LEE WOO SING COLLEGE THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG First Term of 2014-­2015 GEWS 2060 Nature as Art and Science: Biodiversity, Photography and Painting “We are drowning in information, while starving in wisdom. The world henceforth will be run by synthesizers, people able to put together the right information at the right time, think critically about it, and made important choices wisely.” - E.O. Wilson, Pulitzer Prize Winner, author, biology professor at Harvard University Meeting Time: Meeting Place Course Instructor: Office: Duration: Categorization: Medium of instruction: 2:30 pm – 4:15 pm (every Wednesday) WS1_LG103 Anthony T.Y. Wu Seminar Room George C.K. Jor (E-mail: georgejor@cuhk.edu.hk) General Office, 1/F, South Block, LWS College 2 hours a week for 13 weeks (Consultation by e-mail appointment) Elective College General Education Course (2 credits) English in accordance with the CGE course requirements Course Description: This course aims to introduce the natural charms, diversity of flora and fauna of Hong Kong and neighbouring regions. It is specially designed for Year 2 students. The goal is to raise participants’ awareness of the hidden beauty of nature and its biodiversity. Coursework includes lectures, individual blogging, group work, projects, field trips, oral interpretation, presentations and quizzes. Students will learn to appreciate biodiversity and ecology through guided tree walks, bird watching, butterfly photography, painting and other combined expressions of art and science. No prior training in photography or painting is required, but a sense of wonder and passionate curiosity in biodiversity are essential. Assessment: 1. Active participation in lectures and written feedback on the spot 2. Three field trips, short oral reports, and written responses 3. A species identification and photography exercise 4. Oral presentations of findings 5. Short quizzes and a group proposal 20% 30% 10% 10% 30% Sites for Field Trips 1. Campus tree walk and tree exhibition (CUHK) 2. Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve 3. AFCD Lions Nature Education Centre at Tsiu Hang Special Area, Sai Kung (16-hectare) with five exhibition halls and some outdoor features zones Guest Speakers/Field Trip Leader(s) 1. A senior conservation officer of AFCD 2. A UK award-winning botanical illustrator 3. A multimedia creative director 4. A plant specialist Course Requirements: 1. Active participation is required in class. Paying attention and taking part in field trips are compulsory and will be counted as the fulfilment of the course requirements 1 2. Individual work and group work are required. Course participants are required to take part in an eLearning forum and other assigned online search activities. There will be group projects in which students are required to work in groups of three or four to complete a joint research proposal. Originality, teamwork, and a strong sense of responsibility will be valued as assets in the course. 3. End-products (images and texts) created in the course might be exhibited in class. There will be acknowledgement with a statement of informed consent for all participants of the course. 4. Participation in the field trips is a necessary but insufficient condition for scoring 30% of the course grade. There will be differentiation exercises on the spot and follow-up oral reports and written responses after each field trip. Academic Honesty Guidelines Attention is drawn to University policy and regulations on honesty in academic work, and to the disciplinary guidelines and procedures applicable to breaches of such policy and regulations. Details may be found at http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/policy/academichonesty/. Schedule of the Course GEW2060 (subject to fine-tuning depending on guest speakers’ availability) Week Date Content Activities Overview: Nature as Art and Science: an Course orientation, a video show and an 1 3/9 experiential approach introduction to “CU Tree” and “CU Birds” Topic 1 Trees of Hong Kong: Identification Field Trip #1 Guided Tree Walk on campus 2 10/9 and Protection on 10 Sept. 2014. Dialogue with a butterfly photographer Mr. 3 17/9 Topic 2 Butterflies of Hong Kong John Tse Topic 3 An ecological experience of Field Trip #2 on 4 October (Sat) led by Mr. 4 24/9 biodiversity in Hong Kong MK Ng, plant specialist and Mr. John Tse, to Lions Nature Education Centre, Sai Kung 1/10 National Holiday Self-directed Learning Topic 4 Creative photography and painting Dialogue with Ms. Ho Po Man, multi-media 5 8/10 workshop creative director Dialogue with Mrs. Sally Bunker, botanical 6 15/10 Topic 5 Flower painting illustrator 7 22/10 Topic 6 Birds of