THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG School of Accountancy ACCT 4261 Taxes and Business Strategy (1st Term, 2015-16) INSTRUCTOR Name: Office Telephone: Email: Office hour: Dr Shirley Kan Room 1038, 10/F, Cheng Yu Tung Building 3943 8557 Tuesday 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. TEACHING ASSISTANT Name: Office: Telephone: Email: Ms Ida Tsang Room 1049, 10/F, Cheng Yu Tung Building 3943 7644 COURSE OBJECTIVE The objective of the course is to provide a framework that is useful for thinking about how taxes affect business activities. The focus is the impact of taxes on investment strategies and financing policies. It also considers the tax consequences of compensation alternatives to both the employer and the employee. Prerequisite: ACCT 3161 LEARNING OUTCOMES After completing this course, students will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Acquire an advanced knowledge of taxation in Hong Kong. Demonstrate an awareness of the current issues and developments in the Hong Kong taxation system. Explain and apply the rules and tax cases for determining the source of profits. Determine the basis period and apply the loss reliefs for profits tax purposes. Explain and apply the tax principles for determining the profits tax liabilities of partnerships, special classes of business and non-residents. Understand the common tax issues in mergers and acquisitions and tax due diligence. Explain tax evasion and tax avoidance, tax investigation, offences and penalties; and apply the antiavoidance rules. Evaluate the impact of taxation on business decision making and tax planning arrangements. COURSE ASSESSMENT Task nature Case assignment and participation Test Weight 30% 70% 100% 8 Dec 2015 (Tuesday), 2:30 – 5:30 p.m., WMY303 The test is a 3-hour open book, open notes test. 1 LEARNING ACTIVITES Lecture (including inclass discussion / presentation) (hr) in / out class 3 0 Lab / tutorial (hr) in / out class 0 Project / Case discussion (hr) in / out class 0 0 2 Expected out-of-class activities (hrs) in / out class 0 6 1. Lectures In-class examples/problems will be provided to illustrate the application of knowledge and techniques. Students are encouraged to raise questions, participate in class discussions and share ideas with their classmates. 2. Self-study The minimum required outside-class study time is six hours per week. Students are encouraged to work on the practice questions. 3. Case Assignment Students will be given assignment(s) consisting of case problems and report writing. Students are required to analyse and solve tax problems in a business context. LIST OF TOPICS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Locality of profits: case law and practice Profits tax: basis period Profits tax: partnership and loss relief Taxation of non-residents and overseas activities Taxation of special classes of business Tax issues in mergers and acquisitions and tax due diligence Tax evasion and avoidance, tax investigation, anti-tax avoidance rules, offences and penalties Tax planning Current issues and developments in the Hong Kong taxation system COURSE SCHEDULE Date 11 Sep 18 Sep 25 Sep 2 Oct 9 Oct 16 Oct 23 Oct 30 Oct 6 Nov 13 Nov 20 Nov 27 Nov 4 Dec 8 Dec (Tue) Topic Introduction and profits tax: source of profits Profits tax: source of profits Profits tax: basis period Profits tax: partnership and loss relief Profits tax: non-residents and overseas activities Profits tax: non-residents and overseas activities Profits tax: mergers and acquisitions and tax due diligence Profits tax: transfer pricing Tax avoidance and tax investigation Anti-avoidance rules, offences and penalties Tax planning and ethics Profits tax: special classes of business Current issues and developments in the HK taxation system Test (3-hour, open book and open notes) 2 Reading Ch. 4, DIPN 21 & 39 Ch. 4, DIPN 21 & 39 Ch. 4, advance ruling cases Ch. 4, DIPN 8 Ch. 4, 11, DIPN 17, 28, 30, 43 Ch. 4, 11 Ch. 4, 10, 11, DIPN 45, 46, 48 Ch. 10, DIPN 11 Ch. 4, 7, 10, DIPN 15, 24, 25 Ch. 2 – 4, 10, 11, DIPN 31 Ch. 4, DIPN 42 Ch. 11, DIPN 47, 48 LEARNING RESOURCES FOR STUDENTS Prescribed Texts 1. A. Macpherson & G. Laird, “Hong Kong Taxation: Law and Practice”, 2015-16 edition, The Chinese University Press. 2. Inland Revenue Ordinance, Chapter 112, The Government Printer. 3. Inland Revenue Rules, The Government Printer. Reference Materials 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Hong Kong Tax Cases, The Government Printer. Board of Review Decisions, The Government Printer. Departmental Interpretation & Practice Notes, Inland Revenue Department. Dora Lee, “Advanced Taxation in Hong Kong”, 17th edition, Longman. Patrick Ho, Tax Planning (Hong Kong), 14th edition, Pilot Publishing Co Ltd. Hong Kong Master Tax Guide, 2015/16 edition, CCH International. Preparing for Classes Come to class. Examinations will reflect what have been discussed. Class discussions are strongly encouraged. Students will learn more by participating in and listening to the discussions. Students’ attendance, quality of contribution, attentive listening, courtesy and effort will add value to the class. Students are expected to have read the reading materials prior to class. Students are also expected to have reviewed class examples as assigned. Coming to class prepared greatly facilitates the learning process. If all students come to the class prepared, the learning experience would be both pleasant and rewarding. FEEDBACK FOR EVALUATION Students are warmly welcomed to send their comments/feedback to the course instructor. The channels include: (1) e-mails to the instructor; (2) appointment with the instructor; and (3) formal CTE exercise. COURSE ANNOUNCEMENTS A course website has been set up in the eLearning platform. All major course announcements will be made during lectures and/or through the eLearning platform and e-mails. Please check the eLearning platform and your CUHK e-mail account frequently. ACADEMIC HONESTY AND PLAGIARISM Academic honesty is the cornerstone in the development of knowledge. The Chinese University of Hong Kong places very high importance on honesty in academic work submitted by students, and adopts a policy of zero tolerance on cheating and plagiarism. A single offense of plagiarism or cheating on assignments, midterm and final examinations, etc., will lead to disciplinary actions including termination of studies. Attention is drawn to University policy and regulations on honesty in academic work, and to the disciplinary guidelines and procedures applicable to breaches of such policy and regulations. For further details, please refer to the Student Handbook 2015-16 and for details. With each assignment, you are required to submit a statement to the effect that you are aware of these policies, regulations, guidelines and procedures. 3