AIAA-98-4560 AUTONOMOUS ORBIT DETERMINATION FOR TWO SPACECRAFT FROM RELATIVE POSITION MEASUREMENTS Mark L. Psiaki * Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. 14853-7501 Abstract A batch filter has been designed and analyzed to autonomously determine the orbits of 2 spacecraft based on measurements of the relative position vector from one spacecraft to the other. This system provides a means for high-precision autonomous orbit determination for systems that cannot be dependent on signals from the GPS constellation or ground stations. The filter uses a time series of the inertiallyreferenced relative position vector, and it uses orbital dynamics models for the two spacecraft. It estimates the 6-element orbital state vectors of both spacecraft along with a drag parameter for each one. The observability of this system is demonstrated in this proof-of-concept study, and the filter’s predicted position determination accuracy is analyzed for a number of situations. Position accuracies on the order of 1 m RMS are predicted for certain configurations. Introduction Knowledge of orbit and position is a practical requirement for all Earth-orbiting spacecraft. Traditional methods of orbit determination rely on ground-based tracking measurements of range and range rate1. Recently there has been much interest in techniques that are based on using signals from GPS receivers2,3. More exotic methods have been proposed or developed that can determine a spacecraft's orbit autonomously, i.e., based solely on data from sensors that are on board the spacecraft4-7. Some satellite systems have an autonomous orbit determination requirement that stems from military considerations. In the event of a war, ground-based or GPS-based orbit determination aids may be destroyed or their signals may be jammed. Therefore, there is a need for autonomous orbit determination capabilities beyond those that can be provided by an on-board GPS receiver. This paper analyzes an idea for autonomous orbit determination of Earth-orbiting spacecraft that was ∗ Associate Professor, Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Associate Fellow, AIAA. Copyright 1998 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved. first proposed and analyzed by Markley7. The basic idea is to simultaneously determine the orbits of 2 spacecraft by making measurements of the vector from one spacecraft position to the other. In order to make the two orbits observable, this vector must be referenced to inertial space, and a time series of these measurements is needed. All of the sensors for the proposed system could reside on one of the spacecraft. Suppose that the instrumented spacecraft is called “Spacecraft A” and the other spacecraft is called “Spacecraft B.” Spacecraft A will need a 3-axis star sensor system to determine its inertial attitude. It will also need instrumentation to measure the position vector of Spacecraft B in its own spacecraft-fixed reference frame. Such instrumentation could consist of a laser range finder for measuring the distance to Spacecraft B and an optical telescope for measuring the direction to Spacecraft B. Spacecraft B could be a dumb drone, perhaps just a metal sphere with suitable reflective coating to reflect Spacecraft A’s laser range finder signal and to reflect enough sunlight to make it visible to Spacecraft A’s optical system. A number of other researchers have studied spacecraft-to-spacecraft range measurements to enhance orbit determination capabilities for a constellation of spacecraft8-10. The orbits are not all independently observable because a simultaneous rigid-body-type motion of the entire constellation does not affect the measurements8. These studies have focused on lowering the drift rates of the estimated orbits by using cross-link range data. Reference 11 considered many different measurement sets for autonomous orbit determination of high altitude spacecraft, including range and inertially-referenced angles from one spacecraft to another. The difference between that study and the present one is that Ref. 11 considered the second spacecraft, Spacecraft B, to have a known orbit and position. Markley, in the appendix of his paper, showed that the two orbits of the proposed system are absolutely observable except for certain special orbital configurations 7. One important unobservable case is that of two spacecraft in coplanar circular orbits with the same semi-major axis. His analysis considered only the 1/r2 gravitational force. It demonstrated mathematical observability without calculating covariances or predicting accuracy. The present study makes 4 contributions. First, it presents explanations for the system's observability. Second, it shows that the secular J2 effects make some of Markley's unobservable cases observable. Third, it calculates covariances based on measurement errors to predict a lower bound on orbit estimation error, and fourth, it explores how these covariances vary with configuration and system parameters such as spacecraft separation, orbit altitude, and sensor accuracy. The remainder of this paper consists of 4 sections and conclusions. Section 2 uses physics and geometry to partially explain why the 2 spacecraft orbits are simultaneously observable. Section 3 describes a model that has been used to study observability and a batch filter that has been assumed for purposes of analyzing its predicted covariance. This section describes measurement and dynamic models, and it presents a covariance analysis that will be used to study observability and accuracy as functions of configuration and system parameters. Section 4 presents the covariance analysis results. Section 5 presents some additional results and discusses operational and design issues associated with this system. Section 6 gives the conclusions. gravitational acceleration vector with respect to displacement: G = dg/dr, where g is the gravitational acceleration vector and r is the position at which the acceleration is measured. For a simple 1/||r||2 gravitational field, the gravity gradient matrix is µ G = − T 5/2 [ ( r T r ) I − 3rr T ] (1) (r r) where µ is the geocentric gravitational constant. Given this tensor in a spacecraft coordinate system, it is straightforward to determine the r vector in that coordinate system, up to a