Vol 16. No. 1 Summer 2015 Changing Culture and the World of the Bible By Dr. Randall Price Christianity is in decline in the United States as it has been in Europe for the past half century. The great cathedrals of Europe are largely mausoleums or museums and the mainstream churches in America are following suit. Moreover, according to David Brooks, a writer for the New York Times, “The share of Americans who describe themselves as Christians is dropping. Evangelical voters make up a smaller share of the electorate. Members of the millennial generation are detaching themselves from religious institutions in droves.” Many prophecy teachers have long bewailed the absence of millennials at prophecy conferences, but youth ministers are also saying that this generation of Christians has no interest in prophecy at all. Some claim it is a reaction to the “Left Behind” theology that they view as escapism and therefore irrelevant to the relationally focused modern church. The recent Supreme Court decision legalizing same sex marriage in all 50 states certainly was a new setback for Judeo-Christian moral values, but this was no worse in kind than the 1961 decision to ban prayer in public schools and the 1973 decision that legalized abortion on demand. It is, however, more. It signals a culmination of reversals of tradition American values, www.WorldoftheBible.com a reflection of the changes in society that are making Christians feel estranged from the mainstream culture. If we add to this our national betrayal of our ally Israel and the Iranian deal that threatens their genocide, as well as our national impotence to appropriately respond to evil such as ISIS, we see that as a nation we are fast on the downward slide. Christians have always been counter-culture, since from the beginning the believer’s imperative has been to live in the world, but not live like the world. The constant challenge has been to keep our light visible in the surrounding cultural darkness. For this reason Paul stated “that you may prove yourselves to be blameless and innocent, children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you appear as lights in the world” (Philippians 2:15). On this basis he further admonishes us to pray “for kings and all who are in authority, in order that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity” (1 Timothy 2:2). Our role is one of cultural engagement and cultural redemption on a spiritual level so that the forces of darkness seeking to compromise the church may be restrained (Ephesians 6:10-12). However, in our day many con- tend the culture war may have already been lost - and religious liberty might not be that far behind. According to a new survey from LifeWay Research, the research arm of the Southern Baptist Convention: “Seventy percent of senior pastors at Protestant churches say religious liberty is on the decline in the United States, and 59 percent of Christians believe they are losing the culture war. Eleven percent considers that war already lost.”2 There have been many instances of religious freedom attacked in the past decade from students who want to pray at public school events to civil officials who offer a prayer in Jesus name, but more successful attacks have occurred in recent days such as the IRS targeting of Christian ministries involved in prolife activities. Even Billy Graham was audited. Then we have the instances of ministers and business owners dragged into court because they decline to participate or service same-sex weddings and in every case gay rights prevailed over religious rights. Many believe that the tax-exempt status long enjoyed by churches will soon be rescinded. Such attacks are a clear and present warning that America resents the status inscribed in its currency: “under God.” In this light we should not forget the words of President Ronald Reagan: “If 1 Changing Culture and the World of the Bible Continued from Page 1 we ever forget that we are one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under.” The world of the Bible is revealed in Scripture as a world within a world. The psalmist David identified this fallen world system in the most basic sense: “… men of the world, whose portion is in this life …” (Psalm 17:14b) as well as declaring the believers’ contrasting response: “As for me, I shall behold Your face in righteousness …” (verse 15). The Psalmists also revealed the destiny of this world system: “… the LORD; for He is coming to judge the earth; He will judge the world with righteousness” (Psalms 98:9), a truth repeated by the Prophet Isaiah: “Thus I will punish the world for its evil …” (Isaiah 13:11). This judgment is now in process according to Jesus: “Now judgment is upon this world; now the ruler of this world shall be cast out” (John 12:31). Paul explains that the downward spiral of culture is in fact evidence of the judgment of God on that culture (Romans 1:18-32). So, in a real sense, it is the culture, not Christians, who are losing the war. We are on the winning side, although we must suffer within the culture as it collapses. But, we must not forget that God Himself came into this world and He stated His purpose in coming: “For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world should be saved through Him” (John 3:17). Yes, the world did not know Him (John 1:10), and what they did know of Him they hated (John 7:7). Consequently, we are told that the same world that hated Him will hate those who follow Him (John 15:18-19). The instigator of this hatred is the evil one (Matthew 13:39; Revelation 2:10) who goes throughout this world to cause the suffering of the saints (1 Peter 5:8). For this reason, 2 Peter instructs his readers: “But resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same experiences of suffering are being accomplished by your brethren who are in the world” (1 Peter 5:9). Our continued task, therefore, is to resist evil in our culture, realize that we will suffer as a result (Philippians 1:29; 2 Timothy 3:12), yet remain firm in our conviction that Christ is the Savior of the world and that we are called to call them to trust in Him and be saved (John 3:16; Acts 14:15; 26:18). This is to be a special appeal to the Jewish People whose culture, even in the Land of the Bible, is as corrupt as that of the nations: “For you first, God raised up His Servant, and sent Him to bless you by turning every one of you from your wicked ways” (Acts 3:26). It is true our culture is declining – it has always been declining – and it is true that we as Christians in America are facing and will face persecution for our moral values – Christians have always suffered for the same. We who know the world of the Bible, the world in which redemption was demonstrated at the crossing of the Red Sea and at the foot of the cross, need to keep on keeping on and remember our Lord’s instruction: “Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. “Blessed are you when men cast insults at you, and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely, on account of Me. “Rejoice, and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you” (Matthew 5:10–12). Moreover, our Savior has said that we are salt that preserves that which is good in this world and a light in the darkness that cannot be hidden from the world (Matthew 5:1315). Therefore, let your steadfast light shine in the changing culture to the glory of God (Matthew 5:16). Ministry Prayer Requests 1 Pray for our son Jon as he is now ministering in India and in August will head to Uganda and Kenya. If you have not seen his blog site go to: jonedward.org. 2 Pray for Liberty University’s willingness to purchase the Liberty Biblical Museum that Dr. Price created. They have agreed to most things related to the museum, but the discussion on the purchase is pending. 