An Encapsulated View of the Best from Christian Publishers Order this book NOW! Volume 3 . Issue 13 COUNCIL OF REFERENCE Dr. Richard Averbeck Rev. D. Stuart Briscoe Dr. Paul Cedar Mr. Dave Coleman Dr. & Mrs. Larry Crabb Mr. Roger Cross Rev. Samuel Farina Dr. Kenneth O. Gangel Rev. & Mrs. Lud Golz Dr. Howard G. Hendricks Mr. Olan Hendrix Dr. David Jeremiah Rev. Knute Larson Dr. John C. Maxwell Dr. Bruce McNicol Mr. Dean Merrill Mrs. Elisa Morgan Dr. Ray Ortlund Dr. Luis Palau Dr. Gilbert A. Peterson Rev. Wes Roberts Rev. & Mrs. Jamie Rassmussen Mr. Jim Warren Dr. Rick Warren Publishers David & Catherine Martin Editors Michael & Cheryl Chiapperino Heaven A Quick Focus The Book's Purpose Provide a comprehensive biblical study on Heaven Increase believers’ longing for Heaven and prompt them to live godly lives on Earth Show how living on a renewed Earth represents the location where every believer will spend eternity Answer common questions about Heaven The Book’s Message Where do I go when I die? What will Heaven be like? For centuries believers have pondered these questions in their quest to understand the afterlife. Unfortunately, most assume that the Bible lacks clarity on these issues; therefore, they resolve that conclusions must be relegated to one’s imagination. However, the Bible actually goes into much further depth than most realize. Although we will never answer every question to our satisfaction, allowing the Bible to speak for itself will reveal an eternity that engages our imagination, increases our yearning for Heaven, and prompts us to live godly lives between now and then. By Randy Alcorn Tyndale House Publishers ISBN 0842379428 VIII Eight Main Points Two Possible Destinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Enjoying the Intermediate Heaven . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Understanding the Reach of Redemption . . . .3 Longing for the Final Resurrection . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Restoring the Old Earth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Celebrating the Presence of God . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Questions and Answers about Heaven . . . . . 6 Miscellaneous Questions and Conclusion 7 2 22 Possible Destinations Every civilization has adhered to some form of belief in the afterlife. God has placed within every human being an inherent sense of the eternal. Clearing Up Misconceptions If the Bible’s teachings about what happens after death are correct, then more than 250,000 people every day go to Heaven or Hell. The mortality rate still remains at 100 percent. Yet only a small percentage of people have a clear understanding of what Heaven and Hell will be like. Harps, white robes, and never-ending church services represent many believers’ perception of Heaven. On the other hand, many without Christ think that Hell is going to be one big party. Even major theologians barely skim the surface when it comes to their treatment of Heaven. John Calvin never tackled Revelation in his commentaries. Reinhold Niebuhr said nothing about Heaven in The Nature and Destiny of Man. Martyn Lloyd-Jones’ 900-page theology uses less than two pages to write about the New Earth and the eternal state. Barna’s research shows that the vast majority of Americans believe in the reality of Heaven and Hell; but they are forming their beliefs from movies, television, and conversations with friends~not from the Bible. These misconceptions represent the work of Satan. He creates lies about Heaven, especially since he was forcibly removed and can no longer claim residence there. He doesn’t need to convince believers that Heaven is not real. He just needs to convince them that the place is boring. “Satan cannot stop Christ’s redemptive work, but he can keep us from seeing the breadth and depth of redemption that extends to the earth and beyond.” Using Our Imagination God has provided glimpses of Heaven in the Bible. We don’t have so much information that we can claim full knowledge. What we must do is remove from our minds any preconceived ideas and allow our biblically inspired imaginations to fuel our comprehension of the afterlife. Instead of looking up into the clouds, we should look around us and imagine what everything would be like without sin and corruption. Certainly, Heaven contains many surprises which we will never be able to comprehend in this life. However, we must not neglect studying what God has revealed to us in the Scriptures. The Bible says, “Set your hearts on things above” (Colossians 3:1), suggesting a diligent investigation, an ongoing process. It also talks about God’s people “longing for a better country” (Hebrews 11:16). “Perhaps you’re afraid of becoming ‘so heavenly minded you’re of no earthly good.’