Confidential Files of the Eisenhower White House, Part 2

A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of
Microfilms from Major Archival and Manuscript Collections
General Editor: William E. Leuchtenburg
The Confidential File of the
Eisenhower White House, 1953–1961
Part 2: Presidential Trips and Conferences
A UPA Collection
Cover: Portrait courtesy of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Library.
Microfilms from Major Archival and Manuscript Collections
General Editor: William E. Leuchtenburg
The Confidential File of the
White House, 1953–1961
Part 2: Presidential Trips and Conferences
Project Editor
Robert E. Lester
Guide compiled by
Susan Leinbach
A UPA Collection from
7500 Old Georgetown Road • Bethesda, MD 20814-6126
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
The confidential file of the Eisenhower White House, 1953–1961 [microform] / project
editor, Robert E. Lester.
microfilm reels. — (Research collections in American politics)
“The documents reproduced in this publication are from the Papers of Dwight D.
Eisenhower in the custody of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, National Archives and
Records Administration. Former President Eisenhower donated his literary rights in these
documents to the public.”
Includes index.
Contents: pt. 1. Confidential subject files—pt. 2. Presidential trips and conferences.
ISBN 1-55655-959-3 (pt. 1) — ISBN 0-88692-630-0 (pt. 2)
1. United States—Politics and government—1953–1961—Sources. 2. United
States—Foreign relations—1953–1961—Sources. 3. Dwight D. Eisenhower
Library—Archives. I. Lester, Robert. II. United States. National Archives and Records
Administration. III. LexisNexis (Firm) IV. Series.
Copyright © 2005 LexisNexis,
a division of Reed Elsevier Inc.
All rights reserved.
ISBN 1-88692-630-0.
Scope and Content Note ............................................................................................
Source Note .................................................................................................................
Editorial Note ..............................................................................................................
Acknowledgments ......................................................................................................
Abbreviations ..............................................................................................................
Reel Index
Reel 1
Bermuda Meeting, March 21–23, 1957 .................................................................
Big Four Conference .............................................................................................
Canada, Trip of President, 1958 ...........................................................................
Conference on Nuclear Test Suspension .............................................................
Eisenhower, Milton, Trip to South America ...........................................................
Reel 2
Eisenhower, Milton, Trip to South America cont. ..................................................
Four Power Conference ........................................................................................
Geneva Conference (Big Four Conference), July 1955 .......................................
Reel 3
Mexico, Trip of President to, 1959 ........................................................................
Nixon Trip to Far East, Etc. ...................................................................................
North Atlantic Treaty Organization ........................................................................
Reel 4
North Atlantic Treaty Organization cont. ............................................................... 9
President’s Trip to Europe, 1959 ........................................................................... 10
Reel 5
President’s Trip to Europe, 1959 cont. .................................................................. 11
Reel 6
President’s Trip to Europe, Asia, & Africa, December 1959 ................................. 14
Reel 7
President’s Trip to Europe, Asia, & Africa, December 1959 cont. ........................ 17
President’s Trip to Latin America, 1960 ................................................................ 18
Reel 8
President’s Trip to Latin America, 1960 cont. ....................................................... 19
President’s Trip to Russia, Japan, & Far East, 1960 ............................................ 20
Reel 9
President’s Trip to Russia, Japan, & Far East, 1960 cont. ................................... 22
President’s Trip to Summit Meeting—France—Portugal, May 1960 .................... 23
Reel 10
President’s Trip to Summit Meeting—France—Portugal, May 1960 cont. ........... 24
Reel 11
President’s Trip to Summit Meeting—France—Portugal, May 1960 cont. ........... 25
Summit Conference .............................................................................................. 26
Vice-President’s Trip to Africa .............................................................................. 26
Principal Correspondents Index ............................................................................... 27
Subject Index ............................................................................................................... 31
This edition of The Confidential File of the Eisenhower White House, 1953–1961,
Part 2: Presidential Trips and Conferences, contains a variety of telegrams, letters,
newspaper clippings, and background materials that provide insight into the detailed
planning involved in arranging presidential travel as well as the major issues of
international concern during Dwight D. Eisenhower’s presidency.
The collection consists of eleven reels, organized by trip or conference.
Telegrams between officials in Washington, D.C., and U.S. diplomatic personnel
appear frequently, documenting travel arrangements as they were negotiated and
finalized with the destination countries. Eisenhower’s trip planners had an array of
details to attend to before the president traveled, from drafting almost minute-byminute schedules, to arranging security and accommodations for the presidential
party, to setting up press coverage of the trip, to choosing suitable gifts to offer the
president’s hosts. The locally stationed U.S. diplomats proved invaluable in providing
details such as local telephone numbers or the names of the Indian president’s
grandchildren (Reel 6, Frame 0636).
The materials for many of the trips covered in this collection include briefing books
that contain background information on the country or countries on the itinerary, as
well as biographical sketches of foreign leaders and officials. The briefing books
might also include drafts of statements that Eisenhower intended to deliver upon
arrival in or departure from the host country, or as luncheon or dinner toasts. A few
briefing books include diagrams of airports or other specific locations that
Eisenhower planned to visit (see, e.g., Reel 9, Frame 0061).
One major goodwill trip to Europe, Asia, and Africa in December 1959 involved
stops in Rome, Italy; Ankara, Turkey; Karachi, Pakistan; Kabul, Afghanistan; New
Delhi, India; Athens, Greece; Tunisia; Toulon and Paris, France; Madrid, Spain; and
Morocco. Each stop required its own separate arrangements for transportation,
accommodations, press, and security, among other details, all documented here.
Eisenhower’s son John accompanied him on this tour, and the documents include
schedules of activities for John Eisenhower and his wife. The relevant materials run
from Reel 6, Frame 0001 to Reel 7, Frame 0631.
Security concerns over violent anti-U.S. protests in Tokyo led to the cancellation
of a trip to Japan in the summer of 1960, but the pre-trip planning is documented
here, from press arrangements to notes on the possibility of shipping a special car to
Japan. Materials related to the Japan trip, which was to occur in conjunction with a
broader tour of Asia and Russia, appear between Reel 8, Frame 0048 and Reel 9,
Frame 0932.
Other presidential travels covered in this collection include trips to Canada
(Reel 1, Frames 0546–0925), Mexico (Reel 3, Frames 0001–0380), Europe (Reel 4,
Frame 0432 to the end of Reel 5), and Latin America (Reel 7, Frame 0632–Reel 8,
Frame 0047).
Beyond trip-planning minutiae and background information, however, this
collection highlights the important issues of the day—issues of immediate and
serious concern in a cold war world. The July 1955 Geneva Conference, or Four
Power Conference, was the first summit meeting of the United States, the United
Kingdom (UK), France, and the Soviet Union to be held in ten years. In an attempt to
restore mutual trust between East and West, Eisenhower and his counterparts
discussed German reunification, collective security in Europe, disarmament, and
cultural exchanges. Though the participants reached no substantive agreement, the
conference closed on an optimistic note, with plans for a future meeting of the four
powers’ foreign ministers. Materials related to the conference, including session
transcripts, begin at Frame 0085 of Reel 2 and continue to the end of that reel.
Because of U.S. actions during the 1956 Suez crisis, in early 1957 the U.S.-UK
“special relationship” was at a low ebb, with anti-U.S. sentiments running high in
Britain. Thus Eisenhower and new Prime Minister Harold Macmillan arranged to meet
for a summit conference in Bermuda in March 1957. Middle East policy was central
to the agenda, but the two leaders also discussed U.S. entry into the Baghdad Pact
Military Committee, the continuing Soviet threat, and the deployment of U.S.-made
missiles in the UK. Bermuda Meeting materials appear on Reel 1, Frames 0001–
Eisenhower had great hopes for an East-West summit meeting to be held in Paris,
France, in May 1960. Issues on the agenda included the status of Berlin;
disarmament; and East-West scientific, technical, educational, and cultural
exchanges. In the end, however, the conference came to naught, because in early
May the Soviet Union shot down an American U2 plane in Soviet airspace. Soviet
Premier Nikita Khrushchev stormed out on the first day of the summit, accusing the
United States of espionage and duplicity. Documents, including briefing books, on
the planning for this summit meeting run from Reel 9, Frame 0933 to Reel 11, Frame
There is also a selection of documents on NATO, including material on the
organization’s leaders, its military and economic role, U.S. NATO troops stationed in
Europe, disarmament, international cooperation, and Eisenhower’s meetings with
NATO officials. NATO materials begin at Reel 3, Frame 0535 and continue through
Reel 4, Frame 0431.
Finally, the collection contains some documents relating to trips made by U.S.
officials other than Eisenhower. Vice President Richard M. Nixon embarked on an
extensive tour of the Far East and Pacific area in October 1953, visiting Australia,
New Zealand, Ceylon, and Thailand, among other countries. Materials about this trip,
including many laudatory news clippings from the Australian press, appear on Reel 3
between Frames 0381 and 0534. In addition, papers summarizing a 1957 Nixon trip
to Africa are reproduced on Reel 11 beginning at Frame 0397.
Milton Eisenhower—who served as an adviser on Latin American affairs for his
brother, President Eisenhower—traveled to South America in 1953, and issues
pertaining to that visit are documented on Reel 1, Frame 0926 through Reel 2, Frame
This collection offers a detailed look into the extensive planning and scheduling
involved in organizing presidential travel as well as a larger overview of the major
international issues facing Eisenhower and his administration. Students of the
presidency itself and of U.S. foreign policy will find the documents especially useful.
Other LexisNexis collections relating to the Eisenhower presidency include The
Dwight D. Eisenhower National Security Files, 1953–1961; President Dwight D.
Eisenhower’s Office Files, 1953–1961; Confidential U.S. State Department Central
Files; Confidential U.S. State Department Special Files; Minutes and Documents of
the Cabinet Meetings of President Eisenhower (1953–1961); and The Documentary
History of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidency .
The documents reproduced in this microform publication are from the Records as
President: White House Central Files, Confidential File, in the custody of the Dwight
D. Eisenhower Library, Abilene, Kans.
The White House Central Files comprise the largest collection in the Eisenhower
Library, totaling approximately 6,500,000 pages. All of the major foreign and domestic
issues and policies associated with the Eisenhower administration, as well as the
political events of the period, are documented in the Central Files. The White House
Central Files are subdivided into the Confidential File (CF), the Official File (OF), the
General File (GF), and the President’s Personal File (PPF).
The Confidential File of the Eisenhower White House, 1953–1961, consists of the
open and declassified portions of the Confidential File. The Confidential File contains
the highest-level materials in the White House Central Files. The correspondence,
memoranda, telegrams, and reports in the file are especially rich on subjects such as
national security policy, foreign relations, domestic and foreign economic policy, and
natural resources. The Confidential File is subdivided into two series: Name Series
and Subject Series. The Subject Series is organized alphabetically by subject title
and chronologically thereunder. The date coverage of the series is essentially 1953–
1961. Due to the volume of pages in the Subject Series—approximately 82,000—
LexisNexis has published the series in three parts focusing on presidential trips and
conferences, departments and agencies, and general subjects.
Part 2: Presidential Trips and Conferences consists of select subjects from the
Subject Series: the Bermuda Meeting with Harold Macmillan, the 1955 Geneva
Conference, Vice President Richard M. Nixon’s trip to the Far East, the president’s
visit to Europe, the aborted presidential visit to the Far East, and the Paris Summit
with Nikita Khrushchev. The trips and conferences are arranged in alphabetical
order, with individual documents in chronological order. All of the open and
declassified materials have been microfilmed. A very small number of documents
remain classified. LexisNexis has filmed all “Document Withdrawal Sheets,” which
itemize documents that have been withdrawn from the folders, due to either national
security or privacy restrictions, by the staff of the Eisenhower Library.
LexisNexis would like to acknowledge the assistance and cooperation of the
Dwight D. Eisenhower Library in Abilene, Kans. Herbert Pankratz, Michelle Kopfer,
Chalsea Milner, and other staff were most helpful and patient in providing the support
necessary for completion of this microform. Their efforts are greatly appreciated.
The following abbreviations are used three or more times in this guide.
European Atomic Energy Community
Federal Republic of Germany
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
People’s Republic of China
Republic of China (Taiwan)
Republic of Korea (South Korea)
United Kingdom
United Nations
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
The following index is a list of the folders that compose The Confidential File of the
Eisenhower White House, 1953–1961, Part 2: Presidential Trips and Conferences. The four-digit
number on the far left is the frame at which a particular file folder begins. The file title follows the
frame number. Substantive issues are highlighted under the heading Major Topics, as are
prominent correspondents under the heading Principal Correspondents. Major Topics and
Principal Correspondents are listed in order of first appearance and each topic or correspondent
is listed only once for each folder.
Reel 1
Frame No.
Bermuda Meeting [Folder for Brig. Gen. Goodpaster] (1), March 21–23, 1957.
Major Topics: Conference agendas; U.S.-UK relations; Middle East developments;
Suez Canal; U.S.-UK support for NATO; U.S. military assistance to UK;
disarmament; USSR foreign policy; German reunification; U.S.-UK support for
UN; regional mutual security pacts; U.S. aid to Middle East countries; UK actions
in Cyprus; international trade controls.
Bermuda Meeting [Folder for Brig. Gen. Goodpaster] (2), March 21–23, 1957.
Major Topics: UK overseas commitments; U.S.-UK relations; UK economic situation;
termination of UK-Jordan treaty of alliance; UK economic assistance to Jordan;
U.S. aid to Jordan; UK withdrawal from Libya; Libyan economic situation; U.S. aid
to Libya; U.S. and UK Middle East policy; Suez Canal settlement; probable
economic effects of Western boycott of Suez Canal; Western access to Middle
East oil; Communist threat in Middle East; U.S. intention to join Baghdad Pact
Military Committee; Syrian pro-Soviet sympathies; long-range U.S. policy toward
Egypt; prospect of Palestine settlement; Tripartite Declaration of 1950.
Bermuda Meeting [Folder for Brig. Gen. Goodpaster] (3), March 21–23, 1957.
Major Topics: UN effectiveness; situation in Cyprus; Archbishop Makarios; NATO;
closer association between UK and continental Europe; “Grand Design” of
Selwyn Lloyd; European Free Trade Area; German reunification; disarmament;
nuclear test limitation; U.S.-USSR relations; U.S.-UK policy toward Soviet satellite
states; Poland; Hungary; U.S.-Poland economic discussions; U.S.-UK relations;
proposed state visit of Queen Elizabeth II to U.S.
Bermuda Meeting [Folder for Brig. Gen. Goodpaster] (4), March 21–23, 1957.
Major Topics: U.S.-PRC relations; ROC; Chinese representation in UN; China trade
controls; Communist threat to Tropical Africa; French nuclear weapons
development; U.S.-UK information exchange on military propulsion reactors;
International Atomic Energy Agency; EURATOM; Organization for European
Frame No.