3 Pray that we will get clear direction for the anticipated expedition to Mt. Ararat. This is a crucial time for the expedition and this summer will determine things. 4 Pray for preparations for a lecture Dr. Price is to deliver at the Lusanne Conference on Jewish Evangelism in Jerusalem August 14-20. He was given short notice to substitite for another speaker. 5 Pray for safe drive back to Lynchburg from San Marcos for the Prices leaving on 6 August). 6 Pray for Dr. Price’s editing based on the authorial queries from Zondervan on the new handbook. 7 Pray for Dr. Price’s knee as he just had another adult stem cell replacement at a high financial cost. He hopes this will improve his condition this year, although he is looking into a cartilage restoration process being done by a doctor at Atlanta Sports Medicine, if he is approved as a candidate. 8 Pray for WBM as it is having a tough time financially at the end of the summer. Praise God for His faithful provision to us over the past 25 years! 9 Pray for Dr. Price’s classes at Liberty this semester and the needed work to get the Liberty Biblical Museum to Museum to a self-touring status. 10 Pray for Dr. Price being granted a new permit by the Israeli officials to excavate a cave at Qumran this December 28-January 12. The meeting has not yet taken place and the decision rests in part on how much of the final report from the previous excavations has been done. Dr. Price is hoping for a meeting in August with the Israeli officials. www.WorldoftheBible.com Spring/Summer Ministry Report He’s Still Coming Dr. and Mrs. Price had an active teaching conference schedule in the spring and into the summer. In March Dr. Price joined Dr. Harold Willmington and Dr. Mark Hitchcock in Richmond, VA before a church audience to tape a television series on Bible prophecy entitled “He’s Still Coming” (based on the title of a new book by Dr. Willmington revising his earlier best-selling book The King is Coming). This series is under production and will be released in the fall on one of the Christian TV channels (check your local listings). We will try and alert those on our electronic e-mail of the series airdates when we get word. Dr. Price, Dr. Willmington and Dr. Hitchcock share the stage for a question and answer session as part of the taping of the new TV series “He’s Still Coming” St. Marc, Haiti Also in March Dr. and Mrs. Price made a trip to Haiti where their daughter Elisabeth and husband Eric Ream (and four children: Ethan, Evan, Elita and Esmée) are full-time missionaries. They toured parts of the island, spent time with the family in St. Marc, preached in a local Haitian church, and stayed at the Baptist Mission where they got to spend time with friends Wallace and Eleanor Turnbull (the founders of the mission). It was an excellent time of ministry, learning and fellowship with family and local missionaries. Dr. Price’s message at the church was on events in Israel and the Middle East and the hope of Christ’s coming. At home with the Ream family, missionaries in St. Marc, Haiti www.WorldoftheBible.com The Ream’s next-door neighbor Stanley getting us a coconut from his tree.  Dr. Price preaching at the Haitian church to local Haitians and missionaries 3 Spring/Summer Ministry Report Continued Teaching at Liberty University This fall will begin Dr. Price’s eighth year at Liberty University. Dr. Price started teaching at Liberty at the invitation of Dr. Jerry Falwell, the university’s founder, when he became aware of the work of World of the Bible Ministries, Inc. He wanted to have a similar ministry developed at Liberty and Dr. Price saw this as an opportunity to reach a greater number of people, especially students who would continue biblical ministry through the 21st century. Dr. Price established the Center for Judaic Studies that educates faculty and students on the biblical connection of Christians with the Land of Israel Dr. Price teaching his Messianic Prophecy class Biblical Hebrew and the Jewish People. This goal is accomplished through invited lecturers, targeted publications, Jewish holiday events, and offers students a place for specialized research in its extensive Jewish Studies library. He also teaches full time on the faculty of the School of Divinity offering courses on Old Testament Survey, the theology of Israel, messianic prophecy, the Middle East Passover Seder NEW • Latest attempts to make possible a soon rebuilding of the Temple • Recent archaeological discoveries • Priesthood & political changes affecting the status of the Temple Mount • New work of organizations to prepare for the resumption of the sacrificial system While the Price family holds it own annual Passover seder in accord with 1 Corinthans 5:8, this year a unique invitation was given the Prices to attend the traditional Jewish seder of a Jewish family and friends in Lynchburg. The Prices have become friends with Emmanuel and Sonja Ornan friends throughout the years and they welcomed this privileged opportunity to be a guest at their seder. The evening fol- conflict, the Jewish Temple, and biblical archaeology (also an online course) as well as conducting an annual tour to Israel for academic credit. Please pray for the Lord to bless Liberty University, the Center for Judiac Studies, and Dr. Price in this good work for God’s Kingdom. To learn more about the Center for Judaic Studies please see: www.liberty.edu/judaicstudies. lowed the Hagaddah, the order of service for the celebration of the Passover meal, and almost lasted until midnight, the stopping point for all seders. During the meal there was a discussion on the Holocaust as four or five of those around the table either participated directly in it or suffered because of it as well as conversation on our Christian beliefs. The Prices were grateful to be included in this wonderful service. The Jewish People are “Still Ready to Rebuild.” More Info Page 18 4 Dr. and Mrs. Price at the seder with the Ornan family and friends www.WorldoftheBible.com JERUSALEM Israel In April Dr. Price was sent to Israel by his university to check out potential archaeological sites in which the school was invited to participate. During the week he and a fellow professor visited a number of ancient sites, some previously excavated and other’s not. The sites under investigation are private, but one site that was shown to Dr. Price (not connected to the university investigation) is that of a ritual place in the ancient City of David. This site (see photos below) is quite remarkable because it dates to the pre-Israelite Canaanite period but has features that resemble later Israelite worship centers such as that at Tel Arad (10th century B.C.) including a sacrificial or slaughtering area, an area where an altar once sat (this conclusion was drawn from the comparison with the Tel Arad site) and a Holy of Holies represented by a standing stone (masebah). This