
AO Admissions Examination
Special Scholarship programs
exclusively for the Republic of the Union of MYANMAR
Application Guidelines
Master’s program and Doctoral program (5 years)
Doctoral program (3 years)
<for Entrance in September 2016 and April 2017>
Waseda University
About Special Scholarship Programs exclusively
For the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Outline of Scholarship
(1) WASEDA University provides FULL coverage of tuitions and expenses including an admission fee
during enrollment in Master’s and PhD programs at Waseda University. *Funding is limited to a
maximum of 5 years for Master's and PhD students and 3 years for PhD Students
(2) JPY 110,000 per month will be provided for daily expenses (for a maximum period of 5 years)
The AO Admissions examination of Special Scholarship Programs exclusively for the Republic of the Union of
Myanmar allows two applications for admission and scholarships, and provides scholarship as described above to
successful applicants passing the designated examination administrated by WASEDA University.
[IMPORTANT] Notes for scholarships
- Screening fee is waived.
- Travel expenses for second screening and airfare to Japan for enrollment must be privately financed
and will not be provided by Waseda University.
-The admitted students are exempted from payment of the entrance fee, tuition, and miscellaneous fees
during the period enrolled in Waseda University (a maximum period of 60 months for the 5-year
scholarship program of Master’s program and Doctoral program, and a maximum period of 36 months
for 3-year scholarship program of Doctoral programs). Tuitions and fees for optional subjects/courses,
which are not considered as basic requirements for completion of graduate programs (Japanese
Language Subjects etc.), are not waived.
- Upon entering Waseda University, the academic performance of the recipients will continue to be
assessed every year. If the recipient fails to maintain satisfactory academic results, the scholarship might
be suspended or cancelled.
- If those enrolled in the 5-year scholarship program of Master’s program and Doctoral program
discontinue a Doctoral program, the scholarship will be cancelled after completing a Master’s program.
- The duration of the scholarship is 60 months for the 5-year Master’s and Doctoral scholarship program
and 36 months for the 3-year Doctoral scholarship program at the maximum. If the scholarship recipients
fail to finish the program within the above designated period, it cannot be extended in principle. Only if it
happened due to unavoidable reasons, the extension might be considered.
- This scholarship is designed to support students who study at Waseda University in Japan and the
scholarship recipients are not allowed to study at different educational institutions in and outside of
Japan during the University holiday or are considered essential to the recipients in order to fulfill their
curriculum requirements.
- This scholarship cannot be combined with any other scholarships offered by Waseda University, external
organizations, or government-sponsored scholarships including tuition waivers.
- Waseda University will provide successful applicants with accommodation information. Students have to
arrange accommodation on their own. Rent and other fees must be privately financed.
- This special scholarship will only be granted to those whose status of residence is “College Student”
(ryuugaku) during the period enrolled in Waseda University.
※Those whose status of residence is “Permanent Resident” (eijusha), “Long Term Resident” (teijusha),
“Dependent” (kazokutaizai), or “Spouse or Child of Japanese National” (nihonjin no haigusha tou) /
“Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident” (eijusha no haigusha tou), cannot apply to the Special
Scholarship Programs exclusively for the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.
I. Admissions Overview
1. Programs for application
(1) Master’s program and Doctoral program <60 months (five-year graduate program)>
(2) PhD programs <36 months (three-year graduate program)>
2. Number of students to be admitted
A few for all graduate schools participating in the special scholarship programs exclusively for the
Republic the Union of Myanmar
3. Participating Graduate Schools
As the followings, the degree programs, medium of instruction, and term of enrollment, differ depending
on each graduate school.