sign. There exist instruments to measure the gravity gradient 13. Conceptually, a gravity gradiometer consists of an array of very sensitive accelerometers that are arranged on a spatial grid. The accelerometer outputs are differenced to determine the spatial derivatives of the acceleration field. A gradiometer is difficult to make and use in practice. For array dimensions that would fit into a practical spacecraft, a gradiometer requires accelerometers with an extremely large dynamic range. Another problem is that spacecraft-generated gravity gradients can be significant. The present system can be thought of as a very long baseline gravity gradiometer. The two spacecraft are the proof masses of 2 accelerometers in a gravity gradiometer. Their separation is the baseline of the gradiometer. The relative position measurements can be differentiated to determine the relative acceleration. A non-zero relative acceleration is caused by the Earth’s gravity gradient. This gravity gradient depends upon the position of the midpoint between the 2 spacecraft, which is why the system yields a signal that can be used for orbit/position determination. The use of 2 independent spacecraft as the proof masses allows for large gradiometer baselines, and all of the problems with gradiometers essentially go away for large enough baselines. This system does not measure all of the elements of the G matrix, but it measures enough of the gravity gradient to effectively get a very good Earth reference. Geometric Observability of the Planar Keplerian Elements One can understand the observability of the proposed system by considering orbital geometry. First, consider the planar case for orbits in a simple 1/r2 gravitational field. Suppose that the two spacecraft orbits are in the same plane and that each is defined by 4 Kepler elements: M0, the mean anomaly at epoch, M1, the mean motion, e, the eccentricity, and ω, the argument of perigee. The mean motion is related to the mean semi-major-axis, a, by the relationship M12a3 = µ. The semi-major axis and the II. Physical/Geometrical Explanation of System Observability Getting an Earth Reference: A Gravity Gradiometer Analogy All of the various systems for autonomous Earth orbit determination rely on measuring inertial attitude and the vector or direction to some nearby object, such as the Earth or the Moon5. The Earth is the most commonly used nearby object. Its nearness increases the position accuracy that is achievable for a given sensor accuracy. Three basic methods exist for using the Earth as a reference: horizon sensing at CO2 emission wavelengths, refraction of light from nearly occulted stars, and tracking of landmarks. Each of these methods has its limitations. The Earth limb, as defined by CO2 emissions, has about a 5 km uncertainty. Stellar refraction has uncertainty associated with atmospheric effects and limitations due to the small sample of bright stars in a location where their light gets refracted. Effective landmark trackers have yet to be developed, and they also would be subject to some refraction uncertainty. Another way to get an Earth reference is through use of the Earth’s gravity gradient 12. The 3×3 gravity gradient tensor matrix, G, is the derivative of the 2 nominal situation will be considered. The nominal situation is that of 2 spacecraft in the same orbit but with different values of M0 so that there is a difference in where they are along the orbit. The nominal orbit is nearly circular, with an apogee altitude of 585 km and a perigee altitude of 515 km. The spacecraft are nominally separated by about 100 km, with Spacecraft B leading Spacecraft A around the orbit. A perturbation of the orbital elements will produce perturbations in ρBA(t) and in ψBA(t). Call these perturbation time histories ∆ρBA(t) and ∆ψBA(t). In the discussion that follows a subscript A on a Kepler element indicates that it belongs to Orbit A, and a subscript B indicates Orbit B. Thus, M0A is the mean anomaly at epoch of Orbit A and M1B is the mean motion of Orbit B. Consider why the M0 of the 2 spacecraft are simultaneously observable. If M0A and M0B are perturbed so that ∆M0A = - ∆M0B, i.e., so that both spacecraft are perturbed along their respective orbits in opposite directions, then ∆ρBA(t) is a nonzero ~constant perturbation while ∆ψBA(t) ≅ 0. If, on the other hand, ∆M0A = + ∆M0B, which perturbs both spacecraft in the same direction along their respective orbits, then ∆ρBA(t) ≅ 0 and ∆ψBA(t) is a nonzero ~constant perturbation. These two situations can be distinguished from each other based on the unique ways in which they perturb the ρBA(t) and ψBA(t) responses, Fig. 3. eccentricity are related to the semi-minor axis, b, by the relationship b2 = a2(1-e2). Figure 1 depicts the orbit of a single spacecraft, the geometric definitions of a, b, and ω, and the true anomaly at epoch, ν0, which is a function of the mean anomaly at epoch and the eccentricity: ν0 = ν(M0,e) = M0 + O(e) 14. Orbit B r BA(3) Earth Line of Nodes r BA(4) rBA(2) r BA(1) ψBA(2) Orbit A Fig. 1 Kepler elements of a planar orbit. The measurement that will be used to determine the spacecraft orbits is the inertially-referenced relative position vector between Spacecraft A and Spacecraft B, rBA. Figure 2 depicts a sequence of “snapshots” of this vector as the two spacecraft travel around their respective orbits. It is clear from these snapshots that this vector can vary with time in two distinct ways: its inertial direction, ψBA, can change with time, and its length, ρBA = ||rBA||, can change with time. ∆ρBA (m) 1000 ∆M0A = - ∆M0B = -0.004 o Orbit B 0 ∆M0A = + ∆M0B = +0.01 o rB A(3) -1000 Earth ∆ψBA (deg) Line of Nodes 0.01 rB A(4) 0 rB A(2) r BA(1) -0.01 0 ψBA(2) 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Time (sec) Orbit A Fig. 3 The effects of ∆M0A and ∆M0B on the perturbation time histories ∆ρBA(t) and ∆ψBA(t). Perturbations in M1A and M1B produce ramps in ∆ρBA(t) and ∆ψBA(t). If ∆M1A = - ∆M1B, then the two spacecraft orbit the Earth with different periods. The difference of orbital periods causes the length of rBA Fig. 2 Four snapshots of 2 spacecraft and their relative positive vector, the planar case. The remainder of this section will show how the time histories of rBA’s direction and length are locally unique functions