tri-partite structure became the norm for the temples in Syria and Israel from the time of Solomon onward. It should be emphasized that this structure is not part of the First Temple (as inferred in a recent book on the location of the Temple by Bob Cornuke), but is a sacred site before the time of Underground entrance to the Canaanite period sacred area in the City of David the Israelite Temple. Archaeologist Eli Shukron, who has directed excavations at the City of David for 20 years and made this discovery, has suggested that this might be the high place used by Melchizedek, the Gentile God-fearer who then was both King of Salem (Jerusalem) and a Priest of God Most Site of the Holy of Holies with standing stone (representing worship place) protected by new metal door www.WorldoftheBible.com High (see Genesis 14:8; Hebrews 7:117). If so, this is a remarkable discovery that confirms this biblical account in the life of Abraham (whose very existence is doubted by archaeological minimalists). Although found several years ago, the site is currently closed to the public. Continued Next Page Area of the altar (now removed) with incised basin and channel for blood of the sacrifices 5 JERUSALEM Continued City of David archaeologist Eli Shukron with Dr. Price within the sacred area Slaughtering (sacrificial) area. The “V”-shaped cuts in the rock were used to hold in place racks to hang the animal carcasses  Spring/Summer Ministry Report Continued LeMars, Iowa In late March Dr. and Mrs. Price journeyed for the first time to LeMars, Iowa, home of Blue Bunny ice cream. Dr. Price joined other speakers at LeMars Bible Church for their Bible conference: “Prophecy: Key to the Future.” The church had a packed house for all services and the Prices enjoyed NEW both their ministry to the congregation and the great fellowship they enjoyed. They even got to go to the Blue Bunny Ice Cream Parlor downtown and sample some of the wares and the church gave them each a Blue Bunny souvenir shirt. Even though they are (still) fans of Bluebell, they graciously accepted! 360 Degree Temple Mount Views The user is able to navigate to any place desired around and on the Temple Mount Including the Mt. of Olives! More Info Page 17 LeMars Bible Church Dr Alan Cole with Dr. Price during question and answer session at the Prophecy Conference 6 www.WorldoftheBible.com BRECKERFIELD Germany In May the Prices went to Germany to speak in Bible conferences hosted by the Bible Center of Breckerfeld directed by Johannes Vogel. This is a Bible school for young German Christians to prepare for missionary service. The first conference was for the ladies and Mrs. Price was one of two featured speakers. She did an excellent job and related to the audience personal experiences in the Christian life that illustrated the conference topic of coping with the difficulties of life. During the women’s confer- Dr. Price teaching a workshop at the Propheticon on “The Prophecies of Daniel” ence Dr. Price spoke twice at a local church in a nearby town. After the women’s conference was the Propheticon, the German version of the PreTrib Research Center Conference in the U.S. This conference, mainly for Pastors and their wives, but open to the public, had speakers from the U.S. (Dr. Mark Hitchcock, Don Perkins), Israel (Pastor Meno Kalisher), Switzerland (Dr. Roger Liebi), and Germany (Johannes Vogel). Dr. Price spoke twice on the topics of “The Prophecies of Daniel” and “The Land of Israel Under the New Covenant.” Of course, all messages (including the Powerpoints) received a German translation! Several of Dr. Price’s books translated into German were available for sale to Panel discussion with speakers and translators. Speakers left to right: Dr. participants. Dr. Price has already received an invi- Mark Hitchcock, Dr. Price, Dr. Liebi, Don Perkins, Meno Kalisher tation for 2016 to speak at the Bible Center’s 50th Anniversary. This will be a special time as Dr. and Mrs. Price started speaking at the Center more than 10 years ago when its founder Theodore Vogel was still alive. These opportunities to minister in Germany, especially to students preparing for fulltime Christian service, are an exciting part of World of the Bible Ministries international outreach. Jerusalem Pastor Meno Kalisher and Swiss scholar Roger Liebi listen to points being made by Dr. Price and translator Georg Hagedon at the Propheticon  Small section of the audience at the women’s conference listening to Beverlee Price www.WorldoftheBible.com Beverlee sharing from Scripture and life with the women’s conference  7 TULSA Oklahoma In April the Prices also went to the annual Mid-America Prophecy Conference in Tulsa, OK hosted by Philip and Mary Goodman and their ministry Prophecy Watch. Dr. Price joined a host of other prophecy teachers and spoke on the topic “Still Ready to Rebuild” and “Messianic Prophecy: How God Revealed His Plan for Man.” Tapes of the conference may be ordered from: phillip@prophecywatch.com.  LeanderTexas After the return from Germany Dr. Price spoke at the newly formed Calvary Chapel of Leander, TX. His message on “Archaeology and Prophecy.” We encourage any looking for a church home to contact this new church plant and pay them a visit on Sunday. Dr. Price responds to the critics and demonstrates from history, archaeology, and textual criticism that the Old Testament is a reliable historical document and therefore can be safely trusted with respect to its theological content. More Info Page 17 NEW Dr. Price speaking on Messianic Prophecy at the conference June 2016 TOUR TO ISRAEL We invite one and all to join us for our June 2016 tours to Israel. Our annual Israel Adventure Tour will be June 4-15, followed by a Second-Timer’s Tour June 14-25. This “second-timer’s” tour will have all new sites, so if you think you’ve seen it all make plans to come and be amazed once again! It has been five years since we have offered one of these “second-timer’s” tours, and it may be another number of years before we can offer it again. I know that many of you have been waiting for this, so 8 please register for it as places are limited. It is also possible to go on the first-timer’s tour and continue with the secondtimer’s tour. We have planned these so there will be a free day in between for those who want the “full meal deal!” If you are interested in this complete tour please contact us for special pricing. We are working on the itineraries for both of these tours and hope to have them posted online by mid-August. We have already been reserving airline seating on United for these tours, so let us know your intentions as soon as possible. www.WorldoftheBible.com Summer 2015 Tour Report TURKEY Dr. and Mrs. Price joined Dr. Ed and Mrs. Hindson as leaders with other faculty members of Liberty University’s School of Divinity for a tour of the Seven Churches of Asia Minor and the Apostle John’s place of exile on the Island of Patmos. The tour group consisted of resident and online students of Liberty University. Dr. Hindson brought practical truths from the Bible at the various sites Dr. Price in the Istanbul Museum with the only intact example of the Soreg Inscripand Dr. Price added archaeological and historical tion (sign on the Temple fence that warned Gentiles not to enter beyond this point, information. The tour began in Istanbul. see Acts 21:28-30 