Economic Cooperation; proposed Asian Regional Nuclear Center in the
Philippines; U.S.-UK uranium discussions; UK colonial policy in Tropical Africa;
Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan; timing of independence for colonial
territories; U.S. aid to British African territories.
Bermuda Meeting [Folder for Brig. Gen. Goodpaster] (5), March 21–23, 1957.
Major Topics: U.S. military assistance to UK; German financial support for U.S. forces
stationed in FRG; reduction of U.S. forces in NATO-European area; withdrawal of
U.S. fighter wing from UK; reduction of UK forces in FRG; Western European
Union multilateral new weapons development; foreign exchange costs of NATO
forces serving outside their own country; deployment of U.S. missiles in UK.
Principal Correspondents: C. E. Wilson; John Foster Dulles.
Bermuda Meeting [Folder for Brig. Gen. Goodpaster] (6), March 21–23, 1957.
Major Topic: Biographical data on UK delegation.
Bermuda Meeting [Folder for the President] (1), March 21–23, 1957.
Major Topics: U.S.-UK relations; conference issues and agendas.
Bermuda Meeting [Folder for the President] (2), March 21–23, 1957.
Major Topics: U.S.-UK relations; reduction of UK overseas commitments; termination
of UK-Jordan treaty of alliance; UK economic assistance to Jordan; U.S. aid to
Jordan; UK withdrawal from Libya; Libyan economic situation; U.S. aid to Libya.
Bermuda Meeting [Folder for the President] (3), March 21–23, 1957.
Major Topics: U.S. and UK Middle East policy; Suez Canal settlement; probable
economic effects of Western boycott of Suez Canal; Western access to Middle
East oil; Communist threat in Middle East; U.S. intention to join Baghdad Pact
Military Committee; Syrian pro-Soviet sympathies; long-range U.S. policy toward
Egypt; prospect of Palestine settlement; Tripartite Declaration of 1950; UN
effectiveness; situation in Cyprus; Archbishop Makarios.
Bermuda Meeting [Folder for the President] (4), March 21–23, 1957.
Major Topics: Closer association between UK and continental Europe; “Grand
Design” of Selwyn Lloyd; European Free Trade Area; German reunification;
disarmament; nuclear test limitation; U.S.-USSR relations; U.S.-UK policy toward
Soviet satellite states; Poland; Hungary; U.S.-Poland economic discussions;
proposed state visit of Queen Elizabeth II to U.S.; U.S.-PRC relations; ROC;
Chinese representation in UN; China trade controls.
Bermuda Meeting [Folder for the President] (5), March 21–23, 1957.
Major Topics: Communist threat to Tropical Africa; French nuclear weapons
development; U.S.-UK information exchange on military propulsion reactors;
International Atomic Energy Agency; proposed Asian Regional Nuclear Center in
the Philippines; U.S.-UK uranium discussions; UK colonial policy in Tropical
Africa; Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan; timing of independence for
colonial territories; U.S. aid to British African territories; reduction of UK forces in
FRG; Western European Union multilateral new weapons development; foreign
exchange costs of NATO forces serving outside their own country; deployment of
U.S. missiles in UK; German financial support for U.S. forces stationed in FRG.
Frame No.
Bermuda Meeting [Folder for the President] (6), March 21–23, 1957.
Major Topic: Biographical data on UK delegation.
Big Four Conference.
[Note: See “Geneva Conference” folders beginning at Frame 0085 of Reel 2.]
Canada, Trip of President (1), 1958.
Major Topics: Scheduling and security arrangements; Harry S. Truman trip to Ottawa
in June 1947; press arrangements.
Principal Correspondents: Marcelis C. Parsons Jr.; Livingston T. Merchant; Fisher
Howe; Don C. Bliss.
Canada, Trip of President (2), 1958.
Major Topics: Planning for recreational activities; press arrangements; draft schedule;
security arrangements.
Principal Correspondents: Joseph N. Greene Jr.; Livingston T. Merchant; John A.
Calhoun; Fisher Howe; N. A. Robertson.
Canada, Trip of President [Briefing Book] (1), 1958.
Major Topics: Lists of Canadian officials; biographical data on select Canadian
Canada, Trip of President [Briefing Book] (2), 1958.
Major Topic: Biographical data on select Canadian officials.
Canada, Trip of President [Briefing Book] (3), 1958.
Major Topic: Biographical data on select Canadian officials.
Canada, Trip of President [Briefing Book] (4), 1958.
Major Topic: Biographical data on select Canadian officials.
Canada, Trip of President [Briefing Book] (5), 1958.
Major Topic: Biographical data on select Canadian officials.
Canada, Trip of President [Briefing Book] (6), 1958.
Major Topic: Biographical data on select Canadian officials.
Conference on Nuclear Test Suspension [May 24–August 7, 1958; August 1960].
Major Topics: USSR negotiation tactics; contentious issues regarding coordinated
detection and identification of underground nuclear explosions.
Principal Correspondent: Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Eisenhower, Milton, Trip to South America (1) [November 1953].
Major Topics: U.S.–Latin American economic, military, political, and cultural relations;
South American views of U.S.; South American nationalism; South American
natural and human resources; South American economic conditions.
Principal Correspondent: Milton S. Eisenhower.
Frame No.
Reel 2
Eisenhower, Milton, Trip to South America (2) [December 10, 1953–March 11,
Major Topics: U.S.–Latin American relations; U.S. economic assistance to Latin
Eisenhower, Milton, Trip to South America (3) [November 18–19, 1953].
Major Topics: U.S.–Latin American economic, military, political, and cultural relations;
South American views of U.S.; South American nationalism, natural and human
resources, and economic conditions.
Principal Correspondent: Milton S. Eisenhower.
Four Power Conference.
[Note: See “Geneva Conference” folders beginning at Frame 0085.]
Geneva Conference (Big Four Conference) (1), July 1955.
Major Topics: U.S. and Western European public and press opinion of Geneva
Conference; Western European views of U.S. and USSR; nuclear weapons;
German reunification; Western European neutrality; international opinions of
Principal Correspondent: Nelson A. Rockefeller.
Geneva Conference (Big Four Conference) (2), July 1955.
Major Topics: U.S. and Western European public and press opinion of Geneva
Conference; Western European views of U.S. and USSR; nuclear weapons;
German reunification; Western European neutrality; international opinions of
Principal Correspondent: Nelson A. Rockefeller.
Geneva Conference (Big Four Conference) (3), July 1955.
Major Topics: U.S. public opinion trends of Geneva Conference; U.S. aspirations for
conference; control of armaments; future of Germany.
Principal Correspondent: Nelson A. Rockefeller.
Geneva Conference (Big Four Conference) (4), July 1955.
Major Topics: U.S. and Western European public and press opinion of Geneva
Conference; nuclear weapons; future of Germany; East-West trade and relations;
Western European views of U.S. and USSR.
Principal Correspondent: Nelson A. Rockefeller.
Geneva Conference (Big Four Conference) (5), July 1955.
Major Topics: U.S. and Western European public and press opinion of Geneva
Conference; nuclear weapons; future of Germany; East-West trade and relations;
Western European views of U.S. and USSR.
Principal Correspondent: Nelson A. Rockefeller.
Frame No.
Geneva Conference (Big Four Conference) (6), July 1955.
Major Topics: U.S. and Western European public and press opinion of Geneva
Conference; nuclear weapons; future of Germany; East-West trade and relations;
Western European views of U.S. and USSR.
Principal Correspondent: Nelson A. Rockefeller.
Geneva Conference (Big Four Conference) (7), July 1955.
Major Topics: Western European public opinion of Far Eastern issues; PRC; ROC;
U.S.-PRC relations; Western European postconference public opinion of Dwight
D. Eisenhower, the U.S., the USSR, and NATO; international postconference
public opinion.
Principal Correspondent: Nelson A. Rockefeller.
Geneva Conference (Big Four Conference) (8), July 1955.
Major Topics: Western European public opinion relevant to Foreign Ministers
Conference; peaceful nuclear development; disarmament; German reunification.
Principal Correspondent: Nelson A. Rockefeller.
Geneva Conference (Big Four Conference) (9), July 1955.
Major Topic: World opinion trends after the Foreign Ministers Conference on the U.S.,
the USSR, NATO, and prospects of war.
Principal Correspondent: Nelson A. Rockefeller.
Geneva Conference (Big Four Conference) (10), July 1955.
Major Topics: Statements by Dwight D. Eisenhower and Nikolai A. Bulganin; German
reunification; U.S.-USSR relations; international communism; disarmament.
Geneva Conference (Big Four Conference) (11), July 1955.
Major Topics: Statements by Edgar Faure and Anthony Eden; cold war; German
reunification; disarmament.
Geneva Conference (Big Four Conference) (12), July 1955.
Major Topics: Statements by Nikolai A. Bulganin; German reunification; USSR
proposal for Treaty on Collective Security in Europe; French, UK, and U.S. draft
directive on German reunification and collective security in Europe.
Geneva Conference (Big Four Conference) (13), July 1955.
Major Topics: USSR proposal on reduction of armaments and a nuclear weapons
ban; opening statement by Nikolai A. Bulganin; French and UK proposals on
disarmament; statement by Dwight D. Eisenhower on disarmament.
Geneva Conference (Big Four Conference) (14), July 1955.
Major Topics: USSR draft directive on collective security in Europe, disarmament,
and German reunification; French, UK, and U.S. draft directive on disarmament;
French proposal on development of closer East-West relations; opening
statement by Anthony Eden; French, UK, and U.S. draft directive on German
reunification and collective security in Europe.
Frame No.
Geneva Conference (Big Four Conference) (15), July 1955.
Major Topics: Transcript of first plenary session; German reunification; U.S.-USSR
relations; disarmament.
Geneva Conference (Big Four Conference) (16), July 1955.
Major Topics: Transcript of second plenary session; German reunification; collective
security in Europe; U.S.-USSR relations; disarmament; PRC; ROC.
Geneva Conference (Big Four Conference) (17), July 1955.
Major Topics: Transcript of third plenary session; German reunification; collective
security in Europe; NATO.
Geneva Conference (Big Four Conference) (18), July 1955.
Major Topics: Transcript of fourth plenary session; collective security in Europe;
German reunification.
Geneva Conference (Big Four Conference) (19), July 1955.
Major Topics: Transcript of fifth plenary session; collective security in Europe; USSR
proposal on reduction of armaments and a nuclear weapons ban; disarmament.
Geneva Conference (Big Four Conference) (20), July 1955.
Major Topics: Transcript of sixth plenary session; German reunification; collective
security in Europe; disarmament; development of closer East-West contacts.
Geneva Conference (Big Four Conference) (21), July 1955.
Major Topic: Transcript of first meeting of foreign ministers.
Geneva Conference (Big Four Conference) (22), July 1955.
Major Topics: Transcript of second meeting of foreign ministers; German
reunification; collective security in Europe.
Geneva Conference (Big Four Conference) (23), July 1955.
Major Topics: Transcript of third meeting of foreign ministers; German reunification;
collective security in Europe.
Geneva Conference (Big Four Conference) (24), July 1955.
Major Topics: Transcript of fourth meeting of foreign ministers; collective security in
Europe; disarmament; German reunification.
Geneva Conference (Big Four Conference) (25), July 1955.
Major Topics: Transcript of fifth meeting of foreign ministers; German reunification;
disarmament; collective security in Europe.
Geneva Conference (Big Four Conference) (26), July 1955.
Major Topics: Transcript of sixth meeting of foreign ministers; German reunification;
Geneva Conference (Big Four Conference) (27), July 1955.
Major Topics: Transcript of seventh meeting of foreign ministers; German
reunification; collective security in Europe; disarmament.
Frame No.
Reel 3
Mexico, Trip of President to—Miscellaneous Materials (1), 1959.
Major Topics: Planning for state visit to Acapulco in February at invitation of Mexican
President Adolfo Lopez Mateos; security arrangements and accommodations;
draft schedule.
Principal Correspondents: Robert C. Hill; John A. Calhoun; John Foster Dulles;
Antonio Carillo Flores; William G. Draper; Jim Hagerty.
Mexico, Trip of President to—Miscellaneous Materials (2), 1959.
Major Topics: Invitation for Dwight D. Eisenhower to accept honorary lifetime
presidency of Acapulco Golf Club; draft schedule; transportation and security
arrangements; U.S. cotton export program.
Principal Correspondents: John A. Calhoun; John S. D. Eisenhower; Melville E.
Mexico, Trip of President to—Miscellaneous Materials (3), 1959.
Major Topics: Draft schedule; itemized bill for hotel accommodations; biographical
data on select Mexican officials; press and security arrangements.
Principal Correspondents: John A. Calhoun; Melville E. Osborne.
Mexico, Trip of President to—Biographic Data (1), 1959.
Major Topic: Biographical data on select Mexican officials.
Mexico, Trip of President to—Biographic Data (2), 1959.
Major Topics: U.S.-Mexico relations; biographical data on select Mexican officials.
Mexico, Trip of President to [Briefing Materials] (1), 1959.
Major Topics: Communism in Mexico; U.S.-Mexico military cooperation; MexicoGuatemala fishing territory dispute; Mexican territorial waters; U.S. lead and zinc
import quotas; U.S. economic assistance to Mexico; U.S.-Mexico migrant labor
agreement; inter-American economic cooperation.
Mexico, Trip of President to [Briefing Materials] (2), 1959.
Major Topics: Peaceful uses of atomic energy; Mexican economy; Mexican attitude
toward U.S. investment; draft U.S.-Mexico convention on border oil and gas
conservation; U.S.-Mexico civil air and commercial motor vehicle transport
agreements; U.S. technical cooperation program in Mexico; U.S.-Mexico
educational exchange program.
Mexico, Trip of President to [Briefing Materials] (3), 1959.
Major Topics: Background data on Mexico and Acapulco; Mexican political situation.
Nixon Trip to Far East, Etc. (1) [September 22–November 10, 1953].
Major Topics: Visit of Richard M. Nixon to Ceylon; change of prime minister in
Ceylon; visit of Nixon to Hong Kong and Thailand.
Principal Correspondents: Dwight D. Eisenhower; Jeffrey C. Kitchen.
Frame No.
Nixon Trip to Far East, Etc. (2) [October 7–November 10, 1953].
Major Topics: Visit of Richard M. Nixon to Australia and New Zealand; Australian
press coverage of Nixon visit.
Principal Correspondents: Amos J. Peaslee; Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Nixon Trip to Far East, Etc. (3) [October 1953].
Major Topic: Australian press coverage of Richard M. Nixon visit.
Nixon Trip to Far East, Etc. (4) [October 1953].
Major Topic: Australian press coverage of Richard M. Nixon visit.
Nixon Trip to Far East, Etc. (5) [October 1953].
