Combining price and quantity controls to mitigate global climate

Journal of Public Economics 85 (2002) 409–434 / locate / econbase
Combining price and quantity controls to mitigate global
climate change
William A. Pizer*
Resources for the Future, 1616 P Street NW, Washington, DC 20036, USA
Received 14 July 1999; received in revised form 18 December 2000; accepted 21 March 2001
Uncertainty about compliance costs causes otherwise equivalent price and quantity
controls to behave differently and leads to divergent welfare consequences. Although most
of the debate on global climate change policy has focused on quantity controls due to their
political appeal, this paper argues that price controls are more efficient. Simulations based
on a stochastic computable general equilibrium model indicate that the expected welfare
gain from the optimal price policy is five times higher than the expected gain from the
optimal quantity policy. An alternative hybrid policy combines both the political appeal of
quantity controls with the efficiency of prices, using an initial distribution of tradeable
permits to set a quantitative target, but allowing additional permits to be purchased at a
fixed ‘‘trigger’’ price. Even sub-optimal hybrid policies offer dramatic efficiency improvements over otherwise standard quantity controls. For example, a $50 trigger price per ton of
carbon converts the $3 trillion expected loss associated with a simple 1990 emission target
to a $150 billion gain. These results suggest that a hybrid policy is an attractive alternative
to either a pure price or quantity system.
 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Climate change; Decision-making under uncertainty; Price and quantity controls; General
equilibrium modeling
JEL classification: Q28; D81; C68
*Tel.: 11-202-328-5039; fax: 11-202-939-3460.
E-mail address: (W.A. Pizer).
0047-2727 / 02 / $ – see front matter  2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S0047-2727( 01 )00118-9
W. A. Pizer / Journal of Public Economics 85 (2002) 409 – 434
1. Introduction
Seminal work by Weitzman (1974) drew attention to the fact that, in regulated
markets, uncertainty about costs leads to a potentially important efficiency
distinction between otherwise equivalent price and quantity controls. Despite this
well-known observation and its relevance for climate change policy, most of the
debate concerning the use of taxes and emission permits to control greenhouse
gases (GHGs) has centered on political, legal and revenue concerns.1 This paper
responds to this important omission by examining the efficiency properties of
permit and tax policies to mitigate global climate change.2
The basic distinction among policy instruments arises because taxes fix the
marginal cost of abatement at a specified tax level (assuming optimal firm
behavior). With uncertainty about costs, this generates a range of possible
abatement levels and emission outcomes. In contrast, a permit system precisely
limits emissions but leads to a range of potential cost outcomes. When coupled
with a model of the benefits associated with emission reduction, this divergence in
emission and cost outcomes creates a distinction in the expected welfare associated
with each policy.
In the case of climate change, part of the cost uncertainty arises due to
uncertainty about the level of future baseline emissions. The Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (1992; hereafter IPCC) gives a range of CO 2 emission
levels in 2010 of between 9.2 and 13.1 gigatons carbon (GtC).3 This requires a
uniform 1 15% adjustment to IPCC forecasts of carbon emissions. See p. 71 in
Nordhaus (1994b). The cost of attaining a particular target, say the 1990 emission
level of 8.5 GtC, will obviously fluctuate depending on the level of future
uncontrolled emissions.
In addition to the baseline, however, there is considerable uncertainty about the
cost of reducing emissions below the baseline. A study by Nordhaus (1993)
reports that a $30 / ton carbon (tC) tax might reduce emissions anywhere from 10
to 40%. While some models predict that a $300 / tC would virtually eliminate
emissions, other models require a tax in excess of $400 / tC.4 This wide range of
See Wiener (1998), McKibbin and Wilcoxen (1997) and Goulder et al. (1997).
Earlier work by the author (Pizer, 1999) focused on the effect of uncertainty on the level of control,
measured by a control rate or emission tax. That paper compared price and control rate policies, but did
not consider fixed emission limits. Recent work by Newell and Pizer (1998) and Hoel and Karp (1998)
considers the theory of price and quantity regulation applied to pollution such as greenhouse gas
emissions that accumulate in the environment.
The actual range is 8.1–11.4 GtC. However, we include the carbon equivalent of CFC emissions in
our discussions of controllable greenhouse gas / carbon emissions in order to parallel the treatment in
Nordhaus (1994b) and Pizer (1999).
A recent report by the Energy Information Administration (1998) indicates similar marginal costs
ranging from $50 to $400 / tC to achieve comparable reductions in emissions based on different models.
Weyand and Hill (1999) suggest even higher costs.
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reduction estimates only compounds the uncertainty about baselines to generate
extreme uncertainty about the cost of a particular emission target 10–15 years in
the future.
Motivated by the policy implications of these large uncertainties, this paper uses
a modified version of the Nordhaus (1994b) DICE model in order to analyze
alternative policies under uncertainty. In particular, the model incorporates
uncertainty about a wide range of model parameters developed in both Nordhaus
(1994b) and Pizer (1996). The simulations are then sped up using a technique
presented in Pizer (1999) that greatly facilitates computation. Details concerning
costs and benefits are discussed in the next section while additional detail can be
found in Pizer (1999) and Nordhaus (1994b).
Two sets of simulations are emphasized. The first set focuses on the choice of
policy in the year 2010 only. By examining estimated marginal cost and benefit
schedules in this single period, we can directly apply Weitzman’s original
intuition. Such an analysis reveals the consequences of very short-term policy
decisions, showing that the optimal price policy (a tax of $7.50 / tC) yields
expected social benefits of $2.5 billion in net present value versus the optimal
quantity policy (a 13 GtC permit scheme) yielding only $0.3 billion.
The single-period experiments are followed by simulations of the optimal price
and quantity policies over a 100-year horizon. These longer-term policy simulations indicate that an optimal permit path would similarly begin with a 13 GtC
target in 2010, but rise gradually over time to about 45 GtC by 2100 in order to
accomodate economic growth. This policy generates $69 billion in expected net
benefits versus a no policy, business-as-usual alternative. Meanwhile, the optimal
tax policy starts at $7 / tC in 2010 and rises to about $55 / tC by 2100. In contrast,
this policy generates $337 billion in expected net benefits – five times the gain of
the optimal permit policy.
