BASIS TUCSON NORTH Instructional Materials 2015-2016 Syllabus Name AP Environmental Science Instructional Materials Environmental Science for AP by Friedland, Relyea, and Courard-Hauri ISBN: 9780716738497 In addition to the textbook listed above, we will utilize,, Google earth, and ArcGIS software. AP Research While there are no required texts for this course, the instructor will provide access to a wide variety of resource textbooks including: Booth, W.C., Colomb, G.G., & Williams, J.M. The craft of research (3rd ed.). Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. Christensen, L.B., Johnson, R.B., & Turner, L.A. Research methods, design, and analysis (11 ed.) Flick, U. Introducing Research Methodology: A Beginner’s Guide to Doing a Research Project. Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications. Kowles, J.G., & Cole, A.L. (2008). Handbook of the arts in qualitative research: Perspectives, methodologies, examples, and issues. Los Angeles: Sage Publications. Palmquist, M. (2012). The Bedford Researcher (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin’s. Example papers will be drawn from academic journals and the National Council for Undergraduate Research ( AP Seminar There is no formal textbook for this class. Instead we will be reading a wide variety of articles, and monograph chapters, viewing media clips, analyzing images and listening to speeches. All of these will be provided by the instructor and made available to all students. Copies of the articles and book chapters used in the class will be provided to the student by the instructor: Selected video clips and multimedia from websites including: The British Museum Online Flowing Data Information is Beautiful Slate The Smithsonian Online Youtube Selected articles from newspapers and magazines including: The Atlantic Monthly National Geographic The New York Times USA Today Wall Street Journal Wired Selected scholarly articles from the following journals, among others: The American Historical Review The Journal of American History The Journal of Immigration and Ethnic History Example papers will be drawn from academic journals and the National Council for Undergraduate Research ( Art Studio 7 Class will include: Guest performers and presenters may be invited to speak with the class. Videos will be selected from the following list. Chuck Close: A Portrait in Progress (1998)- NR Modern Masters- TV Miniseries (2010)- NR Song Dong: Waste Not- NR Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry (excerpts)- R Rivers and Tides: Andy Goldsworthy Working with Time (2001)- NR Claes Oldenburg, The Street and The Store (2013)- NR Banksy: Sirens of the Lambs (2013)- NR How to Make a Happening (audio) (1966)- NR Fluids: A Happening by Alan Kaprow (2010)- NR Philly Phanatic (various clips)- NR The Lion King (excerpts), Julie Taymor, 1995- G The Artist is Present (excerpts), Marina Abramovic, 2010NR Nick Cave: Art in Motion, 2008 Lady Gaga Live Performances Music Video Awards 2010-2013- NR Art Studio 7 Gardner’s Art Through the Ages: A Global History, 13th Edition, ISBN-13:978-049509077 The Annotated Mona Lisa, Carol Strickland, ISBN: 0836280059 & 9780740768729 The Visual Experience, Jack Hobbs, Richard A. Salome, Ken Vieth, ISBN: 0-87192-640-7 Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain Workbook, Betty Edwards, ISBN: 1-58542-195-2 The Google Art Project, Google, Rivers and Tides: Andy Goldsworthy, ISBN 0-7670-6609-x, not rated Chuck Close, DVD, ISBN 1-4229-8769-8, not rated PBS: Art 21, not rated Wasteland (Documentary of Vik Muniz), not rated Guerilla Girls. Gorilla Girls’ Bedside Companion to the History of Western Art. Penguin, London. (ISBN 0 04 440947 8) Schlagman, Richard. The Art Museum. First Edition. Phaidon Press Ltd, London. (ISBN 978 071485652 0) Strickland, Carol, Ph.D., and Boswell, John The Annotated Mona Lisa: A Crash Course from Prehistoric to Post- Modern. Second Edition. Andrews McMeel Publishing, LLC, Kansas City. (ISBN-13: 0-978-0-74076872-9 ISBN- 10: 0-7407-6872-7) Videos (all family friendly excerpts) Chuck Close: A Portrait in Progress Simon Schama’s Power of Art Wasteland Rivers and Tides Between the Folds Various YouTube Clips Art 21 (Various excerpts) Art: Art I Edwards, Betty. Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain: A Course in Enhancing Creativity and Artistic Confidence. J.P. Tarcher, Inc., LA. Distributed by St. Martin’s Press, NY. (ISBN 0-87477-088-2) Strickland, Carol, Ph.D., and Boswell, John The Annotated Mona Lisa: A Crash Course from Prehistoric to Post- Modern. Second Edition. Andrews McMeel Publishing, LLC, Kansas City. (ISBN-13: 0-978-0-7407-6872-9 ISBN- 10: 0-7407-68727) Videos Our City Dreams Wasteland Rivers and Tides Between the Folds Various YouTube clips Art 21 Series- Various Episodes Art: Studio 2D Advanced Videos: Cracking the Mayan Code (2008) NR Conquistadores (2000) NR The Miracle of Mata Ortiz (2000) NR Chicano! History of the Mexican American Civil Rights Movement (1996) NR- excerpts HistoryDetectives: 56 Burlon Craig on Folkways pt 1 pt 2 The Gods Must be Crazy, PG, 1980 Hidden Treasures of African Art (BBC), Unrated, (2011) Art: Studio 2D Videos: - Various excerpts from Art:21, a PBS production- not rated - The Story of Stuff- not rated - Wasteland (Documentary of Vic Muniz)- not rated - Monuments Men (PG-13) - The Rape of Europa- PBS documentary- not rated - HistoryDetectives: - Burlon Craig on Folkways pt 1 pt 2 - The Gods Must be Crazy, PG, 1980 - Hidden Treasures of African Art (BBC), Unrated, (2011) Biology AP Campbell. Biology in Focus ISBN: 0321813804 4 function calculator (the College Board will not allow you to use a scientific calculator on the AP Exam) The Beak of the Finch Jonathan Weiner ISBN: 978-0-679-73337-9 Biology CC: Molecular Biology There is no official textbook for this course. This textbook is recommended. Some copies of this book will be available in class for review. It can also be purchased used from Amazon for less than $30. At the Bench: A Laboratory Navigator by Kathy Barker Publication Date: November 2, 2004 | ISBN10: 0879697083 | ISBN-13: 978-0879697082 | Edition: 2nd In addition, instructor will provide various handouts and internet resources will be extensively utilized. Biology I Course Resources Human Body Systems and Health, 2007, Holt, Rinehart and Winston (ISBN: 978-0-030-49968-5) These textbooks will be available for use in the classroom. The textbooks will be supplemented with handouts, worksheets, video clips, and information from the internet. Biology II Course Resources Microorganisms, Fungi, and Plants, 2007, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston (ISBN: 978-0-030-49932-6) Environmental Science, 2007, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston (ISBN: 978-0-030-50049-7) Animals, 2007, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston (ISBN: 978-0030-49957-9) These textbooks will be available for use in the classroom. The textbooks will be supplemented with handouts, worksheets, video clips, and information from the internet. Biology III Biology by Miller & Levine (2010) 0 ISBN: 978-0-13-366951- Each student will be issued a textbook to use at