Springbank Community High School SCHOLARSHIP DIRECTORY

Springbank Community High School
General Scholarship Information:
I. Deadlines: The information included in the Scholarship Summary attached is based on last year’s scholarships and deadlines. New data is usually not available until new
applications are received in the school. Students are advised to refer to the daily announcements. Watch these deadline dates carefully as applications are usually not accepted
beyond these dates. Remember that the dates printed in the booklet are subject to change, and it is the student’s responsibility to confirm these well in advance.
II. Forms: Scholarship application forms will be available at the Guidance office. Do not remove the last copy of any form, but request a duplicate from the Guidance Department’s Secretary.
III. Students should see Mrs. T. Reynolds, Career Advisor, for specific information or clarification regarding scholarships.
IV. Do not Procrastinate: Do not leave scholarship applications until the last minute. Many of them are quite complex, involving portfolios, essays, letters of recommendation and summary data.
You should plan on giving your references, two weeks in order to compose a letter.
V. Keep copies of all your applications, as they may help you in applying for other scholarships.
VI. Social Insurance Number: Apply for a social insurance number if you do not already have one. Some scholarships require a SIN number.
VII. Criteria:
a. Scholarships and bursaries are awarded upon consideration of several criteria. The most common criteria are academic achievement, citizenship qualities and financial need. Some
awards are based on only one of these criteria, some on two, others on all three. The following descriptions will be helpful in determining your eligibility:
i. Academic Achievement – usually refers to your overall final average, or in some instances, your final mark in a particular group of subjects.
ii. Citizenship Qualities – usually takes into consideration your extra-curricular activities (in and out of school – clubs, teams, organizations) and your overall contribution to the
school (initiative, cooperativeness, etc.)
iii. Financial Need – takes into consideration your family’s ability to contribute financially to further education (e.g. limited family income, number of children, other financial
commitments, extenuating circumstances.)
VIII. Definition of terms:
a. Scholarship – a cash award given to a student primarily on the basis of academic standing, though leadership and citizenship are often considered.
b. Bursary – a cash award given to a student who has attained a certain level of achievement and is in need of financial assistance to continue their education.
c. Prize – a small award, given in recognition of some specific superior accomplishment. Prizes can be in the form of books, plaques, subscriptions or cash.
d. Loans/Grants – a loan is advanced on the understanding that the money will be repaid upon the completion of one’s studies. Both the Federal and Provincial governments provide
student loan plans. The Student Finance Board administers both Province of Alberta and Canada Student Loans. Both loans are applied for on one application form. It is recommended
that students apply before May 31st. Application forms may be obtained from Student’s Finance Board.
Association of Alberta Agricultural Fieldmen (AAAF) Memorial
Gr. 12
U of A – Academic Excellence
Gr. 12
$1,000 to 3,000
September 30
Abacus Exam Prep Scholarship
Oct - varies
Alberta Blue Cross Scholarship Program
October 1
October 4
November 14
Dec. 7th
Earl and Countess of Wessex
Loran Award (Canadian Merit Scholarship Foundation)
Immigrants of Distinction Awards
TD Canada Trust Scholarships
Students must be continuing their education at a college or university. Students must be enrolled in an
agricultural or environmental science program. Must be AB residents. www.alberta.ca/home , type
AAAF Memorial Bursary in the search box.
Once you receive final admission to the University of Alberta, you will automatically be considered
for an Academic Excellence Scholarship. No application is required.
high school entrance students with a final admission average of 85% or higher will be
guaranteed $1,000 or more Academic Excellence Scholarship funding.
values vary depending on final admission average and faculty. View the Academic
Excellence Scholarship Details
who have
taken Abacus
Exam Prep
The award will be based on the student’s term and diploma marks in the subject seminar they
attended during the diploma seminars. This scholarship will be awarded to the student that has the
greatest improvement in their diploma mark as compared to their school awarded mark. See
http://www.abuscusreview.com/scholarship for more info.
Gr. 12
$375 - $1,250
Most awards are administered directly through accredited post-secondary institutions in Alberta.
Alberta Blue Cross’s three annual scholarships for Aboriginal students are administered directly by
AB Blue Cross. www.ab.bluecross.ca/aboutus/scholarship-program.html
Gr. 12
Gr. 12
$1,000 to
Academic excellence – 85% minimum. Exceptional leadership and community service along with
strong character. One application accesses thousands of dollars in scholarship money in several
different categories. This is a national competition. See www.cmsf.ca
Between the ages of 14 and 24 years, Born outside of Canada, Currently a Canadian citizen or
permanent resident living in Calgary or the surrounding area. The student also must have made an
outstanding contribution or significant achievement in one or more of the following areas: Arts and
culture, Sports, Community and volunteer activities, and Academics
14 – 24 years
Gr. 12
This scholarship recognizes the top male and top female Alberta students who have excelled in track
and field, have a strong academic record and plan to continue their studies at the U of A, U of C, or
the U of L and must join the Track and Field team at that institution within one year, have completed
Grade 12 in Alberta in the year that they apply for the award. www.alis.gov.ab.ca/scholarships
Based on community leadership. Must complete an application form, send a transcript, write a 500
word essay describing your community leadership involvement, include three letters of
recommendation, and a letter of recommendation from the school.