Major Topic: Australian press coverage of Richard M. Nixon visit.
Nixon Trip to Far East, Etc. (6) [October 1953].
Major Topic: Australian press coverage of Richard M. Nixon visit.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (1) [March 11–May 29, 1953].
Major Topics: Military-community relations of U.S. NATO troops in Europe;
orientation programs for U.S. Army and Air Force personnel in Europe.
Principal Correspondents: R. K. Taylor; Harry C. Eckhoff; John G. Gross; Lorin K.
Johnson; Robert W. Berry; Eldon M. Schmidt; J. S. Piccinni; J. B. Stefanac; V. E.
Murphy; M. D. Wissler; Russell B. Hathaway; C. F. Coe; Robert G. Leffingwell;
L. D. Lott.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (2) [June 1953–December 1957].
Major Topics: Nomination of Vice Admiral Robert Briscoe as Commander-in-Chief,
Allied Forces, Southern Europe; congressional action on NATO status treaties;
Status of Forces Agreement; plan for Atlantic Consultative Assembly; departure
of Admiral Lynde McCormick as Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic, and
nomination of Admiral Jerauld Wright; biographical data on Robert Briscoe.
Principal Correspondents: Andrew J. Goodpaster; C. E. Wilson; Thruston B. Morton;
Robert Cutler; Lynde D. McCormick; Dwight D. Eisenhower; Clark L. Ruffner;
Wilton B. Persons.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (3) [November–December 1957].
Major Topic: NATO Heads of Government Meeting agenda, declaration of common
purpose, and president’s draft opening statement.
Principal Correspondent: Eugene V. McAuliffe.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (4) [August–September 1958, November 1959,
and September 1960].
Major Topics: Meetings of president with Paul-Henri Spaak, secretary-general of
Principal Correspondents: John Foster Dulles; Christian A. Herter; Walter J.
Stoessel Jr.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (5) [December 1957].
Major Topics: Disarmament; German reunification; collective defense, political
consultation, and economic cooperation within NATO; NATO nuclear stockpile;
Frame No.
intermediate-range ballistic missiles; coordinated scientific research and
advanced weapons production; report by secretary-general on problems facing
NATO; NATO defense policy and strategy; U.S. nuclear weapons, defense policy,
and force posture in NATO.
Principal Correspondent: Eugene V. McAuliffe.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (6) [December 1957].
Major Topics: Disarmament; surveillance satellites for weapons inspection; political
consultation within NATO; economic role of NATO; summit meeting with USSR;
Soviet position on East-West negotiations; NATO force requirements; military
assistance for NATO countries.
Principal Correspondent: Eugene V. McAuliffe.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (7) [November–December 1957].
Major Topics: Cooperation in science, technology, and weapons development in
NATO; UK views of NATO scientific issues; French proposal for Western
Foundation for Scientific Research.
Principal Correspondent: Eugene V. McAuliffe.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (8) [December 1957].
Major Topics: Draft declaration to be issued at end of NATO Heads of Government
Meeting; U.S. bilateral talks with Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, FRG,
Greece, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Turkey, and
Principal Correspondent: Eugene V. McAuliffe.
Reel 4
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (9) [December 1957].
Major Topics: Rebellion in Algeria; French financial situation; Spanish membership in
NATO; Morocco and Italy’s proposed Western Mediterranean Pact; strategic
significance of West New Guinea; U.S.-Canada defense understandings; cut in
Danish defense forces; NATO loan to Iceland; UK forces in FRG and support
costs; FRG interest in aid to underdeveloped countries; U.S.-FRG cooperation in
economic policies toward Poland.
Principal Correspondent: Eugene V. McAuliffe.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (10) [December 1957].
Major Topics: Yugoslavian foreign policy; FRG-Yugoslavia relations; EURATOM;
European Common Market and Free Trade Area; Organization for European
Economic Cooperation; FRG and French NATO contributions; UK intermediaterange ballistic missiles; German war criminals; vested FRG assets in U.S.; FRG
status of forces negotiations; Iceland defense construction program.
Principal Correspondent: Eugene V. McAuliffe.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (11) [December 1957].
Major Topics: Situation in Cyprus; U.S.-Greece economic relations; U.S.-Turkey
economic relations; U.S.-Morocco relations; U.S.-Tunisia relations; reduction of
Frame No.
UK subsidy to Libya; Indian financial situation; Communist threat in Far East;
U.S.-Japan relations; U.S. forces in ROK; International Atomic Energy Agency.
Principal Correspondent: Eugene V. McAuliffe.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (12) [November–December 1957].
Major Topics: NATO Heads of Government Meeting; list of reference documents;
U.S.-UK memorandum on information and psychological activities.
Principal Correspondent: Eugene V. McAuliffe.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (13) [December 1957].
Major Topics: Biographical data on NATO leaders; Belgian political and economic
situation; biographical data on select Belgian officials; Canadian political and
economic situation; biographical data on select Canadian officials; Danish political
and economic situation; biographical data on select Danish officials.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (14) [December 1957].
Major Topics: French political and economic situation; biographical data on select
French officials; FRG political and economic situation; biographical data on select
FRG officials; Greek political and economic situation; biographical data on select
Greek officials; Icelandic political and economic situation; biographical data on
select Icelandic officials.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (15) [December 1957].
Major Topics: Italian political and economic situation; biographical data on select
Italian officials; Luxembourg political and economic situation; biographical data on
select Luxembourg officials; Dutch political and economic situation; biographical
data on select Dutch officials; Norwegian political and economic situation;
biographical data on select Norwegian officials.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (16) [December 1957].
Major Topics: Portuguese political and economic situation; biographical data on
select Portuguese officials; Turkish political and economic situation; biographical
data on select Turkish officials; UK political and economic situation; biographical
data on select UK officials.
President’s Trip to Europe (1), 1959.
Major Topics: Draft schedule; list of telephone contacts; press arrangements.
Principal Correspondents: John S. D. Eisenhower; Andrew H. Berding.
President’s Trip to Europe (2), 1959.
Major Topics: Draft schedule; diagram of Andrews Air Force Base; press
arrangements; European public and press opinion of proposed U.S.-USSR talks.
Principal Correspondent: William G. Draper.
President’s Trip to Europe (3), 1959.
Major Topics: Possibility of informal Iceland visit; U.S.-Iceland relations.
Principal Correspondents: Dwight D. Eisenhower; Andrew J. Goodpaster.
President’s Trip to Europe, Bonn, Germany (1), 1959.
Major Topics: Transportation arrangements; schedule; program booklet.
Frame No.
President’s Trip to Europe, Bonn, Germany (2), 1959.
Major Topics: Telephone directories; schedule.
President’s Trip to Europe, Bonn, Germany (3), 1959.
Major Topics: Press arrangements; transportation arrangements; FRG economic
achievements; telephone directory.
Principal Correspondent: Christian A. Herter.
President’s Trip to Europe, Bonn, Germany (4), 1959.
Major Topics: Draft schedule; proposed press conferences; press arrangements;
diagrams of Wahn Airport and motorcade route; preliminary schedule for advance
party’s visit.
Principal Correspondent: Robert L. Schulz.
President’s Trip to Europe, London (1), 1959.
Major Topics: Diagram of Comet aircraft; telephone directory; schedule; travel
arrangements; diagrams of Dyce Airport, Balmoral grounds, and Benson Royal
Air Force Station.
President’s Trip to Europe, London (2), 1959.
Major Topics: Draft schedules; press arrangements; access authorizations;
transportation arrangements; nuclear weapons; European Common Market; draft
schedule for France visit.
President’s Trip to Europe, London (3), 1959.
Major Topics: Draft schedules; information on U.S. embassy in London; telephone
President’s Trip to Europe, Paris (1), 1959.
Major Topics: Transportation arrangements; draft schedules.
President’s Trip to Europe, Paris (2), 1959.
Major Topics: Schedule of complete European trip; press arrangements; schedule for
Paris visit.
Principal Correspondent: James C. Hagerty; Robert L. Schulz.
President’s Trip to Europe, Paris (3), 1959.
Major Topics: Scheduled meetings; payment of trip expenses; press arrangements;
schedule; proposed meeting with Italians; accommodations for presidential party;
telephone directory.
Principal Correspondent: Robert L. Schulz.
Reel 5
President’s Trip to Europe, Paris (4), 1959.
Major Topics: French press coverage of visit; floor plans of Palais de Rambouillet;
draft schedules; telephone directory.
Frame No.
President’s Trip to Europe, Tom Stephens, London, Incoming Messages (1), 1959.
Major Topics: Transportation arrangements; arrangements for emergency oxygen;
customs and passport procedures in Paris; scheduled U.S.-French meetings;
accommodations arrangements.
Principal Correspondent: Christian A. Herter.
President’s Trip to Europe, Tom Stephens, London, Incoming Messages (2), 1959.
Major Topic: Transportation, accommodations, communications, and press
Principal Correspondent: Christian A. Herter.
President’s Trip to Europe, Tom Stephens, London, Incoming Messages (3), 1959.
Major Topics: Communications and accommodations arrangements; international
public opinion of proposed U.S.-USSR talks; schedule amendments for UK visit;
proposed meeting with Italians.
President’s Trip to Europe, Tom Stephens, London, Outgoing Messages (1), 1959.
Major Topics: Security arrangements; schedule for UK visit; press arrangements;
international public opinion of proposed U.S.-USSR talks; configuration of Comet
Principal Correspondents: Tom Stephens; Evan P. Aurand.
President’s Trip to Europe, Tom Stephens, London, Outgoing Messages (2), 1959.
Major Topics: Press and transportation arrangements; UK press coverage of visit;
communications arrangements; schedule for UK visit; accommodations
arrangements; schedule for FRG visit.
President’s Trip to Europe, General Goodpaster (1), August–September 1959.
Major Topics: Eisenhower talks with Charles de Gaulle; East-West relations; U.S.France relations; NATO; French policy toward Algeria; French nuclear tests;
biographical data on select French officials; meetings with Turkish and Greek
foreign ministers.
President’s Trip to Europe, General Goodpaster (2), August–September 1959.
Major Topics: Visit of Nikita Khrushchev to U.S.; post–Geneva Conference mood in
Europe; East-West relations; German reunification; suggested presidential
statements upon arrival in Bonn, London, and Paris; draft communiqués to be
issued after FRG, UK, and France visits; USSR attitude on war; communism
versus capitalism; cold war; disarmament; nuclear weapons; PRC; ROC; U.S.USSR trade relations.
President’s Trip to Europe, General Goodpaster (3), August–September 1959.
Major Topics: U.S.-UK relations; schedule for UK visit; nuclear test negotiations;
nuclear and other advanced weapons; Baghdad Pact; Iraq-USSR relations;
USSR pressures on Iran; U.S. bases in West Indies; U.S.-UK coordinated military
planning; reduction of UK forces in FRG; UN consideration of Tibet situation.
President’s Trip to Europe, General Goodpaster (4), August–September 1959.
Major Topic: Biographical data on select UK officials.
Frame No.
President’s Trip to Europe, General Goodpaster (5), August–September 1959.
Major Topics: Preliminary schedule for Paris visit; advanced weapons; NATO
defense concept and organizational structure; Algerian conflict.
President’s Trip to Europe, General Goodpaster (6), August–September 1959.
Major Topics: Tunisian arms; French community of African states; East-West
cooperation to aid underdeveloped countries; nuclear energy safeguards; U.S.France nuclear cooperation; NATO use of force; Guinea; U.S. failure to consult
with France during 1958 Lebanon crisis; French nuclear tests in Sahara.
President’s Trip to Europe, General Goodpaster (7), August–September 1959.
Major Topic: Biographical data on select French officials.
President’s Trip to Europe, General Goodpaster (8), August–September 1959.
Major Topics: U.S.-FRG relations; schedule for Bonn visit; FRG position toward
Eastern Europe; vested FRG assets in U.S.; Charles de Gaulle attitude toward
NATO; biographical data on select FRG officials.
President’s Trip to Europe, General Goodpaster (9), August–September 1959.
Major Topics: U.S.-Italy and U.S.-Spain discussions; Spanish membership in NATO.
President’s Trip to Europe, General Goodpaster (10), August–September 1959.
Major Topics: NATO; France-NATO relations.
President’s Trip to Europe, General Goodpaster (11), August–September 1959.
Major Topics: Proposal for tripartite planning; East-West trade; Berlin contingency
planning; European integration and cooperation.
President’s Trip to Europe, General Goodpaster (12), August–September 1959.
Major Topics: Disarmament negotiations; Laos; Western policy toward PRC; U.S.
bases in and military assistance to Morocco; East-West policies toward Middle
East; Western relations with Gamal Abdel Nasser; European economic
assistance to less developed areas; U.S.-Europe trade; Caribbean tensions.
President’s Trip to Europe [Briefing Book for the President] (1), 1959.
Major Topics: Schedules for visits to Bonn, London, and Paris; suggested presidential
statements upon arrival in Bonn, London, and Paris.
President’s Trip to Europe [Briefing Book for the President] (2), 1959.
Major Topic: Discussion issues for U.S. talks with USSR, FRG, UK, and France.
President’s Trip to Europe [Briefing Book for the President] (3), 1959.
Major Topics: Discussion issues for U.S. talks with USSR, FRG, UK, and France;
draft communiqués to be issued after FRG, UK, and France visits.
President’s Trip to Europe [Briefing Book for General Goodpaster] (1), 1959.
Major Topics: U.S. woolen fabrics tariff quota; U.S. military assistance to Laos; UN
actions regarding Laos; U.S.-UK coordinated military planning; reduction of UK
forces in FRG; Suez Canal; schedules for visits to Bonn, London, and Paris.
Frame No.
President’s Trip to Europe [Briefing Book for General Goodpaster] (2), 1959.
Major Topics: Suggested presidential statements upon arrival in Bonn, London, and
Paris; discussion issues for U.S. talks with USSR, FRG, UK, and France.
President’s Trip to Europe [Briefing Book for General Goodpaster] (3), 1959.
Major Topics: Discussion issues for U.S. talks with USSR, FRG, and UK; draft
communiqués to be issued after FRG, UK, and France visits.
Principal Correspondent: Ivan B. White.
Reel 6
President’s Trip to Europe, Asia, & Africa; Rome—Telegrams—Master (1),
December 1959.
Major Topics: Exchange of gifts with Pope John XXIII; arrangements for president’s
attendance at church services; wreath-laying on tomb of Alcide de Gasperi;
expenses of visit; accommodations and transportation arrangements.
Principal Correspondents: James D. Zellerbach; Thomas E. Stephens; Robert L.
President’s Trip to Europe, Asia, & Africa; Rome—Telegrams—Master (2),
December 1959.
Major Topics: Draft communiqué to be issued after Rome visit; press arrangements;
request of unofficial Polish ambassador to Vatican for meeting with president;
transportation arrangements; schedule for Rome visit.