home and there will be a class set of textbooks available in the classroom. Biology LEAP B Biology by Miller & Levine (2010) ISBN: 978-0-13-366951-0 Each student will be issued a textbook to use at home and there will be a class set of textbooks available in the classroom. Biology Pre-AP Miller and Levine. Biology. Pearson, 2010. (ISBN 978-013366951-0) Chemistry AP Chemistry The Central Science by Brown, LeMay, et al, 12th edition/AP edition ISBN: 978-0-13-217508-1 Chemistry I Living by Chemistry - Angelica Stacy ISBN: 978-1-55953-941-8 Video clips: Cosmos Chemistry II Living by Chemistry - Angelica Stacy ISBN: 978-1-55953-941-8 Chemistry Concepts and Applications Glencoe/McGraw Hill ISBN: 0-07-825870-7 Chemistry III “World of Chemistry” by Zumdahl, Zumdahl, and LeCoste ISBN-13: 978-0618134960 Gases and How they Combine DVD CHEM study film #4103 Davidson Films, New York © 1962 Available from Ward’s Science Eureka! Video series Available on youtube Chemistry Pre-AP Chemistry The Central Science by Brown, LeMay, et al, 12th edition/AP edition ISBN: 978-0-13-217508-1 Classics A A classroom set of all necessary books is available. If students need a passage from any of the books at home for make-up work, or otherwise, a photocopy of the necessary section will be provided. Other relevant texts may be provided. The books below form the primary texts used in this class. Title: The Ancient World: from the Ice Age to the Fall of Rome Author: H. M. Martell Publisher: Kingfisher ISBN: 0753453975 Title: The Ancient Greeks Author: S. Peach & A. Millard Publisher: Children’s Press ISBN: 0531167399 Title: The Ancient Romans Author: A. Lassieur Publisher: Children’s Press ISBN: 0531167429 Title: Early Civilization Author: J. Chisholm and A. Millard Publisher: EDC Publishing ISBN: 0746003285 Title: Tools of the Ancient Greeks Author: K. Bordessa Publisher: Nomad Press ISBN: 0974934461 Title: Tools of the Ancient Romans Author: R. Dickinson Publisher: Nomad Press ISBN: 0974934453 Cave of Forgotten Dreams (film, rated G) Empires: Rome (PBS) Secrets of Lost Empires (NOVA) Ancient Computer (NOVA) Colosseum: Roman Death Trap (NOVA) Petra: Lost City of Stone (NOVA) Hagia Sophia: Istanbul’s Mystery (NOVA) Secrets of the Parthenon (NOVA) Secrets of Stonehenge (NOVA) First Peoples (NOVA) Building Pharaoh’s Chariot (NOVA) Riddles of the Sphinx (NOVA) Ghosts of Murdered Kings (NOVA) Roman Catacomb Mystery (NOVA) Ice Man Murder Mystery (NOVA) Meet the Romans with Mary Beard (BBC) Hadrian’s Wall (BBC) What the Ancients Did for Us (BBC) Time Team series (BBC) What the Ancients Knew (Discovery Channel) Ghost Ships of Pisa (Science Channel) Sunken History: Wreck of the Mahdia (History Channel) Engineering an Empire (History Channel) Letters from the Roman Front (History Channel) Pompeii: Rebirth of a City (History Channel) Carthage’s Lost Warriors (Secrets of the Dead) Sinking Atlantis (Secrets of the Dead) Silver Pharaoh (Secrets of the Dead) Lost Ships of Rome (Secrets of the Dead) Herculaneum: the Other Pompeii (National Geographic) Out of the Ashes: Recovering the Lost Library of Herculaneum (KBYU/BYU) Roman Archaeology: Myth and Reality (The Southwest Center/University of Arizona) Drama: 7th How Does the Show Go on? Introduction to Theater – by Thomas Schumacher Play Directing 6th Edition by Francis Hodge and Michael McLain Creative Drama in the Classroom and Beyond by Nellie McCaslin Introduction to Acting 4th Edition by Stanley Kaham and Kenneth W. Rugg Theater Games for the Classroom by Viola Spolin Theater Art in Action by Robert D. Taylor and Robert D. Strickland Acting for Life by Jack Frakes The Theater Experience 3rd Edition by Edwin Wilson Plays in One Act by Daniel Halpern The Enjoyment of Theater 6th Edition by Kenneth M. Cameron and Patti P. Gillespie Drama: Upper School Advanced and Beginning Play Directing 6th Edition by Francis Hodge and Michael McLain How Does the Show Go on? Introduction to Theater – by Thomas Schumacher The Back Stage Guide to Stage Management 2nd Edition by Thomas A. Kelly Creative Drama in the Classroom and Beyond by Nellie McCaslin The Stage Craft Hand Book by Daniel A. Ionazzi Introduction to Acting 4th Edition by Stanley Kaham and Kenneth W. Rugg Theater Games for the Classroom by Viola Spolin Theater Art in Action by Robert D. Taylor and Robert D. Strickland Acting for Life by Jack Frakes The Theater Experience 3rd Edition by Edwin Wilson The Enjoyment of Theater 6th Edition by Kenneth M. Cameron and Patti P. Gillespie The Costume Technicians Handbook 3 rd Edition by Rosemary Ingham and Liz Covey Selection of one-acts and plays. Economics AP Course Resource: Title: Economics Author: McConnell and Brue Publisher: McGrawHill Irwin ISBN: 0072340363 Note: BASIS Tucson North will provide copies of the texts for the students. Economics Course Resource: Title: Economics 9th Edition Author: William Boyes and Michael Melvin Publisher: South-Western ISBN: 1111826137 Note: BASIS Schools will not provide copies of the texts used to the students. While it is not required, students may purchase their own copies to supplement the class lectures with their own readings. Note taking will be a requirement in class and will provide students with all information needed for this course. Engineering and Technology III Instructional Materials: Mindstorms Robotics kits and supplemental materials LEGO Mindstorms robots NXT and AutoCAD software FLL annual challenge materials and other internet resources BASIS student laptops Design and Engineering related videos like Richard Hammond's Engineering Connections English AP Language William Strunk and E.B. White, The Elements of Style Grammar and logic study be derived from: Runciman, Lex. The St. Martin’s Workbook, Edition 5. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2003. ISBN: 0-312-39834-4 English AP Literature Primary Texts: Students will be expected to purchase a text through the school (or on their own) in order to annotate. Every student needs to have the edition noted below. ISBN numbers have been listed to ensure edition accuracy. "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" by T.S. Eliot The Tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare Frankenstein by Mary Shelley Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neal Hurston The Stranger by Albert Camus The Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas Pynchon Train Dreams by Denis Johnston Students will analyze on average one short story or poem per week throughout the year. Generally, the short stories and poems selected will be taken from an academic anthology (i.e. Oxford, Norton). However, parents will be informed via a permission slip/approval form for any story or poem that may contain mature content. Short story and poetry readings will be provided to students as handouts. It is the student’s responsibility to retain these photocopies. The teacher is not responsible for replacing lost or damaged photocopies. English I The Three books listed below will be available for purchase from the school: Easy Grammar Grade 5: Student Workbook ISBN: 978-0936981-45-1 The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin ISBN: 978-0142401200 The