Dec – Mar. 1
Mount Royal University Scholarships and Bursaries
December 15
U of C – Chancellor’s Club Scholarships
January 10th
January 30
Burger King Scholars (Jim McLamore Scholarship)
Schulich Leader Scholarship
To new and
Gr. 12
$11,000 to
Gr. 12
Gr. 12
$15,000 for 4
Ages 16-24
Min- $1,000
January 31
Herbert H Carnegie Future Aces Foundation
January 31
Toyota Earth Day Scholarship Program
Gr. 12
January 31
C.A. MacLean Journalism Bursary
Gr. 12
Grade 12 or
a student in a
first post
$7,000.00 per
year and can be
repeated up to 4
February 1
Terry Fox Humanitarian Award Program
February. 1
RBC Royal Bank Scholarship Awards for Undergraduates
Gr. 12
February 1
Kin Canada Bursaries
Gr. 12
Mount Royal offers Scholarships and Bursaries that range from free first-year tuition & fees + $1,000
for books, based on academic merit and leadership to more than 100 awards that are up to $6,000
Chancellor’s Club Scholarship, which are open to students applying to any program of study, and the
Seymour Schulich Scholar5ships for engineering students. Strong leadership, extracurricular
commitment and academic standing over 90% and 85% are required. See
Grade 12 students who are employed an average of 15 hrs per week (it does not have to be at Burger
King), demonstrate community service/co-curricular, demonstrate financial need and plan to enroll in
post-secondary in the fall. Must have a minimum average of 62.5%.
Students enrolling in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) areas of study
at selected Universities. Students must be a Canadian Citizen or permanent resident, have exceptional
high academic grades, has demonstrated leadership in school life and community life, or provided
evidence of entrepreneurial talent, and have financial need. http://schulichleaders.com
Demonstrated their contribution to society by having exhibited good citizenship through extensive
volunteerism, community service, and academic excellence.
Students that have distinguished themselves through environmental community service,
extracurricular and volunteer activities, and academic excellence. Must be entering their first year of
full-time studies at an accredited Canadian college or University, and are a Canadian citizen,
Permanent Resident or on Refugee Status.. http://www.earthday.ca/scholarship/about.php
Must be a graduating student intending to pursue journalism studies.
National competition, highest ideals of citizenship and humanitarian service while in pursuit of
academic, athletic and voluntary endeavors, particularly in the face of obstacles.
Applications will be considered either directly or through academic institutions. Recommendations
for scholarship assistance made by institutions will be an important factor in the final selection
process. www.terryfoxawards.ca
Share your passion to succeed and thoughts on leadership. Students must be in their graduating year,
who will be enrolled full-time in a publicly funded Canadian university or college in the Fall, min.
average =70%, Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents.
Be a Canadian Citizen or landed immigrant, plan to be a full-time student in the next academic school
year, at a recognized university, community college, technical institute or other post-sec. institution
for advanced learning, demonstrate high ideals and qualities of citizenship, and not have previously
received a bursary from the Hal Rogers Endowment Fund, and complete and mail the standard,
current application form to one only of a Kinsmen, Kinette, or Kin club nearest your permanent
resident. See www.bursary.ca
February 5
Schulich Leader Scholarship
Gr. 12
February 12
Royal Bank of Canada – Junior A Scholarship Awards
February 15
U of Saskatchewan – Entrance Awards
Gr. 12
February 15
U of A – Scholastic Distinction
Gr. 12
$7,500 to
Gr. 12
Up to $20,000
Gr. 11
Tuition &
Grade 12 or
graduate of
High School
20 awards of
$5,000.00 each.
The national
winner in
addition will
receive a
Gr. 12
$500 towards
February 15
February 15
February 15
February 28
February 28 –
But because
this is a
students must
contact the
Office by Feb.