(1) Master’s program and Doctoral program <60 months (five-year graduate program)>
Japanese-based programs
○For September 2016 enrollment
Graduate School of Political Science
Graduate School of Commerce
Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering(*)
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering(*)
Graduate School of Japanese Applied Linguistics
Graduate School of Environment and Energy Engineering
○For April 2017 enrollment
Graduate School of Political Science
Graduate School of Economics
Graduate School of Law
Graduate School of Education
Graduate School of Commerce
Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering(*)
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering(*)
Graduate School of Human Sciences
Graduate School of Japanese Applied Linguistics
Graduate School of Environment and Energy Engineering
(2) Master’s program and Doctoral program <60 months (five-year graduate program)>
English-based programs
○For September 2016 enrollment
Graduate School of Political Science
Graduate School of Economics
Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering(*)
Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering(*)
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering(*)
○For April 2017 enrollment
Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering(*)
Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering(*)
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering(*)
(3) PhD program <36 months (three-year graduate program)>
Japanese-based programs
○For September 2016 enrollment
Graduate School of Political Science
Graduate School of Economics
Graduate School of Commerce
Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering(*)
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering(*)
Graduate School of Social Sciences
Graduate School of Sports Sciences
Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies
Graduate School of Information, Production, and Systems
Graduate School of Environment and Energy Engineering
○For April 2017 enrollment
Graduate School of Political Science
Graduate School of Economics
Graduate School of Law
Graduate School of Education
Graduate School of Commerce
Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering(*)
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering(*)
Graduate School of Social Sciences
Graduate School of Sports Sciences
Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies
Graduate School of Information, Production, and Systems
Graduate School of Environment and Energy Engineering
(4) PhD program <36 months (three-year graduate program)>
English-based programs
○For September 2016 enrollment
Graduate School of Political Science
Graduate School of Economics
Graduate School of Commerce
Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering(*)
Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering(*)
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering(*)
Graduate School of International Culture and Communication Studies
Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies
Graduate School of Information, Production, and Systems
Graduate School of Environment and Energy Engineering
○For April 2017 enrollment
Graduate School of Political Science
Graduate School of Economics
Graduate School of Commerce
Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering(*)
Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering(*)
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering(*)
Graduate School of International Culture and Communication Studies
Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies
Graduate School of Information, Production, and Systems
Graduate School of Environment and Energy Engineering
*The graduate schools other than the above do not take any students for this AO Admissions examination
of Special Scholarship Programs exclusively for the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.
*Requirements differ by department and choice of instruction medium for Graduate School of
Fundamental Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering, and
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering. Refer to the “Appendix 1” for details.
4. Admissions Schedule
Mon. February 29 , 2016 – Fri. March 18 , 2016
matching prospective students with supervisors
Application period
Early, April, 2015 – Mid., April, 2016
1 screening (Document screening)
Fri. April 22th , 2016
Sat. May 28 , 2016
Fri. June 10 , 2016
Announcement of 1 screening result
2 screening (Essay exam and Interview)
Announcement of Final Result
Procedures for Admission and Application of COE
on behalf of applicants
Wed. January 6 , 2016 – Fri. February 19 , 2016
After Sat. June 11 , 2016
Sun. September 21 , 2016 or Wed. April 1 , 2017
II. Applicant Qualifications
Applicants must satisfy the following all criteria from (1) to (4) to be eligible for consideration for the
(1) Applicants must be citizens of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, and must be residing in the
Republic of the Union of Myanmar at the time of application.
(2) Applicants must satisfy the following either criteria for academic background.
<For Master’s and PhD program, 5-year graduate program>
①Applicants who completed or are expected to complete 15 years of school education in the
Republic of the Union of Myanmar(*)
②Applicants who completed or are expected to complete more than 15 years of school education by
enrolment period inside and outside the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.
③Applicants, who needs to be recognized its equivalent as a college or university of recognized
standing, are 22 years old or order at the time of enrollment.
*Applicants must complete more than 15 years of school education from elementary school to
college principally to enter the Master’s program at Waseda University. The primary/secondary
education in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar is 11 years. If applicants continued the 3 years
university education right after completion of the primary/secondary education, the total years of
academic education would be 14 years, which does not fulfill the application eligibility. Contact the
International Admissions Office,, prior to application submission if you are not
sure of your eligibility.