Principal Correspondents: Christian A. Herter; James D. Zellerbach; James C.
Hagerty; Robert L. Schulz; Thomas E. Stephens.
President’s Trip to Europe, Asia, & Africa; Rome—Telegrams—Master (3),
December 1959.
Major Topics: Press arrangements; attendees for substantive discussions; draft
schedule for Rome visit.
Principal Correspondents: James D. Zellerbach; Christian A. Herter; E. M. Adams.
President’s Trip to Europe, Asia, & Africa; Rome—Telegrams—Master (4),
December 1959.
Major Topics: Schedule for Rome visit; draft statement to be issued after Rome visit;
suggested statement upon arrival in Rome; press arrangements; legal
implications of visit with Pope John XXIII; transportation and accommodations
arrangements; suggested topics of discussion with Italian officials; Italian political
situation; arrangements for papal visit.
Principal Correspondents: Robert L. Schulz; Christian A. Herter; James D.
Zellerbach; Eric H. Hager; Thomas E. Stephens.
President’s Trip to Europe, Asia, & Africa; Ankara—Telegrams—Master (1),
December 1959.
Major Topics: Departure statement after Ankara visit; joint communiqué issued after
Ankara visit; U.S.-Turkey relations; dinner, press, and security arrangements.
Principal Correspondents: William Fletcher Warren; Thomas E. Stephens; Christian
A. Herter.
Frame No.
President’s Trip to Europe, Asia, & Africa; Ankara—Telegrams—Master (2),
December 1959.
Major Topics: Transportation and press arrangements; schedule for Ankara visit;
statements upon arrival in and departure from Ankara.
Principal Correspondents: William Fletcher Warren; Thomas E. Stephens; James C.
President’s Trip to Europe, Asia, & Africa; Ankara—Telegrams—Master (3),
December 1959.
Major Topics: Schedule for Ankara visit; accommodations and transportation
arrangements; Greece-Turkey relations.
Principal Correspondents: William Fletcher Warren; Christian A. Herter.
President’s Trip to Europe, Asia, & Africa; Karachi—Telegrams—Master (1),
December 1959.
Major Topics: Draft joint communiqué to be issued after Karachi visit; dinner and
press arrangements; schedule for Karachi visit.
Principal Correspondents: William M. Rountree; Christian A. Herter.
President’s Trip to Europe, Asia, & Africa; Karachi—Telegrams—Master (2),
December 1959.
Major Topics: Accommodations, press, and transportation arrangements; schedule
for Karachi visit; schedule for Mrs. John Eisenhower; award of Order of Pakistan
to Eisenhower.
Principal Correspondents: William M. Rountree; Christian A. Herter.
President’s Trip to Europe, Asia, & Africa; Karachi—Telegrams—Master (3),
December 1959.
Major Topics: Press, accommodations, and dinner arrangements; draft arrival and
departure statements; U.S.-Pakistan relations; schedule for Karachi visit;
Pakistani press comments on visit.
Principal Correspondents: William Fletcher Warren; William M. Rountree.
President’s Trip to Europe, Asia, & Africa; Kabul—Telegrams—Master (1),
December 1959.
Major Topics: Gift arrangements for Afghan officials; transportation arrangements;
draft joint communiqué to be issued after Kabul visit; Afghan preparations for visit;
draft departure statement; Afghan women; press and transportation
arrangements; schedule for Kabul visit; schedule for Mrs. John Eisenhower; U.S.Afghanistan relations.
Principal Correspondents: Henry A. Byroade; Thomas E. Stephens; Christian A.
President’s Trip to Europe, Asia, & Africa; Kabul—Telegrams—Master (2),
December 1959.
Major Topics: Gift for the Afghan people; Pakistan-Afghanistan relations; schedule for
Kabul visit; transportation arrangements; gift for King Zahir; possible invitation for
king to visit U.S.
Principal Correspondents: Henry A. Byroade; Christian A. Herter; William M.
Frame No.
President’s Trip to Europe, Asia, & Africa; New Delhi—Telegrams—Master (1),
December 1959.
Major Topics: Draft schedule for India visit; names and ages of Indian President
Rajendra Prasad’s grandchildren; luncheon, gift, press, and accommodations
Principal Correspondents: Ellsworth Bunker; Thomas E. Stephens; Christian A.
Herter; Andrew J. Goodpaster.
President’s Trip to Europe, Asia, & Africa; New Delhi—Telegrams—Master (2),
December 1959.
Major Topics: Accommodations arrangements; draft schedule for India visit; gift
arrangements; invitation for Eisenhower to accept honorary doctorate from
University of Delhi; U.S. participation in India’s agricultural development program;
press, transportation, and security arrangements; Mrs. John Eisenhower’s
meetings with Indian women.
Principal Correspondents: Ellsworth Bunker; Christian A. Herter; Thomas E.
President’s Trip to Europe, Asia, & Africa; New Delhi—Telegrams—Master (3),
December 1959.
Major Topics: Schedule for India visit; U.S.-Nepal relations; press arrangements;
possible meeting with Dalai Lama.
Principal Correspondents: Christian A. Herter; Thomas E. Stephens.
President’s Trip to Europe, Asia, & Africa; New Delhi—Telegrams—Master (4),
December 1959.
Major Topics: President’s participation at World Agricultural Fair; press
arrangements; possible meeting with Dalai Lama; schedule for India visit.
Principal Correspondents: Christian A. Herter; Ellsworth Bunker.
President’s Trip to Europe, Asia, & Africa; Athens—Telegrams—Master (1),
December 1959.
Major Topics: Greek foreign relations; schedule for Greece visit; gift, transportation,
and press arrangements.
Principal Correspondents: Ellis O. Briggs; Raymond Hare; Thomas E. Stephens;
Christian A. Herter; Douglas Dillon.
President’s Trip to Europe, Asia, & Africa; Athens—Telegrams—Master (2),
December 1959.
Major Topics: Schedule for Greece visit; security arrangements; schedule for Mrs.
John Eisenhower; press, dinner, and accommodations arrangements.
Principal Correspondents: Christian A. Herter; Thomas E. Stephens; Ellis O. Briggs.
Frame No.
Reel 7
President’s Trip to Europe, Asia, & Africa; U.S.S. Des Moines and Bourguiba—
Telegrams—Master (1), December 1959.
Major Topics: Schedule for Mrs. John Eisenhower; Tunisia; gift, press, and security
arrangements; schedule for Tunisia visit.
Principal Correspondents: Christian A. Herter; Walter N. Walmsley Jr.
President’s Trip to Europe, Asia, & Africa; U.S.S. Des Moines and Bourguiba—
Telegrams—Master (2), December 1959.
Major Topics: Schedule for Tunisia visit; transportation and gift arrangements; issue
of whether to meet on Tunisian soil or on USS Des Moines.
Principal Correspondents: Christian A. Herter; Walter N. Walmsley Jr.; Ellsworth
President’s Trip to Europe, Asia, & Africa; Toulon—Telegrams—Master, December
Major Topics: Press arrangements; suggested texts for Toulon arrival and departure
Principal Correspondents: Robert L. Schulz; Amory Houghton.
President’s Trip to Europe, Asia, & Africa; Paris—Telegrams—Master, December
Major Topics: Resignation of Admiral Jerauld Wright and appointment of Admiral
Robert L. Dennison as Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic; NATO;
transportation arrangements; schedule for France visit.
Principal Correspondents: Warren Burgess; Douglas Dillon; Robert L. Schulz;
Christian A. Herter; Thomas S. Gates; Amory Houghton; Thomas E. Stephens.
President’s Trip to Europe, Asia, & Africa; Madrid—Telegrams—Master (1),
December 1959.
Major Topics: Breakfast conference, accommodations, gift, and security
arrangements for Spain visit; security arrangements for Tunisia visit; schedule for
Spain visit.
Principal Correspondents: Christian A. Herter; Thomas E. Stephens; John Davis
President’s Trip to Europe, Asia, & Africa; Madrid—Telegrams—Master (2),
December 1959.
Major Topics: Press and transportation arrangements; schedule for Spain visit;
schedule for Major and Mrs. John Eisenhower; Spanish public opinion about visit.
Principal Correspondents: John Davis Lodge; Thomas E. Stephens; Douglas Dillon;
Frank H. Oram Jr.; James D. Zellerbach; Christian A. Herter.
Frame No.
President’s Trip to Europe, Asia, & Africa; Casablanca & Rabat—Telegrams—
Master, December 1959.
Major Topics: Press arrangements; schedule for Morocco visit; gift arrangements;
U.S.-Morocco relations; transportation arrangements; draft arrival statement.
Principal Correspondents: Charles W. Yost; Thomas E. Stephens.
President’s Trip to Europe, Asia, & Africa [Miscellaneous Telegrams] (1),
December 1959.
Major Topics: U.S. Information Agency photograph coverage of trip; significance of
trip; Voice of America; radio broadcasting; possible meeting with Patriarch
Athenagoras of Eastern Orthodox Church; appointment of Foy D. Kohler as
assistant secretary of state.
Principal Correspondents: George V. Allen; Christian A. Herter; Livingston T.
Merchant; Dwight D. Eisenhower; Wilton B. Persons; Andrew J. Goodpaster.
President’s Trip to Europe, Asia, & Africa [Miscellaneous Telegrams] (2),
December 1959.
Major Topics: Transportation arrangements for trip; Ceylonese and Indian press;
invitation to Malayan prime minister to visit U.S.; schedules for Iran and Tunisia
visits; failure to visit Indonesia and Thailand; invitation supplies; failure to visit
Principal Correspondents: Walter N. Walmsley Jr.; Christian A. Herter; Homer M.
Byington Jr.; G. Frederick Reinhardt; Thomas E. Stephens; Howard P. Jones;
Charles Burke Elbrick.
President’s Trip to Europe, Asia, & Africa [Briefing Book for Meeting with
Congressional Leaders], December 1959.
Major Topics: Briefing memoranda and discussion issues for Italy, Turkey, Pakistan,
Afghanistan, India, Iran, Greece, Tunisia, Spain, and Morocco; issues for summit
negotiations with USSR.
President’s Trip to Europe, Asia, & Africa [Briefing Book—Casablanca], December
Major Topics: Schedule for Morocco visit; briefing memorandum and discussion
issues for Morocco; U.S. aid to Morocco; Algeria; proposed joint communiqué to
be issued after Morocco visit; biographical data on select Moroccan officials;
scope and objectives of goodwill trip; upcoming East-West summit.
President’s Trip to Europe, Asia, & Africa [Summary of USIS Film], December 1959.
Major Topic: Distribution of film of president’s trip.
Principal Correspondent: George V. Allen.
President’s Trip to Latin America (1), 1960.
Major Topics: Schedule for South America trip; draft statements for arrival in Brasilia
and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; draft address to joint session of Congress in Rio de
Janeiro; draft departure statement from Rio de Janeiro; draft statements for
arrival in, luncheon in, and departure from Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Frame No.
President’s Trip to Latin America (2), 1960.
Major Topics: Biographical data on select Brazilian officials; draft schedule for
Argentina visit; draft statement for arrival in Buenos Aires, Argentina; draft speech
to joint session of Argentine Congress; draft statements for arrival in Mar Del
Plata and Bariloche, Argentina; draft statement for departure from Bariloche.
President’s Trip to Latin America (3), 1960.
Major Topics: Biographical data on select Argentine officials; draft schedule for Chile
visit; draft statements for use in Santiago, Chile; biographical data on select
Chilean officials.
President’s Trip to Latin America (4), 1960.
Major Topics: Draft schedule for Uruguay visit; draft statement for arrival in
Montevideo, Uruguay; draft address to joint session of Congress in Montevideo;
draft statement for departure from Montevideo; biographical data on select
Uruguayan officials.
President’s Trip to Latin America (5), 1960.
Major Topics: Draft schedule for Uruguay visit; briefing memorandum and discussion
issues for Uruguay; U.S. aid to Uruguay; Uruguayan trade and diplomatic
relations with Soviet bloc; Cuba.
President’s Trip to Latin America (6), 1960.
Major Topics: Joint statement on Uruguay visit; draft statement for arrival in
Montevideo, Uruguay; draft address to joint session of Congress in Montevideo;
draft statement for departure from Montevideo; biographical data on select
Uruguayan officials.
President’s Trip to Latin America (7), 1960.
Major Topics: Schedule in Uruguay for members of National Advisory Committee on
Inter-American Affairs and General Robert Cutler; U.S. financial assistance to
Uruguay; Uruguayan trade and diplomatic relations with Soviet bloc; background
paper on Uruguay; biographical data on select Uruguayan officials; Puerto Rico;
draft statement for arrival in San Juan, Puerto Rico; biographical data on select
Surinam officials.
President’s Trip to Latin America (8), 1960.
Major Topics: Cuba; Peru-Ecuador boundary dispute; postponement of Organization
of American States’ Eleventh Inter-American Conference (“Quito Conference”)
and suggested alternatives; South American Free Trade Area; European trade
and aid arrangements; Chinese Communist activities in Latin America; U.S. aid to
and investments in Latin America.
Reel 8
President’s Trip to Latin America (9), 1960.
Major Topics: Dominican Republic political situation; U.S. financial and development
assistance to Latin America; U.S.–Latin America mutual interests in UN; UN
Frame No.
Second Law of the Sea Conference; U.S.-Panama relations; U.S. restrictions on
meat imports; Latin American arms limitation; upcoming East-West summit.
President’s Trip to Russia, Japan, & Far East—Advance Trip (Telegrams) (1), 1960.
Major Topics: Draft communiqués on Japan, Philippines, and ROC visits; Communist
aggression; statement on departure for Far East trip; draft joint communiqué on
ROK visit; student anti-U.S. demonstrations in Japan; Japanese public opinion;
schedule for Alaska stopover; transportation arrangements.
Principal Correspondents: Andrew J. Goodpaster; Douglas MacArthur II; Douglas
Dillon; John Dewey Hickerson; Everett F. Drumright; William G. Draper; Christian
A. Herter.
President’s Trip to Russia, Japan, & Far East—Advance Trip (Telegrams) (2), 1960.
Major Topics: Press and transportation arrangements; draft remarks on Philippine
economic development; schedule for trip.
Principal Correspondents: Douglas MacArthur II; James C. Hagerty; William G.
Draper; John Dewey Hickerson; Christian A. Herter.
President’s Trip to Russia, Japan, & Far East—Advance Trip (Telegrams) (3), 1960.
Major Topics: Transportation arrangements; student anti-U.S. demonstrations in
Japan; press arrangements.
Principal Correspondents: Christian A. Herter; J. L. Birkenstock; Walter McConaughy;
Douglas MacArthur II.
President’s Trip to Russia, Japan, & Far East—Russia (Telegrams) (1), 1960.