14th to be
U of A – Entrance Leadership
Grant MacEwan United World Colleges
Toyota Foundation, Toyota Earth Day Scholarship Program
Alberta Fish and Game Association Scholarship
Be a Canadian Citizen or landed immigrant, plan to be a full-time student in the next academic school
year at a recognized Canadian university. The school scholarship committee nominates one
representative from the school to be nominated for this award. The nominated student must have two
out of three requirements: financial need, academic excellence and outstanding community or
business leadership. For more information please contact www.schulichleaders.com/slsnominee2013
Canadian Citizens, Hockey Canada carded athletes on a Canadian Jr. A roster, registered or applying
to a post-secondary institution, strong community involvement outside of hockey, etc…
One application applies for various scholarships and awards. See the application booklet for more
information. See www.usask.ca
Minimum average of 95% in Grade 10, 11 and 12. See www.registrar.ualberta.ca/awards
Outstanding leadership, minimum average of 80% based on Grade 11 and 12 marks. Reference
letters and a short essay (~300 words) is required. See www.registrar.ualberta.ca/awards
Applicants must be between the ages of 16 and 17 and a half. Applicants are normally in the process
of completing their Grade 11 year. Based on academic record, breadth of study, personal
accomplishments, community involvement, and interest in the goals of the United World Colleges.
The scholarship is awarded to a student in graduating year or in the next two years after graduation if
he/she is pursuing post secondary education with high academic achievement and is demonstrating
leadership and outstanding environmental achievement in a community or school. For more
information please visit www.earthday.ca/scholarship
Applicant or parent of applicant must be a member of the Alberta Fish and Game Association or an
affiliated Club, and enrolling in environmental science or a related program at a post-secondary
institution. See www.afga.org
To be eligible, you must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident who excels academically and
has demonstrated an ability to lead (directly or by example) in at least one of the following areas:
artistic endeavors, original intellectual pursuits, community service, athletics, or school activities.
You must be nominated by a school counsellor to apply. A school may nominate a number of
University of British Columbia – Entrance Scholarship
Gr. 12
$1,650 +
students equal to 2% of its graduating class. Please ensure that you receive approval from your
counsellor before pursuing a nomination.
February 28th
RBC Aboriginal Student Awards Program
March 1
Miller Thomson Foundation Alberta Scholarship
March 1
Alberta College of Art and Design Awards
March 1
St. Francis Xavier University
Gr. 12
Gr. 12 and
planning to
go into post
amount for 100
recipients in
Gr. 12
$200 to $4,000
Gr. 12
March 2
Calgary Stampede Western Art Show
Gr. 12
$1,000 - $1,500
March 5
Devry Calgary –Scholarships
Gr. 12
$1,500 to
March 12
Remax Quest for Excellence
Gr. 12
March 27
Shire 2013 ADHD Scholarship Program
Age 18 and
Gr. 12
$2,500 $50,000
March 28
March 29
The Garfield Weston Merit Scholarship For Colleges
Retail as a Career Scholarship Program
Gr. 12
RBC Financial Group’s Aboriginal Student Awards Program was launched in 1992 to assist
Aboriginal students to complete post secondary education, and provide an opportunity for RBC to
strengthen its relationship with the Aboriginal community. All graduating status Indians, non-status
Indians, Inuit, or Metis are eligible to apply. www.rbc.com/uniquecareers.campus/aboriginal-studentawards
Academic abilities of 87% average in Grade 10, 11 and 12, contribution to school and community
though involvement in extracurricular activities. See www.millerthomson.com
Based on student portfolio and letter of intent. Complete the application form for admission and you
are automatically considered for the scholarships. See: www.acad.ab.ca/awards
If you apply for admission to the University before March 1, you will automatically be considered for
entrance scholarships. Refer to the printout for the various entrance scholarships available.
Must be full time residents of AB, a Landed Immigrant or Canadian Citizen and are completing their
final year of high school. Create a work of art depicting themes of western culture, lifestyle, heritage
and characters, including but not limited to the following: ranching, landscape, floral, rodeo,
agriculture, First Nations and portraits. www.calgarystampede.com
To qualify for this scholarship, an applicant must have written the Computerized Placement Test on
or before March 7. For more information phone 235-5400.
Short essay (less than 1,250 words) on leadership, sports, technology & innovation, arts, or
community service. Apply on-line at www.remax-western.ca/quest-excellence
This scholarship is for Canadians age 18 and over who are diagnosed with ADHD and who are
pursuing a post-secondary education. The scholarship awards financial support for $1,500 and ADHD
coaching services provided by the Edge Foundation (approximate value $4,400). The scholarships
coaching component is specifically designed to address the challenges that students with ADHD may
face during the transition to higher education. www.ShireADHDscholarship.com.
Passionate about his or her field of study, curious, and willing to try new things; caring about his or
her family, neighborhood and community; and truly interested in becoming involved and making a
difference in society.