and Ephesians 2:14)  Dr. Ed Hindson and Dr. Price walk together in the Temple of Artemis at Sardis  Dr. Price lecturing to students from five universities on the steps of the ancient Celcius Library at the site of Ephesus  Dr. Price lecturing in the remains of the Jewish synagogue at Sardis (Revelation 3:1-6) www.WorldoftheBible.com 9 TURKEY Summer 2015 Tour Report ISRAEL Dr. Price about to baptize one of his online students in the Aegean Sea on the Island of Patmos (near the site where the Apostle John was said to have traditionally baptized) Dr. and Mrs. Price in the reconstructed Temple of Trajan at Pergamon  The Prices hosted World of the Bible Ministries’ annual tour to Israel starting on June 9. We had participants from all across the U.S. and Canada and a number of students from Liberty University, including an online student (Vance Yzbick) who is a missionary in Poland. Other students of Dr. Price (Dan Stuart and Christy Connell) were also on the tour this year including our praise and worship leader Alex Wolfe 2015 Israel Adventure Tour Group on the Mt. of Olives (Jon Price is on the camel) (with assistance from his wife Lindsay). Alex went through Dr. Price’s Jewish Studies program at Liberty and will be entering Dallas Seminary next year. also were part of the tour. Dan was his graduate assistant the past two years and Christy worked at the Center for Judaic Studies and next year will work in the Liberty Biblical Museum. Dr. Price speaking to tour group in the amphi- Joining this time was their son theater at Pergamon  10 Jonathan (Jon) who served as Assistant Director. Jon was in Israel for mission work as part of a seven-month mission outreach for World of the Bible Ministries (see below). Jon has been to Israel numerous times with his parents as well as on his dad’s archaeological excavations at Qumran. He has expressed a desire to someday work with our tours to Israel and this trip gave him an opportunity to intern a bit. The group enjoyed his Bible teaching on the Sea of Galilee and at the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem. The tour this year, as usual, went to a number of off the beaten path sites not listed in the brochure, always giving our participants much more for their money! The group also worshipped on Shabbat with the Jerusalem Assembly: House of Redemption church in Jerusalem and had an exclusive tour to a newly discovered sacred site in the City of David (see above). This was a wonderful tour group who encouraged each other and clearly enjoyed learning the Bible in the world of the Bible! www.WorldoftheBible.com JORDAN Following the annual Israel tour was the option of a three-day extension to the land of Jordan. In biblical times this area was part of Israel and the journeys of biblical figures from Moses to Jesus. The tour group started with the new Jordan Museum that contains the famous Copper Scroll, but also a fabulous collection of artifacts from the biblical periods. Everyone was impressed at how well done were the displays and exhibitions. Next the group went to Jerash (ancient Gerasa) one of the best-preserved Roman cities in the world to see the colonnaded city square, streets, theater, and the remains of the temple of Artemis. After an overnight in Amman, the group set out the next day to Mt. Nebo where Moses was given a last view of the Promised Land and to Macherus, the palace of Herod Antipas where John the Baptist was beheaded. Then down the ancient King’s Highway route to Little Petra, the place where the caravans stopped and stayed and which resembles the famous site of Petra with a similar siq and rock carved buildings. After an over night in Petra the group toured this immense archaeological wonderland, now a World Heritage Site. In the afternoon the group went back to Israel staying in the Red Sea port city of Eilat (biblical Ezion-Geber). The next day the group toured the undersea observatory and did a little snorkeling on their own at a coral reef and then went for a visit to the lifesize replica of the Tabernacle set in the wilderness of Timna Park. The day ended with a flight to Joppa and a farewell dinner in a great fish restaurant beside the Mediterranean Sea.  Dr. Price lecturing to the tour group at his excavation site at Qumran Jon Price preaching on the “Love Boat” on the Sea of Galilee Dr. and Mrs. Price and son Jon in front of the Treasury at Petra www.WorldoftheBible.com 11 UPDATE Noah’s Ark Since we have been discussing Turkey, we are sure many of you are wondering about the famous site in Turkey that World of the Bible Ministries has been involved with for the past seven years – Mt. Ararat and the search for Noah’s Ark. We are restricted from reporting any details concerning the on-going plans for the 2015 Ark Search LLC expedition to Mt. Ararat because we have a privileged position with certain government officials who do not want our association or information about our work broadcast. We also have opposition from a local “businessman” who has been successfully running an “Ark scam” for many years. Information leaked about our dates and plans could compromise any work planned. What I can report is that while key members of our team (including Dr. Price) were prevented from returning to Turkey in 2014, this issue has been resolved and a new expedition planned. The site of the expedition is one of the sites previously explored and the prospects are believed to be very good. At the time of this writing a permit has been promised, but not yet received. There will be two separate climbs; the first to validate a site and collect samples and the second to document it further. Please continue to pray for the safety and success of the teams if the expedition can be mounted. We still need to cover the expenses for the second team, and have a partial pledge from a previous supporter. As soon as it is possible to bring a full report you will be one of the first to receive it! So stay tuned! FINDING NOAH Film Distrubution News In the summer of 2013 the ASK17 Production Company of Hollywood, CA went to Mt. Ararat to film a season of the expedition of the Ark Search LLC. The crew climbed the mountain with our team and filmed interviews with various members of the team including Dr. Price. The result was a 90-minute documentary that was shown for the first time in December 2014 for the cast and crew and invited family and friends. Four theaters were needed to hold the family and friends and all judged the event to be a success. Since that time the production company has found a distributor for the film with Propeller, the firm responsible for the distribution of such recent films as “God is Not Dead.” The firm has contracted to distribute “Finding Noah” in 500+ theaters this October. We do not yet have a listing of theaters, but if we are able to obtain one we will pass on details. Meanwhile, you can keep current on things and see a trailer for the film at www.findingnoah.com. 12  Cast and crew of the Finding Noah production (the cast are team members of the Ark Search LLC expedition to Mt. Ararat). Producer Brent Braum is standing to the immediate right of the poster Also, in September the producers will join Dr. Price at Liberty University to preview the film for students and to speak to students in Liberty’s School of Visual Arts (Film School). Please pray that as this witness to