Since these results are driven by untestable assumptions about the consequences
of climate change, an obvious question is whether they are sensitive to increasingly non-linear climate effects. Indeed, the presence of a significant threshold can
reverse the preference for taxes. Specifically, when damages rise from 1% to 9%
as the mean global temperature rises from 3 to 4 degrees above historic levels, this
is sufficient to encourage the use of quantity-based regulations over a 50-year
policy horizon.
Finally, a combined hybrid policy is proposed as an alternative to both the pure
tax and permit approaches Roberts and Spence (1976); Weitzman (1978); and
McKibbin and Wilcoxen (1997). Such a mechanism would involve an initial
distribution of tradeable permits, with additional permits available from the
government at a specified ‘‘trigger’’ price. This system turns out to be only slightly
more efficient than a pure tax system. However, it achieves this efficiency while
preserving the political appeal of permits: the ability to flexibly distribute the rents
associated with emission rights. More importantly for current policy discussions,
sub-optimal hybrid policies based on an aggressive target and high trigger price
W. A. Pizer / Journal of Public Economics 85 (2002) 409 – 434
lead to better welfare outcomes than a pure quantity-based policy with the same
target. Both the improved flexibility and better welfare outcomes make the hybrid
policy an attractive alternative to either permits or taxes alone.
2. Background
2.1. Weitzman–Roberts–Spence
The analysis presented in Weitzman (1974) concerns the choice of a policy
instrument to regulate a market where either political considerations or market
failure require government intervention. A price (tax) or quantity (permit)
instrument is at the government’s disposal and the question posed by Weitzman is
which of the two leads to the best welfare outcome, measured as net social
surplus.5 Importantly, the policy must be fixed before any uncertainty is resolved
and cannot be revised.6
Weitzman’s basic result was that price instruments would be favored when the
marginal benefit schedule was relatively flat and quantity instruments would be
favored when the marginal cost schedule was relatively flat. In particular, he
derived an expression for the relative welfare advantage of prices over quantities:
D 5 ]2 (c 2 2 b 2 )
2c 2
where s is the variance of the shocks to the marginal cost schedule, c 2 is the
slope of the marginal cost schedule and b 2 is the slope of the marginal benefit
schedule.7 Based on this expression, the price instrument is preferred when benefits
are relatively flat (D . 0 when b 2 , c 2 ) and the quantity instrument is preferred
when benefits are relatively steep (D , 0 when b 2 . c 2 ). More recently, Hoel and
Karp (1998) and Newell and Pizer (1998) have demonstrated that Eqs. (1)
continues to hold when benefits are related to the stock of accumulated output,
rather than the annual flow, after adjusting b 2 to account for discounting, decay,
growth, and the potential correlation of cost shocks over time.
Not long after Weitzman’s original article, several authors proposed a hybrid
policy in place of pure price or quantity controls (Weitzman, 1978; Roberts and
Here and throughout it is assumed that the quantity instrument is an efficient quantity instrument;
e.g. a tradeable permit system with negligible transaction costs.
Laffont (1977) provides a careful description of the information structure assumed in policy choice
problems formulated in the Weitzman tradition.
The parameter b 2 is actually minus the slope since the schedule of total benefits is usually concave.
This result is derived for the case of linear marginal costs and benefits, where uncertainty enters as
small shifts to each curve (therefore the slopes b 2 and c 2 are known with certainty). The uncertainty
about costs is assumed to be independent of any uncertainty about benefits. See Stavins (1996).
W. A. Pizer / Journal of Public Economics 85 (2002) 409 – 434
Spence, 1976). A hybrid policy gives producers the choice of either obtaining a
permit in the marketplace or purchasing a permit from the government at a
specified trigger price.8 Such a policy operates like a permit scheme with uncertain
costs and fixed emissions as long as the marginal cost, reflected by the permit
price, remains below the trigger. When the trigger price is reached, however,
control costs are capped and emissions become uncertain, as in a tax scheme. By
setting the trigger price high enough or the number of permits low enough, the
hybrid policy can mimic either a pure quantity or pure price mechanism,
respectively. Since it encompasses both tax and permit mechanisms as special
cases, the hybrid policy will always perform at least as well as either pure policy.9
Policymakers and economists often focus on many considerations other than the
partial equilibrium welfare concerns highlighted by the Weitzman–Roberts–
Spence analysis (Stavins, 1989; Goulder et al., 1997; and Parry and Williams,
1999). In the United States, experience with quantity-based permit systems for
both national SO x and regional NO x pollution control has created political support
for market-based quantity controls – especially when valuable permits are
provided gratis to those bearing the most concentrated cost burden. At the same
time, popular opposition to taxes of any kind makes the prospect for pure
price-based regulations rather grim.10 Yet, a hybrid system with welfare properties
nearly identical to (or better than) a pure price-based mechanism retains virtually
all the politically desirable characteristics of a permit system.11 Since this paper
indicates that price-based or hybrid mechanisms produce five-times the welfare
gain associated with quantity controls, it suggests an opportunity for significant
and feasible policy improvement.
2.2. Costs of climate change mitigation
In order to compare price- and quantity-based policies to mitigate climate
change, we need a dynamic model of mitigation costs, benefits, and uncertainty.
To this end, we make use of the model developed in Pizer (1999), which involves
a stochastic extension to the deterministic climate–economy model presented in
Nordhaus (1994b). Based on the previous discussion of Weitzman–Roberts–
Spence, we focus our attention on the model’s characterization of costs, benefits
and uncertainty, leaving the more interested reader to consult earlier work.
The global cost of climate change mitigation is typically measured as the
A hybrid policy may also involve a price floor at which the government offers to buy back permits.
However, this type of subsidy program creates dynamic inefficiencies. See Chapter 14 of Baumol and
Oates (1988).
Such policies have been proposed in the climate change arena by McKibbin and Wilcoxen (1997),
McKibbin (2000) and Kopp et al. (2000).
See Pearce (1991) for a discussion of the pros and cons of carbon taxes.
The one feature it does not share is an absolute cap on emissions. This is, however, somewhat
illusory since even an absolute cap can be relaxed in the face of future political pressure.