To be considered for one of the scholarships, applicants must meet one of the following criteria:
• Enrolled full-time or part-time at a Canadian college or university in Fall 2013
• Pursuing a retail, business or marketing-related program
• Currently working part-time or full-time within the retail industry
Go to www.retaileducation.ca and click on Scholarship Program.
entering their
first yr. of
$2,000 - $9,000
March 31
Belcourt Brosseau Metis Awards
March 31
ELAA Scholarship
Gr. 12
Red Deer College Entrance Awards
Red Deer
March 31
March 31
Kirpal Kaur Dhindsa Memorial Scholarship
March 31
KCCFA Derek Wandzura Memorial
April 1
U of C High School Awards and Bursaries
Leaders of Tomorrow Awards – Cochrane Family and Community
April 1
U of L - Early Entrance Award
April 1
April 11
April 11
Canadian Retail Institute – Retail as a Career Scholarship Program
2012 Great Kids Award
SLS RPS Board of Directors Scholarship
Gr. 12
Gr. 12
Gr. 12
Applicants must be Metis, demonstrate financial need, and have applied or been accepted to a
qualified program.
Application packages are available at
Must be heading directly to a recognized Post-Secondary, ELAA member institute in the province of
Alberta, a leader in high school, and participating as a volunteer in their high school or community.
Applications available in the Guidance Office.
Apply on-line at www.rdc.ab.ca/scholarships
Bow Valley High School Scholarship Nominating Committee will select 2 grade 12 students to apply
for this scholarship. The students must have applied to a post-secondary institution, have a passion
and respect for education as well as willingness to want to learn despite any outside circumstances,
good work ethic and a completed application form. Only one student will be chosen by the Kirpal
Kaur Dhindsa Group
You must be a childhood cancer patient or survivor, must be enrolled in a post-secondary education
institute, resident of Southern Alberta, and you must complete and submit a scholarship application
form . For more information see www.kidscancercare.ab.ca
One application applies for various scholarships and awards. Application forms for all U of C awards
are available from the u of C student awards and financial aid office or students may print them off
the website upon availability: www.ucalgary.ca/awards
Recognizes youth volunteers for the positive and lasting contributions they make in our community.
For more information call Cochrane FCSS
High School
Gr. 12
$1,000 to 5,000
entering or
currently in a
business or
retail related
Based on academic averages, as well as other criteria, such as financial need, volunteer experience
and artistic ability. See www.uleth.ca
Pursuing a retail or business/marketing program, working at least part-time in retail, attending a
Canadian College or University full or part-time.
13 – 18 yrs
Albertans were invited to nominate children or youth between the ages of five and 18 who are making
outstanding contributions at home, school, or in their community. Great Kids are recognized for their
generosity, courage, compassion, determination or strong spirit.
must be
entering their
Within the past two yrs. Students must have played on a Team/User Group out of Spray Lake
Sawmills Family Sports Centre or been a regular user. Students must have shown a leadership role
within the community, demonstrate academic proficiency. Pick up applications at Spray Lake Sports
2 scholarships
of $1,250
first yr. of
April 15
The Colonel Douglas H. Gunter Award
April 15
RBC Students Leading Change
April 24
Leonardo Da Vinci – University of Toronto
April 26
Heritage Youth Researcher Summer Program
Gr. 12
5 - $1,000
Gr. 12
& Trip to
Any grade
Various cash
Gr. 11
April 30
Cochrane & Area Humane Society Scholarship
Gr. 12
April 30
C.S.T. Consultants Inc. Guruparan and Winsor Scholarship
Gr. 12
May 1st
Spray Lake Career Development Scholarship
Gr. 12
May 1st
Cochrane Lions Club Scholarship
Gr. 12
May 1st
Rotary Club of Cochrane
Gr. 12
Entering a university, preferably in a history program. Students must submit an original work using
one of the following media: Text, Visual Art, Web Design, Audio or Visual Production, on a predetermined theme.
Students in Canada who are in their graduating year of High School who will be enrolled full-time in
a publicly funded Canadian university or college in the Fall 2013 academic term. Students with a
disability who attend or who are planning to attend post-secondary school on a part-time basis are
eligible to enroll. Minimum GPA equivalent to a 70% average. Canadian Citizens or Permanent
Residents. www.scholarships.rbc.com/undergraduate.aspx
$7 fee to register. The U of T engineering department creates this 2 hour exam to be completed by
students who have an interest in science and engineering. There is a total of $50,000 of cash prizes
and scholarship awards to be won.
Grade 11 students need at least an 85% standing in grade 11 math and sciences. Require an essay
demonstrating interest in biomedical and health research. Winners work for six weeks on laboratory
research teams at the U of A, U of C, or U of L. They will receive the current minimum wage.
Will be awarded to qualified graduates from Cochrane and area high schools. Up to three scholarships
will be awarded annually. Each scholarship will go towards the student’s tuition at a secondary
institution. Successful applicants should have made a significant volunteer contribution (does not
have to just be at the Cochrane & Area Humane Society) and have an interest in pursuing a career
related to helping animals or people.
