Notes: Keys of songs You will notice that many songs are built around the key of G and D. This is intentional. While you may already know certain songs in F or C, I have found that more beginning guitar players are able to play in G and D. To be more inclusive to the music position, (and to cause less stress to the music leaders), most songs have been arranged in these common keys. This ultimately allows music leaders to play the majority of this book by knowing G, C, D, Em, A, and Bm. Parentheses Some songs have chords in parentheses. See example below: C(G) Am(Em) F(C) G(D) Shout to the Lord all the earth, let us sing, These chords are not optional. They are there to represent another key that may be better suited to men. In the above example, ‘Shout to the Lord’ works well in the key of C for women. Men prefer this song in G. I have found (for the most part) that the keys for men work well enough when men and women are together. Mistakes More than likely, there are mistakes. I have tried to play everything in this book over the course of many Chrysalis and Emmaus weekends. That doesn’t mean that I remember to correct all the mistakes I find. If you find a mistake, please email me the song, the mistake, and the suggested correction. I will verify and make the correction in the next revision of the book. You can email me at Additional Songs I try to stay on top of current songs and trends and will add new songs based on what I hear is being used. If you have a song that you would like to add, please email me and let me know. You can email me at If you can provide the exact title and copyright info, I can verify that we can use it, and put it in the next revision of the book. Please keep in mind that some songs may be particular to a specific theme of a weekend and may not be used all that often. Table of Contents (ver. 1952) A SHIELD ABOUT ME.....................................................................................................................6 ABOVE ALL.....................................................................................................................................7 AGNUS DEI.....................................................................................................................................8 AH LORD GOD ...............................................................................................................................9 AIN’T NO ROCK............................................................................................................................10 ALL IN ALL ....................................................................................................................................11 ALLELUIA......................................................................................................................................12 AMAZING GRACE (Regular).........................................................................................................13 Amazing Grace (House of the Rising Sun) ....................................................................................14 Amazing Grace (Eagles’ Style)......................................................................................................15 ANCIENT OF DAYS ......................................................................................................................16 AS THE DEER...............................................................................................................................17 AWESOME GOD...........................................................................................................................18 BE GLORIFIED .............................................................................................................................19 BE GLORIFIED (Worship Together)..............................................................................................20 BECAUSE HE LIVES ....................................................................................................................21 BEFORE THE THRONE OF GOD ABOVE ...................................................................................22 BEHOLD WHAT MANNER OF LOVE ...........................................................................................23 BETTER IS ONE DAY ...................................................................................................................24 BIND US TOGETHER ...................................................................................................................25 BLESSED ASSURANCE...............................................................................................................26 BLESSED BE THE NAME OF THE LORD....................................................................................27 BLESSED BE THE NAME OF THE LORD (Utterbach) .................................................................28 BLESSING AFTER MEALS...........................................................................................................29 BLESSING BEFORE MEALS........................................................................................................29 BLIND MAN ...................................................................................................................................30 BREATHE......................................................................................................................................31 CARTOON HALLELUJAH .............................................................................................................32 CHANGE MY HEART, O GOD......................................................................................................33 CHRYSALIS SONG.......................................................................................................................34 COME INTO HIS PRESENCE.......................................................................................................35 COME THOU FOUNT OF EVERY BLESSING .............................................................................36 COME, NOW IS THE TIME TO WORSHIP ...................................................................................37 CREATE IN ME A CLEAN HEART................................................................................................38 CRY OF MY HEART .....................................................................................................................39 DE COLORES (English) ...............................................................................................................40 DE COLORES (Spanish)...............................................................................................................41 DO LORD ......................................................................................................................................42 DRAW ME CLOSE TO YOU .........................................................................................................43 EL SHADDAI .................................................................................................................................44 ENEMY’S CAMP ...........................................................................................................................45 EVERY MOVE I MAKE..................................................................................................................46 FATHER, I ADORE YOU...............................................................................................................47 FOREVER .....................................................................................................................................48 FREELY, FREELY.........................................................................................................................49 GIVE THANKS ..............................................................................................................................50 GLORIFY THY NAME ...................................................................................................................51 GOD IS SO GOOD........................................................................................................................52 GOD OF WONDERS.....................................................................................................................53 GRACE, GREATER THAN OUR SIN ............................................................................................54 GREAT IS THE LORD...................................................................................................................55 HALLELU, HALLELU!....................................................................................................................56 HAVE YOU SEEN JESUS MY LORD?..........................................................................................57 HE IS EXALTED............................................................................................................................58 HE IS LORD ..................................................................................................................................59 HE’S GOT THE WHOLE WORLD IN HIS HANDS ........................................................................60 HEART OF WORSHIP ..................................................................................................................61 HERE I AM, LORD ........................................................................................................................62 HOLY GROUND (medley) .............................................................................................................63 HOPE TO CARRY ON...................................................................................................................64 HOW GREAT THOU ART .............................................................................................................65 HOW MAJESTIC IS YOUR NAME ................................................................................................66 HUMBLE THYSELF ......................................................................................................................67 I COULD SING OF YOUR LOVE FOREVER ................................................................................68 I EXALT THEE...............................................................................................................................69 I HAVE DECIDED TO FOLLOW JESUS .......................................................................................70 I LOVE YOU WITH THE LOVE OF THE LORD ............................................................................71 I LOVE YOU, LORD ......................................................................................................................72 I SURRENDER ALL ......................................................................................................................73 I WILL CALL UPON THE LORD....................................................................................................74 I WILL ENTER HIS GATES/ MIGHTY GOD (8/9 medley) ...........................................................75 I WORSHIP YOU, ALMIGHTY GOD .............................................................................................76 I’LL FLY AWAY..............................................................................................................................77 I’VE BEEN REDEEMED ................................................................................................................78 I’VE GOT THE JOY, JOY, JOY .....................................................................................................79 IN MOMENTS LIKE THESE ..........................................................................................................80 IN THE SECRET ...........................................................................................................................81 JESUS LOVES ME........................................................................................................................82 JESUS, JESUS .............................................................................................................................83 JESUS, LOVER OF MY SOUL......................................................................................................84 JESUS, NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES ............................................................................................85 JUST A CLOSER WALK WITH THEE...........................................................................................86 LET EVERY THING THAT HAS BREATH.....................................................................................87 LET MY WORDS BE FEW ............................................................................................................88 LET THE REDEEMED OF THE LORD SAY SO ...........................................................................89 LET US BREAK BREAD TOGETHER...........................................................................................90 LIGHT THE FIRE...........................................................................................................................91 LORD OF THE DANCE .................................................................................................................92 LORD, I LIFT YOUR NAME ON HIGH ..........................................................................................93 LOVE LIFTED ME .........................................................................................................................94 LOVE THE LORD (LOVE ROUND) ...............................................................................................95 MAJESTY ......................................................................................................................................96 MEET WITH ME ............................................................................................................................97 MORE LOVE, MORE POWER ......................................................................................................98 MORE PRECIOUS THAN SILVER................................................................................................99 MY GLORIOUS ...........................................................................................................................100 MY HEART, YOUR HOME ..........................................................................................................101 NOTHING BUT THE BLOOD ......................................................................................................102 OH, HOW HE LOVES YOU AND ME ..........................................................................................103 ONE PURE AND HOLY PASSION..............................................................................................104 OPEN OUR EYES .......................................................................................................................105 OPEN THE EYES OF MY HEART ..............................................................................................106 PASS IT ON ................................................................................................................................107 PHARAOH, PHARAOH ...............................................................................................................108 PRINCE OF PEACE ....................................................................................................................109 PURIFY MY HEART ....................................................................................................................110 REFINER’S FIRE ........................................................................................................................111 RISE AND SHINE........................................................................................................................112 RIVER OF LIFE ...........................................................................................................................113 ROCK OF AGES .........................................................................................................................114 SANCTUARY ..............................................................................................................................115 SEEK YE FIRST..........................................................................................................................116 SERVANT SONG ........................................................................................................................117 SHINE, JESUS SHINE ................................................................................................................118 SHOUT TO THE LORD ...............................................................................................................119 SHOUT TO THE NORTH ............................................................................................................120 SING ALLELUIA ..........................................................................................................................121 SING HOSANNA .........................................................................................................................122 SOFTLY AND TENDERLY ..........................................................................................................123 SPIRIT SONG .............................................................................................................................124 STANDIN’ IN THE NEED OF PRAYER.......................................................................................125 STEP BY STEP ...........................................................................................................................126 SURELY THE PRESENCE .........................................................................................................127 TAKE MY LIFE ............................................................................................................................128 THE BATTLE BELONGS TO THE LORD....................................................................................129 THE HAPPY SONG.....................................................................................................................130 THE JOY OF THE LORD ............................................................................................................131 THERE’S SOMETHING ABOUT THAT NAME............................................................................132 THEY’LL KNOW WE ARE CHRISTIANS ....................................................................................133 THIS IS THE DAY .......................................................................................................................134 THIS LITTLE LIGHT OF MINE ....................................................................................................135 THY WORD .................................................................................................................................136 TRADING MY SORROWS ..........................................................................................................137 TURN YOUR EYES UPON JESUS .............................................................................................138 UNDIGNIFIED .............................................................................................................................139 VICTORY CHANT (HAIL JESUS) ...............................................................................................140 VICTORY IN JESUS ...................................................................................................................141 WE ARE HUNGRY ......................................................................................................................142 WE BOW DOWN.........................................................................................................................143 WE BRING THE SACRIFICE OF PRAISE ..................................................................................144 WE FALL DOWN.........................................................................................................................145 WE HAVE COME INTO THIS HOUSE ........................................................................................146 WE WANT TO SEE JESUS LIFTED HIGH .................................................................................147 WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUS......................................................................................148 YOU ARE MY KING (Amazing Love) ..........................................................................................149 YOU ARE THE ONE I LOVE .......................................................................................................150 YOUR LOVE OH LORD ..............................................................................................................151 A SHIELD ABOUT ME D A C D Thou, O Lord, are a shield about me, Bm Em A D You’re my glory; You’re the lifter of my head. (Repeat) (D) C G D (D) C Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Em A D You’re the lifter of my head. ©1980 Spoone Music Words and Music by Donn Thomas,Charles Williams ABOVE ALL (Capo 2nd or 3rd fret) Intro: C – D – G (G) C D G Above all powers, above all kings, C D G Above all nature and all created things; Em G C G Above all wisdom and all the ways of man, Am C D You were here before the world began. C D G Above all kingdoms, above all thrones, C D G Above all wonders the world has ever known; Em G C G Above all wealth and treasures of the earth, Am7 C B There’s no way to measure what You’re worth. Chorus: G Am7 D7 G Crucified, laid behind the stone; (G) Am7 D7 G You lived to die, rejected and alone. Em G C G Like a rose trampled on the ground, Am7 G C D You took the fall, and thought of me, G Above all. ©1999 Integrity’s Hosanna Music Words and Music by Lenny LeBlanc and Paul Baloche AGNUS DEI G C Alleluia, Alleluia G For our Lord God Almighty reigns C Alleluia, Alleluia G For our Lord God Almighty reigns C Alleluia G C G Holy, Holy C G D Are You Lord God Almighty C Worthy is the Lamb Worthy is the Lamb G You are Holy C G C G D Holy are You Lord God Almighty C Worthy is the Lamb Worthy is the Lamb G Amen ©1990 Milene Music, Inc. Words and Music by Michael W. Smith AH LORD GOD D G D Ah Lord God Thou has made the heavens A And the earth by Thy great power D G D Ah Lord God Thou has made the heavens Em A D And the earth by Thine outstretched arm D F#m Nothing is too difficult for A G Nothing is too difficult for D Great and mighty God G D Great in counsel and mighty D Bm G Nothing, nothing, absolutely D Bm Em A Nothing is too difficult for ©1976, Kay Chance Words and Music by Kay Chance G Thee D Thee Em - A in deed A nothing D Thee AIN’T NO ROCK Em C 1. Ain't no rock (no rock!) gonna cry in my place, D As long as I'm alive C Em I'll glorify His holy name. (2x) Chorus: Em C And praise His holy name, D As long as I'm alive C Em I'll glorify His holy name. (2x) 2. Ain't no bird (no bird!) gonna sing in my place, I'll lift my voice and glorify His holy name. (2x) 3. Ain't no tree (no tree!) gonna lift its branches, I'll lift my hands and glorify His holy name. (2x) ©1987 Integrity’s Praise! Music Words and Music by LaMarquis Jefferson ALL IN ALL C(G) G(D) Am(Em) You are my strength when I am weak C(G) F(C) You are my treasure that I seek C(G) G(D) C(G) - G(D) You are my all in all C(G) G(D) Am(Em) Seeking You as a precious jewel C(G) F(C) Lord, to give up I’d be a fool C(G) G(D) C(G) You are my all in all C(G) G(D) Je - sus, F(C) C(G) Worthy is C(G) G(D) Je - sus, F(C) C(G) Worthy is Am(Em) C(G) Lamb of God G(D) C(G) Your name Am(Em) C(G) Lamb of God G(D) C(G) Your name - G(D) Taking my sin, my cross, my shame Rising again, I bless Your name Your are my all in all When I fall down, You pick me up When I am dry You fill my cup You are my all in all ©1991 Shepherd’s Heart Music, Inc. Words and Music by Dennis Jernigan ALLELUIA G C D G Alleluia, alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia G C D G Alleluia, alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia G He’s my Savior, … C D G G He is Worthy, … C D G G I will praise Him, … C D G Public Domain Words and Music by Unverified AMAZING GRACE (Regular) D G D 1. Amazing Grace! How sweet the sound, D A That saved a wretch like me! D G D I once was lost, but now am found, Bm A D Was blind, but now I see. 2. And How The ‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, grace my fears relieved; precious did that grace appear hour I first believed! 3. Thro’ many dangers, toils and snares, I have already come; ‘tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home. 4. The Lord has promised good to me, His word my hope secures; He will my shield and portion be As long as life endures. 5. When we’ve been there ten thousand years, Bright shining as the sun; We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise, Than when we first begun. Public Domain Words and Music by John Newton Amazing Grace (House of the Rising Sun) (Capo 2nd Fret) Intro: Am - C – Dm – F – Am – E – Am - E Am 1. Amazing Am That saved Am I once was Am Was blind, C Dm F Grace! How sweet the sound, C E a wretch like me! C Dm F lost, but now am found, E Am E but now I see. 2. ‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears relieved; How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed! 3. Thro’ many dangers, toils and snares, I have already come; ‘tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home. 4. The Lord has promised good to me, His word my hope secures; He will my shield and portion be As long as life endures. 5. When we’ve been there ten thousand years, Bright shining as the sun; We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise, Than when we first begun. Amazing Grace (Eagles’ Style) Intro: D – G – D - G D G D G 1. Amazing Grace! How sweet the sound, D G A That saved a wretch like me! D G D G I once was lost, but now am found, D G A was blind, but now I see. (Chorus) G D ‘Cause I got a peaceful, easy feeling. G A I know He won’t let me down. D Bm Em A ‘Cause I’m already standin’ D G D - G on solid ground. 2. ‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears relieved; How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed! (Chorus) 3. Thro’ many dangers, toils and snares, I have already come; ‘tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home. (Chorus) 4. The Lord has promised good to me, His word my hope secures; He will my shield and portion be As long as life endures. (Chorus) 5. When we’ve been there ten thousand years, Bright shining as the sun; We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise, Than when we first begun. (Chorus) ANCIENT OF DAYS D Blessing and honor, glory and power A Bm7 A Be unto the Ancient of Days, D From every nation, all of creation Bm7 A D Bow before the Ancient of Days. G Em7 A Ev'ry tongue in heaven and earth D Shall declare Your glory G Em7 A Ev'ry knee shall bow at Your throne D A In worship G Em7 A You will be exalted, O God, D G Em7 A And Your kingdom shall not pass away D O Ancient of Days! D Your kingdom shall reign over all the earth, Bm7 G A D Sing unto the Ancient of Days. D For none can compare to Your matchless worth, Bm7 G A D Sing unto the Ancient of Days. ©1992, Integrity's Praise! Music Words and Music by Jamie Harvill and Gary Sadler AS THE DEER D A Bm D 1. As the deer panteth for the water G A D So my soul longeth after Thee (D) A Bm D You alone are my heart’s desire G A D And I long to worship Thee Refrain: Bm G D You alone are my strength, my shield G Bm Em F# To You alone may my spirit yield D A Bm D You alone are my heart’s desire G A D And I long to worship Thee 2. You’re my friend and You are my brother Even though You are a King I love You more than any other So much more than anything (Refrain) 3. I want You more than gold or silver Only You can satisfy You alone are the real joy-giver And the apple of my eye (Refrain) ©1984, Maranatha! Music Words and Music by Martin Nystrom AWESOME GOD Em 1. When He rolls up His sleeves, He ain’t just puttin’ on the ritz C D Em Our God is an awesome God Em There’s thunder in His footsteps and lightning in His fists C D Em Our God is an awesome God C Am And the Lord wasn’t jokin’ when He kicked ‘em out of Eden D Em It wasn’t for no reason that He shed His blood C Am His return is very close and so you better be believin’ that (Am) D Em Our God is an awesome God. Chorus: C G Our God is an awesome God D Em He reigns from heaven above C G With wisdom, power and love Am D Em Our God is an awesome God (repeat) 2. And when the sky was starless in the void of the night, Our God is an awesome God He spoke into the darkness and created the light Our God is an awesome God Judgment and wrath He poured out on Sodom Mercy and Grace He gave us at the cross I hope that we have not too quickly forgotten That Our God is an awesome God. (Chorus) (Chorus) ©1988, Edward Grant Inc. Words and Music by Rich Mullins BE GLORIFIED C In C In G my G my Am life, Am life, Em7 Lord, Em7 Lord, Dm Bb G be glorified, be glorified; Dm G C be glorified today. C In C In G my G my Am song, Am song, Em7 Lord, Em7 Lord, Dm Bb G be glorified, be glorified; Dm G C be glorified, today. C In C In G my G my Am Em7 Dm Bb G Church, Lord, be glorified, be glorified; Am Em7 Dm G C Church, Lord, be glorified today. © Public Domain Words and Music by Unverified BE GLORIFIED (Worship Together) Section 1: G C F C Your love has captured me, G C D Your grace has set me free G C F C Your life, the air I breathe. Am7 D G Be glorified in me. Section 2: C You set my feet to dancing, G You set my heart on fire C In the presence of a thousand kings, G You are my one desire C And I stand before You now with Em D C trembling hands lifted high G Be glorified. Section 3: C D Be glorified in me, C D Be glorified in me, C D Be glorified in me, C G Be glorified, be glorified. ©1999 songs Words and Music by Chris Tomlin and Louie Giglio BECAUSE HE LIVES G C God sent His Son, they called Him Jesus G Am D7 He came to love, heal and forgive G C He lived and died, to buy my pardon G D7 G An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives G C Because He lives, I can face tomorrow G D7 Because He lives, all fear is gone G C Because I know who holds the future G D7 G My life is worth the living just because He lives ©1971, William J. Gaither Words and Music by William And Gloria Gaither BEFORE THE THRONE OF GOD ABOVE D G D 1. Before the throne of God above, (D) F#m I have a strong, a perfect plea, G D A Bm A great High Priest whose name is “Love,” G A D Who ever lives and pleads for me. G D A My name is graven on His hands, G D A Bm My name is written on His heart; G A Bm I know that while in heav’n He stands G Bm No tounge can bid me thence depart. G A D No tounge can bid me thence depart. 2. When Satan tempts me to despair, and tells me of the guilt within, upward I look and see Him there who made an end to all my sin. Because the sinless Savior dies, My sinful soul is counted free; For God, the Just, is satisfied To look on Him and pardon me. To look on Him and pardon me. 3. Behold Him there! The risen Lamb, my perfect, spotless Righteousness, the great unchangeable I AM, the King of glory and of grace! One with Himself I cannot die, My soul is purchased by His blood; My life is hid with Christ on high, With Christ, my Savior and my God With Christ, my Savior and my God ©1997 PDI Worship Words and Music by Charitie Lees Bancroft and Vikki Cook BEHOLD WHAT MANNER OF LOVE D G D A Behold what manner of love the Father has given unto us. D G D A D Behold what manner of love the Father has given unto us. (D) That D That G we should be G we should be D A called the children of God. D A D called the children of God. © Public Domain Words and Music by Unverified BETTER IS ONE DAY D How lovely is Your dwelling place, G A oh Lord Almighty D A My soul longs and even faints for You D For here my heart is satisfied, G A within Your presence D A I sing beneath the shadow of Your wings Chorus G Better is one day in Your courts A Better is one day in Your house G Better is one day in Your courts A Than thousands elsewhere (repeat) D One thing I ask and I would seek, G A to see Your beauty D A To find You in the place Your glory dwells (chorus) Bm7 A My heart and flesh cry out, G A for You the living God Bm7 A G A Your spirit’s water for my soul Bm7 A I’ve tasted and I’ve seen, G come once again to me D I will draw near to You Em7 A I will draw near to You ©1995 Kingsway’s Thankyou Music Words and Music by Matt Redman BIND US TOGETHER Refrain: D Bind us together, Lord; D7 Em A7 D Bind us together with cords that cannot be broken. D D7 Bind us together, Lord; Bind us together; Em A7 D Bind us together with love. D A7 D There is only one God; D A7 D There is only one King; D A7 D There is only on Body; D7 A7 D That is why we sing. G-D G-D ©1977, Thankyou Music Words and Music by Unverified BLESSED ASSURANCE (G) Blessed C O, what (G) Heir of (C) Born of C F C assurance, Jesus is mine! Am G D G a foretaste of glory divine! C F C salvation, purchase of God, F G (G) C His Spirit, washed in His blood Refrain: (C) F This is my story, this (C) Am D Praising my Savior all (G) C F This is my story, this Am F G (G) Praising my Savior all C is my song, G the day long, C is my song, C the day long. (G) C F C Perfect submission, all is at rest, (C) Am G D G I, in my Savior, am happy and blest, (G) C F C Watching and waiting, looking above, (C) F G (G) C Filled with His goodness, lost in His love. (Refrain) ©1976, Paragon Associates, Inc. Words and Music by Fanny J. Crosby BLESSED BE THE NAME OF THE LORD D G D Blessed be the name of the Lord, Bm Em A He is worthy to be praised and adored, Am D G So we lift up holy hands in one accord, D F#m B Singing blessed be the name, Blessed be the name, Em A D Blessed be the name of the Lord. ©1985 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music Words and Music by Don Moen BLESSED BE THE NAME OF THE LORD (Utterbach) G Blessed be the name of the Lord, C D Blessed be the name of the Lord, G C D Blessed be the name of the Lord most high. G Blessed be the name of the Lord, C D Blessed be the name of the Lord, G C D G Blessed be the name of the Lord most high. The the The the G name of the Lord D righteous run in G name of the Lord D righteous run in C G is a strong tower, G to it and they are saved. C G is a strong tower, G to it and they are saved. 2. Glory to the name of the Lord… 3. Holy is the name of the Lord… 4. Blessed be the name of the Lord… BLESSING AFTER MEALS C G F C As we leave this table, fed by Your own hand, F C Dm G Holy Spirit, fill us, ‘till we meet again. C G F C Jesus, as we leave here, let us walk Your way, Am Em F G sharing God’s blessings, as we do and say, Am Em F G C sharing forever Your love here today. BLESSING BEFORE MEALS C G F C Gathered at this table, Holy Spirit, come! F C Dm G Fill us with Your presence, bind our hearts as one. C G F G Bless this time together, Jesus, give us peace. Am Em F G Come, Lord, be with us, join us as we meet. Am Em F G C Come, Lord, be with us, bless this food we eat. BLIND MAN Am G F E 1. Blind man stood by the road and he cried E7 He cried oh-oh-oh Am G F E Show me the way (3x) F E And the way to go home (3x) 2. The woman stood by the well and she cried She cried oh-oh-oh Show me the truth (3x) And the way to go home (3x) 3. Zacchaeus sat in the tree and he cried He cried oh-oh-oh Show me the life (3x) And the way to go home (3x) 4. Jesus hung on the cross and He cried (3x) He cried oh-oh-oh I am the Way, I am the Truth, I am the Life And the way to go home I am the Way, the Truth, the Life (3x) And the way to go home Blind Man! © Public Domain Words and Music by Unverified BREATHE Verse 1: G C This is the air I breathe G C This is the air I breathe G D Em D Your holy presence C Em D Living in me (Repeat) Chorus: G D And I, G D And I, Em Em D C Em I’m desperate for You. D C Em I’m lost without You. Verse 2: G C This is my daily bread G C This is my daily bread G D Em D Your very word C Em D Spoken to me (Repeat) ©1995 Mercy / Vineyard Publishing Words and Music by Marie Barnett D D CARTOON HALLELUJAH Chorus: G D I was thinking the other day, what if cartoons got saved? C They'd start singing praise in a whole new way. (x2) G D C G D C 1. Fred and Wilma Flinstone sing "Yabba Dabba Lujah" Scooby Doo and Shaggy sing "Scoobie Doobie Lujah" And the Jetson's dog named Astro... "Ruh roru rah" Chorus 2. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - "cowabunga- luja, dude" Then there's "Kermit D Frog here... hi ho lalujah" And that little bald guy Elmer Fudd, "How-wa-wujah" Chorus 3. Oh that big old moose and his freind Rocky, "Bullwinklelujah" And our favorite bear named Yogi, "Hey Boo boo boy luja" Then there's all those little blue guys.. and they'd sing "Tra la la la la la, la la laleluja." How about Beavis and that other guy? *buzz* Chorus Final Chorus: There's a point to this loony tune, I'm not an Animaniac There's a lot of praisin' to do and cartoons weren't made for that It's our job, so let's sing Hallelujah. Let's sing Hallelujah (Hallelujah) x4 Hallelujah! ©1994, Clumsy Fly Music Words and Music by Chris Rice CHANGE MY HEART, O GOD C Em Dm F G C Change my heart, O God, make it ever true Am Em Dm F G C Change my heart, O God, may I be like You E Am Dm G C You are the Potter, I am the clay E Am Mold me and make me D G This is what I pray C Em Dm F G C Change my heart, O God, make it ever true Am Em Dm F G C Change my heart, O God, may I be like You. ©1982, Mercy / Vineyard Publishing Words and Music by Eddie Espinosa CHRYSALIS SONG G D Bear one another’s burdens C G And so fulfill the law of Christ. (G) D His law is to love and his love is to die C D And His power that we arise. C D And I arise to serve you, G D Em To be Jesus along your way, C Through your months and your years, D Through your joys and your tears, C D G Through Chrysalis and your fourth day. COME INTO HIS PRESENCE G Come into His presence with thanksgiving in your heart Am D G And give Him praise, and give Him praise (G) Come into His presence with thanksgiving in your heart Am D Your voices raise, your voices raise C Bm Em A Give your glory and honor and power unto Him G Em A D G Jesus, the name above all names. ©1988, Integrity’s Hosanna! Music. Words and Music by unverified COME THOU FOUNT OF EVERY BLESSING C G Come Thou Fount of every blessing, F C Tune my heart to sing Thy grace; G C G Streams of mercy, never ceasing, F C Call for songs of loudest praise. G C Teach me some melodious sonnet, G C Sung by flaming tongues above; G C G Praise the mount! I'm fixed upon it, F C Mount of Thy redeeming love. Here I raise my "Ebenezer" Hither by Thy help I come. And I hope, by Thy good pleasure, Safely to arrive at home. Jesus sought me when a stranger, Wandering from the fold of God; He, to rescue me from danger, Interposed His precious blood. Oh, to grace how great a debtor, Daily I'm constrained to be! Let Thy good ness, like a fetter, Bind my wand'ring heart to Thee. Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, Prone to leave the God I love; Here's my heart, Lord, take and seal it, Seal it for Thy courts above. Public Domain Words and Music by Robert Robinson and John Wyeth COME, NOW IS THE TIME TO WORSHIP D Come, A Come, D Come, A Come, now is the time now is the time just as you are just as you are Dsus D to worship. Em G to give your heart. Dsus D to worship. Em G D before your God. Come. G D One day every tongue will confess You are God. G D One day every knee will bow. G Bm Still the greatest treasure remains for those Em A Who gladly choose You now. ©1998 Vineyard Songs (UK/Eire) Words and Music by Brian Doerksen CREATE IN ME A CLEAN HEART G D C G Create in me a clean heart, O God, (G) D G and renew a right spirit within me. (2X) C D G Em Cast me not away from Thy presence, O Lord C D G and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me. C D G Em Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation, C D G and renew a right spirit within me. ©1992, Beckenhorst Press, Inc. Words and Music by John Carter CRY OF MY HEART Refrain: D G A It is the cry of my heart to D G A It is the cry of my heart to D G A It is the cry of my heart to G A D All of the days of my life Bm 1. Teach me Bm So I can Bm Teach me D And make (Refrain) G D follow You Bm A D be close to you F# follow G A D Your holy ways, O Lord E A walk in Your truth G A D Your holy ways, O Lord G A D me wholly devoted to You. 2. Open my eyes so I can see The wonderful things that You do Open my heart up more and more And make me wholly devoted to You (Refrain) ©1991, Mercy/Vineyard Publishing Words and Music by Terry Butler DE COLORES (English) G(C) D(G) De colores, De colores the fields love to dress in all during the springtime. D(G) G(C) De colores, De colores the birds have their clothing that comes every season. G(C) C(F) De colores, De colores the rainbow is vested across the blue sky, C(F) G(C) D(G) G(C) De colores and so must all love be of every bright color to make my heart cry. C(F) G(C) D(G) G(C) De colores and so must all love be of every bright color to make my heart cry. G D Sings the rooster, sings the rooster with his quiri, quiri, quiri, quiri, quiri. D G And the cluck hen, and the cluck hen with her cara, cara, cara, cara, cara. G C And the babe chicks, And the babe chicks with their pio, pio, pio, pio, pi. C G D G De colores and so must all love be of every bright color to make my heart cry. C G D G De colores and so must all love be of every bright color to make my heart cry. © Unverified Words and Music by Unverified DE COLORES (Spanish) 1. De Colores, De Colores se visten los campos en la primavera. De Colores, De Colores son los pajarillos que vienen de afuera. De Colores, De Colores es el arco iris que Vemos lucir. Y por eso los grandes amores de muchos Colores me gustan a me, Y por eso los grandes amores de muchos Colores me gustan a me. 2. De Colores, De Colores brillantes y finos se viste la aurora. De Colores, De Colores son los mil refleios que el sol atesora, De Colores, De Colores se viste el diamante que vemos lucir, Y por eso los grandes amores de muchos Colores me gustan a me, Y por eso los grandes amores de muchos Colores me gustan a me. 3. Jubilosos, Jubilosos vivamos en gracia puesto que se puede. Saciaremos, Saciaremos la sed ardorosa de rey que no muere. Jubilosos, Jubilosos llevemos a Cristo un alma y mil mas. Difundiendo la luz que ilumina la gracia Divina del gran ideal. Difundiendo la luz que ilumina la gracia Divina del gran ideal. 4. Misioneros, Misioneros valientes, modernos a conquistar van. Cursillistas, Cursillistas que no les importa aquel que diran. Los Cobardes, Los Cobardes se rien y mofan pero es la verdad, Que desean los randes amores y ese “de colores” poder saborear. Que desean los randes amores y ese “de colores” poder saborear. 5. Canta el gallo, Canta el gallo con el quiri, quiri, quiri, quiri, quiri, La gallina, la gallina con el cara, cara, cara, cara, cara. Los polluelos, los polluelos con el pio, pio, pio, pio, pi. Y por eso los grandes amores de muchos colores, Me gustan a mi, Y por eso los grandes amores de muchos colores, Me gustan a mi. © Unverified Words and Music by Unverified DO LORD G(D) 1. I’ve got a C(G) I’ve got a G(D) I’ve got a G(D) Look away, G7(D7) home in gloryland that outshines the sun, G(D) home in gloryland that outshines the sun, Em(Bm) home in gloryland that outshines the sun, D7(A7) G(D) beyond the blue. Refrain: G(D) G7(D7) Do Lord, O Do Lord, O Do remember me, O Lordy, C(G) G(D) Do Lord, O Do Lord, O Do remember me, Hallelujah!, G(D) Em(Bm) Do Lord, O Do Lord, O Do remember me, G(D) D7(A7) G(D) Look away beyond the blue. 2.I took Jesus as my I took Jesus as my I took Jesus as my While He’s calling 3.I’ve I’ve I’ve Look got a got a got a away, Savior, You take Him, too, Savior, You take Him, too, Savior, You take Him, too, you. (Refrain) heavenly Father who hears and answers prayers, heavenly Father who hears and answers prayers, heavenly Father who hears and answers prayers, beyond the blue. (Refrain) 4.If you can’t bear If you can’t bear If you can’t bear Look away, beyond the the the the Cross, then you can’t wear the Crown, Cross, then you can’t wear the Crown, Cross, then you can’t wear the Crown, blue. (Refrain) © Public Domain Words and Music by Unverified DRAW ME CLOSE TO YOU (Capo 2nd Fret) G C Draw me close to You D G Never let me go D C I’ll lay it all right down again Em Cmaj7 To hear you say that I’m Your friend. G C You are my desire D G No one else will do D C ‘cause nothing else could take Your place Em Cmaj7 I feel the warmth of Your embrace. G C Help me find a way D G D Bring me back to you. Chorus: G D You’re all I G D You’re all I G D You’re all I Am Help me know C want C D ever needed. C want. D G You are near. ©1994, Mercy / Vineyard Publishing Words and Music by Kelly Carpenter EL SHADDAI Chorus: Dm G El Shaddai, El Shaddai, C Am El Elyonna Adonai, Bb age to age you're still the Am G A by the power of the name. Dm G7 El Shaddai, El Shaddai, C Am erkamkana Adonai, Bb we will praise and lift you C El Shaddai. E7 same, G high, Verse 1: Dm G Through your love and through the ram, C Am you saved the son of Abraham, Bb E7 through the power of your hand Am G A you turned the sea into dry land. Dm G To the outcast on her knees C Am you were the God who really sees, Bb G C and by your might you set your children free. (Chorus) Verse 2: Through the years you made it clear that the time of Christ was near, though the people couldn't see what Messiah ought to be. Though your Word contained the plan, they just could not understand, your most awesome work was done in the frailty of your Son. ©1981 Mole End Music Words and Music by Michael Card and John Thompson ENEMY’S CAMP G I went to the enemy's camp G(stop) And I took back what he stole from me, D I took back what he stole from me, C7 G/B C Took back what he stole from me. G I went to the enemy's camp G(stop) And I took back what he stole from me. D He's under my feet, G He's under my feet, D He's under my feet, G He's under my feet, D He's under my feet, G He's under my feet, C D G Satan is under my feet. ©1991 Sound III, Inc. ASCAP Admin. by All Nations Music Words and Music by Richard Black EVERY MOVE I MAKE Chorus: G C D Every move I make, I make in You C You make me move Jesus G C D C Every breath I take, I take in You G C D Every step I take, I take in You C You are my way, Jesus G C D Every breath I take, I breathe in You (Repeat) C Verse: G Am Bm C D7 Waves of mercy, waves of grace G Am Bm C D7 G Everywhere I look I see Your face G Am Bm C D7 Your love has captured me G Am Bm C D G Oh, my God, this love, how can it be? (Chorus) Tag: G C D Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, G C D Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, ©1996 Mercy / Vineyard Publishing Words and Music by David Ruis C Na, Na, Na, Na. C Na, Na, Na, Na. FATHER, I ADORE YOU G Am D G Father, I adore You, G Am D G I lay my life before You, G Am D G How I love you. G Am Jesus, …. D G G Am Spirit,…. D G © 1972 Maranatha! Music Words and Music by Terrye Coelho FOREVER Verse 1: G Give thanks to the Lord our God and King His love endures forever C For He is good, He is above all things G His love endures forever D C Sing praise, sing praise D C Sing praise, sing praise Verse 2: With a mighty hand and outstretched arm His love endures forever For the life that’s been reborn His love endures forever Sing praise, sing praise Sing praise, sing praise Chorus: G Forever Em Forever D Forever C Forever God is faithful God is strong God is with us (repeat) Verse 3: From the rising to the setting sun His love endures forever By the grace of God we will carry on His love endures forever Sing praise, sing praise Sing praise, sing praise (chorus) ©2000 Chris Tomlin Words and Music by Chris Tomlin and Jesse Reeves FREELY, FREELY D Em A7 1. God forgave my sin in Jesus’ name, Em A7 D I’ve been born again in Jesus’ name. G D A7 D And in Jesus’ name I come to you Bm Em A7 D To share His love as He told me to. G A7 He said, Refrain: D Em7 A7 Freely, freely, you have received, A D Freely, freely, give. D Em7 A7 Go in My name and because you believe, A7 D Others will know that I live. 2. All pow’r is giv’n in Jesus’ name. In earth and heav’n in Jesus’ name. And in Jesus’ name I come to you, To share His pow’r as He told me to. He said, (Refrain) © 1972 Bud John Songs, Inc. Words and Music by Carol Owens GIVE THANKS G D Give thanks with a grateful heart Em Bm Give thanks unto the Holy One C G F D Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son (repeat) Bm Em Am And now let the weak say, "I am strong" D Gmaj7 Let the poor say, "I am rich Em F D Because of what the Lord has done for us" (repeat) G Give thanks ©1978 Integrity's Hosanna! Music Words and Music by Henry Smith GLORIFY THY NAME C Dm G C Father, we love Thee, we praise Thee, we adore Thee, Em F G Glorify Thy name in all the earth. C F E Am F G Glorify Thy name, Glorify Thy name, Glorify Thy name in all C the earth. Jesus… Spirit… ©1976, 1981 Maranatha! Music Words and Music by Donna Adkins GOD IS SO GOOD G 1. God is so (G) God is so D (D) G good. God is so good. C G D G good, He’s so good to me. 2. He took my sin. He took my sin He took my sin, He’s so good to me. 3. Now I am free. Now I am free. Now I am free, He’s so good to me. 4. God is so good. He took my sin. Now I am free, He’s so good to me. © Public Domain Words and Music by Unverified GOD OF WONDERS INTRO: Dsus4 Em C2 (2x) Dsus4 Em C2 1. Lord of all creation Dsus4 Em C2 Of water earth and sky Dsus4 Em C2 Heavens are your tabernacle Dsus4 Em C2 Glory to the Lord on high CHORUS: G D God of wonders beyond our galaxy Am7 C2 You are holy, holy G D The universe declares your majesty Am7 C2 You are holy, holy BRIDGE: C2 D Lord of heaven and earth C2 D (Lord of heaven and earth) 2. Early in the morning I will celebrate the light When I stumble in the darkness I will call your name by night CHORUS BRIDGE Am7 C Hallelujah to the Lord of heaven and earth (4x) ©2000, New Spring Publishing Words and Music by Marc Byrd and Steve Hindalong GRACE, GREATER THAN OUR SIN E(G) A(C) E(G) Grace, grace, God’s grace B(D) Grace that will pardon and E(G) A(C) E(G) Grace, grace, God’s grace B(D) Grace that is greater than E(G) A(C) E(G) cleanse within E(G) All A(C) our E(G) sin. Public Domain Words and Music by Daniel Brink Towner and Julia H. Johnston GREAT IS THE LORD C Great is the F By His power C Great is the F By His mercy Bb Great is Bb Great is Bb Great is E Now lift Dm G C Lord, He is holy and just. G C we trust in His Love. Dm G C Lord, He is faithful and true. G C He proves He is Love. F C the Lord and worthy of glory! G C the Lord and worthy of praise! D G the Lord, now lift up your voice. Am up your voice. Dm – G Am Great is the Lord! Dm - G C Great is the Lord! ©1982, Meadowgreen Music Company Words and Music by Michael W. Smith and Deborah D. Smith HALLELU, HALLELU! Part One: Part Two: C(G) F(C) Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelujah. C(G) F(C) Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelujah. C(G) Praise C(G) Praise G(D) ye the G(D) ye the C(G) Lord! C(G) Lord! C(G) G(D) Praise ye the Lord! G(D) Hallelujah! G(D) C(G) Praise ye the Lord! C(G) Hallelujah! C(G) F(C) Praise ye the Lord! F(C) Hallelujah! G(D) C(G) Praise ye the Lord! © Unknown Words and Music by Unverified HAVE YOU SEEN JESUS MY LORD? (Refrain) N.C. C E F Fm7 Have you seen Jesus my Lord? C G C He’s here in plain view. N.C. C E F Fm7 Take a look, open your eyes, C G C He’ll show it to you. Am Em 1. Have you ever looked at the sunset F G C With the sky mellowin’ red Am Em And the clouds suspended like feathers? F - Fm Then I say, C G C you’ve seen Jesus my Lord. (Refrain) 2. Have With Felt Then you ever stood at the ocean the white foam at your feet, the endless thunderin’ motion? I say, you’ve seen Jesus my Lord. (Refrain) 3.Have you ever looked at the cross With a man hangin’ in pain And the look of love in His eyes? Then I say, you’ve seen Jesus my Lord. (Refrain) 4.Have you ever walked to Emmaus With the Lord there in your midst Seen the face of Christ on each other? Then I say, you’ve seen Jesus my Lord. (Refrain) ©1970, John Fischer Words and Music by John Fischer HE IS EXALTED (CAPO 2nd Fret) F(D) He is exalted Bb(G) the King is exalted on high C(A) I will praise Him F(D) He is exalted, forever exalted Bb(G) C(A) Dsusp(Bsus) And I will praise His name Gm(Em) He F(D) Forever Gm(Em) Hea F(D) Rejoice Dm(Bm) C(A) is the Lord Am(Fm) Bb(G) His truth shall reign Dm(Bm) C(A) ven and earth Am(F#m) Bb(G) – F(D) in His holy name Gm(Em) Bb(G) He is exalted Bb(G) C(A) F(D) The King is exalted on high. (Last time) C He is exalted Bb(G) C(A) F(D) The King is exalted on high. ©1985, Straightway Music Words and Music by Twila Paris HE IS LORD N.C. A D He is Lord, He is Lord D7 Bm He is risen from the dead A And He is Lord D D7 Every knee shall bow G Gm Every tongue confess D A D That Jesus Christ is Lord ©1972 Scripture in Song Words and Music by Unverified HE’S GOT THE WHOLE WORLD IN HIS HANDS Refrain: (D) D He’s got the whole A He’s got the whole D He’s got the whole G He’s got the whole world in His hands, world in His hands, world in His hands, A D world in His hands. 1. He’s got the He’s got the He’s got the He’s got the (Refrain) wind and the rain, wind and the rain, wind and the rain, whole world in His in His hands, in His hands, in His hands, hands. 2. He’s got the He’s got the He’s got the He’s got the (Refrain) tiny little tiny little tiny little whole world 3. He’s got you He’s got you He’s got you He’s got the (refrain) and me brother/sister, in His hands, and me brother/sister, in His hands, and me brother/sister, in His hands, whole world in His hands. baby, in His hands, baby, in His hands, baby, in His hands, in His hands. © Public Domain Words and Music by Unverified HEART OF WORSHIP D A 1. When the music fades, and all is stripped A And I simply come D A Longing just to bring something that's of A That will bless Your heart Em away Em worth Em D A I'll bring you more than a song for a song in itself Em D A Is not what you have required Em D A You search much deeper within Em Through the ways things appear D A You're looking into my heart Chorus: D I'm coming back to Em And it’s all about D I'm sorry Lord for Em When its all about A the heart of worship D G A You, all about You, Jesus A the thing I've made it D G A D You, it’s all about You, Jesus 2. King of endless worth No one could express How much You deserve Though I'm weak and poor All I have is Yours Every single breath I'll bring you more than a song For a song in itself Is not what you have required You search much deeper within Through the ways things appear You're looking into my heart (Chorus) ©1997, Thankyou Music Words and Music by Matt Redman HERE I AM, LORD G Em C D G Em Am D 1. I the Lord of sea and sky, I have heard my people cry. G Em C Am D All who dwell in dark and sin, My hand will save. G Em C D G Em Am I, who made the stars of night, I will make their darkness D bright. G Em C Am D Who will bear My light to them? Whom shall I send? (Refrain) (D) G Here I am, Lord. Em I have heard You G I will go, Lord. Em I will hold Your C Am G Is it I, Lord? C D calling in the night. C Am G If You lead me. Am D G people in my heart. 