W. A. Pizer / Journal of Public Economics 85 (2002) 409 – 434
reduction in consumable output associated with a particular emission level of
greenhouse gases. This cost calculation is conveniently viewed in two steps: (1)
calculation of the required emission reduction, expressed as a fraction of gross
emissions; and (2) calculation of the fractional reduction in global output required
to achieve that fractional emission reduction.12 The first part of the calculation is
determined by growth forecasts of population, productivity, and the carbon
intensity of production (because carbon dioxide is the primary anthropogenic
greenhouse gas). None of these trends are known with certainty and are therefore
assigned probability distributions based on Nordhaus (1994b), Nordhaus and Popp
(1997), and Pizer (1996).
Fig. 1 shows the resulting distribution of CO 2 emission forecasts used in this
paper, along with the 1992 IPCC future emission scenarios for comparison. The
Fig. 1. Simulated CO 2 emission distribution vs. IPCC scenarios. Lines indicate the distribution of CO 2
emission paths generated by the model. Circles (s) indicate 1992 IPCC CO 2 emission scenarios (p. 12
IPCC 1992; pp. 101–112, Pepper et al., 1992) adjusted to include controllable CFC’s (see p. 71
Nordhaus (1994b)): letters in right margin refer to individual IPCC scenarios.
There is a third step – converting the fractional loss of global output into an actual dollar loss.
However, we really care about utility, not the level of output or consumption. Assuming roughly
logarithmic utility (so du 5 (1 /c)dc), fractional losses are a reasonable focal point since changes in
utility are more closely related to fractional (versus level) changes in consumption.
W. A. Pizer / Journal of Public Economics 85 (2002) 409 – 434
IPCC forecasts tend to fall between the 5th and 75th quantiles of our simulations.
This is consistent with more recent analysis suggesting a wider range of
possibilities than those contained in the 1992 scenarios (IPCC, 2000).13
The second part of the cost calculation – relating fractional reductions in
greenhouse gases to fractional reductions in world output – is based on a survey of
studies first summarized in Nordhaus (1993). These studies compute costs by
various means, including engineering assessments, econometric estimation, and
mathematical programming. The relationship and range of estimates are approximated in Nordhaus (1994b) by a power rule,
fractional reduction in global output
5 b 1 (fractional reduction in GHG emissions)2.887
Nordhaus (1994b) considers a range of values for b 1 : 0.027, 0.034, 0.069, 0.080
and 0.133, with the best guess being 0.069. These values imply that a 20%
reduction global emissions would require 0.026%, 0.033%, 0.066%, 0.077% and
0.128% reductions in global output, respectively. Here and in Pizer (1999), these
values are assumed to occur with equal probability, independent of other
uncertainty in the model (including the emission levels shown in Fig. 1).
There are two subtle assumptions embedded in Eqs. (2) that bear mentioning.
First, the relation assumes that marginal costs are increasingly steep as additional
reductions are undertaken, and second, the choice of emission level is an annual
decision involving an annual cost function. Both of these points are important in
this analysis because they affect the slope of marginal costs, in turn affecting the
difference in expected welfare between taxes and permits.
The assumption of increasing marginal costs would seem innocuous based on
the fact that one input – the uncontrolled emission level – is fixed. However, it has
been argued that once non-marginal changes in production technologies are
considered, costs could fall (Lovins, 1996). This relates to the second point: Over
time the stock of both human and physical capital could evolve in a less carbon
intensive direction, making emission choice a multi-period – rather than singleperiod – decision.14 Both effects suggest a preference for price controls when
regulation is focused on the near term, possibly switching to a preference for
quantity controls when regulation is flexibly applied over a long horizon (e.g., with
banking and borrowing).15
The 1992 scenarios were specifically criticized for ignoring the possibility that developing country
income converges to developed country income (per capita), which would lead to higher uncontrolled
emission forecasts.
This touches on the issue of endogenous technological change; see Grubler
and Messner (1998);
and Goulder and Mathai (2000).
If emissions can eventually be reduced at substantially lower costs, it suggests that the long-run
marginal cost curve is flatter than the short-run marginal cost curve, favoring quantity controls applied
over a sufficiently long horizon; see Eqs. (1).
W. A. Pizer / Journal of Public Economics 85 (2002) 409 – 434
2.3. Benefits of climate change mitigation
In contrast to mitigation costs, which are rooted in the economically familiar
areas of aggregate energy use and fuel substitution, mitigation benefits are
determined by long-term climate changes and the economic impacts associated
with those changes. With only limited historical experience concerning climatic
changes and especially their economic consequences, this is understandably the
most subjective and uncertain area of climate–economy modeling.16 Nordhaus
(1994a) found that scientists’ opinions on the possible damages from climate
change range from 0% up to a 50% loss of global output.
A simple model of climate dynamics coupled with a damage function based on
the square of the change in global mean temperature drives our mitigation benefits.
Economic activity determines a baseline, uncontrolled emission level for carbon
dioxide. Mitigation activities reduce current emissions below the baseline. Each
ton of unmitigated carbon dioxide generates a rise in the global mean temperature
that peaks about 40 years after it is emitted, then dissipates slowly with a half-life
of about 60 years. The initial 40-year delay arises because the global mean
temperature equilibrates gradually in response to higher levels of accumulated
carbon dioxide as the earth’s atmosphere traps more solar radiation.17 The
subsequent decline follows the gradual decay of carbon dioxide and other
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. A one-time 100 million ton increase in
emissions (roughly 1% of annual global emissions in 1990) generates a peak
temperature rise of about 2 / 10,000 of one degree Celsius using best-guess
parameter values. Uncertainty in the climate model could double or halve this
estimated temperature increase.18
The economic consequences of climate change depend on these increases in
global mean temperature. Following Nordhaus (1994b) and Pizer (1999), we
specify a quadratic damage function with
fractional reduction in output due to climate damages 5 D0 ? (T / 3)2
where T is the change in temperature relative to a pre-industrialization baseline
Current atmospheric CO 2 concentrations of 368 ppm are higher than in any period over the past
400,000 years, which ranged 200–300 ppm (Petit et al., 1999). Some work has used cross-sectional
variation in climate to estimate economic consequences of climate changes such as temperature and
precipitation (Mendelsohn et al., 1994). While instructive, these analyses ignore the difference between
regional and global climate changes – analogous to the difference between partial and general
equilibrium – as well as changes in storm patterns and extreme weather behavior.
As temperatures rise the earth radiates more heat into space, counteracting the increased retention
of solar radiation due to higher levels of greenhouse gases. Eventually the earth reaches a new
greenhouse gas / temperature equilibrium.
