EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Higher Education Commission (HEC) is striving hard for quality education in institutions of Higher Education throughout the country. The body of “Directorate of Quality Assurance” under the auspices of Higher Education Commission is responsible to monitor the matter of quality education by assessing the effectiveness of academic programs of higher educational institutes. The purpose of this assessment is to collect the data about educational programs of Library and Information Science for the purpose of improving student’s learning as well as achieving the motives of quality education. Assessing the Library and Information Science Program is a good exercise to know the weaknesses and strengths in terms of faculty, curricula, guidance, facilities, resources and future plans for ensuring the quality education in the light of Self Assessment Manual so far designed by Higher Education Commission. The primary and secondary data are collected by conducting a number of surveys relating to Graduating students, Alumni, Employer and the Faculty, whereas secondary data are based on Prospectus-2010 of University of Balochistan, Self Assessment Manual of HEC, Model Tenure Track Process Statutes of HEC, Curriculum of Library Science for B.A./BLIS/MLIS (Revised 2002) designed by HEC, and recent advertisement of 2010 of University of Balochistan regarding vacant faculty positions. The description of SAR also contains the objective and subjective observations pertaining to Library and Information Science Program. The data is analyzed and interpreted by determining the simple frequency and percentage distribution in order to draw the inferences for the purpose of suggesting some viable measures for improving the educational programs of Library and Information Science in University of Balochistan, Quetta. The certain clarification was provided then and there for getting the spontaneous answers from the respondents but even then the respondents (Employers, graduating students and the Alumni) did not respond a very few questions of the surveys. However, the collected data is filtered accordingly for the purpose of getting the real inferences. An attempt has been made to furnish the requisite information to complete this report in the light of certain criteria and standards as spelled out in Self Assessment Manual prepared by the HEC. In short, this assessment report will improve the academic standards of Library and Information Science for achieving the spirit of quality education at larger scales subject to actions needs to be taken in this connection. The question items in the surveys as designed by the SAR manual are not altered for the purpose of data collection because the same question items are coincide with the discipline of library and information science except the few. This report is gone through under the peer review by the external expert appointed by the Vice Chancellor and the inputs of the expert are incorporated in the report accordingly. Approximately an amount of Rs. 05 millions is required to stream line the academic activities of the department. 1 Criterion - 1 Program Mission, Objectives and Outcomes 2 CRITERION-1: PROGRAM MISSION, OBJECTIVES AND OUTCOMES Introduction to Department of Library and Information Science University of Balochistan, Quetta. Libraries have played a pivotal role in societies providing knowledge to the people. With the growth of libraries need for professional careers arose both in libraries and information centers. Accordingly library and information centers emerged as vital disciplines. The libraries in Balochistan were being managed mostly by untrained librarians. With the passage of time the need for trained library professionals became evident. Consequently, Department of Library Science (now Library and Information Science was established in 1981 under the chairmanship of Dr. Iftikharuddin Khawaja. Master of library science was started in 1984. The department has started two years Master of Library & Information Science (MLIS) in 2006 by implementing the curriculum of Library Science designed by UGC/HEC. Vision To produce potential, knowledgeable and information literate graduates and information professionals for career in library management and enable them responsive for preservation, dissemination and generation of information / knowledge with emerging techniques of Library and Information Science in a well organized manner to meet the contemporary and future challenges of information profession. Mission To educate graduates with basic and applied skills that address theoretical, practical, ethical and technological insights of library profession to prepare students to manage knowledge and information in all types of libraries and information centres.. 3 Standard 1.1 The program must have documented measurable objectives that support Faculty / College and institution mission statements: Program Objectives: 1. Foundation: To provide students with concrete foundation in Library and Information science knowledge with respect to their needs upon entering the profession. A number of elements and goals are set up to achieve the above objective: Goal: 1 Elements and Strategies of Goal: 1 Elements: a. Current curriculum of Library and Information Science for Graduate program with national standards. b. c. d. e. Linkage between theory and practice. Orientation of manual and computer-ridden practical assignments. Motivation of teachers and students. Seeking inputs from employers. Strategy: Analytical and critical review of graduate program in terms of academic and research activities with new strategy for continuous improvement in Library and Information Science education. GoaL-2 To provide quality education and scholarly research. Elements: a. Promotion of individual and cooperative research activities. b. Efforts of research towards national and international standards and challenges. Strategy: Close liaison with all the stake holders for critical and analytical review of the program. Goal-3 To establish cooperative measures and partnership with sister institutes and information settings. Elements: a. Enhance relations with libraries and information settings for trainings. 4 b. Seek internship for the students. Strategy: Develop viable mechanism for continuous improvement of the program. 2. Skills and Tools: To provide students with the skills to work in libraries and information settings in the competencies listed below. Actually these competencies are the further specific objectives of the program: a) To create awareness of information and information technologies used in Library and Information Science students. b) To develop skills among students for the acquisition, organization, and dissemination of information and knowledge. c) To develop an understanding among students about the properties of literature in the fields of Humanities, Social Sciences, Pure Sciences, Applied Science, Pakistan and Islam etc. d) To inculcate skills among students about the methods of research ant to promote problem oriented research in the field of Library and Information Science or related topics. e) To develop an understanding among students to use information technology efficiently in information storage, data processing and retrieval services of a library or information centre. f) To develop competence among students for the automated management of libraries and information centers in Pakistan. g) To develop skills for the production of media and material in the field of Library and Information Science. h) To prepare students for planning and designing the software products for their own and national benefits. i) To develop competence among students for the marketing of information and information technologies in Pakistan. j) To make the students aware of the future needs of libraries and information centers. 5 2. Professional Practices and Ethics: To provide students with the knowledge relevant to library and information science practices including its ethical, professional, social and global impact on society. Alignment of Objectives with Program: “All the above objectives are aligned with vision and mission statements of the program in terms of competencies, needs of society as well as ethical and professional practices to work with the spirit of providing quality education”. Table-1 Program objectives assessment S. # a 1 Objectives B Foundation How measured c a) Survey of Graduating students. b) Faculty survey. When measured d The program was also measured in previous years and implemented some measures. August-2010. (Current Surveys) Improvement identified Improvement made e The dept. needs the following: f 1. Implemented new curriculum HEC. Collection development in Departmental Library. Provision of internet connectivity, Library visits, Computer Lab. Overhead projector. One more class room and expansion in existing class rooms and computer lab. Mentoring 2. Established Computer Lab. 3. Provided the facility of Internet connectivity. 4. Partially acquired few reading material. 6 2 3 Skills and tools: Professional Practices and Ethics: a. Alumni Survey. b. Employer Survey. -----do------. a. Alumni Survey. b. Employer Survey. -----do------. August-2010. (Current Surveys) August-2010. (Current Surveys) IT training, judgment skills, System designing, communication skills Problem solving skills, need of demonstrative lectures, Introduced Reseach paper and Functional English. Provided computer facilities. a. Continuing a. Faculty education. Development b. Teaching program skills needs started. improvement. b. Formulation c. It knowledge. code of d. Internship, conduct. c.Provided internet connectivity. Standard 1.2 The program must have documented outcomes for graduating students. It must be demonstrated that the outcomes support the program objectives and that graduating students are capable of performing these outcomes: Student Learning Outcomes: Following are the program outcomes that enable the graduates of Library and Information to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge of Library and Information Science into the field with respect to print and non print formats of information resources. Assess collection development policy and bibliographical control. Apply library classification system for organizing information. Apply cataloguing codes to compile bibliographic entries of library collection. Locate, retrieve, evaluate and disseminate information and information sources and reference services. Apply principles of library management and demonstrate leadership abilities. Apply relevant research method to problem solving. Analyze tools and practices of information technology. Apply manual and machine readable classification and cataloguing tools. Demonstrate and develop Library Resource Sharing and Networking. 