the truth of the Scriptures hits the theaters that God will use it to open doors to further evangelism. Expedition team members during question and answer session after initial airing of the film for cast and crew (December 2014) www.WorldoftheBible.com INTO ALL THE WORLD Jon Price Jon Price (son of Randall and Beverlee Price) is currently a traveling representative of the LORD (and World of the Bible Ministries) to research various mission fields and to bring the gospel to those in need. Working with local missionaries, indigenous churches and children’s outreach ministries, Jon’s seven-month mission quest is at its mid-point. Jon describes below the purpose of his mission and we have included some excerpts from his mission blogs. The full blog record can be found at: jonedward.org with photos of his journey at his Facebook account (Jonathan Edward Price). His mission is faith-based and supported by believing friends. If you wish to help Jon complete his mission outreach please send your contribution designated to “Jon Price Mission” to our office at P.O. Box 827 San Marcos, TX 78667-0827 or online at worldofthebible.com. donia was going to be very different than Haiti. I wore a jacket often and the streets are paved, also there is more than enough cheese in this country. The people are different, they are mostly orthodox and hold strong opinions and prejudices. On the other hand the brothers and sisters we became friends with here are extremely dear and filled with love. The people look different, eat different, the country is landlocked and not an island. I mean really so much is opposite, everyone wears a shirt here. But the most glaring similarities are those that come from the nature of man - no matter what your skin color or circumstance, no matter what religion you were or are. The same nature of man remains, and the same spiritual need remains. The simplicity of grace is needed to move our stubborn hearts and minds to freedom. Freedom from hate, prejudice, racism, anger, and hurt. People at home, Haiti, where a group of us from our local campus church will teach the intensive discipleship class that we are currently going through and learning how to teach. After that its off to Kenya and Tanzania, our goal is church planting, hosting a medical clinic and spreading Jesus words of truth and love. As the fall starts to come in I will make my way alone to Eastern Turkey and share the good news and love of Jesus, the one true way to my friends that are apart of unreached people groups. Lastly I will go to Montreal, the Jonathan Price – Mission 2015 lowest percentage Christian populaDuring the next 7 months I will serve tion city in North America. There I on mission in many places. Starting in will serve dear missionary friends and Haiti, I will be teaching in a school and help reach children in Montreal. After serving with dear sweet missionaries that it is back home to Texas to continthere. Macedonia is next where I am ue serving with the youth and church with a team from church that I have and young men I have had the honor been preparing my mind and heart and privilege to grow with and live and here are trying to earn God’s love, since January with intensive disciple- life with that is centered in Jesus and in despair by their failure, or in denial that its possible for them to need God’s ship and gospel sharing classes and God’s grace. love and that their world may not be accountability. In Macedonia we will figured out. help local churches grow and disciple I listened to a total of 4, yes 4 hours and become more established and of sermons on a Sunday. One man kept have a ton of fun hosting sports camps speaking about freedom. To myself I for kids! Next stop is the Holy Land of asked, please, show me what freedom Israel, there I will see my Father for a looks like to you? I know it is not bashshort time and assist him, also I will ing each other with rules and verses serve with a local church and outreach from the Bible. I know its not the pride to young persons with troubled and that comes with thinking you are right broken lives. Macedonia in your beliefs above others. And my India will be the month of July, Right off the plane I knew Mace- heart desperately wanted them to know www.WorldoftheBible.com 13 freedom. The truth is that words do little and a life’s example does much to influence change in others. Freedom in and through Jesus opens the door to a new perspective, to new purpose. Freedom is abandoning the need to know it all and have it all figured out. Freedom is nailing sin to the cross and leaving it there. Freedom is humbly accepting that God loved you enough to die on that cross and forever wipe clean your evil deeds. Freedom is living free of shame, free of guilt, free of performance, free of the acceptance of others, free from beating up yourself, free from a false identity, free from an identity that is shallow and attached to how others perceive us and we wrongfully perceive ourselves. Live Free!!! Be loved by God our Father. Take His free gift of forgiveness, which He perfectly paid for, then live free. Human nature remains to earn by pride God’s kindness and love, which is only given to the humble unearned and withheld from the proud. I was blessed to share the good news of freedom in trusting Jesus to many here young an old. We played sports, shared meals with new friends, encouraged and built up the local church here with needed love and motivation, and this Mac team crushed it. The bottom line is with each amazing story of pain, hurt, death, love, and joy that came with those God appointed relationships and conversations is that Jesus is the only way to heal the hurt and fill that obvious giant hole in your heart. Over and over the older we get we search for purpose. In a conversation riddled with loneliness and thoughts of suicide I was asked what my purpose is? overcome with joy from the kindness of Yahweh(God) I answered - “My purpose is to be loved by God.” Freedom is in receiving and living out the good things God prepared for us. To give true, deep, powerful love, I must first receive love, allow it to sink deep past my hurts, pride, shame and humanity and comprehend the great- 14 ness of God’s love and kindness that brings new life and purpose. Albania The moment I crossed the Albanian border it began to rain. I rounded a bend on a very narrow, winding mountain road and the control arm of my right tire snapped. I went into an uncontrollable slide heading toward the edge of the cliff and a very inconvenient fiery death. The Lord had other plans and by a matter of inches I just caught the guardrail and missed the fiery cliff plunge. But I was rolling and I accepted that the small stick shift should soon end up on its back. Again the Lord had other plans and defying gravity and momentum the car landed back upright. The problem was my front end was trashed, my control arm was trashed and two tires were off the ground and held up by my friend the guardrail. Immediately some very kind Albanian men stopped and called for a tow truck. They all stayed with me in the rain and the tow truck had a master genius character manage to secure the car of the rail and onto his tow truck. Every man was amazed and telling me how lucky I was that I did not go off the edge, I pointed up and said its all God. Now please understand that I had