The Parkway Herald - Parkway Presbyterian Church

The Parkway Herald
Daniel C. Wilkers, Minister
Harold E. Fuller, Pastor Emeritus
Sally Morris-Dir. of Music Ministry
Debra Estby, Administrative Assistant
Number 6
Fred Sturdivant, Sexton
June 2015
On July 6th of this year I will celebrate 40 years in the pastorate. That’s a while! One of
the really neat things about noting that tenure happened for me last weekend. Out of the blue
a young woman from the Greenville congregation called and asked me to officiate at her
wedding. She was 13 years old when I left that church to move here and we needed to catch
up on some things. She told me that she was living in Oklahoma City where she was a
general surgeon. Now it’s a funny thing to think that that cute 13 year old not only performed
surgery, but taught it.
So Judy and I went to Wilmington last weekend for the wedding. And I began to think
of all the kids who suffered through adolescence with me as their pastor and youth advisor.
I’ve performed their marriages and baptized their babies and even buried one of them. I
remembered tears and laughter, broken hearts, shattered hopes and realized dreams with
them. I remember singing with them, teaching them, playing with them, challenging them
and, mostly, just loving them.
I don’t want to get too sloppy here – that’s really not my style – but, of all the things I’ve
done in 40 years of pastoral ministry, my time with the young people and children of those
congregations is among the most precious. All of those kids have taught me lessons too
precious to put into words. We need to continue to celebrate and nurture the children and
young people of our church. Without even knowing it, they give you incredible gifts back.
Do you know your offering envelope number? Do you use it on all your contributions and offerings? Do you
put your number on your checks or cash donation envelopes?
You might ask why this number is so important. After each service that an offering is collected, the
contributions need to be summed up and directed to a correct account. By account we mean your offering
number and that the amount you contribute needs to be put in the right fund (what you intended the money to
be used for). Why is this important?
Using the offering envelope number and the fund where you want the contribution applied, the people that
verify the amount and direct the monies to the correct fund need this information to insure that you get credit
for your contribution and that the monies are directed to the proper fund.
The counters have a list of fund numbers that direct all the contributions to the correct fund and the envelope
numbers for each family, and can look up this information if it is not listed. This takes extra time and also adds
to the possibility of a mistake being made on the verification. By using your offering number on all
contributions, it will aid greatly in the assurance that your contributions are being used as you wish and also
that you get credit for your offering.
If you do not know your offering number, please contact the church office and ask Debra to give you your
offering number and begin using it. To all members that know your offering number, please use it on all
contributions to ensure accountability and improve the counting process.
Joe Fleming, Commitment Committee Moderator
We need the following skills/help for Dan's retirement party the evening
of July 11. If you know someone whom the planning committee could
contact to help in areas listed, please contact HESTA ANDERSON at
293-4433 - OR DEE PARKER 768-2843
Photographer with "pro" skills
Nursery attendant (s)
Stage lighting skills
Want to help "set up" - "break down" - do kitchen cleanup on Sunday 7/12
- offer flowers from your yard to the decorating committee - provide 90"
round, any pastel color tablecloth? Call Hesta Anderson or Dee Parker
To all Parkway women,
The focus for the Horizons PW Bible study for the 2015-16 upcoming year is biblical images of water. We took the
use of water to heart for our Birthday Offering Celebration program on Saturday, May 16, when we used water to
spruce up some areas of our church buildings by washing windows, wiping baseboards, and cleaning bathrooms at
Parkway. The stairs leading to the sanctuary received a good vacuuming, as well as the choir room, library, and
adult classrooms a good cleaning, and planters and the Columbarium garden were trimmed and weeded. Thanks to
Dee Parker for organizing the teams with assignments and tools for the jobs to be done—no time was wasted. Dee
outdid herself with preparing a lovely salad lunch and dessert for all in attendance. It was a very productive
morning and many thanks to those who attended for all their hard work.