2. I, the Lord of snow and rain, I have borne My people’s pain. I have wept for love of them. They turn away. I will break their hearts of stone. Give them hearts for love alone. I will speak My Word to them. Whom shall I send? (Refrain) 3. I, the Lord of wind and flame, I will tend the poor and lame. I will set a feast for them. My hand will save. Finest bread I will provide, ‘til their hearts are satisfied. I will give My life to them. Whom shall I send? (Refrain) ©1989, GMH Publishing Words and Music by Michael G. Hagerty HOLY GROUND (medley) This is For the This is For the D holy D Lord D holy D Lord G Gm ground, we’re standing on holy ground; A is here, and where He is is Holy. G Gm ground, we’re standing on holy ground; Em A G - D is here, and where He is, is Holy. Refrain: D G D We are standing on Holy Ground, F#m B7 A And I know that there are angels all around, D G D Let us praise Jesus now, D G D A D We are standing in His presence on Holy Ground. These are holy hands, we’re lifting up holy hands, He works through these hands, and so these hands are holy. These are holy hands, we’re lifting up holy hands, He works through these hands, and so these hands are holy. (Refrain) ©1983, Meadowgreen Music Co. Words and Music by Geron Davis HOPE TO CARRY ON Verse 1: D G D I can see Jesus hanging on the cross D He came looking for the lost G (x3) Chorus: Em And Love Em Love has Em Love has G has come G come G come A D G And it's giving me hope to carry on Verse 2: I can hear Jesus saying "Father forgive" What a thing he did (chorus) - G (x3) Bridge: E A I can see Love E A Love is all I want to see E A E A Love can make a beggar rich and set a prisoner free E A I know He can do it for you E A And God knows He did it for me. A7 I can see Love Love is all I want to show you. Love, Love's the only way to go. And love, Love is all a man might need to know Yes, I know Verse 3: You know Peter put away his sword I can see Peter puttin' away his sword I can see Peter, he put away his sword He won't fight no more (chorus) ©1998 BMG Songs, Inc. Words and Music by Rich Mullins HOW GREAT THOU ART E7 A D O Lord my God! When I in awesome wonder A E7 A Consider all the works Thy hands have made, E7 A D I see the stars, I hear the mighty thunder, A E7 A Thy power throughout the universe displayed. Refrain: (A) D A Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee; E7 A How great Thou art! How great Thou art! D A Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee; Bm E7 A How great Thou art! How great Thou art! When through the woods, the forest glades I wander And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees, When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur And hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze... (refrain) And when I think that God, His Son not sparing, Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in; That on the cross, my burden gladly bearing, He bled and died to take away my sin... (refrain) When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart! Then I shall bow in humble adoration And there proclaim, my God how great Thou art! (refrain) ©1953, 1955, Manna Music Words and Music by Stuart K. Hine HOW MAJESTIC IS YOUR NAME C F C O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all G the earth. (repeat) F Dm G C O Lord, we praise Your name. F Dm G C O Lord, we magnify Your name, B7 Em D G Prince of Peace, mighty God, C F G C O Lord God Almighty. ©1981, Meadowgreen Music Company Words and Music by Michael W. Smith HUMBLE THYSELF Em Humble Em Humble C And He C And He D Em D thyself in the sight of the Lord. (Echo) D Em D thyself in the sight of the Lord. (Echo) D G will lift you up, higher and higher. D Em will lift you up. ©1978, Maranatha! Music Words and Music by Bob Hudson Em I COULD SING OF YOUR LOVE FOREVER D Em Over the mountains and the sea G Your river runs with love for me A And I will open up my heart D And let the healer set me free Em I’m happy to be in the truth G And I will daily lift my hands A For I will always sing of when Asus Your love came down (Chorus) D Em I could sing of Your love forever, G A I could sing of Your love forever, (repeat) (Bridge) Em Bm Oh, I feel like dancin’ G A And its foolishness, I know Em Bm But, when the world has seen the light G They will dance with joy A Like we’re dancin’ now ©1994, Curious? Music Words and Music by Martin Smith I EXALT THEE N.C.(G) C D G Em For Thou, O Lord, art high above all the earth C D G Thou art exalted far above all gods (2X) G A I exalt Thee, I exalt Thee D G I exalt Thee, O Lord (2X) ©1977 Pete Sanchez Jr. Words and Music by Pete Sanchez Jr I HAVE DECIDED TO FOLLOW JESUS D(G) 1. I have decided to follow Jesus, G(C) D(G) I have decided to follow Jesus, (D(G)) Bm (Em) I have decided to follow Jesus. D(G)- A(D) D(G) No turning back, no turning back. 2. The world behind me, the cross before me, … 3. Tho’ none go with me, still I will follow, … 4. Where Jesus leads me, I’ll surely follow, … 5. Sing glory, glory and hallelujah, … © Unverified Words and Music by Unverified I LOVE YOU WITH THE LOVE OF THE LORD C I love you with the love of the Lord, G I love you with the love of the Lord. C Am I can see in you the glory of my King, F G C And I love you with the love of the Lord. ©1977, Bud John Songs, Inc. Words and Music by Jim Gilbert I LOVE YOU, LORD G(D) D(G) G(D) I love you, Lord, and I lift my voice, C(G) Am(Em) D(A) to worship You, O my soul, rejoice. G(D) D(G) G(D) Take joy, my King, in what You hear, C(G) Am(Em) D(A) G(D) may it be a sweet, sweet song in your ear. ©1978, 1980 House of Mercy Music (Maranatha! Words and Music by Laurie Klein I SURRENDER ALL Verse 1: D A All to Jesus I surrender D A D All to Him I freely give D A I will ever love and trust Him D A D In His presence daily live Chorus: D I surrender (D) All to Thee A I surrender A all, (A) D I surrender all G my blessed Savior D all Verse 2: All to Jesus I surrender Lord, I give myself to Thee Fill me with Thy love and power Let Thy blessing fall on me (chorus) ©Public Domain Words and Music by Winfield S. Weeden I WILL CALL UPON THE LORD C F G C (F - G - C) I will call upon the Lord (echo) C F G C (F - G - C) For He is worthy to be praised (echo) (Repeat) C F C Hosanna! Blessed be the rock F C G Blessed be the rock of my salvation C F C Hosanna! Blessed be the rock F C G Blessed be the rock of my salvation C ©1981 Sound III, Inc.Universal Words and Music by Michael O'Shields I WILL ENTER HIS GATES/ MIGHTY GOD (8/9 medley) I will I will I will Em I will D G D G enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart, D G A enter His courts with praise, D G D Bm say, “This is the day that the Lord hath made,” A D rejoice for He has made me glad. D He has made me D He has made me Em I will rejoice D He has made me D He has made me Em I will rejoice D What a D What a D Angels D Heaven D What a G glad. (clap, clap) Bm glad. (clap, clap) A for He has made me G glad. (clap, clap) Bm glad. (clap, clap) A for He has made me D glad. D glad. G D mighty God we serve, G A mighty God we serve, G bow before Him, G and Earth adore Him, Em A D mighty God we serve! ©1987, End Time Handmaidens, Inc. Words and Music by Gwen R. Shaw ©Public Domain Words and Music by Unverified I WORSHIP YOU, ALMIGHTY GOD G Em I worship You, almighty God, C D There is none like You. G Em I worship You, O Prince of Peace, C D That it what I want to do. G Em I give You praise, C D For You are my righteousness; G Em I worship You, almighty God, C D G There is none like You. ©1983, Integrity’s Hosanna! Music Words and Music by Sondra Corbett I’LL FLY AWAY G 1. Some glad morning when this life is o’re, (G) D To a home on God’s celestial shore, I’ll fly C G I’ll fly away G away. Chorus: G C G I’ll fly away O glory, I’ll fly away. (G) (em)G D G When I die hallelujah by and by, I’ll fly away. 2. When the shadows of this life have grown, I’ll fly away Like a bird from prison bars has flown, I’ll fly away. 3. Just a few more weary days and then, I’ll fly away to a home where joys will never end, I’ll fly away. ©1932, Wonderful Message Words and Music by Albert E. Brumley I’VE BEEN REDEEMED D 1. I’ve been redeemed. (echo) By the blood of the lamb. (echo) A7 I’ve been redeemed. (echo) D By the blood of the lamb. G I’ve been redeemed by the blood of the lamb, D I’m filled with the Holy Ghost, I am, A7 All my sins are washed away, D I’ve been redeemed. 2. And that’s not all (echo) There’s more besides. (echo) And that’s not all (echo) There’s more besides. (echo) And that’s not all, there’s more besides, I’ve been to the river and I’ve been baptized, All my sins are washed away, I’ve been redeemed. 3. You can talk about me. (echo) Just as much as you please. (echo) You can talk about me. (echo) Just as much as you please. (echo) You can talk about me just as much as you please. I’ll talk about you down on my knees, All my sins are washed away, I’ve been redeemed. 4. Well, the devil is mad.(echo) And I am glad. (echo) Well, the devil is mad. (echo) And I am glad. (echo) Well, the devil is mad and I am glad. He lost a soul that he thought He had, All my sins are washed away, I’ve been redeemed. ©1991, Christian Renewal Publishing Words and Music by Natalie Williams I’VE GOT THE JOY, JOY, JOY N.C. C(G) I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart, G(D) C(G) Down in my heart, down in my heart, (C(G)) I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart. G(D) C(G) Down in my heart to stay. (Refrain) F(C) And I’m so happy, so G(D) I’ve got the love of F(C) And I’m so happy, so G(D) I’ve got the love of C(G) very happy, C(G) Jesus in my heart. C(G) very happy, C(G) Jesus in my heart. I’ve got the peace that passes understanding down in my heart,… I’ve got the love of Jesus, love of Jesus, down in my heart, … I’ve got the wonderful love of my blessed redeemer way down in the depths of my heart…. And Sit And Sit if on if on the Devil doesn’t like it he can sit on a tack, a tack, sit on a tack, the Devil doesn’t like it he can sit on a tack, a tack to stay. ©Public Domain Words and Music by Unverified IN MOMENTS LIKE THESE D Bm Em A In moments like these, I sing out a song, Em A D A I sing out a love song to Jesus D Bm Em A In moments like these, I lift up my hands, Em A D I lift up my hands to the Lord G Singing I G Singing I G Singing I A love A love A love D You, Lord D You, Lord D G D A D You, Lord, I love You. ©1980 C.A. Music Words and Music by David Graham IN THE SECRET G 1. In the Em in the G In the Em ‘Cause C secret, in the quiet place, D C stillness You are there C secret, in the quiet hour, I wait, only for You D C I want to know You more Chorus: G D I want to know You Em C D G I want to hear Your voice G D C I want to know You more G D I want to touch You Em C D G I want to see your face G D C ‘Cause I want to know you more 2. I am reaching for the highest goal That I might receive the prize Pressing onward, pushing every hindrance aside Out of my way ‘Cause I want to know you more ©1995, Mercy / Vineyard Publishing Words and Music by Andy Park JESUS LOVES ME G 1. Jesus loves me, this I know! C G For the Bible tells me so. (G) Little ones to him belong. C G D G They are weak, but He is strong Refrain: (G) Yes, Jesus (G) Yes, Jesus C loves me. C loves me. G D Yes, Jesus loves me; G D G The Bible tells me so. 2. Jesus love me, He who died, Heaven’s gate to open wide. He will wash away my sin. Let His little child come in. (Refrain) 3. Jesus love me, He will stay, Close beside me all the way. If I love Him, when I die, He will take me home on high. (Refrain) ©Public Domain Words and Music by Unverified JESUS, JESUS Em D C B7 Em D C B7 1. Jesus, Jesus, can I tell You how I feel? G(Em) D C B7 You have given me Your Spirit. Em D C - B7 I love You so. 2. Jesus, Jesus, can I tell You how I feel? You have given me Your riches. I love You so. 3. Jesus, Jesus, can I tell You how I feel? You have given me Your life. I love You so. 4. Jesus, Jesus, can I tell You how I feel? You have given me Your blessings. I love You so. 5. Jesus, Jesus, can I tell You how I feel? You have given me Your love. I love You so. 6. Jesus, Jesus, can I tell You how I feel? You have given me Your peace. I love You so. 7. Jesus, Jesus, can I tell You how I feel? You have given me Your blood. I love You so. 8. Love, Love, Love, Love. Christians, this is your call. Love your neighbor as yourself, for God loves us all. JESUS, LOVER OF MY SOUL G Jesus, Em Jesus, G You’ve Em Set my D Lover of My Soul C I will never let You go D taken me from the miry clay C feet upon the rock Now I know: G I love You. D I need You. Em C Though my world may fall I’ll never let You go. G My Savior. D My closest friend. Em C I will worship You until the very end. ©1992 Hillsong Publishing Words and Music by Daniel