There is uncertainty about both the amount of emitted CO 2 that is rapidly absorbed by oceans
(atmospheric retention rate) as well as the temperature change resulting from changes in atmospheric
CO 2 (climate sensitivity).
W. A. Pizer / Journal of Public Economics 85 (2002) 409 – 434
(circa 1860) and D0 is a parameter describing the global output reduction
associated with a 38 temperature increase. Nordhaus (1994b) focuses on a bestguess value of 0.013 for D0 with a sensitivity analysis including values of zero,
0.004, 0.013, 0.016 and 0.032. Pizer (1999) assumes these five values occur with
equal probability and independently of other uncertainty in the model.
The main weakness of this model of mitigation benefits is its failure to capture
possibly abrupt temperature changes and / or economic consequences related to
both the level and rate of change in greenhouse gas concentrations. The
thermohaline circulation of the North Atlantic Ocean, for example, warms
Northern Europe by as much as 10 degrees Celsius and could collapse as a result
of increased greenhouse gas emissions (Broecker, 1997; Stocker and Andreas,
1997). Such a collapse would lead to more dramatic consequences than those
predicted by this model. In Section 4 we consider relaxing the quadratic functional
form in Eqs. (3) to address this possibility of more abrupt climate effects.
2.4. Economic behavior
These models of costs and benefits are dynamically linked via a simple
one-sector stochastic growth model (Pizer, 1999). A representative agent chooses
between consumption and savings each period based on the expected return to
capital, which itself depends on population, the capital stock, and productivity.
Productivity includes the negative consequences of both mitigation costs and
climate damages. In this way, current mitigation costs and climate damages
influence both current and, through investment, future consumption and output. Of
course, mitigation activities also reduce greenhouse gas emissions and future
climate damages.
We compute the optimal savings level each period based on a linearized
steady-state decision rule (Campbell, 1994). This allows us to simulate the
economic and climate outcomes quite rapidly for a single random draw of model
parameters and stochastic shocks over a 250-year horizon. We then use eight
thousand random draws to approximate the range of uncertain outcomes.
Mitigation costs and controlled (actual) emissions are computed separately in
each period and for each state of nature based on the specified carbon tax or permit
policy. The uncontrolled emission level and global output gross of climate
mitigation are both determined by state variables at the beginning of each period.
Under a permit policy, Eqs. (2) can be used to directly compute mitigation costs,
where fractional reductions equal one minus the ratio of permits to uncontrolled
emissions. In the case of a tax policy, Eqs. (2) can be differentiated to yield a
marginal cost expression that, when set equal to the tax rate, can be solved for the
fractional emission reduction. This reduction can then be substituted into the
original relation to yield mitigation costs. With separate calculations in each state
of nature, this procedure highlights how tax policies fix marginal costs and lead to
W. A. Pizer / Journal of Public Economics 85 (2002) 409 – 434
uncertain emissions while permit policies fix emissions and lead to uncertain
marginal costs.
The welfare effects of a particular policy are computed in terms of discounted
utility for each state of nature. Discounted utility is then valued in a particular base
year using the marginal utility of consumption in that year. Dollars in the base year
can be averaged across states of nature to yield expected welfare. Additional
details concerning the model specification, simulation, and welfare calculations
can be found in Pizer (1999).
3. Simulation results
Given the long-term nature of climate change, a policy to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions inevitably involves decisions spanning many decades. In the first part of
this Section, however, we consider the expected welfare consequences of choosing
price or quantity controls for GHG emissions in a single year, 2010. By focusing
on a single year in the near future, we can address the difference between alternate
price / quantity controls now, without becoming mired in the question of longerterm policy. In addition, focusing on a single year allows us to easily visualize the
policy in quantity / price space. While the policy is implemented in a single period,
the measurement of costs and benefits includes consequences over a 250-year
The second part of this section considers price and quantity policies spanning
many periods. The policies are open-loop: There are no revisions to future policies
as we learn about uncertain outcomes. Although such feedback is both desirable
and more realistic, it would require a simplification of either the model or the
specification of uncertainty.19 With our motivating interest in instrument choice
under uncertainty – and not learning – this is an undesirable trade-off.
Based on the idea that policies are often fixed for long periods of time, we use
these open-loop policies to provide an alternate bound on the welfare difference
associated with the choice between price and quantity controls. A policy
optimization over many periods also allows us to see whether the choice of policy
in the future influences the optimal near-term policy choice. The remainder of the
paper then considers the sensitivity of these results to key damage damage
assumptions as well as hybrid policies that combine price and quantity controls.
3.1. Marginal costs and benefits
We begin by computing schedules of mitigation costs and benefits in 2010. The
benefits schedule is computed using 100 distinct simulations that fix emissions at
See Kelly and Kolstad (1999) who consider closed-loop policies in a similar model focused on
W. A. Pizer / Journal of Public Economics 85 (2002) 409 – 434
intervals of 0.1 GtC over the range 5–15 GtC in the year 2010, leaving emission
levels in other periods unchanged. By ‘‘turning off’’ the mitigation costs
associated with the fixed emission level and comparing welfare to the base case
where 2010 emissions are left unchanged, we can compute the gross benefit of a
particular emission level (e.g., gross of costs).
The cost schedule is computed by repeating these simulations with mitigation
costs turned on. This produces estimates of the net benefits. By subtracting these
net benefits from the aforementioned gross benefits, we produce estimates of cost.
Both schedules can be converted to marginal ($ / tC) measures by dividing the
change in benefits and costs associated with an incremental 0.1 GtC reduction,
measured in $billions, by 0.1 GtC.
These two calculations result in a distribution of marginal benefits and marginal
costs at each simulated emission level. Fig. 2 summarizes these distributions by
showing both the mean marginal cost and marginal benefit at each level of
emissions along with the 5% and 95% quantiles based on 8,000 states of nature
(note that the 5% marginal benefit quantile overlaps the x-axis). Keeping in mind
that 1990 GHG emissions were around 8.5 GtC, this figure indicates that achieving
1990 emission levels in 2010 would involve a marginal cost of between zero and
Fig. 2. Distribution of marginal costs and benefits in 2010. (The 5% quantile of marginal benefits
overlaps the x-axis.).
