Authentic Heroes



Pillar II Life in Christ – “Conversion to Jesus Christ implies walking in His footsteps. ” Our youth need “authentic” heroes and heroines today who encourage joy and hope. John XXIII and John

Paul II give us models of humanity, humility and hol iness. As we celebrate the canonization of these two popes, let us reflect upon their service to proclaim God’s Word and follow their example to be witnesses of the Gospel. As Pope Francis has said, “preserve [their] spirit, deepen your study of [their lives]…but especially, imitate [their] holiness.”


Students will be able to

Identify Christian values that help build God’s kingdom.

Generate a description of the term heroism and characteristics of a saint.

Use a variety of technological and information resources (e.g., websites, videos, newspapers, libraries) to gather and synthesize information and to create and communicate knowledge.

Draw on their interactions with family members, teachers, peers to learn and share stories about

John XXIII and John Paul II.

Use spoken, written, and visual language (e.g., conventions, style, vocabulary) to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences and for different purposes.


Defining Heroism

1. Compare dictionary definitions of hero and idol with students and clarify the distinctions. Explain that anyone can become a hero when they act courageously and nobly. Define words for students using Webster's dictionary:

Hero - a person of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his or her brave deeds and noble qualities.

Idol - any person or thing regarded with blind admiration, adoration, or devotion.

2. Tell students they are going to do a "think, pair, and share." They will first think of their own answer to the question posed, then they'll be given a minute to share their thinking with a partner (pair), and finally, students will be called on to share the ideas they and their partner had with the whole class.

3. List / web these ideas on chart paper or white board: “Characteristics of a Hero”

4. Go to Sadlier Religion’s The Lives of Saints and read the information about John XXIII and John Paul II

( ). Discuss what the author says about what these holy people means to us today. Ask students what characteristics named here match ones they've identified.

Ask if any new characteristics should be added. Explain that this list is tentative and can be expanded or revised as they read about and discuss the manner in which these Blesseds lived out Jesus’ mission.

5. Extension: Have students identify a modern-day person who has such characteristics, giving examples to support their opinion. Make a list of the identified “Heroes Around Us”. Have students respond to the following statement in their journals: My behaviour reflects a characteristic associated with a hero when…”


1. Instruct students to read about either John XXIII or John Paul II and take notes on major events in their lives such as:

Date and place of birth


Hardships or struggles overcome

Special events occurring in the world during this his life

Hero characteristics this person possesses

Date and place of death; date of beatification

2. Have students pair up and practice reporting on John XXIII / John Paul II using the notes they took. The focus will be on the information in the topical areas for note taking and, especially, how their lives and deeds reflect

Christ-like qualities.

3. Instruct the students to summarize their notes into a report, timeline or scrapbook.

Presentation and Summary

1. Students will report. As classmates listen, they should consider whether additional descriptors could be added to the "Heroism is...." list or additional characteristics could be added to the “Characteristics of a

Hero” web.

2. Invite students' comments on additional descriptors and/or characteristics to be added. Add those for which there is consensus.


Blessed Pope John XXIII

 Blessed Pope John XXIII broadcast a message of peace on Vatican Radio to the rulers of the world. He said, “We beg all rulers not to be deaf to the cry of humanity.” Imagine that you have the opportunity to broadcast a message of peace to world leaders. Plan a podcast to broadcast your message: o (Intermediate Template: o Primary Template:

Blessed Pope John Paul II

 Blessed Pope John Paul II traveled around the world asking people to show their love for Jesus Christ by praying and taking care of the poor and sharing his message for peace. Write a letter or make a card to send to a young person in another country. o (Intermediate Template: o Primary Template:

Online Materials

Pope John Paul II Interactive Colouring Sheet and Printable

John Paul the Great : Unit Study.

, Heart and Mind Magazine, 2005

“Papal Lap Book Activity”