Grul, John Ezzy and Steve McPherson JESUS, NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES C Em Jesus, name above all names, Dm G Dm beautiful Savior, glorious Lord. C Em Emmanuel, God is with us, Dm G C blessed Redeemer, Living Word. ©1974, 1978 Scripture in Song Words and Music by Naida Hearn Em G JUST A CLOSER WALK WITH THEE Refrain: G D7 Just a closer walk with Thee, G Grant it Jesus, if you please. G7 C Daily walking close to Thee, G D7 G Let it be, dear Lord, let it be. G D7 1. I am weak but thou art strong, G Jesus, keep me from all wrong. G7 C I’ll be satisfied as long, G D7 G As I walk, let me walk, close to Thee. 2. Through this world of toils and snares, If I falter, Lord, who cares Who with me my burden shares? Only Thee, dear Lord, only Thee. 3. When this troubled life is o’er Time for me will be no more Then guide me gently, safely on, To Thy shore, dear Lord, to Thy shore. ©Public Domain Words and Music by Unverified LET EVERY THING THAT HAS BREATH Chorus: G G/F# Let everything that, ev’rything that Em C D Everything that has breath praise the Lord G G/F# Let everything that, ev’rything that Em C D Everything that has breath praise the Lord Verse 1: G Praise You Em Praise You G Praise You Em Praise You G/F# in the morning, praise You in the evening C when I’m young and when I’m old G/F# when I’m laughing, praise You when I’m grieving C ev’ry season of the soul. Bridge: Am7 G If we could see how much You’re worth Am7 G Your pow’r, Your might, Your endless love Am7 G C The surely we would never cease to praise Verse 2: Praise You in the heavens, joining with the angels Praising You forever and a day Praise You on the earth now, joining with creation Calling all the nations to Your praise. ©1997 Kingsway's Thankyou Music Words and Music by Matt Redman LET MY WORDS BE FEW VERSE 1: G You are G So I’ll Am Je-sus, F Em/G C God in heaven, and here am I on earth, F Em/G - C let my words be few. G/B C D G I am so in love with You. CHORUS: (G) F/G Em - Am And I’ll stand in awe of You; G F/G Em - C yes, I’ll stand in awe of You. Am Em C And I’ll let my words be few. Am G/B C D G Je-sus, I am so in love with You. VERSE 2: The simplest of all love songs, I want to bring to You, So I’ll let my words be few. Jesus, I am so in love with You. ©2000 Kingsway's Thankyou Music Words and Music by Matt and Beth Redman LET THE REDEEMED OF THE LORD SAY SO D G Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, (SO!) D G A Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, (SO!) D G Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, D A D I’m redeemed, I’m redeemed, praise the Lord! ©1978, Ward Ellis Words and Music by Ward Ellis LET US BREAK BREAD TOGETHER D G A7 D-G-D 1. Let us break bread together, on our knees. F#m Bm E A7 Let us break bread together, on our knees. D F#m G Gm When I fall on my knees, with my face to the rising sun, D G A7 D O, Lord, have mercy on me. 2. Let us drink wine together, on our knees…. 3. Let us praise God together on our knees… ©Unverified Words and Music by unverified LIGHT THE FIRE D(G) A(D) 1. I stand to praise You, but I D(G) A(D) My spirit is willing, but my G(C) A7(D7) fall on my knees. G(C) A7(D7) flesh is so weak. Chorus: G(C) So light the fire (light the fire) A(D) In my soul (in my weary soul) G(C) Fan the flame (fan the flame) A7(D7) Make me whole (make my spirit whole) G(C) Lord You know (Lord You know) A7(D7) Where I’ve been (Where I’ve been) G(C) A7(D7) D(G) So light the fire in my heart again. 2. I feel your arms around me, as the power of Your healing begins. Your spirit moves right through me, like a mighty rushing wind. (Chorus) ©1987 Bloodsmith Music Words and Music by Bill Maxwell LORD OF THE DANCE C C/B Am7 C/G 1. I danced in the morning when the world was begun, F F/E Dm G And I danced in the moon and the stars and the sun, C C/B Am7 C/G And I came down from Heaven and I danced on the earth, F F/E Dm C F C At Beth - le - hem I had my birth. C (Refrain) Em C Am “Dance, then, wherever you may be, C Em F G I am the Lord, of the Dance,” said He. C C/B Am7 Em Am “And I’ll lead you all wherever you may be, F G C F C And I’ll lead you all in the Dance,” said He. 2. I danced for the scribe and the Pharisee, But they would not dance, and they would not follow me, I danced for the fishermen, for James and John, They came to me, and the Dance went on. (Refrain) 3. I danced on the Sabbath when I cured the lame, The holy people said it was a shame. They whipped and they stripped and they hung me on high, And they left me there on a cross to die. (Refrain) 4. I danced on a Friday and the sky turned black, It’s hard to dance with the devil on your back. They buried my body and they thought I’d gone. But I am the Dance and I still go on. (Refrain) 5. They cut me down and I leapt on high, I am the life that’ll never, never die. I’ll live in you if you’ll live in Me, I am the Lord of the Dance, said He. (Refrain) ©1963, Stainer & Bell, Ltd. Words and Music by Sydney Carter LORD, I LIFT YOUR NAME ON HIGH INTRO G – C – D - C G C D C-D Lord, I lift Your name on high, G C D C-D Lord, I love to sing Your praises. G C D I’m so glad You’re in my life, G C D I’m so glad You came to save us. Refrain: G You came G From the G From the C D C G from heaven to earth, to show the way, C D C G earth to the cross, my debt to pay, C D Em Am cross to the grave, from the grave to the sky, D G Lord, I lift Your name on high. ©1989, Maranatha Music Words and Music by Rick Founds LOVE LIFTED ME D 1. I was sinking deep in sin, far from (A) Very deeply stained within, sinking (D) But the Master of the sea, heard my G From the waters lifted me, now safe A the peaceful shore, D to rise no more, A despairing cry, D am I. Refrain: (D) A G Love lifted me! Love lifted me! (G) E A When nothing else could help, Love lifted me. D A G Love lifted me! Love lifted me! (G) G A D When nothing else could help, Love lifted me. 2. All my heart to Him I give, ever to Him I’ll cling, In His blessed presence live, ever His praises sing, Love so mighty and so true, merits my soul’s best songs, Faithful, loving service, too, to Him belongs. (Refrain) 3. Souls in danger, look above, Jesus completely saves. He will lift you by His love, out of the angry waves. He’s the Master of the sea, billows His will obey, He you Savior wants to be – Be saved today! (Refrain) © Public Domain Words and Music by Howard E. Smith and James Rowe LOVE THE LORD (LOVE ROUND) G Em Love the Lord your God with all your heart C And all your soul and all your mind D And love for all mankind as you would love yourself. (repeat) G Em We've got Christian lives to live, C We've got Jesus Christ to give, D We've got nothing to hide because in Him we all abide. (optional): Milk, milk, milk, drink that milk, milk, And eat the Word, Word, Word to get stronger. Mr. Postman bring to me (yeah yeah yeah), A brand new copy of the NIV (yeah yeah yeah), Need a Bible to get stronger, I can't wait any longer! Shoo-be-doo-op, shoo-be-doo-op, yeah, yeah yeah (3x) Shoo-be-doo-op, shoo-be-doo-op. LOVE! ©1987, Songs and Creation, Inc. Words and Music by Mona Bagasao Crane MAJESTY G C Am Majesty, worship His majesty G Em Unto Jesus be all glory Am D Honor and praise. G C Am Majesty, kingdom authority G D Flows from His throne unto His own G His anthem raise. Am D So exalt, lift up on high G The name of Jesus Am D Magnify, come glorify B Am D Christ Jesus the King. G C Am Majesty, worship His majesty G D Jesus, who died, now glorified G King of all kings. ©1987, Songs and 1981, Rocksmith Music Words and Music by Jack Hayford MEET WITH ME Intro: G – C – D - G VERSE: G C D G I'm here to meet with you G C D G Come and meet with me G C D G I'm here to find you G C D G Reveal yourself to me CHORUS: (G) (As I wait) D You make me (G) (As I long) You (G) (As And You And C As I wait G strong C As I long D G draw me to Your Arms C I stand) As I stand D G sing your Praise C Come, You Come D G you fill this place TAG: (G) (Won't you Come) C D G Won't You come and fill this place ©1999 Maranatha! Music Words and Music by Lamont Hiebert MORE LOVE, MORE POWER Em C More love, more power D Em C - D More of You in my life. (2X) Am And I will worship You D Em With all of my heart. Am And I will worship You D Em With all of my mind. Am And I will worship You D Em With all of my strength C D For you are my Lord Em You are my Lord ©Unverified Words and Music by unverified MORE PRECIOUS THAN SILVER INTRO D G Em A7 D A Lord, You are D A Lord, You are D A Lord, You are G And nothing I D G D more precious than silver, G A A7 more costly than gold, G D more beautiful than diamonds, Em A7 D desire compares with You. ©Public Domain Words and Music by Unverified MY GLORIOUS Verse 1: Em C A The world’s shaking with the love of God Em C A Great and glorious, let the whole earth sing C G And all You ever do is change the old for new Asus People we believe that Chorus: G D Em God is bigger than the air I breathe D The world we’ll leave G D Em God will save the day and all will say D My glorious! Verse 2: Clouds are breaking, heaven’s come to earth Hearts awakening let the church bells ring And all You ever do is change the old for new People we believe that (Chorus) Tag: C My glorious! D My glorious! C My glorious! D My glorious! ©2000 Curious? Music UK Words and Music by Martin Smith and Stuart Garrard MY HEART, YOUR HOME Refrain: A D A Bm7-D Come and make my heart Your home G D/F# A Come and be everything I am and all I know D A Bm7 Search me through and through D G A D Till my heart becomes a home for You D/F# G A D A home for You, oh D/F# G A Bm7 A home for You, oh, oh C Let everything I do G/B Open up a door for You to come through A Then my heart would be A A place where You wanna be. (Refrain) ©1997 Rocketown Music, LLC Words and Music by Christy and Nathan Nockels NOTHING BUT THE BLOOD D G D What can wash away my sin? D A D Nothing but the blood of Jesus. D G D What can make me whole again? D A D Nothing but the blood of Jesus. D A D Oh, precious is the flow, A D That makes me white as snow; D A D No other fount I know, D A D Nothing but the blood of Jesus. For my pardon this I see, Nothing but the blood of Jesus. For my cleansing this my plea, Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Nothing can for sin atone, Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Naught of good that I have done, Nothing but the blood of Jesus. This is Nothing This is Nothing all but all but my hope and peace, the blood of Jesus. my righteousness, the blood of Jesus ©Public Domain Words and Music by Robert Lowry OH, HOW HE LOVES YOU AND ME G Oh, how C Oh, how G He gave G Oh, how G Oh, how G Oh, how D Em He loves you and me, Cm G He loves you and me, D Em Cm His life, what more could He give? C He loves you, C He loves me, C D G He loves you and me. ©1975, Word Music, Inc. Words and Music by Kurt Kaiser ONE PURE AND HOLY PASSION G Give me C Give me G Give me C To know one one one and D Em pure and holy passion G Am D magnificent obsession D Em glorious ambition for my life G Am D G D follow hard after You G C G D To know and follow hard after You Em C D To grow as Your disciple and Your truth Em D This world is empty, pale and poor Em D Compared to knowing You, my Lord C D Em Lead me on and I will run after You C D G Lead me on and I will run after You ©1988 PDI Praise\Dayspring Music, Inc. Words and Music by Mark Altrogge OPEN OUR EYES D Em Open our eyes, Lord A G D We want to see Jesus Bm Em To reach out and touch Him A G D And say that we love Him D Em Open our ears, Lord A G D And help us to listen Bm Em Open our eyes, Lord A G D We want to see Jesus ©1976, Maranatha! Music Words and Music by Bob Cull OPEN THE EYES OF MY HEART Chorus: D Open the eyes of my heart, Lord, A Open the eyes of my heart, G I want to see you… D I want to see you. (Repeat) Verse: F#m G To see you high and lifted up, D A shining in the light of Your glory; F#m G Pour out your power and love, D A as we sing Holy, Holy, Holy. D Holy, Holy, Holy F#m Holy, Holy, Holy G Holy, Holy, Holy D I want to see you. ©1997, Integrity's Hosanna! Music Words and Music by Paul Baloche PASS IT ON C Em F G 1. It only takes a spark to get a fire going, C Em F And soon all those around, can warm up in its F C Dm That’s how it is with God’s love, once you’ve Dm C Dm C F You spread His love, to everyone, You want to G glowing. C experienced it; G C pass it on. 2. What a wondrous time is Spring when all the trees are budding, The birds begin to sing, the flowers start their blooming. That’s how it is with God’s love, once you’ve experienced it, You want to sing, its fresh like Spring, You want to pass it on. 3.I wish for you, my friend, this happiness that I’ve found, You can depend on Him, it matters not where you’re bound. I’ll shout it from the mountaintop (PRAISE GOD!) I want my world to know, The Lord of Love has come to me, I want to pass it on. END. I’ll shout it from the mountaintop (PRAISE GOD!) I want my world to know, The Lord of Love, has come to me, I want … to pass … it on. ©1969 Bud John Songs, Inc Words and Music by Kurt Kaiser PHARAOH, PHARAOH Chorus: G C Pharaoh, Pharaoh, D Yeah, yeah, yeah, G C Pharaoh, pharaoh, D Yeah, yeah, yeah, D C Oh baby let my C yeah, I said. D C Oh baby let my C yeah. G C people go. Huh! G C people go. Huh! 1. Well a burnin’ bush told me just the other day that I should come over here and stay. Got to get my people out of Pharaoh’s land And lead them all to the promised land. 2. Well me and my people goin’ to the Red Sea. Pharaoh’s army comin’ after me. Well I raised my rod and I stuck it in the sand. And all God’s people walked across dry land. 3. Well Pharaoh’s army was a comin’ too. So what do you think that I do? I raised my rod