of the 4 Kepler elements of the 2 spacecraft. In order to do this, small perturbations to a 3 to change with time so that ∆ρBA(t) is a ramp. This change also causes a roughly constant ∆ψBA(t) perturbation due to the difference in altitudes that results from the difference in semi-major axes. If ∆M1A = + ∆M1B,, then the two spacecraft orbit together but at a different common orbital rate. This gives rise to a ramping ∆ψBA(t) and leaves ∆ρBA(t) ≅ 0. Figure 4 shows ∆ρBA(t) and ∆ψBA(t) for these two perturbation cases. Obviously, these two cases can be distinguished from each other and from the cases associated with Fig. 3. of a 90o phase difference, as in the case of linearly independent ∆eA and ∆eB perturbations. They are distinguishable from ∆eA and ∆eB perturbations because they give rise to different phase and amplitude relationships between the ∆ρBA(t) signal and the ∆ψBA(t) signal than are caused by ∆eA and ∆eB perturbations. In summary, the 8 planar Kepler elements are independently observable because 8 linearly independent perturbations in these quantities give rise to 8 independent ∆ρBA(t) and ∆ψBA(t) time histories. ∆ρBA (m) ∆ρBA (m) 1000 50 0 0 ∆M1A = + ∆M1B = +2.8×10-5rad/herg -1000 ∆ψBA (deg) -50 ∆M1A = - ∆M1B = -1.0×10-5rad/herg ∆ψBA (deg) 0.06 ∆eA = - ∆eB = +1.3×10-6 0.01 0.04 0 0.02 0 0 ∆eA = + ∆eB = +1.7×10-4 1000 2000 3000 4000 -0.01 0 5000 6000 Time (sec) 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Time (sec) Fig. 4 The perturbation time histories of ∆ρBA(t) and ∆ψBA(t) that are caused by combinations of ∆M1A and ∆M1B. The simultaneous observability of the two spacecraft’s eccentricities is more difficult to understand. Perturbation of each eccentricity causes once-per-orbit oscillations of ∆ρBA(t) and ∆ψBA(t). Figure 5 shows the 1-orbit ∆ρBA(t) and ∆ψBA(t) responses for 2 linearly independent eccentricity perturbations, one in which ∆eA = -∆eB and the other in which ∆eA = +∆eB. These plots show distinct phase differences for the two cases, which make them distinguishable from each other based upon response measurements. These cases are distinguishable from the cases associated with Figs. 3 and 4 because none of those cases give rise to oscillatory response perturbations. Consider perturbations ∆ωA and ∆ωB that simultaneously enforce ∆M0A = -∆ωA and ∆M0B. = ∆ωB. Any two linearly independent perturbations of this type cause once-per-orbit oscillations that are distinguishable from each other and from the oscillations that are caused by perturbations of ∆eA and ∆eB. They are distinguishable from each other because Fig. 5 The ∆ρBA(t) and ∆ψBA(t) perturbation time histories that result from 2 linearly independent combinations ∆eA and ∆eB. Geometric Observability of the Orbital Planes The observability of the 2 orbital planes is partly explainable from geometry. First, suppose that both spacecraft are in the same orbital plane. Then rBA stays in that plane, rotating and changing length. The rotations are all about the orbit normal vector. The cross product of rBA with its time derivative indicates the orbit normal, which defines the orbital plane. The case of non-coplanar orbits is more complicated. Suppose that the two orbital planes are near each other. One might hope that the time average of rBA×{drBA/dt} would define the normal to an average orbital plane. If the rBA vector had a component that was perpendicular to this average orbital plane, then this out-of-plane component would oscillate. Its oscillation amplitude would determine the separation between the two spacecraft orbital planes, and its oscillation phase would determine where the two planes intersected. This information would be sufficient to uniquely determine both orbital planes. 4 where t is the time since epoch, θ is the colatitude, φ is the longitude, and r is the geocentric radius. The equations that define this model come from the appendix of Ref. 14 and are omitted for brevity's sake. The following physics are included in the model14: The 1/r2 gravitational force is the main force. The motions are modeled as Keplerian motions with small perturbations due to drag and higher-order gravity effects. Secular drag effects on mean motion and on semi-major axis are included, but the secular drag effect on the decay of the eccentricity is not included. The secular J2 effects on the argument of perigee and on the longitude of the ascending node are included as are the J2 effects on the relationship between the mean motion and the semi-major axis. This paper will present filter accuracy results that are orders of magnitude more accurate than this orbital dynamics model. In practice, this model is only accurate to about 6 km when propagated over a single low Earth orbit with perfectly known initial position and velocity. Although it seems inconsistent to quote more accuracy than the dynamic model can achieve, the use of an inaccurate model for a covariance study is justified by the following philosophy: The basic model features that make the system observable are contained in this crude orbital model. Therefore, a more accurate dynamic model would not make the system more or less observable in the mathematical sense. So, it is not worth the effort to incorporate a high fidelity model at this stage of the investigation. As long as a high-fidelity model exists that could propagate the orbit to the accuracy that the filter purports to achieve, then the filter’s purported accuracy could be achieved with real flight data simply by replacing its dynamic model with the high-fidelity model. Model of Measurements. The measurement model defines the sensor measurements, their error statistics, and their dependence on p. The basic measurement is the rBA vector referenced to inertial coordinates. The error statistics depend on how the vector is measured. Most likely its length would be measured by a radio-wave-based or laserbased ranging system. Its direction would be measured by some other system, possibly an optical telescope. Directional accuracy would be affected by inaccuracy of the inertial attitude determination system. The measurement vector rBA has been decomposed into length and directional measurements. Suppose that rBAmeas(k) is the measured value of rBA at sample time tk and that q$2(k) and q$3(k) are any two unit vectors Unfortunately, the