W. A. Pizer / Journal of Public Economics 85 (2002) 409 – 434
in excess of $30 / tC 20 – far more than even the 95% quantile of marginal benefits.
This large variation occurs for two reasons: Marginal costs are assumed to rise
steeply given the specified cost function in Eqs. (2), and baseline emissions in
2010 are not known with certainty as highlighted in Fig. 1. Realizations of
marginal costs in this figure are essentially a collection of fairly steep curves
whose horizontal intercept is unknown.
This figure indicates that marginal benefits, in contrast, are relatively constant
though unknown. Considering the description of climate damages in the previous
section, this may not come as a surprise. First, climate damage is presumed to be a
gradual phenomenon with little consequence for small temperature changes,
reflected in the quadratic damage function given in Eqs. (3) coupled with small
values of D0 . Second, damages depend on the accumulated stock of GHGs in the
atmosphere and not the annual flow.21 Emissions in any single year, such as the 8.5
GtC emitted in 1990, represent a small fraction of the extra 190 GtC accumulated
since the beginning of industrialization. This damage relation contrasts with
traditional pollutants, such as particulates, SO x , NO x , etc., whose damages depend
on the annual emission level because they dissipate rapidly in the environment.
The scale of Fig. 2 masks the fact that marginal mitigation benefits / emission
damages actually fall from $7.45 to $7.37 as emissions rise from 5 to 15 GtC. This
is surprising because we generally assume convex damages: As we pollute the
environment, there ought to be increasingly dire consequences from each
additional ton. In the case of climate change, however, a key physical relationship
connects the logarithm of atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations to the
change in temperature.22 That is, there is some fixed (but unknown) temperature
change associated with each doubling of the level of carbon dioxide and other
GHGs in the atmosphere – thus as we emit more, the marginal temperature change
is actually less. This feature coupled with quadratic damages due to temperature
change guarantees a very flat and slightly concave benefit / damage relation. We
revisit this assumption in Section 4.
3.2. Comparative advantage of prices over quantities
Under the assumptions made by Weitzman, the optimal permit level is simply
the emission level where expected marginal benefits equal expected marginal costs
and the optimal tax level is similarly the expected marginal benefit at that
intersection. Thus P * 5 $7.50 and Q * 5 12 GtC indicate the optimal tax and
permit policies in 2010 for controlling GHG emissions based on a Weitzman
analysis. Calculating the slopes at the intersection, B0 5 0 and C0 5 5.4 $ /(tC ?
The actual 95% marginal cost quantile at 8.5 GtC is $180 / tC.
More specifically, temperature change depends on the GHG stock and damages depend on
temperature change.
See Eq. (2.9) in Nordhaus (1994b).
W. A. Pizer / Journal of Public Economics 85 (2002) 409 – 434
GtC), and setting s 2 equal to the variance of marginal costs at the optimum, 270
($ / tC)2 , allows a rough calculation of the welfare gain of taxes over permits using
Eqs. (1):
270 ($ / tC)2
D 5 ]]]]]]2 (5.4 2 0 $ /(tC ? GtC)) ¯ $25billion.
2 ? (5.4 $ /(tC ? GtC))
Discounting this to 1995 (the base year of the model) with a 6% discount rate
suggests a gain of $10 billion from using taxes instead of permits – just in the year
This analysis based on Fig. 2 provides important intuition and a rough
approximation of the welfare consequences of taxes and permits. However, it
ignores important failures of the Weitzman assumptions in the current exercise.
Costs are not quadratic and the quantity control is not binding in all cases.23 In
order to overcome these limitations, we now turn to the direct evaluation of social
Numerically maximizing expected welfare over the range of possible price and
quantity controls in 2010, we find that the optimal price policy is a $7.50 / tC tax,
yielding a $2.5 billion gain, and the optimal quantity policy is a 13 GtC emission
limit, yielding a $0.3 billion gain.24 The positive gain associated with price
controls is quite robust: Taxes of up to $20 / tC (almost three times the optimal
level) continue to generate positive expected benefits. In contrast, quantitative
targets below 12 GtC have negative expected benefits. A policy set at 8.5 GtC –
the emission level in 1990 and 20% below the median emission estimate in 2010 –
yields a expected net loss of $10 billion.
The difference between optimal policies based on these direct simulations, $2.2
billion, is considerably less than the estimated value based on Fig. 2, $10 billion.
While the Weitzman approach provides good qualitative intuition about the relative
advantage of price- and quantity-based policies, the violation of key assumptions
clearly limits its quantitative application in this setting.25
3.3. Optimal policy paths
Up to this point the analysis has focused on the costs and benefits of different
policies in a single year. The problem of climate change, however, is spread out
over decades if not centuries. Policies to combat climate change may remain in
Uncontrolled emissions in 2010 are less than Q * 5 12 GtC in many of the simulated outcomes; see
Figs. 1 and 2.
When optimizing over quantity controls, we require that emissions be at or below the specified
quantity target in all states of nature (emissions will fall below the quantity target if uncontrolled
emissions are low).
See Yohe (1978) and Watson and Ridker (1984) for further discussion.
W. A. Pizer / Journal of Public Economics 85 (2002) 409 – 434
place for a long time. Further, it is not obvious whether the results comparing
different instruments in a single year are appropriate for a multi-period analysis. In
particular, policies in future periods may influence the choice of policy in 2010.
We now consider optimal policy paths for both taxes and permits. To compute
optimal policies, these paths are parameterized with six values describing the tax
or permit level in 2010 (the first year of implementation), 2020, 2040, 2070, 2110
and 2160. Policies in intervening years are based on smooth interpolations,26
except the level in 2160 which is allowed to be discontinuous and is held fixed
through the end of the simulation (2245). The length of the simulation as well as
the spacing of the policy parameters were chosen to emphasize policy evaluation
in the 2000–2100 period and especially the early 2000–2050 period.
Fig. 3 shows the optimized permit and tax policies over 2000–2100. In the top
panel, we see the optimal quantity limit on global greenhouse gas emissions.
