Department of Psychology - University of Western Ontario

Department of Psychology
University of Western Ontario
Special Topics Psychology: The Psychology of Sexual Behavior
Professor William A. Fisher
Social Science Centre 7428
661-2111, extension 84665
Class Meeting:
Tuesday 2:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Office Hours:
By appointment
Most readings are available on-line. Readings not available on-line will
be posted on the course website.
Course Synopsis
Psychologists are committed to the scientific study of sexual behavior for both theoretical and practical
reasons. From a theoretical perspective, generalizable social psychological theory may be developed and
tested in research concerning sexual behavior. From a practical perspective, social psychological
knowledge may be applied to ameliorate problematic aspects of sexual behavior and accentuate positive
aspects of such behaviour. In accord with these theoretical and practical concerns, social psychologists
have worked to develop conceptual models of factors that influence human sexual behavior and to apply
social psychological knowledge to reduce sex-related problems and increase sex-related positive
This seminar on the psychology of human sexual behavior will involve lectures, readings, class
discussions, and student presentations focusing on history, ethics, methodology, theory, and selected
content areas that are significant in this field of study. Acquisition of foundational knowledge in selected
areas of the social psychology of sexual behavior is a primary objective of this course.
Please note that the subject matter of this seminar is human sexual behavior. The course will involve
explicit discussion of sexual behavior and stimulus examples that explicitly depict sexual behavior.
Based on class participation, including general class participation and student presentations of assigned
readings (20%), brief periodic unannounced essay-format quizzes on assigned readings (20%), class
presentation of student seminar papers (20%), and student seminar papers (40%) that will consist of 10-12
page reviews of the literature in an area of the social psychology of sexual behavior of student interest as
agreed with the instructor.
Dates, Topics, and Readings
Readings listed in the “Lecture and Class Readings” sections following are required readings for all
students. These are the readings that will be examined in periodic unannounced10-minute reading
Readings listed in “Student Presentations” sections will be assigned to an individual student for
presentation in class. These readings will not be examined in periodic unannounced 10-minute reading
September 10 Introduction and History of the Scientific Study of Sexual Behavior
Lecture Only
September 17 Political, Ethical, and Methodological Issues in Sexual Science
Note: There will be no class meeting on September 14. Class readings and a tape
recorded interview with William Masters, listed below, comprise this week’s class
Political Issues: Sex Researchers are Perverts
Class Reading—All Students Responsible
 Jones, J.R. (1997). Annals of sexology. Dr. Yes. New Yorker, August, September,
99-113. (Available on Google Scholar)
 Bancroft, J. (2004) Alfred C. Kinsey and the politics of sex research. In J. Heiman et
(Eds.), Annual Review of Sex Research (1-39). Mason City, Iowa: Society for the
Scientific Study of Sex. (Available on Google Scholar)
 Fisher, W.A. (1997). Sex psych prof takes heat: Fear and loathing on the research trail.
In G. Brannigan, E.R. Allgeier, & A.R. Allgeier (Eds.), The Sex Scientists. New
York: Longmans. (Available on WebCT Course Website)
Tape: William Master's Reminisces (Available on WebCT Course Website)
September 24 Political, Ethical, and Methodological Issues in Sexual Science (continued)
Ethical Issues: Sex Researchers are Scum
Lecture and Class Reading
 Rind, B., Tromovitch, P., & Bauserman, R. (1998) A meta-analytic
examination of
assumed properties of child sexual abuse using college samples.
Psychological Bulletin, 124, 22-53.
 Rind, B., Tromovitch, P., & Bauserman, R. (2000) Science versus orthodoxy:
Anatomy of the congressional condemnation of a scientific article and reflections
on remedies for future ideological attacks. Applied and Preventive Psychology. 9,
4, 211-225.
 10-minute reading quiz on previous two week’s readings and tape
Student Presentations
Abramson, P.R. (1977) Ethical requirements for research on human sexual behavior:
From the perspective of the participating subject. Journal of Social Issues, 33,
Wagner, G., Rabkin, J., & Rabkin, R. (1997). Effects of testosterone replacement
on sexual interest, function, and behavior in HIV+ men. Journal of Sex Research,
34, 27-33.