actual situation is more complicated. If there is just a 1/r2 gravitational force, then the above explanation has a weakness: To first order in the orbital separation, the vector rBA can remain in a single plane even though the two orbits are in slightly different planes. This occurs when the 2 spacecraft have the same apogee and perigee and reach them at the same time 7. As will be demonstrated below, the secular effects of the J2 gravity term induce observability in this case, but it is not straightforward to explain geometrically why the system becomes observable with J2 effects. III. System Model, Batch Filter Design, and Covariance Analysis Technique System Model A system model can be used to develop a filter for estimating the orbits from data, to mathematically demonstrate observability, and to predict the covariance of the filter’s estimated orbits. Estimation Vector. The estimation vector for this study has 14 elements, 6 Kepler elements plus a drag parameter for each spacecraft. It is: p = [M0A, M1A, M2A, eA, ω0A, λ0A, iA, M0B, M1B, M2B, eB, ω0B, λ0B, iB]T (2) where M2 is the drag parameter, ω0 is the argument of perigee at epoch, λ0 is the longitude of the ascending node at epoch, and i is the inclination. The “A” and “B” subscripts refer to Spacecraft A and B, respectively. The epoch time is defined as t = 0. The p vector contains no bias or misalignment estimates. In practice, all of the sensors that would be used in the proposed system might have biases, misalignments, or both. If not corrected, such measurement errors would degrade system performance. Some of the biases/misalignments might be observable given the present set of measurements, but it is certain that not all of them are observable. The analysis that follows assumes that the spacecraft would undergo a calibration period, during which additional sensor data would be available, such as ground tracking data. This additional data would be used to determine any important biases or misalignments that otherwise would be unobservable. Model of Orbital Motion. The observability of the proposed system depends on there being an accurate model of the orbital motion of each spacecraft. This study uses a dynamic model that is based upon physics. It gives each spacecraft’s geocentric position as a function of time and orbital state: θ = θ(t; M0, M1, M2, e, ω0, λ0, i) (3a) φ = φ(t; M0, M1, M2, e, ω0, λ0, i) (3b) r = r(t; M0, M1, M2, e, ω0, λ0, i) (3c) that are perpendicular to each other and to rBAmeas(k). 5 Suppose, also, that ρBAmeas(k) = Then the measurement model is ρBAmeas(k) = ρBA(k) + nρ(k) T rBA(k) + n2(k) 0 = q$2(k) 0 = T rBA(k) q$3(k) + n3(k) T rBAmeas(k) rBAmeas(k) . (4a) (4b) η1(k)(p) = {ρBAmeas(k) - ρBAmod(k)(p)}/σmag T rBAmod(k)(p)}/σdir(k) η2(k)(p) = {- q$2(k) (8b) T rBAmod(k)(p)}/σdir(k) η3(k)(p) = {- q$3(k) (8c) (8a) The normalized measurement errors that are defined by these equations, ηi(k) for i = 1,2,3, have zero mean and unit variance, according to the statistical model. There are 2 possible forms of the length model ρBAmod(k)(p) that gets used in eq. (8a): (4c) where nρ(k) is the length error, and n2(k) and n3(k) are directional errors. They are assumed to be Gaussian random sequences and to have statistics E{ nρ(k)} = 0,E{ nρ(j)nρ(k)} = σmag 2δ jk (5a) 2 E{ ni(k)} = 0, E{ ni(j)ni(k)} = σdir(k) δ jk for i = 2,3 (5b) E{ nρ(j)ni(k)} = 0 for i = 2,3, (5c) E{ n2(j)n3(k)} = 0 (5d) where σdir(k) = max(ρBAmeas(k)•σang,σdirmin ). In these equations σmag is the standard deviation (in meters) of the length measurement error, σang is the standard deviation (in radians) of the direction measurement error, and σdirmin is a minimum direction error (in meters). Note how σang gets multiplied by ρBAmeas(k) in order to transform it into a length, consistent with the definitions of n2(k) and n3(k). The quantity σdirmin models the limiting effects of finite spacecraft size on directional accuracy for very small separations between the two spacecraft. The next part of the measurement model computes a modeled value rBA(k) as a function of the p estimation vector. Using the following definitions: θA(k)(p) = θ(t(k); M0A, M1A, M2A, eA, ω0A, λ0A, iA) (6a) φA(k)(p) = φ(t(k); M0A, M1A, M2A, eA, ω0A, λ0A, iA) (6b) rA(k)(p) = r(t (k); M0A, M1A, M2A, eA, ω0A, λ0A, iA) (6c) θB(k)(p) = θ(t(k); M0B, M1B, M2B, eB, ω0B, λ0B, iB) (6d) φB(k)(p) = φ(t(k); M0B, M1B, M2B, eB, ω0B, λ0B, iB) (6e) rB(k)(p) = r(t (k); M0B, M1B, M2B, eB, ω0B, λ0B, iB) (6f) the modeled rBA function is rBAmod(k)(p)= {rB(k) sinθB(k) cos( φB(k)+γ (k) )-rA(k) sinθA(k) cos( φA(k)+γ (k) )} {rB(k) sinθB(k) sin( φB(k)+γ (k) )-rA(k) sinθA(k) sin( φ A(k)+γ (k) )} {rB(k) cosθB(k) -rA(k) cosθ A(k) } (7) where γ(k) is the Greenwich hour angle at time t(k). This vector is referenced to Earth-centered inertial coordinates, as required. The measured and modeled rBA vectors are used to derive error equations that can be used in filtering and in covariance/observability analysis. The error equations are derived by substituting the modeled value of rBA into eqs. (4a)-(4c), solving for the measurement error vectors, and normalizing the error vectors by their standard deviations: ρBAmod(k)(p) = T rBAmeas(k) rBAmod(k) (p) (9) T rBAmeas(k) rBAmeas(k) or ρBAmod(k)(p) = T rBAmod(k) (p)rBAmod(k)(p) (10) The first form is the projection of rBAmod(k)(p) along rBAmeas(k)(p). This form provides better convergence in a nonlinear least squares batch filter. The second form is the actual length of the rBAmod(k)(p) vector. For small values of the angular direction error, σang, both forms produce similar results. Therefore, the first is to be preferred because of its better convergence. For large values of σang, however, the second form of the length measurement is preferred because it yields a smaller filter covariance and better consistency between the actual residuals’ statistics and the modeled statistics. Nonlinear Least Squares Batch Filter A batch filter based upon nonlinear least squares provides one technique for deducing a p estimation vector from a measurement sequence, rBAmeas(1), rBAmeas(2), rBAmeas(3), ..., rBAmeas(N) . This filter finds the value of p that minimizes the nonlinear least-squares cost function: N 3 (11) J(p) = 12 ∑ ∑ η i(k) (p) 2 k = 1 i = 1 which is the sum over all the sample instants of the squares of the