<For PhD program, 3-year graduate program>
Applicants must be educated in and have conferred or be expected to be conferred a Master's
degree or the equivalent on them inside or outside the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.
(3) Applicants must meet all the requirements including the language proficiency set by each graduate
(4) Applicants must be the one whose status of residence during the academic years at Waseda
University will be “College Student” (ryuugaku), but not “Permanent Resident” (eijusha), “Long Term
Resident” (teijusha), “Dependent” (kazokutaizai), or “Spouse or Child of Japanese National”
(nihonjin no haigusha tou) / “Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident” (eijusha no haigusha tou).
III. Application Procedures
(1) Pre-application: matching prospective students to supervisors
Prior to applications, all applicants are required to contact the International Admissions Office to
match their desired research area with the appropriate supervisor by following the instruction below.
<Pre-Application period>
Wed. January 6th, 2016 – Fri. February 19th, 2016
*The application must arrive in the mail by the last day.
1. Applicants for the Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering, Graduate
School of Creative Science and Engineering and Graduate School of Advanced Science
and Engineering
Prepare a research plan (designated form) and Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Find your prospective supervisor and contact him/her directly
Mail to: Your prospective supervisor
TITLE: Matching Request for the Special Scholarship programs exclusively for the Republic
of the Union of MYANMAR
Main Text: Include the following items;
Desired term of enrollment (September 2015 or April 2016)
Desired medium of supervision (Japanese or English)
Desired major and degree
Statement that they have read the application guidelines for the Special
Scholarship programs exclusively for the Republic of the Union of MYANMAR
Attached files: “Research Plan” (designated form) and “Curriculum Vitae (CV)”
Please download the designated form of Research Plan from our website. The size of the attached
files cannot exceed 2M.
Faculty information: Please refer to the URLs below. If you cannot find the contact information of
your prospective supervisor, please send an email to the graduate admissions office at . In the email, include the information in the box above and write
"please forward this email to Professor **" at the top of the main text.
For faculty contact information, refer to the database below.
Researcher Database (from the Faculty of Science and Engineering website)
(Click on a department and see either "Activities" or "Laboratory")
Researcher Database (from the Waseda University website)
For faculty research information, refer to the profiles below:
Research Profiles
2. Applicants for the Graduate Schools other than the above graduate schools
Contact the International Admissions Office via an email with attached “Research Plan”
(designated form) and “Curriculum Vitae (CV)”.
Mail Address:
TITLE: Matching Request (Myanmar)
Main Text: Include the following items
Desired graduate school and degree program
Desired term of enrollment (September 2016 or April 2017)
Desired medium of supervision (Japanese or English)
Desired supervisor (if any)
Attached files: “Research Plan” (designated form) and “Curriculum Vitae (CV)”
<Notification for Pre-application Result>
The applicant’s eligibility and matching result will be notified within two weeks after the
pre-application are accepted.
(2) Submission of Application Documents
Submit the required application documents during the following application period with the
designated procedure after confirming eligibility and application approval from the prospective
<Application period>
Mon. February 29th, 2016 – Fri. March 18th, 2016
*The application documents must arrive at the International Admissions Office by mail
during the application period.
*Late submission will NOT be accepted after the deadline.
<Application Procedure>
Refer to “(3) Application documents” and the requirements of each graduate school for admission,
download a set of application forms from the International Admissions Office website as follows; and send them to the following address via DHL,
EMS, or any other international parcel delivery services.
“Myanmar AO Admission” Section,
International Admissions Office, Waseda University
1-6-1 Nishi-Waseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 169-8050, Japan
TEL: +81-3-3204-9073
(3) Application documents
① Application form (designated form)
*Attach one color headshot photo (4cm H×3cm W) to the application form.
*Write your name on the reverse side with a pen.
【NOTE】As for the desired research area / major (name of supervisor)
Leave the column for the Research Area/Major (Name of Supervisor) blank for those who wish
to apply for the Master’s program and Doctoral program, five-year graduate program, in either
Graduate School of Political Science, Graduate School of Economics, Graduate School of Law,
Graduate School of Japanese Applied Linguistics since the supervisor will be assigned when
enrolling the program.