7 11. Understand information sources and information cycle of disciplines of Social Sciences and Humanities. Analyze the characteristics of Academic libraries for effective services to the users. Communicate effective communication and interpersonal skills. 12. 13. The program outcomes are the byproduct of the program objectives. In this connection, the following table shows interrelationship between program’s objectives and outcomes: Table-2 Program Objectives 1 2 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 2g 2h 2i 2j 3 Relationship between program objectives and program outcomes Program outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 □ ● □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ ● ● □ □ □ □ □ ● □ □ □ ● □ □ □ ● □ ● ● □ □ □ ● ● □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ ● □ □ ● □ □ ● ● ● ●6 □ □ ● ● □ ● □ ● □ □ ● ● □ □ ● ● □ □ □ □ □ ● □ □ 12 13 □ □ □ ● □ ● □ ● □ □ Legend: ● Denotes substantial contribution to the objectives. Denotes moderate contribution to the objectives. □ Denotes no contribution to the objectives. Standard 1.3 The results of program’s assessment and the extent to which they are used to improve the program must be documented: The program’s assessment was carried out in 2005 and 2007 by using the 3 questionnaires/forms such as Student Course Evaluation ii) Students Program Completion Survey and iii) Students Feedback on Teaching. Some possible measures were taken in connection to findings of the assessment to improve the program: 8 a) Actions Taken: i) Started 2 years Master’s Program by revoking the old program of one year diploma program in Library Science (DLS) and one year Master’s program of Library Science (MLS). ii) Implemented the new and revised curriculum of UGC/HEC in 2006. iii) Some text books were acquired. iv) A number of faculty meetings were held for discussion and peer review relating to improving the program. v) The Faculty attended some training programs. b) Future Program improvements plans: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) c) Readdressing the Curricula of Library and Information Science by incorporating emerging techniques of Library and information management studies. Extension of Computer Lab. Improving Quality Education. Improving Team work efforts. Achieving the objectives of quality education in terms of needed competencies. Providing and availing the facilities of Continuing Education. Capacity building of faculty through faculty development program. Strengths and Weaknesses of the Program: Strength: i) ii) iii) Newly established Computer Lab. Implemented Revised Curriculum of UGC/HEC. Availability of Ph. D. Faculty in future. Weaknesses: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) d) Cramping Space for Class Rooms and Separate Lab for subject Practicals. Non Ph. D. Faculty. Scarcity of reading materials and latest practical tools. Non-availability of facilities for offering more optional and specialized courses contained in revised curricula. IT training and sustainable development. Production of less number of research articles. Future Development Plans: i) Introduction of 4 years BS program subject to availability of all the requirements in terms of faculty, resources, facilities and trainings. 9 ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) Seeking collaboration with domestic and foreign agencies and organization for receiving the help through exchanging the views, trainings, donations and boasting the research activities. Seeking collaboration of different organization for internship of the students. Introduction of Semester System subject to balance in feasibility and desirability by observing all the pros and cons of the system with the parable academic environment of the university. Starting M. Phil and Ph. D. Programs as and when the Ph. D. faculty …. Available. Establishing Practical Lab for convenient conduct of subject practicals. Compilation of Alumni Directory. Computerization of Departmental Library. Acquiring the latest editions of reading materials and practical tool. Planning and developing collaborative measures with sister departments for strengthening the department. Standard 1.4 The department must assess its overall performance periodically using quantifiable measure: a) Students Enrollment: See the table below: Table -3 Students enrollment for the last three years S. # a 1 2 3 Year b 2007 2008 2009 Degree M. Phil. d Nil Nil Nil MLIS C 41 50 57 b) Student / Faculty ratio Ph. D. e Nil Nil Nil 1:6 (during the last three years) c) Time for completing MLIS degree: d) Average grade point (or) division: e) Attrition rate: 2 Years e) See table below: 2nd Division Fluctuated but approximately 1 % Employer’ Satisfaction: Table-4 Frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents (Employers) regarding quality education in the Department of Library and Information Science UOB Q. # Question Items Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor I 1 Knowledge Math, Science and Engineering skills f % f % f % F % f 1 11.11 3 33.33 2 22.22 3 33.33 0 % 0 10 2 3 4 5 Problem formulation and solving skills Collecting and analyzing appropriate data Ability to link theory to practice Ability to design a system component or process 6 II 1 2 3 III 1 2 3 4 5 6 Computer knowledge Communication Skills Oral communication Report writing Presentation skills Interpersonal Skills Ability to work in teams Leadership Independent thinking Motivation Reliability Appreciation of Ethical values IV 1 2 3 V Work Skills Time management skills Judgment Discipline General Comments (Expectations) VI Information about Organization 1 10.0 8 80.0 1 10.0 0 0 0 0 1 10.0 4 40.0 5 50.0 0 0 0 0 1 10.0 5 50.0 3 30.0 1 10.0 0 0 1 1 10.0 14.28 2 2 20.0 28.57 3 2 30.0 28.57 3 2 30.0 28.57 1 0 10.0 0 1 0 1 10.0 0 10.0 2 2 3 20.0 20.0 30.0 7 6 5 70.0 60.0 50.0 0 2 1 0 20.0 10.0 0 0 0 0 4 3 0 0 2 40.0 30.0 0 0 22.22 5 4 7 4 3 50.0 40.0 70.0 44.44 33.33 1 2 3 4 4 10.0 20.0 30.0 44.44 44.44 0 1 0 1 - 0 10.0 0 11.11 - 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 - 3 30.0 6 60.0 1 10.0 0 0 0 0 3 30.0 5 50.0 1 10.0 1 10.0 0 0 1 10.0 4 40.0 4 40.0 0 0 1 10.0 3 30.0 5 50.0 2 20.0 0 0 0 0 Hard work, Research work, Linkage of theory and practical, Confidence, Reducing of socio-economic gap, computerization of libraries and good manners in the field of Library and Information Science are necessary. The employers belong to different Govt. and semi Govt. organizations / Institutes of Balochistan specially the universities and others. The above table indicates the competencies level of the library and information science graduates (library professionals) who are serving in different institutes as library professionals in different cadres. The certain competencies are judged by the employers of different organizations through administering the employer survey. Accordingly the employers do not seem satisfied with highest category of their satisfaction, however the competence level of library and information science graduates is “very good” with relation to certain competencies but the need arises to improve these competencies to make them excellent in their work places. The employers (respondents) expected a mix of expectations both from the library science programs and their graduates so as to serve the nation with letter and spirit. The satisfaction level of the employers are very high, hence improving the library and information science program needs to be improved by implementing a viable policy and strategic plan for need-based curriculum. f) Faculty Excellence in teaching award: g) Research Activities / Publications: Nil Few faculty members of Library and 11 Information Science produces 1-2 research articles per year and some times no publication during a passage of time. The faculty did not receive any award regarding excellence in research. The department did not organize any workshop/seminar during the period of last three years. h) Workshop/Seminars: i) Faculty and Students Satisfaction: See the tables below: Table-5 Frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents (Faculty) regarding their satisfaction level and the effectiveness of programs to help them progress and excel in their profession. Q. # Question Items 1 Your mix of research, teaching and community service 2 The intellectual stimulation of your work Type of teaching/ research you currently do Your interaction with students 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Cooperation you receive from colleagues The mentoring available to you Administrative support from the department Providing clarity about the faculty promotion process Your prospects for advancement and progress through ranks 10 Salary and compensation package 11 Job security and stability at the department Amount of time you have for yourself and family The over all climate the department What are the best programs /factors currently available in your department that enhance your motivation and job satisfaction Suggest programs/factors that 12 13 14 15 Very Satisfied f % Satisfied F % Neutral f % Dissatisfied f % Very Dissatisfied f % 0 0 6 85.71 1 14.28 0 0 0 0 2 28.57 3 42.85 2 28.57 0 0 0 0 1 14.28 5 71.42 0 0 1 14.28 0 0 1 14.28 4 57.14 2 28.57 0 0 0 0 1 14.28 6 85.71 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 42.85 4 57.14 0 0 0 0 3 42.85 4 57.14 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 28.57 3 42.85 2 28.57 0 0 0 0 2 28.57 4 57.14 1 14.28 0 0 0 0 2 28.57 4 57.14 1 14.28 0 0 0 0 3 42.85 2 28.57 2 28.57 0 0 0 0 1 14.28 4 57.14 2 28.57 0 0 0 0 1 14.28 5 71.42 0 0 1 14.28 0 0 New curricula , availability of computer lab facility along with internet connectivity and existing salary package are the factors of enhancing motivation and job satisfaction of the faculty. Updating computer lab facilities, acquiring latest editions of reading 12 could improve your motivation and job satisfaction 16 material, providing IT training, conducting workshop / Seminars and availing the opportunity of pursuing further study are factors of improving motivation and job satisfaction of the faculty. Majority of faculty members are holding the post of lecturer with 1-10 years experience. Information about faculty member The above table reveals that faculty members seem satisfied with relation to program effectiveness in order to progress and excel in the profession except the availability of mentoring for them. However their satisfaction level is not up to extreme end. The respondents (faculty members) also seem “neutral” relating to some question items in providing their response in satisfied or dissatisfied mode. The need arises that some plans are required to be implemented for the satisfaction level of the faculty members and the effectiveness of library and information science program. Table-6 Frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents (graduating students) regarding quality education in the Department of Library and Information Science UOB Q Q. # 1 2 Question items The work in the program is too heavy and induces lot of pressure The pro 2 The program is effective edevel Strongly Agree f % Agree f % Disagree f % Strongly Disagree f % 0 0- 2 20.0 8 80.0 0 0 2 20.0 8 80.0 0 0 0 0 2 20.0 8 80.