measurement residuals that are defined in eqs. (8a)-(8c). Standard iterative gradient-based techniques exist to solve for a locally minimizing value of the p vector15. The technique that has been used here is the Gauss-Newton method with a restricted-length search step. A batch filter has been used instead of an extended Kalman filter because it is more consistent with the covariance/system-observability analysis that will be described below and because its software had already been adapted to orbit determination. A weakness of this filter is that the statistical effects of random process disturbances have not been included in its model. [ 6 ] the time since epoch. The along-track, across-track, and altitude standard deviation functions are clearly defined in Ref. 14, in eqs. (11) and (12) of that paper. For a given data batch, these position component standard deviations vary with time over the batch interval. This paper uses the maximum of each standard deviation over the batch interval as a measure of estimated spacecraft position accuracy. Statistical Interpretation and Covariance Analysis The error equations, eqs. (8a)-(8c), can be used to develop a statistical interpretation of the batch filter’s estimation error. Taken over all samples from 1 to N, the error equations take the form: η1(1)(p) η (p) 2(1) η 3(1) (p) M 0 = η(p) = (12) η1(N)(p) η 2(N) (p) η 3(N) (p) IV. Covariance Analysis Results The system’s predicted covariance has been calculated for a number of different cases. These cases explore the effects of spacecraft separation, spacecraft relative position, orbital parameters, and sensor accuracy. Before examining these effects, it is helpful to present the results of a typical case. This case will be used as a baseline for analyzing the effects of various parameter changes. The baseline case is for both spacecraft in low Earth orbits such that they stay within 150 km of each other at all times. Both orbits are nearly circular, both having an apogee altitude of 585 km and a perigee altitude of 515 km. Spacecraft B leads Spacecraft A by an along-track separation that varies between 97.8 and 99.8 km. The orbital planes are slightly different so that the maximum across-track separation is just 92.8 km. The assumed sensor error statistics are 0.1 m RMS in range (σmag ), 0.2 arc sec RMS in direction (σang), and 0.1 m minimum RMS perpendicular to rBA (σdirmin ). The number of samples used in the data batch is N = 1,501 with an inter-sample spacing of tk+1 -tk = 3.83 sec; the batch interval equals one orbital period. The orbit determination accuracy for this case is very good. The maximum along-track, across-track, and altitude standard deviations for Spacecraft A are 1.27 m, 0.64 m, and 0.82 m, respectively. The results for Spacecraft B are essentially identical, and the similarity of results for the two spacecraft carries over into all of the cases that have been run, with one exception. Therefore, only Spacecraft A’s standard deviations will be reported for most cases. Figure 6 shows Spacecraft A’s position component standard deviations as functions of time for the batch interval. These are the standard deviations implied by the covariance of the estimated p vector, Ppp. The values 1.27 m, 0.64 m, and 0.82 m are the respective maxima of the figure’s three curves. These results prove that this system is practically observable. Its observability Gramian, ATA, is nonsingular, and its condition is such that good accuracy can be achieved from these measurements. This case and various other cases are compared in Table 1. Each line of that table corresponds to a case. In each of the table’s cases the two spacecraft orbits The batch least squares cost function in eq. (11) is the squared error of these equations. The Jacobian of the error equations is 1 ∂ρ BAmod(1) − σ mag ∂p ∂rBAmod(1) 1 T ∂η − q$2(1) = σ (13) A = ∂p dir(1) ∂p M ∂rBAmod(N) 1 T q$3(N) − ∂p σ dir(N) This Jacobian must have full column rank in order for the system to be observable in the local linearized sense. The Jacobian is used to determine the covariance matrix of the batch filter’s estimated p vector: Ppp = E{(p - p est)(p - p est)T} = (ATA)-1 (14) The covariance of p is finite if and only if the system is observable because ATA is the system's observability Gramian, and it is nonsingular if and only if the system is observable. A practical test of observability is to test the size of the elements of Ppp. Strict mathematical observability holds so long as these are all finite, but very large values indicate that the system is near to being unobservable, so near that the filter’s estimates will be useless. Therefore, practical observability is investigated by considering the size of the covariance matrix. There is a problem in determining what constitutes “bigness” or “smallness” of an element of the Ppp matrix. These elements are covariances of Kepler parameters. The relationship between estimation errors in Kepler parameters and spacecraft position estimation errors is nonlinear and complicated. The solution to this problem is to characterize the “size” of a given Ppp covariance matrix by the resulting standard deviations of spacecraft position estimates. These standard deviations are functions of Ppp and of 7 separation vector's orientation. If the two spacecraft are near each other and in similar orbits, then the best accuracy is achieved when there is both significant maximum along-track separation along with significant maximum across-track separation or when their is some eccentricity and the perigee of one orbit is in phase with the apogee of the other orbit. The worst relative spacecraft locations occur when the two altitude time histories are identical and in phase. In one bad case the two orbits are also coplanar. In the other bad case the two orbits have no along-track separation. These are the unobservable cases when there is only a 1/r2 gravitational force7. When secular J2 effects are included these cases become observable (if the inclination is not zero), but accuracy is degraded. Several cases have been run to test out the dependence on separation direction. They have characteristics that are almost identical to the nominal case. In one case Spacecraft B leads Spacecraft A by 100 km in exactly the same orbital plane and with its altitude