Major Topics: Postponement of Japan and USSR visits; communications
arrangements for USSR visit; Copenhagen, Denmark, visit; press arrangements
for USSR visit; proposed joint U.S.-USSR exhibit of archival material;
transportation arrangements for USSR visit; tentative schedule for Seoul, ROK,
Principal Correspondents: Douglas MacArthur II; Christian A. Herter; Douglas Dillon;
Edward Freers; Richard H. Davis; Val Peterson; Llewellyn Thompson; Walter
President’s Trip to Russia, Japan, & Far East—Russia (Telegrams) (2), 1960.
Major Topics: Transportation and press arrangements for USSR visit; proposed joint
U.S.-USSR exhibit of archival material; tentative schedule for USSR visit; motion
pictures; communications arrangements for USSR visit.
Principal Correspondents: Douglas Dillon; Llewellyn Thompson; Loy Henderson;
Christian A. Herter; Edward Freers; John H. Whitney.
President’s Trip to Russia, Japan, & Far East—Russia (Telegrams) (3), 1960.
Major Topics: Schedule for USSR visit; advance party arrangements; use of fifty-star
U.S. flag; gifts for Mr. and Mrs. Nikita Khrushchev.
Principal Correspondents: Christian A. Herter; Llewellyn Thompson.
President’s Trip to Russia, Japan, & Far East—Russia (Miscellaneous), 1960.
Major Topics: Suggestion that president include a Democratic representative in
important U.S.-USSR discussions; advance party arrangements; schedule for
USSR visit; accommodations arrangements for USSR visit.
Frame No.
Principal Correspondents: Dwight D. Eisenhower; John S. Monagan; Richard H.
Davis; Val Peterson; Christian A. Herter; William G. Draper.
President’s Trip to Russia, Japan, & Far East—Japan (Telegrams) (1), 1960.
Major Topics: Timing of Japan visit; transportation and security arrangements for
Japan visit; proposed award to president of highest Japanese decoration; U.S.Japan security treaty; repercussions of and Communist involvement in anti-U.S.
incident at Haneda Airport; political situation in Japanese legislature; press and
communications arrangements for Japan visit.
Principal Correspondents: Douglas MacArthur II; Llewellyn Thompson; John A.
Calhoun; Christian A. Herter; Joseph Donelan Jr.; William G. Draper.
President’s Trip to Russia, Japan, & Far East—Japan (Telegrams) (2), 1960.
Major Topics: Sohyo (General Council of Trade Unions) resolution opposing
president’s visit; strikes; U.S.-Japan security treaty; names and passport numbers
of presidential party; Zengakuren (leftist student organization) opposition to
president’s visit; Communist activity in Japan; Japanese press; accommodations,
communications, transportation, and press arrangements for Japan visit.
Principal Correspondents: Douglas MacArthur II; Christian A. Herter.
President’s Trip to Russia, Japan, & Far East—Japan (Telegrams) (3), 1960.
Major Topics: Transportation, accommodations, and press arrangements for Japan
visit; proposed meeting between president and Seisaku Ota, chief executive of
Ryukyu Islands government; interpreters; schedule for Japan visit.
Principal Correspondents: Christian A. Herter; Douglas MacArthur II; Thomas E.
Stephens; Douglas Dillon.
President’s Trip to Russia, Japan, & Far East—Japan (Telegrams) (4), 1960.
Major Topics: Press arrangements for Japan visit; U.S.-Japan relations; proposed
meeting between president and Seisaku Ota, chief executive of Ryukyu Islands
government; transportation arrangements for Japan visit; interpreters;
accommodations arrangements and schedule for Japan visit.
Principal Correspondents: Douglas MacArthur II; Edward Freers; Christian A. Herter.
President’s Trip to Russia, Japan, & Far East [Briefing Book—Advance Party] (1),
Major Topic: Schedule and transportation arrangements for Japan visit.
Principal Correspondent: Thomas E. Stephens.
President’s Trip to Russia, Japan, & Far East [Briefing Book—Advance Party] (2),
Major Topics: Diagrams of airport, imperial palace, Ozaki Memorial, Meiji Park, and
Kasumigaseki Country Club golf course; press arrangements for Japan visit.
President’s Trip to Russia, Japan, & Far East [Briefing Book—Advance Party] (3),
Major Topic: Transportation, communications, accommodations, security, fiscal, and
medical arrangements for Japan visit.
Frame No.
Reel 9
President’s Trip to Russia, Japan, & Far East [Briefing Book—Advance Party] (4),
Major Topics: Schedule and transportation arrangements for Japan visit; schedule for
Seoul, ROK, visit.
President’s Trip to Russia, Japan, & Far East [Briefing Book—Advance Party] (5),
Major Topics: Diagrams of airport, imperial palace, Ozaki Memorial, Meiji Park, and
Kasumigaseki Country Club golf course; press arrangements for Japan visit.
President’s Trip to Russia, Japan, & Far East [Briefing Book—Advance Party] (6),
Major Topic: Transportation, communications, accommodations, security, fiscal, and
medical arrangements for Japan visit.
President’s Trip to Russia, Japan, & Far East [Briefing Book—Far East] (1), 1960.
Major Topics: Schedule for and objectives of Far East trip; background data on
Philippines; biographical data on select Philippines officials.
President’s Trip to Russia, Japan, & Far East [Briefing Book—Far East] (2), 1960.
Major Topics: Background data on ROC; Chinese Nationalist irregulars in Burma;
economic development of Taiwan; U.S.-ROC relations; biographical data on
select ROC officials.
President’s Trip to Russia, Japan, & Far East [Briefing Book—Far East] (3), 1960.
Major Topics: Background data on Japan; Japan liberalization of trade and payments;
Japan aid to less developed countries; U.S. claim against Japan for postwar
economic assistance; political situation in Japan; biographical data on select
Japanese officials.
President’s Trip to Russia, Japan, & Far East [Briefing Book—Far East] (4), 1960.
Major Topics: ROK membership in UN; U.S. economic and military assistance to
ROK; Korean unification; background data on ROK; ROK political situation;
biographical data on select ROK officials.
President’s Trip to Russia, Japan, & Far East [Briefing Book—Far East] (5), 1960.
Major Topics: Relations between free world and Sino-Soviet bloc; disarmament;
nuclear testing; U.S. policy toward PRC; ROK-Japan relations; political and social
situation in Far East countries; U.S.-Japan centennial year.
President’s Trip to Russia, Japan, & Far East [Briefing Book—The Philippines],
Major Topics: Objectives of Far East trip; schedule for Philippines visit; biographical
data on select Philippines officials.
Frame No.
President’s Trip to Russia, Japan, & Far East [Briefing Book—China], 1960.
Major Topics: Schedule for ROC visit; relations between free world and Sino-Soviet
bloc; PRC-ROC relations; U.S. military and economic assistance to ROC;
biographical data on select ROC officials.
President’s Trip to Russia, Japan, & Far East [Briefing Book—Japan] (1), 1960.
Major Topics: Schedule for Japan visit; background data on Japan; relations between
free world and Sino-Soviet bloc; U.S. claim against Japan for postwar economic
assistance; political situation in Japan; U.S. policy toward PRC; U.S. military and
economic assistance to Japan; biographical data on select Japanese officials.
President’s Trip to Russia, Japan, & Far East [Briefing Book—Japan] (2), 1960.
Major Topics: Diagrams of airport, imperial palace, Ozaki Memorial, Meiji Park, and
Kasumigaseki Country Club golf course; press arrangements for Japan visit.
President’s Trip to Russia, Japan, & Far East [Briefing Book—Japan] (3), 1960.
Major Topic: Transportation, communications, accommodations, security, fiscal, and
medical arrangements for Japan visit.
President’s Trip to Russia, Japan, & Far East [Briefing Book—Japan] (4), 1960.
Major Topics: Proposed award to president of highest Japanese decoration; schedule
for Japan visit.
Principal Correspondent: Douglas MacArthur II.
President’s Trip to Russia, Japan, & Far East [Briefing Book—Japan] (5), 1960.
Major Topic: Diagrams of airport, imperial palace, U.S. embassy residence, Japanese
legislature building, Ozaki Memorial, Tokyo Kaikan, Meiji Park, Sony plant, U.S.
embassy chancery, Geihinkan, and Hotel New Japan.
President’s Trip to Russia, Japan, & Far East [Briefing Book—Japan] (6), 1960.
Major Topic: Press and administrative arrangements for Japan visit.
President’s Trip to Russia, Japan, & Far East [Briefing Book—Korea], 1960.
Major Topics: Schedule for ROK visit; background data on ROK; relations between
free world and Sino-Soviet bloc; U.S. economic assistance to ROK; ROK political
situation; U.S. policy toward PRC; U.S. military assistance to ROK; biographical
data on select ROK officials.
President’s Trip to Summit Meeting—France—Portugal [Telegrams] (1), May 1960.
Major Topics: Transportation arrangements for Paris visit; interpreters; UK
delegation; schedule and press and accommodations arrangements for Paris
visit; Nikita Khrushchev statements on date for and agenda at summit meeting;
German participation at summit meeting; draft presidential arrival statement and
luncheon toasts.
Principal Correspondents: Douglas Dillon; Robert L. Schulz; Christian A. Herter;
Thomas E. Stephens; Walter C. Dowling; Amory Houghton; Livingston Merchant.
Frame No.
Reel 10
President’s Trip to Summit Meeting—France—Portugal [Telegrams] (2), May 1960.
Major Topics: Reception invitations for foreign royalty resident in Lisbon (Count of
Paris, Count of Barcelona, and former King Umberto of Italy); communications,
gift, and security arrangements for Lisbon visit; exclusion of U.S. press
correspondent Richard Mowrer from Portugal; transportation and
accommodations arrangements and schedule for Lisbon visit; U.S.-Portugal
relations; draft arrival statement, toasts, communiqué, and departure statement
for Lisbon visit; possibility of visit to Finland.
Principal Correspondents: Douglas Dillon; Charles Elbrick; Christian A. Herter; Amory
Houghton; John Davis Lodge; James Zellerbach; Loy Henderson; Edson
President’s Trip to Summit Meeting—France—Portugal [Briefing Books] (1), May
Major Topics: Schedule for Lisbon visit; background data on Portugal; U.S. military
and economic assistance to Portugal; Nikita Khrushchev ultimatum before summit
meeting; draft arrival statement, toasts, communiqué, and departure statement for
Lisbon visit; biographical data on select Portuguese officials.
President’s Trip to Summit Meeting—France—Portugal [Briefing Books] (2), May
Major Topics: Schedule for Lisbon visit; background data on Portugal; U.S. military
and economic assistance to Portugal; Nikita Khrushchev ultimatum before summit
meeting; draft arrival statement, toasts, communiqué, and departure statement for
Lisbon visit; biographical data on select Portuguese officials.
President’s Trip to Summit Meeting—France—Portugal [Briefing Books] (3), May
Major Topics: Schedule for Paris visit; outline of USSR and Western positions at
summit meeting; disarmament; nuclear testing; Germany and Berlin; East-West
relations; keynote statement at summit meeting; summit meeting procedures;
future summit meetings; outer space; draft statements relating to summit meeting.
President’s Trip to Summit Meeting—France—Portugal [Briefing Books] (4), May
Major Topics: Schedule for Paris visit; outline of USSR and Western positions at
summit meeting; disarmament; nuclear testing; Germany and Berlin; East-West
relations; keynote statement at summit meeting; summit meeting procedures;
future summit meetings; outer space; draft statements relating to summit meeting.
President’s Trip to Summit Meeting—France—Portugal [Briefing Books] (5), May
Major Topics: Background data on Portugal; Portuguese overseas territories;
Portuguese candidacy for seat on UN Security Council; Spanish membership in
NATO; Nikita Khrushchev ultimatum before summit meeting; U.S. base rights in
Portugal; U.S. military and economic assistance to Portugal; European economic
cooperation; draft arrival statement, toasts, communiqué, and departure
statement for Lisbon visit.
Frame No.
President’s Trip to Summit Meeting—France—Portugal [Briefing Books] (6), May
Major Topic: Biographical data on select Portuguese officials.
President’s Trip to Summit Meeting—France—Portugal [Briefing Books] (7), May
Major Topics: Outline of USSR and Western positions at summit meeting;
disarmament; nuclear testing; Germany and Berlin; East-West relations; keynote
statement at summit meeting; summit meeting procedures; future summit
meetings; NATO; draft statements relating to summit meeting.
President’s Trip to Summit Meeting—France—Portugal [Briefing Books] (8), May
Major Topics: Disarmament; Norstad European inspection plan; UN General
Assembly resolutions on disarmament; worldwide air base and missile site
President’s Trip to Summit Meeting—France—Portugal [Briefing Books] (9), May
Major Topics: German reunification; status of Berlin.
President’s Trip to Summit Meeting—France—Portugal [Briefing Books] (10), May
Major Topics: USSR proposal for peace treaty with Germany; proposals for Berlin;
German reunification; procedures for, arrangements for, and scope of summit
meeting; disarmament; East-West relations; French views of noninterference in
affairs of states and aid to underdeveloped countries.
Reel 11
President’s Trip to Summit Meeting—France—Portugal [Briefing Books] (11), May
Major Topics: East-West relations; USSR proposal to join Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development; Western relations with PRC; USSR control of
international Communist movement; U.S.-USSR scientific, technical, educational,
and cultural exchanges.
President’s Trip to Summit Meeting—France—Portugal [Briefing Books] (12), May
Major Topics: East-West relations, cooperation in assistance to less developed
countries, and trade; East-West scientific, technical, educational, and cultural
President’s Trip to Summit Meeting—France—Portugal [Briefing Books] (13), May
Major Topics: Nuclear testing; outer space.
Frame No.
President’s Trip to Summit Meeting—France—Portugal [Talking Papers] (1), May
Major Topics: Espionage; schedule for summit meeting; scope and objectives of
summit meeting; disarmament; nuclear testing; Germany and Berlin; East-West
relations; summit meeting procedures; future summit meetings; outer space.
President’s Trip to Summit Meeting—France—Portugal [Talking Papers] (2), May
Major Topics: Schedule for summit meeting; scope and objectives of summit meeting;
disarmament; nuclear testing; Germany and Berlin; East-West relations; keynote
statement at summit meeting; summit meeting procedures; future summit
meetings; outer space.
President’s Trip to Summit Meeting—France—Portugal [Biographic Data] (1), May
Major Topic: Biographical data on select French, FRG, and UK officials.
President’s Trip to Summit Meeting—France—Portugal [Biographic Data] (2), May
Major Topic: Biographical data on select USSR officials.
Summit Conference [April–May 1960].
Major Topic: Views of Lithuanian American Council and Baltic diplomatic
representatives on upcoming summit meeting.
Principal Correspondent: John A. Calhoun.
Vice-President’s Trip to Africa (1) [March–April 1957].