Students must be academically gifted, well-rounded, and will be pursuing their first undergraduate
commerce/finance/business degree/diploma at a recognized post-secondary institution. This program
is aimed at those students whose parents/guardians do not have a post-secondary education or
received their post-secondary education outside of Canada. For more info: www.cst.org
5 awards of $500 given to Bow Valley students. Based on work ethic, extra-curricular, minimum
70% average is requested. Must be pursuing post-secondary studies in the fall or winter semester.
Must submit application and portfolio to the Guidance Office. to the Guidance Department.
One scholarship awarded to a graduating student that is planning on attending a post-secondary
institution in the fall. Students must have attended Bow Valley for 3 years, who may have difficulty
in funding their further education, and have given some meaningful volunteer hours within the
Cochrane area, or have made an attempt to at least partially fund their further education by working a
part-time job. Must submit application and portfolio to the Guidance Office.
6 awards of $200 given to Bow Valley students. Based on work ethic and basic academic
competence. Need to submit two reference letters and a portfolio. There are six areas of interest –
students are to choose one area. Applications and a Portfolio must be submitted to the Guidance
May 1st
May 1st
First Feather Award
Western Financial Group Cochrane
Western Communities Foundation Citation and Bursary Award
Gr. 12
Gr. 12
May 1st
Direct Energy – Wildcat Hills Gas Plant Scholarship
Gr. 12
2 Awards of
$500 to one
male and one
May 1st
Inter Pipeline Fund Discovery Awards
Gr. 12
May 1st
Tiessen Media Music Award
Gr. 12
May 1st
May 1st
Rocky View Schools Board of Trustees’ 21st Century Learner Award
Rocky View Schools Board of Trustees Civic Steward of the Year
Gr. 10 - 12
Gr. 10 - 12
$500 or $250
for 2 students
Applicants must be of, and have confirmation of First Nation, Metis, or Inuit descent. Applicants
must have completed and graduated from high school within three years. Students must be registered
and complete their grade 12 year at Bow Valley. All qualified applicants will receive the award.
Student who intends to seek further training or education to become a productive citizen of Canada
and who has overcome adversity (mental/physical disability),financial hardship, family issues: and /or
displayed outstanding community and/or school spirit as an organizer, participant, or volunteer;
and/or has demonstrated inspirational conduct whether an act of heroism or leadership in a crisis
One student may be nominated by school. Must submit application and portfolio to the Guidance
Applicants must be a Canadian citizen. Student requirements are based on demonstrated work ethic
and basic academic competence. A minimum average of 70% is requested. Applicant will
demonstrate excellence in either athletics or fine arts (i.e. drama, music, art, or dance.) This will be
assessed through submission of the student’s portfolio.
Gr. 12 student, nominated by a Guidance Counsellor or Principal. Based on high academic
achievement and contribution to the school or community. Student must be accepted into a postsecondary institution in an industry –related program.
Intended for graduates of Bow Valley High School planning to pursue post-secondary education, in
the fall following graduation in a music field. (minimum 2 yr. program) Student must be a Canadian
citizen demonstrated work ethic and basic academic competence. A min. average of 70 % is
requested. Student must demonstrate excellence in music. This will be assessed through the student’s
portfolio. Applications available in the Guidance Office.
Can be awarded up to ten high school students per school in recognition of his/her overall
achievement in the areas of: Critical thinking, problem solving, innovation, communication,
collaboration, globally aware, civically engaged, self-directed learner, information and media literate,
and financially and economically literate.
Students to be recognized as civic stewards are those whose actions and attitudes are associated with
democratic governance and social participation. Actions of civic stewardship are displayed through
advocacy for various causes, such as political, economic, education, civil, environmental or quality of
life issues. It can include participation in government, church, volunteering and memberships of
voluntary associations. Students eligible for the award will participate at a high level over numerous
activities. In doing so they provide exemplary leadership and are excellent role models for their peers.
Students eligible show a high level of commitment, leadership, initiative and cooperation within the
school community.
May 1st
Alberta Milk Never Stop Scholarship
Gr. 12
May 1st
Alberta Citizenship Award and Queen’s Jubilee Citizenship Medal
Gr. 12
Plaque, letter of
and $5,000
May 1st
Mr. Vend – It Scholarship
Gr. 12
May 1st
LoveCat Business Scholarship
Gr. 12
May 1st for
Sept entry/
Dec. 1st for
Jan entry
Alexander Rutherford
Gr. 12
$300 - $2,500
Must be nominated by school and planning to attend a post-secondary institution in Canada.
Student athletes who excel in the following four areas will be considered: Athletics, Academics,
Leadership/Community Service, Sportsmanship and Fair Play The student must have competed with
excellence in one or more of the following ASAA sponsored activities: football, cross-country
running, golf, volleyball, cheerleading, curling, wrestling, basketball, badminton and track and field.
Academic average must be a minimum of 70%. Must complete an application form, resume, two
letters of reference and an essay. www.asaa.ca Schools may nominate one male and one female
student, Must submit application and portfolio to the Guidance Office.