...On the contrary, many of us are so earthly minded we are of no heavenly or earthly good.” Hell~Our Default Destination Jesus taught that the gate to Heaven was narrow. Americans must not grasp that truth because for every person who believes he’s going to hell, 120 believe they are going to Heaven. The default destination for every human being is Hell. And unless something happens to take care of the sin problem, one will never make it into Heaven. Hell is a place of utter misery, a place of punishment for sins, and a place where there is no hope for relief. Many argue that a loving God would never allow anyone to spend eternity in Hell. “But if we understood God’s nature and ours, we would be shocked not that some people could go to Hell...but that any would be permitted into Heaven.” To deny the existence of Hell is to minimize the significance of Christ’s vicarious death on the cross. Heaven or Hell~those are the only two possible destinations where we will spend eternity. Unless we give our lives to Christ, we are headed for Hell. There is only one way to Heaven, and that road must go through Jesus Christ. CBS 3 enjoying the intermediate heaven What will it be like to live in the Intermediate Heaven? Is it a physical place? Is it temporary or permanent? The Nature of the Intermediate Heaven “Intermediate Heaven” refers to the place where Christians go when they die. It is a temporary place, not to be confused with the Eternal Heaven, also known as the New Earth. The Intermediate Heaven is where we will reside prior to our bodily resurrection. Once we die, we will live with the Lord and with one another forever. But we will not be in the Intermediate Heaven forever. Instead, we will look forward to Christ’s return to earth, our bodily resurrection, and our new home in the Eternal Heaven. God created Heaven. Therefore, it had a past prior to the Incarnation. It has a present, which is the Intermediate Heaven. And it has a future, which is the Eternal Heaven. Each can be accurately referred to as Heaven; but they are not synonymous. The Intermediate Heaven is located in the angelic realm and is separate from Earth. The future Heaven will be located on Earth. God’s long-term plan is to come down and live with us in the realm of a renewed Earth. A Physical Place? Without question the New Earth will be a physical location. Is the same true for the Intermediate Heaven? Can human beings exist outside of space and time? If they can, it represents only a temporary status which will be permanently changed at the time of our bodily resurrection. However, we must not assume that life in the Intermediate Heaven is merely spiritual. These assumptions stem from an unbiblical belief that has its roots in Christoplatonism. Plato’s view that the spirit is good and material things are evil has had devastating effects that continue to plague Christian thought today. identity in Heaven and on Earth. The people are the same~just relocated. Those in heaven know what is happening on Earth, can audibly speak, and possess a deep concern for justice. The belief that the Intermediate Heaven lies in the physical realm has considerable biblical support. Genesis teaches that Adam was first a body and then God breathed a spirit into the body. At no moment in time has a human existed without a body. It seems quite possible that God might grant us some type of physical form that will allow us to function as human beings while we await the bodily resurrection. Consider Enoch and Elijah, both taken to heaven without leaving their bodies, and Moses’s and Elijah’s physical form in the Transfiguration. Those in Heaven will remember their lives on Earth. With improved minds, they will probably be able to remember more about their lives on Earth. “Undoubtedly we will remember God’s works of grace in our lives that comforted, assured, sustained, and empowered us to live for him.” Life in the Intermediate Heaven Revelation 6:9-11 provides a wealth of insight regarding life in the Intermediate Heaven. From these verses we learn that there is a direct continuity between our People in Heaven, at least to some extent, can see what is happening on Earth. Hebrews 12:1 refers to the cloud of witnesses in Heaven cheering believers on. Luke 15:10 suggests that believers in Heaven will know when someone decides to follow Christ because they rejoice in the presence of angels. The biblical evidence also suggests that those in Heaven pray for those still on Earth (Revelation 5:8; 6:10). CBS understanding the reach of redemption Why is it that many books on Heaven do not even address the subject of the New Earth? After all, even though the Bible does not fully describe the New Earth, it does go into much greater detail than most believers assume. Where Is Our Eternal Home? As we live between the times of Eden and the New Earth, we must never forget that our present state is not our eternal state. Jesus said in John 14 that He was going to prepare a place for us. That place as identified in Revelation 21 is the New Earth. “That’s where the New Jerusalem will reside when it comes down out of Heaven. Only then will we be truly home.” The biblical teachings on Heaven are like a jigsaw puzzle. Putting all the pieces together creates a beautiful picture. Familiar surroundings like rivers, trees, and mountains will be part of the New Earth. Of course, the curse of sin will no longer be present. We will live there in our resurrected bodies. We will serve Christ. We will rest. It will be a place where animals and children play. continued on page 4 4 UNDERSTANDING THE REACH OF REDEMPTION continued from page 3 The Far Reaches of Redemption “The church is to be in the bridgebuilding business, according