time history identical to that of Spacecraft A. This case would be unobservable if it were not for J2 effects7. This is Case 3 of Table 1. Spacecraft A’s maximum across-track position standard deviation increases to 234.3 m, up from 0.64 m in Case 1. Thus, a lack of across-track separation coupled with a lack of perigee separation leads to a degradation in acrosstrack orbit determination accuracy, but the system is still observable, presumably due to the presence of J2 effects. (Note: the correctness of the code has been verified by removal of the J2 terms, which causes the across-track variance to go to ∞ for this case.) A similar result holds when there is a lack of alongtrack separation and the altitude time histories are identical, as demonstrated by Case 4 of Table 1. In this case Spacecraft A’s maximum along-track position standard deviation is 287.6 m, as opposed to 1.27 m for Case 1. This implies that, although secular J2 effects induce observability in an otherwise unobservable case, a lack of along-track separation coupled with a lack of altitude separation degrades the along-track accuracy. A case has been run to test what happens when one spacecraft “orbits” the other. This happens when the two orbits are similar but their arguments of perigee are 180o out of phase. This case should be observable even if the orbits are coplanar 7. The case that has been run has similar orbital characteristics to the nominal case except that the spacecraft are coplanar. Its results are reported as Case 5 in Table 1. The fact that Spacecraft B is orbiting Spacecraft A shows up in the minimum and maximum along-track separation of B have the same apogee and perigee altitudes as the nominal case: 585 km and 515 km, respectively. Also, all cases use the sensor accuracies σmag = σdirmin = 0.1 m. Case 1 in Table 1 corresponds to the nominal case that has just been described. The other cases are discussed below. The last 3 columns in Table 1, the ones entitled: “Max. Component σ's,” report the maximum along-track (A-T), across-track (C-T), and altitude (Alt.) standard deviations for Spacecraft A’s estimated orbit. Component Variances (m) 1.5 Along-track 1 Across-track 0.5 Altitude 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Time (sec) Fig. 6 Spacecraft A’s three position component standard deviations as functions of time, a typical case. A very important characteristic of the system is the distance between the spacecraft. A second case has been run that is identical to the nominal case except that the spacecraft are closer to each other by a factor of 10. It is Case 2 of Table 1. Based on the gravity gradient analogy, one would expect the accuracy to decrease because the baseline separation between the proof masses is decreased without increasing the accuracy with which their relative positions are sensed. (Note that σdir remains about the same in both cases despite the decrease in ρAB for Case 2. σdir remains the same because it is already near σdirmin in the nominal case.) The prediction of decreased accuracy is borne out by the analysis. Spacecraft A’s three position component standard deviation maxima are almost 10 times larger than for the nominal case -- compare Cases 1 and 2 in Table 1. Thus, there is an inverse relationship between the spacecraft separation and the system accuracy for a given sensor accuracy. Another significant system characteristic is the relationship to the two orbits of the spacecraft 8 from A. The accuracy of this case is comparable to that of Case 1, which shows that practical observability also holds for this case. The batch duration also affects the accuracy. If the batch duration is increased to 2 orbits while the number of samples remains the same, then the accuracy improves slightly, as shown by Case 6 of Table 1. The biggest improvements over the nominal, Case 1, are in the along-track and altitude maximum standard deviations. This is probably due to improvements in the drag parameter’s accuracy. The angular accuracy of the rBA measurement, σang, has a significant impact on the predicted estimation accuracy. A case has been tried in which σang is increased from its 0.2 arc sec nominal value to a value of 2.0 arc sec, which is what might be available from a less expensive but still high-end attitude determination system and spacecraft observation telescope. All other orbital and system characteristics have been kept the same as in the nominal case. These results are reported as Case 7 in Table 1. They show 4- to 6-fold position accuracy decreases, which is not bad considering the 10-fold decrease in the angular sensor accuracy. The effects of orbital parameters have been investigated. In studying these effects, the following system characteristics have been held constant at values like those of the nominal case: Spacecraft B leads Spacecraft A by an along-track separation that is nearly constant and equals about 100 km. The orbital planes are slightly different so that the maximum across-track separation is about 100 km. The sensor accuracies are σmag = 0.1 m, σang = 0.2 arc sec, and σdirmin = 0.1 m. The data batch consists of N = 1,501 samples, and inter-sample spacing is varied from case to case to keep the batch interval equal to one orbital period. The effects of altitude, eccentricity, and inclination of the 2 spacecraft orbits have been investigated. Inclination of the average orbital plane has little or no effect on the system accuracy if the nominal relationship between the two spacecraft orbits is maintained. Table 2 reports the effects of the altitude and eccentricity of the 2 spacecraft orbits. Case 1 of Table 2 is the same nominal case as Case 1 of Table 1. Cases 1, 8, and 9 of Table 2 show a modest degradation of position accuracy with increases in orbital altitude for nearly circular orbits. Case 9 corresponds to geosynchronous orbits. At this altitude the positional standard deviations are about 6 times larger than for LEO orbits. Case 10 of Table 2 gives results for a pair of orbits with significant eccentricity. Its maximum position component standard deviations are only slightly larger than those of a circular LEO orbit -compare Cases 1 and 10 of Table 2. Orbital inclination has a marked effect on system accuracy in two special cases. These corresponds to the two unobservable