Chapter 4 Intro to Histology -------------------------- Interpreting Tissue Sections ------------------------- Tissue Types -------------------------- Intracelluar Junctions Histology • Histology (microscopic anatomy) – the study of tissues and how they are arranged into organs • Structural Hierarchy of the Human Body – Cells / tissues / organs / systems • Tissue – a group of similar cells and cell products – arise from the same region of the embryo – work together to perform a specific structural or physiological role in an organ. • Organ – structure with discrete boundaries – composed of two or more tissue types // usually all four tissue type will be required to form an organ Modern Cell Theory • All organisms composed of cells and cell products. • Cell is the simplest structural and functional unit of life. – cells are alive • An organism’s structure and functions are due to the activities of its cells. • Cells come only from preexisting cells, not from nonliving matter. – therefore, all life traces its ancestry to the same original cells • Cells of all species have many fundamental similarities in their chemical composition and metabolic mechanisms. The Study of Tissues • 50 trillion cells of 200 different cell types in human body – however! • four broad categories of tissues – epithelial tissue – connective tissue – nervous tissue – muscular tissue Primary Tissue Classes • four primary tissues differ from one another in the: – types and functions of their cells – the characteristics of the matrix (extracellular material) – the relative amount of space occupied by cells versus the matrix • the matrix (extracellular material) is composed of : – “hydrated” fibrous proteins = clear gel substance – Often referred to as: • • • • • ground substance tissue fluid extracellular fluid (ECF) interstitial fluid tissue gel Overview of Tissue • Epithelial (simple / stratified / shape of cell) • Muscle (skeletal / smooth / cardiac) • Connective tissue – Connective tissue proper (general categories) • Dense / Irregular (describes arrangement of fibers) – Connective tissue types • • • • • • Fibrous loose (areolar / reticular) Fibrous dense (regular / irregular) Adipose Bone Blood Cartilage (hyaline / elastic / fibrous) • Nervous – voluntary or involuntary nervous system – Central or peripheral nervous system Nervous tissue: Internal communication • Brain • Spinal cord • Nerves Muscle tissue: Contracts to cause movement • Muscles attached to bones (skeletal) • Muscles of heart (cardiac) • Muscles of walls of hollow organs (smooth) Epithelial tissue: Forms boundaries between different environments, protects, secretes, absorbs, filters • Lining of digestive tract organs and other hollow organs • Skin surface (epidermis) Connective tissue: Supports, protects, binds other tissues together • Bones • Tendons • Fat and other soft padding tissue Interpreting Tissue Sections Interpreting Tissue Sections • preparation of histological specimens – fixative prevents decay (formalin) – histological sections – tissue is sliced into thin sections one or two cells thick – stains – tissue is mounted on slides and artificially colored with histological stain • stains bind to different cellular components • Sectioning reduces three-dimensional structure into a two-dimensional slice Sectioning Solid Objects • sectioning a cell with a centrally located nucleus • some slices miss the cell nucleus • in some the nucleus is smaller Sectioning Hollow Structures • cross section of blood vessel, gut, or other tubular organ. • longitudinal section of a sweat gland. notice what a single slice could look like. (c) Types of Tissue Sections Longitudinal sections • longitudinal section (l.s.) – tissue cut along long direction of organ Cross sections • cross section (c.s. or x.s.) or transverse section (t.s.) – tissue cut perpendicular to length of organ Oblique sections • oblique section – tissue cut at angle between cross and longitudinal section Non-sectioned Preparation • Smear – tissue is rubbed or spread across the slide – spinal cord or blood • Spread – cobwebby tissue is laid out on a slide – areolar tissue Tissue Types Epithelial Tissue Functions • • • • • • Protection Absorption Filtration Excretion Secretion Sensory reception Epithelial Tissue • consists of a flat sheet of closely adhering cells • one or more cells thick • “free surface” / upper surface usually exposed to the environment or an internal space in the body • Basal surface always lie on a layer of loose connective / which provides the blood vessels for nourishment and waste removal • covers body surface or lines body cavities • forms the external and internal linings of many organs • constitutes most glands • extracellular material is so thin it is not visible with a light microscope • avascular (no blood vessels) • Contains nerves • tissue allows no room for blood vessels Polar Epithelium and the Basement Membrane • Epithelial tissue is “polar” – basal surface – surface of an epithelial cell that faces the basement membrane – apical surface – surface of an epithelial cell that faces the “free surface” – away from the basement membrane (microvilli / cilia) • Basement membrane – layer between the epithelial cells and the underlying connective tissue – In skin it is between the epithelial cells and dermis – anchors the epithelium to the connective tissue below it – Non-cellular substance secreted by epithelial cells – basement membrane contains: • collagen • laminin and fibronectin adhesive glycoproteins • heparin sulfate - large protein-carbohydrate complex The Basement Membrane • Basement membrane has two layers – basal lamina (superficial) – reticular lamina (deep) • Basal lamina – – – – – – – – • Non-cellular glycoproteins Secreted by epithelial cells Reinforces epithelial sheet Resists stretching and tearing Acts as a selective filter Defines epithelial boundary Few but some very fine collagen fibers Scaffolding for cell migration in wound repair Reticular lamina – Deep to basal lamina – Network of collagen fibers – Belongs to underlying connective tissue Epithelial Cells Shapes and Classes • Simple epithelium – contains one layer of cells – named by shape of cells – all cells touch the basement membrane • Stratified epithelium – – – – contains more than one layer named by shape of apical cells cells rest on top of others some cells do not touch basement membrane Simple Epithelia • four types of simple epithelia • three named for their cell shapes – simple squamous (thin scaly cells) – simple cuboidal (square or round cells) – simple columnar (tall narrow cells) • fourth type – pseudostratified columnar • • • • not all cells reach the free surface shorter cells are covered over by taller ones looks stratified every cell reaches the basement membrane Simple Epithelia Unicellular Glands • goblet cells – Wine glass shaped mucus secreting cells in simple columnar and pseudostratified epithelia – These are exocrine glands – Other unicellular secretory cells exist that do not look like a wine glass Goblet cell (unicellular exocrine gland). Microvilli Secretory vesicles containing mucin Golgi apparatus Rough ER Nucleus Simple Squamous Epithelium Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Squamous epithelial cells Nuclei of smooth muscle Basement membrane (b) (a) • • • • single row of thin cells permits rapid diffusion or transport of substances secretes serous fluid alveoli, glomeruli, endothelium, and serosa (Note: insert shows serosa of small intestine) Simple squamous epithelium Description: Single layer of flattened cells with disc-shaped central nuclei and sparse cytoplasm; the simplest of the epithelia. Air sacs of lung tissue Nuclei of squamous epithelial cells Function: Allows materials to pass by diffusion and filtration in sites where protection is not important; secretes lubricating substances in serosae. Location: Kidney glomeruli; air sacs of lungs; lining of heart, blood vessels, and lymphatic vessels; lining of ventral body cavity (serosae). Photomicrograph: Simple squamous epithelium forming part of the alveolar (air sac) walls (140x). Simple Cuboidal Epithelium Lumen of kidney tubule (a) Cuboidal epithelial cells Basement membrane (b) • single layer of square or round cells • absorption and secretion, mucus production and movement • liver, thyroid, mammary and salivary glands, bronchioles, and kidney tubules Simple cuboidal epithelium Description: Single layer of cubelike cells with large, spherical central nuclei. Simple cuboidal epithelial cells Nucleus Function: Secretion and absorption. Basement membrane Location: Kidney tubules; ducts and secretory portions of small glands; ovary surface. Connective tissue Photomicrograph: Simple cuboidal epithelium in kidney tubules (430x). Simple Columnar Epithelium Brush border (microvilli) (a) Connective tissue Basement membrane Goblet Nuclei cell Columnar cells (b) • single row tall, narrow cells – oval nuclei in basal half of cell – brush border of microvilli, ciliated in some organs, may possess goblet cells • • absorption and secretion; mucus secretion lining of GI tract, uterus, kidney and uterine tubes Simple columnar epithelium Description: Single layer of tall cells with round to oval nuclei; some cells bear cilia; layer may contain mucus-secreting unicellular glands (goblet cells). Microvilli Simple columnar epithelial cell Function: Absorption; secretion of mucus, enzymes, and