to the design of Jesus Christ. Over this bridge the church must travel and prove its reality to a disbelieving world.” One must not spiritualize what the Bible teaches about Heaven. It is a real place. And that place is right here on Earth, the restored Earth, that is~Earth as it was before sin brought judgment upon the world. Imagine what it would be like to live on an Earth without sin, sickness, and crime. Jesus’ redemption reaches not only men and women, but the Earth as well. The climax of history does not occur with the return of Christ or the millennial reign, but with the establishment of His kingdom on the New Earth. His plan is to bring Earth and Heaven into the same realm where He will restore and renew Earth to its original condition. To think that God will completely destroy the Earth represents a weak theology. He has a wonderful plan. He never relinquished the title deed; but one day He will reclaim it. Yes, the Earth as we know it will come to an end, but not to a final one. The whole Earth will be redeemed, including people, animals, trees~everything! The Curse Is Lifted God promised a Redeemer immediately after the Fall (Genesis 3:15). He never reverted to a Plan B or changed His mind. Who will reign on the Earth? This question represents the central storyline of the Bible. Satan wields much power. He succeeded with his temptation of Adam and Eve in the Garden. He tried to tempt the second Adam, Jesus, but did not succeed. When Christ died on the cross, He dealt Satan a deadly blow. Satan is already defeated, but the full scope of Christ’s victory won’t be fully realized until He returns. When Adam sinned, God brought a curse upon the whole earth. One day the Curse will be fully reversed. The lifting of the Curse came with a terrible price, the blood of God’s Son on the cross. His victory guarantees that the Curse will be utterly destroyed in every realm of our experience. CBS longing for the final resurrection The resurrection of Jesus Christ represents the cornerstone belief for the Christian faith. Unless Jesus came back to life and is still alive, Christianity ceases to exist. Redemptive Continuity Although Christians give wholesale acceptance to the resurrection, most tend to spiritualize the doctrine by denying or overlooking a physical existence in a physical place. Two-thirds of Americans who believe in the resurrection do not believe they will have bodies after the resurrection. The Bible teaches that our bodies serve an integral role in God’s plan. They are not merely shells designed to house our spirits. “Any views of the afterlife that settle for less than a bodily resurrection...are explicitly unchristian.” One who decides to follow Christ experiences a transformation. That same person will experience another change at death and another at the final resurrection. Through all the changes, the person maintains his identity. This belief is called redemptive continuity. From this life to the next there is continuity. The same principle applies to all of creation. God will not be starting over. Instead, He will restore all things to their original design. With His resurrection Jesus embodied this principle of redemptive continuity. His body had been transformed, but He still possessed the same body, one that was recognized by His followers. Our resurrected bodies will be the same ones that God created for us. We will live in physical bodies that have been transformed and restored (Philippians 3:20-21; 1 John 3:2). The Resurrection and Creation Most hold a view of the resurrection that is too narrow. Don’t think that Christ’s redemption is just for humans. The gospel story is good news, not just for believers but for all of creation, including plants, planets, and animals. “Christ’s redemptive work extends resurrection to the far reaches of the universe. This is a stunning affirmation of God’s greatness. It should move our hearts to wonder and praise.” continued on page 5 5 LONGING FOR THE FINAL RESURRECTION continued from page 4 The Bible teaches that the whole creation groans, awaiting our final resurrection (Romans 8:22). Why does it groan? Because humanity is inseparably linked to the Earth. When mankind fell in the Garden of Eden, all creation experienced the judgment of God. The Earth awaits our final resurrection so it also can be restored to its original design. Changing Our Vocabulary We need to change our vocabulary so that it accurately communicates biblical truth. How many times at a funeral service have we heard the words, “We will never see him/her again on Earth”? Such statements are erroneous if we accept what the Bible teaches. For believers, we will see each other again on this Earth. We will hug one another again on this earth. CBS restoring the old earth In Hebrews 11 the great heroes of the faith were reported to be longing for a better country. They were not referring to the Intermediate Heaven but to the time and place where God would rule on Earth and remove all death, suffering, and heartache. When and Where? Regardless of the many interpretations of the Millennium, most agree at that some point the old Earth will end. The thrust of this book is to stress that the old Earth’s ending marks the beginning of the New Earth. One