cases noted by Markley: the cases of identical altitude time histories for the two spacecraft and either zero along-track separation or zero across-track separation7. As noted above, secular J2 effects induce observability in these otherwise unobservable cases, that is, if the orbit is inclined. At any appreciable inclination J2 has a strong beneficial effect, as witnessed by Cases 3 and 4 of Table 1, which fall into these categories but have inclinations of 45o and 90o, respectively. A case like Case 3, but with 0.25o inclination, produces a maximum across-track position standard deviation of 3.7x106m. At zero inclination all such cases revert to being unobservable. Another case that has been tried is that of 2 spacecraft in very different orbits. Spacecraft A is in a LEO orbit like the nominal case. Spacecraft B is in a 12-hour orbit, with an apogee altitude of 20,299 km and a perigee altitude of 20,165 km. In addition, the 2 spacecraft are in very different orbital planes. Sensor accuracies like those of the nominal case are used. The data batch contains 1,501 samples with a sample spacing of 15.32 sec. This translates into a data interval that includes 4 orbits of Spacecraft A, but only slightly more than 1/2 of an orbit of Spacecraft B. This case does not consider occulting of Spacecraft B by the Earth; thus, the results are optimistic. The results for this case are very good. Spacecraft A’s maximum position standard deviations are 0.25 m along-track, 0.24 m across-track, and 0.01 m in altitude. Spacecraft B’s maximum position standard deviations are 0.68 m along-track, 0.95 m across-track, and 0.02 m in altitude. One might expect these results to be even better based on the large separations between the spacecraft. Unfortunately, the growth in σdir due to its ρBA*σang dependence probably militates against increased accuracy in this case. Another interesting case that has been investigated is that of 2 ballistic missiles. It might be possible to use this technique to do mid-course orbit determination for a pair of ballistic missiles in their coast phase. The case that is considered is that of 2 ballistic missiles that must travel from a launch site to a target that is 75o away on the Earth’s surface (8,300 km away). The missiles travel in the minimum energy orbit that is required to traverse this distance, an orbit with an apogee altitude of 1,289 km. Missile B leads Missile A by 85.8 km to 101.6 km of along-track separation, and they have a maximum across-track separation of 101.6 km. The data batch interval begins 9 when Missile A leaves the sensible atmosphere, at 100 km altitude, and the interval ends when Missile B starts to re-enter the atmosphere, at 100 km of altitude. For a sample interval of 1.00 sec. this translates into a total of N = 1665 samples. The results for this case are reasonably good. The maximum along-track standard deviation is 27.79 m, the maximum across-track standard deviation is 15.47 m, and the maximum altitude standard deviation is 12.20 m. The main reason why these results are not as good as comparable LEO cases is the shortness of the batch interval. It is just 1,664 sec. long. The other LEO cases are 5,745 sec. long, the length of a full orbit. Memory and execution time requirements are not large by current standards. Typical run times in FORTRAN on a 100 MHz Pentium processor are 2.6 sec. per iteration for a case with 1,501 samples. The run time varies linearly with the number of samples in the data batch. The executable code uses double precision arithmetic and occupies 177 Kbytes of memory, which includes space for data storage. One practical aspect of the proposed system that will need attention in the future is the issue of field-ofview requirements for the instrument that detects the direction of Spacecraft B in Spacecraft A’s coordinate system. The best spacecraft orbital relationships involve either significant across-track deviations or one spacecraft "orbiting" the other. If the direction telescope had a narrow field of view, then Spacecraft A would have to be slewed in order to keep Spacecraft B in the sensor’s field of view. Alternatively, Spacecraft B’s position might not be sampled as often as is assumed in the foregoing analyses. Instead, it’s position would be sampled only as often as it entered the direction telescope’s field of view. Such an operational change would surely decrease the system’s accuracy. A system study will need to be done to determine the accuracy and cost tradeoffs involved in solving the field-of-view issue. This is just a proof-of-concept study of the proposed system. Much more work remains to be done to design and evaluate an actual system with hardware and operational considerations taken into account. Although the present study is likely to be optimistic in its results due to factors that have been neglected, it is quite possible that a real system will perform with an accuracy which approaches the figures that have been reported in this paper. V. Additional Results and Discussion The purpose of this section is briefly to discuss results obtained by filtering simulated truth-model data and to discuss some operational practicalities of the proposed system. The truth model results serve to confirm the correctness of the covariance analysis. The operational issues address some computational and sensor requirements for the system. Truth-model data has been generated, and this data has been filtered using the batch filter of Section III. The truth model that has been used is simplistic. It uses the dynamic and measurement models of Section III. It inputs a truth value of p into these models and uses a random number generator to generate the measurement noise sequences nρ(k), n2(k), and n3(k). A limited number of truth-model data batches have been run through the filter. Not enough runs have been done for a meaningful Monte Carlo statistical analysis, but these limited results serve to confirm the covariance analyses results. For example, none of the truth-model maximum position component errors has exceeded the corresponding maximum position component standard deviation by more than a factor of 3. This confirms that the 3σ rule can be applied to the maximum component standard deviations of Section IV to predict the worst-case performance on actual