Interestingly, the optimal permit level of 13 GtC in 2010 is roughly the same as
the optimal permit level determined in the one-period analysis. There are two
explanations. First, given the large initial stock of GHGs in 1995 (190 GtC above
the pre-industrialization level), emission reductions do not substantially affect the
GHG stock for many years. Second, as we noted in the previous section, the
marginal benefits are flat over a wide range of stock levels. Thus, future policies
are unlikely to affect the value of discounted marginal benefits today both because
marginal benefits are flat and, even if they were not flat, significant changes in the
stock level will not occur for many years, leading us to discount the value of those
changes in present value terms.
A second observation is that a proposal to reduce emissions to their 1990 levels
(roughly 8.5 GtC) and to then maintain (or further reduce) that level in the future is
far below the optimal permit level in these simulations, a point emphasized in
Nordhaus’ original analysis. In particular, the optimal permit level rises in the
future to accomodate growth in population and productivity. While it is more
useful to focus on the near-term policy implications – specifically the fact that
they are essentially independent of future manipulations of the GHG stock – this
second point shows that our historical experience with growth and technology
coupled with our current climate damage assumptions is inconsistent with
stabilizing long-term GHG emissions.
Finally, we note that when the optimal permit policy is implemented it improves
welfare on average by $69 billion discounted to 1995 (total discounted benefits
minus total discounted costs). This can be compared to annual global output in
1995 of $24 trillion.
The bottom panel of Fig. 3 shows the path of carbon taxes that maximize
expected welfare. The initial tax of $7.35 is close to, but slightly lower than, the
tax computed in the one-period analysis. Unlike the optimal permit policy which
Policies are interpolated to 10-year intervals using a cubic spline; annual policies are linearly
interpolated from the 10-year values.
W. A. Pizer / Journal of Public Economics 85 (2002) 409 – 434
Fig. 3. Optimized permit and tax policies over time.
W. A. Pizer / Journal of Public Economics 85 (2002) 409 – 434
relaxes over time in order to accomodate growth, the optimal tax policy becomes
more stringent in the future. This occurs because a given tax encourages
proportional reductions – if the economy doubles and the tax remains the same,
emissions will double. Although some increase in emissions is desirable as the
economy grows, a proportional increase is not. Therefore the optimal tax must
increase in stringency at the same time an optimal permit system must be relaxed.
When this optimal tax policy is imposed, it improves welfare on average by $338
billion. Compared to the $69 billion gain under the optimal permit instrument, this
represents an expected improvement that is five times higher.
4. Catastrophic damages
We have noted that the efficiency gains associated with price-based regulation
follow largely from underlying assumptions about climate behavior and the likely
economic consequences. Let us now consider how the results change if these
assumptions are relaxed. There are at least two rationales for considering this
possibility: The climate might behave in a more dramatic, non-linear way than
specified by Schneider and Thompson (1981) and subsequently used by Nordhaus
(1994b) and Pizer (1999). Alternately, the economic consequences of climate
change – with which we have little experience – might be more convex than
suggested by a quadratic damage function.27
For transparency we focus on the latter possibility, that damages are increasingly convex, and consider the impact of changing the exponent in Eqs. (3).
Specifically, we consider a modified damage function of the form
fractional reduction in GDP due to damages 5 D0 3 (T / 3)d 1
where d 1 is allowed to take on values 2–12. Note that by writing the damage
function such that (T / 3) is raised to the exponent d 1 , the ‘‘kink’’ in the damage
function is fixed at 3 degrees and D0 continues to reflect the damage associated
with this amount of warming.28
It turns out that one additional modification is necessary to conduct the
sensitivity analysis. Earlier, it was noted that the choice of policy in 2010 was
relatively insensitive to whether or not mitigation policies were implemented in
future years. This allowed us to consider isolated price and quantity controls in
2010 without worrying about what occurred in the future. It also allowed us to
consider policies over a 50- or 100-year horizon without worrying that the
250-year simulation horizon would be too short to produce sensible results. This
For a more general discussion of catastrophic damages, see Gjerde et al. (1999).
It is possible to treat the kink as unknown, but this only smooths out the non-linearity. Sensitivity
analysis in this direction does not qualitatively alter the price / quantity comparison.
W. A. Pizer / Journal of Public Economics 85 (2002) 409 – 434
ability to focus on near-term policies is lost when damages acquire catastrophic
proportions. The choice of current policy depends on how well we avoid
catastrophes in the future. In the absense of future controls, for example, it
becomes desirable to increase emissions now in order to create short-term damages
that reduce the capital stock and thereby reduce emissions in the future indirectly –
a rather perverse result. Even when future controls are included, welfare estimates
become sensitive to the simulation horizon and to minute policy changes hundreds
of years in the future, obscuring the effect of near-term policies.
In order to continue our focus on the near-term distinction between price and
quantity controls, we hold future policy constant in a sensible way across all of our
policy simulations. Specifically, emissions after 2060 are costlessly reduced to 6
GtC, a level that avoids any catastrophes in the distant future if prudent policies
are pursued in the near term.29 The elimination of mitigation costs after 2060 leads
us to a slightly different comparison of prices and quantities under the benchmark
assumption of quadratic damages discussed previously: Prices generate a $138
billion expected gain while quantity controls generate only $20 billion. Compared
to the analysis in Section 3.3 this raises the relative advantage (price gain 4
quantity gain) from a factor of five to a factor of seven.30
Fig. 4 shows how this difference between prices and quantities varies as the
damages become increasingly non-linear (d 1 . 2). In the top panel, indicating the
expected welfare difference between prices and quantities, D in Eqs. (1), we see
that prices continue to be preferred until the non-linearity becomes quite large.
This crossover occurs when d 1 ¯ 7. With this degree of non-linearity, best-guess
damages rise from 1% of global output with 3 degrees of warming to 9% with 4
degrees of warming.31 A second observation in the left panel is that initially the
comparative advantage of prices over quantities increases in absolute terms as
marginal damages become steeper, apparently violating Weitzman’s Eqs. (1). That
is, as d 1 in Eqs. (3a) rises from two to three, the marginal benefit slope b 2 in Eqs.
(1) presumably rises as well – which should reduce D. Such a conclusion is
mistaken, however, as both s 2 and c 2 (the variance of cost shocks and slope of
marginal costs) in Eqs. (1) may be changing along with the marginal benefit slope
as d 1 rises.