and I cleared my throat. And all of Pharaoh’s army did the dead man’s float. ©1971, Tony Sbrana Words and Music by Tony Sbrana PRINCE OF PEACE D You are holy G You are mighty Em You are worthy A Worthy of praise (You are holy) (You are mighty) (You are worthy) (Worthy of praise) D I will follow G I will listen Em I will love You A All of my days (I will follow) (I will listen) (I will love You) (All of my days) G I will sing to A And worship Bm The King who D Is worthy G I will love Him A Adore Him Bm I will bow down D Before Him G I will sing to A And worship Bm The King who D Is worthy G I will love Him A Adore Him Bm I will bow down E Before Him You are Lord of Lords You are King of Kings You are mighty God Lord of everything You’re Emmanuel You’re the great I Am You’re the Prince of Peace Who is the Lamb You’re the living God You’re my saving grace You will reign forever You are ancient of days You are Alpha Omega Beginning and End You’re my Savior, Messiah Redeemer and friend G You’re my Prince of Peace, A D And I will live my life for You. ©Unverified Words and Music by Marc Imboden PURIFY MY HEART D A Bm D/F# Purify my heart G D G A7 Touch me with your cleansing fire Em A Bm D Take me to the cross G D G A Holiness is my desire D A Bm - D/F# Breathe your life in me G D Em A Kindle a love that flows from your throne G A Bm Oh, purify my heart Em A D Purify my heart ©1993 by Maranatha! Music and Heartservice Music Words and Music by Jeff Nelson REFINER’S FIRE Verse 1: D A Bm Purify my heart Em Asus A let me be as gold and precious silver D A Bm Purify my heart, Em D A let me be as gold, pure gold CHORUS: D G A Refiner's fire D G A My heart's one desire D A is to be holy D G Asus A set apart for You Lord. D A I choose to be holy D G D A set apart for you my master, Em A G D ready to do your will. Verse 2: Purify my heart, cleanse me from within and make me holy. Purify my heart, cleanse me from my sin, deep within (chorus) ©1990 Mercy / Vineyard Publishing Words and Music by Brian Doerksen RISE AND SHINE (Refrain) D(C) Rise and D(C) Rise and D(C) Rise and D(C) Children G(F) shine and give God the glory, glory, G(F) shine and give God the glory, glory, G(F) shine and give God the glory, glory, A(G) D(C) of the Lord. D(C) G(F) The Lord said to Noah, “There’s gonna be a floody, floody.” D(C) G(F) Lord said to Noah, “There’s gonna be a floody, floody, D(C) G(F) Get those children, out of the muddy, muddy.” D(C) A(G) D(C) Children of the Lord. (Refrain). The Lord told Noah to build him an arky, arky Lord told Noah to build him an arky, arky, Build it out of hickory barky, barky, Children of the Lord. (Refrain) The animals, they came on, they came on by twosies, twosies, Animals, they came on, they came on by twosies, twosies, Elephants and kangaroosies, roosies, Children of the Lord. (Refrain) It rained and poured for forty daysies, daysies, Rained and poured for forty daysies, daysies, Must’ve drove those animals crazies, crazies, Children of the Lord. (Refrain) The sun came out and dried up the landy, landy, The sun came out and dried up the landy, landy, Everything was fine and dandy, dandy, Children of the lord. (Refrain) The animals, they came off, they came off by threesies, threesies, Animals, they came off, they came off by threesies, threesies, Elephants and chimpanzeesies, zeesies, Children of the Lord. (Refrain) RIVER OF LIFE D G D I’ve got a river of life flowing out of me, (D) E A Makes the lame to walk and the blind to see. D G D Opens prison doors, sets the captives free. (D) A D I’ve got a river of life flowing out of me. Spring up Spring up Spring up A That Life G D O well, within my soul. G A O well, and make me whole. G D O well, and give to me D abundantly. ©Unverified Words and Music by L. Casebolt and Betty Pulkingham ROCK OF AGES G There is no rock. There is no God like our God. C G No other name worthy of all our praise. D The rock of salvation that cannot be moved Em C Has proven himself to be faithful and true. Am C D G There is no rock. There is no God like ours. Chorus: Em C G D Rock of ages, Jesus is the rock. (repeat 3 times) Am C D G There is no rock, there is no God like ours. ©1997, Maranatha Praise, Inc. Words and Music by Rita Baloche SANCTUARY C(D) G(A) Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary, F(G) C(D) (A) Pure and holy, tried and true. C(D) G(A) With thanksgiving, I’ll be a living, F(G) G(A) C(D) Sanctuary for you. ©1982 Whole Armor Publishing / Full Armor Music Words and Music by John W. Thompson and Randy Scruggs SEEK YE FIRST C Seek ye C And all F C Allelu, Em F C F C G first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, Em F C these things shall be added unto you, G C alleluia Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word That proceeds from the mouth of God Allelu, alleluia Ask, and it shall be given unto you, seek and ye shall find Knock, and the door shall be opened unto you Allelu, alleluia ©1972, Maranatha! Music Words and Music by Karen Lafferty SERVANT SONG D G D A 1. Sister, let me be your servant, Let me be as Christ to you. D G D A D Pray that I may have the grace to let you be my servant, too. 2. We are pilgrims on a journey, We are travelers on the road. We are here to help each other, Walk the mile and bear the load. 3. I will hold the Christ-light for you, In the nighttime of your fear. I will hold my hand out to you, Speak the peace you long to hear. 4. I will weep when you are weeping, When you laugh I’ll laugh with you, I will share your joy and sorrow, ‘til we’ve seen this journey through. 5. When we sing to God in heaven, We shall find such harmony, Born of all we’ve known together, Of Christ’s love and agony. 6. Sister, let me be your servant, Let me be as Christ to you. Pray that I may have the grace to Let you be my servant, too. ©Public Domain Words and Music by Sr.Donna Marie McGargill SHINE, JESUS SHINE (Capo 2nd Fret) G C G D 1. Lord, the light of Your love is shining G C G D In the midst of the darkness shining C D Bm7 Em Jesus, Light of the world shine upon us C D Bm7 Em Set us free by the truth You now bring us F D F D Shine on me, shine on me (Refrain) G D C Shine, Jesus shine Am C D C D Fill this land with the Father’s glory G D C Blaze, spirit blaze Am F - D Set our hearts on fire G D C Flow, river flow Am C D C D Flood the nation with grace and mercy G D C Send forth Your word Am D G Lord, and let there be light 2. Lord, I come to Your awesome presence From the shadows into Your radiance By the blood, I may enter Your brightness Search me, try me Consume all my darkness Shine on me, shine on me. (Refrain) ©1987, Make Way Music Words and Music by Graham Kendrick SHOUT TO THE LORD C(G) G(D) My Jesus, my Savior, Am(Em) G(D) F(C) Lord, there is none like You C(G) F(C) C(G) All of my days, I want to praise Am(Em) Bb(F) F(C) G(D) The wonders of Your migh - ty love. C(G) G(D) My comfort, my shelter Am(Em) G(D) F(C) Tower of refuge and strength C(G) F(C) C(G) Let every breath, and all that I am, Am(Em) Bb(F) F(C) G(D) Never cease to wor - ship You. Chorus: C(G) Am(Em) F(C) G(D) Shout to the Lord all the earth, let us sing, C(G) Am(Em) F(C) G(D) Power and majesty, praise to the King, Am(Em) F(C) Mountains bow down and the seas will roar, G(D) (C) (D) At the sound of Your name, C(G) Am(Em) F(C) G(D) I sing for joy at the work of Your hands, C(G) Am(Em) F(C) G(D) Forever I’ll love You, forever I’ll stand, Am(Em) F(C) G(D) C(G) Nothing compares to the promise I have in You. Ending: Am(Em) Nothing compares to the Am(Em) Nothing compares to the Am(Em) Nothing compares to the F(C) G(D) promise I have F(C) G(D) promise I have F(C) G(D) C(G) promise I have in You. ©1993, Hillsongs Australia Words and Music by Darlene Zschech SHOUT TO THE NORTH G D C 1. Men of faith, rise up and sing G D C Of the great and glorious King G D C You are strong when you feel weak, G D C In your broken-ness, complete. CHORUS: G C D Shout to the north and the south. G C D Sing to the east and the west. G C D Jesus is Saviour to all, C D G Lord of heaven and earth. 2. Rise up women of the truth Stand and sing to broken hearts Who can know the healing power Of our glorious King of love? BRIDGE: Em C We've been through fire, we've been through rain. Em C We've been refined by the pow'r of His name Em C We've fallen deeper in love with You. G/B Dsus D You've burned the truth on our lips. 3. Rise up church with broken wings; Fill this place with songs again Of our God who reigns on high. By His grace again we'll fly. ©1995 Curious? Music UK / EMI Christian Music Publishing Words and Music by Martin Smith SING ALLELUIA (Capo 2nd or 3rd Fret) Part Two (Echo): Part One: Am7 Em7 Am7 Sing Alleluia to the Lord. Am7 Em7 E Sing Alleluia to the Lord. Am7 Em7 F C Sing Alleluia, Sing Alleluia Sing Alleluia to the Lord. Sing Alleluia. Alleluia. Both Parts: Am7 Em7 Am7 Sing Alleluia to the Lord. ©1974, New Song Ministries Words and Music by Linda Slassen SING HOSANNA 1. Give Give me Give me Keep it D G me oil in my lamp, keep it burning, burning, burning, D A oil for my lamp, I pray. D G oil in my lamp, keep it burning, burning, burning, D A D burning till the break of day. Chorus: D G Sing hosanna, sing hosanna, A D G A Sing hosanna to the King of Kings. D G Sing hosanna, sing hosanna, A D Sing hosanna to the King. 2. Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising… 3. Make me a fisher of men, keep me seeking… 4. Give me faith that’s alive, keep me praying… 5. Give me gas for my Ford, keep me trucking for the Lord… 6. Give me wax for my board, keep me surfing for the Lord… 7. Give me soap for my bod, keep me clean for my God… 8. Give me unction for my gumption, help me function… ©1955 Lillenas Publishing Company Words and Music by Paul W. Cochran SOFTLY AND TENDERLY D G D 1. Softly and tenderly, Jesus is calling E7 A Calling for you and for me D See, on the portals G D He’s waiting and watching G D D Watching for you and for me Refrain: A7 D Come home, come home E7 A You who are weary come home D G D Earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling G D A D Calling, O sinner, come home 2. O for the wonderful love, He has promised Promised for you and for me Though we have sinned He has mercy and pardon Pardon for you and for me SPIRIT SONG D7 G A O let the Son of God enfold you with His G A Let Him fill your heart and satisfy your G A O let Him have the things that hold you, D Bm and His Spirit like a dove, Em A Will descend upon your life and make you (Refrain) G A D Jesus, O Jesus, G A D Jesus, O Jesus, D Bm Spirit and His love, D D7 soul. D whole. G A D D7 come and fill your lambs, G A D come and fill your lambs. D7 G A O come and sing this song with gladness D Bm as your hearts are filled with joy, G A D D7 Lift your hands in sweet surrender to His name, G A O give Him all your tears and sadness, D Bm give Him all your years of pain, Em A D And you’ll enter into life in Jesus’ name. (Refrain) ©Public Domain Words and Music by John Wimber STANDIN’ IN THE NEED OF PRAYER Chorus: G It’s me, C Standin’ G It’s me, C Standin’ it’s me, it’s me, O lord, D G in the need of prayer. Em it’s me, it’s me, O lord, D G in the need of prayer. G 1. Not my mother nor my father. Em But it’s me, O lord. C D G Standin’ in the need of prayer. (G) Not my brother not my sister. Em But it’s me, O lord. C D G Standin’ in the need of prayer. (Chorus) 2. Not the deacon not the preacher. But it’s me, O lord. Standin’ in the need of prayer. Not the elder not the teacher. But it’s me, O lord. Standin’ in the need of prayer. (Chorus) ©1967, Stainer & Bell, Ltd. Words and Music by Peter D. Smith STEP BY STEP D A G Oh, God, You are my God, and I will D A G Oh, God, You are my God, and I will A D ever praise You. A D ever praise You. Bm A I will seek You in the morning, G Em and I will learn to walk in Your ways, D A And step by step You lead me, G A D And I will follow You all of my days. (Last time) Bm And I will follow You all of my G And I will follow You all of my A days, Em days. D A And step by step You lead me, G A D And I will follow you all of my days. ©1991 BMG Songs, Inc. Words and Music by Rich Mullins and Beaker SURELY THE PRESENCE C Em F Dm Surely, the presence of the Lord is in this place, Dm G C F I can feel His mighty power and His grace. C Em I can hear the brush of angels’ wings, F Dm I see glory on each face, Dm G F G C Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place. ©1977 Lanny Wolfe Music. Words and Music by Lanny Wolfe TAKE MY LIFE D G A Holiness, holiness G Is what I long for. D G A G Holiness is what I need. D G A Holiness, holiness G D G Is what You want from me. A G Refrain: D G A G Take my heart and form it. D G A G Take my mind, transform it. D G A G Take my will, conform it. D G A G To Yours, to yours, oh Lord. Righteousness… (Refrain) Faithfulness… (Refrain) Brokenness… (Refrain) ©1995 Mercy / Vineyard Publishing Words and Music by Scott Underwood THE BATTLE BELONGS TO THE LORD Em D Em 1. In heavenly armor we'll enter the land, C D Em The battle belongs to the Lord. Em D Em No weapon that's fashioned against us will stand, C D Em The battle belongs to the Lord! Chorus: C D G D C-D G We sing glory, honor, D G power, and strength to the Lord. C D G D C-D G We sing glory, honor, D Em Power, and strength to the Lord. 2. When the power of darkness comes in like a flood, The battle belongs to the Lord! He's raised up a standard, the power of His blood, The battle belongs to the Lord! (Chorus) ©1985, Fairhill Music Words and Music by Jamie Owens-Collins THE HAPPY SONG Chorus: G D Oh I could sing unending songs Em C Of how you saved my soul. G D And I could dance a thousand miles Em C Because of Your great love. G My heart is bursting Lord D To tell of all You've done: Em Of how you changed my life C (D) And wiped away the past. G I wanna shout it out! D From every rooftop sing, Em For now I know that God C (D) Is for and not against me... (chorus) Am G Everybody's singing now, 'cause we're so happy. Am G Everybody's dancing now, 'cause we're so happy. Am If only we could see Your face C And see You smiling over us, C D And unseen angels celebrate G Hey! The joy is in this place! ©1992-1995, Curious? Music Words and Music by Martin Smith THE JOY OF THE LORD (Refrain) The joy of the Lord is my strength. The joy of the Lord is my strength. The joy of the Lord is my strength. The joy of the Lord is my strength. 