Fisher, W.A. (1997). Do no harm: On the ethics of testosterone replacement therapy
HIV-positive persons, and reactions to commentary. Journal of Sex Research, 34,
35-38. (Read responses by Teifer and Wagner et al. on pages 37-38 as well)
October 1
Political, Ethical, and Methodological Issues in Sexual Science Continued
Lecture and Class Reading
Methodological Issues: Sex Researchers are Idiots
 Kinsey, A.C., Pomeroy, W.B., & Martin, C.E. (1948). Sexual behavior in the human
male. Philadelphia: Saunders. (pps. 120-153: Research Methodology).
 Kinsey, A.C., Pomeroy, W.B., Martin, C.E., & Gebhard, P. (1953). Sexual behavior
the human female. Philadelphia: Saunders. (pps. 66-83: Reliability of the Data).
 Laumann, E.O., Gagnon, J.H., Michael, ER. T., & Michaels, S. (1994). The social
organization of sexuality. Sexual practices in the United States. (Chapter 2, Study
Design, 35-73). Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press.
 10-minute reading quiz
Student Presentations
Saunders, D.M., Fisher, W.A., Hewitt, E.C., & Clayton, J.P. (1985). A method for
empirically assessing volunteer selection effects: Recruitment procedures and
responses to erotica. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 49, 17031712.
Seal, D.W. (1997). Interpartner concordance of self-reported sexual behavior among
college dating couples. Journal of Sex Research, 34, 39-55.
October 8
Thanksgiving Holiday
October 15
Theories of Human Sexual Behavior
Lecture and Class Readings
 Fisher, W.A. (1986). A psychological approach to human sexuality: The Sexual
Sequence. In D. Byrne & K. Kelley (Eds.), Alternative approaches to the study of
sexual behavior. Erlbaum: Hillsdale, N.J.
 Gallup, G. (1986). Unique features of human sexuality in the context of evolution. In
Byrne & K. Kelley (Eds.), Alternative approaches to the study of sexual
Erlbaum: Hillsdale, N.J.
 Baumeister, R. (2000). Gender differences in erotic plasticity: The female sex drive as
socially flexible and responsive. Psychological Bulletin, 126, 347-374.
 10-minute reading quiz
Student Presentation
Feingold, A. (1992). Gender differences in mate selection preferences: A test of the
parental investment model. Psychological Bulletin, 112, 125-139.
October 22
Erotica, Pornography, and Behaviour
Lecture and Class Readings
 Fisher, W.A., & Barak, A. (1991). Erotica, pornography, and behavior: More
than answers. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 14, 65-84.
Donnerstein, E., & Berkowitz, L. (1981). Victim reactions in aggressive erotic films
as a
factor in violence against women. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
41, 710-724.
 10-minute reading quiz
Exposure to Erotic Stimuli Causes Antiwoman Attitudes and Antiwoman Acts
Student Presentations
Malamuth, N.M., & Check, J.V.P. (1981). The effects of mass media exposure on the
Acceptance of violence against women: A field experiment. Journal of Research
in Personality, 15, 436-446.
Check, J.V.P., & Guloien, T.H. (1989). Reported proclivity for coercive sex following
repeated exposure to sexually violent pornography, nonviolent dehumanizing
pornography, and erotica. In D. Zillmann & J. Bryant (Eds.),Pornography:
Research Advances and Policy Considerations. Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum.
October 29
Erotica, Pornography, and Behaviour (Continued)
Exposure to Erotic Stimuli Does Not Cause Antiwoman Attitudes or Antiwoman Acts
Lecture and Class Readings
 Kutchinsky, B. (1991). Pornography and rape: Theory and practice? International
Journal of
Law and Psychiatry, 14, 47-64.
 Fisher, W.A., & Grenier, G. (1994). Violent pornography, antiwoman attitudes,
antiwoman acts: In search of reliable effects. Journal of Sex Research, 31, 23Student Presentations
Malamuth, N.M., & Ceniti, J. (1986). Repeated exposure to violent and nonviolent
pornography: Likelihood of raping ratings and laboratory aggression against
women. Aggressive Behavior, 12, 129-137.