Certificate of graduation or completion of the degree program (copy acceptable)
*All degree certificates need to be submitted. For instance, submit certificates both
undergraduate program and master’s program when applying to the Doctoral program.
*Submit certificates in either English or Japanese. If certificates are available in only Burmese,
applicants must attach an English or Japanese translation notarized by public organizations,
such as regional notary offices, inside Myanmar.
*The applicant expected to complete your master’s program at the time of application must
submit the certificate of estimated graduation clearly indicating the estimated date of
completion, awarded degree, and major, issued by your home university.
*The successful applicants who have taken the examination as expected graduates of master’s
program should submit the original degree and completion certificates during the entrance
*Avoiding risks of lost mails due to the country conditions for mailing, a submission of copies for
all required certificates is allowed. However, the original certificates need to be submitted at the
time of the 2nd Screening.
Academic transcripts (copy acceptable)
*All courses taken from both undergraduate program and master’s program on must be
included in the academic transcript.
*Applicants currently having enrolled the PhD program must submit academic transcripts for
the PhD program as well.
*Certificates need to be described in English. If the certificates are available in only Burmese,
applicants must attach an English translation notarized by public organizations, such as
regional notary offices, inside Myanmar.
*Avoiding risks of lost mails due to the country conditions for mailing, a submission of copies for
all required certificates is allowed. However, the original certificates need to be submitted at the
time of the 2nd Screening.
Translation of the documents no.2 and 3above
*Only if the certificates are issued in Burmese, turn in the translated certificates in either
English or Japanese, and notarize them at public organizations, such as regional notary
offices, inside Myanmar.
⑤ Research plan
*The requirements for research plan differ by graduate school and program. Please refer to
“Appendix 2” for specific instructions.
⑥ Motivation Letter (designated form)
*Applicants must write a Motivation Letter in a designated form.
⑦ Language proficiency certificate (copy acceptable)
*Requirements differ by graduate school and program. Please refer to “Appendix 2”.
* A copy of the original certificate is acceptable
*Applicants who have received the education in an English-medium university are exempted
from this requirement. (Applicants seeking this exemption must submit a proof indicating that
the medium of instruction is English.)
⑧ Letter of recommendation (original, designated form)
*One letter of recommendation should be submitted in a designated form while other forms are
also acceptable. The letter must be written after April 2014 and submitted in a sealed envelope
with the referee's signature over the seal.
*The letter of recommendation must be written in English or Japanese. If the letter is written in
other language, you must provide its English or Japanese translation Notarization is not
⑨ Copy of passport
* Headshot photo page only.
*If you do not have a passport, you are required to submit a copy of your government photo ID.
(4) Screening fee
Applicants are exempted from payment of the screening fee.
(5) Notes on application
① You may be deemed to have committed a dishonest act if Waseda University determines that you
have falsified, fabricated, or plagiarized the submitted document(s), statement(s), or information
submitted for your application. In case that this type of misconduct is found, the submitted
application documents and screening fees are not returned or refunded.
② Be well aware that incomplete application documents may not be accepted. If we contact you
concerning your application, please follow our instructions immediately.
③ As a general rule, the submitted application documents are not returned except that they are
unable to be reissued. In any case, we will not return documents, which can be reissued, such as
original copies of notarizations, academic transcripts and recommendation letters.
④ All notices regarding your application are sent to your present address or to your e-mail
address specified in the application form. If there is a change of your address, telephone number,
e-mail address, or other information after application, promptly notify, via
an e-mail. Waseda University will not be responsible for any damage caused from your address
change, such as not receiving letters and notifications from Waseda University.
IV. Screening
(1) Screening method
Document screening for the 1st screening
Essay exam and Interview for the 2nd screening
(2) Screening Schedule
Early April, 2016 ~ Mid April, 2016
1st Screening (Document Screening)
Fri. April 22nd , 2016
Announcement of first screening result
Sat. May 28th, 2016
Second screening (Essay exam and Interview)
Fri. June 10th, 2016
Announcement of final result
(3) Selections
①First screening (Documentary screening)
All documents submitted are evaluated comprehensively.