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 50.0 5 50.0 0 0 2 20.0 7 70.0 1 10.0 0 0 2 20.0 8 80.0 0 0 0 0 3 30.0 7 70.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 The program administration is effective in supporting learning 3 4 The program is effective in developing analytic and problem solving skills The program is effective developing independent thinking 5 6 The program is effective in developing written communication skills The program is effective in developing planning abilities 7 8 9 10 11 The mathematical content of the program is adequate for pursuing the advance courses in the program The internship experience What are the best aspects of your program? What aspects of your program could be improved 9 90.0 1 10.0 Not applicable Regular classes, computer facilities, guidance and learning. By providing books, opportunity of different library visits, expanding the computer lab, expanding Information technology & teaching skills and seeking the opinions of the students. The above table reveals that program is good due to regular classes and availability of facilities relating to computer, guidance and learning. Over all, the quality education of 13 library and information science program seems satisfactory however certain aspects such as provision of books and expansion of computer lab are serious concerns for improving the program. The program does not cover mathematical contents which is the weak aspect of the program. Table-7 Frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents (Alumni) regarding quality education in the Department of Library and Information Science UOB Q.No. Question items I 1 4 Knowledge Math., Science and Engineering skills Problem formulation and solving skills Collecting and analyzing appropriate data Ability to link theory to practice 5 6 Ability to design a system Computer Knowledge II 1 2 3 Communication Skills Oral Communication Report Writing Presentation Skills III 1 2 3 Interpersonal Skills Ability to work in team Independent thinking Appreciation of ethical values 4 IV 1 2 3 V Professional Development Work Skills Time Management Skills Judgment Discipline General Comments (Suggestions) Alumni Information 2 3 VI Excellent Very Good f % f % - - 10 3 15.0 3 Good Fair Poor f % f % f % 58.82 5 29.41 1 5.88 1 5.88 9 45.0 8 40.0 0 0 0 0 15.0 10 50.0 7 35.0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 10.0 5.55 0 11 5 9 55.0 5.55 45.0 4 10 7 20.0 55.55 35.0 2 1 3 10.0 5.55 15.0 1 1 1 5.0 5.55 5.0 6 2 30.0 10.0 7 10 35.0 50.0 6 6 30.0 30.0 1 2 5.0 10.0 0 0 0 0 5 25.0 9 45.0 5 25.0 1 5.0 0 0 8 7 40.0 35.0 11 8 55.0 40.0 1 4 5.0 20.0 0 1 0 5.0 0 0 0 0 4 7 20.0 35.0 13 8 65.0 40.0 3 5 15.0 25.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 15.0 12 60.0 4 20.0 0 0 1 5.0 3 15.0 10 50.0 5 25.0 1 5.0 1 5.0 7 35.0 10 50.0 3 15.0 0 0 0 0 Need to updating courses, Developing software of LIS and Computer Lab facilities and considering IT courses. The Alumni (respondents) are from different types of libraries having the professional experience of 1-5 years working in different organization of Balochistan as librarians. The above table indicates the respondents (Alumni) opinions about certain skills relating to Knowledge, Communication, Interpersonal and Work Skills as they received during their study. As a whole, the respondents (Alumni) are good in above mentioned skills except their weak input in activities relating to Math and Science. The courses of the program need to be updated in the light of latest techniques by exploiting information technology. The competencies with relation to library profession also need to be enhanced to reach the excellence in the profession. 14 Criterion - 2 Curriculum Design and Organization 15 CRITERION-2: CURRICULUM DESIGN AND ORGANIZATION The curriculum so far designed for Master of Library and Information Science is based on certain objectives and learning outcomes. The curriculum is a blend of theory and practical covering the needs of all types of library management. The department of Library and Information Science is running its academic program through annual system of examination. However, at the moment, the department is not in position to shift from annual to semester system of examination due to imbalance in between desirability and feasibility in terms of lack of resources and facilities. a) Title of Degree Program: b) Description of Course Work for Master in Library and Information Science: Master of Library and Information Science Program of Studies offered The master of Library and Information Science is a two year degree program based on theory and practical work. The students have to study 12 compulsory papers( including a research paper of 100 marks and 50 marks course of Functional English) along with 2 optional papers. The description of courses is as under: Courses MLIS Previous All the following courses are compulsory in MLIS Previous Total Marks: 650 (see the table below) Table-8 Paper # 1 2 3 4 Subjects/Papers Introduction to Library and Information Science Collection Development and Bibliographical Control Introduction to Classification: Theory and Practice Introduction to Cataloguing: Theory and Practice Marks in Theory Marks in Practical Total Marks 80 20 100 80 20 100 50 50 100 50 50 100 16 5 Reference and Information Sources and Services Management of Libraries and Information Centres Functional English 6 7 80 20 100 80 - 20 - 100 50 Courses MLIS Final There are 5 compulsory and 2 optional papers in MLIS Final Total Marks: 700 Each of the students has to prepare a Research Proposal of 20 Marks in paper-1 and Project Report of 20 Marks in paper-6 being the practical requirements instead of associated practicals in other papers. Table-9 Paper No. Subjects/Papers Status of the Paper Marks in Theory Marks in Practical Total Marks 1 2 Research Methodology Information Technology and Libraries Advance Technical Operations Resource Sharing and Networking Academic Libraries Information Sources of Humanities and Social Sciences Research Paper and Presentation Compulsory 80 20 100 Compulsory Compulsory Compulsory Optional 80 80 80 80 20 20 20 20 100 100 100 100 Optional Compulsory 80 - 20 - 100 100 3 4 5 6 7 Course objectives of all the individual papers: The detailed objectives of all compulsory and the (offered) optional papers are as under. The objectives of non-offered optional papers are not listed here. MLIS Previous Paper-1 Introduction to Library and Information Science - to give an overview of the evolution of libraries and various formats of information and knowledge resources starting from ancient to present times. to create awareness of information and information technologies used in libraries and information science. to understand the nature of library and information society. Paper-2 Collection Development and Bibliographical Control - to understand the concepts of bibliographical process and collection 17 - development in libraries. to develop practical approach regarding bibliographical description and different means of collection development. Paper-3 Introduction to Classification: theory and practice - to understand the concepts of classification and overview of major classification schemes to develop practical skills in using Dewey Decimal Classification scheme and Sears List of Subject Headings Paper-4 Introduction to Cataloguing: theory and practice - to understand the concept and process of cataloguing in different formats. to develop practical skills in compiling catalogue entrées of book and non-book materials in using Anglo American Cataloguing Rules and rules for oriental names. Paper-5 Reference and Information Sources and services - to acquaint students with basic reference sources and learn about information sources. - Enable the students to retrieve information efficiently using information and reference sources. Paper-6 Management of Libraries & Information Centers - to understand the concepts and functions of management in libraries and information centres regarding various library operations. - Providing practical techniques in managing different types of libraries and information centres Paper-7 Functional English to orientate the basics of English language to develop the basic written and communication skills. MIIS Final Paper-1 Research Methodology - to understand the basic concepts, processes and terminology of research and its application in Library and Information Science. to develop practical skills in preparation of research proposal. 18 Paper-2 Information Technology and Libraries - to understand the basics of information technology and library automation to design and develop practical skills of automation in using information technology in libraries. Paper-3 Advanced Technical Operations - to understand the concepts and aspects of classification schemes and cataloguing of special materials to develop practical skills of Library of Congress Classification, Cataloguing of print and no-print materials, Assigning subject headings, MARC and UNIMARC. Paper-4 Resource Sharing and Networking - to study the fundamental concepts of resource sharing and networking in libraries. to orientate practical resource sharing and networking in libraries Paper-5 Information Sources of Humanities and Social Sciences (offered) - to understand and explore the nature of information sources and information cycle of Humanities and Social Sciences. to prepare a project report in the light of information cycle in any one disciplines of Humanities and Social sciences. Paper-6 Academic Libraries Understanding the concepts, objectives, resources and functions of academic libraries. to orientate practical skills in managing academic libraries. Paper-7 Research Paper and Presentation to orientate practical skills in writing and presenting a research paper Catalogue Description: Recommended readings for each of the courses is described in the curricula. Textbooks and references: A small number of Textbooks are available in the central and departmental library but some are needed for further references. Computer usage: Use of computer is part of all the courses but students feel problems in this connection due to scarcity of required number of computers in the computer lab. 19 Laboratory: The existing computer lab needs to be upgraded and extended to avoid the inconvenience. Standard 2.1 The curriculum must be consistent and supports the program’s documented objectives: Table-10 The following table shows, how the program courses meet the program objectives: Courses/ Groups of Courses Program Objectives 1 Compulsory Courses Optional Courses /Practicals 2 2a √ 2b √ 2c 2d √ 2e √ 2f √ 2g √ 2h √ 2i √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 2j 3 √ √ √ √ Standard 2.2 Theoretical background, problems analysis and solution design must be stressed within the program’s core material: The following table reveals the elements with respect to “Theoretical background”’ “Problem analysis”’ and “Solution design” as contained in compulsory and optional papers. Table-11 Elements Courses Theoretical background Almost all the compulsory and optional courses cover /stress the required elements to create the good understanding in the courses taught. Problem analysis The compulsory courses deal with the required element to great extent on the basis of generalizability while the optional courses provide the analysis for a specific environment. Solution design A number of manual and computer-based practicals are conducted to meet the required element. Standard 2.3 The curriculum must satisfy the core requirements for the program, as specified by respective accreditation body: The Department of Library and Information Science executes the functions on the basis of HEC requirements for its master’s program. 