other substances; ciliated type propels mucus (or reproductive cells) by ciliary action. Location: Nonciliated type lines most of the digestive tract (stomach to rectum), gallbladder, and excretory ducts of some glands; ciliated variety lines small bronchi, uterine tubes, and some regions of the uterus. Mucus of goblet cell Basement membrane Photomicrograph: Simple columnar epithelium of the small intestine mucosa (660x). Pseudostratified Epithelium (not covered in lab exercise) Cilia (a) Basement membrane (b) • looks multilayered; some not reaching free surface; all touch basement membrane – nuclei at several layers – with cilia and goblet cells • • secretes and propels mucus respiratory tract and portions of male urethra Basal cells Goblet cell Pseudostratified columnar epithelium Description: Single layer of cells of differing heights, some not reaching the free surface; nuclei seen at different levels; may contain mucus-secreting cells and bear cilia. Cilia Pseudostratified epithelial layer Function: Secrete substances, particularly mucus; propulsion of mucus by ciliary action. Location: Nonciliated type in male’s sperm-carrying ducts and ducts of large glands; ciliated variety lines the trachea, most of the upper respiratory tract. Trachea Photomicrograph: Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium lining the human trachea (800x). Basement membrane Stratified Epithelia • • • • range from 2 to 20 or more layers of cells some cells resting directly on others only the deepest layer attaches to the basement membrane three stratified epithelia are named for the shapes of their surface cells – stratified squamous – stratified cuboidal – stratified columnar (rare) • fourth type – transitional epithelium • • most widespread epithelium in the body deepest layers undergo continuous mitosis – their daughter cells push toward the surface and become flatter as they migrate farther upward – finally die and flake off – exfoliation or desquamation • two kinds of stratified squamous epithelia – keratinized – found on skin surface, abrasion resistant – nonkeratinized – lacks surface layer of dead cells Keratinized Stratified Squamous Dead squamous cells Living epithelial cells Dense irregular connective tissue Areolar tissue (a) • • • • (b) multiple cell layers with cells becoming flat and scaly toward surface epidermis; palms and soles heavily keratinized resists abrasion; retards water loss through skin; resists penetration by pathogenic organisms Cutaneous membrane Nonkeratinized Stratified Squamous Living epithelial cells (a) • • • • Connective tissue (b) same as keratinized epithelium without the surface layer of dead cells tongue, oral mucosa, esophagus and vagina resists abrasion and penetration of pathogens Adult vagina, oral cavity, esophagus Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium (not covered in lab exercise) Cuboidal cells (a) Epithelium Connective tissue (b) • two or more cell layers; surface cells square or round • secretes sweat; sperm production and produces ovarian hormones • sweat gland ducts; ovarian follicles and seminiferous tubules Transitional Epithelium Basement membrane (a) Connective tissue Binucleate epithelial cell (b) • multilayered epithelium surface cells that change from round to flat when stretched • allows for filling of urinary tract • ureter and bladder Transitional epithelium Description: Resembles both stratified squamous and stratified cuboidal; basal cells cuboidal or columnar; surface cells dome shaped or squamouslike, depending on degree of organ stretch. Transitional epithelium Function: Stretches readily, permits stored urine to distend urinary organ. Location: Lines the ureters, bladder, and part of the urethra. Photomicrograph: Transitional epithelium lining the bladder, relaxed state (360x); note the bulbous, or rounded, appearance of the cells at the surface; these cells flatten and elongate when the bladder fills with urine. Basement membrane Connective tissue Connective Tissue • a type of tissue in which cells usually occupy less space than the extracellular material • binds organs to each other • support and protect organs • most cells of connective tissue are not in direct contact with each other – separated by extracellular material (matrix / ground substance) • highly vascular – richly supplied with blood vessels • most abundant, widely distributed, and histologically variable of the primary tissues Functions of Connective Tissue • binding of organs – tendons and ligaments • support – bones and cartilage • physical protection – cranium, ribs, sternum • immune protection – white blood cells attack foreign invaders • movement – bones provide lever system • storage – fat, calcium, phosphorus • heat production – metabolism of brown fat in infants • transport - blood Components of Fibrous Connective Tissue (Cells / Fibers / Matrix) • Cells – fibroblasts produce fibers and ground substance – adipocytes store triglycerides (fat molecules) – Blood’s formed elements • macrophages phagocytize foreign material and activate immune system when sense foreign matter (antigen) – arise from white blood cell - monocytes • leukocytes or white blood cells – neutrophils wander in search of and attacking bacteria – lymphocytes react against bacteria, toxins, and other foreign material • plasma cells synthesize disease fighting antibodies – arise from lymphocytes • mast cells – found along side of blood vessels – secrete heparin inhibits clotting – histamine that dilates blood vessels Components of Fibrous Connective Tissue (Cells / Fibers / Matrix) • Fibers – collagenous fibers • most abundant of the body’s proteins – 25% • tough, flexible, and resist stretching • tendons, ligaments, and deep layer of the skin are mostly collagen • less visible in matrix of cartilage and bone • White fibers – reticular fibers • thin collagen fibers coated with glycoprotein • form framework of such organs as spleen and lymph nodes – elastic fibers • • • • • thinner than collagenous fibers branch and rejoin each other made of protein called elastin allows stretch and recoil yellow fibers – fresh elastic fibers Components of Fibrous Connective Tissue (Cells / Fibers / Matrix) • Ground Substance / Matrix – usually a gelatinous to rubbery consistency resulting from three classes of large molecules – glycosaminoglycans (GAG) • long polysaccharide composed of unusual disaccharides called amino sugars and uronic acid • play important role of regulating water and electrolyte balance in the tissues • chondroitin sulfate – most abundant GAG – in blood vessels and bone – responsible for stiffness of cartilage • hyaluronic acid – viscous, slippery substance that forms an effective lubricant in joints and constitutes much of the vitreous body of the eyeball – proteoglycan • gigantic molecule shaped like a test-tube brush • forms thick colloids that creates strong structural bond between cells and extracellular macromolecules – holds tissues together – adhesive glycoproteins – bind components of tissues together Cell types Macrophage Fibroblast Lymphocyte Fat cell Mast cell Neutrophil Capillary Extracellular matrix Ground substance Fibers • Collagen fiber • Elastic fiber • Reticular fiber Fibrous Connective Tissue • loose connective tissue – much gel-like ground substance between cells – types • areolar • reticular • dense connective tissue – fibers fill spaces between cells – types vary in fiber orientation • dense regular connective tissue • dense irregular connective tissue Tendons Fibrous Loose Connective Tissue (Also Known as Areolar Tissue) • loosely organized fibers, abundant blood vessels, and a lot of seemingly empty space • possess all six cell types • fibers run in random directions – mostly collagenous, but elastic and reticular also present • found in tissue sections from almost every part of the body – surrounds blood vessels and nerves • nearly every epithelium rests on a layer of areolar tissue – blood vessels provide nutrition to epithelium and waste removal – ready supply of infection fighting leukocytes that move about freely in areolar tissue Fibrous Loose CT / Areolar Tissue Ground substance (a) Elastic fibers Collagenous fibers Fibroblasts (b) • loosely organized fibers, abundant blood vessels, and a lot of seemingly empty space • underlies all epithelia, in serous membranes, between muscles, passageways for nerves and blood vessels Fibrous Loose CT / Areolar Tissue Connective tissue proper: loose connective tissue, areolar Description: Gel-like matrix with all three fiber types; cells: fibroblasts, macrophages, mast cells, and some white blood cells. Function: Wraps and cushions organs; its macrophages phagocytize bacteria; plays important role in inflammation; holds and conveys tissue fluid. Location: Widely distributed under epithelia of body, e.g., forms lamina propria of mucous membranes; packages organs; surrounds capillaries. Elastic fibers Ground substance Fibroblast nuclei Collagen fibers Epithelium Lamina propria Photomicrograph: Areolar connective tissue, a soft packaging tissue of the body (340x). Fibrous Loose CT / Reticular Tissue Leukocytes (a) Reticular fibers (b) • mesh of reticular fibers and fibroblasts • forms supportive stroma (framework) for lymphatic organs • found in lymph nodes, spleen, thymus and bone marrow Fibrous Loose CT / Reticular Tissue Connective tissue proper: loose connective tissue, reticular