Of course, one could argue that the most important effect of near-term policy should be its
influence on future emissions and mitigation costs, not current emissions. However, such an effect is
arguably more dependent on the aggressiveness of mitigation policy than the choice of policy
instrument. Since this paper is tightly focused on the issue of instrument choice, and since such
connections between current and future policy are probably more complex than the current model
allows, our emphasis on near-term emission reductions and mitigation costs remains a sensible starting
This should not come as a surprise since we are now more focused on the near term and the ratio
for a single year discussed in Section 3.1 is more than a factor eight ($2.5B 4 $0.3B).
The actual damage function is 1 2 (1 1 D0 (T / 3)d 1 )21 ; see Nordhaus (1994b). The distinction
between this expression and Eqs. (3a) is only important at high damage levels.
W. A. Pizer / Journal of Public Economics 85 (2002) 409 – 434
Fig. 4. Effect of non-linear damages on the relative advantage of price mechanisms.
In the bottom panel, another pattern arises. When we consider the ratio of
welfare gains under prices and quantities, that is,
expected welfare with optimal price controls 2 expected welfare without any mitigation
expected welfare with optimal quantity controls 2 expected welfare without any mitigation
that ratio may be much larger than one but never falls noticeably below one.32 In
The smallest value of this ratio is about 0.95 when d 1 5 9.
W. A. Pizer / Journal of Public Economics 85 (2002) 409 – 434
other words, when d 1 5 12 the $600 billion dollar advantage associated with
quantity controls, shown in the left panel, pales in comparison to the roughly $34
trillion dollar expected welfare gain associated with either policy, generating a
ratio near one in the bottom panel. However, when d 1 5 2 the $118 billion dollar
difference is quite large compared to the $20 billion dollar gain associated with the
optimal quantity policy. Here, the ratio of the gains associated with a price price
policy is almost a factor of seven times larger than the gains associated with a
quantity policy.
Why is the gain from an optimal quantity policy never more than a few percent
higher than the gain from an optimal price policy? Quantity controls are only
preferred when marginal damages are quite steep. In this case, the gains from any
policy to drastically reduce emissions – even an inefficient one – will be large.
Although price controls will necessarily over-control in some cases in order to
guarantee adequate control in others, this inefficiency will be small relative to the
gain from reduced damages. In the extreme, sufficiently high prices will induce
100% abatement and will be equivalent to a quantitative ban on emissions.33
When we look more closely at the simulations, we see that this is indeed the
case. In the absence of any policy, the likelihood that temperatures rise by more
than 4 degrees by 2100 exceeds 9%. In the presence of catastrophic damages
(d 1 5 12) optimal price and quantity controls both reduce emissions in such a way
that the temperature increase never exceeds 4 degrees – roughly the point where
the catastrophic consequences begin. Fig. 5 shows the actual policy choices. In
terms of quantity controls, the optimal policy involves an emission limit of 10 GtC
from 2010 through 2060. In terms of price controls, it involves a tax that begins at
about $15 per ton in 2010 and rises to more than $500 per ton by 2060. These are
considerably more aggressive than the policies based on quadratic damages.
5. Hybrid policies
As pointed out in Section 2.1, a hybrid permit policy – where an initial quantity
target is coupled with a trigger price at which additional, above-target, permits are
sold – will perform at least as well as either a pure tax or permit scheme (which
are counted as special cases). We now explore the extent to which this is true for
climate change mitigation policies and then consider the welfare consequences of
certain suboptimal policies.
5.1. Optimal hybrid policies
We return to the case of quadratic climate damages and begin with the choice of
An important distinction between the real world and the stylized world of Weitzman (1974) is that
real cost shocks are not arbitrarily large; we can impose price policies that for all practical purposes
guarantee a certain level of emissions.
W. A. Pizer / Journal of Public Economics 85 (2002) 409 – 434
Fig. 5. Optimal policies with quadratic and catastrophic damages.
policy in 2010. A hybrid policy in the year 2010 can be represented by an arbitrary
point in a two-dimensional plane, where one dimension is the initial quantity target
and the other dimension is the trigger price. Picking any point in that plane, we
can use our climate–economy model to compute the expected welfare gain of the
policy represented by that point. Repeating the process over a grid of quantity
target / trigger price combinations, we can create a surface summarizing the welfare
gains associated with those policies. Fig. 6 plots this surface for initial permit
levels of between zero and 15 GtC and trigger prices of between zero and 25 $ / tC.
The proper way to read Fig. 6 is to note that for a grid of emission targets (0–15
W. A. Pizer / Journal of Public Economics 85 (2002) 409 – 434
Fig. 6. Net expected policy benefits of alternative hybrid permit policies in 2010.
GtC) and trigger prices (0–$25 / tC), the expected welfare gain relative to business
as usual (no policy) is plotted on the z-axis in net present value terms. For low
permit levels ( , 5 GtC; back right edge of figure), the policy is essentially a tax
and the surface traces out, from front to back, the welfare gain associated with a
pure price policy. Similarly, for high trigger prices ($25 / tC; front right edge of
figure), the surface roughly traces, from left to right, the welfare gain associated
with a pure quantity policy.
The global optimum, a 5 GtC target and $7 / tC trigger price, yields a welfare
gain that is imperceptibly higher than the $2.5 billion gain achieved with a straight
tax of $7.50 / tC.34 More importantly, however, it performs considerably better than
even the best pure permit policy. Relative to sub-optimal permit policies – such as
Such a policy is remarkably close to the proposal suggested by McKibbin and Wilcoxen (1997).
They advocated 1990 emission levels as the permit volume coupled with a $10 / ton C trigger. 1990
global controllable GHG emissions were 8.5 GtC.
W. A. Pizer / Journal of Public Economics 85 (2002) 409 – 434
a 1990 emission level with its noted $10 billion expected loss – any of the policies
depicted in Fig. 6 perform better, with none losing more than $1 billion.
When we consider the path of optimal hybrid policies in the future, it turns out
that the path of the optimal trigger price is nearly identical to the path of the
optimal tax level shown in the bottom panel of Fig. 3. As long as the quantity
target is low enough (roughly 10 GtC) to ensure that the trigger price is reached
most of the time, the specific value of the target is unimportant. This result, that
expected welfare is maximized regardless of the quantitative target as long as we
couple the target with a well-chosen trigger price, may be particularly useful in the
context of the ongoing debate over both domestic and international climate policy.