data. The filter converged rapidly for fairly good initial guesses of the orbital parameters. For the LEO cases that have been considered, the maximum initial position errors ranged from 70-150 km. For the higher altitude orbits, the maximum initial position errors ranged as high as 4,400 km. The filter took between 3 and 98 Gauss-Newton iterations to converge for all cases considered. Many cases converged in under 15 iterations. Convergence can take a long time for a very poor initial guess. If eq. (10) is used to define ρBAmod(k)(p), then the filter requires many more iterations to converge from a poor initial guess. VI. Conclusions This paper has proposed and analyzed a novel system for autonomously determining the orbits of a pair of Earth-orbiting spacecraft. The system makes use of measurements of the position vector of one of the spacecraft relative to the other in an inertiallyoriented reference system. The system filters these measurements using a physically-based orbital dynamics model. The system does not need exact a priori knowledge of either spacecraft’s orbit This system has been shown to be absolutely observable in all but a few special cases that occur at zero inclination. Both orbits can be completely determined from a time history of the relative position vector. The estimation accuracy depends strongly on the relative spacecraft positions. Accuracy decreases as the spacecraft get too near to each other. Accuracy also decreases if the two spacecraft have the same 10 altitude time history and there is either too little alongtrack separation between the spacecraft or too little separation between their orbital planes. There is a slight degradation of accuracy as altitude increases. In a representative case, the covariance from filtering 1 orbit's worth of data has been computed. This case has assumed that the relative position vector measurement accuracies are 0.1 m in range and 0.2 arc sec in direction and that the two spacecraft are in similar LEO orbits with 100-km along-track and across-track separations. The study has predicted a position accuracy on the order of 1 m RMS per axis for this case. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 16, No. 1, Jan.-Feb. 1993, pp. 206-214. 7. Markley, F.L., "Autonomous Navigation Using Landmark and Intersatellite Data," AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Conf., Seattle, Washington, Aug. 20-22, 1984. 8. Ananda, M.P., Bernstein, H., Cunningham, K.E., Feess, W.A., and Stroud, E.G., "Global Positioning System (GPS) Autonomous Navigation," Proceedings of the IEEE Position, Location, and Navigation Symposium, 1990, pp. 497-508. 9. Menn, M., “Autonomous Navigation for GPS via Crosslink Ranging,” Proceedings of the IEEE Position, Location, and Navigation Symposium, Las Vegas, NV, Nov. 4-7, 1986, pp. 143-146. 10. Herklotz, R.L., “Incorporation of Cross-Link Range Measurements in the Orbit Determination Process to Increase Satellite Constellation Autonomy,” Ph.D. Thesis, M.I.T., Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 1987. 11. LeMay, J.L., Brogan, W.L., and Seal, C.E., “High Altitude Navigation Study (HANS),” Report No. TR-0073(3491)-1, The Aerospace Corp., June 1973. (Also, Defense Technical Information Center Report No. AD-773 835) 12. Roberson, R.E., “Gravity Gradient Determination of the Vertical,” American Rocket Society Journal , Vol. 31, No. 11, Nov. 1961, pp. 1509-1515. 13. Metzger, E.H., Jircitano, A., and Affleck, C., “Final Report: Satellite Borne Gravity Gradiometer Study,” Report No. 6413-950001, Bell Aerospace Textron, Buffalo, New York, March 1976. 14. Psiaki M.L., "Autonomous Orbit and Magnetic Field Determination Using Magnetometer and Star Sensor Data", Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 18, No. 3, May-June 1995, pp. 584-592. 15. Gill, P.E., Murray, W., and Wright, M.H., Practical Optimization, Academic Press, (New York, 1981). References 1. Tapley, B.D., et al., "Precision Orbit Determination for TOPEX/POSEIDON," Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 99, No. C12, pp. 24,383-24,404, Dec. 1994. 2. Wu, S.C., Yunck, T.P., and Thornton, C.L., "Reduced-Dynamic Technique for Precise Orbit Determination of Low Earth Satellites," Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 14, No. 1, Jan.-Feb. 1991, pp. 24-30. 3. Hoech, R., Bartholomew, R., Moen, V., and Grigg, K., "Design, Capabilities and Performance of a Miniaturized Airborne GPS Receiver for Space Applications," Proceedings of the IEEE Position, Location, and Navigation Symposium, Las Vegas, NV, April. 11-15, 1994, pp. 1-7. 4. Chory, M.A., Hoffman, D.P., Major, C.S., and Spector, V.A., "Autonomous Navigation -- Where We Are in 1984," AIAA Paper No. 84-1826, Proceedings of the AIAA Guidance and Control Conf., Seattle, Washington, Aug. 1984, pp. 27-37. 5. Chory, M.A., Hoffman, D.P., and LeMay, J.L., "Satellite Autonomous Navigation -- Status and History," Proceedings of the IEEE Position, Location, and Navigation Symposium, Las Vegas, NV, Nov. 4-7, 1986, pp. 110-121. 6. Psiaki M.L., Huang L., and Fox S.M., "Ground Tests of Magnetometer-Based Autonomous Navigation (MAGNAV) for Low-Earth-Orbiting Spacecraft", 11 Table 1 Spacecraft A Position Standard Deviations as Functions of System Parameters for LEO Orbits ============================================================================== Case rBA(along-track) |rBA(across-track)| σang N (tk+1 -tk) Max. Component σ's min. max. max. A-T C-T Alt. (km) (km) (km) (arc sec) (sec) (m) (m) (m) 1 97.8 99.8 92.8 0.2 1,501 3.83 1.27 0.64 0.82 2 9.8 10.0 9.3 0.2 1,501 3.83 12.1 5.71 7.62 3 99.6 100.6 0.0 0.2 1,501 3.83 1.20 234.3 1.13 4 -0.4 0.4 100.2 0.2 1,501 3.83 287.6 2.13 4.53 5 -39.9 240.0 0.0 0.2 1,501 3.83 1.14 1.02 1.20 6 102.4 103.8 92.4 0.2 1,501 7.66 0.56 0.44 0.26 7 97.8 99.8 92.8 2.0 1,501 3.83 5.33 2.80 4.60 ============================================================================== Table 2 Spacecraft A Position Standard Deviations as Functions of Orbital Apogee and Perigee =========================================================== Case Apogee Perigee Max. Component σ's A-T C-T Alt. (km) (km) (m) (m) (m) 1 585 515 1.27 0.64 0.82 8 1,000 930 1.36 0.68 0.88 9 35,912 35,659 7.72 3.93 5.02 10 3,200 500 1.67 0.73 1.15 =========================================================== 12