Release and Feature Password Generation System

WebGen II
Release and Feature Password Generation System
Customers’ User Guide
How to Use Multi-Time Access Codes
Now that you have purchased a Multi-Time Access Code (MTAC) you
can use it to generate passwords for the MTAC type you selected:
operating system releases, features (including restricted features) or
VPN clients. You have the option to generate all your passwords at
once or you can return to the website periodically and generate them
as needed.
Example: You have purchased a single, 25-use MTAC. After logging
onto the website you may:
✧ Generate all 25 passwords in this sitting.
✧ Generate fewer than 25 passwords in this sitting.
If you choose the second option, you can return to the WebGen
website as many times as you like to generate your remaining
passwords. See "Generating Passwords Periodically" on page 4.
MTAC passwords must be generated within one year of purchase. After this
time the MTAC will expire and no passwords can be generated.
There is no minimum number of passwords that must be generated in
each sitting. Each time you return to the WebGen Web site, WebGen
will display any serial numbers and passwords that you have previously
generated, and either spaces or default choices for your remaining
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Logging in to WebGen with a new MTAC
If you are generating passwords for a restricted feature, such as 3DES,
go to “Generating Passwords Periodically" on page 4.
Please refer to the email you received with your MTAC(s) and access
WebGen at:
1. Enter your 4-part MTAC in the spaces provided.
2. Click on the ENTER button.
3. Enter the required details on the Enter Details screen. Fields
marked with * are mandatory.
Note you must choose a password. This is a login password that
prevents unauthorised usage of your MTAC.
Enter your MTAC number
You should supply a real email address so that if you forget your login
password WebGen Administration will be able to email it to you.
4. Click the CONTINUE button.
Enter personal details
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5. Enter the serial numbers you wish to generate passwords for.
6. If you are not generating an operating system password, please go
to step 7. Otherwise select the required operating system for each
serial number from the drop-down boxes.
7. Click the GENERATE button.
Your passwords will now be displayed on the screen. You must
enter the whole command, which includes the password, on the
command line of your router or switch.
Clicking the Certificate link will display an individual licence
certificate, which you can print to keep as a record.
8. Click on logout at the bottom of the screen to logout of your
account when you have finished.
Enter serial numbers
If you have generated several passwords, we recommend you use your
browser's PRINT button to create a copy of all your serial numbers and their
associated passwords, rather than printing out individual licence certificates.
Generating Passwords Periodically
If you already have a login password for your MTAC or are generating
passwords for a restricted feature:
1. Access WebGen at:
2. Enter your 4-part MTAC.
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If you are generating passwords for a restricted feature, such as 3DES, your
login password will have been created for you by the ATI distributor at the
time of purchase. If you have not been given this login password you can get
it emailed to you now by entering the username you supplied to the ATI
distributor and clicking the email it to you link.
3. Enter the login password for your MTAC and click on the Enter
button. WebGen will display any serial numbers and passwords
that you have previously generated, and display empty fields for
your remaining serial numbers.
4. Enter the serial numbers you wish to generate passwords for.
5. If you are not generating an operating system password, go to step
6. Otherwise select the required operating system for each serial
number from the drop-down boxes.
Enter password
6. Click the GENERATE button.
Your passwords will now be displayed on the screen. You must
enter the whole command, which includes the password, on the
command line of your router or switch.
Clicking the Certificate link will display an individual licence
certificate, which you can print to keep as a record.
7. Click on logout at the bottom of the screen to logout of your
account when you have finished.
If you have generated several passwords, we recommend you use your
browser's PRINT button to create a copy of all your serial numbers and their
associated passwords, rather than printing out individual licence certificates.
Enter serial numbers
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Saving Time on Data Entry
Entering many individual serial numbers can be a time-consuming
process. WebGen offers several ways of reducing the time spent on
data entry by automating the process for you.
If you are cutting and pasting many serial numbers from an email or
other document, simply paste all your serial numbers into the space at
the bottom of the screen and click SUBMIT QUERY. WebGen will fill
in the empty serial number slots automatically.
If you are generating new passwords for existing equipment and have
previously used an MTAC to do this, you can reuse the old MTAC to
fill in the serial numbers of the equipment for you. On the screen
where your serial numbers are to be filled in, you will see the section
shown on the right.
Paste serial numbers here and click Submit Query
1. Enter your old MTAC.
2. Enter your password.
3. Click the GET SERIAL NUMBERS button.
WebGen will fill in the empty serial number slots automatically.
WebGen Customers’ User Guide version 2.0
Enter your old MTAC, password, and click Get Serial Numbers
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