Ear, the Eye and the Arm by Nancy Farmer ISBN: 9780545356619 In addition to these texts, short stories, poems, and other writings will be selected from a variety of sources including but not limited to authors such as: Chinua Achebe, Hans Christian Anderson, Ambrose Bierce, T.C. Boyle, Ray Bradbury, Gwendolyn Brooks, Morley Callaghan, Anton Chekhov, John Collier, Arthur Conan Doyle, Mona Gardner, Ernest Hemmingway, O. Henry, Langston Hughes, Washington Irving, Shirley Jackson, Rudyard Kipling, Guy de Maupassant, Liam O'Flaherty, George Orwell, Edgar Allan Poe, Ted Poston, Saki (H.H. Munro), Kurt Vonnegut, William Carlos Williams, Aesop, the Brothers Grimm, Mark Twain, Walt Whitman, Roald Dahl, Shel Silverstein, Ray Bradbury, Gary Paulsen, Richard Connell, James Hurst, G.K. Chesterton, Walter Dean Myers, Liam O’Flaherty, Rudyard Kipling, Lewis Carroll, Robert Frost, Langston Hughes, Maya Angelou, Edgar Allan Poe and more. Selections will also be chosen from sources such as: The Norton Anthology of Poetry 100 Greatest Poems. American Indian Literature: An Anthology English II Students will be required to obtain the following texts. They can be ordered through Smart for Charters or purchased on your own. Title: The Hobbit Author: J.R.R Tolkien Publisher: Houghton Mifflin ISBN: 9780618260300 Title: Number the Stars Author: Lois Lowry Publisher: Sandpiper ISBN: 978-0-547-57709-8 Title: The Giver Author: Lois Lowry Publisher: Bantam Books ISBN: 9780440237686 Title: Easy Grammar Garde 6 Student Workbook Author: Wanda C. Phillips Publisher: Easy Grammar System Students are not required to obtain the following but I will be using these resources in class. Disney/Pixar Short Films Horton Hears and Who Flocabulary School House Rock Videos Poetry Anthologies Classic Short Story Anthologies English III Animal Farm by George Orwell Publisher: Signet Classics ISBN: 0451526341 A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare** The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros Publisher: Vintage ISBN: 0679734775 Night by Elie Wiesel (trans. Marion Wiesel) Publisher: Hill and Wang (Revised) ISBN: 0374500010 Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card Publisher: Tor Science Fiction ISBN: 0812550706 "The Metamorphosis: and Other Stories" Author: Franz Kafka Publisher: Schocken ISBN: 978-0805210576 Main short stories: “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell “A Sound of Thunder” by Ray Bradbury “A Hanging” by George Orwell “Shooting an Elephant” by George Orwell “Full” Movies: The War Documentary by Ken Burns (2007) Midsummer Night’s Dream (1999) Ender’s Game (2013) Whale Rider (2002) English IV Thomas C. Foster, How to Read Literature Like a Professor (revised edition) Brian Stone (translator), Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Robert Louis Stevenson, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde H. G. Wells, The Time Machine William Golding, Lord of the Flies William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice English: Post-AP/Capstone Literary Theory: An Anthology By Rivkin & Ryan Early American Writing ISBN-13: 978-0140390872 English Pre-AP Lang William Strunk and E.B. White, The Elements of Style Grammar and logic study be derived from: Runciman, Lex. The St. Martin’s Workbook, Edition 5. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2003. ISBN: 0-312-39834-4 English Pre-AP Lit Primary Texts: "On the Rainy River" by Tim O'Brien The Tempest by William Shakespeare The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde Of Mice & Men by John Steinbeck The Catcher in the Rye by J.D Salinger The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez English PreAP Lit Antigone by Sophocles The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde Henry IV Part I by William Shakespeare Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad The House of Mirth by Edith Warton The Gilded Age by Mark Twain and William Dudley Warner Fine Arts 6: Performance Art Read Aloud Plays - The Iliad, the Odyssey and the Aeneid by Gwen Bowers A Midsummer Night’s Dream, A Practical Guide for Teacher Shakespeare in the Middle School Classroom by Alain Chirinian How Does the Show Go on? Introduction to Theater – by Thomas Schumacher Creative Drama in the Classroom and Beyond by Nellie McCaslin The Longman Anthology of Drama and Theater; a Global Perspective by Michael L. Greenwald, Roger Schultz, and Roberto D. Pomo Introduction to Acting 4th Edition by Stanley Kaham and Kenneth W. Rugg Theater Games for the Classroom by Viola Spolin Famous Stories for Performance by Rinehart and Winston Holt Acting for Life by Jack Frakes The Theater Experience 3rd Edition by Edwin Wilson Theatre Histories an Introduction by Phillip B. Zarrilli, Bruce McConachie, Gary Jay Williams, Carol Fisher Sorgenfrei Fine Arts 6: Visual Arts Videos students will watch in class •How Art Made the World (BBC)- not rated •Every Picture Tells a Story - not rated •The Impressionists- not rated •Vincent and Theo- PG13 (excerpts) •Picasso: A Primitive Soul- not rated Supplemental Texts (provided by teacher) Guerilla Girls. Guerilla Girls’ Bedside Companion to the History of Western Art. Penguin, London. (ISBN 0 04 440947 8) Minear, Richard. Dr. Seuss Goes to War. New York Press, New York. Schlagman, Richard. The Art Museum. First Edition. Phaidon Press Ltd, London. (ISBN 978 071485652 0) Strickland, Carol, Ph.D., and Boswell, John The Annotated Mona Lisa: A Crash Course from Prehistoric to PostModern. Second Edition. Andrews McMeel Publishing, LLC, Kansas City. (ISBN-13: 0-978-0-7407-6872-9 ISBN- 10: 07407-6872-7) Videos (all family friendly excerpts) Lascaux: The Prehistory of Art Secrets of Lost Empires Leonardo da Vinci- The Mind of Renaissance The Private Life of a Masterpiece French CC Textbook: Face-à-Face , by Françoise Ghillebaert Vista Higher Learning, Inc. ISBN: 978-1-60576-118-3 Supplementary resources: • Bien dit! Level 3 , by J. DeMado, S. Champeny, M. Ponterio, R. Ponterio Holt, Rinehart and Winston ISBN: 978-0-03-043218-7 • DVD Le Roi Soleil : le spectacle musical • VHL (Vista Higher Learning) Supersite: Provides access to publisher-sponsored, web-based resource with activities, exercises and videos aligned with the textbook. A personal, password-protected account will be provided to each student in the class. Web access will be necessary to complete some homework assignments. Please speak with the teacher if internet access will pose a problem for the student. French I-III Textbook: Espaces ISBN: 978-1-60576-094-0 Espaces Workbook ISBN-13: 978-1-61767-581-2 -VHL (Vista Higher Learning) Supersite: Provides access to publisher-sponsored, web-based resource with activities, exercises and videos aligned with the textbook. A personal, password-protected account will be provided to each student in the class. Web access will be necessary to complete some homework assignments. Please speak with the teacher if internet access will pose a problem for the student. French IV-V Textbook: Espaces (2nd edition), by C. Mitschke, C. Tano Vista Higher Learning, Inc. ISBN: 978-1-60576-090-2 Workbook: Espaces (2nd edition), by C. Mitschke, C. Tano Vista Higher Learning, Inc. ISBN: 