ontents - Kendall Hunt

From "Connecting with Your Audience"
Copyright 2010 by Kendall Hunt Publishing Co.
Acknowledgments vii
Special Features ix
1. Why Participate in Public Speaking? 2
Models of Communication 6
Action (Syringe) Model 6
Interaction (Ping-Pong) Model 6
Transactional (Soup) Model 7
Elements of Transactional (Soup) Model 8
2. The What of Connecting with the Audience 12
Connecting with the Audience: The Ancient Art of Rhetoric 15
Character, Care, and Content: Elements of a Rhetorical Stance 17
Who Do They Think I Am? Ethos 18
How Will They Come to Care? Pathos 19
What Am I Going to Say? Logos 20
Arrangement Theory 21
What Do I Hope Will Happen? Three Types of Speaking Situations 21
Design Strategies: Driving Questions and Desired Purposes 23
Summary 24
The Speech Matrix: Aristotle’s Three Types of Speeches 25
Activity: Questions of Fact, Policy, and Value 27
3. The How of Public Speaking: From Topic to Speech 28
Steps in Preparing a Speech 30
Choosing a Broad Topic 31
How Do I Focus My Topic? 32
Narrowing Topics Using Research 33
Thesis Statements 33
Outlining and Organizing 34
The Nuts and Bolts: Key Elements of an Outline 36
Types of Outlines 37
Outlining with Software 38
Using Research/Supporting Materials 38
Citing Sources 39
Activity: Quoting and Paraphrasing 41
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Style 43
MLA Basics for Public Speaking: Formatting,
Documentation, and Works Cited 45
Citing Sources in the Text of Your Full-Sentence
Preparation Outline 45
Citing Sources in Your Works Cited Page 46
4. The Who of Public Speaking 48
Who Is Speaking? Who Is Listening? 50
Listening with Purpose 51
Activity: Active Listening Survey 53
Listening Barriers in Public Speaking 55
Speaker Characteristics 55
Content Block 55
Internal Distractions 56
Environmental Distractions 56
Active Listening Choices 58
Delivery Choices 59
Modes of Delivery 59
Manuscript Delivery 60
Memorized Delivery 60
Extemporaneous Delivery 61
Elements of Delivery 62
Vocalics 62
Kinesics 64
Presentation Aids 65
Activity: Creating Effective Presentation Aids 69
5. Fact Speeches That Inform 72
Introduction: Speeches That Present Facts 74
Two Kinds of Fact Speeches: Informative and
Persuasive 75
Informing to Engage 75
Informative Design Strategies 76
Assignment: The Informative Fact Speech 77
Choosing a Topic 77
Focusing Your Topic: Achieving Balance 78
Organizing an Informative Fact Speech:
Basic Elements 78
Introduction 79
Body of the Speech 83
Conclusion 84
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Informative Fact Speech Resources 87
Informative Fact Speech—Topic Activity 87
Informative Fact Speech—Outline Template 89
Informative Fact Speech—Sample Outline
(Stage Manager) 91
Informative Fact Speech—Sample Outline
(Newspaper Editor—Preparation) 97
Informative Fact Speech—Sample Outline
(Newspaper Editor—Speaking) 101
Informative Fact Speech—Evaluation Form 103
Informative Fact Speech—Assignment
Checklist 109
Informative Fact Speech—Speaker Comment
Form 111
6. Persuasive Fact Speaking 164
Persuasive Fact Speaking, 166
Reasoning and the Art of Persuasion, 167
Forms of Reasoning, 168
Reasoning Strategies, 169
Problematic Reasoning Strategies, 171
Use of Supporting Evidence, 171
Assignment: The Persuasive Fact Speech, 172
Organizing a Persuasive Fact Speech:
Basic Moves, 173
Introduction, 173
Body, 173
Conclusion, 174
Persuasive Fact Speech Resources, 175
Persuasive Fact Speech—Update Activity, 175
Persuasive Fact Speech—Outline Template, 177
Persuasive Fact Speech Sample Outline
(Sex Offenders), 179
Persuasive Fact Speech—Evaluation Form, 183
Persuasive Fact Speech—Assignment
Checklist, 189
Persuasive Fact Speech—Speaker Comment
Form, 191
Appendix 1: Additional Problematic Forms
of Argument, 245
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7. Persuasive Policy Speaking 248
The Policy Speech, 252
Let Policy Be behind the Wheel, 252
A Problem-Solution Design Strategy, 252
An Acceptable Detour from the
Problem-Solution Map, 253
Is the Policy Advantageous or Harmful
Regarding Future Matters?, 253
The Assignment: The Persuasive Policy
Speech, 254
Organizing a Persuasive Policy Speech:
Basic Moves, 256
Identify the Problem/Solution, 256
Opposition, 257
Calls for Specific Action, 258
What If I Oppose the Existing
Legislation?, 258
Persuasive Policy Speech Resources, 261
Persuasive Policy Speech—Update Activity, 261
Persuasive Policy Speech—Outline Template
(In Support of a Policy), 263
Persuasive Policy Speech—Outline Template
(Against a Policy), 265
Persuasive Policy Speech—Sample Outline
(S. 1650 Healthy Food for Healthy Schools
Act), 267
Persuasive Policy Speech—Sample Outline
(H.R. 1781: Renew through Green Jobs Act), 271
Persuasive Policy Speech—Evaluation Form, 275
Persuasive Policy Speech—Assignment
Checklist, 281
Persuasive Policy Speech—Speaker Comment
Form, 283
Activity: Connecting the Speech to the Basic
Visual Rhetoric Design, 337
8. Persuasive Value Speaking 340
Persuasive Value Speaking, 343
Let Value Be behind the Wheel, 344
An Ethical Design Strategy, 345
Persuading about Right or Wrong in Future
Matters, 345
The Assignment: The Persuasive Value
Speech, 347
Locating an Appropriate Case for the
Persuasive Value Speech, 347
Organizing a Persuasive Value Speech:
Basic Moves, 347
Persuasive Value Speech Resources, 351
Persuasive Value Speech—Update Activity, 351
Persuasive Value Speech—Outline Template, 353
Persuasive Value Speech—Sample Outline
(Boumediene v. Bush), 355
Persuasive Value Speech—Sample Outline
(Morse v. Frederick), 359
Persuasive Value Speech—Evaluation Form, 363
Persuasive Value Speech—Assignment
Checklist, 369
Persuasive Value Speech—Speaker Comment
Form, 371
9. Final Assignment 426
Index 430
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