20 The core requirements are mentioned in the end of curriculum designed by UGC/HEC. However, these requirements are not fully met by the department due to lack of some facilities in terms of equipments and other needful items. The scarcity of these core requirements creates some inconvenience. Standard 2.4 The curriculum must satisfy the major requirements for the program as specified by HEC, the respective accreditation body / councils. The department works under the major requirements laid down by the UGC/HEC. Such requirements are the part of the curriculum so far designed for the purpose. Standard 2.5 The curriculum must satisfy general education, arts, and professional and other discipline requirements for the program, as specified by the respective accreditation body / council: Table-12 Program of Study Library and Information Science Math and Basic Science Engineering topics Nil Nil General Education Nil Other Disciplines Nil The program of Library and Information Science offers two years master’s degree program comprising upon 12 compulsory and 17 optional papers but minor subjects relating to the disciplines of general education, arts, professional and other disciplines are not offered/taught at the master level study. However, information sources relating to “Science and Technology”, “Humanities and Social Sciences”, and “Islam and Pakistan” are the separate optional papers that are the part of the curriculum of master’s program of Library and Information Science that satisfies the standard 2..5 at a very small scale. Being the HEC requirements, the students have to opt any one by their own but the department offers only one paper i.e. “Information Sources of Humanities and Social Sciences”. This situation does not fulfill the requirement of the HEC but meets the program requirements partly. This specification is due to lack of some facilities in the department. On the other hand, the newly designed curriculum of Library and Information Science at BS level satisfies the requirements of many disciplines to be taught as minor subject, but BS program of Library and Information has not yet been started as the existing facilities and resources of the department do not support starting the BS program. 21 Standard 2.6 Information technology component of the curriculum must be integrated throughout the program: Almost all the courses/papers of Library and Information Science cover the different components of information technology keeping in view of some contemporary needs for library management but some more advanced techniques of information technology needs to be incorporated in the curriculum for the purpose of making the curriculum more versatile with relation to application of changing and sophisticated techniques of information technology. Hence, components of information literacy and computer-based skills of information handling needs to be incorporated in the curricula by conducting a survey about the competencies needed in different libraries and information settings. Standard 2.7 Oral and written communication skills of the students must be developed and applied in the program: The optional paper “Communication & Media Librarianship” provides an opportunity of oral and written communication skills to the students but the students have no choice to opt this paper among the lot of 17 optional papers because the department is not in position to offer a free choice for opting the optional papers by the students as the department itself offers only two optional papers (excluding the optional paper of Communication & Media Librarianship) . However, the two compulsory papers i.e. i) Research Paper and Presentation and ii) Functional English develop the some oral and written communication skills of the students, but this is not sufficient. Oral and written communication skills are necessary elements for library professionals because they have to serve the community as library manager on large and small scales in all library settings. 22 Criterion - 3 Laboratory and Computing Facilities 23 CRITERION-3: LABORATORY AND COMPUTING FACILITIES ` All the courses of Library and Information Science program are practical-based but the department could not establish a separate laboratory for practical purposes due to cramped for space and consequently the subject practicals are handled in the class rooms in a non conducive environment. The computing facilities are available both for the teachers and the taught but that needs to be extended at large scale for avoiding inconvenience. The status of existing laboratories is as below: * * Laboratory Title: Location Area: * Objectives: Adequacy for Instruction * Courses taught * * Software available: Major Apparatus Computer Lab. Department of Library and Information Science Arts Faculty, University of Balohcistan, Quetta. 1. To handle the Computer-based practical 2. To train the students in Information technology applicable to library management. To develop practical skills for designing, database, webpage and building library networking. The computer lab comprised upon 10 Pcs which are utilized for conducting practicals of all the courses but the existing facility is adequate to some extent that needs to be extended. All the courses are taught in class rooms and sometimes in computer lab for the purpose of practicals. The free of cost software are in use. 10 Pcs, 2 printers, one Multimedia, one Photocopier and one Overhead projector are available. Standard 3.1 Laboratory manuals / documentation / instructions experiments must be available and readily accessible to faculty and students: All students and teachers have adequate access to manual / documentation and instructions while using the laboratory. The computer lab is not compatible in terms of proper number of computer availability and other practical tools for conducting the practical works in all the papers being taught. The following shortcomings are noted which are hurdles on the way to keep the best pace of working environment for achieving the targets rested with the academic uplifting: Shortcomings a. 2 Scanner b. 20 Pcs c. 3 Printers 24 d. e. f. g. h. i. j. A. V. aids Text books Practical tools latest. Specialized training of information technology and SPSS. Faculty with certain specialization. Furniture and fixture. Space for class rooms for teaching specialized/optional papers. Justification of above listed items: The scanner is required to teach the students about the scanning and preserving the archival records in the library to achieve the objective of two papers. The listed items listed above i.e. b, c, & d are necessary for extending and upgrading the computer lab and facilitating the teachers for improving the practical works. Acquiring the latest books and practical tools will upgrade the departmental library for the access to required information whereas, the training facilities will create the skills required for teaching the courses in more conducive environment The faculty and space are also required to teach the specialized papers in future along with furniture and fixture. Standard 3.2 There must be adequate support personnel for instruction and maintaining the laboratories: The personnel support in shape of lab supervisor is not available, hence the maintenance of computer lab sometimes becomes a problem. The supervisor for computer lab is needed with the extended facilities in computer lab. At the moment, a teacher is deputed to look after the matters of computer lab along with his other teaching assignments. Almost all the papers are computer-based-practicals and hence a full time computer lab supervisor can maintain the computer lab in functional order at the time of practical work in computer lab. Standard 3.3 The University computing infrastructure and facilities must be adequate to support program’s objectives: The University of Balochistan has adequate and smart computing facilities with all sorts of support through the Directorate of Information Technology UOB as and when required specially at the time of troubleshooting of the computers.. Each of the departments (including Department of Library and Information Science) of the university are equipped with Multimedia and a number of computers with internet connectivity. The internet connectivity is not available in all the teacher’s rooms which hampers the access to easy information at the time of urgency. 