978-1-61767-581-2 -Textbook and workbook will be loaned to the student, and must be brought to class every day. VHL (Vista Higher Learning) Supersite: Provides access to publisher-sponsored, web-based resource with activities, exercises and videos aligned with the textbook. A personal, password-protected account will be provided to each student in the class. Web access will be necessary to complete some homework assignments. Please speak with the teacher if internet access will pose a problem for the student. French IX Textbook: Face-à-Face , by Françoise Ghillebaert Vista Higher Learning, Inc. ISBN: 978-1-60576-118-3 Supplementary resources: • Bien dit! Level 3 , by J. DeMado, S. Champeny, M. Ponterio, R. Ponterio Holt, Rinehart and Winston ISBN: 978-0-03-043218-7 • Lire et s'entraîner: Notre-Dame de Paris, by Victor Hugo Cideb Editrice ISBN: 978-88-7754-815-3 • DVD Notre-Dame de Paris : Le spectacle musical • VHL (Vista Higher Learning) Supersite: Provides access to publisher-sponsored, web-based resource with activities, exercises and videos aligned with the textbook. A personal, password-protected account will be provided to each student in the class. Web access will be necessary to complete some homework assignments. Please speak with the teacher if internet access will pose a problem for the student. French VI-VII Textbook: Espaces (2nd edition), by C. Mitschke, C. Tano Vista Higher Learning, Inc. ISBN: 978-1-60576-090-2 Workbook: Espaces (2nd edition), by C. Mitschke, C. Tano Vista Higher Learning, Inc. ISBN: 978-1-61767-581-2 -Textbook and workbook will be loaned to the student, and must be brought to class every day. VHL (Vista Higher Learning) Supersite: Provides access to publisher-sponsored, web-based resource with activities, exercises and videos aligned with the textbook. A personal, password-protected account will be provided to each student in the class. Web access will be necessary to complete some homework assignments. Please speak with the teacher if internet access will pose a problem for the student. French VIII Textbook: Espaces (2nd edition), by C. Mitschke, C. Tano Vista Higher Learning, Inc. ISBN: 978-1-60576-090-2 Workbook: Espaces (2nd edition), by C. Mitschke, C. Tano Vista Higher Learning, Inc. ISBN: 978-1-61767-581-2 Supplementary resource: Bien dit! Level 2 , by J. DeMado, S. Champeny, M. Ponterio, R. Ponterio Holt, Rinehart and Winston ISBN: 978-0-03-042697-1 -Textbook and workbook will be loaned to the student, and must be brought to class every day. VHL (Vista Higher Learning) Supersite: Provides access to publisher-sponsored, web-based resource with activities, exercises and videos aligned with the textbook. A personal, password-protected account will be provided to each student in the class. Web access will be necessary to complete some homework assignments. Please speak with the teacher if internet access will pose a problem for the student. History I Title: World History & Geography Author(s): Jackson J. Spielvogel Publisher: McGraw Hill ISBN: 0078933145 Additional reading provided by the teacher throughout the course: · Primary Sources (documents, images, and maps) · Secondary Sources (written by historians or scholars interpreting the past) · Quantitative Sources (graphs, charts, and tables) YouTube Series, “Crash Course World History,” by John Green Additional relevant YouTube clips “World History for Us All,” National Center for History in the Schools, <> History II Call to Freedom ISBN-13: 978-0030646799 Additional reading provided by the teacher throughout the course: · Primary Sources (documents, images, and maps) · Secondary Sources (written by historians or scholars interpreting the past) · Quantitative Sources (graphs, charts, and tables) History III Robert Strayer, Ways of the World: A Global History with Sources, Bedford/St. Martins. ISBN: 031264466-3 YouTube Series, “Crash Course World History,” by John Green Additional relevant YouTube clips “World History for Us All,” National Center for History in the Schools, <> AP World History website < /teachers_corner/4484.html> Throughout the course of the year we will examine assorted primary and secondary sources not listed here. History: AP European Title: Western Civilization, Since 1300, AP Edition, 8 th ed. Author: Jackson J. Spielvogel Publisher: Wadsworth: Cengage Learning ISBN: 978-0-495-91259-0 History: AP United States Title: America’s History, 8 th ed. For Advanced Placement Author: James A. Henretta, Eric Hinderaker, Rebecca Edwards, and Robert O. Self Publisher: Bedford/St. Martin’s ISBN: 978-1-4576-2893-1 (combined edition with integrated media) Title: American Passages: A History of the United States Authors: Edward L. Ayers, Lewis L. Gould, David M. Oshinsky, and Jean R. Soderlund Publisher: Thomson/ Wadsworth ISBN: 0-534-60741-1 This textbook will be available in the classroom as an additional resource. Title: Cracking the AP: U.S. History Exam, 2015 edition Publisher: The Princeton Review ISBN: 978-0804125161 Title: Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in American History, Volumes I and II Edited by: Larry Madaras and James M. SoRelle Publisher: The Dushkin Publishing Group Title: The New American History Edited by: Eric Foner Publisher: Temple University Press Websites: Films and Documentaries: Title: Lincoln Directed by: Steven Speilberg Released: November 2012 Title: Crash Course in U.S. History With: John Green Website: G593eG7ObzO7s Title: A Biography of America With: Donald L. Miller with Stephen Ambrose, Virginia Scharff, Waldo E. Martin, Jr., Pauline Maier, Louis P. Masur, and Douglas Brinkley Website: script/page02.html History: AP US Government George C. Edwards,etal., Government inAmerica ,13thed. (Pearson,2004) Peter Woll ,American Government Readings and Cases ,17th ed. (Pearson,2008) A variety of other primary and secondary sources will be used during the course. These readings will be handed out in class. History: Capstone Shirley, S. trans. Herodotus, On the War for Greek Freedom. Hackett Publishing. . ISBN: 9780872206670 Woodruff, P. trans. Thucydides, On Justice, Power and Human Nature. Hackett Publishing. ISBN: 9780872201682 Batstone, W. W. trans. Sallust, Catiline's Conspiracy, The Jugurthine War, Histories. Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0192823458 Berry, D. H. trans. Cicero, Political Speeches. Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0199540136 Introduction to Classical Archeology Students must bring a copy of the following textbook: Renfrew, C. and P. Bahn. 2008. Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practices. 