1. The The The The word of faith is nigh word of faith is nigh word of faith is nigh joy of the Lord is my 2. Since you have Since you have Since you have The joy of the 3. Ha, Ha, Ha, The ha, ha, ha, joy His joy His joy His joy Lord is ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, of the Lord in in in my Thee, yea, in my mouth, Thee, yea, in my mouth, Thee, yea, in my mouth, strength. you, you may shout with it, you, you may shout with it, you, you may shout with it, strength. ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, is my strength. THERE’S SOMETHING ABOUT THAT NAME C Em C7 F Fm C Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. There’s just something about that name. C Em C7 D7 G7 Master, Savior, Jesus. Like the fragrance after the rain, C Em C7 F Fm E7 Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Let all Heaven and earth proclaim, A D7 Kings and kingdoms shall all pass away, F G C There’s just something about that name! ©Public Domain Words and Music by Unverified THEY’LL KNOW WE ARE CHRISTIANS Em 1. We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord, Am Em We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord, Am Em And we pray that all unity will one day be restored, Refrain: C Em And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, Am by our love, Em Am Em Yes, they’ll know we are Christians by our love. 2. We will walk with each other, we will walk hand in hand, We will walk with each other, we will walk hand in hand, And together we’ll spread the news that God is in our land, (Refrain) 3. We will work with each other, we will work side by side, We will work with each other, we will work side by side, And we’ll guard each one’s dignity and save each one’s pride, (Refrain) 4. All praise to the Father from whom all things come, And all praise to Christ Jesus, His only Son, And all praise to the Spirit who makes us one, (Refrain) ©1966, F.E.L. Publications Words and Music by Peter Scholtes THIS IS THE DAY D This is the day, A That the Lord hath made. I will rejoice (echo) (echo) (echo) D And be glad in it. (echo) G D This is the day that the Lord hath made, G D A I will rejoice and be glad in it. D This is the day, (echo) G A D That the Lord hath made. ©Public Domain Words and Music by Unverified THIS LITTLE LIGHT OF MINE G This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine. C G This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine. Em D G Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine. Won't let Satan blow it out, I'm gonna let it shine. Won't let Satan blow it out, I'm gonna let it shine, Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine. Hide it under a bushel, NO!, I'm gonna let it shine. Hide it under a bushel, NO!, I'm gonna let it shine, Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine. Let it shine 'til Jesus comes, I'm gonna let it shine. Let it shine 'til Jesus comes, I'm gonna let it shine, Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine. ©Public Domain Words and Music by Harry D. Loes THY WORD Refrain: D Thy Word is G And a light D Thy Word is G And a light A D a lamp unto my feet, A D unto my path. A D a lamp unto my feet, A D unto my path. A Em Bm F#m 1. When I feel afraid, think I’ve lost my way, G A G D Still, you’re there right beside me. A Em Bm F#m And nothing will I fear, as long as You are near, G A Bm A Please be near me to the end. (Refrain) A Em Bm F#m 2. I will not forget, Your love for me and yet, G A G D My heart forever is wandering, A Em Bm F#m Jesus be my guide and hold me to Your side, G A B A And I will love you to the end. (Refrain) ©1984 Meadowgreen Music Words and Music by Amy Grant and Michael W. Smith TRADING MY SORROWS G I’m G I’m G I’m G I’m C Em D G C Em D trading my sorrows, I’m trading my shame. C Em D G (C - Em – D) laying them down for the joy of the Lord. C Em D G C Em D trading my sickness, I’m trading my pain, C Em D G (C – Em – D) laying them down for the joy of the Lord. G C Em D We say yes, Lord, yes Lord, Yes, yes, Lord. G C Em D Yes, Lord, yes, Lord, Yes, yes, Lord. G C Em D Yes, Lord, yes, Lord, Yes, yes, Lord, amen. G C Em D I am pressed but not crushed, persecuted not abandoned, G C Em D Struck down, but not destroyed. G C Em D I am blessed beyond the curse for His promise will endure, G C Em D That His joy’s gonna be my strength. D G D Though the sorrow may last for the night, F C His joy comes with the morning. ©1998 Integrity's Hosanna! Music Words and Music by Darryl Evans TURN YOUR EYES UPON JESUS G D Em G Turn your eyes upon Jesus, C Am D Look full in His wonderful face. Dm G C Cm And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, G C D G In the light of His glory and grace. ©1922, 1950, Singspiration, Inc. Words and Music by Helen Lemme UNDIGNIFIED D G I will dance, I will sing D A To be mad for my King. D G Nothing Lord, is hindering D A The passion in my soul. CHORUS: D G D A D G And I'll become even more undignified than this. D A (Some would say it's foolish-ness but) D G D A D G D I'll become even more undignified than this. D Na, na, na, na, na, D Na, na, na, na, na, G na! Hey! A na! Hey! ©1995 Kingsway's Thankyou Music Words and Music by Matt Redman A VICTORY CHANT (HAIL JESUS) G C Hail Jesus, You’re my (G) D Your life frees me to G C I will praise You all (G) D You’re perfect in all G King G sing. G my days G Your ways. G – C (Echo) G – D (Echo) G – C (Echo) G – D (Echo) Hail Jesus, You’re my Lord I will obey Your word. I want to see Your kingdom come Not my will but Yours be done. (Echo) (Echo) (Echo) (Echo) Glory, glory to the Lamb You take me into the land. We will conquer in Your name And proclaim that Jesus reigns. (Echo) (Echo) (Echo) (Echo) Hail, hail Lion of Judah How powerful You are. Hail, hail Lion of Judah How wonderful You are. (Echo) (Echo) (Echo) (Echo) ©1985, Scripture in Song Words and Music by Joseph Vogels - G - G - G - G VICTORY IN JESUS D 1. I heard an old, old story, how Bm D How He gave His life on Calvary to D I heard about His groaning, of His Bm D G Then I repented of my sins and won G D a Savior came from glory, G A save a wretch like me. G D precious blood’s atoning, A D the victory. D G D (Refrain) O, victory in Jesus, my Savior, forever, Bm D A He sought me and bought me, with His redeeming blood, D G D He loved me ‘ere I knew Him, and all my love is due Him, D G A D He plunged me to victory, beneath the cleansing flood. 2. I heard about His healing, of His cleansing pow’r revealing, How he made the lame to walk again and caused the blind to see, And then I cried “Dear Jesus, come and heal my broken spirit,” And somehow Jesus came and brought to me the victory. (Refrain) 3. I heard about a mansion He has built for me in glory, And I heard about the streets of gold beyond the crystal sea, About the angels singing, and the old redemption story, And some sweet day I’ll sing up there the song of victory. (Refrain) ©1939, Albert E. Brumley and Sons Words and Music by Eugene M. Bartlett WE ARE HUNGRY G D Oh, I want more of You Em C Living Water, rain down on me G D Oh, I need more of You Em C G Living Breath of life come and fill me up CHORUS: We are We are We are We are D Em hungry, we are hungry C G hungry for more of You D Em thirsty, Oh Jesus C G thirsty for more of You BRIDGE: G D We lift our holy hands up Em C We want to touch You G D We lift our voices higher Em C G And higher and higher to You ©1999 Brad Kilman Publishing Words and Music by Brad Kilman WE BOW DOWN D A D 1. You are Lord of creation and Lord of my life, A Lord of the land and the sea. D A Bm You were Lord of the heavens before there was time, Em A D And Lord of all lords You will be. G D A D We bow down and we worship you, Lord G D A D We bow down and we worship you, Lord G D A Bm We bow down and we worship you, Lord Em A D And Lord of all lords You will be. D A D 2. You are King of creation and King of my life, A King of the land and the seas. D A Bm You were King of the heavens before there was time, Em A D And King of all kings You will be. G D A D We bow down and we crown You the King, G D A D We bow down and we crown You the King, G D A Bm We bow down and we crown You the King, Em A D And King of all kings You will be. ©1983, Singspiration Music Words and Music by Twila Paris WE BRING THE SACRIFICE OF PRAISE D We bring the D We bring the And the And the Em F#m Bm sacrifice of praise into the Em F#m Bm sacrifice of praise into the G F#m Bm we offer up to You, G D Em D sacrifices of thanksgiving, G F#m Bm we offer up to You, G Em A D sacrifices of joy! ©1981, Kirk Dearman Words and Music by Kirk Dearman G house of the G Em A house of the D A Lord, D Lord, WE FALL DOWN D We fall down A Bm We lay our crowns G Em At the feet of Jesus D A Bm The greatness of mercy and love G Em At the feet of Jesus D And we D And we Bm And we G cry, "Holy, G cry, "Holy, A G cry, "Holy, D - G Is the Lamb D Holy, D Holy, D Holy, D A Holy" A Holy" A Holy" C ©1998 songs Words and Music by Chris Tomlin (end on D) WE HAVE COME INTO THIS HOUSE G A We have Em worship B We have D worship D F#m come into this place and A Him. Em come into this place and A Him. D We have come into this place and G Gm worship Christ the Lord. D Bm Em A D Worship Him, Christ the Lord. Let’s forget worship Him, Let’s forget worship Him, Let’s forget worship Him, Worship Him, Bm G gathered in His name to A gathered in His name to gathered in His name to about ourselves and concentrate on Him and about ourselves and concentrate on Him and about ourselves and concentrate on Him and Christ the Lord. Let us lift up holy Him, Let us lift up holy Him, Let us lift up holy Him, Worship Him, Christ hands and magnify His name and worship hands and magnify His name and worship hands and magnify His name and worship the Lord. ©1976, Sound III, Inc. Words and Music by Bruce T. Ballinger WE WANT TO SEE JESUS LIFTED HIGH G D Em We want to see Jesus lifted high C D G A banner that flies across this land D Em That all men see the truth and know C G He is the way to heaven (repeat) G We want to see D We want to see Em C D G We want to see Jesus lifted high (repeat) D Em Step by step we’re moving forward D G Little by little we’re taking ground D Em Every prayer a powerful weapon C D Strongholds come tumbling down and down G And down and down ©1993 Thankyou Music Words and Music by Doug Horley WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUS G C 1. What a friend we have in Jesus, G D all our sins and griefs to bear, G C What a privilege to carry, G D G everything to God in prayer. Am G O, what peace we often forfeit, C G D O, what needless pain we bear, G C All because we do not carry, G D G everything to God in prayer. 2. Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere? We should never be discouraged, Take it to the Lord in prayer. Can we find a friend so faithful, Who will all our sorrows share? Jesus knows our every weakness, Take it to the Lord in prayer. 3. Are we weak and heavy laden, Cumbered with a load Precious Savior, still our refuge, Take it to the prayer. Do thy friends despise, forsake thee? Take it to in prayer! In His arms He’ll take and shield thee, Thou wilt solace there. ©1820-1886 Joseph M.Scriven, 1832-1918 Charles C. Converse Words and Music by Joseph M.Scriven and Charles C. Converse of care? Lord in the Lord find a YOU ARE MY KING (Amazing Love) D/F# G Asus A I'm forgiven, because You were forsaken D/F# G Asus A I'm accepted, You were condemned D/F# G Asus A I'm alive and well, Your Spirit is within me G A D Because you died and rose again Chorus: D G Amazing love, how can it be D Asus - A That You my king would die for me? D G Amazing love, I know it's true D Asus - A And It's my joy to honor You G A D In all I do I honor You Bridge: D D You are my king, You are my king D D Jesus, You are my king, Jesus, You are my king ©1997 songs Words and Music by Billy James Foote YOU ARE THE ONE I LOVE G C 1. Nobody else could’ve changed my heart, G D G Nobody else could’ve saved me. G C Picked up the pieces when they fell apart, G D G I’m so glad You unchained me. (Refrain) Refrain: G C D ‘Cause You are the One, that I love, G C D Light of the World, sent from above, G B7 Em Sing alleluia, shout to the Lord, Am C D You are the One, You are the One, Am C D G You are the One, You are the One I love. G C 2. If I knew the song the angels sing, G D G We’d be singing together, G C I can’t wait for eternity, G D G Praising your name forever. (Refrain) ©1999 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music Words and Music by Lenny LeBlanc YOUR LOVE OH LORD G C G D/F# Your love oh Lord reaches to the heavens Em C G D/F# Your faithfulness stretches to the sky Em C G Your righteousness is like the mighty mountain Em C G And Your justice flows like the oceans tides D/F# D C G And I will lift my voice to worship you my King G D C Am D And I will find my strength in the shadow of Your wings ©1998 New Spring Publishing/Gray Dot Songs/Vandura 2500 Songs Words and Music by Brad Avery, David Carr, Mark Lee Words and Music by Johnny Mac Powell & Tai Anderson