Description: Network of reticular fibers in a typical loose ground substance; reticular cells lie on the network. Function: Fibers form a soft internal skeleton (stroma) that supports other cell types including white blood cells, mast cells, and macrophages. White blood cell (lymphocyte) Location: Lymphoid organs (lymph nodes, bone marrow, and spleen). Spleen Reticular fibers Photomicrograph: Dark-staining network of reticular connective tissue fibers forming the internal skeleton of the spleen (350x). Fibrous Dense Regular Connective Tissue Collagen fibers (a) Ground substance Fibroblast nuclei (b) • densely, packed, parallel collagen fibers – compressed fibroblast nuclei • tendons attach muscles to bones and ligaments hold bones together Fibrous Dense Regular Connective Tissue Connective tissue proper: dense connective tissue, dense regular Description: Primarily parallel collagen fibers; a few elastic fibers; major cell type is the fibroblast. Function: Attaches muscles to bones or to muscles; attaches bones to bones; withstands great tensile stress when pulling force is applied in one direction. Collagen fibers Location: Tendons, most ligaments, aponeuroses. Nuclei of fibroblasts Shoulder joint Ligament Tendon Photomicrograph: Dense regular connective tissue from a tendon (430x). Fibrous Dense Irregular Connective Tissue Bundles of Gland collagen fibers ducts (a) Fibroblast Ground nuclei substance (b) • densely packed, randomly arranged, collagen fibers and few visible cells – withstands unpredictable stresses – deeper layer of skin; capsules around organs Connective tissue proper: dense connective tissue, dense irregular Description: Primarily irregularly arranged collagen fibers; some elastic fibers; fibroblast is the major cell type. Nuclei of fibroblasts Function: Withstands tension exerted in many directions; provides structural strength. Location: Fibrous capsules of organs and of joints; dermis of the skin; submucosa of digestive tract. Collagen fibers Shoulder joint Fibrous joint capsule Photomicrograph: Dense irregular connective tissue from the fibrous capsule of a joint (430x). Connective tissue proper: dense connective tissue, elastic Description: Dense regular connective tissue containing a high proportion of elastic fibers. Function: Allows tissue to recoil after stretching; maintains pulsatile flow of blood through arteries; aids passive recoil of lungs following inspiration. Location: Walls of large arteries; within certain ligaments associated with the vertebral column; within the walls of the bronchial tubes. Elastic fibers Aorta Heart Photomicrograph: Elastic connective tissue in the wall of the aorta (250x). Bone • ‘bone’ has two meanings: – an organ of the body; femur, mandible; composed of multiple tissue types – bone tissue – osseous tissue – makes up most of the mass of bone • two forms of osseous tissue – spongy bone - spongy in appearance • delicate struts of bone - trabeculae • covered by compact bone • found in heads of long bones and in middle of flat bones such as the sternum – compact bone – denser calcified tissue with no visible spaces • more complex arrangement • cells and matrix surround vertically oriented blood vessels in long bones Bone Tissue (compact bone) Concentric Central lamellae Lacunae Canaliculi of osteon canal Osteon (a) Blood vessel (a) • (b) Adipocyte Lipid in nucleus adipocyte (b) most compact bone is arranged in cylinders that surround central (haversian or osteonic) canals that run longitudinally through shafts of long bones – blood vessels and nerves travel through central canal • bone matrix deposited in concentric lamella – onionlike layers around each central canal • • • • osteon – central canal and its surrounding lamellae osteocytes – mature bone cells that occupy the lacunae canaliculi – delicate canals that radiate from each lacuna to its neighbors, and allows osteocytes to contact each other periosteum – tough fibrous connective tissue covering of the bone as a whole Others: bone (osseous tissue) Description: Hard, calcified matrix containing many collagen fibers; osteocytes lie in lacunae. Very well vascularized. Function: Supports and protects (by enclosing); provides levers for the muscles to act on; stores calcium and other minerals and fat; marrow inside bones is the site for blood cell formation (hematopoiesis). Central canal Lacunae Lamella Location: Bones Photomicrograph: Cross-sectional view of bone (125x). Blood • fluid connective tissue • transports cells and dissolved matter from place to place • plasma – blood’s liquid ground substance • formed elements – cells and cell fragments – erythrocytes – red blood cells – transport O2 and CO2 – leukocytes – white