5th Edition. London: Thames and Hudson. Cave of Forgotten Dreams (film, rated G) Empires: Rome (PBS) Secrets of Lost Empires (NOVA) Ancient Computer (NOVA) Colosseum: Roman Death Trap (NOVA) Petra: Lost City of Stone (NOVA) Hagia Sophia: Istanbul’s Mystery (NOVA) Secrets of the Parthenon (NOVA) Secrets of Stonehenge (NOVA) First Peoples (NOVA) Building Pharaoh’s Chariot (NOVA) Riddles of the Sphinx (NOVA) Ghosts of Murdered Kings (NOVA) Roman Catacomb Mystery (NOVA) Ice Man Murder Mystery (NOVA) Meet the Romans with Mary Beard (BBC) Hadrian’s Wall (BBC) What the Ancients Did for Us (BBC) Time Team series (BBC) What the Ancients Knew (Discovery Channel) Ghost Ships of Pisa (Science Channel) Sunken History: Wreck of the Mahdia (History Channel) Engineering an Empire (History Channel) Letters from the Roman Front (History Channel) Pompeii: Rebirth of a City (History Channel) Carthage’s Lost Warriors (Secrets of the Dead) Sinking Atlantis (Secrets of the Dead) Silver Pharaoh (Secrets of the Dead) Lost Ships of Rome (Secrets of the Dead) Herculaneum: the Other Pompeii (National Geographic) Out of the Ashes: Recovering the Lost Library of Herculaneum (KBYU/BYU) Roman Archaeology: Myth and Reality (The Southwest Center/University of Arizona) Introduction to Music Theory Resources Benward, Bruce and Marilyn Saker. Music in Theory and Practice, Vol. 1. Eighth Edition. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2008. Benward, Bruce and Marilyn Saker. Workbook to Accompany Music in Theory and Practice, Vol. 1. Eighth Edition. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2008. Berkowitz, Sol, Gabriel Fontrier, amd Leo Kraft. A New Approach to Sight Singing. Fifth Edition. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2010. Burkholder, J. Peter and Claude V. Palisca. Norton Anthology of Western Music, Volumes 1 and 2. Sixth edition. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2009. Clendinning, Jane Piper and Elizabeth West Marvin. The Musician’s Guide to Aural Skills. New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Company, 2005 Clendinning, Jane Piper and Elizabeth West Marvin. The Musician’s Guide to Theory and Analysis. New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Company, 2005 Duckworth, William. A Creative Approach to Music Fundamentals. Eleventh edition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Thomson Learning, 2013. Kostka, Stefan, and Dorothy Payne. Tonal Harmony: With An Introduction To Twentieth-Century Music . 7th edition. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2012. Kostka, Stefan, and Dorothy Payne. Tonal Harmony: With An Introduction To Twentieth-Century Music (Workbook/CD), 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2012. Ottman, Robert W. and Nancy Rogers. Music for Sightsinging. 9th edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2013. Perkins, Phil. The Logical Approach to Rhythmic Notation. Panama City Beach, FL: Logical Publications, 1978. Scoggin, Nancy. Barron's AP Music Theory . Hauppauge, NY: Barron's Educational Series, Inc., 2010. Starer, Robert. Rhythmic Training. Milwaukee, WI: Hal Leonard, 1985. Introduction to Science Course Resources Title: Middle School Science, Integrated i Science Course 3 Student Edition w/StudentWorks Plus Online ISBN: 978-0-07-888007-0 Login: MHID: 0-07-888007-6 My Username: Publisher: McGraw Hill Glencoe My Password: - Students will be issued online access to our textbook. - Students are expected to treat our classroom textbooks with care. Supplemental materials include the following:, newspapers, websites, IDEAL through the Arizona Department of Education, and other resources. Latin CC Participants in the seminar are expected to bring a notebook, pen or pencil, and a Latin dictionary (a suggested dictionary is included below). Suggested dictionaries (but any Latin dictionary should work fine!): J. Traupman, The Bantam New College Latin & English rd Dictionary (3 edition) - (Online for $3 used, $5 new) J. Morwood, A Dictionary of Latin Words and Phrases (Online for $1 used, $12 new) D. P. Simpson, Cassell's Standard Latin Dictionary - (Online for $9 used, $15 new) The following books are NOT REQUIRED , but students seeking a deeper understanding of Latin grammar and syntax are encouraged to acquire: James B Greenough, J. H. Allen, G. L. Kittredge and A. A. Howard, Allen and Greenough's New Latin Grammar (Online for $8 used, $15 new; free electronic copies of earlier editions are available!) N. Goldman, English Grammar for Students of Latin (3 edition) - (Online for $10 used; $15 new) rd C. E. Bennett, New Latin Grammar - (Online for $1 used, $10 new) Readings for this course will be drawn from a number of sources, including but not limited to the following books (foreign language sources will be provided in translation when necessary): Berard, F. et al. 1989. Guide de l’epigraphiste: bibliographie choisie des epigraphies antiques et medievales . Paris. Bodel, J. ed. 2001. Epigraphic Evidence: Ancient History from Inscriptions . London. Cooley, A. E. 2012. The Cambridge Manual of Latin Epigraphy . Cambridge. Gordon, A. E. 1988. Illustrated Introduction to Latin Epigraphy . Berkeley. Hartnett, M. 2012. By Roman Hands: Inscriptions and Graffiti for Students of Latin (2nd edition). Newburyport. Harvey, B. K. 2004. Roman Lives: Ancient Roman Life as Illustrated by Latin Inscriptions . Newburyport. Keppie, L. Baltimore. 1991. Understanding Roman Inscriptions . LaFleur, R. A. 2010. Scribblers, Sculptors, and Scribes . New York. Lassère J.-M. 2005. Manuel d'épigraphie latine , 2 vol. Paris. Susini, G. 1973. The Roman Stonecutter: An Introduction to Latin Epigraphy . Oxford. Di Stefano Manzella, I. 1987. Mestiere di epigrafista: guida alla schedatura del material epigrafico lapideo . Rome. Information regarding editing conventions for epigraphic study will be drawn from: Dow, S. 1969. Conventions in editing: a suggested reformulation of the Leiden System . Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies Scholarly Aids 2. Durham. Krummery, H. and S. Panciera. 1980. “Criteri di edizione e segni diacritici.”Tituli 2: 205-15. Panciera, S. 1991. Supplementa Italica 8: 8-21. Woodhead, A. G. 1992. The Study of Greek Inscriptions . nd 2 edition. Norman. Epigraphic collections will be accessed from the following books and databases: Printed collections of Latin epigraphy: Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (CIL), 16 volumes. Ephemeris Epigraphica (EphEp; EphemEpig), 9 volumes, 1872-1913. L’Année Épigraphique (AE), previously a part of Revue Archeologique from 1888-1961, but an independent publication from 1962 to the present. Inscriptiones Italiae (II), 14 volumes, 1931 to the present. Supplementa Italica (SuppItal), 23 volumes from 19812007. Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae (ILS; Dessau), 3 volumes in 5 parts. Inscriptiones Graecae Pertinentes (IGRRP). ad Res Romanas Hispania Epigraphica (HEp), 1989 to the present, possibly replaced by a website of the same name. Internet resources for Latin epigraphy: Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss-Schlaby – over 350,000 Latin epigraphic texts: HispaniaEpigraphica – Latin epigraphy from (Spanish and English): Iberia Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum Online (German and English): & Electronic Archive of Greek and Latin Epigraphy (Italian): Epigraphic Database Bari – late antique and Christian epigraphy (Italian): American Society for Greek and Latin Epigraphy – resources for epigraphers: U.S. Epigraphy Project – epigraphic collections located in the United States: Prosopographia Imperii Romani (German): e/pir/ Ubi Erat Lvpa – several different databases (primarily German): AEICL – Societas Internationalis Epigraphiae Graecae et Latinae (French): Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents: Current Epigraphy – a blog focusing on epigraphic study: Lacus Curtius – an personal site with a useful section on epigraphy: ml Latin I Latin II Supplementary: Lingua Latina per se Illustrata, Pars I: Familia Romana , Hans H. Orberg, ISBN-13: 978-1585104208 Latin Alive! Book 1 , Karen Moore and Gaylan DuBose, ISBN-13: 978-1-60051-054-0 Supplementary: Lingua Latina per se Illustrata, Pars I: Familia Romana , Hans H. Orberg, ISBN-13: 978-1585104208 Latin III Latin IV Latin Alive! Book 1 , Karen Moore and Gaylan DuBose, ISBN-13: 978-1-60051-054-0 Books: Students are required to purchase a copy of Wheelock's Latin (7th edition). Information regarding the purchase of this book from BASIS will be provided during the first week of school. The book needs to be brought to class each day and regularly consulted at home. Students must also purchase their own Latin dictionary. An example of a good, inexpensive dictionary is the Bantam New College Latin and English Dictionary . The New College is an excellent reference work for this class and all other Latin classes to come. LaFleur, Richard A.. Wheelock's Latin 7th edition . Collins Reference, 2014. ISBN 978-0061997228 Traupman, John C.. The Bantam New College Latin & English Dictionary . Rev. and enlarged. ed. New York: Bantam Books, 2007. Print. ISBN 978-0553590128 Other course materials may be drawn from the following books and resources, but students are not required to purchase these: LaFleur, Richard A., and Frederic M. Wheelock. Scribblers, Sculptors, and Scribes: a Companion to Wheelock's Latin . New York: CollinsReference, 2010. ISBN 978-0061259180 Goldman, Norma. English Grammar for Students of Latin . Olivia and Hill Press, 2007. ISBN 978-0934034340 Latin V.S.0 Latin VI Logic LaFleur, Richard A.. Wheelock's latin 7th edition . Collins Reference, 2014. ISBN 978-0061997228 LaFleur, Richard A.. Wheelock's latin 7th edition . Collins Reference, 2014. ISBN 978-0061997228 All readings will be provided to students and will include selections from: -A Workbook for Arguments: A Complete Course in Critical Thinking b y David Morrow and Anthony Weston, ISBN: 978-1603845496 -A Concise Introduction to Logic (11 Hurley, ISBN: 978-0-8400-3418-2 th edition) by Patrick J. -The Republic by Plato, ISBN: 978-0486411217 Mandarin AP Title: Barron’s AP Chinese Language and Culture: Student’s book + 3 CDs Publisher: Barron’s Educational Series ISBN: 978-0-764-19400-9 Title: Publisher: ISBN: Mandarin CC Chaoyue (超越): Advancing in Chinese Columbia University Press 978-0231145299 Title: Learn Chinese with Me (Book Four): Student’s book 4 + 2 CDs Publisher: People’s Education Press ISBN: 978-7-107-18185-6 Title: Learn Chinese with Me (Book Four): Workbook 4 Publisher: ISBN: People’s Education Press 978-7-107-18272-3 To be used: This workbook should be purchased by students and is available for purchase from the school. Mandarin I-IV Title: Learn Chinese with Me (Book One): Student’s book 1 + 2 CDs Publisher: ISBN: People’s Education Press 978-7-107-16422-4 Title: Learn Chinese with Me (Book One): Workbook 1 Publisher: ISBN: People’s Education Press 978-7-107-17086-7 To be used: This workbook may be purchased by students and is available for purchase from the school. Mandarin IX Title: Learn Chinese with Me (Book Three): Student’s book 3 + 2 CDs Publisher: People’s Education Press ISBN: 978-7-107-17719-4 Title: Learn Chinese with Me (Book Three): Workbook 3 Publisher: People’s Education Press ISBN: 978-7-107-18229-7 To be used: This workbook should be purchased by students and is available for purchase from the school. Mandarin V-VI Title: Learn Chinese with Me (Book One): Student’s book 1 + 2 CDs Publisher: People’s Education Press ISBN: 978-7-107-16422-4 Title: Learn Chinese with Me (Book One): Workbook 1 Publisher: People’s Education Press ISBN: 978-7-107-17086-7 To be used: This workbook should be purchased by students and is available for purchase from the school. Title: Learn Chinese with Me (Book Two): Student’s book 2 + 2 CDs Publisher: ISBN: People’s Education Press 978-7-107-17422-3 Title: Learn Chinese with Me (Book Two): Workbook 2 Publisher: ISBN: People’s Education Press 978-7-107-17545-9 To be used: This workbook should be purchased by students and is available for purchase from the school. Mandarin VII-VIII Title: Learn Chinese with Me (Book Two): Student’s book 2 + 2 CDs Publisher: People’s Education Press ISBN: 978-7-107-17422-3 Title: Learn Chinese with Me (Book Two): Workbook 2 Publisher: People’s Education Press ISBN: 978-7-107-17545-9 To be used: This workbook should be purchased by students and is available for purchase from the school. Title: Learn Chinese with Me (Book Three): Student’s book 3 + 2 CDs Publisher: People’s Education Press ISBN: 978-7-107-17719-4 Title: Learn Chinese with Me (Book Three): Workbook 3 Publisher: People’s Education Press ISBN: 978-7-107-18229-7 To be used: This workbook should be purchased by students and is available for purchase from the school. Math CC: Multivariable Calculus AP Edition Calculus, 7th edition 9780840048219 James Stewart BROKES/COLE Cengage Learning Math PAP: Multivariable Calculus AP Edition Calculus, 7th edition 9780840048219 James Stewart BROKES/COLE Cengage Learning Math PAP: Game Theory Course Resources: Title: Markets, Games and Strategic Behavior Author: Charles A. Holt Publisher: Pearson ISBN: 0-321-41931-6 Title: Strategy: An Introduction to Game Theory Author: Joel Watson Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company ISBN: 978-0-393-92934-8 Math: Linear Algebra Linear Algebra Author: David Cherney, Tom Denton, and Andrew Waldron First Edition. Davis California, 2013. Math: 8/7 Saxon Math 8/7 ISBN #: 1-56577-509-0 Math: Algebra 1/2 Textbook: Algebra 1/2 3rd edition By Stephen Hake and John Saxon ISBN: 1-56577-149-4 Math: Algebra I/Geometry The textbook to be used for the course is Algebra 1: An Incremental Development, 3rd Edition by John H. Saxon Jr., ISBN-10: 1565771346 A classroom set will also be available for Saxon Geometry: 9th Edition, ISBN-10: 160277305X The Algebra 1 textbook which will be provided during the first day of class and will be collected at the end of the school year. The condition of the book is the student's responsibility, so take care of your book! Students are required to bring their book to class everyday, except for test days. Math: Algebra II/Geometry Title: Algebra2, Second Edition Author: Saxon, J Publisher: Saxon publishers, Inc.,. ISBN: 0-939798-62-X A classroom set will also be available for Saxon Geometry: 9th Edition, ISBN-10: 160277305X Math: AP Calculus AB Student Textbook: Calculus with Trigonometry and Analytic Geometry, Second Ed. Author: Saxon, J., Wang, F. Publisher: Saxon Publishers, Inc. ISBN: 1-56577-146-X Provided by BASIS Tucson North Math: AP Calculus BC Student Textbook: Calculus with Trigonometry and Analytic Geometry, Second Ed. Author: Saxon, J., Wang, F. Publisher: Saxon Publishers, Inc. ISBN: 1-56577-146-X Provided by BASIS Tucson North Math: Pre-Calculus A.S.0 Student Textbook: Advanced Mathematics: An Incremental Development