One application applies for both. Premier’s award: One graduating student from each high school
is recognized for outstanding characteristics in citizenship, leadership community service and
volunteer work. Winners receive a plaque and a letter of commendation from the premier. Queen’s
Jubilee: The eight most outstanding recipients of the Premier’s Citizenship Award will receive the
Queen’s medal in the amount of $5,000 and 25 recipients for an AB Premier’s in the amount of
$2, 005. www.alis.gov.ab.ca/scholarshipsMust submit application and portfolio to the Guidance
To be determined
Student must be pursuing post-secondary in a business related field, exemplifies service to others at
school and/or community, a giving generous attitude toward other students. Student may have a 54
code, but not a must
75% average in 5 selected subjects from grade 10 to 12. Students apply for these in their GRADE 12
year only (you do not apply in grade 10 or 11). Applicant must be enrolled full-time in a postsecondary program of at least one semester in length or be an apprenticeship student.
The top ten students graduating from Grade 12, are selected on the basis of diploma examination
results in English, or Francais, Social and three other diploma examination subjects.
Rutherford Scholar
The James Rintoul OH&S Memorial Scholarship
May 1
May 1
Queen’s Golden Jubilee Scholarship – Performing Arts
Gr. 12
Grad with a
high school
from AB
18-24 yrs.
Gr. 12
Plaque and
Up to $5,500
Must be focused on pursuing a career relating to occupational health and safety, completed a
minimum of two years of work experience (part-time work while attending school are acceptable).
The scholarship will cover the cost of completing OH&S courses and earning the OH&S Certificate
through the Faculty of Extension, University of Alberta.
Must be a resident of Alberta, 25 years of age or younger, and entering any level of undergraduate
studies in a performing arts program. For the purposes of this scholarship, the performing arts shall
be considered as any discipline within theatre, dance and/or music. Please refer to the application for
details of the application requirements.
May 1
Queen’s Golden Jubilee Scholarship – Visual Arts
Gr. 12
Gr. 12
$20,000 over 4
Carleton University Prestige Scholarships
May 1
May 1
John Gyles Education Awards
May 15
Aboriginal Health Careers Bursary
May 15
Making Grad Great Award
May 15
May 15
Sweat Your Way to Grad Scholarship
Acting Out Grad Scholarship
May 15
Alberta Society of Artists’ Summerscapes 2003
May 15
Charles S. Noble Scholarship for study at Harvard
May 16th
SABAR Aboriginal Scholarship in Journalism, Radio & Television
Gr. 12 +
Gr. 12
$1,000 to
Grade 12
Grade 12
Grade 15
Ages 15-17
Must be a resident of Alberta, 25 years of age or younger, and entering any level of undergraduate
studies in a visual arts program. The visual arts can include but are not restricted to: drawing,
painting, sculpture, printmaking, clay, glass, wood, metal, fiber or any combination of these. Please
refer to the application for details of the application requirements.
Student entering Carleton University with minimum 90% average. Consideration will also be given
to other interests and activities during secondary school.
Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 2.7 (67%), and must have citizenship in either Canada or
the United States. A summary of educational status and extracurricular activities, career plans, goals,
and personal ambitions. Application is available at: www.johngyleseducationcenter.com
Must be Inuit, First Nations, or Metis and lived in Alberta for 3 years. Planning to enroll in a health
field in post-secondary.
Goes to the student who best displays how they went the extra mile to make grad extra special at their
school. To apply go to: http://contactcentral.eventiq.com/t/r-l-ulhiiit-mhyjijyhl-t/
For the student-athlete who is involved with sports and has displayed involvement with their school
during their high school years. To apply go to: http://contactcentral.eventiq.com/t/r-l-ulhiiitmhyjijyhl-t/
For students who can display how they express themselves through music, acting or how they've
enriched their school and community culture by working behind-the-scenes to ensure these events go
on. To be accepted, all submissions MUST be accompanied by the name of the grad co-ordinator,
coach or athletic director, and drama or music teacher. To apply go to:
Four scholarships are awarded to rural Alberta students between the ages of 15 and 17 by August 1.
The scholarships provide the cost of tuition, meals, accommodation, and art supplies at Red Deer
College’s summerscapes program. The program runs in two one-week sessions in August. Both
weeks feature an intensive, studio based exploration of drawing, painting, sculpture and printmaking
supplemented by visiting artists’ lectures and opportunities to explore different media.
Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and AB resident, and intend to apply or be enrolled fulltime in an undergraduate program at Harvard. www.alis.gov.ab.ca/scholarships
First nations, Inuit, or Metis permanent Canadian resident, desire to follow a path to a career in the
broadcast industry, enrolment in Canadian post-secondary Journalism or Radio & Television Arts
$1,000 to 4,000
May 16
Dollars for Learners (Edmonton Community Foundation)
May 18
Canadian Hospitality Foundation – Hospitality and Hotel University
Entrance Scholarship
Gr. 12
$1,000 - $2,000
May 24
Monsanto Fund Opportunity Scholarship
Gr. 12
May 31
Alberta Opportunities Bursary
Gr. 12
$500 to $3,000
May 31
Walmart Canada Community Scholarship
Gr. 12
$1,000 per year
May 31
Student Loan
Gr. 12
June 1
Alberta Blue Cross – for Aboriginals
Gr. 12
$375 to 1,250
June 1
Dr. Ernest & Minnie Mehl Scholarship
Gr. 12
June 1
Hal Harrison Memorial (Deputy Fire Chief Award)
Gr. 12
June 1
U of British Columbia – Entrance Bursary
Gr. 12
U of L - High School Applicant Award
June 1
Nov 1
June 1
June 14
Advancing Futures Bursary Program
Great Kids Award
Gr. 12
18 +
living allowance
Gr. 1-12
Program or equivalent certified training program, interest in acting as an ambassador for the
broadcasting industry and serving as a role model for other Aboriginal people to encourage them to
pursue careers in broadcasting.
Based on financial need, and leadership and contributions to your family, school and/or community.
See www.dollarsforlearners.com
Students wishing to pursue a career in the hospitality, foodservice and tourism industry across
Canada. Based on academic record, work experience, extracurricular activities, financial need and
letters of reference. See http://www.thechf.ca/scholarships for more info.
For High School students entering their first year of post-secondary education in agriculture at a
Canadian university of college. Students must be from a family farming operation. They must have
demonstrated academic excellence, leadership capabilities and active involvement in their local
community. Application and essay must be mailed by the due date. For more information please call
1-800-667-4944 or visit www.monsanto.ca.
Must be enrolled in full-time post-secondary studies and qualify for an Alberta student loan of at least
$4,000. If you meet these requirements, you will automatically be considered for a bursary.
This scholarship offers educational grants to graduating high school students who aspire to continue
their education at the college or university level. Two awards are given in Western Canada. The
award applies to tuition and academic fees, books and on-campus room and board. The award is paid
out as $500 installments twice per year for up to four years.
Application packages are available. Or apply online at www.alis.gov.ab.ca
Aboriginal students entering into post-secondary in the fall. Financial need and community
Based on scholastic achievement on Grade 12 diploma exams, financial need and individual
commitment. A Principal’s recommendation is required. www.alis.gov.ab.ca/scholarships
Top academic student provincially on 5 subjects from a given list. One parent must be a member of
the Alberta Volunteer Fire Fighters Association.
Based on financial need. Applications must be supported by a nomination from the applicant’s high
school counselor or principal who can attest to the student’s financial need.
Deadline is June 1 for students entering U of L in the Fall Semester, November 1 for those entering in
the Spring Semester. 25 awards are given out based on academic averages, as well as other criteria,
such as financial need, volunteer experience and artistic ability. See ww.uleth.ca
Assists youth who have been or continue to be in the care or custody of Alberta Children’s Services
to achieve their educational goals by offering opportunities and resources through education.
Application and information available on-line at www.advancingfutures.gov.ab.ca
Alberta resident, positive contribution to school, community and family
June 15
Aboriginal Business Leadership Award
Gr. 12
June 25
Rocky View ATA Scholarships (Local #35)
Gr. 12
June 30
Ladies’ Auxiliary, Albert – N.W.T. Command
The Royal Canadian Legion
Gr. 12
June 30
U of L – Grade 11 Merit Award
Gr. 11
June 30
Education For Life Bursary
17 yrs. or
4 - $1,500
$200 - $800
Priority to self-employed Aboriginal students who are attending post-secondary for the first time, but
also available to all other Aboriginals. Must be enrolling in a Business or Commerce program.
Awards are to be open to recipients of Alberta High School Diplomas from the Rocky View School
Division and natural or legally adopted children of current members of the A.T.A. Local #35, who are
entering their first year of study at a post-secondary institution. Awards are determined based on the
average of their Grade 12 marks. The average must be at least 80%. Official transcripts from Alberta
Education must be sent by August 20th.
Award is intended to assist children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews and great nieces and nephews of
Ex-service personnel, as well as children and grandchildren of current serving personnel, R.C.M.P.,
Reserve personnel and Firefighters who have served a min. of one year, in advancing their education.
Students may apply in the year they graduate, or they may wait for one year, if they so with, before
furthering their education. Application available in the guidance office.
