ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY – UNIT 1 DANA Fall 2015 Unit 1: THE HUMAN BODY: AN ORIENTATION (Chapter 1) Monday Tuesday September 8 Wednesday 9 Thursday 10 Friday 11 ~ Welcome & Introductions ~ Anatomy vs. Physiology ~ Organ System Connections ~ Syllabus Q & A/ Class Procedures ~ The Language of A & P—Medical Terminology ~ Levels of Structural Organization ~ Organ Systems Overview ~ Organ Systems Review mnmn ~ LG 1.1 & LG 1.2 Quiz September 14 15 16 17 18 ~ Online Resources ~ Orientation & Directional Terms ~ Orientation/ Directional Terms Practice ~ Regional Terms ~ Vital Signs ~ Regional Terms Practice ~ Life Functions, Survival Needs, Homeostasis ~ LG 1.3 Quiz ~ Life Functions, Survival Needs, Homeostasis ~ Body Planes ~ Body Cavities September 21 22 ~ Unit 1 Review ~ Unit 1 Test (LG 1.1-1.4) ~ “The Remains of Dr. Bass” Reading Utilize the class website: *links to the online textbook website are located on the Anatomy & Physiology main page Learning Goals: LG 1.1: Overview of Anatomy and Physiology (A&P) I can define anatomy and physiology and explain how anatomy and physiology are related to each other. I can use medical terminology (word roots, prefixes, & suffixes) effectively to communicate information about the human body. LG 1.2: Levels of Structural Organization & Organ System Overview I can name the levels of structural organization that make up the human body and explain how they are related (atoms → organisms). I can name the organ systems of the body and briefly summarize the major functions of each system. I can classify the main organs of the body by organ system. LG 1.3: The Scientific Language of Anatomy I can verbally describe or demonstrate the anatomical position. I can use proper anatomical terminology to describe body directions, regions, and body planes. I can locate the major body cavities and list the chief organs in each cavity. LG 1.4: Maintaining Life and Homeostasis I can explain the necessary functions that humans must perform to maintain life (boundaries, movement, responsiveness, digestion, metabolism, excretion, reproduction, growth). I can list the survival needs of the human body (nutrients, oxygen, water, body temperature, atmospheric pressure). I can define homeostasis and explain its importance to maintaining life. I can define negative feedback and describe its role in maintaining homeostasis and normal body function. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Unit 1 Learning Goal Tracking Sheet LG # 1.1 LEARNING GOAL Overview of Anatomy and Physiology (A&P) I can define anatomy and physiology and explain how anatomy and physiology are related to each other. 1.2 I can use medical terminology (word roots, prefixes, & suffixes) effectively to communicate information about the human body. Levels of Structural Organization & Organ System Overview I can name the levels of structural organization that make up the human body and explain how they are related (atoms → organisms). I can name the organ systems of the body and briefly summarize the major functions of each system. 1.3 I can classify the main organs of the body by organ system. The Scientific Language of Anatomy I can verbally describe or demonstrate the anatomical position. I can use proper anatomical terminology to describe body directions, regions, and body planes. 1.4 I can locate the major body cavities and list the chief organs in each cavity. Maintaining Life and Homeostasis I can explain the necessary functions that humans must perform to maintain life (boundaries, movement, responsiveness, digestion, metabolism, excretion, reproduction, growth). I can list the survival needs of the human body (nutrients, oxygen, water, body temperature, atmospheric pressure). I can define homeostasis and explain its importance to maintaining life. I can define negative feedback and describe its role in maintaining homeostasis and normal body function. Date/Assessment 1 2 3 4