blood cells – defense against infection and other diseases – platelets – cell fragments involved in clotting and other mechanisms Platelets Neutrophils Lymphocyte Erythrocytes Monocyte Connective tissue: blood Description: Red and white blood cells in a fluid matrix (plasma). Red blood cells (erythrocytes) Function: Transport respiratory gases, nutrients, wastes, and other substances. White blood cells: • Lymphocyte • Neutrophil Location: Contained within blood vessels. Plasma Photomicrograph: Smear of human blood (1670x); shows two white blood cells surrounded by red blood cells. Cartilage • supportive connective tissue with flexible, rubbery matrix • gives shape to ear, tip of nose, and larynx • chondroblasts produce matrix and surround them selves until they become trapped in little cavities (lacunae) • chondrocytes – cartilage cells in lacunae • perichondrium – sheath of dense irregular connective tissue that surrounds elastic and most hyaline cartilage (not articular cartilage) – contains a reserve population of chondroblasts that contribute to cartilage growth throughout life • No blood vessels – diffusion brings nutrients and removes wastes – heals slowly • matrix rich in chondroitin sulfate and contain collagen fibers • types of cartilage vary with fiber types – hyaline cartilage, fibrocartilage and elastic cartilage Hyaline Cartilage Matrix (a) • • • • Cell nest Perichondrium Lacunae Chondrocytes (b) clear, glassy microscopic appearance because of unusual fineness of the collagen fibers usually covered by perichondrium articular cartilage, costal cartilage, trachea, larynx, fetal skeleton eases joint movement, holds airway open, moves vocal cords during speech Cartilage: hyaline Description: Amorphous but firm matrix; collagen fibers form an imperceptible network; chondroblasts produce the matrix and when mature (chondrocytes) lie in lacunae. Function: Supports and reinforces; serves as resilient cushion; resists compressive stress. Chondrocyte in lacuna Location: Forms most of the embryonic skeleton; covers the ends of long bones in joint cavities; forms costal cartilages of the ribs; cartilages of the nose, trachea, and larynx. Costal cartilages Matrix Photomicrograph: Hyaline cartilage from a costal cartilage of a rib (470x). Elastic Cartilage Perichondrium Elastic fibers Lacunae Chondrocytes (a) Blood vessel (a) (b) (b) • cartilage containing elastic fibers • covered with perichondrium • provides flexible, elastic support – external ear and epiglottis Adipocyte Lipid in nucleus adipocyte Elastic Cartilage Cartilage: elastic Description: Similar to hyaline cartilage, but more elastic fibers in matrix. Function: Maintains the shape of a structure while allowing great flexibility. Chondrocyte in lacuna Matrix Location: Supports the external ear (pinna); epiglottis. Photomicrograph: Elastic cartilage from the human ear pinna; forms the flexible skeleton of the ear (800x). Fibrocartilage Collagen fibers (a) (a) (a) Blood Adipocyte Lipid in Blood Adipocyte Lipid in vessel nucleus adipocyte vessel nucleus adipocyte (b) (b) • • • Chondrocytes (b) cartilage containing large, coarse bundles of collagen fibers never has perichondrium resists compression and absorbs shock – pubic symphysis, menisci, and intervertebral discs Fibrocartilage Cartilage: fibrocartilage Description: Matrix similar to but less firm than that in hyaline cartilage; thick collagen fibers predominate. Function: Tensile strength allows it to absorb compressive shock. Location: Intervertebral discs; pubic symphysis; discs of knee joint. Chondrocytes in lacunae Intervertebral discs Collagen fiber Photomicrograph: Fibrocartilage of an intervertebral disc (125x). Special staining produced the blue color seen. Adipose Tissue / Another Form of CT • adipose tissue (fat) – tissue in which adipocytes are the dominant cell type • space between adipocytes is occupied by areolar tissue, reticular tissue, and blood capillaries • fat is the body’s primary energy reservoir • the quantity of stored triglyceride and the number of adipocytes are quite stable in a person – – – fat is recycled continuously to prevent stagnation new triglycerides are constantly synthesized and stored old triglycerides are hydrolyzed and released into circulation • provides thermal insulation • anchors and cushions organs such as eyeball, kidneys • contributes to body contours – female breast and hips • on average, women have more fat than men • too little fat can reduce female fertility • most adult fat is called white fat • brown fat – in fetuses, infants, children – a heat generating tissue Adipose Tissue Blood vessel (a) Adipocyte nucleus Lipid in adipocyte (b) • empty-looking cells with thin