②Announcement of first screening result
First screening result will be sent via email to the email address shown on the application form by
Fri. April 22nd, 2016. Please contact the International Admissions Office if you did not receive an
email on the above date.
③Second screening (Essay exam and Interview)
Second screening will be held as follows;
DATE: Sat. May 28th , 2016
VENUE: Summit Parkview Hotel Yangon
350, Ahlone Road, Dagon Townshop, Yangon, Myanmar
*The above date is fixed and cannot be changed.
*The details about the second screening will be notified when the first screening result is announced.
V. Announcement of Successful Applicants and Enrollment Procedures
(1) Announcement of Successful Applicants
The announcement for the final result will be sent as an attachment via the email specified in the
application form by Fri. June 11th , 2016. Immediate contact the International Admissions Office is
needed if a notification email was not sent, or was unable to open or read the attachment file.
Successful applicants will receive “Admission Announcement” and “Application Documents for
enrollment and a Certificate of Eligibility(CoE) by proxy” to the “Mailing Address” specified in the
Application Form by international mail services such as EMS, etc. Immediate contact the international
Admissions Office,, is needed if the application packet is not delivered in 10 days
after the announcement of the final result.
(2) Enrollment Procedures
An “Enrollment Packet” will be mailed out at the date for the notification of the final result. Successful
applicants for September 2016 enrollment will receive via a postal mail. Details about the enrollment
procedure and documents required for enrollment will be provided in the “Enrollment Guide”, which is
enclosed in the enrollment packet. Successful applicants for April 2017 enrollment will receive the
summary of enrollment procedures at the time of the announcement for the final result, and receive the
“Enrollment Packet” additionally right before enrollment, which is around February in 2017.
1. Enrollment Procedure’s Periods
For September 2016 enrollment: July ~ August, 2016 (differs by graduate school)
For April 2017 enrollment: February ~ March, 2017 (differs by graduate school)
2. Enrollment Procedures
A “Submission of Application Documents for Enrollment” is required during the designated enrollment
periods to complete an enrollment. Failing a submission of application documents for enrollment, an
acceptance may be revoked in case of a failure to submit the required application documents for
③Enrollment Procedures
①Documents sent from Waseda University
a) Pledge/Written Guarantee (oneself or Guarantor’ own handwriting is only acceptable)
b) Letter of Consent for personal information handling (oneself or Guarantor’ own handwriting is only
c) Other designated documents: enrollment application for student record, student card, photo card for
student ID, etc.
②Documents sent from students expecting enrollment
a) Certificate of graduation (diploma) and transcripts (only if applicants have not graduated yet at the
time of application)
b) Color Photo
VI.Acquisition of Status of Residence “Student”
To enroll in Waseda University, you need to acquire a status of residence “Student”. Those who do not
have a valid long-term status of residence need to acquire the status of Residence “Student” by the
following procedure. Waseda University will apply for a “Certificate of Eligibility (COE)” at Tokyo
Immigration Bureau on behalf of the students who live overseas.
Application by proxy
1) The successful applicants send the required documents for a COE application to Waseda
*The required documents for a COE application will be sent with the “Enrollment Application Packet” to
the successful applicants for September 2015 admissions, and will be sent with the “Enrollment
guide” to the successful applicants for April 2016 admissions, at the time of the Announcement for
the Final Result.
2) Waseda University applies for a COE at Tokyo Immigration Bureau on behalf.
3) Waseda University receives a COE from Tokyo Immigration Bureau.
4) Waseda University sends the COE to successful applicants.
5) Successful applicants apply for a student visa at the Japanese Embassy or Consulate in your
6) Successful applicants receive a student visa.
7) Successful applicants go through the immigration at airport, acquire a status of residence “Student”,
and arrive in Japan.
