Florida 4th Grade Social Studies Curriculum Standards

Florida 4
Grade Studies Weekly
Social Studies Standards Coverage
SS.4.A.1.2,SS.4.A.2.1, SS.4.A.3.8, SS.4.G.1.1, SS.4.G.1.2,SS.4.G.1.4, SS.4.A.1.1
Week 1: Welcome to Florida Studies
Students will examine Florida's state symbols and their origins.
SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.A.3.7, SS.4.A.6.3,SS.4.G.1.1, SS.4.A.1.1
Week 7: Spanish Explorers
Students will study the explorers who discovered Florida, emphasizing Ponce de
Leon. They will learn about other Spanish explorers who sought treasure in
Florida. SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.A.3.1, SS.4.A.3.2,SS.4.A.3.7, SS.4.A.6.1, SS.4.A.9.1, SS.4.G
.1.1,SS.4.G.1.2, SS.4.G.1.4, SS.4.A.1.1
Week 2: Three Branches of Government
Students will define a constitution and examine some examples from the U.S.
Constitution. Students will learn about the bicameral congress, the three branches
of government, and the system of checks and balances.
SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.C.1.1, SS.4.C.2.1, SS.4.C.2.2,SS.4.C.2.3, SS.4.C.3.1, SS.4.C.3.2, SS.4
Week 8: Saint Augustine: French vs. Spanish
Students will study the sea battle between the French and Spanish over the land
that is now Florida. Students will learn about conflicts and motives of the first
Florida settlements, including battles and the search for religious freedom.
SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.A.3.1,SS.4.A.3.3, SS.4.A.3.5, SS.4.A.3.6, SS.4.A.3.7,SS.4.A.9.1, SS.
4.G.1.2, SS.4.G.1.4, SS.4.A.1.1
Week 3: Government Functions
Students will compare the state government to the national government. They will
also learn about government functions and jobs that make our way of life possible.
SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.A.6.3, SS.4.C.2.1,SS.4.C.2.3, SS.4.C.3.2, SS.4.A.1.1
Week 4: Florida's Physical Features
Students will discuss Florida's geology, climate and sea levels. They will also define
the six great regions of Florida.
SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.A.2.1, SS.4.G.1.1,SS.4.G.1.2, SS.4.G.1.3, SS.4.G.1.4, SS.4.A.1.1
Week 9: Spanish Missions
Students will learn about Spanish missionaries who came to Florida seeking to bring
their religion to the natives. They will discuss the interactions between missionaries
and natives.
SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.A.3.1,SS.4.A.3.2, SS.4.A.3.4, SS.4.A.3.6, SS.4.A.3.7,SS.4.A.4.2, SS.
4.A.6.1, SS.4.A.9.1, SS.4.G.1.1,SS.4.G.1.2, SS.4.G.1.4, SS.4.A.1.1
Week 5: Flora & Fauna of Florida
Students will define flora and fauna and examine various related terms for
describing plant and animal life. Students will learn about Florida's endangered
species and other species native to the state.
SS.4.A.1.2,SS.4.A.3.7, SS.4.A.6.3, SS.4.G.1.1, SS.4.G.1.2,SS.4.G.1.3, SS.4.G.1.4, SS.
4.C.2.1, SS.4.C.2.2,SS.4.A.1.1
Week 10: History of Castillo de San Marco
Students will learn about the construction of the Castillo de San Marcos. They will
also learn about settlers who played important roles in the conflict between the
French and Spanish.
SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.A.3.2,SS.4.A.3.3, SS.4.A.3.5, SS.4.A.3.6, SS.4.A.3.7,SS.4.A.4.2, SS.
4.A.9.1, SS.4.G.1.1, SS.4.G.1.2,SS.4.G.1.4, SS.4.A.1.1
Week 6: Natives of Florida
Students will learn about the first humans and animals that lived in Florida.
Students will examine the cultures of the various tribes that inhabited Florida.