of the dominant Old Testament prophetic themes (especially Isaiah) includes the messianic reign of God’s kingdom. Where is the kingdom located? One key text, Isaiah 65, reveals the location as the New Earth. The prophetic language of Isaiah is nearly identical to that in Revelation 21. If Isaiah’s prophecies about the Incarnation are to be taken literally, then why should not his prophecies regarding the establishment of God’s kingdom on the New Earth? God has future plans for the Earth. Destroyed or Renewed? Will God destroy the Earth and start from scratch, or will he transform it into a new one? Some verses seem to imply that the Earth will be destroyed completely (Luke 21:33; 2 Peter 3:10). On the other hand, the Bible also provides evidence that the Earth will remain forever. Certainly the Earth will not remain as it is now forever. How do we solve this dilemma? God will destroy the Earth, but not in the sense of an absolute, final destruction. Rather, the destruction will be temporary until He reverses the destruction through the resurrection and restoration. God’s judgment through the Flood was universal but not permanent. Neither will His judgment through fire be eternal. We often refer to Heaven as our future home. Home represents familiarity. Home is a place with family, a place where we belong, a place that God is preparing that will far exceed our imagination. Our greatest of experiences on Earth are merely foretastes of what our home in Heaven will be like. “The things we love are not merely the best this life has to offer~they are previews of the greater life to come.” CBS celebrating the presence of God To long for Heaven is to long for God. Being with God for eternity is the ultimate blessing of Heaven. Every other pleasure we experience will pale in comparison. The Ultimate Joy On this Earth we can enter the presence of God at any moment of any day through prayer. On the New Earth we will be able to live in His presence in our resurrected bodies. Can there be any greater joy than this? Familiar or Unfamiliar? Will we recognize places on the New Earth? One of the most common misunderstandings about Heaven is that our surroundings will be unfamiliar. But biblical evidence teaches the opposite. Many of our assumptions can’t be justified with God’s Word. We have reduced Heaven to a place that older people want to go to as a preferable option to suffering and disability. “But the Bible portrays life in God’s presence, in our resurrected bodies in a resurrected universe, as so exciting and compelling that even the youngest and healthiest of us should daydream about it.” “To see God will be our greatest joy, the joy by which all others will be measured.” continued on page 6 6 CELEBRATING THE PRESENCE OF GOD continued from page 5 The greatest attraction in Eden was the presence of God. The worst part of the Curse was that God removed His presence. When we die, our experience will be wonderful as we enjoy living in the presence of God. But it is not certain that we will fully see the face of God then. The time we eagerly await is the day when God will establish the New Earth because on that day we will actually see God’s face. There can be no greater joy than this. Living with God On the day that God restores the Earth to its original design, Heaven and Earth will marry. No longer will humanity reside in one place and God and His angels in another. Believers will be able to visit with God anytime they wish. God won’t send a delegate. He Himself will live with us (Revelation 21:3). Not that we would ever want to, but no matter how far we travel on the New Earth, we will never go far enough to leave His presence. We’ve all imagined what it would be like to walk alongside Jesus as the disciples did. On the New Earth, we will have that opportunity. We can talk with Him, laugh with Him, discuss a book with Him, and even play ball with Him. Certainly, being with Christ will be the ultimate prize of Heaven. Will There Be Space and Time? Worshiping God If you’ve ever had a moment when you have experienced the very presence of God, you can testify that the experience was anything but boring. In the New Earth we will forever explore the beauty and mysteries of God. “In Heaven, we’ll be at home with the God we love and who loves us whole-heartedly. Lovers don’t bore each other.” Most people don’t understand how thrilling worship will be. They have stereotypically connected worship with church services, which are to them boring. God’s Church (the people of God) will be in Heaven; but there will be no temple and no biblical evidence which indicates there will be church services. Worship extends far beyond singing and prayer. We won’t be on our knees all day praising Jesus. But He will be continuously first in our thinking. And that is worship. In reality, worship cannot be ho-hum. As each day passes in the New Earth, we will discover that God becomes more and more fascinating. The more we get to know Him, the more we will want to know Him. We will never be able to get enough of God. CBS questions and answers about heaven What Will the New Jerusalem Be Like? In Revelation 21-22, the place where God and His people will live eternally is called a city fifteen times. The fact that