Chapter 2 – Weighted Voting Systems (Day 2) Objective: Calculate

Chapter 2 – Weighted Voting Systems (Day 2)
Objective: Calculate the Banzahf Power Index for a weighted voting system. Learn
additional notation and terminology for coalitions.
Closing Product : List the winning coalitions of a weighted voting system. Identify the
critical players in each winning coalition. Calculate the Banzhaf Power Index.
Determine if the weighted voting system is ‘fair’.
A. Coalitions – _______________________________________________________________
B. Grand Coalitions - _______________________________________________________________
C. Winning Coalitions- _______________________________________________________________
D. Blocking Coalitions - _______________________________________________________________
E. Critical Players - ________________________________________________________________
Total Number of Coalitions
Examples :
#1 Consider the weighted voting system [95: 65, 35, 30, 25]. Find the following:
a) The total number of Coalitions ____________________
b) List all of the coalitions.
c) Circle all of the winning coalitions.
d) Underline all of the critical players in each winning coalition.
#2 Consider the weighted voting system [22: 10, 8, 7, 2, 1]
a) The total number of Coalitions ____________________
b) List all of the coalitions.
c) Circle all of the winning coalitions.
d) Underline all of the critical players in each winning coalition.
Banzhaf Power Index
A. Banzhaf Power Index – ______________________________________________________________
B. Banzhaf Power Distribution –_________________________________________________________
C. Calculation
i. Make a list of all winning coalitions.
ii. Determine the critical player of each coalition.
iii. _____________________________________________________________________________
iv. _____________________________________________________________________________
v. _____________________________________________________________________________
Example #3 Consider the weighted voting system [49: 48, 24, 12, 12]. Determine the Banzhaf Power Distribution.
Example # 4 Consider the weighted voting system [14: 8, 4, 2, 1] . Determine the Banzhaf Power Distribution.
What would happen if the weighted voting system was [15:16, 8, 4, 1]? Write down a sentence that summarizes what
the Banzhaf Power Index would be for dictators and dummies?
Application of Banzhaf Power Index
A. _____________________________________________________________________________________
B. Nassau County Board of Supervisors
HW: Read pg 53 – 61, do pg 73 # 12, 14, 20, 22