Business Process Flowchart Accounts Receivable Packet Description The Accounts Receivable Packet describes how invoices are created and customer information (other agencies or outside entities) is managed and recorded in MAGIC MAGIC. MAGIC Roles The MAGIC Roles used in these flows are: AR - Accounts Receivable Invoice Approver AR - Accounts Receivable Invoice Entry AR - Post Outgoing Payments A description of each role can be found on the MMRS Website. MAGIC Flows The individual MAGIC flows that are included in this packet are: Help or Questions AR1-Adjustment for Incorrect AR Revenue Posting Click here to learn how to read a MAGIC Business Flowchart. AR2-Customer Invoicing Process for External entities in AR If you have a question, please use the MAGIC Feedback webpage to submit your question. AR3-Refunds for Customers (Previously in GL) Business Process Flowchart Accounts Receivable Significant Changes MAGIC will have a central customer file with centralized customer numbers. High Level Process Description The newly assigned customer number will be referenced on the customer invoice The accounts payable process will allow agencies to create a customer invoice and post/clear a customer payment. The invoicing process will allow agencies to select a customer and post against the appropriate revenue G/L account while also posting against a cost center, or internal order or WBS element. The number series for revenue G/L accounts is 4XXXXXXX. g Program g Dunning The dunning process will now be a more standard process for all agencies through the MAGIC system. The system allows you to dun business partners automatically. The system duns the open items from business partner accounts in which the overdue items create a debit balance. The dunning program selects the overdue open items, determines the dunning level of the account in question, and creates a dunning notice. It then saves the dunning data created for the items and accounts affected affected. AR Invoice Entry AR1-Adjustment for Incorrect Customer Billing Customer Invoice entry with FV70 (DR); billed the wrong customer Has a customer payment been received NO Enter a Customer Credit Memo FV75 Issue a new Customer Invoice to the correct customer YES Refund Customer; enter a customer credit memo (DG) Save Customer Credit Memo as Complete (DG) Reject Refund Customer; enter a customer outgoing payment (DZ) F-31 FV75 AR Invoice Approver Refund Customer; enter a customer credit memo (DG) Workflow Invoice Approval process SBWP Creates a Customer Credit Memo Services are rendered Invoice Entry for Customer Invoice FV70 (DR) Reject Customer paid Save Invoice as complete FV70 (DR) Workflow for Customer invoice approval Approve Execute the customer account statement Execute the Dunning Program ZFAR_ACC_STMT F150 Park document for Incoming Payment FBV1 (DZ) Automatic Post to AR Reject Save Document as Complete for Incoming Payment FBV1 (DZ) Workflow for Customer invoice approval SBWP SBWP Approve AR- Agency Outgoing Payments AR- Agency Invoice Approver AR – Agency Invoice Entry Customer Invoicing Process for External entities in AR Creates a clearing document (DZ) Clear Customer for partial payments F-32 (AB) DFA/OFM Partial Reject Customer No Customer Receives Current Statement Or Dunning Letter (In Arrears 60, 90 & 120 days) Customer makes payment in allotted time Yes Requires DFA APPROVAL of Incoming Monies Approve Partial or Full Payment Full Job for F.13 (DZ) run in background in nightly process AR Invoice Entry A Customer Refund is due Enter Customer Credit Memo DFA/MMRS Outgoing Payment role AR Invoice Approver FV75 Reject Customer Receives Warrant, EFT, or ACH payment Save Credit Memo as complete FV75 Workflow Agency Approver SBWP Approve Post customer credit memo Creates a Credit Memo for Customer Refund Customer Outgoing Payment Process thru Automatic Payment Run F-31 (TBD) F110 Automatic Payment Run