the city is described using many physical descriptions suggests a physical, geographical location. Revelation 21:15-16 reveals the actual dimensions to be the equivalent of 1,400 miles in length, width, and height. The notion that these figures might have some symbolic importance does not negate the possibility that these represent the literal dimensions of the New Jerusalem. We should not worry about Heaven being crowded because the ground level of the city will be approximately 2 million square miles. Of course, we do not know exactly how the living quarters will be established. But combining our imagination with the biblical measurements, the height would allow the city to have more than 600,000 stories. Billions and billions of believers could reside there. This city will be completely different from today’s city. Imagine all the benefits of culture, the arts, and natural wonders, but none of the disadvantages of crime, pollution, sirens, and homelessness. Eden existed in space and time. The New Earth will also exist in space and time. We will be delivered from all evil; but space and time are not evil. We will still be finite beings in the sense that we cannot be in two places at one time. When we meet with others, it will be at a specific place at a specific time. One of the great hymns of the faith says, “Time shall be no more.” We naturally assume that this phrase is biblically based. But it is not. John Newton had a more biblical response when he wrote, “When we’ve been there ten thousand years.” The Bible is filled with references which provide evidences of time in Heaven. We will live in chronological sequence where one step always follows the previous. But we will no longer live under the pressure of time. Will There Be Sun, Moon, and Oceans? Some have cited biblical evidence to indicate that there will be no sun or moon in the New Earth (see Revelation 21:23; 22:5). No verse indicates the absence of the sun or moon. Instead, the verses suggest that these celestial bodies will not be needed because the glory of God will outshine them. When the Bible indicates there will be no more night (Revelation 22:5), it is speaking figuratively of the crime, evil, prostitution, and other acts of evil that often occur during the cover of darkness. We must remember that God created the nighttime and that it existed before the Fall. The same principle can be applied when dealing with the verse which indicates that in the New Earth there will be no sea (Revelation 21:1). To the people in Bible times, the sea brought tremendous fear. The waters separated nations and drowned loved ones. Everything in the New Earth is upgraded. Why would God take away from us the joy of walking on sandy beaches and enjoying the sound of waves crashing to the shore? Could it be that we will be able to dive without tanks and stay under water for hours? Could it be that we will be able to play with water creatures? Why not? continued on page 7 77 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT HEAVEN continued from page 6 Will We Lose Our Identity? Jesus called people in Heaven, such as Lazarus, Abraham, Moses, and Elijah, by their names. Names represent identity. Who we are on earth, we will be in Heaven (except without the bad parts). “Death is a relocation of the same person from one place to another. The place changes, but the person remains the same.” We do not become angels when we die. We will have emotions, but they will not be distorted. We will have desires, but they will not be unholy. Jesus didn’t become someone else when He died. He was the same person after the resurrection as He was before. God says our names are written in the Book of Life. And He will call us by our names. We will be ourselves in Heaven. What Will Redeemed Bodies Look Like? Our bodies will be restored to the natural beauty of Eden. They will not need any cosmetic touchup. If we are tall on Earth, then we will probably be tall in Heaven. No one will look identical to another. Without the curse, our bodies will be perfectly suited for eternity. They will no longer face the ills of heart disease, arthritis, or cancer. We won’t have to try to look beautiful because we will be beautiful. We will not lose our gender in Heaven. Jesus remained a male after the resurrection. Human bodies are not genderless. Adam and Eve did not wear clothes until after the Fall. But in the intermediate Heaven, people are described as wearing clothes. So, evidently, in the New Earth we will wear clothes but not because of temptation or shame. The Bible does not speak with absolute clarity about the appearance of our age in Heaven. In Isaiah we read of little children playing with the animals. Could it be that when children die, they will begin their days in the New Earth at they same age? If that is the case, then believing parents would be able to still raise their children, the joy they missed while on earth. Will We Recognize Others? Nothing from the Bible suggests that there will be a total mem- ory lapse of things that happened or people we knew on Earth. One of the greatest joys of living in Heaven for eternity is re-establishing relationships with loved ones. In 1 Thessalonians 4:14-18, Paul, dealing with end times, speaks of the