margins; nucleus pressed against cell membrane • energy storage, insulation, cushioning – subcutaneous fat and organ packing – brown fat (hibernating animals) produces heat Connective tissue proper: loose connective tissue, adipose Description: Matrix as in areolar, but very sparse; closely packed adipocytes, or fat cells, have nucleus pushed to the side by large fat droplet. Function: Provides reserve food fuel; insulates against heat loss; supports and protects organs. Nucleus of adipose (fat) cell Location: Under skin in subcutaneous tissue; around kidneys and eyeballs; within abdomen; in breasts. Adipose tissue Fat droplet Photomicrograph: Adipose tissue from the subcutaneous layer under the skin (350x). Mammary glands Excitable Tissues Muscular & Nervous Tissue • excitability – a characteristic of all living cells – developed to highest degree in nervous and muscular tissues • membrane potential – electrical charge difference (voltage) that occurs across the plasma membranes is the basis for their excitation – respond quickly to outside stimulus by means of changes in membrane potential • nerves – changes result in rapid transmission of signals to other cells • muscles – changes result in contraction, shortening of the cell • specialized for communication by electrical and chemical signals • consists of neurons (nerve cells) – detect stimuli – respond quickly – transmit coded information rapidly to other cells • neuroglia (glial) – protect and assist neurons – ‘housekeepers’ of nervous system • neuron parts – neurosoma (cell body) • houses nucleus and other organelles • cell’s center of genetic control and protein synthesis – dendrites • multiple short, branched processes • receive signals from other cells • transmit messages to neurosoma – axon (nerve fiber) • sends outgoing signals to other cells • can be more than a meter long Nervous Tissue Nuclei of glial cells Axon Neurosoma Dendrites Nervous tissue Description: Neurons are branching cells; cell processes that may be quite long extend from the nucleus-containing cell body; also contributing to nervous tissue are nonexcitable supporting cells. Nuclei of supporting cells Neuron processes Cell body Axon Dendrites Cell body of a neuron Function: Neurons transmit electrical signals from sensory receptors and to effectors (muscles and glands) which control their activity; supporting cells support and protect neurons. Neuron processes Location: Brain, spinal cord, and nerves. Photomicrograph: Neurons (350x). Muscular Tissue • elongated cells that are specialized to contract in response to stimulation • primary job is to exert physical force on other tissues and organs • creates movements involved in body and limb movement, digestion, waste elimination, breathing, speech, and blood circulation • important source of body heat • three types of muscle: skeletal, cardiac, and smooth Skeletal Muscle • • • long, threadlike cells – muscle fibers most attach to bone exceptions – in tongue, upper esophagus, facial muscles, some sphincter muscles – (ringlike or cufflike muscles that open and close body passages) • • • contains multiple nuclei adjacent to plasma membrane striations – alternating dark and light bands voluntary – conscious control over skeletal muscles Nuclei (a) (b) Striations Muscle fiber Skeletal muscle Description: Long, cylindrical, multinucleate cells; obvious striations. Part of muscle fiber (cell) Function: Voluntary movement; locomotion; manipulation of the environment; facial expression; voluntary control. Nuclei Location: In skeletal muscles attached to bones or occasionally to skin. Striations Photomicrograph: Skeletal muscle (approx. 440x). Notice the obvious banding pattern and the fact that these large cells are multinucleate. Cardiac Muscle • • • • limited to the heart myocytes or cardiocytes are much shorter, branched, and notched at ends contain one centrally located nucleus surrounded by light staining glycogen intercalated discs join cardiocytes end to end – provide electrical and mechanical connection • striated, and involuntary (not under conscious control) Intercalated discs (a) (b) Striations Glycogen Cardiac muscle Description: Branching, striated, generally uninucleate cells that interdigitate at specialized junctions (intercalated discs). Intercalated discs Function: As it contracts, it propels blood into the circulation; involuntary control. Striations Location: The walls of the heart. Nucleus Photomicrograph: Cardiac muscle (900x); notice the striations, branching of cells, and the intercalated discs. Smooth Muscle Nuclei (a) • • • • • Muscle cells (b) lacks striations and is involuntary relatively short, fusiform cells (thick in middle, tapered at ends) one