Week 11: English Florida
Students will study the invasion of the British, the French and Indian War, and the
historic geography of Florida. Students will also learn about the hardships of early
settlers in British Florida.
SS.4.A.1.2,SS.4.A.3.2, SS.4.A.3.3, SS.4.A.3.6, SS.4.A.3.7,SS.4.A.4.2, SS.4.A.6.1, SS.
4.A.9.1, SS.4.G.1.1,SS.4.G.1.2, SS.4.G.1.4, SS.4.A.1.1
Week 17: Civil War
Students will learn the definition of civil war. They will examine important battles
that took place in Florida and learn about the Emancipation Proclamation.
SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.A.5.1, SS.4.A.6.3, SS.4.A.9.1,SS.4.G.1.1, SS.4.G.1.2, SS.4.G.1.4, SS.
Week 12: American Revolution and Florida
Students will identify the role of lorida on the British side in the American
Revolution. They will learn about significant points of the war and the outcome that
returned Florida to the British.
SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.A.3.2,SS.4.A.3.6, SS.4.A.3.7, SS.4.A.4.2, SS.4.A.6.1,SS.4.A.9.1, SS.
4.G.1.1, SS.4.G.1.2, SS.4.G.1.4,SS.4.E.1.2, SS.4.A.1.1
Week 18: Reconstruction
Week 13: Florida Pirates & The Spanish Return
Week 19: Spanish American War
Students will study the role of pirates in Florida's history. They will also discuss
Spain's neglect, which led to Florida becoming a pirate-filled state.
SS.4.A.1.2,SS.4.A.3.6, SS.4.A.3.7, SS.4.A.9.1, SS.4.G.1.1,SS.4.G.1.4, SS.4.A.1.1
Students will study the reasons for the Spanish-American War and learn why it is
called The Splendid Little War. Students will learn about the cities and people that
were significant to the war.
SS.4.A.1.2,SS.4.A.6.3, SS.4.A.6.4, SS.4.A.9.1, SS.4.G.1.1,SS.4.G.1.2, SS.4.G.1.4, SS.
4.E.1.1, SS.4.A.1.1
Students will be introduced to the Reconstruction Period. They will also be
introduced to groups like carpetbaggers and scalawags that are associated with
Reconstruction. SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.A.5.2, SS.4.A.9.1,SS.4.G.1.1, SS.4.G.1.2, SS.4.G.1.
4, SS.4.C.2.2,SS.4.A.1.1
Week 14: Territorial Years
Students will study how Florida became a territory of the U.S. thanks to Andrew
Jackson and Jean Lafitte's pirates.
SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.A.3.6, SS.4.A.3.7,SS.4.A.3.9, SS.4.A.4.2, SS.4.A.9.1, SS.4.G.1.1,SS.
4.G.1.2, SS.4.G.1.4, SS.4.A.1.1
Week 20: Modern Transportation
Students will think about different types of transportation. They will study the
history of transportation in Florida as well as inventors who are important in
transportation history.
SS.4.A.1.2,SS.4.A.4.1, SS.4.A.6.3, SS.4.A.9.1, SS.4.G.1.2,SS.4.G.1.4, SS.4.A.1.1
Week 15: The Seminole Wars
Students will be introduced to Florida's Seminole Indians and their conflicts with
SS.4.A.1.2,SS.4.A.3.2, SS.4.A.4.2, SS.4.A.1.1
Week 21: Modern Communication
Students will discuss the importance of new technology, such as e-mail, in
communication. They will also study some of the major inventors in the history of
communication.SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.A.4.1, SS.4.A.9.1,SS.4.G.1.1, SS.4.G.1.2, SS.4.G.1.
4, SS.4.A.1.1
Week 16: Florida Statehood
Students will study how Florida became a state after hundreds of years of French,
Spanish and British control. They will also study the controversial issue of slavery in
the new state.
SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.A.4.2,SS.4.A.6.1, SS.4.A.6.3, SS.4.A.9.1, SS.4.G.1.1,SS.4.G.1.2, SS.
