Oregon Charter Schools Directory ________________________ 2011-2012 It is the policy of the State Board of Education and a priority of the Oregon Department of Education that there will be no discrimination or harassment on the grounds of race, color, sex, marital status, religion, national origin, age or disability in any educational programs, activities, or employment. Persons having questions about equal opportunity and nondiscrimination should contact the State Superintendent of Public Instruction at the Oregon Department of Education. The directory can be accessed on our web site, www.ode.state.or.us. OREGON DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 255 Capitol St. NE Salem, Oregon 97310 www.ode.state.or.us 1 Table of Contents HISTORY OF OREGON’S CHARTER SCHOOL LAW ................................................... 3 Education Reform Context .................................................................................................. 3 Origins and Expansion of the Charter School Concept................................................... 4 Federal Influences .................................................................................................................. 4 ORIGINS OF OREGON’S CHARTER SCHOOL LAW .................................................... 5 OREGON’S CHARTER SCHOOLS ACT ............................................................................... 5 Legislative Intent and Goals ................................................................................................. 5 Key Elements of Oregon's Charter School Law ............................................................. .5 Additional Applicable Laws.................................................................................................. 7 OREGON CHARTER SCHOOLS (ALPHABETICAL LIST) ......................................... 8 MAP OF OREGON CHARTER SCHOOLS ........................................................................ 12 CHARTER SCHOOL CURRICULUM ORIENTATIONS............................................. 13 INDIVIDUAL PROFILES OF OREGON CHARTER SCHOOLS.............................. 14 (Information is self reported by schools) OREGON CHARTER SCHOOL SPONSORS ..................................................................129 CHARTER SCHOOL RESOURCES ....................................................................................137 2 HISTORY OF OREGON’S CHARTER SCHOOL LAW In 1999, Oregon became the thirty-fifth state to enact charter school legislation. The form of charter school legislation varies widely from state-to-state. Oregon’s charter laws are a reflection of both the broader national and state policy context during which the laws were enacted, as well as the particular path the legislative debates and discussions followed. Education Reform Context Following the landmark “Nation at Risk” report in 1983, 1 many states and localities embarked on efforts to reform their public schools and school systems. The report included several major areas of recommendations, including the following: • Establishing state and local graduation requirements; • Establishing rigorous and measurable standards and expectations for students; • Increasing instructional time and the amount of time devoted to addressing basic subjects; • Upgrading the quality of teacher preparation and the teaching profession; and • Holding educators and elected officials accountable for the performance of education systems Though these recommendations enjoyed significant public and political support, and spurred many states to initiate reform efforts and legislation, implementing them proved more challenging than many had anticipated. As a result, the late 1980s and early 1990s were marked by growing frustration in many sectors regarding the apparently slow pace of reform and change within public education systems. Many frustrated observers began to look for alternative reform tools. Deregulation and market-based competition presented a promising picture to some reform advocates. In the 1970s and 1980s, major industries such as airlines, telecommunications, and energy were deregulated with dramatic and rapid result. Though these deregulation efforts had many unintended consequences, they were generally understood to have led to intense competition, lower prices, and a much broader (if confusing) array of choices for consumers. Several individuals and policy makers began to focus on market and deregulatory efforts within the public education sector. In Minnesota, for example, reform advocates successfully pressed for legislation to establish new laws to give parents and students increased choices within the public education system. These included laws to permit students to opt to attend public schools in nonresident districts and to attend post-secondary institutions at the expense of their “home” K-12 school district. They were seen as a less radical alternative to full-blown public voucher arrangements enabling the state to capture some of the market leverage of consumer choice, but exercised within a context of public operating principles and public oversight. These public school choice options, however, initially proved somewhat anemic due to the lack of genuinely different choices and educational options. Minnesota’s policy makers began to look for methods to enable a broader array of instructional options within the public system. “A Nation At Risk; The Imperative for Educational Reform,” The National Commission on Excellence in Education, April 1983 1 3 Origins and Expansion of the Charter School Concept In an effort to broaden the supply of new schooling options, Minnesota was the first state to enact charter school legislation in 1991. The charter school concept, however, originated in various places much earlier. Discussion and debate continues over what “charter schools” are and should be and these debates were and remain an integral part of the discussions surrounding Oregon’s charter law. Part of the charter concept originated with Ray Budde, an education professor whose 1974 paper, “Education by Charter” and 1988 book, “Education by Charter: Restructuring School Districts”2 advocated for restructuring of school districts by moving authority from the central office to teachers. Early advocates of charter schools in Minnesota had a subtly, but significantly different concept of “charter schools,” though they used the same “charter school” terminology. The Minnesota advocates defined charter schools as a state-level, rather than district-level, policy change. Under this definition, “charter schools” was a state policy that permitted the creation of new forms of public schools that could be authorized and operated outside of the traditional school district framework. According to charter advocate Ted Kolderie, the central charter idea, “is to offer change-oriented educators or others the opportunity to go either to the local school board or to some other public body for a contract under which they would set up an autonomous (and therefore performance-based) public school that students could choose to attend without charge.”3 This Minnesota version was a more radical, and arguably fundamentally different approach from what Budde had advocated and was specifically designed to permit change to occur outside of the traditional school district-controlled structure. After Minnesota enacted the first charter school law in 1991, California became the second state to enact charter legislation in 1992, borrowing heavily from Minnesota’s law with a variety of local adaptations. Charter legislation began to spread rapidly in 1993 with three to eight additional states added each year until 1999 when Oregon’s charter law [Senate Bill (SB) 100, which became Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) Chapter 338] was enacted. As of June 2011, forty-one states and Washington, D.C. have charter school laws; states without charter school laws are Washington, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kentucky, Alabama, West Virginia, Vermont. Federal Influences The spread of charter legislation can be partly accounted for by encouragement from the federal government. In 1991, Minnesota Senator David Durenberger, a liberal Republican with ties to Minnesota’s charter school advocates, introduced legislation to amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) to create a federal grant program to support the planning and start-up of charter schools. Durenberger’s original proposal was not enacted, but with the bipartisan support of Durenberger, Senator Joseph Lieberman, and the Clinton Administration. The Public Charter Schools Program was incorporated into the 1994 reauthorization of ESEA. The program has expanded rapidly from $6 million in 1994 to over $216 million per year in 2005, fueling the startup of hundreds of schools nationally. The rapid expansion of federal charter school start-up and implementation funding also helped with efforts to enact charter schools legislation in many states, including Oregon. Ray Budde, “Education by Charter: Restructuring School Districts,” Published by West Ed, 1988. Ted Kolderie, “Charter Schools: The States Begin to Withdraw the ‘Exclusive’ [franchise],” Center for Policy Studies, 1993. 2 3 4 ORIGINS OF OREGON’S CHARTER SCHOOL LAW Charter school bills were introduced during the three Legislative Sessions prior to Oregon’s passage of its charter school law during the 1999 Legislative Session. Charter school legislation very nearly passed in the 1995 and 1997 Legislative Sessions. Between 1993 and 1999, the charter school concept built momentum and key education stakeholders wrestled over what the most suitable charter school provisions would be for Oregon. After years of dialogue around charter school legislation and months of deliberations around Senate Bill 100, Oregon’s Charter Schools Act was signed into law on May 27, 1999 by the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Governor, and became effective on that date. Once enacted, it became Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) Chapter 338. OREGON’S CHARTER SCHOOLS ACT Legislative Intent and Goals ORS Chapter 338 plainly articulates the Legislative and intent of Oregon’s Charter Schools Act: “It is the intent of this chapter that new types of schools, called public charter schools, be created as a legitimate avenue for parents, educators and community members to take responsible risks to create new, innovative and more flexible ways of educating children within the public school system. The Legislative Assembly seeks to create an atmosphere in Oregon’s public school system where research and development of new learning opportunities are actively pursued. The provisions of this chapter should be interpreted liberally to support the goals of this section and to advance a renewed commitment by this state to the mission, goals and diversity of public education. It is the intent that public charter schools may serve as models and catalysts for the improvement of other public schools and the public school system. The goals of public charter schools shall be to: (1) Increase student learning and achievement; (2) Increase choices of learning opportunities for students; (3) Better meet individual student academic needs and interests; (4) Build stronger working relationships among educators, parents and other community members; (5) Encourage the use of different and innovative learning methods; (6) Provide opportunities in small learning environments for flexibility and innovation, which may be applied, if proven effective, to other public schools; (7) Create new professional opportunities for teachers; (8) Establish additional forms of accountability for schools; and (9) Create innovative measurement tools.”4 KEY ELEMENTS OF OREGON’S CHARTER SCHOOL LAW Origins ORS 338.035 • • • 4 Charter schools may be established: (a) As a new public school; (b) From an existing public school or a portion of the school; or (c) From an existing alternative education program, as defined in ORS 336.615 Private, tuition-based charter schools may not convert to public charter schools Charter school proposals which have affiliation with a nonpublic sectarian school or a religious institution may not be approved ORS 338.015 5 Sponsorship ORS 338.005(3) School districts are authorized to sponsor Oregon charter schools. Institutions of higher education may sponsor a charter school after a denial by a school district. The State Board of Education may opt to sponsor one directly through an appeal process. Governance ORS 338.035(2) Oregon charter schools currently have two governance options: 1. Operate as non-profit, 501(c)(3) corporations, with its own boards of directors 2. Be directly operated by a local school district and board, if it is the only school within a school district Admission ORS 338.125 • • • • • Enrollment at a charter school is voluntary Charter schools may not discriminate; age and grade are the only criteria that may be used for admission Priority for enrollment must be given to students who reside within the sponsoring district’s boundaries; then, if space permits, non-district students may be enrolled Priority may be given to students previously enrolled and/or to siblings of enrolled students If number of interested applicants exceed available space, an equitable lottery must be held School size ORS 338.115(5) • Funding Minimum amount required: ORS 338.155 Local districts who sponsor a charter pass through state school support as follows: • 80% ADMw for K-8 students • 95% ADMw for 9-12 students Staffing ORS 338.135 ORS 338.120 • • • • • • • • Instruction & Assessment ORS 338.115 A minimal enrollment of 25 students must be maintained unless the public charter school provides education services under a cooperative agreement described in ORS 338.080. If the charter school provides educational services under the cooperative agreement to at least 25 students, without regard to the school districts in which the students are residents. In a brick and mortar charter school, a minimum of 50% of teaching and administrative staff in a charter school must be licensed by the Teachers Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC)5 All other teaching and administrative staff must be registered with TSPC6 Requires non-licensed public charter school administrators to register with (TSPC) Staff may be employed by either the charter school or the sponsoring district Staff may participate in collective bargaining units, either by joining sponsoring district units or working with their charter school’s board to establish their own unit(s) A charter school is considered a public employer and staff must participate in PERS Administrators of a virtual charter school must be licensed to administer by TSPC Teachers, licensed to teach by TSPC and who teach at a virtual charter school, must teach at least 95% of the school’s instructional hours. Charter schools must deliver comprehensive educational program, aligned with Oregon’s academic content standards (ORS 329.045) and participate in the statewide assessment system (ORS 329.485 (1)) For more information regarding TSPC licenses valid for charter school teachers, please see ORS 342.135, 342.136, 342.138 and 342.140 6 For more information regarding requirements of registered charter school teachers, please see 584-100-0091 and 584100-0096 5 6 Additional Applicable Laws Per ORS 338.115(1), “Statutes and rules that apply to school district boards, school districts or other public schools shall not apply to public charter schools. However, the following laws shall apply to public charter schools:” (a) Federal law; (b) Tort claims (ORS 30.260 to 30.300); (c) Public meetings law (ORS 192.610 to 192.690); (d) Public records law (ORS 192.410 to 192.505); (e) Municipal Audit Law (ORS 297.405 to 297.555 and 297.990); (f) Student records (ORS326.565, 326.575 and 326.580; (g) Criminal records checks (ORS 181.539, 326.603, 326.607 and 342.232); (h) Academic content standards and instruction (ORS 329.045); (i) High school diploma, modified diploma, extended diploma and alternative certificate (ORS 329.451) (j) Physical education (ORS 329.496); (k) The statewide assessment system developed by the Department of Education for mathematics, science and English under ORS 329.485 (2); (l) ) Textbooks (ORS 337.150); (m) Tuition and fees (ORS 339.141, 339.147 and 339.155); (n) Prohibition on infliction of corporal punishment (ORS 339.250(12); (o) Notice concerning student subject to juvenile court petitions (ORS 339.326); (p) Reporting child abuse and training on prevention and identification of child abuse (ORS 339.370, 339.372, 339.388 and 339.400); (q) Employment Department Law (ORS chapter 657); (r) Discrimination (ORS 659.850 and 659.855); (s) Any statute or rule that establishes requirements for instructional time provided by a school during each day or during a year; (t) Health and safety statutes and rules; (u) Any statute or rule that is listed in the charter; (v) Consideration for educational services (ORS 339.119) (w) ORS 338 “A charter may specify that statutes and rules that apply to school district boards, school districts and other public schools may apply to a public charter school.” Furthermore, charter schools must be non-sectarian and not affiliated with any religious institutions [ORS 338.035(7)]. 