centrally located nucleus visceral muscle – forms layers of digestive, respiratory, and urinary tract: blood vessels, uterus and other viscera propels contents through an organ, regulates diameter of blood vessels Smooth muscle Description: Spindle-shaped cells with central nuclei; no striations; cells arranged closely to form sheets. Function: Propels substances or objects (foodstuffs, urine, a baby) along internal passageways; involuntary control. Nuclei Location: Mostly in the walls of hollow organs. Smooth muscle cell Photomicrograph: Sheet of smooth muscle (720x). Membranes • Functions: – Covers the exterior body surface – line body cavities – cover the viscera • serous membrane (serosa) - internal membrane – simple squamous epithelium over areolar tissue – produces serous fluid that arises from blood – covers organs and lines walls of body cavities • endothelium lines blood vessels and heart • mesothelium line body cavities (pericardium, peritoneum and pleura) • Mucous membranes – Line cavities and tubular structures “continuous” with external environment • cutaneous membrane – the skin = largest membrane in the body – stratified squamous epithelium (epidermis) over connective tissue (dermis) – relatively dry layer serves protective function • synovial membrane - lines joint cavities – connective tissue layer only, secretes synovial fluid Serous Membranes • Serosae—found in closed ventral body cavity • Simple squamous epithelium (mesothelium) resting on thin areolar connective tissue • Parietal serosae line internal body cavity walls • Visceral serosae cover internal organs • Serous fluid between layers • Moist membranes • Pleurae, pericardium, peritoneum Serous membranes Serous membranes line body cavities that are closed to the exterior. Parietal pleura Visceral pleura Visceral Parietal pericardium pericardium Parietal peritoneum Visceral peritoneum Mucous Membranes • Mucosa indicates location not cell composition • All called mucosae – Line body cavities open to the exterior (e.g., Digestive, respiratory, urogenital tracts) • Moist membranes bathed by secretions (or urine) • Epithelial cells of mucous membranes over layer of connective tissue called lamina propria (form of areolar tissue) • May secrete mucus – Mucin + water = mucus Mucous membranes Mucous membranes line body cavities that are open to the exterior. Mucosa of nasal cavity Mucosa of mouth Esophagus lining Mucosa of lung bronchi Mucous coat Cilia Epithelium Mucin in goblet cell Ciliated cells of pseudostratified epithelium Basement membrane Mucous membrane (mucosa) Blood vessel Lamina propria Collagen fibers Fibroblast Elastic fibers Muscularis mucosae • Mucous Membranes (Mucosa) – lines passages that open to the external environment – digestive, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive tracts – consists of two to three layers: • epithelium • lamina propria – areolar connective tissue • muscularis mucosae – smooth muscle layer – absorptive, secretory, and protective functions – covered with mucus Intracelluar Junctions Intercellular Junctions Tight junction Plasma membrane Membrane protein Intercellular space Desmosome Intermediate filaments Glycoprotein Protein plaque Intercellular space Plasma membrane Gap junction Pore Connexon Membrane protein Cell nucleus Basement membrane Hemidesmosome Pore Proteins • • • intercellular junctions – connections between one cell and another all cells (except blood and metastatic cancer cells) are anchored to each other or their matrix by intercellular junctions resist stress and communicate with each other Tight Junctions • a region in which adjacent cells are bound together by fusion of the outer phospholipid layer of their plasma membranes. – in epithelia, forms a zone that complete encircles each cell near its apical pole – seals off intercellular space – makes it impossible for something to pass between cells Tight junction Desmosome Gap junction Desmosomes • • • patch that holds cells together (like a clothing snap) serves to keep cells from pulling apart – resists mechanical stress hooklike J-shaped proteins arise from cytoskeleton – approach cells surface – penetrate into thick protein plaques linked to transmembrane proteins • hemidesmosomes – anchor the basal cells of epithelium to the underlying basement membrane – epithelium can not easily peel away from underlying tissues Tight junction Desmosome Gap junction Gap Junctions • formed by a ringlike connexon • communicating junction – consists of six transmembrane proteins arranged like segments of an orange – surrounding a water-filled pores – ions, glucose, amino acids and other solutes pass from one cell to the next Tight junction Desmosome Gap junction