In particular, there has been a consistent emphasis on quantity-based regulatory
schemes in the US and abroad for a variety of political reasons. Permit systems,
for example, allow a flexible distribution of the rents associated with emission
rights. By avoiding the label of a ‘‘tax,’’ permits also escape the negative
associations many people have with income and property taxes. Yet, these same
quantity-based schemes eventually meet with considerable resistance over the
potential cost of mitigation. This analysis suggests that such resistence is wellfounded: The risk of high mitigation costs significantly raises the expected burden
of quantity-based regulation, even if the best-guess burden is low.
Not only does this risk raise the expected burden of quantity-based regulation, it
also threatens to become a self-fulfilling prophesy. If firms and other private agents
remain skeptical that a domestic or international policy will remain in force in the
face of high costs, for example, they may defer mitigation action, delay innovative
research and maintain less efficient, out-dated capital equipment. Such action
could, in turn, lead to exactly the high cost outcome that forces governments to
reformulate the policy.
Without abandoning many of desirable features associated with a permit
mechanism, however, a hybrid policy transparently reduces if not eliminates the
risk of high costs, making it a promising policy option.
5.2. Sub-optimal policies
Recognizing that real-world policies usually deviate from the optimal programs
proposed by economists, it is useful to ask how well certain sub-optimal policies
perform. In particular, the 1997 Kyoto Protocol seeks a quantitative limit on
emissions that is slightly below 1990 emission levels.35 The previous section
suggests that a cap on the global permit price via a hybrid mechanism could offer
substantial welfare improvements over the pure quantity target.36
This limit, however, only applies to developed countries. Allowance for both GHG sinks as well as
unintentional reductions in Eastern Europe also affects the target.
As delegates continue to work out important provisions of the treaty – including the definition of
‘‘compliance’’ – there are a number of proposals that incorporate price-like, hybrid features.
W. A. Pizer / Journal of Public Economics 85 (2002) 409 – 434
Table 1
price ($ / tC)a
welfare gain
no trigger price
Net benefits of hybrid policies with 1990 emission targets;
(expected net present value in 1995 $billions; policies begin in
Both the trigger price and target are fixed from 2010 forward.
Table 1 shows the effect of different trigger prices on a policy that otherwise
limits global emissions to 1990 levels beginning in 2010 and continuing through
the end of the simulation. Not surprisingly, the ‘‘no trigger price’’ option (e.g., a
true quantity policy) entails the greatest losses, on the order of $3 trillion in net
present value. This is analogous to the results in the single-period simulations
where we noted that low quantity targets generated large welfare losses.37
Surprisingly, trigger prices as high as $50 / tC still generate positive welfare gains
even though the optimal hybrid trigger price (identical to the optimal tax level
shown in the bottom panel of Fig. 3) remains significantly below $50 / tC for the
next 100 years.
A second observation from Table 1 is that even as the trigger price approaches
$100 / tC, the expected welfare loss remains an order of magnitude lower than the
pure permit approach. At $100 / tC, the expected loss is around $300 billion –
versus $3 trillion using permits alone. Even with a tax of $250 / tC (not shown), the
expected loss is cut in half. This highlights the role of a trigger price as a ‘‘safety
valve’’ for adverse cost outcomes.38 In 2010, there is barely a one-in-four chance
that additional permits will be sold at a trigger price of $100 / tC. Yet, the expected
loss is reduced by a factor of ten. Regardless of whether one is confident about the
exact welfare outcomes presented in this paper, the potential for a hybrid permit
policy to reduce extremely adverse cost outcomes should be clear.
E.g., the $10 billion loss associated with a target of 1990 emissions in 2010.
One could also imagine there is an implicit safety valve in any permit system – that policy will be
revised if it turns out to be too expensive. While such an approach suffers from the credibility issue
noted earlier, it does avoid the immense welfare losses associated with an unrevised permit policy (I
thank Lans Bovenberg for making this point).
W. A. Pizer / Journal of Public Economics 85 (2002) 409 – 434
6. Conclusion
Discussions of alternative tax and permit mechanisms for combating climate
change have generally ignored the fact that the costs are highly uncertain. Such
uncertainty can lead to large efficiency differences between the two policies. This
paper has explored this question in the context of an integrated climate–economy
model capable of simulating thousands of uncertain states of nature.
The resulting welfare analysis indicates that taxes are much more efficient than
permits for controlling GHG emissions – by a factor of five to one ($337 billion
versus $69 billion in net benefits). This derives from the relatively flat marginal
benefit curve associated with emission reductions. Relatively flat marginal benefits
are partially a product of the assumed quadratic damage function and partially a
generic feature of stock pollutants like GHGs. An alternative assumption of abrupt
and catastrophic damages – with damages rising from 1% to 9% as temperatures
increase from 3 to 4 degrees – is sufficient to reverse the preference for price
controls. Under these conditions, however, both price and quantity controls
produce enormous welfare gains relative to the absence of any policy, dwarfing the
difference between them.
In addition to pure tax and permit systems, this paper explored the possibility of
a hybrid permit system. The hybrid policy involves an initial allocation of permits
followed by the subsequent sale of additional permits at a fixed trigger price if
costs are unexpectedly high. The optimal hybrid policy offers an imperceptible
welfare improvement over the optimal tax policy. Yet it achieves this efficiency
while maintaining the potential to flexibly distribute the rents associated with
emission rights. Viewed as a modification to an aggressive permit policy, it leads
to significant welfare gains even when the trigger price is above the optimal level.
Finally, a hybrid policy offers a more predictable – and therefore credible –
alternative to an aggressive quantity target where unexpectedly high costs could
lead to policy revisions or even abandonment. Such credibility enhances the
likelihood that firms will move ahead with investments to reduce control costs.
Taken together, the improved flexibility, welfare outcomes, and credibility make
the hybrid policy an appealing alternative to either permit or tax policies alone.
Financial support from the National Science Foundation (Grant SBR-9711607)
and the Environmental Protection Agency (Cooperative Agreement CR825715) is
gratefully acknowledged. Lans Bovenberg, Gary Chamberlain, Lawrence Goulder,
Dale Jorgenson, Charles Kolstad, Raymond Kopp, Richard Morganstern, Richard
Newell, Robert Stavins and three anonymous referees provided valuable comments
on earlier drafts. Peter Nelson provided excellent research assistance. The author
alone is responsible for all remaining errors.
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