25 Criterion - 4 Student Support and Advising 26 CRITERION-4: STUDENT SUPPORT AND ADVISING A time of two years is fixed to complete the program on the basis of time management policy for all the curricula and co-curricula activities. The vocal students avail the time for interaction with their teachers relating to their present and future matters on the way, however the passive students are motivated through other ways, the details of such motivation is ahead. Standard 4.1 Courses must be offered with sufficient frequency and number for students to complete the program in a timely manner Department’s Strategy for course offerings The syllabi of the program comprised upon 12 compulsory 6+1 (Functional English) in previous and 4 +1 (Research Paper and Presentation) in final year along with 17 optional papers. However, the department offers only two optional papers for its master’s program due to the meager resources and facilities in the department. Each of the students is also supervised by their individual faculty for writing the research paper. A separate paper of functional English is also taught managed by the English Language Centre of the University. At least 3 classes are fixed for all the compulsory and optional papers except the research paper (one class per week) and functional English (two classes per week). The compulsory and (offered) optional courses are offered once for all during the academic session of 2 year study being the requirement of the program. All the optional courses are not offered as the faculty and class rooms for the subject matter are inadequate. However, this shortcoming in fact, deprives the students for opting the optional papers by their own. All the required courses are taught and managed in the premises of the department. However, the department lacks for the practical insight to be given to the students as field trip to outside environment. The faculty members teach the courses according to time table so for designed for the smooth running of the classes. Below is the table that shows the breakup of classes: Table-13 Program Breakup of Classes Classes per week Practicals per week Tutorial/Resea rch Guidance Computer Lab + Assignment (Students engaged without teacher involvement) MLIS (Previous) MLIS (Final) Subject Assignment /Library practice/group discussion. 13 10 0 2 2 18 06 1 2 1 27 Standard 4.2 Courses in the major area of study must be structured to ensure effective interaction between students, faculty and teaching assistants. Over all, all the faculty members are held responsible for major area of study on the basis of their subject competence. Most of the papers are completely taught by the individual teachers except the few taught / shared by two teachers. However, this sharing helps out in solving some specific issues of the subject. Standard 4.3 Guidance on how to complete the program must be available to all students and access to academic advising must be available to make course decisions and career choices. a. Program requirements As a whole, students are informed through the University of Balochistan Prospectus about the generalize program requirements. The department-wise program requirements are updated annually at the start of current academic session to keep the matter in line with university policy in order to avoid any inconvenience. More over, a faculty member (being the student advisor) is available at departmental level to cope with all the program requirements and matters concerning to students problems and day to day needs of their academic achievements. b. Advising and students counseling system A faculty member is deputed as Coordinator of Guidance and Career Counseling. The advising system in the department is run by the coordinator, who arranges the orientation lectures for the student’s guidance and career counseling. The guidance and counseling process is based on all such activities which the students and the department feel necessary for the required achievements for their (students) prosperous career development. The department arranges some activities in this regard: Displaying advertisements of vacant posts appear in daily newspapers for the information of the students to get familiar with the avenues where the opportunities exist for their career. Students are free to meet with the coordinator for seeking the guidance and counseling relating to their problems/matters. Sometimes students also avail the opportunity of exchanging their views with guest speakers invited by the department. The students have the opportunity of interacting with the library professionals / senior Alumni who time to time visit the department for some professional inputs and outputs. The students have also the opportunity of joining the Pakistan Library Association as a student member in this professional body of national repute. 28 c. Director of Students Affairs To take care the certain academic and non academic matters of the students, the services of Director of Students Affairs are available for the purpose. The office of the Director of Students Affairs deals to all the activities of scholarship, fellowships, workshops, conferences, admissions for different categories, interdepartmental migration, readmission and financial assistance for the student community. The directorate of students affairs also makes plan for cocurricula activities, Golden Week, Sports Galla / competitions and holding the annual convocation. More or less, the students get a better opportunity of the services rendered by Students Advisor, Coordinator Students Guidance and Counseling and Director Students Affairs. However the co-curricula activities needs to be extended at large scale to break the hesitant and non confident behaviours of the students. The extended co-curricula programs will provide a wide range exposure to the students for facing, bearing and tackling the issues in a coherent way. 29 Criterion-5 Process Control 30 CRITERION-5: PROCESS CONTROL The over all process is controlled and governed by the university of Balochistan Policy and this process is somewhat similar almost in all the departments with some variations on the basis of subject nomenclature. Standard- 5.1 The process by which students are admitted to the program must be based on quantitative and qualitative criteria and clearly documented. This process must be periodically evaluated to ensure that it is meeting it objectives. The department of Library and Information Science follows the admission policy given by the University of Balochistan time to time. The admission policy is mentioned in the university prospectus for guidance of the admission seekers. a. Program Admission Criteria: i) ii) Passed B.A./ B. Sc. /B.com Written test and interview to be qualified with 45% marks. b. Allocation of Seats The total available seats in the department are 35 which are distributed under the allocation of following categories: i) ii) iii) iv) v) Local and Domicile of Balochistan - Category “A” Open Merit: Balochistan 10% 03 Open Merit: Quetta District 15% 04 Open Merit: Districts other than Quetta 75% 20 Reserved seats for working library personnel of Balochistan Personal Serving in Balochistan – Category “B” (Non-Local & Non Domicile) Daughter/Son/Spouse University Employees/Nominees of AJK, Armed Forces/Northern Areas/FATA and Federal School/Reserved Seats for Disabled – Category “C” Total Seats: 27 03 02 03 35 Category “C” applicants will submit their application forms to the Assistant Registrar (Students Affair) by the due date with the required documents and an affidavit, specimen of which is at Annex ‘A’ c. Institutional \Admission Criteria: 1. Admission in all subjects and classes shall be allowed only to applicants who belong to Balochistan. However wards of servants of Federal Government or Autonomous Organizations, who have had their previous education in the Institutions of 31 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Balochistan, will be eligible for admission only against reserved seats decided by the University. Admission is also available to limited number of foreign students on a separate quota. Candidates who qualify in the supplementary examination of that year shall not be allowed admission during that year. Due to limited seats/class rooms, admission to a second or subsequent graduate or Post Graduate degree course in the University is not allowed, except professional degrees, i.e. M. Ed., B. Ed., MBA (Executive) MCS (Self finance), Law and Library & Information Science. No student shall at one time join or continue on the roll of two or more courses of study leading to two or more degrees in the same or different faculties or institutions. Admission to BS four years course shall be allowed to candidates who have passed Intermediate Examination in that year. Admission will be allowed only to those applicants who have passed the qualifying examination at most two years prior to the year of admission. However in the subjects where the number of applicants is less than the number of seats available in a department, relaxation can be considered d. Institutional Admission Procedure. a. Forms for admission can be obtained from Habib Bank Limited, University Branch, Quetta. b. Offices of Teaching Departments shall remain open during office hours to receive admission forms. c. Candidates seeking admission shall submit the admission form in duplicate. d. Each applicant and his/her guardian or father shall have to sign a declaration that he/she shall abide by all the rules and regulations of the University and he/she shall devote his/her time to studies and not indulge in politics. e. Attested copy of character certificate from the Head of the Institution last attended, Candidates qualifying as private candidate shall produce character certificate from a Gazetted Government Officer (17 grade or above) f. Attested copy of Provisional certificate of the last qualifying examination. g. Attested copy of the Detailed Marks Sheet of the last qualifying examination. h. Attested copy of Local or Domicile Certificate of the Province of Balochistan. i. Attested copies of all other educational certificates. j. In service applicants are required to produce: No Objection Certificate from the Employer A Certificate that their hours of the employment will not clash with the hours of study. k. Original documents will be shown at the time of Interview and will be checked by the Chairman/Admission Committee of the concerned department. l. Candidates having qualified from the Boards or Universities shall have to submit, in addition to the above, a migration certificate from the said Board or the University. m. Applicants must collect an acknowledgement receipt, fro each application, which must be produced at the time of Test/Interview,. Process of admission will be completed within prescribed schedule as announced. 32 n. The selected candidates will be required to complete the admission formalities by last date announced by the University. o. If a candidate fails to make payment of admission dues by last date, his/ her seat will stand cancelled. p. If a candidate fails to join the department within fifteen days from the date of admission hi/her admission will stand cancelled. q. Students admitted to M.A./ M.Sc. courses may be allowed to change their subject/department within two weeks from the commencement of classes. Such change will be allowed by the Dean on the recommendation of the Chairperson of concerned department on payment of prescribe fee of Rs. 1,000/- and subject to the vacancy of seats in the department where he/she wants to transfer. r. List of selected candidate will be displayed only on the Notice Board of concerned Department/Institute/Center on the date announced in the academic calendar. The candidates are, therefore, advised to check the Notice Board of the respective Department/Institute/Center for information/their admission. s. Candidates will not be informed individually about their provisional admission/withdrawal or cancellation of admission and the University, therefore, will not accept any responsibility in this regard. e. Attendance Requirements: 1. Attendance of Lectures, Practical, tutorials and field work, is compulsory for all students. 