Following lunch, a short business meeting was held that included information about the Birthday Offering project
recipients for this year. An offering of $559 was collected with the hope of more to come from those who couldn’t
make the meeting. The Shirley Bobbitt award was presented to Dianne Luce, the budget and project for 2015-16
were approved, and officers elected and installed for the coming year. The project selected is to use our funds for
the needs of our church and for a Christmas party at Springwood Care Center. Look for more details in future
newsletters as committees are formed to carry out this project.
Officers for 2015-16:
Vice Moderator
Spiritual Nurture
At-Large Member
Karla Hutcherson
Dee Parker
Wanda Linville
Dianne Luce
Catherine Trawick
Bernice Blaisdell
Circle Leaders:
Deborah Circle
Elizabeth Circle
Lydia Circle
Rebekah Circle
Tricia Walls
Barbara Brennan
Katie Shugart
Nancy Penry
I am deeply grateful to the members of the Coordinating Team who served with me over the past two years that I
have been your moderator. They have served with dedication, imagination, energy and love and helped make the
moderator’s job a lot easier with their commitment to Parkway Presbyterian Women.
My prayer is that all women of Parkway will become active in some way in this caring community that nurtures and
challenges us to be God’s hands and feet at this time.
In Christ’s service,
Dianne Luce
Past Moderator
SAVE THE DATE!! You are invited..
When: JULY 11, 2015
Time: 6:30-until?
What: A Retirement Celebration for Dan:
Dinner and Sharing Memories
Who: Parkway Family, Friends & Special
Guests are invited
Where: Parkway Fellowship Hall
Reservation Details to Follow
**Donations appreciated; make checks
payable to Parkway Presbyterian
Church- designated to "retirement"
There is still a need for volunteers “down east”. Volunteers are continuing to build new homes and repair
existing homes for persons in need. The temporary housing for volunteers in Aurora is still open.
Is anyone interested in joining the Ardmore Methodist team and representing Parkway? The trip is scheduled for June 24-27. Please let me know ( or
768-4239 or see me at church). I will not be able to go; I will continue to be the liaison for
Parkway representatives with John Corum, the team leader, before the trip.
Wayne Linville
Transition Team Update - June
At the Congregational Meeting on April 26, the Parkway congregation approved dissolving the call of Dan Wilkers per
his request to retire effective July 31, 2015. Dan’s last day in the pulpit will be July 12. Parkway has accomplished a lot
during Dan’s service of almost 21 years. Dan led Parkway Presbyterian Church in redefining our role as “a servant
church” supporting local and global missions. We will celebrate Dan’s service with a congregational dinner on Saturday,
July 11, and all church members are invited to attend.
Salem Presbytery recommends that congregations hire a full time interim minister to serve as pastor and to guide the
Pastoral Nominating Committee (to be formed) while the church conducts a search for a new pastor. To help manage the
change in leadership and locate an interim minister, the session established a Transition Team which includes elders and
representatives from the congregation. The Transition Team is working with Dianna Wright, Associate Presbyter, Salem
Presbytery, and Jill Crainshaw, Salem Presbytery Committee on Ministry. Jill is designated as Parkway’s Liaison to the
Salem Presbytery, following the Salem Presbytery Pastoral Search guidelines.
The Transition Team is already at work, locating ministers to preach immediately after Dan’s retirement and searching for
an interim pastor. Presenting Parkway Presbyterian to prospective interim candidates is easier, thanks to the work of the
Parkway community. The Outreach Committee has updated our church website, Larry Barlow’s painting crew has
freshened up our buildings, Karla Hutcherson and Ashley Heffner are keeping us current on social media, church
members helped spring clean our facilities on May 16, and Dan, Sally, Debra and Fred work every day supporting
Parkway’s mission and vision.
The Transition Team will recommend an interim candidate for approval by session and Presbytery. Typically, an interim
minister contract with a congregation is a 12 month agreement. The interim minister will guide the congregation in
completing a mission study, with assistance from the Salem Presbytery Liaison and Pastoral Nominating Committee. The
mission study will help the Pastoral Nominating Committee to focus on the kind of leadership needed to guide Parkway
Presbyterian through current and future challenges. Please prepare to be involved in the mission study process to share
your thoughts, ideas and vision – later this year and into 2016.