4.G.1.4, SS.4.E.1.1, SS.4.C.1.1,SS.4.A.1.1
Week 22: WWI
Students will study World War I and the ensuing Great Depression. They will look at
Florida's role in these events of history.
SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.A.6.3, SS.4.A.7.1,SS.4.A.7.2, SS.4.A.9.1, SS.4.G.1.1, SS.4.G.1.2,SS.
4.G.1.4, SS.4.C.2.2, SS.4.A.1.1
Week 23: WWII
SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.A.4.1,SS.4.A.6.1, SS.4.A.9.1, SS.4.G.1.1, SS.4.G.1.2,SS.4.G.1.4, SS.
4.E.1.2, SS.4.A.1.1
Students will study World War II and will learn how it brought many people to
Florida. Students will learn about Eddie Rickenbacker and the effects of WWII at
home. SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.A.6.1, SS.4.A.6.3,SS.4.A.7.3, SS.4.A.9.1, SS.4.G.1.1, SS.4.G.
1.2,SS.4.G.1.3, SS.4.G.1.4, SS.4.C.2.2, SS.4.A.1.1
Week 30: Spaceport of Planet Earth
Students will look at Florida's space program and the importance of Cape
Canaveral. Students will gain knowledge of specific programs that helped navigate
space. SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.A.4.1, SS.4.A.6.1,SS.4.A.8.3, SS.4.A.9.1, SS.4.G.1.1, SS.4.G.
1.2,SS.4.G.1.4, SS.4.A.1.1
Week 24: Florida's Population
Students will discuss factors that helped Florida's population rise.
SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.A.4.1, SS.4.A.6.1,SS.4.A.6.3, SS.4.A.7.1, SS.4.A.8.2, SS.4.A.9.1,SS.
4.G.1.1, SS.4.G.1.2, SS.4.G.1.3, SS.4.G.1.4,SS.4.E.1.1, SS.4.E.1.2, SS.4.A.1.1
Week 31: Florida's Tourist Industry
Students will study the importance of tourism as an industry in Florida.
SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.A.6.1,SS.4.A.6.3, SS.4.A.8.4, SS.4.G.1.1, SS.4.G.1.2,SS.4.G.1.4, SS.
4.E.1.1, SS.4.A.1.1
Week 32: Florida Review
Week 25: Florida Cities
While reflecting on important people and places of Florida, students will design an
itinerary for the tourists they have learned about.
SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.G.1.1,SS.4.G.1.2, SS.4.G.1.3, SS.4.G.1.4, SS.4.A.1.1
Students will study Florida's major cities and their histories. Students will discuss
reasons for big cities as they compare various cities of Florida.
SS.4.A.1.2,SS.4.A.3.3, SS.4.A.6.1, SS.4.A.9.1, SS.4.G.1.2,SS.4.G.1.4, SS.4.E.1.2, SS.
4.C.2.2, SS.4.A.1.1
Week 26: Contemporary Wars
Students will learn about conflicts that the U.S. is involved in to defend freedom.
They will discuss conflicts around the world and how Americans feel about these
conflicts. SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.A.6.3, SS.4.G.1.2,SS.4.G.1.4, SS.4.C.2.3, SS.4.A.1.1
Week 27: Contemporary Florida Men and Women
Students will learn about important men and women from Florida who have
affected the world in positive ways.
SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.A.6.3, SS.4.A.8.1,SS.4.A.9.1, SS.4.G.1.1, SS.4.G.1.2, SS.4.G.1.4,SS.
4.C.2.2, SS.4.A.1.1
Week 28: Floridian Multi-Cultural Society
Students will discuss the variety of cultures found in Florida and their influence.
SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.A.6.2,SS.4.A.6.3, SS.4.A.9.1, SS.4.G.1.1, SS.4.G.1.2,SS.4.G.1.4, SS.
4.E.1.1, SS.4.A.1.1
Week 29: Florida Industries
Students will look at the industries that create jobs for Floridians. Students will also
learn about Florida's natural resources.