comfort that believers will have when they are reunited with their loved ones. So, yes, we will recognize one another. CBS miscellaneous questions and answers Miscellaneous Questions Will there be marriage and family in Heaven? Jesus taught that the institution of marriage would end. But He never suggested that the deep relationships of family, including parent-child, would ever cease. The Bible teaches there will be continuity between this life and the next. Certainly, this teaching includes relationships among family. We will pick up where we left off. Will there be sex in Heaven? Sex is a beautiful gift from God that existed before the Fall. However, since the institution of marriage will not exist, then this is one example where the doctrine of continuity does not hold. Could it be that God will fulfill this human desire in some higher form? What about our loved ones in Hell? Won’t that fact spoil the joys of Heaven? The Bible gives no indication that believers in Heaven will be ignorant of Hell. But we will certainly see things from a much better perspective. God will be our source of joy, and nothing will be able to interfere with that joy. “Of this we may be absolutely certain: Hell will have no power over Heaven; none of Hell’s misery will ever veto any of Heaven’s joy.” Will there be national and ethnic identities? Yes. God will preserve our designed uniqueness. Revelation 5:9-10 teaches that God has redeemed people from every tribe, language, people, and nation, and that these redeemed ones will reign in the New Earth. However, racism and social injustice will be completely erased from our existence. Will there be animals in Heaven? As Isaiah 11 teaches, how can a child lead the calf and the lion if there are no animals in Heaven? How can the leopard lie down with the goat? Animals and mankind will enjoy the redeemed Earth. Not only will there be animals in Heaven, but biblical evidence informs us that they will actually engage in giving praise to the Almighty God (Revelation 5:13). continued on page 8 8 MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS AND CONCLUSION continued from page 7 Will our pets be restored in Heaven? Actually, this is not a stupid question as some would suggest. Why do people of all ages find such joy and companionship in their pets? It is because we possess a God-given affection for animals. Although we cannot say definitively, is it beyond God’s power to restore a pet to the New Earth? Of course not. Perhaps God will create some new animals. Perhaps He will bring some animals back to life. Or perhaps He will do a combination of these two possibilities. We must remember that Christ’s redemption covers not just humans but all of God’s creation. Conclusion How should we live now in light of Heaven? We should anticipate Heaven as our home. Home is a place of refuge. Our work and vacations may take us to many exciting places. But there is still no place like home. Home is where we relax, where we entertain guests, and where we work on projects. “Our true home in Heaven will have all the good things about our earthly homes, multiplied many times, but none of the bad.” The fact that our true home is in Heaven should motivate us to make sure we invest our days on Earth in deeds of service that have eternal value. We should make every effort to lead as many people to Christ as possible. We should recognize that every choice we make each day has a direct influence on the world to come. We should seek to live a Christ-centered, righteous life. We should do all we can to feed the hungry, minister to the sick, and provide hope to the hopeless. “As a Christian, the day I die will be the best day I’ve ever lived. But it won’t be the best I ever will live. Resurrection day will be far better. And the first day on the New Earth~ that will be one big step for mankind, one giant leap for God’s glory.” CBS Volume 3, Number 13 Publisher David & Catherine Martin Editors Michael & Cheryl Chiapperino Published on the World Wide Web at The mission of Christian Book Summaries is to enhance the ministry of thinking Christians by providing thorough and readable summaries of noteworthy books from Christian publishers. The opinions expressed are those of the original writers and are not necessarily those of Christian Book Summaries or its Council of Reference. Heaven by Randy Alcorn, copyright 2004 by Eternal Perspective Ministries. Summarized by permission of the publisher, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 351 Executive Drive, Carol Stream, Illinois. 516 pages. $24.99. ISBN 0842379428. This book is available at most Christian bookstores, at any online publisher (such as,, or or by calling Tyndale House Publishers at 1-800-323-9400. The author: Randy Alcorn is the founder and director of Eternal Perspective Ministries, a nonprofit organization dedicated to teaching biblical truth and drawing attention to the needy and how to help them. Alcorn is the author of 20 books. He and his wife, Nanci, live in Gresham, Oregon. They have two married daughters. Summarized by: Ken Kelly. A graduate of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Dr. Kelly has served as senior pastor of Chapin Baptist Church in Chapin, South Carolina since 1986.