2)Application by proxy for
3) Issuance of COE
1) Mailing of COE
application documents
4) Mailing of COE
6) Issuance of student visa
5) Submission of application for
student visa with COE
Embassy or
7) Arrive in
Schedule of 1) through 4) COE Proxy Application
Students who enter the university in
September 2016
1) Successful applicants send application
documents to Waseda University.
2) Waseda University makes an application at
Tokyo Immigration Bureau on your behalf.
3) COE is issued.
4) Waseda University sends the COE to
successful applicants.
Students who enter the university in
April 2017
1) Successful applicants send application
documents to Waseda University.
2) Waseda University makes an application at
Tokyo Immigration Bureau on behalf.
3) COE is issued.
4) Waseda University sends the COE to
successful applicants.
5) and 6) Application and Acquisition of Student Visa
After Obtaining a COE, submit the designated application documents by the Japanese Embassy or
Consulate, the issued COE and passport to apply for a student visa. The detailed information of the
required documents for a student visa, directly contact the Japanese Embassy or Consulate at which you
are going to apply The Certificate of Admission will be sent with the COE from Waseda University.
7)Acquisition of Status of Residence “Student”
Enter Japan carrying the COE and student visa and acquire a status of residence “Student” which three
months after the COE is issued.
(1)Handling of Personal Information
Waseda University utilizes applicant information (addresses, names, dates of birth etc.) collected at the
time of application in order to carry out operations such as the entrance examination, announcement of
the screening results, and enrollment procedures. We will take necessary and proper measures to
protect such information from leakage, disclosure, or unauthorized use. All or part of the above
operations may be outsourced to an agency. In such case, the agency will be contractually required to
maintain necessary and proper management. Please note that the personal information may be used as
materials for studies and researches to improve our entrance examinations. The information will be
statistically processed to prevent any individuals from being identified.
(2) Notes on the Examination
Waseda University has provided the following guidelines so that all examinations can be properly
administered and all examinees have an opportunity to perform in a fair and equitable environment.
Please read the guidelines carefully and approach the examination in a serious manner.
1. You may be deemed to have committed a dishonest act if Waseda University determines that you
have falsified, fabricated, or plagiarized the document(s), statement(s), or information submitted for
your application.
2. Your actions may be considered dishonest if you commit any of the following acts:
 Cheating (concealing or glancing at a cheat sheet or reference book during the examination,
glancing at another examinee’s answer sheet, or gaining answers from others)
 Providing benefits to other examinees (providing them with answers etc.) during the examination
 Keeping your mobile phone with you or using it during the examination
 Letting your mobile phone or watch emit noise (incoming call alert, alarm, vibration, etc.) during
the examination
 Conducting acts that could be considered a nuisance to other examinees at the examination
 Not following instructions from the examination supervisors at the examination venue
 Pretending to be an applicant and taking the examination for the applicant
 Conducting other acts impairing the fairness of the examination
3.The following responses may be taken if an applicant is suspected of committing a dishonest act.
 A supervisor may warn or question the applicant.
 The applicant may be requested to take the examination in another room.
4.In addition, the following responses may be taken if a dishonest act is identified.
 The applicant may not be allowed to continue taking the examination or allowed to take any
other entrance examination given by Waseda University during the year. (Screening fees will not
be returned.)
 The results of all entrance examinations taken by the applicant at Waseda University during the
year may become invalid.
< Unforeseen problems that are beyond human control.>
In cases of unforeseen circumstances that are beyond human control, such as a natural disaster
(e.g., typhoons, earthquakes, flooding, tsunamis) and/or accident, such as fire, power failure, and
so on, measures including delaying the start of the exam or postponing the exam, etc. may be
taken. However, in such an event, we will bear no responsibility for any resulting inconvenience,
expense, or other personal loss that the examinee may incur.
“Special Scholarship programs
exclusively for the Republic of the Union of MYANMAR” Section
International Admissions Office,
Admissions Center, Waseda University
1-6-1 Nishi-Waseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-8050 Japan
TEL: +81-3-3204-9073 FAX: +81-3-3204-9464
E-mail: (Japanese or English available)