Major Topics: French relations with North Africa; relations between Egypt and African
states; Arab African attitudes toward Israel; Ghana; Liberia; Ethiopia; Sudan;
Libya; plans for university in North Africa; Morocco; Ethiopian armed forces;
Vice-President’s Trip to Africa (2) [March–April 1957].
Major Topics: French relations with North Africa; relations between Egypt and African
states; Arab African attitudes toward Israel; Ghana; Liberia; Ethiopia; Sudan;
Libya; plans for university in North Africa; Morocco; Ethiopian armed forces;
Vice-President’s Trip to Africa (3) [March–April 1957].
Major Topics: French relations with North Africa; relations between Egypt and African
states; Arab African attitudes toward Israel; Ghana; Liberia; Ethiopia; Sudan;
Libya; plans for university in North Africa; Morocco; Ethiopian armed forces;
The following index is a guide to the major correspondents in this microform publication. The
first number after each entry refers to the reel, while the four-digit number following the colon
refers to the frame number at which a particular file folder containing correspondence by the
person begins. Hence, 6: 0113 refers to the folder that begins at Frame 0113 of Reel 6. By
referring to the Reel Index, which constitutes the initial section of this guide, the researcher will
find the folder title, inclusive dates, and a list of Major Topics and Principal Correspondents,
listed in the order in which they appear on the film.
Adams, E. M.
6: 0113
Allen, George V.
7: 0373, 0620
Aurand, Evan P.
5: 0167
Berding, Andrew H.
4: 0432
Berry, Robert W.
3: 0535
Birkenstock, J. L.
8: 0237
Bliss, Don C.
1: 0546
Briggs, Ellis O.
6: 0877, 0942
Bunker, Ellsworth
6: 0636, 0689, 0821; 7: 0039
Burgess, Warren
7: 0101
Byington, Homer M., Jr.
7: 0434
Byroade, Henry A.
6: 0508, 0582
Calhoun, John A.
1: 0616; 3: 0001, 0044, 0090; 8: 0568;
11: 0389
Coe, C. F.
3: 0535
Cutler, Robert
3: 0637
Davis, Richard H.
8: 0325, 0504
Dillon, Douglas
6: 0877; 7: 0101, 0235; 8: 0048, 0325,
0398, 0702; 9: 0933; 10: 0001
Donelan, Joseph, Jr.
8: 0568
Dowling, Walter C.
9: 0933
Draper, William G.
3: 0001; 4: 0465; 8: 0048, 0147, 0504,
Drumright, Everett F.
8: 0048
Dulles, John Foster
1: 0174; 3: 0001, 0745
Eckhoff, Harry C.
3: 0535
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
1: 0909; 3: 0381, 0393, 0637; 4: 0498;
7: 0373; 8: 0504
Eisenhower, John S. D.
3: 0044; 4: 0432
Eisenhower, Milton S.
1: 0926; 2: 0050
Elbrick, Charles
7: 0434; 10: 0001
Flores, Antonio Carillo
3: 0001
Freers, Edward
8: 0325, 0398, 0779
Gates, Thomas S.
7: 0101
Goodpaster, Andrew J.
3: 0637; 4: 0498; 6: 0636; 7: 0373;
8: 0048
Greene, Joseph N., Jr.
1: 0616
Gross, John G.
3: 0535
Hager, Eric H.
6: 0144
Hagerty, James C.
3: 0001; 4: 0930; 6: 0054, 0256; 8: 0147
Hare, Raymond
6: 0877
Hathaway, Russell B.
3: 0535
Henderson, Loy
8: 0398; 10: 0001
Herter, Christian A.
3: 0745; 4: 0631; 5: 0046, 0084;
6: 0054–0213, 0304–0389, 0508–
0942; 7: 0001, 0039, 0101–0235,
0373, 0434; 8: 0048–0779; 9: 0933;
10: 0001
Hickerson, John Dewey
8: 0048, 0147
Hill, Robert C.
3: 0001
Houghton, Amory
7: 0078, 0101; 9: 0933; 10: 0001
Howe, Fisher
1: 0546, 0616
Johnson, Lorin K.
3: 0535
Jones, Howard P.
7: 0434
Kitchen, Jeffrey C.
3: 0381
Leffingwell, Robert G.
3: 0535
Lodge, John Davis
7: 0173, 0235; 10: 0001
Lott, L. D.
3: 0535
MacArthur, Douglas, II
8: 0048, 0147, 0237, 0325, 0568, 0632,
0702, 0779; 9: 0712
McAuliffe, Eugene V.
3: 0705, 0769, 0843, 0911, 0973;
4: 0001, 0051, 0103, 0161
McConaughy, Walter
8: 0237, 0325
McCormick, Lynde D.
3: 0637
Merchant, Livingston T.
1: 0546, 0616; 7: 0373; 9: 0933
Monagan, John S.
8: 0504
Morton, Thruston B.
3: 0637
Murphy, V. E.
3: 0535
Oram, Frank H., Jr.
7: 0235
Osborne, Melville E.
3: 0044, 0090
Parsons, Marcelis C., Jr.
1: 0546
Peaslee, Amos J.
3: 0393
Persons, Wilton B.
3: 0637; 7: 0373
Peterson, Val
8: 0325, 0504
Piccinni, J. S.
3: 0535
Reinhardt, G. Frederick
7: 0434
Robertson, N. A.
1: 0616
Rockefeller, Nelson A.
2: 0085, 0149, 0216, 0248, 0300, 0350,
0399, 0462, 0489
Rountree, William M.
6: 0343, 0389, 0452, 0582
Ruffner, Clark L.
3: 0637
Schmidt, Eldon M.
3: 0535
Schulz, Robert L.
4: 0689, 0930, 0961; 6: 0001, 0054,
0144; 7: 0078, 0101; 9: 0933
Sessions, Edson
10: 0001
Stefanac, J. B.
3: 0535
Stephens, Thomas E.
5: 0167; 6: 0001, 0054, 0144–0256,
0508, 0636–0755, 0877, 0942;
7: 0101, 0173–0294, 0434; 8: 0702,
0847; 9: 0933
Stoessel, Walter J., Jr.
3: 0745
Taylor, R. K.
3: 0535
Thompson, Llewellyn
8: 0325, 0398, 0452, 0568
Walmsley, Walter N., Jr.
7: 0001, 0039, 0434
Warren, William Fletcher
6: 0213, 0256, 0304, 0452
White, Ivan B.
5: 0948
Whitney, John H.
8: 0398
Wilson, C. E.
1: 0174; 3: 0637
Wissler, M. D.
3: 0535
Yost, Charles W.
7: 0294
Zellerbach, James D.
6: 0001, 0054, 0113, 0144; 7: 0235;
10: 0001
The following index is a guide to the major topics in this microfilm publication. The first
number after an entry refers to the reel, while the four-digit number following the colon refers to
the frame number at which the file containing information on the subject begins. Hence, 3: 0352
refers to the folder that begins at Frame 0352 of Reel 3. By referring to the Reel Index, which
constitutes the initial section of this guide, the researcher will find the folder title, inclusive dates,
and a list of Major Topics and Principal Correspondents, listed in the order in which they appear
on the film. All references to “Eisenhower” refer to Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Acapulco, Mexico
background data 3: 0352
invitation for Eisenhower to accept
honorary lifetime presidency of
Acapulco Golf Club 3: 0044
planning for state visit 3: 0001
Accommodations arrangements
Ankara, Turkey, visit 6: 0304
Athens, Greece, visit 6: 0942
Japan trip 8: 0632, 0702, 0779, 0957;
9: 0111, 0658
Karachi, Pakistan, visit 6: 0389, 0452
Lisbon, Portugal, visit 10: 0001
London, UK, visit 5: 0046, 0084, 0136,
Madrid, Spain, visit 7: 0173
Mexico trip 3: 0001, 0090
New Delhi, India, visit 6: 0636, 0689
Paris, France, visit 4: 0961; 9: 0933
Rome, Italy, visit 6: 0001, 0144
USSR trip 8: 0504
briefing memorandum and discussion
issues 7: 0493
Eisenhower visit 6: 0508, 0582
invitation for King Zahir to visit U.S.
6: 0582
Pakistan relations 6: 0582
U.S. relations 6: 0508
women 6: 0508
Arab attitudes toward Israel 11: 0397,
0468, 0538
French community of African states
5: 0503
Nixon, Richard M., trip 11: 0397, 0468,
North Africa 11: 0397, 0468, 0538
Tropical Africa 1: 0128, 0424
U.S. aid to British territories 1: 0128,
see also names of individual countries
Agricultural exports and imports
cotton export program 3: 0044
meat import restrictions 8: 0001
woolen fabrics tariff quota 5: 0867
U.S. participation in Indian agricultural
development program 6: 0689
World Agricultural Fair 6: 0821
Aircraft and aerospace industry
Comet aircraft 4: 0734; 5: 0167
Airports and airways
Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland
4: 0465
Dyce Airport, Aberdeen, UK 4: 0734
Haneda Airport, Tokyo, Japan 8: 0568,
0907; 9: 0061, 0609, 0770
Wahn Airport, Bonn, FRG 4: 0689
stopover schedule 8: 0048
conflict 5: 0465
French policy toward 5: 0260
general 7: 0561
rebellion 4: 0001
All-Japan Federation of Students’ SelfGoverning Associations
see Zengakuren
Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland
diagram 4: 0465
biographical data on select officials
7: 0741
Eisenhower visit 7: 0690
Armed forces, U.S.
German financial support 1: 0174, 0424
military-community relations of U.S.
NATO troops in Europe 3: 0535
orientation programs for personnel in
Europe 3: 0535
reduction of, in NATO-European area
1: 0174
Arms control and disarmament
Eisenhower statement 2: 0628
French and UK proposals 2: 0628
French, UK, and U.S. draft directive
2: 0644
general 1: 0001, 0083, 0364; 2: 0216,
0462, 0530, 0560, 0657, 0682,
0765, 0796, 0877, 0908, 0926,
0953; 3: 0769, 0843; 5: 0309;
9: 0392; 10: 0198, 0293, 0508,
0562, 0725; 11: 0167, 0222
in Latin America 8: 0001
negotiations 5: 0712
UN General Assembly resolutions
10: 0562
USSR proposals 2: 0628, 0644, 0765
Communist threat 4: 0103
Eisenhower trip 8: 0048; 9: 0163, 0226,
0282, 0344, 0392, 0434
Nixon, Richard M., trip 3: 0381, 0393,
0431, 0452, 0471, 0510
sociopolitical situation 9: 0392
see also names of individual countries
Athenagoras, Patriarch
7: 0373
Athens, Greece
Eisenhower visit 6: 0877, 0942
Atlantic Consultative Assembly
3: 0637
Nixon, Richard M., visit press coverage
3: 0393, 0431, 0452, 0471, 0510
Awards, medals, and prizes
honorary doctorate from University of
Delhi 6: 0689
honorary lifetime presidency of
Acapulco Golf Club 3: 0044
Japanese decoration 8: 0568; 9: 0712
Order of Pakistan 6: 0389
Baghdad Pact
general 5: 0360
U.S. intention to join Military Committee
1: 0030, 0310
Balmoral Castle, Scotland
diagram of grounds 4: 0734
Baltic States
views of diplomats on upcoming summit
meeting 11: 0389
general 4: 0227
U.S. relations 3: 0973
Benson Royal Air Force Station,
Oxfordshire, UK
diagram 4: 0734
Berlin, Germany
contingency planning 5: 0672
proposals 10: 0725
status 10: 0198, 0293, 0508, 0633;
11: 0167, 0222
Bermuda Meeting (March 1957)
1: 0001, 0030, 0083, 0128, 0174, 0221,
0251, 0284, 0310, 0364, 0424, 0493
Big Four Conference
see Geneva Conference (July 1955)
Bonn, FRG
Eisenhower visit 4: 0531, 0575, 0631,
0689; 5: 0309, 0565, 0761, 0867,
Peru-Ecuador dispute 7: 0971
Bourguiba, Habib
7: 0001, 0039
biographical data on select officials
7: 0690
Eisenhower visit 7: 0632
PRC relations 9: 0481
U.S. relations 9: 0226, 0481
Civil aviation
U.S.-Mexico civil air transport
agreement 3: 0302
U.S., against Japan for postwar
economic aid 9: 0282, 0538
Cold war
2: 0560; 5: 0309
see also East-West relations
Comet aircraft
configuration 5: 0167
diagram 4: 0734
Common markets and free trade areas
European Common Market 4: 0776,
European Free Trade Area 1: 0083,
0364; 4: 0051
South American Free Trade Area
7: 0971
Communications arrangements
Japan trip 8: 0568, 0632, 0957; 9: 0111,
Lisbon, Portugal, visit 10: 0001
London, UK, visit 5: 0084, 0136, 0202
USSR trip 8: 0325, 0398
aggression 8: 0048
anti-U.S. incident at Haneda Airport
8: 0568
Far East threat 4: 0103
international 2: 0530
in Japan 8: 0632
in Mexico 3: 0253
Middle East threat 1: 0030, 0310
Tropical Africa threat 1: 0128, 0424
USSR control of international
Communist movement 11: 0001
versus capitalism 5: 0309
Conference on Nuclear Test Suspension
1: 0909
of foreign ministers 2: 0462, 0489
future summit meetings 10: 0198, 0293,
0508; 11: 0167, 0222, 0389
on nuclear test suspension 1: 0909
UN Second Law of the Sea Conference
8: 0001
Briscoe, Robert
3: 0637
Bulganin, Nikolai A.
2: 0530, 0589, 0628
Chinese Nationalist irregulars in 9: 0226
bilateral talks with U.S. 3: 0973
biographical data on select officials
1: 0653, 0691, 0737, 0789, 0837,
0879; 4: 0227
defense understandings with U.S.
