysis.wiley-vch.de 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Electroanalysis 2012, 24, No. 11, 2079 – 2084 Hydroxyanthraquinones Carminic Acid and Chrysazin Anodic Oxidation for peak 1a, W1/2 60 mV, and for peak 2a, W1/2 95 mV, corresponding to electrochemical reactions involving the transfer of two electron and one electron respectively. CR peak 1a corresponds to the oxidation processes of the quinoidal moiety of CR with the transfer of two electrons and two protons, while the peak 2a corresponds to the oxidation processes of the 1-OH and/or 8-OH groups with the transfer of one electron and proton (Scheme 1). For pH > 9.0, as the CR undergoes chemical deprotonation in alkaline electrolytes, and the oxidation peak is pH-independent with a mechanism involving only one electron. 3.3 Square Wave Voltammetry Fig. 6. SW voltammograms in 0.1 M acetate buffer pH = 5.0 in 50 mM: (A) CA and (B) CR, first scan. It : total current, If : forward current and Ib : backward current, veff = 100 mV s 1. Successive DP voltammograms were also recorded in 5 mM CA in 0.1 M acetate buffer pH = 6.0 (Figure 3) and was clearly demonstrated that the peaks 1a, 2a and 3a current decreased with the number of scans due to the decrease of the available electrode surface area owing to the strong adsorption of CA oxidation products, in agreement with the CV results aforementioned. The DP voltammograms in 0.1 M phosphate buffer pH = 6.0 in 5 mM CR showed that the oxidation occurs in two steps, peaks 1a and 2a (Figure 3), in agreement with the CVs results. The effect of pH on the anodic behavior of 50 mM CR was studied (Figure 5). For 2.0 < pH < 9.0 the peaks 1a and 2a potential were shifted to more negative values with increasing pH (Figure 5A). In the Epa vs. pH plot (Figure 5B), the slope of the dotted line, 59 mV per pH unit, showed that the mechanism of peak 1a and 2a, involves the same number of electrons and protons. The number of electrons transferred was determined by the peak width at half height Electroanalysis 2012, 24, No. 11, 2079 – 2084 The advantages of SW voltammetry are greater speed of analysis, lower consumption of the electroactive species and reduced problems with poisoning of the electrode surface in relation with CV and DP voltammetry [27]. SW voltammograms in 50 mM of CA and CR showed similar features to DP voltammograms, i.e. the same number of pH-depended anodic peaks (Figure 6). Another great advantage of SW voltammetry is the possibility to see during only one scan if the electron transfer reaction is reversible or not. Since the current is sampled in both positive and negative-going pulses, peaks corresponding to the oxidation and reduction of the electroactive species at the electrode surface can be obtained in the same scan. Thus, the reversible redox behavior of both compounds is confirmed by plotting the equal value of forward and backward components of the total current. The quasi-reversibility of peaks 1a and 2a of CA (Figure 6A), and of peak 1a of CR (Figure 6B) is clearly shown, as the backward components of the total current are much smaller than the forward components of the total current. The irreversibility of peak 3a of CA (Figure 6A), and peak 2a of CR (Figure 6B) was also confirmed in these experiments. 3.4 Redox Mechanism The oxidation of OH groups occurs via the formation of a phenoxy radical, and the oxidation potential of this process follows the order: hydroquinone < catechol ! resorcinol < phenol. The orto and para position enable reversible oxidation with the transfer of two electrons and two protons, while the mono phenol oxidation occurs irreversibly in a one electron one proton process [27]. However, hydroxyanthraquinones, as they deviate from the 9,10 quinonid structure and exit in a tautomeric dynamic equilibrium [16–18], their oxidation also follow other pathways whereas the radical can initiate polymerization, leading to adsorbed products on the electrode surface [4,20,23,27]. The SW, CV and DP voltammetric results of CA and CR are all in agreement concerning the electrochemical oxidation mechanisms, and it was found that the quinoidal and phenolic groups attached to the anthraquinone were responsible for their electroactivity (Scheme 1). 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim www.electroanalysis.wiley-vch.de 2083 Full Paper E. de Souza Gil et al. The electrochemical investigation in different pH environments enabled the determination for CA of pKa 9 from data in Figure 4B. The in vitro redox behavior of CA is very important to predict in vivo reactions, and the role of pKa on absorption is related with its lipophilicity and solubility. For CA peaks 1a is related to the oxidation of hydroquinone (5,8-di-hydroxyl) whereas peak 2a to the oxidation of catechol (5,6-di-hydroxyl) electron-donating groups, and peak 3a to the oxidation of 3-OH group (Scheme 1). For CR peak 1a is related to the oxidation of the quinoidal moiety obtained by di-hydro tautomer forms, with the transfer of two electrons and two protons, while the peak 2a to the oxidation processes of the 1-OH and/or 8-OH groups (Scheme 1), with the transfer of one electron and proton. Differences in the oxidation peak currents, lower for the di-hydro quinoidal group in peak 1a and higher for the two symmetrical phenolic groups in peak 2a, were observed in agreeing with tautomeric equilibriums. According to spin density over hydroxyl groups the oxidation can be easier or not. Thus, electron withdrawing substituents such as carboxyl group in the 4-OH position of CA, as well as both carbonyl groups in CR tautomer, hamper the peak 3a oxidation processes of the 3-OH group of CA and of the peak 1a di-hydroquinoidal group in CR [5,20,23–25]. 4 Conclusions Both CA and CR structures (Scheme 1) are associated with tautomeric forms and their oxidation at the GCE surface is a pH-dependent anodic process and their mechanism was investigated. CA oxidation occurs in a cascade mechanism first in electron-donating groups, the hydroquinone (5,8-di-hydroxyl) moiety and the catechol (5,6di-hydroxyl) moiety, followed by the oxidation of the 3-OH group. CR oxidation processes are associated with the tautomeric forms of the quinoidal moiety obtained by its di-hydro tautomer form, followed by the oxidation of the 1-OH and/or 8-OH groups. Acknowledgements Financial supports from Fundażo para a CiÞncia e Tecnologia (FCT), Post-Doctoral Grant SFRH/BPD/71965/2010 (S. C. B. Oliveira), Project PTDC/QUI/098562/2008, POPH (co-financed by the European Community Funds FSE e FEDER/COMPETE), CEMUC-R (Research Unit 285), and Coordenażo de AperfeiÅoamento de Pessoal de 2084 www.electroanalysis.wiley-vch.de Ensino Superior (CAPES, Brasil) Post-Doctoral Grant (E. S. Gil), are gratefully acknowledged. References [1] R. G. Ayo, J. Med. Plants Res. 2010, 4, 1339. [2] A. T. J. Ogunkunle, T. A. Ladejobi, J. Biotechnol. 2006, 5, 2020. [3] D. Kremer, I. Kosalec, M. Locatelli, F. Epifano, S. Genovese, G. Carlucci, M. Z. Koncic, Food Chem. 2012, 131, 1174. [4] A. M. Faouzi, B. Nasr, G. Abdellatif, Dyes Pigments 2007, 73, 86. [5] M. Shamsipur, A. Siroueinejad, B. Hemmateenejad, A. Abbaspour, H. Sharghi, K. Alizadeh, S. Arshadi, J. Electroanal. Chem. 2007, 600, 345. [6] H. Zhou, Z. Y. Sun, T. Hoshi, Y. Kashiwagi, J. Anzai, G. X. Li, Biophys. Chem. 2005, 114, 21. [7] R. W. Winter, K. A. Cornell, L. L. Johnson, L. M. Isabellec, D. J. Hinrichsa, M. K. Riscoe, Bioorg. Med. Chem. 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