Barak, A., Fisher, W. A., Belfry, S., & Lashambe D. R. (1999). Sex, Guys, and
Cyberspace: Effects of internet pornography and individual differences on men’s
attitudes toward women. Journal of Psychology and Human Sexuality, 11, 6392.
November 5
Understanding and Promoting Reproductive Health
Lecture and Class Readings
 Fisher, W.A., & Fisher, J.D. (1999). Understanding and promoting sexual and
reproductive health behavior. In R. Rosen, C. Davis, & H. Ruppel (Eds.), Annual
Review of Sex Research, Volume IX (pp. 39-76); Mason City, IA: Society for the
Scientific Study of Sex.
 Fisher, W.A., Dervaitis, K.L., Bryan, A.D., Silcox, J., & Kohn, H. (2000). Sexual
health, reproductive health, sexual coercion, and partner abuse indicators in a
Canadian obstetrics and gynaecology outpatient population. Obstetrics and
Gynaecology Canada, 22,714-722.
Student Presentations
Kirby, D. (2007) Abstinence, sex, and STD/HIV education programs for teens: Their
impact on sexual behavior, pregnancy, and sexually transmitted disease. In
Review of Sex Research, Vol XVIII (143-177), D.L Rowland & C. Davis
Mason City, Iowa: Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality.
Fisher, W.A., Singh, S.S., Shuper, P.A., Carey, M., Otchet, F., MacLean-Birne, D.,
Bello, D., & Gunter, J. (2005). Characteristics of women undergoing repeat
therapeutic abortion. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 172, 637-641.
Fisher, W.A., Bryan, A., Dervaitis, K.L., Silcox, J. & Kohn, H. (2002). It ain't
necessarily so: Most women do not strongly prefer female obstetriciangynaecologists. Obstetrics and Gynaecology 24(11) 1-4.
November 12 HIV Risk and HIV Prevention
Lecture and Class Readings
Misovich, S.J., Fisher, J.D., & Fisher, W.A. (1997). Close relationships and elevated
risk behavior. Evidence and possible underlying psychological processes. Review
of General Psychology, 1, 72-107.
MacDonald, N. E., Wells, G. A., Fisher, W. A., Warren, W. K., King, M. A., Doherty,
A., & Bowie, W. R. (1990). High risk STD/HIV behaviour among college
students. Journal of the American Medical Association, 263, 3155-3159.
Fisher, J.D., Fisher, W.A., Cornman, D.H., Amico, R.K., Bryan, A., & Friedland, G.H.
(2006) Clinician-delivered intervention during routine clinical care reduces
unprotected sexual behavior among HIV-infected patients. Journal of Acquired
Immune Deficiency Syndrome, 41(1), 44-52.
HIV Prevention Counseling Intervention Delivered During Routine Clinical Care
HIV Transmission Risk Behavior in HIV-Infected South Africans Receiving
Antiretroviral Therapy: The Izindlela Zokuphila/Options for Health Randomized
Trial. Fisher, JD, Cornman, DH, Shuper, PA, Christie, S., Pillay, S., MacDonald,
S., Ngcobo, N., Amico, R., Lalloo, U., & Fisher, W.A. Submitted to Lancet, 2012.
November 19 Seminar Presentations
Seven students will present 15 minute clear and compelling talks concerning
their seminar paper topic literature review.
November 26 HIV Prevention Intervention Materials
Lecture and Class Readings—All Students Responsible
Fisher, J. D ., Fisher, W. A., Misovich, S. J., & Bryan, A. D. (2002). InformationMotivationBehavioral Skills Model-based HIV risk behavior change intervention for innercity high school youth. Health Psychology, 21(2) 177-186.
"Just Like Me"
"Stakes are High"
3 Seminar Presentations
Seven students will present 15 minute clear and compelling talks concerning their
seminar paper topic literature review
December 18 Seminar Papers Due
Additional Information Concerning Sex Research
Journal of Sex Research
Journal of Sexual Medicine
Archives of Sexual Behavior
Annual Review of Sex Research
Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada
International Journal of Sexual Health
Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada
Public Health Agency of Canada
Centers for Disease Control