4: 0001
economic situation 4: 0227
Eisenhower visit 1: 0546, 0616, 0653,
0691, 0737, 0789, 0837, 0879
political situation 4: 0227
Truman, Harry S., visit to Ottawa
1: 0546
Caribbean area
tensions 5: 0712
U.S. bases in West Indies 5: 0360
Nixon, Richard M., visit 3: 0381
press 7: 0434
biographical data on select officials
7: 0741
Eisenhower visit 7: 0741
China, People’s Republic of (PRC)
Communist activities in Latin America
7: 0971
general 2: 0399, 0682; 5: 0309
ROC relations 9: 0481
U.S. policy toward 9: 0392, 0538, 0880
U.S. relations 1: 0128, 0364; 2: 0399
Western policy toward 5: 0712
Western relations 11: 0001
see also Sino-Soviet bloc
China, Republic of (ROC)
background data 9: 0226
biographical data on select officials
9: 0226, 0481
communiqué 8: 0048
economic development 9: 0226
Eisenhower visit 9: 0481
general 1: 0128, 0364; 2: 0399, 0682;
5: 0309
Nationalist irregulars in Burma 9: 0226
general 2: 0248, 0300, 0350; 5: 0260,
0309; 10: 0198, 0293, 0508, 0725;
11: 0001, 0167, 0222
Middle East policies 5: 0712
scientific, technical, educational, and
cultural exchanges 11: 0001, 0058
trade 2: 0248, 0300, 0350; 5: 0672;
11: 0058
U.S.-USSR 1: 0083, 0364; 2: 0530,
0657, 0682; 4: 0465; 5: 0136, 0167
boundary dispute with Peru 7: 0971
Eden, Anthony
2: 0560, 0644
Educational exchanges
East-West 11: 0001, 0058
U.S.-Mexico 3: 0302
relations with other African states
11: 0397, 0468, 0538
U.S. long-range policy 1: 0030, 0310
Eisenhower, John
7: 0235
Eisenhower, Milton
South America trip 1: 0926; 2: 0001,
Eisenhower, Mrs. John
meetings with Indian women 6: 0689
visit schedules 6: 0389, 0508, 0942;
7: 0001, 0235
Elizabeth II, Queen
1: 0083, 0364
11: 0167
11: 0397, 0468, 0538
aid to less developed areas 5: 0712
closer association with UK 1: 0083,
collective security 2: 0589, 0644, 0682,
0706, 0740, 0765, 0796, 0833,
0857, 0877, 0908, 0953
common market 4: 0051, 0776
economic cooperation 10: 0387
Eisenhower visit 4: 0432, 0465, 0930
free trade area 1: 0083, 0364; 4: 0051
Geneva Conference opinions 2: 0085,
0149, 0248, 0300, 0350; 5: 0309
integration and cooperation 5: 0672
Conferences cont.
see also Bermuda Meeting (March
see also Geneva Conference (July
see also Heads of Government Meeting
see also Paris summit meeting (May
Copenhagen, Denmark
Eisenhower visit 8: 0325
Count of Barcelona
10: 0001
Count of Paris
10: 0001
7: 0843, 0971
Cultural exchanges
East-West 11: 0001, 0058
Cutler, Robert
7: 0916
situation 1: 0083, 0310; 4: 0103
UK actions 1: 0001
Dalai Lama
6: 0755, 0821
De Gaulle, Charles
5: 0260, 0565
Democratic Party
inclusion of a representative in U.S.USSR discussions 8: 0504
Demonstrations and protests
anti-U.S. demonstrations in Japan
8: 0048, 0237
general 4: 0001, 0227
Eisenhower visit 8: 0325
U.S. relations 3: 0973
Dennison, Robert L.
7: 0101
Dominican Republic
political situation 8: 0001
Dyce Airport, Aberdeen, UK
diagram 4: 0734
Eastern Orthodox Church
7: 0373
East-West relations
cooperation to aid underdeveloped
countries 5: 0503; 11: 0058
development of closer contacts 2: 0796
French proposal 2: 0644
military-community relations of U.S.
NATO troops 3: 0535
neutrality 2: 0085, 0149
orientation programs for U.S. Army and
Air Force personnel 3: 0535
public opinion 2: 0399, 0462
trade and aid arrangements 7: 0971
U.S. trade 5: 0712
views on U.S. and USSR 2: 0085, 0149,
0248, 0300, 0350
Western European Union 1: 0174, 0424
see also names of individual countries
European Atomic Energy Community
1: 0128; 4: 0051
Faure, Edgar
2: 0560
possible Eisenhower visit 10: 0001
use of fifty-star U.S. flag 8: 0452
Foreign exchange
costs of NATO forces serving outside
their own country 1: 0174, 0424
Foreign labor conditions
Japan strikes 8: 0632
U.S.-Mexico migrant labor agreement
3: 0253
Foreign languages
interpreters 8: 0702, 0779; 9: 0933
Foreign Ministers Conference
public opinion on 2: 0462, 0489
Foreign opinion of U.S.
South America 1: 0926; 2: 0050
Foreign relations, U.S.
Afghanistan 6: 0508
France 5: 0260, 0503
FRG 4: 0001; 5: 0565
Iceland 4: 0498
Japan 4: 0103; 8: 0779
Latin America 2: 0001
Mexico 3: 0198
Middle East 1: 0030, 0310
Morocco 4: 0103; 7: 0294
Nepal 6: 0755
Pakistan 6: 0452
Panama 8: 0001
Portugal 10: 0001
PRC 1: 0128, 0364; 2: 0399; 9: 0392,
0538, 0880
ROC 9: 0226
Tunisia 4: 0103
Turkey 6: 0213
UK 1: 0001, 0030, 0083, 0251, 0284;
5: 0360
USSR 1: 0083, 0364; 2: 0530, 0657,
0682; 3: 0843; 7: 0493; 8: 0504
Foreign trade
East-West 2: 0248, 0300, 0350; 5: 0672;
11: 0058
Japan liberalization of trade and
payments 9: 0282
U.S.-Europe 5: 0712
U.S. lead and zinc import quotas
3: 0253
U.S.-USSR 5: 0309
Foreign trade controls
1: 0001
aid to underdeveloped countries
10: 0725
Algeria policy 5: 0260
biographical data on select officials
4: 0283; 5: 0260, 0543; 11: 0276
community of African states 5: 0503
disarmament proposals 2: 0628, 0644
East-West relations development
proposal 2: 0644
economic situation 4: 0283
Eisenhower visit 4: 0776; 5: 0001, 0309,
0826, 0948; 7: 0078, 0101
financial situation 4: 0001
German reunification and collective
security in Europe draft directive
2: 0589, 0644
NATO relations 4: 0051; 5: 0652
noninterference in affairs of states
10: 0725
North Africa relations 11: 0397, 0468,
political situation 4: 0283
U.S. relations 3: 0973; 5: 0046, 0260,
0503, 0794, 0826, 0906
Western Foundation for Scientific
Research proposal 3: 0911
see also Paris, France
Gasperi, Alcide de
6: 0001
General Council of Trade Unions
see Sohyo
Geneva Conference (July 1955)
Europe postconference mood 5: 0309
general 2: 0083, 0085, 0149, 0216,
0248, 0300, 0350, 0399, 0462,
0489, 0530, 0560, 0589, 0628,
0644, 0657, 0682, 0706, 0740,
0765, 0796, 0814, 0833, 0857,
0877, 0908, 0926, 0953
international public opinion 2: 0085,
0149, 0216, 0248, 0300, 0350, 0399
transcripts of foreign ministers meetings
2: 0814, 0833, 0857, 0877, 0908,
0926, 0953
transcripts of plenary sessions 2: 0657,
0682, 0706, 0740, 0765, 0796
future of 2: 0216, 0248, 0300, 0350
Paris summit meeting participation
9: 0933
reunification 1: 0001, 0083, 0364;
2: 0085, 0149, 0462, 0530, 0560,
0589, 0644, 0657, 0682, 0706,
0740, 0796, 0833, 0857, 0877,
0908, 0926, 0953; 3: 0769; 5: 0309;
10: 0633, 0725
USSR peace treaty proposal 10: 0725
war criminals 4: 0051
see also Berlin, Germany
see also Germany, Federal Republic of
Germany, Federal Republic of (FRG)
aid to underdeveloped countries 4: 0001
biographical data on select officials
4: 0283; 5: 0565; 11: 0276
economic situation 4: 0283, 0631
Eisenhower visit 5: 0202, 0309, 0826,
NATO contributions 4: 0051
political situation 4: 0283
Eastern Europe policy 5: 0565
status of forces negotiations 4: 0051
UK forces in 1: 0174, 0424; 4: 0001;
5: 0360, 0867
U.S. forces in 1: 0174, 0424
U.S. relations 3: 0973; 4: 0001, 0051;
5: 0565, 0794, 0826, 0906, 0948
Yugoslavia relations 4: 0051
see also Bonn, FRG
11: 0397, 0468, 0538
Afghanistan visit 6: 0508
for Afghan people 6: 0582
Athens, Greece, visit 6: 0877
for John XXIII (pope) 6: 0001
for Khrushchev, Nikita, and wife 8: 0452
for King Zahir 6: 0582
Lisbon, Portugal, visit 10: 0001
Madrid, Spain, visit 7: 0173
Morocco visit 7: 0294
New Delhi, India, visit 6: 0636, 0689
Tunisia visit 7: 0001, 0039
Grand Design
1: 0083, 0364
biographical data on select officials
4: 0283
briefing memorandum and discussion
issues 7: 0493
economic situation 4: 0283
Eisenhower visit 6: 0877, 0942
foreign minister 5: 0260
foreign relations 6: 0877
political situation 4: 0283
Turkey relations 6: 0304
U.S. relations 3: 0973; 4: 0103
see also Athens, Greece
fishing territory dispute with Mexico
3: 0253
5: 0503
Haneda Airport, Tokyo, Japan
anti-U.S. incident 8: 0568
diagram 8: 0907; 9: 0061, 0609, 0770
Heads of Government Meeting
3: 0705, 0973; 4: 0161
Higher education
Japanese students’ anti-U.S.
demonstrations 8: 0048, 0237
plans for university in North Africa
11: 0397, 0468, 0538
University of Delhi 6: 0689
Hong Kong
Nixon, Richard M., visit 3: 0381
1: 0083, 0364
defense construction program 4: 0051
general 4: 0283
U.S. relations 3: 0973; 4: 0498
briefing memorandum and discussion
issues 7: 0493
Eisenhower visit 6: 0636, 0689, 0755,
Eisenhower, Mrs. John, meetings with
women 6: 0689
financial situation 4: 0103
Kashmir dispute with Pakistan 1: 0128,
press 7: 0434
U.S. participation in agricultural
development program 6: 0689
7: 0434
International assistance
British African territories 1: 0128, 0424
East-West cooperation 5: 0503;
11: 0058
European aid 5: 0712; 7: 0971
French views on 10: 0725
FRG aid 4: 0001
Japan 9: 0282, 0538
Jordan 1: 0030, 0284
Laos 5: 0867
Latin America 2: 0001; 7: 0971; 8: 0001
Libya 1: 0030, 0284
Mexico 3: 0253, 0302
Middle East 1: 0001
Morocco 5: 0712; 7: 0561
Portugal 10: 0070, 0134, 0387
ROC 9: 0481
ROK 9: 0344, 0880
UK 1: 0001, 0174
Uruguay 7: 0843, 0916
International Atomic Energy Agency
1: 0128, 0424; 4: 0103
International sanctions
Suez Canal boycott 1: 0030, 0310
8: 0702, 0779; 9: 0933
briefing memorandum and discussion
issues 7: 0493
Eisenhower visit 7: 0434
USSR pressures on 5: 0360
USSR relations 5: 0360
Arab African attitudes toward 11: 0397,
0468, 0538
biographical data on select officials
4: 0333
briefing memorandum and discussion
issues 7: 0493
economic situation 4: 0333
Eisenhower visit 4: 0961; 5: 0136;
6: 0001, 0054, 0113, 0144
political situation 4: 0333; 6: 0144
Umberto (former king) 10: 0001
U.S. relations 3: 0973; 5: 0612
Western Mediterranean Pact 4: 0001
aid to less developed countries 9: 0282
anti-U.S. incidents 8: 0048, 0237, 0568
background data 9: 0282, 0538
biographical data on select officials
9: 0282, 0538
communism 8: 0632
Eisenhower visit 8: 0048, 0325, 0568,
0632, 0702, 0779, 0847, 0907,
0957; 9: 0001, 0061, 0111, 0538,
0609, 0658, 0712, 0770, 0820
liberalization of trade and payments
9: 0282
political situation 8: 0568; 9: 0282, 0538
press 8: 0632
public opinion 8: 0048
ROK relations 9: 0392
U.S. relations 4: 0103; 8: 0568, 0632,
0779; 9: 0282, 0392, 0538
John XXIII (pope)
6: 0001, 0144
UK relations 1: 0030, 0284
U.S. aid 1: 0030, 0284
India-Pakistan dispute 1: 0128, 0424
Kasumigaseki Country Club, Japan
diagram of golf course 8: 0907; 9: 0061,
Khrushchev, Nikita
actions before May 1960 summit
meeting 9: 0933; 10: 0070, 0134,
Khrushchev, Nikita cont.
gifts for 8: 0452
U.S. visit 5: 0309
Khrushchev, Mrs. Nikita
8: 0452
Kohler, Foy D.
7: 0373
unification 9: 0344
Korea, Republic of (ROK)
biographical data on select officials
9: 0344, 0880
Eisenhower visit 8: 0048, 0325; 9: 0001,
Japan relations 9: 0392
political situation 9: 0344, 0880
UN membership 9: 0344
U.S. relations 4: 0103; 9: 0344, 0880
Labor unions
Sohyo (General Council of Trade
Unions) 8: 0632
general 5: 0712
UN actions 5: 0867
U.S. military aid 5: 0867
Latin America
arms limitation 8: 0001
Chinese Communist activities in 7: 0971
Eisenhower trip 7: 0632, 0690, 0741,
0801, 0843, 0879, 0916, 0971;
8: 0001
UN interests 8: 0001
U.S. relations 1: 0926; 2: 0001, 0050;
7: 0971; 8: 0001
see also names of individual countries
U.S. failure to consult with France
during 1958 crisis 5: 0503
11: 0397, 0468, 0538
general 11: 0397, 0468, 0538
UK relations 1: 0030, 0284; 4: 0103
U.S. aid 1: 0030, 0284
Lithuanian American Council
views on upcoming summit meeting
11: 0389
Lloyd, Selwyn
1: 0083, 0364
Lopez Mateos, Adolfo
3: 0001
general 4: 0333
U.S. relations 3: 0973
Makarios, Archbishop
1: 0083, 0310
invitation for prime minister to visit U.S.
7: 0434
McCormick, Lynde
3: 0637
Meat industry and products
U.S. restrictions on meat imports
8: 0001
Medical arrangements
Japan trip 8: 0957; 9: 0111, 0658
Meiji Park, Tokyo, Japan
diagram 8: 0907; 9: 0061, 0609, 0770
background data 3: 0352
biographical data on select officials
3: 0090, 0143, 0198
communism 3: 0253
economic situation 3: 0302
Eisenhower trip 3: 0001, 0044, 0090,
0143, 0198, 0253, 0302, 0352
fishing territory dispute with Guatemala
3: 0253
political situation 3: 0352
U.S. relations 3: 0198, 0253, 0302
see also Acapulco, Mexico
Middle East
Communist threat 1: 0030, 0310
developments 1: 0001
East and West policies toward 5: 0712
U.S. aid 1: 0001
Western access to oil 1: 0030, 0310
see also names of individual countries
Military assistance, U.S.