been in Albania 5 minutes and spoke zero Albanian. I knew enough Macedonian to get by but no Albanian at this point, which made things interesting. The tow truck driver furiously drove to a small mechanic shop in the border town of Pogradec. I thought for sure that the massive repairs would take days and I had no idea the cost. As I waited a man walked by speaking English. I asked him to help translate, he said he was from Uganda and loved Jesus and it was instant friendship. He invited me into his home where I met other African brothers. We ate, sang and played praise and worship songs and shared stories of God’s goodness. A few hours later the mechanic told me I must be the luckiest man alive because I cheated death and they found a very difficult part to obtain almost instantly. The car would be ready by that evening, so I went out for coffee with two of my Ugandan friends. The young man had specific questions for me relating to God. Fortunately I had grace filled answers to meet his questions. They were specific things God had been teaching me, and I knew it was a divine appointment. To confirm the supernatural of this meeting the young man Joshua, told me that he had just prayed that God would send someone to answer these deep questions he had weighing on his heart. I heard their stories of abandoning all for Jesus, leaving family and comfort, being healed and rescued by the love of Christ Jesus. It was a great first day in Albania. I returned to find my vehicle ready to go. It was amazing how quickly those men worked. I left that evening and drove most of the night to Durres. The next day I met with a sweet brother Tani. We prayed together, shared stories and he translated the gospel for me as I shared the gospel shirtless with a local Muslim man (also shirtless). All three of us grabbed lunch and I listened to the hardships of life for the common man in Albania. Work is scarce and hopelessness sits heavy in the people there. Yet they are welcoming and open to receive true hope and love. Continued on next page www.WorldoftheBible.com INTO ALL THE WORLD Jon Price me and changed the lives and destinies of many. The prayer of a righteous man accomplishes much and I am righteous because of Jesus. Jesus wrap the innocent in protection and guide them to Your truth and love. Supernaturally save them and lead them to safety. Use every tragedy Lord Jesus, save them in every way! Please Lord! Continued from page 15 Israel The Holy land is so full of “whoa God You are cool” moments. I have been blessed to soak up the knowledge and wisdom of my Father and Mother here. I have met so many dear and sweet people. It feels so familiar and I have been overwhelmed by the strong presence of God. The Holy sites are amazing and as my Dad would say, “If you want your faith to be more real, come to the place where it really happened”. I have been blessed to travel to Israel multiple times, but there is a sea of learning taking place each time. The most glaring obstacle to the gospel here is the stubborn hateful hearts of the people. On the temple mount Muslim women and children harassed a small group of Jewish people visiting the site while under military escort. They chanted hate and it was sad to watch. That Saturday our taxi was pelted with rocks from orthodox Jews showing their hatred for those who don’t keep the Sabbath day “holy” and drive anywhere. I started to become furious with the stupidity of both groups of people who ignorantly cling to prejudice and hate. I love Israel, I love the Jewish people, and Jesus was a Jew! And I love Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims. They all have the same problem. They are truly ignorant of true love. Compassion blotted out my anger and sorrow filled me to know that they do not know the real Jesus. The Jesus that truly saves is all around them and they are ignorant to the goodness of grace. Oh Lord please open the eyes of the blind and save them by Your truth and love. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. This trip I have heard heart breaking stories that shatter my perspective www.WorldoftheBible.com of hardship. I have heard of so much pain and loss. Lost loved ones, debilitating sickness, suicide, divorce, and years of pain. And the responses to these hardships are different in their journeys but the same in their conclusions. Each person professes that God is good, and that God is love. Each person wants others to know Jesus and has been touched by the true love of Jesus Christ. They are incredible, believing whole-heartedly that God has purpose for every ounce of pain, and I stand there with them. Today I went to the border of Syria and I saw, heard and felt artillery shells being fired. I couldn’t believe just miles away people were dying. I could see the smoke among the buildings. All my life I have never known the fear of hiding in my home not knowing if the next shell would strike my family’s home. I stopped and prayed for those people. Civil war was in front of me and the heart wrenching part is that I am powerless. I wanted to run through the border and tell every child I could that Jesus loves them, died for them, and rose again proving His power to forgive them. I wanted to bring hope to the hopeless and rescue the powerless. But I can’t, I can’t even physically cross the multitudes of land mines to get there. So watching the bombs send smoke and debris into the air I stopped and prayed. I will never underestimate the power of prayer. Prayer has saved Parting Thoughts One constant in the 6 countries I have traveled to so far. Is that in every place there are believers in Jesus with the same Spirit of love, God’s love. In every language I have found myself lost in translation when singing worship. But in every language and every place Hallelujah is sung the same. What beauty that Hallelujah means “God be praised”, truly God be praised! No matter the time, the situation, the pain or the comfort, God be praised. Hallelujah today, tomorrow, and in this moment. No matter who you are, or where you are Jesus has love, peace, and joy for you at this very moment. Praise God and sing with me, sing with every heart in every nation Hallelujah! 15 DEDICATION of the Liberty Biblical Museum Entrance view of the Liberty Biblical Museum Collection Dr. Price in the Liberty Biblical Museum In April Dr. Price dedicated the Liberty Biblical Museum on the campus of Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA. This museum collection was started 36 years ago and in its beginning was displayed at our Texas office. It has grown considerably over the years and when Dr. Price went to teach at Liberty University he agreed with Dr. Falwell that he would develop the museum for the university in order to introduce students to the world of the Bible and biblical archaeology. It has taken the past eight years to get to the point of a dedication of the museum, but it was quite successful with Jerry Falwell, Jr. cutting the ribbon and officially opening the museum to students and the public. Since this event the museum has had a steady flow of visitors and the limited staff has been struggling to offer tours to all who want them. In the next year the plan is to make the museum self-touring with signage and visual displays. If you happen to come to the area we invite you to tour this wonderful museum that focuses on the reality of the Word of God through artifacts. 