The Parkway Herald - Parkway Presbyterian Church

The Parkway Herald
Daniel C. Wilkers, Minister
Harold E. Fuller, Pastor Emeritus
Sally Morris-Dir. of Music Ministry
Debra Estby, Administrative Assistant
Number 7
Fred Sturdivant, Sexton
July 2015
Okay – this is the last one. Over the two decades that I’ve spent with you, I’ve tried to
use this column to inform you of things that were happening behind the scenes. I’ve tried to
spur you into some more deliberate self-examination. I’ve highlighted the various seasons in
the life of the Church. I’ve tried to show you a bit of my interior life.
It’s an imperfect medium, of course. It’s limited by my abilities in written expression
and your willingness to “play along.” There were times when things were particularly trying
that I skipped writing to you. There were times when I really had nothing new to say. Since
this is the last one – I have few thoughts:
The most important thing we have is the knowledge of God’s love for the world.
God shows up in our lives every day, but we sometimes miss the visitation.
The Christian faith is about relationships, not doctrines.
There ought to be room for diversity of opinion in the congregation.
We should not get hung up on religious duties, but enjoy spiritual freedom.
There’s a lot more, but that will do for now. What you need to know is that as I retire,
my sense of call is stronger than ever. I don’t know what’s ahead for you or me. I’m simply
trusting that God is not finished with either of us yet.
Saturday morning, June 20th, the garden group filled 4 new beds with soil. We harvested
cucumbers, squash and green beans from the Parkway garden and the Pre-school children's
garden. We applied for and received a grant of $500 from the Presbyterian Hunger Fund. This
money comes from the One Great Hour of Sharing. Thank you contributors!
These are the names of the people who help with the garden.
Marcia & Rick Cole
Lu Dunkelburg
Arlene Keller
Dianne & Fred Luce
Ed & Katie Shugart
Jenny Shugart
Randy & Patty Weisz
Leo Weisz
Jack Trawick
Your Presbyterian Women’s Coordinating Committee met on May 26, 2015. At that meeting, several important
dates were determined.
August 22, 2015 SUMMER GATHERING – Nancy Penry has graciously agreed to be the hostess for a
Saturday morning brunch at 10 am. More details will follow.
December 6, 2015 SPRINGWOOD CARE CENTER CHRISTMAS PARTY at 2:30 pm– 5755 Shattalon Drive
Winston-Salem, NC. More details will follow.
Parkway Presbyterian Preschool had a hugely successful first year! We could not be more pleased to
call Parkway our home! We began our year with less than 50 students and grew to 63 students by
the year’s end. And we continue to GROW! Throughout the year we filled the once quiet hallways
with creativity and laughter. We learned letters, numbers, how to share, how to listen and enjoyed
many special days including Muffins with Moms, Donuts with Dads, a Thanksgiving feast, a
Christmas program, visits from silly leprechauns, and much more. The preschool joined the Garden
committee and celebrated Earth Day by planting our own section of the garden. Our crops will be
tasted by the preschoolers and donated to those in need.
We look forward to next fall where we can continue to grow and flourish at Parkway. The preschool
will continue to provide a safe and Christian environment in which children can grow emotionally,
physically, cognitively and spiritually.
Thank you to Parkway for opening their doors and theirs hearts to our preschool families. A special
thank you to Dan for his many chapel lessons and for all those that helped launch this wonderful
mission we call Parkway Preschool.
Kristen Absher, Director, Parkway Pre-School
Parkway Presbyterian Church
Cordially invites you to attend
A retirement celebration in honor of
Daniel C. Wilkers, pastor
October 1994-July 2015
Please join us for dinner and a evening of salutes to Dan’s
40 years of ministry.
Saturday, July 11, 2015, 6:30pm
In the church fellowship hall
1000 Yorkshire Road
Winston-Salem, NC 27106
RSVP-by June 30 to or
336-765-5646 ext. 3
RSVP-Children’s Playroom/Nursery available
Those wishing to contribute to Dan’s retirement
gift may send checks payable to the church and
designated “retirement gift”
July Birthdays
Tuesdays at Two
Everyone is welcome to join us on
the first Tuesday of each month at
2PM at the Lewisville Library. We
will read and discuss some good
books in the coming months:
July 7 - The River of Doubt: Theodore Roosevelt's Darkest
Journey by Candice Millard
Aug. 4 - American Phoenix: John Quincy and Louisa Adams, the
War of 1812, and the Exile that Saved American Independence by
Jane Hampton Cook
Sept. 1 - In the Heart of the Sea by Nathaniel Philbrick
Oct. 6 - That Part Was True by Deborah McKinlay
Nov. 3 - I Am Malala: How One Girl Stood Up for Education
and Changed the World by Malala Yousafyai with Patricia
Dec. 1 - First Impressions: A Novel of Old Books, Unexpected
Love, and Jane Austen by Charles Lovett
Jan. 5, 2016 - Jackie by Samuel Newsome
Mari-Jo Dryden
Elizabeth Schenck
Catherine Trawick
Louise Wolfe
Debra Martin
Rick Wall
Larry Freeman
Makena Bergren
Barbara Brennan
Hervey Martin
Linda Moore
David Bickler
Chuck Pippitt
You do not need to be a member of Parkway to join us. For more
information contact Marie Sessoms or Hesta Anderson.
Karl Uhlig
Marti Lohmeyer
Liz Weir
David Gendy
James Hill
Lee Garrity
Vickie Owens
Craig Anderson
Thomas Owens
Food and Fellowship
will meet on July 21 at 6:30pm. At the Olive
Garden (170 Hanes Mall Blvd). You do not have
to be a member of Parkway to join us! For more
information or if you would like to be on our
contact list and receive an email reminder,
contact Leo or Marlene Weisz at
Leslie Hummel
Charles Williams
Worship Committee
Mark your calendars and set your alarm clock!!!
Summer services at Parkway Presbyterian will be at 10:00 a.m. from May 24, 2015,
through August 30, 2015.
(The regular Sunday schedule – First Light at 9:00 a.m. in the FH and the traditional service at 11:00 a.m.
in the sanctuary – will resume Sunday, September 6, 2015.)
We look forward to seeing you!
Summer Church for our Younger Children
Ages 3 months thru 3rd grade
Every Sunday this summer during the worship hour,
our younger children are invited to join Rachel Wilkers
and the adult volunteer in the pre-school area. Please
arrive just before the church service begins so we may
have everyone together for story time. A light snack
and appropriate activities will be provided. Parents will
be able to worship knowing that your children are in good
care and your children will be happy to see familiar faces
as we share in God’s love.
Food Drive
The Mission Committee will be handing out grocery bags on Sunday, June 28 (if you miss
that Sunday, stop by the church office to pick up a bag) for a food drive in honor of Dan’s
retirement to be donated to the local food bank. Be sure and pick up a bag and return it on
Sunday, July 12. Thank you.
Mission Committee
Parkway Presbyterian Church
1000 Yorkshire Road
Winston-Salem, NC 27106
Phone 336-765-5646
Fax: 336-765-6020
Harold E. Fuller, Pastor Emeritus
Sally Morris, Dir. of Music Ministry
Debra Estby, Administrative Assistant
Fred L. Sturdivant, Sexton