Second Edition Author: John H. Saxon, Jr. Publisher: Saxon Publishers, Inc. ISBN: 1-56577-039-0 A classroom set will also be available for Saxon Geometry: 9th Edition, ISBN-10: 160277305X Title: Trigonometry, 6th ed. Author: Sullivan, Michael Publisher: Prentice Hall ISBN: 0-13-041224-4 Videos: NOVA: Fractals: Hunting the Hidden Dimension Newton's Dark Secrets Cosmic Voyage: 3&list=PL070611033BAFA90D Math: Pre-Calculus AB Student Textbook: Advanced Mathematics: An Incremental Development Second Edition Author: John H. Saxon, Jr. Publisher: Saxon Publishers, Inc. ISBN: 1-56577-039-0 A classroom set will also be available for Saxon Geometry: 9th Edition, ISBN-10: 160277305X Title: Trigonometry, 6th ed. Author: Sullivan, Michael Publisher: Prentice Hall ISBN: 0-13-041224-4 Videos: NOVA: Fractals: Hunting the Hidden Dimension Newton's Dark Secrets Cosmic Voyage: 3&list=PL070611033BAFA90D Math: Pre-Calculus B Student Textbook: Advanced Mathematics: An Incremental Development Second Edition Author: John H. Saxon, Jr. Publisher: Saxon Publishers, Inc. ISBN: 1-56577-039-0 Provided by BASIS Tucson North Additional Resource: Saxon Geometry 9th Edition ISBN-10: 160277305X Classroom Set provided by BASIS Tucson North Title: Trigonometry, 6th ed. Author: Sullivan, Michael Publisher: Prentice Hall ISBN: 0-13-041224-4 Videos: NOVA: Fractals: Hunting the Hidden Dimension Newton's Dark Secrets Cosmic Voyage: 3&list=PL070611033BAFA90D Math: Statistics AP Primary Textbook, References, and Resource Materials Moore, David S. and McCabe, Goerge P. Introduction to the Practice of Statistics, 6th Edition. New York: W.H. Freeman, 2006. The Princeton Review: Cracking the AP Statistics Exam 2014 Music 6: Choir The Pirates of Penzance (Universal Studios) Peter and the Wolf (Disney, Magnolia Studio, and/or Deutsche Grammophon) Eric Whitacre: A virtual choir 2,000 voices strong (TED Talk) Virtual Choir Videos (Eric Whitacre) Fantasia and Fantasia 2000 (Disney) Into the Woods (Disney) P.D.Q. Bach in Houston: We Have a Problem! Leonard Bernstein’s Young People’s Concerts Keeping Score series (San Francisco Symphony) Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Live performances of listening journal selections listed in syllabus Optional/suggested resources to support choir class: Building Beautiful Voices, Paul Nesheim, ISBN 0893281387 Quick Starts for Young Choirs, Cristi Cari Miller, ISBN 1480342262 The Choral Approach to Sight-Singing, Emily Crocker and Joyce Eilers, ISBN 0634008803 A New Approach to Sight Singing, Sol Berkowitz, Gabriel Fontrier, and Leo Kraft, ISBN 0393911500 333 Elementary Exercises, Zoltan Kodaly and Percy Young, ISBN 8765057325 Crowd Control: Classroom Management and Effective Teaching for Chorus, Band, and Orchestra, Susan L. Haugland, ISBN 147580363X Music Theory in Practice Grade 1 (ABRSM), Eric Taylor, ISBN 1860969429 Lives of the Musicians: Good Times, Bad Times (and What the Neighbors Thought), Kathleen Krull and Kathryn Hewitt, ISBN 152164367 Music Listening Today, Charles Hoffer, ISBN 1285446186 Music in Western Civilization Volumes I + II, Craig Wright and Bryan Simms This course is supplemented with teacher notes and handouts provided in class. Guest performers may be invited to the class. Music 7: Band Course Resources The Nutcracker (George Balanchine) Peter and the Wolf (Disney, Magnolia Studio, and/or Deutsche Grammophon) Hansel and Gretel (Metropolitan opera) Vivaldi's Ring of Mystery (Classical Kids) The Magic Flute (Metropolitan Opera) Beethoven's Eroica (Keeping Score) The Firebird (Royal Ballet and Keeping Score) Into the Woods (Disney) Fantasia and Fantasia 2000 (Disney) P.D.Q. Bach in Houston: We Have a Problem! Leonard Bernstein’s Young People’s Concerts Keeping Score series (San Francisco Symphony) Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Herbert von Karajan and the Berliner Philharmonic: Ludwig van Beethoven Symphonies 2 & 3 Sounds Magnificent: The Story of the Symphony… Beethoven 5 & 7 Gustav Mahler Symphony No. 5 in C Minor… Chicago Symphony Orchestra Staatsoper unter den Linden in Berlin 1998…Beethoven, Schumann, Liszt, Wagner Sacre du Printemps… Moscow Classikal Ballet of N. Kasatkina and V. Vasilyov Michael Tilson Thomas: Music and emotion through time and other TED Talks Live performances of listening journal selections listed in syllabus Band Methods and Performance Literature To be chosen by the teacher. Music History and Theory A Creative Approach to Music Fundamentals, William Duckworth A New Approach to Sight Singing, Sol Berkowitz, Gabriel Fontrier, and Leo Kraft Guide to Symphonic Music, Edward Downes Music in Theory and Practice, Vol. 1, Bruce Benward Rhythmic Training, Robert Starer The Symphony, Michael Steinberg Tonal Harmony, Stefan Kostka and Dorothy Payne Music 7: Choir 333 Reading Exercises (Choral Method) - Kodaly Solfege des Solfeges – Dannhauser The Barber of Seville (Metropolitan Opera) The Marriage of Figaro (Opus Arte) The Pirates of Penzance (Universal Studios) The Transformative Power of Classical Music (TED Talk) Virtual Choir Videos (Eric Whitacre) Fantasia 2000 (Disney) Into the Woods (Disney) Live performances of listening journal selections listed in syllabus Music V Instructional Materials: Performance repertoire, pieces selected by teacher Building Beautiful Voices, Paul Nesheim, ISBN 0893281387 Quick Starts for Young Choirs, Cristi Cari Miller, ISBN 1480342262 The Choral Approach to Sight-Singing, Emily Crocker and Joyce Eilers, ISBN 0634008803 333 Elementary Exercises, Zoltan Kodaly and Percy Young, ISBN 8765057325 Recorder method book depends on school maturity (one book per student plus appropriate instrument - Yamaha preferred): Do It! Play Recorder (Soprano, Book 1 with CD), James Froseth, ISBN 1579991715 Hansel and Gretel (Metropolitan opera) Fantasia & Fantasia 2000 (Disney) The Nutcracker (George Balanchine) Peter and the Wolf (Disney, Magnolia Studio, and/or Deutsche Grammophon) Beethoven Lives Upstairs (Classical Kids) Carnival of the Animals (Looney Toons) What's Opera, Doc? and Carnival of the Animals (Looney Toons) Into the Woods (Disney) Vivaldi's Ring of Mystery (Classical Kids) Leonard Bernstein’s Young People’s Concerts Animusic Live performances of listening journal selections listed in syllabus Music Theory AP Keeping Score Series (San Franciso Symphony) Music: Band Course Resources & Books A Creative Approach to Music Fundamentals, William Duckworth A New Approach to Sight Singing, Sol Berkowitz, Gabriel Fontrier, and Leo Kraft Guide to Symphonic Music, Edward Downes Music in Theory and Practice, Vol. 1, Bruce Benward Rhythmic Training, Robert Starer The Symphony, Michael Steinberg Tonal Harmony, Stefan Kostka and Dorothy Payne Turandot (Metropolitan Opera) Into the Woods (Disney) Peter and the Wolf (Disney, Magnolia Studio, and/or Deutsche Grammophon) Hansel and Gretel (Metropolitan opera) Vivaldi's Ring of Mystery (Classical Kids) The Magic Flute (Metropolitan Opera) Beethoven's Eroica (Keeping Score) The Firebird (Royal Ballet and Keeping Score) Into the Woods (Disney) Fantasia and Fantasia 2000 (Disney) P.D.Q. Bach in Houston: We Have a Problem! Leonard Bernstein’s Young People’s Concerts Keeping