2. The name of a student, who remains absent from classes without proper leave for a period of fifteen consecutive days, shall be struck off the rolls of the that department. 3. A student, whose name has been struck off the rolls, may be readmitted for valid reasons within two weeks during the same academic year to the same class. This readmission will, however, be allowed by the respective Dean on the recommendation of the Chairman of the Department. Fee for readmission will be Rs. 1000/- if a student fails to apply for readmission within the stipulated period, then he/she will be given two more weeks to apply readmission to the Academic Committee headed by the Pro-Vice Chancellor. In such a case the re-admission fee will be Rs. 2000/-. After one month readmission is not allowed. 4. Each student will be required to complete minimum, of 75% of attendance in lectures and practicals be eligible to appear in examinations that year. f. Student Code of Conduct-Discipline: a. No student shall: i. Do, or propagate, anything repugnant to Islam within and outside the precincts of the University/|College; ii. Say or do anything which might adversely affect the honor and prestige of Pakistan, the University teachers ad his/her educational institution; 33 iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. b. Smoke in the classroom, laboratory, workshop, library, and examination hall; Form, or associate with an organization/society/club or any other body promoting and/or inciting parochial/linguistic/regional feelings; Organize, or hold any function in the University except in accordance with the prescribed rules/regulations; Collect money or receive donations or pecuniary assistance for or on behalf of the University or any University Organization except with the written permission of the Vice Chancellor; Stage, incite, or participate in a walkout, strike or any other form of a agitation which might create or is likely to create law and order problem for the University and affect or is likely to affect its smooth functioning; Indulge in immoral activities, use indecent language, war immodest dress, make indecent remarks, jokes or gestures or behave in an improper manner; Cause disturbance to others; Disturb peace and tranquility of the Institution; Keep or carry weapons, narcotics, immoral or subversive literature; and Use in-salutary or abusive e language or resort to violence against fellow student or employee of the University. Violation of any of the above will be considered misconduct and liable to Disciplinary Action. 1. Disciplinary action by the Principal of a Constituent / Affiliated College/Chairman of the University Teaching Department/Director of an Institute/Center and the Discipline Committee against the student(S) may be taken in one or more of the following forms depending upon the severity of the offence: ii. A student may be fined: iii. A student may be place on probation for a fixed period. If during the period of probation he/she fails to improve his/her conduct, he/she may be rusticated or expelled. iv. A student may be suspended from the rolls of a College/Institute/Center/Department for a period not exceeding two weeks at a time. b. student may be rusticated/expelled or asked to withdraw from the College/Institute/Center/Department in the manner mentioned in the regulations relating to Rustication, Expulsion and Withdrawal. g. Regulations Relating to Rustication, Expulsion and Withdrawal: v. Rustication, whenever imposed on a student, shall always mean the loss of one academic year so far as his/her Examinations are concerned. The 34 period of absence will, however depend upon the time of the year when the penalty is imposed. vi. The Vice \chancellor has the discretion to permit to rejoin the class in the same College/Department/Institute/Center at the beginning of the next academic year. vii. A rusticated student once readmitted and again found creating disturbance/indiscipline, etc. will be expelled from the University. viii. A student expelled from the University shall not be readmitted into the same University without the approval of the Syndicate. Readmission shall in no case be granted before, the expiry of one academic year from the date of expulsion. h. Code of Honor: Being a student in the University is a matter of privilege, prestige and honor. All students are expected to conduct themselves with honor and dignity. The following Code of Honor enunciating the basic principles of the Constituent Colleges and the Chairmen/Directors of the University Teaching Departments/ Institute/Centers:1. 2. 3. All Students must have faith in and respect for the ideology of Pakistan. All Students must in matters of religion respect the conviction of others. Every student is expected to:ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. Be Loyal to Pakistan; Obey the Law of the land as well as the rules & regulations of the University; Maintain law and order as well as the dignity ad prestige of the University; Protect the property of the University; Show due respect to elders, teachers and outside visitors; Work hard and co-operate in completing the courses of study within the prescribed period. Standard 5.2 The process by which students are registered in the program and monitoring of students progress to ensure timely completion to the program must be documented. This process must be periodically evaluated to ensure that it is meeting its objectives. The students are registered in all the programs as laid down under the policy and rules of university registration. The student’s progress is normally monitored by the subject/class assignments and their daily attendance. The progress and monitoring the course coverage of the teachers and taughts are also communicated to the higher authorities time to time for in time completion of the program. The stipulated time for completing the program is extended sometimes, if there is some unavoidable and inconvenient situation due to any undesired situation during the academic session. The Dean, Pro Vice Chancellor and the Vice chancellor also pay a number of visits to the department for close liaison with respect to ensuring the over 35 all conducive environment in the departments. This whole exercise, resultantly boosts the academic situation well. Standard 5.3 The process of recruiting and retaining highly qualified faculty members must be in place and clearly documented. Also processes and procedures for faculty evaluation, promotion must be consistent with institution mission statement. These processes must e periodically evaluated to ensure that it is meeting with its objectives. The higher authorities in consultation with the department advertise and create the new posts time to time in order to recruit new faculty and retain the qualified faculty on the basis of eligibility criteria. The opportunities are available to recruit the highly qualified faculty on the basis of criteria given by HEC without any discrimination in terms of color, creed race and so on. Process and Procedure of recruitment: All the appointments of teaching cadre are made in the university on the basis of HEC criteria .The criteria are as follow: a. Lecturer Eligibility Criteria: The candidates must have First Class Master’s degree or equivalent awarded after 16 years of education in the relevant field from HEC recognized University/Institution. The candidates must not have third division in his/her academic career. Note: However, the specific eligibility criteria (including the general criteria) for specific other academic disciplines are based on certain conditions. b. Assistant Professor Minimum Qualification Ph. D. from an HEC recognized Institution in the relevant field. No experience required. OR Master’s degree (foreign) or M. Phil. (Pakistan) or equivalent degrees awarded after 18 years of education as determined by the HEC in the relevant field from an HEC recognized University/Institution. Experience: 4 years teaching/research experience in a recognized University or a Post-graduation Institution or professional experience in the relevant field in a National or International Organization. 36 Note: However, the specific eligibility criteria for specific other academic disciplines are based on certain conditions. c. Associate Professor Minimum Qualification Ph. D. from an HEC recognized Institution in the relevant field. Experience: 10-year teaching/research in HEC recognized University or a Post-graudate Institution or professional experience in the relevant field in a National or International Organization. OR 5-Year post Ph. D. teaching/research experience in a recognized University or a postgraduate Institution or professional experience in the relevant field in a National or International Organization. Minimum No. of Publications 10 research publications (with at least 4 publications in the last 5 years) in HEC recognized journals. Note: However, the specific eligibility criteria(including the general criteria) for specific other academic disciplines are based on certain conditions. d. Professor Minimum Qualification Ph. D. from an HEC recognized Institution in the relevant field. Experience 15-years teaching /research in HEC recognized University or a Post-graduate Institution or professional experience in the relevant field in a National or International Organization. OR 10-years post-Ph.D. teaching/research experience in recognized University or a postgraduate Institution or professional experience in the relevant field in a National or International Organization. Minimum No. of Publications: 15 research publications (with at lest 5 publications in last 5 years) in HEC recognized journals. 