Hong Kong Bird watching on campus Topic 7 Biodiversity Strategy and Action Meeting with guest speaker Mr. Simon Chan 8 29/10 Plan of Hong Kong (HKBSAP) Learning about Hong Kong’s first BSAP Group work on project preparation Field Trip #3 on 8 Nov. 2014 to Tai Po Kau 9 5/11 No lesson led by Mr. MK Ng 10 12/11 Project preparation Group work 11 19/11 Collective Sharing Project Presentations 12 26/11 Course Evaluation Project Presentations 13 3/12 Course Evaluation References: 1. AFCD. Hong Kong Biodiversity Database Online http://www.afcd.gov.hk/english/conservation/hkbiodiversity/hkbiodiversity.html 2. Hong Kong Herbarium (2012). Checklist of Hong Kong Plants. Hong Kong: Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department 3. Hong Kong Herbarium. Hong Kong Plant Database. Available on the Internet at http://www.hkherbarium.net/herbarium/frame.html 2 4. 50 Common Trees in Hong Kong Volume I and II (by EMB featuring 100 species of trees). Available on the Internet at http://resources.edb.gov.hk/trees/main_page1_eng.html http://resources.edb.gov.hk/~trees2/main_eng.htm 5. CU Tree Project http://www.greeneducationcuhk.net (Apps “CU Trees” and ”CU Birds”.) 6. Dudgeon D. and Corlett, R. (2011). The Ecology and Biodiversity of Hong Kong. Rev. Ed. Hong Kong: Cosmos Book Ltd. 7. Ngar, Y. N., et. al. 賞樹手記 Tree Lovers’ Companion. Hong Kong: Friends of the Country Parks/Cosmos Ltd. (1994) 8. 市政局. (1990). 香港樹木彙編. 香港:市政局. 9. Institute of Horticulture, South China Botanical Garden, The Chinese Academy of Sciences. (2006). 香港古樹名木 (Hong Kong’s Old and Valuable Trees). Hong Kong: Cosmos Ltd (collected information of 100 species of OVT with 500 photos) 10. 香港觀鳥會 市區公園常見植物圖片集 11. 馬嘉慧、馮寶基、蘇義雄. (2001). 觀鳥---從城市開始. 香港: 香港關鳥會 12. Hong Kong Tree Society 樹木谷 http://www.hktree.com/ 13. Lo. Y.F. and Hui, W.L. (2011). Hong Kong Butterflies. Hong Kong: Cosmos Book Ltd. 14. Tree Diary, Nature.Net 樹木谷. http://www.hknature.net/treediary/treeindex.html 15. Tsim, C.Y. (1994). Champion Trees in Urban Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Urban Council 16. Tsim, C.Y. (2006). Chinese Banyan: From Wishing Tree to Wishes for Trees. HK: Cosmos Books 17. Office of General Education, CUHK (2010). In Dialogue with Nature. Hong Kong: Chinese University General Education Foundation Programme 18. Langenberg, A. V. Urban Gardening: A Hong Kong Gardener’s Journal. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press (2006). 19. Nair, C. (2012). Consumptionomics : Asia's role in reshaping capitalism and saving the planet. Singapore: John Wiley and Sons. 20. Marcuse, Gary (2011). Waking the Green Tiger (喚醒綠色虎): The Rise of A Green Movement in China. Canada: Face to Face Media. (This is a 78-minute documentary on the controversy of saving the Tiger Leaping Gorge and stopping a dam at Nu River, Yunnan.) 21. Liu, John (2010). Hope in a Changing Climate. Beijing: EEMP Project. 22. Singapore National Parks Board (2009). Conserving our Biodiversity: Singapore’s National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan. A 20-page document available on the Internet at http://www.nparks.gov.sg/cms/docs/nbc/NPark-booklet-final-4sep.pdf 23. Leisure and Cultural Services Department. Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens Education website. http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/parks/hkzbg/en/education.php For HKZBG animals, http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/parks/hkzbg/en/animals.php For HKZBG plants, http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/parks/hkzbg/en/plants.php 24. AFCD Lions Nature Education Centre http://www.afcd.gov.hk/english/country/cou_lea/cou_lea_ven/lions.html 25. The Convention on Biological Diversity. “Aichi Biodiversity Targets.” http://www.cbd.int/sp/targets/ 26. Civic Exchange (2012). Developing a Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for Hong Kong. http://www.civic-exchange.org/wp/201212bsap_en/ 27. Civic Exchange (18 January 2013). “Press release: 37 Hong Kong Civic Groups’ Joint Statement urges the Government to Establish Key Institutions for Effective Nature Conservation”. Available on the Internet at http://www.civic-exchange.org/wp/130118pr_en/ 28. RTHK documentaries “Ocean Business” (海底交易) http://programme.rthk.hk/rthk/tv/programme.php?name=tv/oceanbusiness 29. Wilson, E.O. (1991). The Diversity of Life. Massachusetts, MA: Harvard Univ. Press. 30. Wilson, E.O. (1998). Ed. Biodiversity. Washington D.C.: National Academy Press. 31. Wilson, E.O. (2006). The Creation: An Appeal to Save Life on Earth. N.Y.: Norton. 32. AFCD (2014). A Photographic Guide to Common Urban Trees of Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Government. (香港漁農自然護理署. 2014. 香港市區常見樹木圖鑒) 3