Score series (San Francisco Symphony) Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Herbert von Karajan and the Berliner Philharmonic: Ludwig van Beethoven Symphonies 2 & 3 Sounds Magnificent: The Story of the Symphony… Beethoven 5 & 7 Gustav Mahler Symphony No. 5 in C Minor… Chicago Symphony Orchestra Staatsoper unter den Linden in Berlin 1998…Beethoven, Schumann, Liszt, Wagner Sacre du Printemps… Moscow Classikal Ballet of N. Kasatkina and V. Vasilyov Michael Tilson Thomas: Music and emotion through time and other TED Talks Live performances of listening journal selections listed in syllabus Music: Choir Kodaly - 333 Reading Exercises (Choral Method) Dannhauser - Solfege des Solfeges Supplemental Materials (for sight singing) Bach/ed. Silverman - Complete Book of Bach Chorales The Methodist Hymnal (words omitted) Turandot (Metropolitan Opera) L'elisir d'amore (Metropolitan Opera) The Pirates of Penzance (Universal Studios) The Transformative Power of Classical Music (TED Talk) How the Human Voice Works (Silent Action 1920s) Virtual Choir Videos (Eric Whitacre) Into the Woods (Disney) Photography Video/Audio American Photography: A Century of Images (PBS), 1999 La Jete, unrated, 1970 In the Valley of the Shadow of Doubt, Radio Lab: Season 11 episode 1, 2012 Dove: Evolution, dirs. Yael Staav & Tom Piper, 2006 Ansel Adams: A Documentary Film, 2002 Physical Geography The World and Its People by Boehm et. al. 00786009763 Science by Biggs et. al. ISBN: ISBN: 0078600499 Weather and Climate by Holt et. al. Inside the Restless Earth by Holt et. al. Water on Earth by Holt et. al. ISBN: 0030647924 ISBN: 0030647843 ISBN: 0030647894 Students do not need to purchase the textbooks listed above. We will use a classroom set and sections will be photocopied as needed. In addition to the textbooks listed above, there is a classroom set of student atlases that will be used in our studies. We will also utilize,, Google earth, and ArcGIS software. Physics AP1 The following book is the recommended text for the course. The school will loan to students. Physics: Principles with Applications, 5 Douglas Giancoli Publisher: Prentice Hall th 5 ed. ISBN: 0-13-061143-3 th 6 ed. ISBN: 0-13-060620-0 th or 6 th ed. by Physics AP2 The following book is the recommended text for the course. The school will loan to students. th th Physics: Principles with Applications, 5 or 6 ed. by Douglas Giancoli Publisher: Prentice Hall th 5 ed. ISBN: 0-13-061143-3 th 6 ed. ISBN: 0-13-060620-0 Physics APC Students will be required to have a scientific calculator, pen and pencils, lined paper and graph paper. Graphing calculators are recommended but not required. These materials should be brought to class every day. The following book is the recommended text for the course. The school will loan to students. th Fundamentals of Physics, 9 ed. by David Halliday, Jearl Walker, and Robert Resnick Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc ISBN: 978-0-470-46908-8 Physics CC: Astrophysics Homework and assessments will be based on notes presented in class, but a supplementary textbook may provide useful to students. If students would like to purchase a reference for the course I would recommend: An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics by Carroll and Ostlie Student research will focus on journal publications available online through the Pima County Library, NASA ADS, and ASTRO-ph websites. Physics I The following text books may provide useful reference for students: Holt Science & Technology: Forces, Motion, and Energy ISBN: 978-0030648021 Holt Science & Technology: Sound and Light ISBN: 9780030648076 Holt Science & Technology: Electricity and Magnetism ISBN: 978-0030501227 Conceptual Physics Paul G. Hewitt ISBN: 0-321-009711 Videos: Bill Nye the Science Guy Mythbusters NASA Television Physics II The following text books may provide useful reference for students: Holt Science & Technology: Forces, Motion, and Energy ISBN: 978-0030648021 Holt Science & Technology: Sound and Light ISBN: 9780030648076 Holt Science & Technology: Electricity and Magnetism ISBN: 978-0030501227 Conceptual Physics Paul G. Hewitt ISBN: 0-321-009711 Physics III Students will be required to have a scientific calculator, paper, pen and pencils. Graphing calculators are permitted but not required. These materials should be brought to class every day. The following textbook will be used in class and for homework. Students should bring the book to class every day unless notified in advance by the teacher. The school will loan the book to students. Physics for Cambridge IGCSE by Jim Breithaupt and Viv Newman Publisher: Nelson Thornes ISBN: 978-1-4085-0019-4 Spanish AP Course texts: 1. Temas: AP Spanish Language and Culture-Draggett, Conlin, Ehrsam and Millán. (checked out from school) 2. Temas: AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam Preparation (checked out from school) 3. Temas: AP Spanish Language and Culture Website (students will complete numerous types of activities on this website including but not limited to written blogs and video blogs, grammar activities, reading, and short film clips. Spanish I-III Spanish IV-V 1. Realidades 1 - Checked out from school 2. The Realidades 1 Practice and Activity Workbook (ISBN: 9780133692686) must be purchased grades. 1. Realidades 1 - Checked out from school 2. The Realidades 1 Workbook (ISBN: 9780133692686). See under school supplies. Spanish IX - Imagina Textbook and Student Activities Manual worbook by Vista Higher Learning will be borrowed from school. Spanish PAP - Temas Textbook and workbook by Vista Higher Learning will be borrowed from school. Books: Spanish VI-VII 1. Descubre 3: Lengua y cultura del mundo hispánico by Blanco; 2014 Vista Higher Learning, Inc 2. Descubre 3: Lengua y cultura del mundo hispánico Workbook- Please do not write in these - do homework in separate paper 3. Descubre 3: Lengua y cultura del mundo hispánicoOnline workbook (this includes homework, short flim clips, video-blogs) Spanish VIII Course Texts: 1. Imagina: Español sin barreras; Curso intermedio de lengua española by Blanco, Tocaimaza-Hatch, 2015 by Higher Vista Learning. (Text, workbook, and website)(borrowed from school) Visual Arts V (5th) Great Wall of LA: Bill Moyers-Creativity in America John James Audubon: Drawn from Nature(2006) Various Wayand Kulit performances Chinese Tea Ceremony Japanese Tea Ceremony: Tea At Koken Various television commercials Supplemental Texts Edwards, Betty. Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain: A Course in Enhancing Creativity and Artistic Confidence. J.P. Tarcher, Inc., LA. Distributed by St. Martin’s Press, NY. (ISBN 0-87477-088-2) Duggleby, John. Story Painter. Chronicle Books. (ISBN-10: 08118208230) Schlagman, Richard. The Art Museum. First Edition. Phaidon Press Ltd, London. (ISBN 978 071485652 0) Strickland, Carol, Ph.D., and Boswell, John The Annotated Mona Lisa: A Crash Course from Prehistoric to PostModern. Second Edition. Andrews McMeel Publishing, LLC, Kansas City. (ISBN-13: 0-978-0-7407-6872-9 ISBN- 10: 07407-6872-7) Videos (all family friendly) Various Youtube clips Various Art 21 excerpts Supplemental Websites sofArt.htm,