16  Liberty University Chancellor Jerry Falwell cuts the ribbon at the dedication of the Liberty Biblical Museum located on the campus of Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA  Press photo of Dr. and Mrs. Price giving a tour to the Falwells and visiting lecturer and author Dr. Bill Watson www.WorldoftheBible.com New Publications From World Of the Bible Productions product. There is nothing else like this on the market and it will be a useful tool for educators wanting to show students the sites (as well as assign them research projects touring the sites) and for youth interested in an interactive virtual reality tour to the Holy Land. Each DVD contains the same virtual tour format in four languages (English, German, Spanish, and Portuguese). So you can also have the unique experience of hearing Dr. Price speaking in different languages! The DVD also includes a password giving access to an online version of the Virtual Temple Tour. Computer Software MAC/PC $49.99 Virtual Temple Tour Computer Program Three years in the making, Dr. Price and a team from InnerCube Publishing in Germany traveled to Israel to produce a user-friendly interactive tool for research and investigation of the sites related to the Tabernacle and Temple. Of course, it is fun to use as well! Because tour groups visiting the Temple Mount today are restricted by the Islamic Waqf and the only teaching allowed on the site is from the Islamic viewpoint, the need existed for a “virtual tour” of the site that would allow an audience to see and hear the biblical information about the Temple. Using hidden a hidden camera and microphone, the team went many times to the Temple Mount capturing video footage of Dr. Price teaching about the Temple on location. This was done even in the midst of an Islamic riot against suspected Jewish worshippers who had entered the site! Shot in 360 degree views, the user is able to navigate to any place desired around and on the Temple Mount (including the Mt. of Olives) and read data points on each site as well as see and hear video clips of Dr. Price’s teaching. Other sites include the Tabernacle site at ancient Shiloh and the reconstructed Tabernacle in Timna Park. In addition, original artistic reproductions of the Second Temple structures add to the value of this new www.WorldoftheBible.com Can We Trust the Old Testament? DVD The Old Testament has come under increasing assault by critics who seek to undermine the foundation of Holy Scripture. Since ¾ of the Bible is the Old Testament and at least ¼ of the New Testament consist of citations or allusions to the Old Testament, its defense is crucial to biblical inerrancy. Dr. Price responds to the critics and demonstrates from history, archaeology, and textual criticism that the Old Testament is a reliable historical document and therefore can be safely trusted with respect to its theological content. This DVD is a Powerpoint illustrated lecture originally given at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa at the National Apologetics Conference. Teaching Presentation DVD $15.00 17 New Publications New Products Coming in 2016 Still Ready To Rebuild DVD 25 years ago Drs. Price and Ice wrote the book Ready to Rebuild, describing for the first time the plans by Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple and how this fits with the prophetic scriptures that speak of a last days Temple before the return of the Messiah. Since that time the Temple Mount has been a continual source of conflict, making it today the main religious impediment to any peace process in the Middle East. Despite the ban by the Muslim Waqf on Jewish prayers at the site and the attempt to prevent even the mention of the Temple at the site by Jews or Christians, Jewish plans have continued to recover the site and rebuild the Temple. This presentation by Dr. Price, first given at the Pre-Trib Research Center conference in Dallas this past December, explains why Jews have not yet accomplished their goal, but also reveals the latest attempts to make possible a soon rebuilding of the Temple. Dr. Price shows recent archaeological discoveries related to the Temple and its priesthood, political changes that affect the status of the Temple Mount, and the new work of organizations such as the Temple Institute to prepare for the resumption of the sacrificial system. The conclusion is that the Jewish People are “Still Ready to Rebuild.” Teaching Presentation DVD $15.00  Handbook of Biblical Archaeology This spring Zondervan Publishers will release Dr. Price and Dr. House new book The Zondervan Handbook of Biblical Archaeology. This work covers the important archaeological discoveries that impact biblical interpretation in a format book by book through the Bible. The text is illustrated throughout with full-color photographs, charts, diagrams and maps. Many of you have prayed for the work and completion of this book – and soon it will be published! Thank you all and we hope you will enjoy the wonderful job Zondervan Publishers in making this a truly beautiful and useful resource for biblical studies. New Edition of Searching for the Original Bible Dr. Price’s popular apologetic work Searching for the Original Bible (Harvest House Publishers, 2008), a book defending biblical inerrancy and the trustworthiness of the Old and New Testaments has been out-of-print for the past two years. Now Lampion Press has planned a new revised edition of this work that will be released under a new title sometime in the spring. Please pray for Dr. Price and the publishers as they get this new edition into production. Israel My Glory Articles Watch teaching clips from our DVD’s on our You Tube channel. YouTube.com/user/WorldoftheBible 18 Also, look for three separate articles by Dr. Price in forthcoming issues of Israel My Glory magazine. If you do not currently subscribe to this excellent resource on all-things Israel, you can do so at the Friends of Israel website: foi.org. www.WorldoftheBible.com master plan that will culminate in the in Prophecy”)—showing how God’s plan end time. How close are we to the end is unfolding in “How the Mid East Conflict time? Dr. Price addresses this Digging forand theother is Preparing the World for the End Time”. The Stones Cry Out questions. Truth or DVD) This set is a (book great gift for pastors, Teaching DVD $14.99 What can the past prove? Surveys biblical home bible study teachers, andevents those in Archaeological discoverofreceive the recent ar- to you know thatlight might a witness ies in the lands of the Near The Popular chaeological discoveries God’s truth in this way of sharing it. East have demonstrated Bible Prophecy and issues a challenge to 3-DVD set—$35.00 (a $45 value) the historicity of the believe the Bible based on Commentary events and personages in the it biblical text. the evidence A single volumepresents. See and learn about the great finds from Illustrated throughout with Prophecy Pack commentary onphotoall the famous excavations as well as new discovgraphs, charts, diagrams, andBible. maps. • The Coming Days prophecy in Last the eries that reveal the truth of the Bible. Temple The video takes on location Dr. the Priceviewer authored the Teaching in DVD $14.99 • Jerusalem Prophecy to see the archaeological excavations commentary