37 Note: However, the specific eligibility criteria (including the general criteria) for specific other academic disciplines are based on certain conditions. Appointment under Tenure Track System (TTS) The University of Balochistan has taken steps in adopting the tenure track statutes “better incentives for faculty members”. The University implemented the system since July, 2005 and appointed ( ) teachers. The brief detail is given as under: Definition Tenure Track System (TTS) contains a Model Tenure Track Process Statutes that specify rules/regulations for appointments/promotions at institutes of higher learning. Following are the abstracts form the Model Tenure /Track System Process Statues provided by the Higher Education Commission: Bases for Appointments/Promotions For main areas where a candidate is evaluated for Tenure Track Schemes: Teaching Research Service Personal Characteristics General Criteria for Appointment on TTS All faculty members in any discipline are eligible to apply for appointment provided they fulfill the following minimum eligibility conditions: 1. Assistant Professor (a) b. To be appointed as an Assistant Professor on Tenure Track, the candidate is required to have a Ph. D/ Relevant terminal qualification from a recognized institution and excellent written communication skills as well as excellent presentation skills. An Assistant Professor should be demonstrably competent in the subject matter area of courses taught and should have indicated a serious commitment to teaching, but it need not be expected that an extensive reputation in the field has be acquired. As the Assistant Professor continues in this rank an effort to increase knowledge and improve teaching ability should be demonstrated, and professional presentation should be made through papers to professional organization, through publications, or through other creative work. As a general rule, the length of service in the rank of Assistant Professor before being considered for promotion to the rank of Associate Professor is six years, Recommendations for promotion after first term review 38 should be carefully weighed and justified by the administrative office making such recommendation. 39 2. c. Associate Professor a. The criteria for appointment or promotion to an associate professorship differ from those for a professorship in degree rather than in kind. The candidate for Associate Professor should offer evidence of knowledge of developments in the field of expertise a conscientious interest in improving teaching methods. It is expected that an Associate Professor shall already have shown a basic general understanding with regard to a large part of the discipline. This condition implies postdoctoral research or creative work sufficient to indicate continuing interest and growth in the candidate’s professional field. b. To be eligible for appointment or promotion to an associate professorship the faculty member is required to have Ph.D./Relevant terminal qualification from a recognized and reputable Institution in the relevant field with either 6-yueas post-Ph. D./Relevant terminal degree or minimum of 4-years of post-PhD experience with at least 6 years of experience prior to the PhD. The experience to be noted is to be of teaching/research in a recognized University or a postgraduate Institution or professional experience in the relevant field in a National or International Organization. In addition 10 research publications (with at least 4 publications in the past 5 years) in Internationally Abstracted Journals, recognized for the purpose of appointment on Tenure Track by the Higher Education Commission, are required. c. As a general rule, the length of service in the rank of associate professor before being considered for promotion to full professor is five years. Recommendations for promotion in less time should be carefully weighed and justified by the administrative officer making the recommendation. Professor (a) A faculty member appointed to the rank of Professor is expected have had an impact on the state of knowledge. It is expected that the professor will continue to develop and mature with regard to teaching, research, and other qualities that contributed to earlier appointments. Consideration for this appointment should include particular attention to the quality and significance of contributions to the candidate’s field, sensitivity and interest in the general problems of university education and their social implications, and ability to make constructive judgments and decisions in regard thereto. It should be kept in mind that the full professors are likely to be most enduring group in the faculty and are those whole will give leadership and set the tone for the entire University. (b) To be eligible for appointment or promotion to the rank of Professor, the faculty member is required to have a Ph.D./Relevant terminal qualification from a recognized and reputable Institution in the relevant field with either 11-years postPh.D./Relevant terminal degree or minimum of 7-years of post-Ph.D. experience with at least 12 years of experience prior to the Ph.D. The experience to be counted is to be of teaching/research in a recognized University or a post-graduate Institution or professional experience in the relevant field in a National or International l Organization. In addition 15 research publications ( with at lest 5 publications in the past 5 years) in Internationally abstracted Journals, recognized 40 (c) for the purpose of appointment on Tenure Track by the Hither Education Commission, are required. As a general rule, the length of service in the rank of associate professor before being considered for promotion to full professor is five years. Recommendations for promotion in less time should be carefully weighed and justified by the administrative officer making the recommendation. Salary Scale The Salary Scales for the positions under the Tenure Track System will be as approved by the Finance Division, Government of Pakistan and notified by the HEC Table-14 Post Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Min 180,000 120,000 80,000 Salary Package Increment Maximum 8,800 312,500 7,000 226,250 5,500 161,000 Stages 15 15 15 Note: The complete details of appointment under Tenure Track System (such as appointments, promotion, conditions, process, reviews, transfer, leaves, resignation, termination, remuneration, benefits, retiring age, appeals and self assessment) are contained in “Model Tenure Track Process Statutes. Methods of retaining excellent faculty members: A number of opportunities are available for the outstanding faculty on the basis of their credentials, research work, commitment and performance. In this connection, however certain viable methods are adopted to retain the excellent faculty: xv. The university ensures the fair and timely selection/appointment/promotion process on the basis of HEC criteria. xvi. The university provides the opportunity against the capacity of Tenure Track System to those who fulfill the criterion of the subject matter. xvii. The faculty also avail the opportunities of national and foreign training for their capacity building. The faculty also get the opportunity of serving somewhere else on deputation or otherwise. Faculty Evaluation Process The faculty performance is evaluated and judged through the system of Annual Confidential Report (ACR) as a routine procedure of faculty evaluation. The professional profile of the faculty can be seen and kept it for future use at the time of faculty promotion /selection if any. In case of negative professional profile the faculty is communicated the compliant launched 41 against him/her and if it is so, an explanation is required by such faculty for clarification / justification. Standard 5.4 The process and procedures used to ensure that teaching and delivery of course material to the students emphasizes active learning and the course learning outcomes are met. The process must be periodically evaluated to ensure that it is meeting its objectives. 1. Process of teaching and delivery of course material: The faculty of library and information science plan the teaching and delivery of course material by observing the class time table in its real sense in order to avoid any inconvenience of missing the classes. Each of the faculty members prepares course plan on the basis of syllabi which followed thought-out the year. This helps the faculty for time-bound completion of the course. Every faculty member provides the detailed course outline to the students as a break up of topics to be taught. Teaching and course evaluation is carried out through DQA proformas at the end of academic session and the same is reported to the Director, DQA for reference and record. The department also learns a lesson through this evaluation and tries to improve the situation on the basis of available resources. The evaluation is done only in the year of 20062007 after that, the process is restarted in 2010 with detailed Self Assessment Procedure. Standard 5.5 The process that ensures that graduates have completed the requirements of the program must be based on standards, effective and clearly documented procedures. This process must be periodically evaluated to ensure that it is meeting its objectives. The prospectus of the university enlists all the requirements which the students have to meet such as 75% attendance, code of conduct and other requirements. The students are penalized by individual departments if they do not fulfill the requirements under the University rules. 42 Criterion-6 Faculty 43 CRITERION-6: FACULTY Standard-6.1 There must be enough full time faculty who are committed to the program to provide adequate coverage of the program areas/ courses with continuity and stability. The interests and qualifications of all faculty members must be sufficient to teach all courses, plan, modify and update courses and curricula. All faculty members must have a level of competence that would normally be obtained through graduate work in the discipline. The majority of the faculty must hold a Ph. D. in the discipline. The new curriculum of HEC “comprised upon 10 + (02 i.e. Research paper and Functional English) compulsory and 17 specialized and optional courses” is adopted to be taught to the students of Master’s program and only 7 teachers (excluding 2 who proceeded abroad for pursuing higher studies) deal all the courses by offering only two optional papers among the lot of 17 papers, which comparatively seems that the enough number of faculty members are not appointed to teach all the optional papers. However, the existing faculty is committed to run the program in a team work effort by letter and spirit. At the moment, none of faculty members hold Ph. D. in the discipline which is a great back draw to run the M. Phil and Ph. D. program. The competence level of the faculty is a matter of concern that needs to be enhanced (Faculty resume is attached herewith for your reference and record). The following table indicates the specializations or interests of the faculty. The faculty should seek the opportunities of achieving the best level of competence by utilizing the time for conducting the researches and enhancing the qualification up to the level of Ph. D. The university should also motivate and facilitate the faculty to achieve the excellence in their subjects through certain opportunities of learning and upgrading the existing knowledge/competence. Table-15 Program area of Specialization / Interest Library History + Information Sources Bibliography + Academic Libraries Research Methodology + Classification Cataloguing + Information Technology Reference Services + Lib. No. of Papers MLIS (Prev) =1 MLIS (Final)=1 Practicals =2 MLIS (Prev) =1 MLIS (Final)=1 Practicals =2 MLIS (Prev) =1 MLIS (Final)=1 Practicals =2 MLIS (Prev) =1 MLIS (Final)=1 Practicals =2 MLIS (Prev) =1 No. of Faculty Members in each area 1 No. of faculty with Ph. D. degree Nil 1 Nil 1 Nil (M.Phil.) 1 Nil 1 Nil 44 Technical Operations Library Management + Library Networking Research Paper and Presentation Total: 12 MLIS (Final)=1 Practicals =2 MLIS (Prev) =1 MLIS (Final)=1 Practicals =2 MLIS =1 24 1 Nil 1 7 Nil Nil Standard 6.2 All faculty members must remain current in the discipline and sufficient time must be provided for scholarly activities and professional development. Also, the effective programs for faculty development must be in place. The faculty members attend the seminars, workshops and conferences to keep them current in the discipline and browse the internet time to time for new occurring in the discipline. More over, they (faculty members) exchange their professional views with their peers in order to avoid any misconception, however non subscription of research journals make them unaware towards some significant topics of library and information science. All the courses in library and information science are practical-based and most of the faculty members teach two different papers, hence they rarely find time for writing their research papers except the few practices in the past. o The facilities for participating in seminars and conferences are available for the faculty within the university and outside the university and the individual teacher avail this opportunity time to time. Almost all the existing faculty have availed this opportunity and benefited a lot in terms of maintaining quality education in the department on modern lines. The faculty development program became effective for the faculty in boosting and polishing their abilities of learning and teaching. Standartd-6.3 All faculty members should be motivated and have job satisfaction to excel in their profession. The faculty of the department is motivated as they can win the facility of scholarship, availing of tenure track status on the basis of their intellect and ability. The opportunity of promotion is also available in the department provided they fulfill the criteria in this connection. The university also provides financial assistance to the faculty for writing and attending the research papers for the journals and conferences. All such opportunities and facilities are effective for the motivation and job satisfaction for the faculty in any way. (See table-5 above) 45 Criterion-7 Institutional Facilities 46 CRITERION-7: INSTITUTIONAL FACILITIES Standard 7.1 The institution must have the infrastructure to support new trends in learning such as e-learning. Infrastructure: The existing infrastructure of the department is established by the University of Balochistan in terms of space and other facilities in the department. The department is cramped for space for the purpose of up to the mark functioning of the department, specially offering a number of optional courses to be taught to the students, is still a dream. The scarce opportunities are available in the department for new trends in learning because the facilities are inadequate to some extent. The existing facilities needs to be upgraded specially in the field of E-learning because of speedily shifting of library and information science discipline from conventional to E-learning approaches. To cope with the situation, the above listed shortcomings should be removed by acquiring the requisite equipments and resources. Standard 7.2 The library must possess an up-to-date technical collection relevant to the program and must be adequately staffed with professional personnel. Departmental Library: The collection of reading material in the departmental library is not worthwhile that may fully support the academic activities in the department. The collection development in the departmental library is somewhat slow which hinders some learning options both for the teachers and the students. The departmental library houses more than 1000 documents in the forms of books and theses, whereas the central library houses a very small collection of books on library and information science. Both the central and departmental libraries do not subscribe any journal relating to library science except those which are available on line through digital library of HEC. The departmental library is manual-ridden system managed by the qualified librarian. The departmental library needs to be computerized being a model library. The central library of the university should acquire the demanded books through its centralized acquisition process. Standard 7.3 Class-rooms must be adequately equipped and offices must be adequate to enable faculty to carry out their responsibilities. Class-rooms and faculty offices: The class rooms and the faculty offices are adequate to some extent to carry out the academic, administrative and other sorts of related activities. All the faculty members don’t have their separate offices except the few. The class room facilities are also not up to the mark in terms of proper furniture and multimedia, however multimedia facility is available only in the computer lab for the purpose of some specialized lectures. The faculty members feel a dire need of computer in their offices which should be provided to boast the academic and research activities. 47 Criterion-8 Institutional Support 48 CRITERION-8: INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT The institution’s support and the financial resources for the program must be sufficient to provide an environment in which the program could achieve its objectives and retain the strength required. Standard 8-1: There must be sufficient support and financial resources to attract and retain high quality faculty and provide the means for them to maintain competence as teacher and scholars. The financial resources of the Department of Library and Information Science are rest with University of Balochistan annual budget. The department has qualified faculty mostly with Master degree and each of them striving their best to maintain the competence by exchanging their professional views in professional gathering and attending the seminars and workshops. The meager financial resources for the department are not compatible for the overall development of the department in terms of Lab expansion and the departmental library. The available secretarial support and office equipment are adequate to some extent to execute the daily functions of the department. Standard 8.2: There must be an adequate number of high quality graduate students, research assistants and Ph. D. students The number of graduate students varies from time to time. The department did not register any Ph.D. student during the last three years as the existing faculty is not in position to register such scholars due to non availability of Ph. D. faculty in the department, but the same is possible when the Ph. D. faculty would be available. The following table shows the number of students in each program along with student teacher ratio for the last three years: Table-16 Program of Studies MLIS M. Phil. Ph. D. Research Assistants Student/Teacher Ratio 2007 41 Nil Nil Nil 1:7 Years 2008 50 Nil Nil Nil 1:8 2009 57 Nil Nil Nil I:8 Standard 8.3 Financial resources must be provided to acquire and maintain Library holdings, laboratories and computing facilities The meager resources for the library and the lab become the hurdle in accessing the some specific information for academic achievements of the students and faculty, however reading material is acquired in the departmental library through centralized acquisition of the central library of University of Balochistan, Quetta on a very small scale. Similarly the department lacks the resources and facilities in terms of establishing the laboratory for individual subject practicals. The computing facilities in the department are available to run the functions of the department but that needs to be extended. 49 Findings Assessing the academic program of Library and Information Science (through Self Assessment Surveys) is a good exercise to know the weaknesses and strengths in terms of faculty, curricula, guidance, facilities, resources and future plans for ensuring the quality education in the light of Self Assessment Manual so far designed by Higher Education Commission. The said exercise is conducted in order to get the inputs from faculty, graduating students, Alumni and the employers through a number of surveys so far designed for the purpose. Hence, this Self Assessment Report is based on primary and secondary data to assess the quality education. It is therefore, inferred that: The vision and mission statements of the academic program be followed with letter and spirit. The curriculum of Library and Information Science needs to be updated by incorporating some specific skills of information handling and interpersonal communication. New ideas and information needs to be incorporated in curricula with constant stream. Opportunity are available for the stakeholders to excel in the profession with good status and earnings. The strength of the faculty is not up to the mark in terms of specialization and teaching the specialized courses . Some specialized trainings and refresher courses are also needed on the part of faculty development to keep them abreast in the field. The contribution of the faculty needs to be accelerated specially in the field of research. Departmental library needed the collection development and computerization. Extension and up gradation of Computer lab are felt. Department is cramped for space. Non Ph.D. faculty is not in position to start the new academic programs such as M. Phil and Ph. D. The graduating students, faculty, alumni and the employers seems satisfied with the program of Library and Information Science but their satisfaction levels are not at the extreme end. Moderate improvements are felt to make the discipline of Library and Information Science at the levels of all the stake holders and meeting the futuristic challenges.. 50 51 52 53 54 55 Annexure SELF ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE ORGANOGRAM Submit Annual Report DQA initiates SA HEC QAA QAA Guidelines Through VC Dean Faculty Chairman Program Team PAT QAA A.C Report to QEC Summary to V.C Implementation Plan by the Department Follow up of the implementation plan by QEC Key Words: QAA: Quality Assurance Agency PAT: Program Assessment Team AC: Academic Council PT: Program Team 56