What's in a name - definitions

What’s In a Name: The differences between refined, enriched, fortified and whole grains
Whole grain products contain the entire endosperm, bran and germ found in proportional amounts in the
unprocessed grain kernel. There are some whole grain breakfast cereals that are adequately fortified
with folic acid on a voluntary basis, but no other whole grain products are fortified with folic acid, including
whole grain bread.
Refined, unenriched grain products have had the germ and bran removed with only the endosperm
remaining. This represents less than 5 percent of the total white flour milled in the U.S. It is primarily for
organic and artisanal products. A small amount goes into mixes for overseas consumption.
Enriched/fortified grain products are refined grain products that have the four major B vitamins and iron
replaced in equal or larger amounts to those in whole grain products as defined by the standards of
identity (Riboflavin is double and thiamine is almost double the amount found in whole grain). They also
are fortified with folic acid in amounts slightly double that found in whole grain products. This includes
such products as white bread, rolls and the majority of other grain foods.
Other fortified grain products are those that have a variety of minerals and vitamins in various amounts,
not defined by any set standards. They are added voluntarily according to Food and Drug Administration
guidelines. Many breakfast cereals fit into this category.
For more information on all things wheat foods, visit us at wheatfoods.org
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