NSF‐REU: Undergraduate Research in Physics University of

NSF‐REU: Undergraduate Research in Physics University of Arkansas, Faye>eville May 22‐July 29, 2016 LocaHon: BeauHful Northwest Arkansas in the Ozarks CUTTING EDGE RESEARCH AREAS: FELLOWSHIP: •  Nanomaterial and Condensed ma>er •  SHpend of $5000 •  Photonics, Lasers , and Quantum OpHcs •  Room and Board •  SoM Condensed ma>er and Biophysics •  Travel and Field Trip Support ELIGIBILITY:   Physics Majors or those in fields related to OpHcs and Materials Science   US ciHzenship or permanent residency ApplicaHon Deadline: February 15, 2016 [ApplicaHon received aMer the deadline will be considered if posiHons are available] Apply at: h>p://www.uark.edu/ua/physreu/indexREU.html More InformaHon: Prof. R. Vyas, physreu@uark.edu, (479)575‐6569 