And, please join in the celebration of Dan Wilkers’ service at Parkway and pray for guidance and patience for our
Parkway congregation as we look ahead!
Julie Coulter, Clerk of Session
June Birthdays
Tuesdays at Two
Everyone is welcome to join us on
the first Tuesday of each month at
2PM at the Lewisville Library. We
will read and discuss some good
books in the coming months:
June 2 - The Postmistress by Sarah Blake
Paul Hummel
Emily Garrity
Rochelle Uhlig
Sue Phillips
July 7 - The River of Doubt: Theodore Roosevelt's Darkest
Journey by Candice Millard
Aug. 4 - American Phoenix: John Quincy and Louisa Adams, the
War of 1812, and the Exile that Saved American Independence by
Jane Hampton Cook
Sept. 1 - In the Heart of the Sea by Nathaniel Philbrick
Oct. 6 - That Part Was True by Deborah McKinlay
Nov. 3 - I Am Malala: How One Girl Stood Up for Education
and Changed the World by Malala Yousafyai with Patricia
Dec. 1 - First Impressions: A Novel of Old Books, Unexpected
Love, and Jane Austen by Charles Lovett
Jan. 5, 2016 - Jackie by Samuel Newsome
You do not need to be a member of Parkway to join us. For more
information contact Marie Sessoms or Hesta Anderson.
Lindsey Lee
Ansley Schenck
Ed Sessoms
Alex Vickers
Joshua Walls
Jacob Banasiewicz
Sheila Tatum
Lydia Latta
Joshua Chapman
Dorothy Pierce
Larry Barlow
Hayden Stoter
Katie Shugart
Marie Sessoms
Robert Teague
Evan Trawick
Delana Vickers
Mary Pat Reese
Lore Tromp
Michael Teague
Greg Hedgepeth
Dan McIver
Quinton Owens
Food and Fellowship
will meet on June 16 at 6:30pm. At OSO Eats
(299 Jonestown Road). You do not have to be a
member of Parkway to join us! For more
information or if you would like to be on our
contact list and receive an email reminder,
contact Leo or Marlene Weisz at
Jan Morgan
Karen Parkman
Laura Banasiewicz
Chas Pippitt
Dorothy Wilkers
Worship Committee
Mark your calendars and set your alarm clock!!!
Summer services at Parkway Presbyterian will be at 10:00 a.m. from May 24, 2015,
through August 30, 2015.
Pentecost celebration will be in the fellowship hall at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, May 24, 2015.**
Subsequent summer services will be in the sanctuary at 10:00 a.m. from May 31, 2015, through August 30,
(The regular Sunday schedule – First Light at 9:00 a.m. in the FH and the traditional service at 11:00 a.m.
in the sanctuary – will resume Sunday, September 6, 2015.)
We look forward to seeing you!
**Following the One-Church Pentecost Sunday Service, the Youth will have a Mission Cafe.
Donations will be used for youth missions. The Youth will be serving hamburgers and hot dogs. Please help
support our Youth.
Summer Church for our Younger Children
Ages 3 months thru 3rd grade
Every Sunday this summer during the worship hour,
our younger children are invited to join Rachel Wilkers
and the adult volunteer in the pre-school area. Please
arrive just before the church service begins so we may
have everyone together for story time. A light snack
and appropriate activities will be provided. Parents will
be able to worship knowing that your children are in good
care and your children will be happy to see familiar faces
as we share in God’s love.
Parkway Presbyterian Church
1000 Yorkshire Road
Winston-Salem, NC 27106
Phone 336-765-5646
Fax: 336-765-6020
Daniel C. Wilkers, Minister
Harold E. Fuller, Pastor Emeritus
Sally Morris, Dir. of Music Ministry
Debra Estby, Administrative Assistant
Fred L. Sturdivant, Sexton