7 Oregon Charter Schools Alphabetically by Name School City Academy for Character Education (ACE) Cottage Grove 14 Academy of Arts and Academics (A3) Springfield 15 ACE Academy Portland 16 Alliance Charter Academy Oregon City 17 Annex Charter School Annex 18 Arcos Iris Spanish Immersion School Beaverton 19 Arlington Charter School Arlington 20 Armadillo Technical Institute Phoenix 21 Arthur Academy—David Douglas Portland 22 Baker Early College Academy Baker City 23 Baker Web Academy Baker City 24 Ballston Community School Amity 25 Bethany Charter School Silverton 26 BPA Charter School Salem 27 Butte Falls Charter School Butte Falls 28 Camas Valley Community Charter School Camas Valley 29 Cascade Heights Public Charter School Milwaukie 30 Center for Advanced Learning Gresham 31 Child’s Way Charter School Culp Creek 32 City View Charter School Hillsboro 33 Clackamas Academy of Industrial Science Oregon City 34 Clackamas Middle College Milwaukie 35 Clackamas Web Academy Milwaukie 36 Coburg Community School Coburg 37 Community Roots School Silverton 38 Corbett Charter School Corbett 39 Cove Charter School Cove 40 Days Creek Charter School Days Creek 41 8 Page School City EagleRidge High School Klamath Falls 42 Eddyville Charter School Eddyville 43 Elkton Charter School Elkton 44 Emerson School Portland 45 Estacada Early College Estacada 46 Estacada Web Academy Estacada 47 Forest Grove Community School Forest Grove 48 Fossil Charter School Fossil 49 Four Rivers Community School Ontario 50 Gresham Arthur Academy Gresham 51 Gresham-Barlow Web Academy Gresham 52 Harper Charter School Harper 53 HomeSource Family Charter Eugene 54 Howard Street Charter School Salem 55 Imbler Charter School Imbler 56 Ione Community School Ione 57 Ivy School Portland 58 Jane Goodall Environmental Middle School (JGEMS) Salem 59 Joseph Charter School Joseph 60 Kings Valley Charter School Philomath 61 KNOVA Reynolds Public Charter School Gresham 62 LEP High (Leadership and Entrepreneurship Public Charter Portland 63 Lewis & Clark Montessori Gresham 64 Lighthouse School North Bend 65 Lincoln City Career Tech High School Lincoln City 66 Logos Charter School Medford 67 Lourdes Public Charter School Scio 68 Luckiamute Valley Charter School Monmouth 69 Madrone Trail Public Charter School Medford 70 Milwaukie Academy of the Arts Milwaukie 71 Page High School) 9 School City Page M.I.T.C.H. Charter School Tigard 72 Molalla River Academy Molalla 73 Mosier Community School Mosier 74 Mosier Middle School Mosier 75 Muddy Creek Charter School Corvallis 76 Multisensory Learning Academy Portland 77 Network Charter School Eugene 78 Nixyaawii Community School Pendleton 79 North Columbia Academy Rainier 80 North Powder Charter School North Powder 81 Opal School Portland 82 Optimum Learning Environments Charter School Keizer 83 Oregon City Service Learning Academy Oregon City 84 Oregon Coast Technology School North Bend 85 Oregon Connections Academy Scio 86 Oregon Trail Primary Academy Sandy 87 Oregon Virtual Academy North Bend 88 Paisley School Paisley 89 Phoenix School of Roseburg Roseburg 90 Pine Eagle Charter School Halfway 91 Portland Arthur Academy Portland 92 Portland Village School Portland 93 Powell Butte Community Charter School Powell Butte 94 Prospect Charter School Prospect 95 REALMS (Rimrock Expeditionary Alternative Learning Middle School) Bend 96 Redmond Proficiency Academy Redmond 97 Reedsport Community Charter School Reedsport 98 Renaissance Public Academy Molalla 99 Resource Link Charter School Coos Bay 100 Reynolds Arthur Academy Troutdale 101 10 School City Page Riddle Education Center Riddle 102 Ridgeline Montessori Public Charter School Eugene 103 River's Edge Academy Charter School Rogue River 104 Sage Community School Klamath County 105 Sand Ridge Charter School Lebanon 106 Sauvie Island Academy Portland 107 Self Enhancement Inc. Academy (SEI) Portland 108 Sheridan AllPrep Academy Sheridan 109 Sheridan Japanese School Sheridan 110 Sherwood Charter School Sherwood 111 Siletz Valley Early College Academy Siletz 112 Siletz Valley School Siletz 113 Silvies River Web Academy Burns 114 South Columbia Family School Scappoose 115 Southwest Charter School Portland 116 Springwater Environmental Sciences School Oregon City 117 St. Helens Arthur Academy St. Helens 118 Sunny Wolf Charter School Wolf Creek 119 Sweet Home Charter School Sweet Home 120 Three Rivers Charter School West Linn 121 Triangle Lake Charter School Triangle Lake 122 Trillium Charter School Portland 123 Valley Inquiry Charter School Salem-Keizer 124 Village School Eugene 125 West Lane Technical Learning Center Elmira 126 Willamette Leadership Academy Eugene 127 Woodburn Arthur Academy Woodburn 128 11 Map of Oregon Charter Schools http://batchgeo.com/map/870ff474d03dcb9c311e7a1541edc255 Click on the link above to explore the charter schools in Oregon. 12 Charter School Curriculum Orientations Beginning in the 2009-2010 school year, each Oregon charter school was categorized by type: 1) alternative, 2) conversion, 3) progressive, 4) traditional, or 5) vocation. With these categories or typology, it became clear some schools have characteristics of multiple types. To more accurately compare schools, the Oregon Department of Education has adjusted the five types to include nine curriculum orientations to further categorize charter schools in the state. In the fall of 2011 charter schools were requested to determine the type and orientation that best fit their school and curriculum format. The information included in this directory was self-reported from the charter school; made available to the public and may help prospective parents understand the primary type and curricular focus of the school. Charter schools often find multiple types or orientations fit their school. You may find a charter school has reported they are a Progressive: Child-Centered charter school even though there is a strong environmental (Content Specialties) or engineering (Trade Specialties) focus as well. The following table outlines the curriculum orientation with the type of schools. 1. General: Contemporary Public Education Curriculum Format Conversion – Charter schools formed by converting an existing program, school or small district • Theorists: Multiple educational theories, Psychological Learning Theories (e.g., Piaget, Skinner, Vygotsky, Erikson) • Theories: Multiple, Behavioral, Cognitive, Information Processing 2. Interdisciplinary – Mixed educational theories, Civic education, College Preparation • Theorists: Psychological Learning Theories (E.g., Piaget, Skinner, Vygotsky, Erikson, etc.) • Theories: Multiple, Behavioral, Cognitive, Information Processing Progressive: Child-centered, Democratic, Normative 3. Child-Centered • Theorists: Maria Montessori, Rudolph Steiner • Theories: Inquiry-based learning, Montessori Method, Waldorf, Natural Learning, Humanism, Individual Education Plans (IEP) 4. Democratic • Theorists: John Dewey, William James, Amy Gutmann, Meira Levinson, John Rawls, Richard Rorty • Theories: Knowledge is socially dependent, contingency, pragmatism, non-ideal democracy, liberalism 5. Normative • Theorists: Paulo Friere, Michel Foucault, Peter Singer, Sigmund Freud, Noam Chomsky, Bell Hooks, Jean-Paul Sartre, Friedrich Nietzsche, John Stuart Mill, Jeremy Bentham • Theories: Critical Theory, Existentialism, Social Reform, Utilitarianism Specialized: Trade Specific, Content Specific 6. Trade Specialties – Computer technology, Engineering, Military preparation, International Business 7. Content Specialties – Emphasizing one of the following: Arts, Sciences, Environmental Studies, Culture (Includes: International and language studies) Traditional: Perennial, Essentialist 8. Perennial • Theorists: Plato, Robert Hutchins, Mortimer Adler, Immanuel Kant, Adam Smith • Theories: Intellectual growth through arts and sciences, Idealism, Metaphysics, Paideia 9. Essentialist • Theorists: Aristotle, Allan Bloom, E.D. Hirsch, William Bagley • Theories: Core Knowledge, Discipline, Rigor, Great books, Direct Instruction, Back to Basics 13 Academy for Character Education (ACE) www.aceclassicaled.org Address: 195 N 6th St Cottage Grove, OR 97424 County: Lane Opened: 9/1/2007 Principal: Starr Sahnow E-mail: starr@aceclassicaled.org Phone: 541-942-9707 Sponsor: South Lane SD District: South Lane SD Mission Statement To increase student learning and achievement through prioritizing the development of good character. The Academy, in support of families, provides instruction and resources for families to strengthen the balanced growth of the children in their household. ACE believes students are best prepared as moral, productive, contributing members of our world when trained seamlessly by family and school in an atmosphere expectant of constant ethical behavior and scholarly efforts. The pillars of ACE’s comprehensive college preparatory educational program are: • integrating character year-round into school, home, and life; • working collaboratively with families as partners; • utilizing an integrated classical curriculum; and • personalizing education to challenge each student. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Hybrid All Students Talented and Gifted (TAG) Home School Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Traditional: Essentialist Converted Alternative School Parents Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Outstanding Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 135 Current Grade Levels: K-12 Current cap on students: 133 Future Grade Levels: K-12 14 Academy of Arts and Academics www.a3school.org Address: 615 Main St Springfield, OR 97477 County: Lane Opened: 9/1/2010 Principal: Mike Fisher E-mail: mfisher@sps.lane.edu Phone: 541-744-6728 Sponsor: Springfield SD District: Springfield SD Mission Statement The Springfield Academy of Arts & Academics combines high academic standards with professionallevel arts experiences to propel learning, engage passion, and empower transformation. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students At-Risk Regular School, Non-Attending Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Traditional: Perennial Oregon Report Card Rating Converted Public School Parents Local Organizations Community Members Teachers Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating In Need of Improvement Not Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 231 Current Grade Levels: grades 9-13 Current cap on students: 400 Future Grade Levels: grades 9-13 15 ACE Academy (Architecture, Construction and Engineer) www.acecharterschool.org Address: 4222 NE 158th Ave Portland, OR 97230 County: Multnomah Opened: 9/1/2008 Principal: Mike Bryant E-mail: mbryant@acecharterschool.org Phone: 503-546-9928 Sponsor: Reynolds SD District: Reynolds SD Mission Statement To provide a contextual educational experience within the architectural, construction and engineering disciplines, leading to the achievement of rigorous academic benchmarks and additional postsecondary education for a diverse high school student body. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Interdisciplinary Local Organizations School Districts, Industry, Oregon Building Congress Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Not Rated Not Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 151 Current Grade Levels: grades 11-12 Current cap on students: 225 Future Grade Levels: grades 11-12 16 Alliance Charter Academy http://alliancecharteracademy.com/ Address: 16075 Front Ave Oregon City, OR 97045 County: Clackamas Opened: 9/1/2007 Principal: Lara Fabrycki E-mail: larafabrycki@acaweb.us Phone: 503-785-8556 Sponsor: Oregon City SD District: Oregon City SD Mission Statement To personalize learning to nurture the innate curiosity of the student, ignite their passion for learning, and prepare them for lifelong success. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students At-Risk Home School Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Progressive: Child-centered Parents Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Satisfactory Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 370 Current Grade Levels: Pre-K-13 Current cap on students: 370 Future Grade Levels: Pre-K-13 17 Annex Charter School www.annex.k12.or.us Address: 402 Annex Rd Ontario, OR 97914-8010 County: Malheur Opened: 9/1/2010 Principal: Eric Milburn E-mail: eric.milburn@annex.k12.or.us Phone: 541-262-3280 Sponsor: Annex SD District: Annex SD Mission Statement To provide quality instruction, to create well-mannered and well-educated citizens. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students English Language Learners (ELL) Low-Achieving Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Conversion Converted Public School Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating In Need of Improvement Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 58 Current cap on students: 80 Current Grade Levels: K-8 Future Grade Levels: K-8 18 Arco Iris Spanish Immersion School www.arcoirisschool.org Address: 1500 NW 185th Ave, Beaverton, OR 97006-1909 County: Washington Opened: 9/1/2010 Principal: Maureen Childs E-mail: maureen.childs@arcoirisschool.org Phone: 503-473-0416 Sponsor: Beaverton SD District: Beaverton SD Mission Statement To offer a solid Spanish immersion education in an environment that will prepare students to be responsible citizens and lifelong learners with strong values; as well as supporting billingualism, biliteracy, cultural competence and high academic performance. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Specialized: Content Specialties Parents Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Not Rated Note School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 129 Current cap on students: 300 Current Grade Levels: grades 1-5 Future Grade Levels: grades 1-8 19 Arlington Charter School www.honker.net Address: 1200 Main St Arlington, OR 97812 County: Gilliam Opened: 9/1/2011 Principal: Steve Boynton E-mail: sboynton@arlington.k12.or.us Phone: 541-454-2632 Sponsor: Arlington SD District: Arlington SD Mission Statement To prepare our students for post high school success through an individualized education that is rich in technology. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Special Needs Talented and Gifted (TAG) Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Progressive: Child-centered Converted Public School Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating NA NA School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 134 Current Grade Levels: K-13 Current cap on students: 260 Future Grade Levels: Pre-K 20 Armadillo Technical Institute www.armadillotech.org Address: 106 Rose St Phoenix, OR 97535-1560 County: Jackson Opened: 9/1/2000 Principal: Mike Warner E-mail: armadillotech@gmail.com Phone: 541-535-3287 Sponsor: Phoenix-Talent SD District: Phoenix-Talent SD Mission Statement ATI is a unique community inspiring thoughtful individual choices in learning and growth. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar At-Risk Home School Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Progressive: Normative Parents Community Members Teachers Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating In Need of Improvement Not Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 109 Current Grade Levels: grades 6-12 Current cap on students: 120 Future Grade Levels: grades 6-12 21 Arthur Academy--David Douglas www.arthuracademy.org Address: 13717 SE Division St. Portland, OR 97236 County: Multnomah Opened: 9/1/2002 Principal: Stephanie Brown E-mail: stephaniwalker1@yahoo.com Phone: 503-252-3753 Sponsor: David Douglas SD District: David Douglas SD Mission Statement To accelerate educational achievement and academic competency of all its students. In attempting to accomplish the broad mission, our school provides a uniquely effective and specialized approach to teaching called Direct Instruction. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Low-Achieving Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Traditional: Essentialist Teachers Charles Arthur Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Outstanding Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 155 Current Grade Levels: K-5 Current cap on students: 155 Future Grade Levels: K-5 22 Baker Early College Academy www.bakercharters.org/Home.php Address: 2725 Seventh St Baker City, OR 97814 County: Baker Opened: 7/1/2008 Principal: Nathan Williams E-mail: nwilliams@bakercharters.org Phone: 541-524-2300 Sponsor: Baker SD District: Baker SD Mission Statement To make college possible today for students who are ready for the challenges and rewards so they will be ready for tomorrow. College today, ready tomorrow. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar Regular School, Non-Attending Talented and Gifted (TAG) Home School Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Interdisciplinary Community Members Teachers Administrators Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Not Rated Not Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 55 Current Grade Levels: grades 9-13 Current cap on students: 65 Future Grade Levels: grades 9-13 23 Baker Web Academy www.bakercharters.org/Home.php Address: 2725 Seventh St Baker City, OR 97814 County: Baker Opened: 7/1/2008 Principal: Nathan Williams E-mail: nwilliams@bakercharters.org Phone: 541-524-2300 Sponsor: Baker SD District: Baker SD Mission Statement To empower the next generation of students through vigorous, personalized, and innovative educational choices. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Virtual All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Interdisciplinary Community Members Teachers Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating In Need of Improvement Not Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 285 Current Grade Levels: K-12 Current cap on students: 290 Future Grade Levels: K-12 24 Ballston Community Charter School Address: 7575 Zena Rd Rickreall, OR 97371 County: Yamhill Opened: 9/1/2006 Principal: Jeff Clabaugh E-mail: bcsadmin@onlinenw.com Phone: 503-437-9138 Sponsor: Amity SD District: Amity SD Mission Statement To offer an alternative educational/social environment that enhances the success of IEP students (K12) enabling each student to achieve their full potential. Each student will receive an evaluation of skills and challenges, leading to a personalized educational plan optimized for each student’s learning style. Students will demonstrate success by annual standards-based improvement in their behavior, attendance, and academic progress. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar At-Risk Special Needs Low-Achieving Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Interdisciplinary Oregon Report Card Rating Parents Community Members Teachers Representatives from a private school. Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Not Rated Not Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 50 Current Grade Levels: grades 1-13 Current cap on students: 50 Future Grade Levels: grades 1-13 25 Bethany Charter School www.bethanycharter.silverfalls.orvsd.org Address: 11824 Hazelgreen Rd. NE Silverton, OR 97381 County: Marion Opened: 9/1/2004 Principal: Kathy Frank E-mail: frank_kathy@silverfalls.k12.or.us Phone: 503-873-4300 Sponsor: Silver Falls SD District: Silver Falls SD Mission Statement Our curriculum focuses on natural sciences and technology, enriched with art, physical education and music in a small school atmosphere. We promote academic excellence, fostering respect and a love for learning with strong family and community support. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Traditional: Essentialist Converted Public School Parents Community Members Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Satisfactory Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 132 Current Grade Levels: K-8 Current cap on students: 136 Future Grade Levels: K-8 26 BPA Charter School www.bpa-charter.org Address: 1687 Summer St NE Salem, OR 97303 County: Marion Opened: 9/1/2011 Principal: Deana Dean E-mail: ddean@bpacharter.org Phone: 503-399-7114 Sponsor: State Board of Education District: Salem-Keizer SD Mission Statement BPA Charter School, through the implementation of the MicroSociety program, creates the global society in microcosm. Bringing the world into the classroom at an early age inspires students to reach their full potential. Hands-on activities, student-initiated venture, and traditional coursework combine to encourage student investment in the learning process, engage diverse needs, and ensure high academic standards. By the time they leave our doors, our students of society will be well equipped to embrace the myriad of challenges and opportunites they will encounter throughout the rest of their lives. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Regular School, Non-Attending Home School Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Progressive: Child-centered Community Members Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating NA NA School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 130 Current Grade Levels: K-5 Current cap on students: 144 Future Grade Levels: K-5 27 Butte Falls Charter School Address: 720 Laurel Ave Butte Falls, OR 97522 County: Opened: 9/1/2011 Principal: Dave Courtney E-mail: dcourtney@buttefalls.k12.or.us Phone: 541-865-3563 Sponsor: Butte Falls SD District: Butte Falls SD Mission Statement To embrace a natural resource curriculum that meets and exceeds applicable state content standards and the Oregon Diploma requirements. To accomplish this we will develop and enhance partnerships between students, parents, community, and government agencies. This will foster confidence, lifelong personal growth, and responsible citizenship. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Regular School, Non-Attending Home School Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Conversion Converted Public School Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating NA NA School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 170 Current Grade Levels: K-12 Current cap on students: 250 Future Grade Levels: K-12 28 Camas Valley School www.camasvalley.k12.or.us Address: 197 Main Camas Rd Camas Valley, OR 97416 County: Douglas Opened: 9/1/2004 Principal: Wayne Gallagher E-mail: wayne.gallagher@camasvalley.k12.or.us Phone: 541-445-2131 Sponsor: Camas Valley SD District: Camas Valley SD Mission Statement To educate students so that they are prepared for continuing education and the world of work by capitalizing on the school's small size and unique community partnerships to enable students to become independent, productive citizens of the world. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Conversion Converted Public School Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Satisfactory Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 160 Current Grade Levels: K-12 Current cap on students: 260 Future Grade Levels: K-12 29 Cascade Heights Charter School www.cascadeheights.org Address: 15301 SE 92nd Ave Clackamas, OR 97015 County: Clackamas Opened: 9/1/2006 Principal: Holly Denman E-mail: info@cascadeheights.org Phone: 503-653-3996 Sponsor: North Clackamas SD District: North Clackamas SD Mission Statement To inspire the social, emotional, academic, physical, personal, and ethical growth of children and partner with parents who share the same mission to prepare them to be members of a global society. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Talented and Gifted (TAG) Low-Achieving Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Traditional: Essentialist Community Members Education Reform Advocates Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Outstanding Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 225 Current Grade Levels: K-8 Current cap on students: 225 Future Grade Levels: K-12 30 Center for Advanced Learning www.thecenterforadvancedlearning.org Address: 1484 NW Civic Dr. Gresham, OR 97030 County: Multnomah Opened: 9/1/2003 Principal: Andie Webb E-mail: Andie_webb@thecenterforadvancedlearning.org Phone: 503-667-4978 Sponsor: Gresham-Barlow SD District: Gresham-Barlow SD Mission Statement As a regional facility, seeks to provide high school junior and senior students with advanced, specially designed learning environments, using contextualized learning and state-of-the-art technology applications that are aligned with state education and national industry-integrated standards. It seeks to increase the number of students pursuing advanced coursework that better prepares them for collegiate studies or other professional training programs. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Talented and Gifted (TAG) Home School Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Specialized: Content Specialties Local Organizations Community Members Teachers Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 430 Current Grade Levels: grades 11-12 Current cap on students: 525 Future Grade Levels: grades 11-12 31 Child’s Way Charter School www.slane.k12.or.us/schools Address: 37895 Row River Rd Dorena, OR 97434 County: Lane Opened: 9/1/2004 Principal: Michael Kerns E-mail: childsway2@pacinfo.com Phone: 541-946-1821 Sponsor: South Lane SD District: South Lane SD Mission Statement Provide a small learning environment where all students including at-risk are encouraged to work at their full potential, where academic strengths/talents are discovered and nurtured, weaknesses are overcome, and the multiple intellegences are recognized and supported through a rich variety of educational experiences, especially using technology and a project based experiential curriculum. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students At-Risk Home School Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Conversion Teachers Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Satisfactory Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 50 Current Grade Levels: grades 6-12 Current cap on students: 50 Future Grade Levels: grades 6-12 32 City View Charter School www.cityviewcharter.org Address: 4174 SE Bentley St Hillsboro, OR 97123 County: Washington Opened: 9/1/2004 Principal: Jeffrey Hays E-mail: jhays@cityviewcharter.org Phone: 503-844-9424 Sponsor: Hillsboro SD District: Hillsboro SD Mission Statement A learning community of students, teachers and parents who practice collaboration, lifelong learning, critical thinking and service to the community to nurture our curiosity, character, and creativityespecially that of our students- by applying the philosophy and practices of Expedition Learning. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Progressive: Child-centered Parents Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Outstanding Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 186 Current Grade Levels: K-8 Current cap on students: 216 Future Grade Levels: K-8 33 Clackamas Academy of Industrial Science www.orecity.k12.or.us/schools/cais Address: 19761 S Beavercreek Rd Oregon City, OR 97045-5010 County: Clackamas Opened: 9/1/2010 Principal: Ginger Redlinger E-mail: ginger.redlinger@orecity.k12.or.us Phone: 503-785-8882 Sponsor: Oregon City SD District: Oregon City SD Mission Statement To provide students an innovative, contextual learning environment focused on Manufacturing Technologies. The Clackamas Academy of Industrial Sciences will enhance the regional economy by providing a career-ready, highly skilled, diverse and adaptable workforce that is worth the expenditure of resources committed. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Specialized: Trade Specialties Community Members Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Not Rated Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 81 Current Grade Levels: grades 9-11 Current cap on students: 200 Future Grade Levels: grades 9-12 34 Clackamas Middle College www.clackamasmiddlecollege.org Address: 12021 SE 82nd Avenue Happy VAlley, OR 97086 County: Clackamas Opened: 9/1/2004 Principal: Brian Sien E-mail: sienb@nclack.k12.or.us Phone: 503-518-5925 Sponsor: North Clackamas SD District: North Clackamas SD Mission Statement Provide an innovative and challenging personalized education that prepares students socially and academically for our college and career-related programs. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students At-Risk Regular School, Non-Attending Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Interdisciplinary Teachers Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Satisfactory Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 300 Current Grade Levels: grades 9-13 Current cap on students: 300 Future Grade Levels: grades 9-13 35 Clackamas Web Academy www.clackamaswebacademy.org Address: 8740 SE Sunnybrook Blvd, Suite 350 Clackamas, OR 97015 County: Clackamas Opened: 9/1/2005 Principal: Brad Linn E-mail: linnb@nclack.k12.or.us Phone: 503-659-4664 Sponsor: North Clackamas SD District: North Clackamas SD Mission Statement Work to empower students to reach their academic goals by offering academic, physical, and social support while preparing students for life’s transitions. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Virtual All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Interdisciplinary Parents Community Members Teachers Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating In Need of Improvement Not Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 465 Current Grade Levels: grades 1-12 Current cap on students: 465 Future Grade Levels: grades 1-12 36 Coburg Charter School www.coburgcharter.org Address: 91274 N Coburg Rd Eugene, OR 97401 County: Lane Opened: 9/1/2011 Principal: Terry Hoagland E-mail: terry.hoagland@gmail.com Phone: 541-344-4113 Sponsor: Eugene SD District: Eugene SD Mission Statement “Coburg Community Charter School…A Community Immersion Program” Our mission at Coburg Community Charter School is to create a partnership between parents, teachers, and our community members that will provide academic excellence in an environment that encourages strong character and respectful behavior. Our “roots and wings” philosophy fosters students’ identity and belonging while preparing them to become productive members of society. Our commitment is to provide a unique program that lays a solid foundation upon which our children’s intelligence, creativity, social and environmental awareness can flourish. These solid roots will enable our students to soar into a bright future. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Progressive: Normative Converted Public School Community Members Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Outstanding NA School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 151 Current Grade Levels: K-5 Current cap on students: 225 Future Grade Levels: K-8 37 Community Roots School www.crmontessori.org Address: 330 N James St Silverton, OR 97362 County: Marion Opened: 9/1/2009 Principal: Miranda Traeger E-mail: traeger_miranda@silverfalls.k12.or.us Phone: 503-874-4107 Sponsor: Silver Falls SD District: Silver Falls SD Mission Statement Rooted in our local community, we learn in an authentic Montessori environment, growing as conscientious and joyful learners, inspired to lead in the world community. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Progressive: Child-Centered Parents Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Not Rated Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 58 Current Grade Levels: 1-5 Current cap on students: 90 Future Grade Levels: 1-6 38 Corbett Charter School www.corbettcharterschool.blogspot.com Address: 35800 E Hist. Columbia River Hwy Corbett, OR 97019 County: Multnomah Opened: 9/1/2009 Principal: Bob Dunton E-mail: bdunton@corbettcharter.k12.or.us Phone: 503-695-3621 Sponsor: Corbett SD District: Corbett SD Mission Statement To achieve exemplary educational results by delivering a college preparatory experience to public school students with a focus on cultivating the imaginative capacity of every student. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Progressive: Normative Local administrator Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Outstanding Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 450 Current Grade Levels: K-13 Current cap on students: 550 Future Grade Levels: K-13 39 Cove Charter School www.cove.k12.or.us Address: 803 Main St Cove, OR 97824 County: Union Opened: 9/1/2009 Principal: Jeff Clark E-mail: jeff.clark@cove.k12.or.us Phone: 541-568-4424 Sponsor: Cove SD District: Cove SD Mission Statement Educational Setting Populations Targeted Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Satisfactory Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: Current Grade Levels: Current cap on students: Future Grade Levels: 40 Days Creek Charter School http://days.or.schoolwebpages.com Address: 11381 Tiller Trail Hwy Days Creek, OR 97429 County: Douglas Opened: 9/1/2005 Principal: Laurie Newton E-mail: laurie.newton@dayscreek.k12.or.us Phone: 541-825-3296 x241 Sponsor: Day Creek SD District: Day Creek SD Mission Statement To provide an outstanding 21st Century education in a small, rural school environment that fosters life-long learners, responsible citizens, and fulfilled potential. We envision a school characterized by • Rigorous academics • An enriched program of electives • Practical application of skills through on and off-site learning activities • Preparation for post-secondary education and/or career development including skills of initiative and independence • Mentorship of a caring and supportive faculty • Curriculum options with a focus on natural resources • Service to the community Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Conversion Converted Public School Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Satisfactory Not Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 155 Current Grade Levels: grades 6-13 Current cap on students: 175 Future Grade Levels: grades 6-13 41 EagleRidge High School www.eagleridgehigh.com Address: 677 S 7th St Klamath Falls, OR 97601 County: Klamath Opened: 9/1/2007 Principal: Jennifer Cole E-mail: jcole@eagleridgehigh.com Phone: 541-884-7627 Sponsor: Klamath Falls City SD District: Klamath Falls City SD Mission Statement We provide a caring, small school environment where students learn to respectfully communicate and collaborate through projects and technology while preparing for a smooth transition to either college or career and service to their community. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students At-Risk Low-Achieving Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Interdisciplinary Community Members Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Satisfactory Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 177 Current Grade Levels: grades 9-12 Current cap on students: 210 Future Grade Levels: grades 7-12 42 Eddyville Charter School www.eddyvillecharterschool.org Address: 1 Eddyville School Rd. Eddyville, OR 97343 County: Lincoln Opened: 9/1/2003 Principal: Pete Tuana E-mail: pete.tuana@lincoln.k12.or.us Phone: 541-875-2942 Sponsor: Lincoln County SD District: Lincoln County SD Mission Statement Provide a small school rural setting for all k12 students Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students At-Risk Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Interdisciplinary Oregon Report Card Rating Converted Public School Parents Community Members Teachers Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Satisfactory Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 220 Current Grade Levels: K-12 Current cap on students: 200 Future Grade Levels: K-13 43 Elkton Charter School www.elkton.k12.or.us Address: 739 River Rd Elkton, OR 97436 County: Douglas Opened: 9/1/2009 Principal: Mike Hughes E-mail: mike.hughes@elkton.k12.or.us Phone: 541-584-2228 Sponsor: Elkton SD District: Elkton SD Mission Statement Studentswill be provided with a K-12 curriculum that is aligned with state standards. Taking advantage of the school's location and staff talents, natural resources will be used as an integrated context for learning. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Talented and Gifted (TAG) Home School Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Conversion Converted Public School Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Satisfactory Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 240 Current Grade Levels: K-12 Current cap on students: 260 Future Grade Levels: K-12 44 Emerson School www.emersonschool.org Address: 105 NW Park Ave. Portland, OR 97209 County: Multnomah Opened: 9/1/2003 Principal: Tara O’Neil E-mail: tara@emersonschool.org Phone: 503-525-6124 Sponsor: Portland Public Schools District: Portland Public Schools Mission Statement To provide a developmentally appropriate, meaningful, and challenging education for a diverse group of children in an environment that recognizes, values, and responds to their individual abilities and needs. We nurture compassionate, capable, life-long learners who see themselves as engaged community members whose actions can make a positive difference. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Progressive: Child-centered Parents Teachers Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Outstanding Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 144 Current Grade Levels: K-5 Current cap on students: 150 Future Grade Levels: K-5 45 Estacada Early College www.estacadacharters.org Address: 354 SE Hwy 211 Estacada, OR 97023 County: Clackamas Opened: 9/1/2009 Principal: Joni Tabler E-mail: jtabler@estacadacharters.org Phone: 503-630-5001 Sponsor: Estacada SD District: Estacada SD Mission Statement Our Early College program offers students a chance to attend local community colleges full time to earn college and high school credit at the same time. We strive for innovation and personalization. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Interdisciplinary Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating In Need of Improvement Not Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 523 Current Grade Levels: 10-12 Current cap on students: 500 Future Grade Levels: 10-12 46 Estacada Web Academy www.estacadacharters.org Address: 354 SE Hwy 211 Estacada, OR 97023 County: Clackamas Opened: 9/1/2008 Principal: Joni Tabler E-mail: jtabler@estacadacharters.org Phone: 503-630-5001 Sponsor: Estacada SD District: Estacada SD Mission Statement To offer students a chance to attend local community colleges full time to earn college and high school credit at the same time. We strive for innovation and personalization. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Virtual All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Interdisciplinary Previous Director Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating In Need of Improvement Not Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 523 Current Grade Levels: grades 10-12 Current cap on students: 500 Future Grade Levels: grades 10-12 47 Forest Grove Community School www.fgcschool.org Address: 1914 Pacific Ave Forest Grove, OR 97116 County: Washington Opened: 9/1/2007 Principal: Vanessa Gray E-mail: v.gray@fgcschool.org Phone: 503-359-4600 Sponsor: Forest Grove SD District: Forest Grove SD Mission Statement Engage students in scholarship, stewardship and citizenship with the goal of educating for sustainability. We provide a caring, smaller school environment that challenges students to reach their highest potential through learning rooted in the local community. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Progressive: Child-centered Community Members Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Satisfactory Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 200 Current Grade Levels: grades 1-8 Current cap on students: 250 Future Grade Levels: grades 1-8 48 Fossil Charter School www.fossil.k12.or.us Address: 404 Main St Fossil, OR 97830 County: Wheeler Opened: 9/1/2007 Principal: Brad Sperry E-mail: bsperry@fossil.k12.or.us Phone: 541-763-4384 Sponsor: Fossil SD District: Fossil SD Mission Statement Committed to providing an innovative natural resources, site-based education that utilizes experiential place-based field projects and classroom instruction which engages K-12 students through high quality educational strategies and an integrated natural resources scope and sequence, to create effective, productive citizens. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Hybrid All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Interdisciplinary Converted Public School Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Satisfactory Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 155 Current Grade Levels: K-12 Current cap on students: 175 Future Grade Levels: K-12 49 Four Rivers Community School www.4riverscs.org Address: 2449 SW 4th Ave. Ontario, OR 97914 County: Malheur Opened: 9/1/2003 Principal: Chelle Robins E-mail: chelle@4riverscs.org Phone: 541-889-3715 Sponsor: State Board of Education District: Ontario SD Mission Statement To provide progressive dual-language instruction and whole family education. Our students and staff demonstrate Pride, Purpose and Performance through everyday classroom activities and community involvement. We embrace diversity and cultural appreciation through instruction and practice. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar At-Risk English Language Learners (ELL) Students of a Specific Cultural/Ethnic Group Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Specialized: Content Specialties Teachers Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Satisfactory Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 245 Current Grade Levels: K-8 Current cap on students: 350 Future Grade Levels: K-8 50 Gresham Arthur Academy www.arthuracademy.org Address: 1890 NE Cleveland Ave Gresham, OR 97030 County: Multnomah Opened: 9/1/2007 Principal: Susan McCool E-mail: greshamadmin@arthuracademy.org Phone: 503-667-4900 Sponsor: Gresham-Barlow SD District: Gresham-Barlow SD Mission Statement To accelerate educational achievement and academic competency of all its students. In attempting to accomplish the broad mission, our school provides a uniquely effective and specialized approach to teaching called Direct Instruction. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Traditional: Perennial Teachers Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Outstanding Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 168 Current Grade Levels: K-5 Current cap on students: 180 Future Grade Levels: K-5 51 Gresham-Barlow Web Academy www.gbwebacademy.org Address: 1426 SE 5th Gresham, OR 97080 County: Multnomah Opened: 9/1/2009 Principal: Tim Drilling E-mail: tim_drilling@gbsd.gresham.k12.or.us Phone: 503-258-4790 Sponsor: Gresham-Barlow SD District: Gresham-Barlow SD Mission Statement Under revision Educational Setting Populations Targeted Virtual All Students Regular School, Non-Attending Low-Achieving Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Interdisciplinary Gresham-Barlow District Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating In Need of Improvement Not Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 300 Current Grade Levels: grades 6-13 Current cap on students: 450 Future Grade Levels: grades 6-13 52 Harper Charter School www.harper.k12.or.us Address: Harper, OR 97906 County: Malheur Opened: 9/1/2011 Principal: Ron Talbot E-mail: ron.talbot@harper.k12.or.us Phone: 541-385-2473 Sponsor: Harper SD District: Harper SD Mission Statement To provide within the economic framework of the community, an educational environment, learning experiences and intellectual stimulation which enable each student to develop mentally, physically, and socially to the fullest extent of his/her own capabilities and to society’s greatest good. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students At-Risk Low-Achieving Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Traditional: Essentialist Converted Public School Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Satisfactory NA School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 68 Current Grade Levels: K-12 Current cap on students: 100 Future Grade Levels: K-13 53 HomeSource Family Charter www.homesourcefamily.us Address: 1110 Fairfield Ave, Suite 100 Eugene, OR 97402 County: Lane Opened: 10/1/2010 Principal: Paula Praus-Williamson E-mail: paula.praus-williamson@homesourcefamily.us Phone: 541-689-9959 Sponsor: Bethel SD District: Bethel SD Mission Statement Will support and inspire a collaborative approach to learning where the educational process is built upon the direct interaction and a shared endeavor between students, parents, educators and the community according to their needs and interests. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students At-Risk Home School Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Conversion Converted Alternative School Parents Teachers Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Not Rated Note School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 202 Current Grade Levels: K-13 Current cap on students: 500 Future Grade Levels: K-13 54 Howard Street Charter School www.howardstreet.org Address: 710 Howard St. SE Salem, OR 97302 County: Marion Opened: 9/1/2002 Principal: Jim Adams E-mail: adams_jim@salkeiz.k12.or.us Phone: 503-399-3408 Sponsor: Salem-Keizer SD District: Salem-Keizer SD Mission Statement At Howard Street, we believe that every child has special gifts and unique potential. It is the responsibility of the School, the family, and the community to individually and collectively care for and support each student's achievement. It is each student's responsibility to actively participate in learning, within and without the classroom, and within and without the School. The School believes that literacy in the English language and a second language, learning and experience in the fine and performing arts, and the academic and experiential exposure to scientific, mathematical and technological discovery are vital elements of middle school education. The School serves the individual student, meeting the needs of the learner. Teachers and administrators are responsible for curriculum and program development. A constructive, selfless, contributory partnership among students, teachers, parents, and community resources ensures focus on the mission of the School. Respect and responsibility guide the School's decisions and actions. Howard Street is a model for curriculum and program innovation, teaching, governance, support for professional development of staff and School-Community collaboration. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Traditional: Perennial Parents Community Members Teachers Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Outstanding Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 162 Current Grade Levels: 6-8 Current cap on students: 162 Future Grade Levels: 6-8 55 Imbler Charter School www.imbler.k12.or.us Address: 6th & Esther Imbler, OR 97841 County: Union Opened: 9/1/2008 Principal: Doug Hislop E-mail: dhislop@imbler.k12.or.us Phone: 541-534-5331 Sponsor: Imbler SD District: Imbler SD Mission Statement Instilling an attitude of excellence and the commitment to achieve. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Regular School, Non-Attending Home School Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Traditional: Essentialist Converted Public School Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Satisfactory Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 320 Current Grade Levels: K-12 Current cap on students: 350 Future Grade Levels: K-12 56 Ione Community School www.ione.k12.or.us Address: 445 Spring St Ione, OR 97843 County: Morrow Opened: 9/1/2004 Principal: Jerry Archer E-mail: jerry.archer@ione.k12.or.us Phone: 541-422-7131 Sponsor: Ione SD District: Ione SD Mission Statement To create an exceptional educational program based upon the strong ties between the school an the community, which are already natural in Ione. Ione Community Charter School will strive to clutivate small learning communities, incorporating community members, along with the students and staff of the school, into the equation. The ICCS will create a true community school and by doing so, will provide Ione students with an exceptional education both academicaly and socially. ( We are currently udating this mission statement, we are working with OSBA rewriting our charter) Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Home School Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Conversion Converted Public School Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Satisfactory Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 176 Current Grade Levels: K-13 Current cap on students: 200 Future Grade Levels: K-13 57 The Ivy School www.theivyschool.com Address: 4212 NE Prescott Portland, OR 97218 County: Multnomah Opened: 9/1/2009 Principal: Kim Carlson E-mail: kim@theivyschool.com Phone: 503-288-8820 Sponsor: State Board of Education District: Portland SD Mission Statement Offering a Montessori education with Spanish-language study. Our mission is to inspire children of diverse backgrounds to be lifelong, independent learners who value responsibility and embody peace. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Progressive: Child-centered Parents Community Members Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Not Rated Note School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 150 Current Grade Levels: grades 1-6 Current cap on students: 240 Future Grade Levels: grades 1-8 58 Jane Goodall Environmental Middle School www.jgems.net Address: 999 B Locust St NE Salem, OR 97303 County: Marion Opened: 9/1/2004 Principal: Marie Carver E-mail: carver_marie@salkeiz.k12.or.us Phone: 503-399-3215 Sponsor: Salem-Keizer SD District: Salem-Keizer SD Mission Statement Will provide an engaging and meaningful focus for students to achieve Oregon academic standards. Through partnerships with community and governmental organizations, an integrated curriculum design and an emphasis on field-based projects, students will actively apply their knowledge and skills as they improve our local and global environments. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Specialized: Content Specialties Converted Public School Teachers Was a magnet program within an underenrolled school Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Outstanding Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 97 Current Grade Levels: grades 6-8 Current cap on students: 99 Future Grade Levels: grades 6-8 59 Joseph Charter School www.joseph.k12.or.us Address: Joseph, OR 97846 County: Wallowa Opened: 9/1/2011 Principal: Rhonda Shirley E-mail: rshirley@joseph.k12.or.us Phone: 541-432-7311 Sponsor: Joseph SD District: Joseph SD Mission Statement To increase student achievement by expanding learning opportunities, building stronger partnerships among educators, parents, and community partners and encouraging the use of diverse and innovative learning methods and techniques. Academic excellence will be realized though individual student programs that will be supported by the principles of multiple intelligence, service learning, arts appreciation, and vocational readiness. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students At-Risk Home School Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Conversion Converted Public School Parents Teachers Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Satisfactory Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 220 Current Grade Levels: K-12 Current cap on students: 250 Future Grade Levels: K-12 60 Kings Valley Charter School www.kvschool.org Address: 38840 Kings Valley Highway Philomath, OR 97370 County: Benton Opened: 9/1/2001 Principal: Mark Hazelton E-mail: mhazelton@kvschool.org Phone: 541-929-2134 Sponsor: Philomath SD District: Philomath SD Mission Statement To achieve academic excellence for all students through individualized programs in an environment designed to promote self motivation, responsibility and a positive attitude. Hands-on educational opportunities are a priority. Community involvement in the school is of primary importance, and a critical success factor. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Special Needs Talented and Gifted (TAG) Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Interdisciplinary Community Members Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Outstanding Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 185 Current Grade Levels: Pre-K- 12 Current cap on students: 186 Future Grade Levels: Pre-K- 12 61 KNOVA Reynolds Public Charter School www.knovalearning.com Address: 18205 SE Stark St Portland, OR 97233-4862 County: Multnomah Opened: 9/1/2010 Principal: Tina Long E-mail: t6long@gmail.com Phone: 503-206-8578 Sponsor: Reynolds District: Reynolds Mission Statement Enable students to realize their greatest potential, access opportunities for competitive colleges and careers, and become tomorrow’s leaders by managing innovative, highly effective schools in underserved communities. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students At-Risk Low-Achieving Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Interdisciplinary Teachers Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Not Rated Note School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 300 Current Grade Levels: K-6 Current cap on students: 540 Future Grade Levels: K-8 62 LEP High School (Leadership and Entrepreneurial Public Charter High School) www.lephigh.org Address: 2044 E Burnside St Portland, OR 97214 County: Multnomah Opened: 9/1/2006 Principal: Lorna Fast Buffalo Horse E-mail: lorna.fbh@lephigh.org Phone: 503-254-2537 Sponsor: Portland Public Schools District: Portland Public Schools Mission Statement Students realize their strengths and the skills they need to actualize their potential by developing the mindset of a leader and entrepreneur through hands-on learning, social action, career exploration and a college readiness curriculum. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students At-Risk Regular School, Non-Attending Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Specialized: Trade Specialties Community Members Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating In Need of Improvement Not Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 335 Current Grade Levels: grades 9-12 Current cap on students: 400 Future Grade Levels: grades 9-12 63 Lewis and Clark Montessori Charter School www.lcmcs.org Address: 3445 SE Hillyard Rd Gresham, OR 97080 County: Multnomah Opened: 9/1/2008 Principal: Melissa Harbert E-mail: mharbert@lcmcs.org Phone: 503-912-1367 Sponsor: Gresham-Barlow SD District: Gresham-Barlow SD Mission Statement To prepare students to become independent thinkers, resourceful problem solvers, life-long learners and positive contributors in our society by focusing on the development of the whole child: intellectually, socially, emotionally and physically. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Progressive: Child-centered Parents Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Outstanding Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 180 Current Grade Levels: Pre-K-5 Current cap on students: 180 Future Grade Levels: Pre-K-8 64 Lighthouse School www.thelighthouseschool.org Address: 93670 Viking Lane, Ste. 1 North Bend, OR 97459 County: Coos Opened: 9/1/2002 Principal: Wade Lester E-mail: lhwlester@nbend.k12.or.us Phone: 541-751-1649 Sponsor: North Bend SD District: North Bend SD Mission Statement To provide students and their families with a challenging and creative learning environment dedicated to academic excellence. Utilizing an eclectic approach to holistic education, we create an atmosphere in which children can reach their social, creative, and intellectual potential. The Lighthouse School values and models compassion for all living things, respect for the environment, and an appreciation for a changing and diverse world. We nurture the whole child--head, heart, and hands. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Progressive: Child-centered Parents Community Members Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Outstanding Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 220 Current Grade Levels: K-8 Current cap on students: 222 Future Grade Levels: K-8 65 Lincoln City Career Tech High www.careertech.us Address: 801 SW Hwy 101, Suite 404 Lincoln City, OR 97367 County: Lincoln Opened: 9/1/2000 Principal: Carol Zekan E-mail: czekan@communityservices.us Phone: 541-996-5534 Sponsor: Lincoln County SD District: Lincoln County SD Mission Statement Educational Setting Populations Targeted Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Not Rated Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: Current Grade Levels: Current cap on students: Future Grade Levels: 66 Logos Charter School www.logoscharter.com Address: 400 Earhart Medford,, OR 97501-7828 County: Jackson Opened: 9/1/2010 Principal: Joe VanDoloski E-mail: logoscharter@live.com Phone: 541-441-1898 Sponsor: Medford District: Medford Mission Statement To offer a performance and standards-based, personalized learning program in Oregon supported by the principles of multiple intelligences, service-learning and vocational readiness to students in grades K-12. LPCS will provide academic excellence through an individualized education and promote a partnership between families, the community and public education. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Hybrid All Students Special Needs Home School Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Traditional: Essentialist Parents Community Members Teachers Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Not Rated Note School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 600 Current Grade Levels: K-12 Current cap on students: no cap Future Grade Levels: K-12 67 Lourdes Public Charter School www.lourdes.k12.or.us Address: 39059 Jordan Rd Scio, OR 97374 County: Linn Opened: 9/1/1999 Principal: Linda Duman E-mail: lourdes@smt-net.com Phone: 503-394-3340 Sponsor: Scio SD District: Scio SD Mission Statement Not one way for all learners...the right way for each. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Conversion Converted Public School Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Satisfactory Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 49 Current Grade Levels: grades 1-8 Current cap on students: 49 Future Grade Levels: grades 1-8 68 Luckiamute Valley Charter School www.lvcs.k12.or.us Address: 17475 Bridgeport Rd Dallas, OR 97338 County: Polk Opened: 9/1/2001 Principal: Dan Austin E-mail: d.austin@lvcs.k12.or.us Phone: 503-838-1933 Sponsor: Dallas SD District: Dallas SD Mission Statement To create a community where students, staff and families work together to cultivate the academic, social, emotional, and ethical growth of each student. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Traditional: Essentialist Community Members Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Satisfactory Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 201 Current Grade Levels: K-8 Current cap on students: 225 Future Grade Levels: K-8 69 Madrone Trail Public Charter School www.madronetrail.org Address: 3070 Ross Lane Medford, OR 97502 County: Jackson Opened: 9/1/2007 Principal: Joe Frodsham E-mail: joe.frodsham@medford.k12.or.us Phone: 541-842-3657 Sponsor: Medford SD District: Medford SD Mission Statement To develop balanced, successful, socially esponsible and contributing community members by introducing a high quality choice in public education using Waldorf-inspired methods,a wellrounded and proven curriculum addressing the needs of the whole child. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Home School Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Progressive: Child-centered Parents Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Satisfactory Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 175 Current Grade Levels: K-6 Current cap on students: 240 Future Grade Levels: K-8 70 Milwaukie Academy of the Arts http://www.nclack.k12.or.us/maa/site/default.asp Address: 11300 SE 23rd Ave Milwaukie, OR 97222 County: Clackamas Opened: 9/1/2005 Principal: Tim Taylor E-mail: taylorti@nclack.k12.or.us Phone: 503-353-5834 Sponsor: North Clackamas SD District: North Clackamas SD Mission Statement Integrate the performing and visual arts throughout a rigorous core academic curriculum in a nurturing environment. Together with parents and community we empower students to reach their innate intellectual, artistic, and creative potential, ensuring they earn a North Clackamas School District diploma. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Talented and Gifted (TAG) Home School Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Specialized: Content Specialties Converted Public School Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Outstanding Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 212 Current Grade Levels: grades 9-12 Current cap on students: 400 Future Grade Levels: grades 9-12 71 MITCH Charter school www.mitchcharterschool.org Address: 19550 SW 90th Ct Tualatin, OR 97062 County: Washington Opened: 9/1/2002 Principal: Debi Lorence E-mail: mitch@mitchcharterschool.org Phone: 503-639-5757 Sponsor: Tigard-Tualatin SD District: Tigard-Tualatin SD Mission Statement To integrate the environment with proven instructional strategies (Core Knowledge Curriculum, Riggs Institute Language Arts, and Saxon and Singapore Math programs), and to develop an enriching, educational experience for all children. M.I.T.C.H. Charter School students will have a classical education using multi-sensory instruction with a sequential rigorous curriculum that is rich in literacy, culture, history, language, and arts that combines real world experiences and applied knowledge. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Traditional: Essentialist Parents Community Members Teachers Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Outstanding Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 250 Current Grade Levels: K-8 Current cap on students: 250 Future Grade Levels: K-8 72 Molalla River Academy www.molallariveracademy.com Address: 16897 S Callahan Rd Molalla, OR 97038 County: Clackamas Opened: 9/1/2009 Principal: James Fanning E-mail: info@molallariveracademy.com Phone: 503-829-6672 Sponsor: Molalla River SD District: Molalla River SD Mission Statement To guide students in becoming responsible life-long learners and compassionate community members through interdisciplinary studies in the arts and sciences within a safe and nurturing environment. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Progressive: Child-centered Parents Community Members Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Satisfactory Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 194 Current Grade Levels: K-8 Current cap on students: 225 Future Grade Levels: K-8 73 Mosier Community School www.mosierschool.com Address: 1204 First Ave. Mosier, OR 97040 County: Wasco Opened: 9/1/2002 Principal: Carole Schmidt E-mail: schmidtc@nwasco.k12 Phone: 541-478-3321 Sponsor: North Wasco County SD District: North Wasco County SD Mission Statement Fostering independent learning and citizenship, in partnership with and for the benefit of, our Mosier community. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Interdisciplinary Converted Public School Community Members Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Satisfactory Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 160 Current Grade Levels: K-6 Current cap on students: 160 Future Grade Levels: K-6 74 Mosier Middle School Address: 1204 First Ave. Mosier, OR 97040 County: Wasco Opened: 9/1/2011 Principal: Carol Schmidt E-mail: schmidtc@nwasco.k12.or.us Phone: 541-478-3321 Sponsor: North Wasco County SD District: North Wasco County SD Mission Statement Students will become global citizens who analyze their world in a critical and equitable manner, while respecting the richness and diversity of all living things. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Interdisciplinary Community Members Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating NA Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 55 Current Grade Levels: grades 7-8 Current cap on students: 60 Future Grade Levels: grades 7-8 75 Muddy Creek Charter School www.muddycreekcharterschool.org Address: 30252 Bellfountain Rd Corvallis, OR 97333 County: Benton Opened: 9/1/2008 Principal: Dan Hays E-mail: info@muddycreekcharterschool.org Phone: 541-752-0377 Sponsor: Corvallis SD District: Corvallis SD Mission Statement Founded to provide an outstanding public educational program for children in grades K-5 who reside in and around the Muddy Creek Watershed. The school will deliver place-based, integrated arts and science curriculum grounded in its rural agricultural setting and commotment to community service. MCCS will be supported in its efforts by forging and maintaining partnerships with local landowners and agencies, OSU researchers and the community at large. Our success will be our children. We have multiage classrooms so the children learn to work well with others their age or younger/older. The students of MCCS will not only meet or surpass the state benchmarks but will also have a deeper understanding of their place in the world as demonstrated by portfolios of high quality projects, and they will be well-prepared to transition into other schools for their continued education. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Regular School, Non-Attending Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Progressive: Child-centered Converted Public School Parents Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Outstanding Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 82 Current Grade Levels: K-5 Current cap on students: 90 Future Grade Levels: K-8 76 Multisensory Learning Academy www.mla.k12.or.us Address: 22565 NE Halsey St Fairview, OR 97024 County: Multnomah Opened: 9/1/2001 Principal: Sheri Fitzsimmons E-mail: awaldbillig@mla.k12.or.us Phone: 503-405-7868 Sponsor: Reynolds SD District: Reynolds SD Mission Statement Provide a safe, caring learning community that allows children to reach their educational and personal potential while nurturing their self-confidence. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Conversion Teachers Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Satisfactory Not Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 318 Current Grade Levels: K-6 Current cap on students: 318 Future Grade Levels: K-6 77 Network Charter School www.networkcharterschool.org Address: 2550 Portland St Eugene, OR 97401 County: Lane Opened: 9/1/2003 Principal: Mary Leighton E-mail: mary@networkcharterschool.org Phone: 541-344-1229 Sponsor: Eugene SD District: Eugene SD Mission Statement To provide students with: (a) an educational network: a supportive web of learning resources involving families, peers, teachers, community members, other schools, businesses and, in particular, nonprofit organizations that will allow students to discover their own strengths and interests, (b) work-based and project-based learning: community based options that emphasize learning through hands-on experiences in an environmentally and socially sustainable, compassionate, productive and supportive setting, and (c) self-directed study: the opportunity for students to design their own educational programs with the degree of guidance that best suits their needs, ranging from selfdirected programs to a carefully guided Personalized Educational Plan. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students At-Risk Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Progressive: Democratic Local Organizations Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating In Need of Improvement Not Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 120 Current Grade Levels: grades 7-12 Current cap on students: 210 Future Grade Levels: grades 7-12 78 Nixyaawi Community School www.nixyaawii.k12.or.us Address: 73300 July Grounds Lane Pendleton, OR 97801 County: Umatilla Opened: 9/1/2004 Principal: Tim Sprenger E-mail: tim.sprenger@pendleton.k12.or.us Phone: 541-966-2680 Sponsor: Pendleton SD District: Pendleton SD Mission Statement To provide a Native American culturally based education. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Students of a Specific Cultural/Ethnic Group Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Interdisciplinary Community Members Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Not Rated Not Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 48 Current Grade Levels: grades 9-12 Current cap on students: 200 Future Grade Levels: grades 6-12 79 North Columbia Academy www.rainier.k12.or.us Address: 28168 Old Rainier Rd Rainier, OR 97048 County: Columbia Opened: 9/1/2004 Principal: R. Michael Carter E-mail: michael_carter@rsd.k12.or.us Phone: 503-556-3777 Sponsor: Rainier SD District: Rainier SD Mission Statement Strive to meet the educational and psychological needs of each student through a strengths-based approach to education. To ensure that learning occurs, students remain in school and graduate with a high school diploma, NCA develops a comprehensive strategy which includes adapting curriculum and instruction to each student’s unique needs. The charter school actively collaborates with local and state agencies to provide resources for families. This collaboration supports the healthy development of student and family assets in order to facilitate achievement and promote the long-term goals of the student. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar At-Risk Low-Achieving Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Interdisciplinary Converted Alternative School Teachers Shared neighboring school district, Board and Admin. Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Not Rated Not Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 35 Current Grade Levels: grades 9-13 Current cap on students: 35 Future Grade Levels: grades 9-13 80 North Powder Charter School www.npowder.k12.or.us Address: 333 G Street North Powder, OR 97867 County: Union Opened: 9/1/2009 Principal: Kristen Graber E-mail: blake.jones@npowder.k12.or.us Phone: 541-898-2244 Sponsor: North Powder SD District: North Powder SD Mission Statement To provide for all students--the educational excellence for promotion of skills, self-esteem, life-long personal growth, and the fundamental knowledge for becoming responsible citizens in partnership with parents and community. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students At-Risk Low-Achieving Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Conversion Converted Public School Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Satisfactory Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 273 Current Grade Levels: K-12 Current cap on students: 300 Future Grade Levels: K-12 81 Opal School www.portlandcm.org/opal_school.php Address: 4015 SW Canyon Rd. Portland, OR 97221 County: Multnomah Opened: 9/1/2001 Principal: Tara Papandrew E-mail: tpapandrew@portlandcm.org Phone: 503-471-9917 Sponsor: Portland Public Schools District: Portland Public Schools Mission Statement Opal School strengthens public education by providing fresh ideas concerning environments where creativity, imagination and the wonder of learning thrive. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Progressive: Democratic Community Members Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Satisfactory Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 88 Current Grade Levels: K-5 Current cap on students: 88 Future Grade Levels: K-5 82 Optimum Learning Environments www.salkeiz.k12.or.us Address: 7905 June Reid Place NE Keizer, OR 97303 County: Marion Opened: 9/1/2002 Principal: Gary Etchemendy E-mail: etchemendy_gary@salkeiz.k12.or.us Phone: 503-399-5548 Sponsor: Salem-Keizer SD District: Salem-Keizer SD Mission Statement To enable students to be 21st Century lifelong learners and workers who are prepared for the environmental, technological and social challenges of an increasingly diverse and advancing society. Students will be successful in meeting state standards and will develop lifelong skills in: •Civic Responsibility •Environmental Sciences •Technology •Leadership, Collaboration, and Problem Solving through the integrated and linked learning environments of family, community, and school the child will develop the academic and social assets to be successful. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Interdisciplinary Teachers Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Outstanding Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 134 Current Grade Levels: grades 1-5 Current cap on students: 134 Future Grade Levels: grades 1-5 83 Oregon City Service Learning Academy www.orecity.k12.or.us Address: 1306 12th St Oregon City, OR 97045 County: Clackamas Opened: 9/1/2006 Principal: Tim Graham E-mail: tim.graham@orecity.k12.or.us Phone: 503-785-8445 Sponsor: Oregon City SD District: Oregon City SD Mission Statement Service Learning Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students At-Risk Low-Achieving Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Conversion Converted Alternative School Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Not Rated Not Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 119 Current Grade Levels: grades 9-12 Current cap on students: 120 Future Grade Levels: grades 9-12 84 Oregon Coast Technology School www.student.nbend.k12.or.us/orco/homepage.html Address: 2323 Pacific Ave North Bend, OR 97459-3432 County: Coos Opened: 9/1/2003 Principal: Ralph Brooks E-mail: rbrooks@nbend.k12.or.us Phone: 541-756-8307 Sponsor: North Bend SD District: North Bend SD Mission Statement Educational Setting Populations Targeted Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Outstanding Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: Current Grade Levels: Current cap on students: Future Grade Levels: 85 Oregon Connections Academy www.connectionsacademy.com Address: 38761 North Main St Scio, OR 97374 County: Linn Opened: 9/1/2005 Principal: Todd Miller E-mail: tmiller@connectionseducation.com Phone: 503-394-4315 Sponsor: Scio SD District: Scio SD Mission Statement The mission of Oregon Connections Academy, a public virtual charter school, is to provide an inclusive, flexible, academic, and individualized program by partnering students and families with highly qualified educators to build life-long learners. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Virtual All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Interdisciplinary Community Members Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating In Need of Improvement Not Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 3100 Current Grade Levels: K-12 Current cap on students: 4000 Future Grade Levels: K-12 86 Oregon Trail Primary Academy www.oregontrailschools.com Address: 36520 SE Proctor Rd Boring, OR 97009-9719 County: Clackamas Opened: 9/1/2010 Principal: James Milliken E-mail: james.milliken@ortrail.k12.or.us Phone: 503-668-5521 Sponsor: Oregon Trail SD District: Oregon Trail SD Mission Statement Strive to create reflective, critical thinking young people who see themselves as strong contributors to the world they live in. We believe in a rigorous education that is taught in an interdisciplinary fashion so that students see connection between the subjects they learn and the world around them. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Progressive: Child-centered District Office initiated Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Not Rated Note School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 157 Current Grade Levels: K-5 Current cap on students: 167 Future Grade Levels: K-12 87 Oregon Virtual Academy www.k12.com/orva Address: 400 Virginia Ave, Ste. 210 North Bend, OR 97459 County: Coos Opened: 9/1/2008 Principal: James Moyer E-mail: jlehman@k12.com Phone: 541-751-8060 Sponsor: North Bend SD District: North Bend SD Mission Statement To increase student proficiency levels in core academic subject areas. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Virtual All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Traditional: Essentialist Community Members Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Satisfactory Not Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 1376 Current Grade Levels: K-10 Current cap on students: 3000 Future Grade Levels: K-12 88 Paisley Charter School www.paisleyschool.com Address: 260 Green St Paisley, OR 97636 County: Lake Opened: 9/1/2003 Principal: Donna Howard E-mail: donna.howardsupt@gmail.com Phone: 541-943-3111 Sponsor: Paisley SD District: Paisley SD Mission Statement To recognize the unique community involvement of a small rural school and the exceptional education that can be achieved through the community. The school will provide a curriculum that is seamlessly articulated from Kindergarten through grade 12. Taking advantage of the school's location and staff talents, emphasis will be in the fields of Natural Resources, Fine Arts, and Technology. Students will expect to design their personalized education plan, focusing on high achievable goals, strong work ethic, and self-motivation. The staff, parent/guardian and community will provide educational partnerships aiming toward student success. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Hybrid All Students At-Risk Talented and Gifted (TAG) Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Interdisciplinary Converted Public School Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Outstanding Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 144 Current Grade Levels: Pre-K-12 Current cap on students: 220 Future Grade Levels: Pre-K-12 89 Phoenix Charter School www.roseburgphoenix.com Address: 3131 NE Diamond Lake Blvd Roseburg, OR 97470 County: Douglas Opened: 9/1/2005 Principal: Ron Breyne E-mail: rbreyne@roseburgphoenix.com Phone: 541-673-3036 Sponsor: Douglas County SD District: Douglas County SD Mission Statement Students creating pathways to college and cereers through high standards of academic achievement, career-technical education, and personal growth. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar At-Risk Regular School, Non-Attending Low-Achieving Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Conversion Converted Alternative School Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Satisfactory Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 184 Current Grade Levels: grades 9-12 Current cap on students: 200 Future Grade Levels: grades K-13 90 Pine Eagle Charter School www.pineeagle.k12.or.us Address: 375 North Main St Halfway, OR 97834-8153 County: Baker Opened: 9/1/2010 Principal: Cammie deCastro E-mail: cdecastro@pineeagle.k12.or.us Phone: 541-742-2811 Sponsor: Pine Eagle SD District: Pine Eagle SD Mission Statement A) increasing student learning and achievement; B) increasing choice of learning opportunities; C) meeting the individual academic needs and interests of students; D) building stronger working relationships among educators, parents, and community partners; and E) encouraging the use of diverse and innovative learning methods. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students At-Risk Home School Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Conversion Converted Public School Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Satisfactory Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 182 Current Grade Levels: Pre-K-12 Current cap on students: 310 Future Grade Levels: Pre-K-12 91 Portland Arthur Academy www.arthuracademy.org Address: 7507 SE Yamhill, Suite B Portland, OR 97215 County: Multnomah Opened: 9/1/2005 Principal: Ryan Hull E-mail: portlandadmin@arthuracademy.org Phone: 503-257-3936 Sponsor: Portland Public Schools District: Portland Public Schools Mission Statement Educational Setting Populations Targeted Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Outstanding Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: Current Grade Levels: Current cap on students: Future Grade Levels: 92 Portland Village School www.portlandvillageschool.org Address: 7654 N Delaware Ave Portland, OR 97217 County: Multnomah Opened: 9/1/2007 Principal: Jackie Jaffe E-mail: info@portlandvillageschool.org Phone: 503-445-0056 Sponsor: Portland Public Schools District: Portland Public Schools Mission Statement Provide a developmentally appropriate, arts-integrated educational program designed to promote the growth and development of the whole child. This school fosters the intellect, nurtures the imagination, and recognizes the emotional life of each child. We strive to create a community that cultivates respect for self and for the broader community. Our aim is to inspire children to live engaged and successful lives, prepared to meet the demands of their world. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Progressive: Child-centered Parents Teachers Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Satisfactory Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 363 Current Grade Levels: K-8 Current cap on students: 394 Future Grade Levels: K-8 93 Powell Butte Community Charter School www.powellbuttecharterschool.org Address: 13650 Hwy 126 Powell Butte, OR 97753-1604 County: Crook Opened: 9/1/2010 Principal: D. C. Lundy E-mail: dlundy@powellbuttecharterschool.org Phone: 541-548-1166 Sponsor: Crook Co. SD District: Crook Co. SD Mission Statement To provide quality educational programming supported by rigorous academics, community service, and stewardship of our natural resources, to assure that our students achieve their highest potential as learners, citizens, and future leaders of the local community and the world. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Regular School, Non-Attending Home School Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Conversion Oregon Report Card Rating Converted Public School Parents Local Organizations Community Members Teachers Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Satisfactory Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 266 Current Grade Levels: K-7 Current cap on students: 286 Future Grade Levels: K-8 94 Prospect Charter School www.prospect.k12.or.us Address: 160 Mill Creek Dr Prospect, OR 97536 County: Jackson Opened: 9/1/2009 Principal: Jennifer Pettit E-mail: jenniferp@prospect.k12.or.us Phone: 541-560-3653 Sponsor: Prospect SD District: Prospect SD Mission Statement Increase career awareness and employability in graduates especially in the area of natural resources. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Conversion Converted Public School Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating In Need of Improvement Not Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 270 Current Grade Levels: Pre-K-12 Current cap on students: 270 Future Grade Levels: Pre-K-12 95 REALMS - Rimrock Expeditionary Alternative Learning Middle School www.realmschool.org Address: 63175 OB Riley Rd Bend, OR 97701 County: Deschutes Opened: 9/1/2001 Principal: Roger White E-mail: rwhite@realmschool.org Phone: 541-322-5323 Sponsor: Bend-La Pine SD District: Bend-La Pine SD Mission Statement To foster scholarship, strengthen community, and inspire stewardship through active learning. We actively challenge our students to investigate, understand, and become stewards of the human and natural world around us. To do so, we pursue experiences both inside and outside the classroom that help our students develop a core set of academic skills and learning habits; that encourage them to explore and identify their values; and that foster the inspiration that comes through service to others and adventure. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students At-Risk Talented and Gifted (TAG) Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Progressive: Democratic Community Members Teachers Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Satisfactory Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 135 Current Grade Levels: grades 6-8 Current cap on students: 140 Future Grade Levels: grades 6-8 96 Redmond Proficiency Academy www.rpacademy.org Address: 657 SW Glacier Ave Redmond, OR 97756 County: Deschutes Opened: 9/1/2009 Principal: E-mail: Phone: 541-526-0882 Sponsor: Redmond SD District: Redmond SD Mission Statement Creative learning environment preparing students to succeed in the global community through innovative programs, through building positive relationships, and through community partnerships. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Interdisciplinary Parents Teachers Administrators Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Outstanding Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 480 Current Grade Levels: grades 9-13 Current cap on students: 400 Future Grade Levels: grades 6-13 97 Reedsport Community Charter School www.reedsport.k12.or.us Address: 2260 Longwood Dr. Reedsport, OR 97467 County: Douglas Opened: 2/1/2010 Principal: Laura Davis E-mail: ldavis@reedsport.k12.or.us Phone: 541-271-2141 Sponsor: Reedsport SD District: Reedsport SD Mission Statement A community of learners preparing to meet the challenges of the future. We have three areas of focus: 1. Community Partnerships 2. Personal Education Plans 3. Integrating Technology/Teacher Training Educational Setting Populations Targeted Hybrid All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Conversion Converted Public School Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating In Need of Improvement Not Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 311 Current Grade Levels: grades 7-13 Current cap on students: 500 Future Grade Levels: grades 7-13 98 Renaissance Public Academy www.renaissancepublicacademy.org Address: 39214 S Sawtell Rd Molalla, OR 97038 County: Clackamas Opened: 9/1/2010 Principal: Randle Brown E-mail: randle.brown@renaissancepublicacademy.org Phone: 503-759-7002 Sponsor: Molalla River SD District: Molalla River SD Mission Statement Our Mission Statement At Renaissance Public Academy, we strive to develop the academic potential and personal character of each student. We seek to empower each student by employing challenging, well-defined educational programs based on core knowledge and classical principles. We hold high expectations for the performance and personal accountability of each student by use of character education and community service. Through a strong emphasis on internship and mentoring programs, we provide the tools necessary for a successful transition to a chosen career or further education. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Traditional: Essentialist Parents Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Not Rated Note School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 100 Current Grade Levels: 5-12 Current cap on students: 160 Future Grade Levels: K-12 99 Resource Link www.resourcelinkcharter.org Address: 755 S 7th St. Coos Bay, OR 97420 County: Coos Opened: 9/1/2004 Principal: Lesli Traylor E-mail: leslit@coos-bay.k12.or.us Phone: 541-267-1499 Sponsor: Coos Bay SD District: Coos Bay SD Mission Statement Educational Setting Populations Targeted Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating In Need of Improvement Not Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: Current Grade Levels: Current cap on students: Future Grade Levels: 100 Reynolds Arthur Academy www.arthuracademy.org Address: 123 SE 21st St. Troutdale, OR 97060-3300 County: Multnomah Opened: 9/1/2004 Principal: Chris Arnold E-mail: reynoldsadmin@arthuracademy.org Phone: 503-465-8882 Sponsor: Reynolds SD District: Reynolds SD Mission Statement Use an incremental, mastery- learning approach for teaching basic subjects of reading, math and language found in Direct Instruction programs and materials. These program are complemented with Core Knowledge programs for teaching more open ended, inquiry material in subjects of history, science, social studies, geography, music, art, and literature through high-interest themes and projects. We believe the Arthur Academy Charter Schools can make a positive contribution to education in the Portland area. The mission of Arthur Academy charter school is first to accelerate educational achievement and academic competency of all its students. In attempting to accomplish the broad mission, our school provides a uniquely effective and specialized approach to teaching called Direct Instruction. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Traditional: Essentialist one retired teacher- Mr. Charles Arthur Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Outstanding Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 190 Current Grade Levels: K-6 Current cap on students: 210 Future Grade Levels: K-8 101 Riddle Education Center www.riddle.k12.or.us Address: 119 Main St Riddle, OR 97469 County: Douglas Opened: 9/1/2004 Principal: William Starkweather E-mail: william.starkweather@riddle.k12.or.us Phone: 541-874-3202 Sponsor: Riddle SD District: Riddle SD Mission Statement To provide innovative student-centered educational and social experiences through integrated and project based curricula that promote personal and group success. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students At-Risk Low-Achieving Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Conversion Converted Alternative School Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Not Rated Not Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 35 Current Grade Levels: grades 7-13 Current cap on students: 40 Future Grade Levels: grades 7-13 102 Ridgeline Montessori Public Charter School www.ridgeline.org Address: 3411 Willamette Street, Eugene, OR 97405 County: Lane Opened: 9/1/2000 Principal: Chrystell Reed E-mail: chrystell.reed@ridgeline.org Phone: 541-681-9662 Sponsor: Eugene SD District: Eugene SD Mission Statement To provide a challenging academic program based on the educational philosophy of Dr. Maria Montessori. The Montessori approach balances two interdependent elements: the students' freedom to explore and think for themselves, and their responsibility to work and learn within a community. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Progressive: Child-centered Parents Community Members Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Outstanding Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 196 Current Grade Levels: K-8 Current cap on students: 238 Future Grade Levels: pre-K-8 103 River's Edge Academy Charter School www.reach-school.org Address: 270 W Evans Creek Rd Rogue River, OR 97537 County: Jackson Opened: 9/1/2011 Principal: Cecile Enright E-mail: cecile.enright@reach-school.org Phone: 541-299-0299 Sponsor: Rogue River District: Rogue River Mission Statement Seeks to offer partnerships between families, community, and public education which will maximize educational opportunities, promote excellence, and inspire students to learn and grow to their potential. Vision: “Achieving academic excellence through personalized learning, and parentteacher, community partnerships.” Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar At-Risk Low-Achieving Home School Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Conversion Community Members Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating NA Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 100 Current Grade Levels: K-12 Current cap on students: 100 Future Grade Levels: K-12 104 Sage Community School www.sagecommunityschool.org Address: 43580 Hwy 62 Chiloquin, OR 97624 County: Klamath Opened: 9/1/2007 Principal: Sandra Klepadlo-Girdner E-mail: sgirdner@sagecommunityschool.org Phone: 541-783-2533 Sponsor: Klamath County SD District: Klamath County SD Mission Statement To teach and learn collaboratively as a community-based, K–8 school with project-based learning focused on the place we live. Providing a secure and positive environment, we are committed to high academic standards and integrated learning, incorporating local natural resources, Tribal culture, and agriculture with the core subject areas. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Progressive: Child-centered Parents Community Members Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Satisfactory Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 72 Current Grade Levels: Pre-K-8 Current cap on students: 80 Future Grade Levels: Pre-K-8 105 Sand Ridge Charter School www.pieschools.info/ Address: 30581 Sodaville-Mt. Home Rd Lebanon, OR 97355 County: Linn Opened: 9/1/2002 Principal: John Leon E-mail: sracad@proaxis.com Phone: 541-258-2416 Sponsor: Lebanon Community SD District: Lebanon Community SD Mission Statement A college preparatory school dedicated to serving the families of our community by an alternative within public education. We are committed to preparing students to be exemplary citizens with a life-time love of learning through our three-pronged approach of discipline, teaching expertise and parental involvement. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students At-Risk Home School Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Traditional: Essentialist Converted Alternative School Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Outstanding Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 328 Current Grade Levels: K-9 Current cap on students: 374 Future Grade Levels: K-12 106 Sauvie Island Academy www.sauvieislandacademy.org Address: 14445 NW Charlton Rd Portland, OR 97231 County: Columbia Opened: 9/1/2011 Principal: Darla Meeuwsen E-mail: dmeeuwsen@sauvieislandacademy.org Phone: 503-621-3426 Sponsor: Scappoose SD District: Scappoose SD Mission Statement To provide the K-8 children of our community an opportunity to learn through the values of stewardship deeply rooted in the uniqueness that Sauvie Island offers. Our school is the heart of Sauvie Island community. It is a meeting place that fosters an environment where student, parents, staff and the community are partners in the educational process for the achievement of all children. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Specialized: Content Specialties Converted Public School Parents Community Members Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating NA NA School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 174 Current Grade Levels: K-7 Current cap on students: 220 Future Grade Levels: K-8 107 SEI Academy www.selfenhancement.org Address: 3920 N Kerby Ave. Portland, OR 97227 County: Multnomah Opened: 9/1/2004 Principal: Andre Goodlow E-mail: andreg@selfenhancement.org Phone: 503-249-1721 Sponsor: Portland Public Schools District: Portland Public Schools Mission Statement A rigorous, responsive, full-service middle school dedicated to helping all students realize their full academic and personal potential. The school is founded on the principles of integrity and respect, and the SEI belief that every child will be successful. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students At-Risk Low-Achieving Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Interdisciplinary Self-Enhancement, Incorporated Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating In Need of Improvement Not Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 118 Current Grade Levels: grades 6-8 Current cap on students: 150 Future Grade Levels: grades 6-8 108 Sheridan AllPrep Academy www.sheridanallprep.org Address: 435 S Bridge St Sheridan, OR 97378 County: Yamhill Opened: 9/1/2009 Principal: Lori Bogen E-mail: lbogen@sheridanallprep.org Phone: 503-890-8938 Sponsor: Sheridan SD District: Sheridan SD Mission Statement To empower families by creating an online learning community that offers academic and social support while preparing students for a successful transition to post-secondary education and the world of work. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Virtual All Students At-Risk Home School Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Interdisciplinary A previously expanding charter school group. Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Not Rated Note School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 92 Current Grade Levels: K-13 Current cap on students: 300 Future Grade Levels: K-13 109 Sheridan Japanese School www.sheridanjapaneseschool.com Address: 430 SW Monroe St Sheridan, OR 97378 County: Yamhill Opened: 9/1/2003 Principal: Kathryn Mueller E-mail: muellersensei@sheridanjapaneseschool.com Phone: 503-843-3400 Sponsor: Sheridan SD District: Sheridan SD Mission Statement Strivs to challenge students and expand their knowledge of another language and culture while providing a small, unique, multi-age learning environment with high academic and behavioral expectations as well as exceptional parental and community support. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Interdisciplinary Parents Community Members Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Outstanding Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 88 Current Grade Levels: grades 4-12 Current cap on students: 88 Future Grade Levels: grades 4-12 110 Sherwood Charter School www.sherwoodcharterschool.org Address: 23264 SW Main St Sherwood, OR 97140 County: Washington Opened: 9/1/2005 Principal: Jan Smith E-mail: jsmith@sherwoodcharterschool.org Phone: 503-925-8007 Sponsor: Sherwood SD District: Sherwood SD Mission Statement To use commonly shared knowledge to build the foundation for education where all students learn the critical elements of reading, writing, and thinking skills. These educational concepts are based upon the Core Knowledge Sequence Curriculum obtained from grade-by-grade sequence of specific content in all core academics-learning builds upon learning. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Talented and Gifted (TAG) Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Traditional: Essentialist Community Members Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Outstanding Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 196 Current Grade Levels: K-8 Current cap on students: 225 Future Grade Levels: K-8 111 Siletz Valley Early College Academy www.siletzvalleyschools.org Address: 245 James Frank Ave. NW Siletz, OR 97380-0247 County: Lincoln Opened: 9/1/2006 Principal: Samuel Tupou E-mail: stupou@siletzvalleyschools.org Phone: 541-444-1100 Sponsor: Lincoln County SD District: Lincoln County SD Mission Statement Students come first. To create a nurturing environment that encourages a love of learning, motivates students to reach their full potential, and provides opportunities to achieve happiness and academic, social and cultural success. We envision a spirited school and community working together to create the highest quality educational experience for students to live, work, and progress in a diverse society. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Students of a Specific Cultural/Ethnic Group Low-Achieving Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Conversion Oregon Report Card Rating Converted Public School Parents Local Organizations Community Members Teachers Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating In Need of Improvement Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 278 Current Grade Levels: K-12 Current cap on students: 300 Future Grade Levels: K-123 112 Siletz Valley School www.siletzvalleyschools.org Address: 245 James Frank Ave. NW Siletz, OR 97380-0247 County: Lincoln Opened: 9/1/2003 Principal: Samuel Tupou E-mail: stupou@siletzvalleyschools.org Phone: 541-444-1100 Sponsor: Lincoln County SD District: Lincoln County SD Mission Statement The mission of Siletz Valley Schools, where students come first, is to create a nurturing environment that encourages a love of learning, motivates students to reach their full potential, and provides opportunities to achieve happiness and academic, social and cultural success. We envision a spirited school and community working together to create the highest quality educational experience for students to live, work, and progress in a diverse society. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Students of a Specific Cultural/Ethnic Group Low-Achieving Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Conversion Oregon Report Card Rating Converted Public School Parents Local Organizations Community Members Teachers Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Not Rated Not Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 278 Current Grade Levels: K-12 Current cap on students: 300 Future Grade Levels: K-13 113 Silvies River Web Academy Address: 550 N Court Burns, OR 97720-1525 County: Harney Opened: 9/1/2008 Principal: Katie Baltzor E-mail: kbaltzor@silviesrivercharter.org Phone: 541-589-2401 Sponsor: Harney County SD District: Harney County SD Mission Statement To empower a community of parents, teachers and community members in the education of students in a home learning environment by creating a learning community that offers academic and social support and prepares students for the transition to the world of work or post secondary education. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Virtual All Students Regular School, Non-Attending Home School Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Conversion Sponsoring district superintendent Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating In Need of Improvement Not Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 68 Current Grade Levels: K-12 Current cap on students: 150 Future Grade Levels: K-12 114 South Columbia Family School www.scfschool.org Address: 34555 Berg Rd Warren, OR 97053 County: Columbia Opened: 9/1/2004 Principal: Anita Ott E-mail: vweaver@scappoose.k12.or.us Phone: 503-366-9009 Sponsor: Scappoose SD District: Scappoose SD Mission Statement A charter school where students, parents, staff and the community partner to set high academic standards to be achieved through individual and group instruction. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Hybrid All Students Talented and Gifted (TAG) Home School Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Progressive: Child-centered Parents Community Members Superintendent Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Satisfactory Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 56 Current Grade Levels: K-8 Current cap on students: 70 Future Grade Levels: K-8 115 Southwest Charter School www.swcharter.org Address: 0680 SW Bancroft Portland, OR 97239 County: Multnomah Opened: 9/1/2007 Principal: Anne Gurnee E-mail: info@swcharter.org Phone: 503-244-1697 Sponsor: State Board of Education District: Portland SD Mission Statement A small, public school community that emphasizes safety and caring; a place where neither race nor economic status will determine a child's potential for success. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Interdisciplinary Parents Community Members Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Outstanding Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 184 Current Grade Levels: K-8 Current cap on students: 264 Future Grade Levels: K-8 116 Springwater Environmental Sciences School www.springwaterschool.com Address: 16491 S Springwater Rd Oregon City, OR 97045 County: Clackamas Opened: 9/1/2006 Principal: Dawn Bolotow E-mail: dawn@springwaterschool.com Phone: 503-631-7700 Sponsor: Oregon City SD District: Oregon City SD Mission Statement To integrate the sciences throughout the academic core curriculum in a nurturing environment created and maintained by a high level of parent and community involvement. The philosophy of Springwater Environmental Sciences School is that the sciences are conducive to powerful learning, and that increasing the presence of hands-on experiences with “real World” science in all subjects will increase motivation, relevance, and achievement for our students, as well as foster children’s natural curiosity in the world around them. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Specialized: Content Specialties Parents Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Satisfactory Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 198 Current Grade Levels: K-8 Current cap on students: 198 Future Grade Levels: K-8 117 St. Helens Arthur Academy www.arthuracademy.org Address: 33035 Pittsburg Rd St Helens, OR 97051 County: Columbia Opened: 9/1/2007 Principal: Michael Arthur E-mail: yanktonarthuracademy@gmail.com Phone: 503-366-7030 Sponsor: St. Helens SD District: St. Helens SD Mission Statement Educational Setting Populations Targeted Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Outstanding Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: Current Grade Levels: Current cap on students: Future Grade Levels: 118 Sunny Wolf Charter School www.sunnywolfcharterschool.org Address: 100 Ruth Ave Wolf Creek, OR 97497 County: Josephine Opened: 9/1/2010 Principal: E-mail: sunnywolfcharterschool@gmail.com Phone: 541-866-2735 Sponsor: Three Rivers SD District: Three Rivers SD Mission Statement Educational Setting Populations Targeted Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Not Rated Note School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: Current Grade Levels: Current cap on students: Future Grade Levels: 119 Sweet Home Charter School www.pieschools.info/ Address: 28721 Liberty Rd Sweet Home, OR 97386 County: Linn Opened: 9/1/2006 Principal: Scott Richards E-mail: sweethomecharter@gmail.com Phone: 541-367-1833 Sponsor: Sweet Home SD District: Sweet Home SD Mission Statement A college preparatory school dedicated to serving the families of our community by an alternative within public education. We are committed to preparing students to be exemplary citizens with a lifetime love of learning through our three-pronged approach of discipline, teaching expertise and parental involvement. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Traditional: Essentialist Community Members Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Outstanding Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 197 Current Grade Levels: K-6 Current cap on students: 234 Future Grade Levels: K-8 120 Three Rivers Charter School www.3rcs.org Address: 4975 Willamette Falls Drive West Linn, OR 97068 County: Clackamas Opened: 9/1/2001 Principal: Katherine Holtgraves E-mail: kholtgraves@3rcs.org Phone: 503-723-6019 Sponsor: West Linn-Wilsonville SD District: West Linn-Wilsonville SD Mission Statement Vision: Imbue the next generation with fearless leaders empowered to change the world! Mission: Build a community of energetic and enlightened learners motivated to change the world with creativity, compassion, accomplishment and leadership. Core Values: Innovation, Enthusiastic Learning, Passion for Excellence, Integrity, Respect, Supportive Community, Honor Individual Unique and Diverse Contributions. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins General: Conversion Teachers Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Outstanding Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 104 Current Grade Levels: grades 4-8 Current cap on students: 100 Future Grade Levels: grades 4-8 121 Triangle Lake Charter School www.blachly.k12.or.us Address: 20264 Blachly Grange Rd Blachly, OR 97412 County: Lane Opened: 9/1/2010 Principal: Bill Beaudoin E-mail: bbeaudoin@blachly.k12.or.us Phone: 541-925-3262 Sponsor: Blachly SD District: Blachly SD Mission Statement Educational Setting Populations Targeted Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Outstanding Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: Current Grade Levels: Current cap on students: Future Grade Levels: 122 Trillium Charter School www.trilliumcharterschool.org Address: 5420 N Interstate Ave Portland, OR 97217 County: Multnomah Opened: 9/1/2002 Principal: Genevieve Bouwes E-mail: genevieve@trilliumcharterschool.org Phone: 503-285-3833 Sponsor: Portland Public Schools District: Portland Public Schools Mission Statement To create an academically rigorous constructivist learning environment that engages each student’s unique spirit and intellect, develops creative, critical thinking skills, and cultivates compassionate, active citizens. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Progressive: Child-centered Parents Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating In Need of Improvement Not Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 360 Current Grade Levels: K-12 Current cap on students: 365 Future Grade Levels: K-12 123 Valley Inquiry Charter School www.valleyinquiry.com Address: 999A Locust St. NE Salem, OR 97303 County: Marion Opened: 9/1/2005 Principal: Karl Paulson E-mail: paulson_karl@salkeiz.k12.or.us Phone: 503-364-4042 Sponsor: Salem-Keizer SD District: Salem-Keizer SD Mission Statement To promote quality teaching and learning through authorization in the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program (IB PYP), helping students develop as compassionate citizens with a sense of international mindedness, and through inquiry-based learning in the context of a small, caring community. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Progressive: Child-centered Parents Community Members Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Satisfactory Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 162 Current Grade Levels: K-5 Current cap on students: 168 Future Grade Levels: K-8 124 Village School www.eugenevillageschool.org Address: 2855 Lincoln St. Eugene, OR 97405 County: Lane Opened: 9/1/2000 Principal: Bob Kaminski E-mail: village@4j.lane.edu Phone: 541-345-7285 Sponsor: Eugene SD District: Eugene SD Mission Statement Our education environment is designed to promote the growth and development of the head, heart and hands - the whole child, to encourage values of truth beauty and goodness and to recognize the gifts that each child, family and staff member brings. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Progressive: Child Centered Parents Teachers Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Outstanding Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 210 Current Grade Levels: K-8 Current cap on students: 220 Future Grade Levels: K-8 125 West Lane Technical Learning Center www.westlanetech.org Address: 24936 Fir Grove Lane Elmira, OR 97437 County: Lane Opened: 9/1/2003 Principal: Ken Woody E-mail: kwoody@fernridge.k12.or.us Phone: 541-935-2101 Sponsor: Eugene SD District: Eugene SD Mission Statement A leader in quality secondary education, challenging students through technology, innovative instruction, and relevant curriculum. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Hybrid All Students At-Risk Low-Achieving Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Progressive: Child-centered Community Members Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Not Rated Not Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 92 Current Grade Levels: grades 9-13 Current cap on students: 120 Future Grade Levels: grades 9-13 126 Willamette Leadership Academy www.willametteleadershipacademy.org Address: 87230 Central Rd Eugene, OR 97402-9200 County: Lane Opened: 9/1/2003 Principal: Roger McClelland E-mail: rmcclelland@fernridge.k12.or.us Phone: 541-935-6815 Sponsor: Fern Ridge SD District: Fern Ridge SD Mission Statement To provide young people with the opportunity to develop the academic and life skills that will enable them to become productive and responsible members of their community, state, and nation. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students At-Risk Low-Achieving Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Traditional: Essentialist Bill and Cate Lay thought up the program to help students while he was in the service. Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Satisfactory Not Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 190 Current Grade Levels: grades 6-12 Current cap on students: 200 Future Grade Levels: grades 6-12 127 Woodburn Arthur Academy www.arthuracademy.org Address: 575 Gatch St Woodburn, OR 97071 County: Marion Opened: 9/1/2004 Principal: Brittany Healy-Tuke E-mail: woodburnadmin@arthuracademy.org Phone: 503-981-5746 Sponsor: Woodburn SD District: Woodburn SD Mission Statement Every single student, regardless of ethnicity, parental income, learning difference, culture, or native language, will become a fluent reader and will master the academic and intellectual skills necessary to succeed at the next level of schooling. Educational Setting Populations Targeted Brick and Mortar All Students Curriculum Orientation/Information Origins Traditional: Essentialist Teachers Oregon Report Card Rating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Rating Satisfactory Not Met School Specifics Number of students in 2011-2012: 161 Current Grade Levels: K-5 Current cap on students: 180 Future Grade Levels: K-5 128 Oregon Charter School Sponsors Sponsor Amity SD 807 South Trade Street Amity, OR 97101 503-835-2171 Charter School(s) 1. Ballston Community School Annex SD 402 Annex Rd Ontario 97914-8010 1. Annex Charter School Arlington SD 1200 Main St Arlington 97812-0010 1. Arlington Charter School Baker SD 2090 Fourth St Baker City 97814-3391 1. Baker Allprep Early College 2. Baker Web Academy Beaverton SD 16550 SW Merlo Rd Beaverton 97006-5152 1. Arco Iris Spanish Immersion School Bend-La Pine Admin. SD 520 NW Wall Street Bend, OR 97701 541-383-6000 1. REALMS – Rimrock Expeditionary Alternative Learning Middle School Bethel SD 4640 Barger Dr Eugene 97402-1297 1. HomeSource Family Charter Blachly SD 20264 Blachly Grange Rd Blachly 97412-9714 1. Triangle Lake Charter School Butte Falls SD 720 Laurel Ave Butte Falls 97522-0228 1. Butte Falls Charter School Camas Valley SD 197 Main Camas Rd, P.O. Box 57 Camas Valley, OR 97416-0057 541-445-2131 1. Camas Valley Community Charter School 129 Sponsor Coos Bay SD P.O. Box 509 1255 Hemlock Coos Bay, OR 97420-0102 541-267-13104 Corbett SD 35800 E Hist Columbia River Hwy Corbett 97019-9629 Corvallis SD PO Box 3509J 1555 SW 35th St Corvallis, OR 97339-1198 541-757-5811 Charter School(s) 1. Resource Link Charter School 1. Corbett Charter School 1. Muddy Creek Charter School Cove SD 803 Main St Cove 97824-0068 1. Cove Charter School Crook County SD 471 NE Ochoco Plaza Dr Prineville 97754-8467 1. Powell Butte Community Charter School Dallas SD 111 SW Ash Street Dallas, OR 97338 503-623-5594 David Douglas SD 1500 SE 130th Ave. Portland, OR 97233-1799 503-252-2900 Douglas County SD 4 1419 NW Valley View Drive Roseburg, OR 97470-1798 541-440-4014 Douglas County SD 15 PO Box 10 11381 Tiller Trail Highway Days Creek, OR 97429-0010 541-825-3296 1. Luckiamute Valley Charter School 1. Arthur Academy 1. Phoenix School 1. Days Creek Charter School 130 Sponsor Elkton SD 739 River Rd Elkton 97436-0390 Charter School(s) 1. Elkton Charter School Estacada SD 255 NE 6th Ave Estacada, OR 97023-9719 503-630-6871 1. Estacada Early College 2. Estacada Web Academy Fern Ridge SD 88834 Territorial Road Elmira, OR 97437-9756 541-935-2253 1. West Lane Technical Learning Center 2. Willamette Leadership Academy Forest Grove SD 1728 Main St Forest Grove, OR 97116-2737 503-357-6171 Fossil SD 404 Main St Fossil, OR 97830 541-763-4384 Gresham - Barlow SD 1331 NW Eastman Parkway Gresham, OR 97030-3825 503-618-2450 Harney County SD Harper SD Hillsboro SD 3083 NE 49th Place Hillsboro, OR 97124-6009 503-844-1500 Imbler SD PO Box 164 Sixth & Ester Ave Imbler, OR 97841-0164 541-534-5331 1. Forest Grove Charter School 1. Fossil Charter School 1. 2. 3. 4. Center for Advanced Learning Gresham Arthur Academy Gresham-Barlow Web Academy Lewis & Clark Montessori Charter School 1. Silvies River Charter School 1. Harper Charter School 1. City View Charter School 1. Imbler Charter School 131 Sponsor Ione SD 445 Spring Street Ione, OR 97843-0167 541-422-7131 Joseph SD 400 Wm E Williams Ave Joseph 97846 Klamath County SD 10501 Washburn Way Klamath Falls, OR 97603-8626 541-883-5000 Klamath Falls City SD 1336 Avalon Klamath Falls 97603-4423 541-883-4700 Lebanon Community SD 485 5th Street Lebanon, OR 97355-2602 541-451-8511 Lincoln County SD P.O. Box 1110, 459 SW Coast Hwy. Newport, OR 97365-0088 541-265-9211 Medford SD 500 Monroe St Medford, OR 97501-3522 541-842-3636 Charter School(s) 1. Ione Community School 1. Joseph Charter School 1. Sage Community School 1. Eagle Ridge High School 1. Sand Ridge Charter School 1. 2. 3. 4. Eddyville Charter Lincoln City Career Tech High School Siletz Valley Early College Academy Siletz Valley School 1. Logo Public Charter School 2. Madrone Trail Public Charter School Molalla River SD 412 Sweigle Molalla 97038-0188 1. 2. North Bend SD 1913 Meade Street North Bend, OR 97459-3432 541-756-2521 1. Lighthouse School 2. Oregon Coast Technology School 3. Oregon Virtual Academy 132 Molalla River Academy Renaissance Public Academy Sponsor North Clackamas SD 4444 SE Lake Road Milwaukie, OR 97222-4799 503-353-6000 North Wasco County SD 3632 West 10th Street The Dalles, OR 97058-4397 541-296-6149 Oregon City SD 1417 12th Street Oregon City, OR 97045-5010 503-785-8000 Oregon Department of Education 255 Capitol St. NE Salem, OR 97310-0203 503-947-5648 Paisley SD PO Box 97 260 Green Street Paisley, OR 97636-0097 541-943-3111 Pendleton SD 1207 SW Frazer Avenue Pendleton, OR 97801-2899 541-276-6711 Philomath SD 1620 Applegate Street Philomath, OR 97370-9328 541-929-3169 Phoenix - Talent SD P.O. Box 698 401 West 4th Street Phoenix, OR 97535-0698 541-535-1517 Charter School(s) 1. 2. 3. 4. Cascade Heights Public Charter School Clackamas Middle College Clackamas Web Academy Milwaukie Academy of the Arts 1. Mosier Community School 2. Mosier Middle School 1. 2. 3. 4. Alliance Charter Academy Oregon City Arthur Academy Oregon City Service Learning Academy Springwater Charter School 1. 2. 3. 4. Four Rivers Community School (Ontario) Southwest Charter School (Portland) The Ivy School (Portland) BPA Academy (Salem) 1. Paisley School District Charter School 1. Nixyaawii Community School 1. Kings Valley Charter School 1. Armadillo Technical Institute 133 Sponsor Pine Eagle SD 375 North Main St Halfway 97834-8153 Portland Public SD PO box 3107 Portland, OR 97208-3107 503-916-3359 Prospect SD 160 Mill Creek Dr Prospect 97536-0040 Rainier SD 28168 Old Rainier Rd, Rainier, OR 97048-3017 503-556-3777 Redmond SD 145 SE Salmon Ave. Redmond, OR 97756 541-923-5437 Reedsport SD Reynolds SD 1204 NE 201st Ave. Fairview, OR 97024-9642 503-661-7200 Riddle SD 401 First Ave. Riddle, OR 97469-0045 541-874-3131 Rogue River SD 1898 E Evans Creek Rd Rogue River 97537-1045 Charter School(s) 1. Pine Eagle Charter School 1. CM2 Opal School 2. The Emerson School 3. Leadership and Entrepreneurship Public Charter High School (LEP High) 4. Portland Arthur Academy 5. Portland Village School 6. SEI Academy 7. Trillium Charter School 1. Prospect Charter School 1. North Columbia Academy 1. Redmond Proficiency Academy 1. Reedsport Community Charter School 1. 2. 3. 4. ACE Academy KNOVA Reynolds Public Charter School Multisensory Learning Academy Reynolds Arthur Academy 1. Riddle Education Center 1. Rivers Edge Academy Charter School 134 Sponsor Salem - Keizer SD PO Box 12024 Salem, OR 97309-0024 503-391-4120 Charter School(s) 1. Howard Street Charter School 2. Jane Goodall Environmental Middle School (JGEMS) 3. Optimum Learning Environments Charter School 4. Valley Inquiry Charter School (formerly Baker Charter School) Scappoose SD 33589 High School Way Scappoose, OR 97056-3326 503-543-6374 1. Sauvie Island Academy 2. South Columbia Family School Scio SD 38875 NW First Avenue Scio, OR 97374-9502 503-394-3261 1. Lourdes Public Charter School 2. Oregon Connections Academy Sheridan SD 435 South Bridge Street Sheridan, OR 97378-1811 503-843-2433 1. Sheridan AllPrep Academy 2. Sheridan Japanese School Sherwood SD 23295 SW Main Street Sherwood, OR 97140-9104 503-625-8100 Silver Falls SD 1456 Pine Street Silverton, OR 97381-1377 503-873-5303 South Lane SD PO Box 218 455 Adams Cottage Grove, OR 97424-0218 541-942-3381 Springfield SD 525 Mill St Springfield 97477-4598 1. Sherwood Charter School 1. Bethany Charter School 2. The Community Roots School 1. Academy for Character Education 2. Child’s Way Charter School 1. 135 Academy of Arts and Academics (A3) Sponsor St. Helens SD 474 N. 16th Street St. Helens, OR 97051-1340 503-397-3085 Sweet Home SD 1920 Long Street Sweet Home, OR 97386-2395 541-367-7126 Tigard - Tualatin SD 6960 SW Sandburg Street Tigard, OR 97223-8039 503-431-4000 West Linn - Wilsonville SD 22210 SW Stafford Road P.O. Box 35 West Linn, OR 97068-0035 503-673-7000 Woodburn SD 965 N Boones Ferry Road Woodburn, OR 97071-9602 503-981-9555 Charter School(s) 1. St. Helens Arthur Academy 1. Sweet Home Charter School 1. Multi-sensory Instruction Teaching Children Hands-On Charter School (MITCH) 1. Three Rivers Charter School 1. Woodburn Arthur Academy 136 CHARTER SCHOOL RESOURCES National Resources / Websites 1. National Charter School Resource Center http://www.charterschoolcenter.org/ 2. US Department of Education’s Public Charter Schools Program www.ed.gov/programs/charter/index.html 3. Center for Education Reform www.edreform.com 4. National Alliance for Charter Schools http://www.publiccharters.org/ 5. National Association of Charter School Authorizers 6. http://www.qualitycharters.org/ 137