on Daniel • Islam Prophecy andEzekiel. hear from the and archaeologists and the MidEast • IsHow modern Israel themselves! Hardcover 557 Pages $24.99 prophesied? Conflict is PreparBook — 300 pages $14.99 • The Covenants DVD for $19.99 ingBiblical the World What Jesus • Understanding Prophecy the End Time Didn’t Do—The • Thy KingdomCharts Come of Bible The MidEast conflict has • The Temple inProphecy Prophecy Unfinished Mission been a part of world8 DVDContains Film & Teaching Session of Messiah charts, news for120 decades. But $120.00 Religious Jews reject including Prophecy did you know that and the Jesusdaily as the Jewish Archaeology, Development events you witness are part of a Biblical Archaeology because ofMessiah Antichrist Typology, master plan that will culminate inthey theFul• Dead Scrolls Secrets say that Jesus notSea dowe theto10 things filled Messianic Prophecies, 3the Stages end time. Howdid close are endof •predicted Searching for Messiah the Ark of that the Bible the Dispensationalism, the Temple Israel time? Dr. Price addresses this andofother the Covenant • The Stones was to do.and Dr. much Price shows in Islam, more! how questions. 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Book — pages and hear from the archaeologists with “holy war, ”setting the stage for$16.99 the filled Messianic Prophecies, 3 Stages of Outgift for er DVD Video $19.99 9.99 themselves! This set is aCry great pastors, fulfillment of endtime prophecies. Dispensationalism, the Temple of Israel Secrets ofbiblical the Dead 3 DVD Teaching Session f Book —more! 300 pages $14.99 home bible study teachers, and those in Islam, and much Teaching DVD $14.99 99 Scrolls The Battle for$50.00 theto DVD $19.99 you know thatSea might receive a witness 160 pages $18.99 How the scrolls Mount God’s truth in (DVD) thisTemple way of sharing it. Understanding Temple impact the Scriptures. VotedDr. (DVD Teaching Session) Charts of Bible 3-DVD The set—$35.00 (ain$45 value) Dr. Iran in Prophecy Prophecy one of the best scroll docu­ History & Prophecy Price explores the explosive Prophecy ve When will the Gog and throughout the by Magen Broshi, •mentaries TheProphecy Coming Last Days nature of the Temple Mount Contains 120 charts, unt Magog battle be? Does Iran Scriptures and is key to former curator ofhow thefor Dead Temple • ThePack Battle Prophecy and explains the cur­ including Prophecy and ­ play a role in prophecy? validating its truth. Ten Sea Scrolls Museum (Israel), this video the Temple Mount • The Jews • The Coming Last Days rent conflict between Archaeology, Development ws How does Iran see itself in are given to includes theTemple onlyprinciples filmininterview with the Prophecy Temple and Muslims threatens the Middle East of Antichrist Typology, Fult prophecy? 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Ararat and Bible Prophecy: A take Temple Last Days’ (VHS Video or DVD) This book has more Surveys biblical events in The stage is now being set • Thy Kingdom Come a moment right now to prayerfully happened to the original (book or DVD) Exclusive photographs confirmed the satellite evidence with GPR The stage is now being set Definitive Look at The Popular Temple: GPR than 100 images, charts, light of the recent ar• The Temple in Prophecy for both a terrifying destruction and an manu scripts of the Old & for both a terrifying destruction and an and charts, interviews with of something manmade being under the consider a tax–deductible gift. Even Politics, Prophecy, and the es the its the Past, Present, Biblediscoveries Prophecy Does Bible predict aand chaeological amazing 8deliverance! DVDMount Film &Includes Teachinginter­ Session New Testaments? Do we diagrams, photos, and ilamazing deliverance! Includes inter­ leading Middle East authorities, and Temple ice near the top of the mountain. This is is a small gift Temple from a majority on our have what they future in Jerusalem? Future Commentary and had issues a challenge to views with Israeli and Palestinian lead­ then? Has the text $120.00 views with Israeli and Palestinian lead­ lustrations, many of which years of meticulous research provide a The Temple Mount is the the presentation of why the expedition is Dr.Formerly Price each Oldway n is A single volume newsletter listanalyzes would go a long believe the Bible based on ers with an original song by Christian “ThebyComing offactual the Bible changed? Can we really trust ers with an original song Christian have never published beinside view ofhas one history’s most volatile property important, what been done and New Testament prophecy concern­ commentary on to alldate, the e, thewe evidence it of presents. Biblical Archaeology recording artist Peggy Reeves. LastPeggy Days Temple.” Bible? Yes can! in supporting this ministry to keep the recording artist Reeves. ing the temple. Includes interviews with most fascinating quests. today. This book explains how Muslim and how the further search will proceed prophecy in the Bible. fore. It covers the— span ofpages time from$12.99 Abraham ed Illustrated throughout with photoExpanded, revised with the latest research. • Dead Sea Scrolls Secrets Book 280 people aware of the prophetic Word PRICE VHSMiddle Video $10.00 leading prophecy teachers and Temple$10.00 graphs, Dr. Price the control isSPECIAL pages $11.99 at the center of-the in charts, the day. summer of200 2010. SPECIAL PRICE - VHS Video m to modern A must see toauthored appreciate! diagrams, and maps. • Searching for the Ark of Hardcover 768 pages $25.99 DVD Video—$14.99 activists, showcasing the vessels being creDVD Video $19.99 commentary on Daniel in relation to the world of the Bible Teaching DVD $14.99 East conflict and future battles. Teaching DVD SPECIAL $5.00 DVD Video $19.99 The video takes theBOOK viewer onPages location 5.00 the Covenant • The Stones - 137 $29.99 ated today future Temple and Ezekiel. andforsupport WBM’sworship. activities in to see the archaeological excavations 331Out pages $11.99 Cry www.worldofthebible.com Hardcover 557 Pages $24.99 Book — 732 pages $16.99 www.worldofthebible.com from the archaeologists 3 DVD Teaching Session archaeological research in defense of and hear DVD Video $19.99 Secrets of the Dead $50.00 the Bible. Please be as generous as themselves! What Jesus Book — 300 pages $14.99 Sea Scrolls you can this time. TheatBattle for the www.WorldoftheBible.com DVD $19.99 Didn’t Do—The The Temple in 99 9 19 c E to c ES in B S in B c c p c c so p o so o le y fa m le y fa m World of the Bible News and Views—Summer 2011 Issue (866) 604-7322 • www.worldofthebible.com P.O. Box 827 San Marcos, Texas 78667-0827 512-396-3799 www.WorldOfTheBible.com P.O. Box 827 / San Marcos, Texas 78667-0827 The Last T Generation WBM Support eam Prophecy, Current World Events, and the End Times publications, an annual gift from the Holy Land handThe missionary and educational ministry of World Simmons, friend of in the thisPrices, book combines a look at the proselected by online newsletters and bulletins. of the Bible Ministries isJim a 501(c)3 non-profit or-the ministry, Allevents donations areand tax deductible and an annual Word, apologetics, (past present) since 1948 andreport the of ganization that depends onphetic the charitable giving of and giving is issued at the close of the year. 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