For students entering grade 11 who plan to attend the U of L in the subsequent fall. Students with an
80% average and above are encouraged to apply. See www.uleth.ca
Must be a resident of AB living with a disability, 17yrs. Or older, be a member or become a member
of ACCD before the application deadline, use the bursary within the province of AB, use the bursary
for course materials and/or tuition fees, Submit a completed app. By June 30.. www.accd.net
Students must be applying for Golf Mang, Turf Grass Mang. Candidates are selected based on
July 1
July 1
July 1
Alberta Golf Association Foundations
Anna and John Kolesar Memorial Scholarship
Gr. 12
Gr. 12
The Johnathan Doody Memorial Scholarship
financial need, academic standing, Golf related awards, as well as volunteer work and
Must be an AB resident, and from a family where neither parent obtained a university degree. Must
be enrolling in the Faculty of Education or intend to enter the Faculty of Education. Based on highest
academic average in English 30 plus two other 30 level courses.
2 male
recipients $750
In order to qualify the applicant must be enrolling in his first year of full-time undergraduate studies
at the University of Alberta and have displayed the following attributes: Friendship, Knowledge,
Service, Morality, and Excellence. http://www.phigam.ca/scholarship2009.pdf
3 awards are given to a current or former member of an Alberta Boys and Girls Club. Must enroll as
a full-time student at a post-secondary institution. Selection is based on achievement, letter or
recommendation & candidate statement.
July 1
Boys and Girls Clubs of Alberta
Gr. 12
July 2
U of A – Eldon Foote Track and Field
Gr. 12
$2,000 to
July 15
Assoc. of Professional Engineers, Geologists & Geophysicists of AB
Gr. 12
12 - $2,000
Athletic accomplishment in track and field, have a minimum grade 12 average of 80%, and become a
member of the Pandas or Golden Bears Track and Field Team. See www.registrar.ualberta.ca/awards
12 scholarships are awarded to AB students entering the Faculty of Engineering or the Dept. of
Geology or Geophysics at the U of A or U of C; or entering other universities or colleges in AB
offering transfer programs.
July 15
IODE Coronation Bursary
Gr. 12
July 31
Alberta Association of Municipal Districts & Counties
Gr. 12
July 31
RAP Scholarships
Gr. 12
Student entering any degree-granting program in Alberta. The student must have resided in Alberta
for at least 3 years prior to the application.
Applicant must be a rural student, registering to a post-secondary institution. See www.aamdc.com
Completed a RAP course, and are continuing an apprenticeship. Recipients chosen based on marks,
recommendation from employer and a personal essay.
Two awards are given to applicant’s who’s parents are employed by Stream-Flo or Master Value.
July 31
Stream-Flo / Master-Flo Value Industries Scholarship
Gr. 12
Alberta Heritage Scholarship Fund -Booklet
Gr. 12
Aug. 27
Edmonton Rodeo Cowboys
Gr. 12
4 Awards of
Must have a minimum 80% average based on 5 academic scholarships.
This booklet lists the various scholarships available from the Alberta Heritage Scholarship Fund. See
Students who have completed grade 12, pursuing post-secondary education, Awards will be
distributed to students with academic interest in broadcasting or agriculture. Individuals in
professional rodeo will also be able to apply for an award to support their post-secondary studies.
Note: The scholarship list is an ongoing evolving list. Websites change on a regular basis. If you cannot find a scholarship based on the website noted,
Google the scholarship name or institution to redirect you to the updated website.
How to Apply for a Scholarship
It is the student’s responsibility to ask for and fill out scholarship application forms. All scholarships must be applied for and you must provide an official
copy of your transcript.
Plan ahead by requesting forms early. Be sure you know when and to whom the form should be returned.
Allow ample time – you may be required to provide letters of reference. When asking for a reference letter, provide the person with a reference fact
sheet (a template is available on our high school website under Guidance Department). Plan on giving your references at least 2 weeks in order to compose
a letter.
Make a photocopy of each form to use as a working copy.
Photocopy the completed application form for your own reference.
Fill in answers using a black pen. Be accurate and neat, never cross out or write over an entry.
Give full answers to questions on the form. If the questions are not applicable, say so, do not leave it blank.
Be sure that you sign and date all forms.
Send applications by registered mail and keep your dated receipt from Canada Post.
Keep copies of all your applications, as they may help you in applying for other scholarships.
Follow up after applying for an award and ask about other possible scholarship sources.
Do not procrastinate. Many of the applications are quite complex, involving portfolios, essays, letters of recommendation and summary data.
Useful Websites to Find Scholarships:
Scholarships For American Schools:
• Peterson’s: http://www.petersons.com/college-search/scholarship-search.aspx
• Princeton Review: http://www.princetonreview.com/login3.aspx?RDN=1
Websites for GAP Year and School Exchange Programs
These are the main companies that we host exchange students from: Full-Partial Year Programs
Application Deadlines
15 January: Programs starting July/August/September
15 May: Programs starting January/February/March/May http://www.dosomething.org/