Japan 9: 0538
Laos 5: 0867
Morocco 5: 0712
NATO countries 3: 0843
Portugal 10: 0070, 0134, 0387
ROC 9: 0481
ROK 9: 0344, 0880
UK 1: 0001, 0174
Military bases, posts, and reservations
Andrews Air Force Base 4: 0465
Benson Royal Air Force Station 4: 0734
facility inspections 10: 0562
U.S. base rights in Portugal 10: 0387
U.S. bases in Morocco 5: 0712
U.S. bases in West Indies 5: 0360
Military personnel
U.S. forces in ROK 4: 0103
U.S. NATO forces 1: 0174; 3: 0535
Military weapons
development and production 1: 0174,
0424; 3: 0769, 0911
general 5: 0465
inspection 3: 0843; 10: 0562
see also Arms control and disarmament
see also Missiles and rockets
see also Nuclear weapons
Missiles and rockets
deployment of U.S. missiles in UK
1: 0174, 0424
intermediate-range ballistic missiles
3: 0769; 4:0051
site inspection 10: 0562
Monuments and memorials
Gasperi, Alcide de, tomb 6: 0001
Ozaki [Yukio] Memorial 8: 0907;
9: 0061, 0609, 0770
biographical data on select officials
7: 0561
briefing memorandum and discussion
issues 7: 0493, 0561
Eisenhower visit 7: 0294, 0561
general 11: 0397, 0468, 0538
U.S. relations 4: 0103; 5: 0712; 7: 0294,
Western Mediterranean Pact 4: 0001
Motion pictures
distribution of film of Europe, Asia, and
Africa trip 7: 0620
general 8: 0398
Mowrer, Richard
10: 0001
Nasser, Gamal Abdel
5: 0712
National Advisory Committee on InterAmerican Affairs
Uruguay schedule for members 7: 0916
National defense
Iceland defense construction program
4: 0051
U.S.-Canada understandings 4: 0001
U.S. posture in NATO 3: 0769
Natural gas and gas industry
draft U.S.-Mexico convention on border
oil and gas conservation 3: 0302
Natural resources
South America 1: 0926; 2: 0050
U.S. relations 6: 0755
general 4: 0333
U.S. relations 3: 0973
Western Europe 2: 0085, 0149
New Zealand
Nixon, Richard M., visit 3: 0393
Nixon, Richard M.
Africa trip 11: 0397, 0468, 0538
Asia and Pacific area trip 3: 0381, 0393,
0431, 0452, 0471, 0510
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
biographical data on leaders 4: 0227
collective defense 3: 0769
Commander-in-Chief, Allied Forces,
Southern Europe 3: 0637
congressional action on status treaties
3: 0637
cooperation in science, technology, and
weapons development 3: 0911
defense policy and strategy 3: 0769;
5: 0465
de Gaulle, Charles, attitude 5: 0565
economic role 3: 0769, 0843
force requirements 3: 0843
foreign exchange costs of forces serving
outside their own country 1: 0174,
France relations 5: 0652
FRG and French contributions 4: 0051
general 1: 0083; 2: 0706; 3: 0535, 0637,
0705, 0745, 0769, 0843, 0911,
0973; 4: 0001, 0051, 0103, 0161,
0227, 0283, 0333, 0384; 5: 0260,
0652; 7: 0101; 10: 0508
Heads of Government Meeting 3: 0705,
0973; 4: 0161
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO) cont.
Iceland loan 4: 0001
meetings between Eisenhower and
Paul-Henri Spaak 3: 0745
military aid 3: 0843
nuclear stockpile 3: 0769
organizational structure 5: 0465
political consultation 3: 0769, 0843
problems facing 3: 0769
reference documents 4: 0161
Spain membership 4: 0001; 5: 0612;
10: 0387
Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic
3: 0637; 7: 0101
UK views on scientific issues 3: 0911
use of force 5: 0503
U.S. NATO forces in Europe 1: 0174;
3: 0535
U.S. nuclear weapons, defense policy,
and force posture 3: 0769
U.S.-UK support for 1: 0001
world opinion on 2: 0399, 0489
general 4: 0333
U.S. relations 3: 0973
Nuclear power plants and reactors
EURATOM 1: 0128; 4: 0051
International Atomic Energy Agency
1: 0128, 0424; 4: 0103
Norstad European inspection plan
10: 0562
peaceful nuclear development 2: 0462;
3: 0302
proposed Asian Regional Nuclear
Center in the Philippines 1: 0128,
safeguards 5: 0503
U.S.-UK information exchange on
military propulsion reactors 1: 0128,
Nuclear testing and test sites
Conference on Nuclear Test
Suspension 1: 0909
detection and identification of
underground explosions 1: 0909
French 5: 0260, 0503
general 5: 0360; 9: 0392; 10: 0198,
0293, 0508; 11: 0150, 0167, 0222
limitation 1: 0083, 0364
Nuclear weapons
French development 1: 0128, 0424
general 2: 0085, 0149, 0248, 0300,
0350; 4: 0776; 5: 0309, 0360
NATO stockpile 3: 0769
U.S.-France cooperation 5: 0503
U.S. posture in NATO 3: 0769
USSR proposal for ban 2: 0628, 0765
Opinion and attitude surveys
international public opinion 2: 0085,
0149, 0399, 0489; 5: 0136, 0167
Japanese public opinion 8: 0048
Spanish public opinion 7: 0235
U.S. public opinion 2: 0216
Western European public opinion
2: 0399, 0462; 4: 0465
Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development
USSR proposal to join 11: 0001
Organization for European Economic
1: 0128; 4: 0051
Organization of American States
postponement of Eleventh InterAmerican Conference (“Quito
Conference”) 7: 0971
Ota, Seisaku
8: 0702, 0779
Ozaki [Yukio] Memorial
diagram 8: 0907; 9: 0061, 0609, 0770
Afghanistan relations 6: 0582
briefing memorandum and discussion
issues 7: 0493
Eisenhower visit 6: 0343, 0389, 0452
Kashmir dispute with India 1: 0128,
U.S. relations 6: 0452
Palais de Rambouillet, Paris, France
floor plans 5: 0001
settlement prospects 1: 0030, 0310
U.S. relations 8: 0001
Paris, France
customs and passport procedures
5: 0046
Eisenhower visit 4: 0879, 0930, 0961;
5: 0001, 0309, 0465, 0761, 0867,
0906; 7: 0101; 9: 0933; 10: 0198,
Paris summit meeting (May 1960)
general 9: 0933; 10: 0001, 0070, 0134,
0198, 0293, 0387, 0451, 0508,
0562, 0633, 0725; 11: 0001, 0058,
0150, 0167, 0222, 0276, 0327, 0389
German participation 9: 0933
Khrushchev, Nikita, actions 9: 0933;
10: 0070, 0134, 0387
procedures 10: 0198, 0293, 0508, 0725;
11: 0167, 0222
schedule 11: 0167, 0222
scope and objectives 10: 0725;
11: 0167, 0222
statements 10: 0198, 0293, 0508;
11: 0222
UK delegation 9: 0933
USSR and Western positions 10: 0198,
0293, 0508
Meiji Park, Tokyo, Japan 8: 0907;
9: 0061, 0609, 0770
Passports and visas
Paris, France, passport procedures
5: 0046
passport numbers of presidential party
8: 0632
boundary dispute with Ecuador 7: 0971
Petroleum and petroleum products
draft U.S.-Mexico convention on border
oil and gas conservation 3: 0302
Western access to Middle East oil
1: 0030, 0310
background data 9: 0163
biographical data on select officials
9: 0163, 0434
economic development 8: 0147
Eisenhower visit 8: 0048; 9: 0434
proposed Asian Regional Nuclear
Center 1: 0128, 0424
general 1: 0083, 0364
unofficial ambassador to Vatican
6: 0054
U.S.-FRG cooperation in economic
policies toward 4: 0001
U.S. relations 1: 0083, 0364
background data 10: 0070, 0134, 0387
biographical data on select officials
4: 0384; 10: 0070, 0134, 0451
candidacy for UN Security Council seat
10: 0387
economic situation 4: 0384
Eisenhower failure to visit (1959)
7: 0434
Eisenhower visit (1960) 10: 0001, 0070,
0134, 0387
overseas territories 10: 0387
political situation 4: 0384
U.S. relations 3: 0973; 10: 0001, 0070,
0134, 0387
Prasad, Rajendra
6: 0636
Press arrangements
Ankara, Turkey, visit 6: 0213, 0256
Asia trip 8: 0147, 0237
Athens, Greece, visit 6: 0877, 0942
Bonn, FRG, visit 4: 0631, 0689
Canada trip 1: 0546, 0616
Europe trip 4: 0432, 0465
Japan trip 8: 0147, 0237, 0568, 0632,
0702, 0779, 0907; 9: 0061, 0609,
Kabul, Afghanistan, visit 6: 0508
Karachi, Pakistan, visit 6: 0343, 0389,
London, UK, visit 4: 0776; 5: 0084,
0167, 0202
Madrid, Spain, visit 7: 0235
Mexico trip 3: 0090
Morocco visit 7: 0294
New Delhi, India, visit 6: 0636, 0689,
0755, 0821
Paris, France, visit 4: 0930, 0961;
9: 0933
Rome, Italy, visit 6: 0054, 0113, 0144
Toulon, France, visit 7: 0078
Tunisia visit 7: 0001
USSR trip 8: 0147, 0237, 0325, 0398
Press coverage
Ceylon 7: 0434
Eisenhower France visit 5: 0001
Press coverage cont.
Eisenhower Pakistan visit 6: 0452
Eisenhower UK visit 5: 0202
European, of proposed U.S.-USSR talks
4: 0465
exclusion of U.S. press correspondent
from Portugal 10: 0001
Geneva Conference opinions 2: 0085,
0149, 0248, 0300, 0350
India 7: 0434
Japan 8: 0632
Nixon, Richard M., Australia visit
3: 0393, 0431, 0452, 0471, 0510
see also Press arrangements
U.S.-UK memorandum on information
and psychological activities 4: 0161
Puerto Rico
Eisenhower visit 7: 0916
Quito Conference
see under Organization of American
Voice of America 7: 0373
Regional planning and cooperation
inter-American economic cooperation
3: 0253
Ryukyu Islands
chief executive 8: 0702, 0779
Science and technology
cooperation in science, technology, and
weapons development in NATO
3: 0911
coordinated scientific research and
advanced weapons production
3: 0769
East-West exchanges 11: 0001, 0058
Western Foundation for Scientific
Research 3: 0911
Security arrangements
Ankara, Turkey, visit 6: 0213
Athens, Greece, visit 6: 0942
Canada trip 1: 0546, 0616
Japan trip 8: 0568, 0957; 9: 0111, 0658
Lisbon, Portugal, visit 10: 0001
London, UK, visit 5: 0167
Madrid, Spain, visit 7: 0173
Mexico trip 3: 0001, 0044, 0090
New Delhi, India, visit 6: 0689
Tunisia visit 7: 0001, 0173
Sino-Soviet bloc
relations with free world 9: 0392, 0481,
0538, 0880
Sohyo (General Council of Trade Unions)
resolution opposing Eisenhower visit
8: 0632
Sony Corporation
diagram of plant 9: 0770
South America
economic conditions 1: 0926; 2: 0050
Eisenhower trip 7: 0632
Eisenhower, Milton, trip 1: 0926;
2: 0001, 0050
nationalism 1: 0926; 2: 0050
natural and human resources 1: 0926;
2: 0050
U.S. relations 1: 0926; 2: 0050
see also names of individual countries
South American Free Trade Area
7: 0971
Soviet bloc
Uruguay trade and diplomatic relations
7: 0843, 0916
Spaak, Paul-Henri
3: 0745
Space programs
general 10: 0198, 0293; 11: 0150, 0167,
surveillance satellites for weapons
inspection 3: 0843
briefing memorandum and discussion
issues 7: 0493
Eisenhower visit 7: 0173, 0235
NATO membership 4: 0001; 5: 0612;
10: 0387
U.S. relations 5: 0612
Status of Forces Agreement
3: 0637
Strategic materials
U.S.-UK uranium discussions 1: 0128,
anti-U.S. demonstrations in Japan
8: 0048, 0237
11: 0397, 0468, 0538
Tunisia visit 7: 0039
USSR trip 8: 0147, 0237, 0325, 0398
Treaties and conventions
congressional action on NATO status
treaties 3: 0637
regional mutual security pacts 1: 0001
Treaty on Collective Security in Europe
2: 0589
UK-Jordan treaty of alliance termination
1: 0030, 0284
U.S.-Japan security treaty 8: 0568, 0632
U.S.-Mexico, on border oil and gas
conservation 3: 0302
USSR proposal for peace treaty with
Germany 10: 0725
Treaty on Collective Security in Europe
USSR proposal 2: 0589
Tripartite Declaration of 1950
1: 0030, 0310
Truman, Harry S.
visit to Ottawa, Canada, June 1947
1: 0546
arms 5: 0503
briefing memorandum and discussion
issues 7: 0493
Eisenhower visit 7: 0001, 0039, 0173,
general 7: 0001; 11: 0397, 0468, 0538
U.S. relations 4: 0103
biographical data on select officials
4: 0384
briefing memorandum and discussion
issues 7: 0493
economic situation 4: 0384
Eisenhower visit 6: 0213, 0256, 0304,
0877, 0942
foreign minister 5: 0260
Greece relations 6: 0304
political situation 4: 0384
U.S. relations 3: 0973; 4: 0103; 6: 0213
Umberto (former king of Italy)
10: 0001
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
arms reduction and nuclear weapons
ban proposals 2: 0628, 0765
attitude toward war 5: 0309
Suez Canal
economic effects of Western boycott
1: 0030, 0310
general 1: 0001; 5: 0867
biographical data on select officials
7: 0916
pro-USSR sympathies 1: 0030, 0310
see China, Republic of
Technical exchanges
East-West 11: 0001, 0058
Textile industry and fabrics
cotton export program 3: 0044
woolen fabrics tariff quota 5: 0867
Eisenhower failure to visit (1959)
7: 0434
Nixon, Richard M., visit 3: 0381
Dalai Lama 6: 0755, 0821
UN consideration 5: 0360
Transportation and transportation
U.S.-Mexico commercial motor vehicle
transport agreement 3: 0302
Transportation arrangements
Africa trip 7: 0434
Ankara, Turkey, visit 6: 0256, 0304
Asia trip 7: 0434; 8: 0147, 0237
Athens, Greece, visit 6: 0877
Bonn, FRG, visit 4: 0531, 0631
Europe trip 7: 0434
Japan trip 8: 0048, 0147, 0237, 0568,
0632, 0702, 0779, 0847, 0957;
9: 0001, 0111, 0658
Kabul, Afghanistan, visit 6: 0508, 0582
Karachi, Pakistan, visit 6: 0389
Lisbon, Portugal, visit 10: 0001
London, UK, visit 4: 0776; 5: 0046,
0084, 0202
Madrid, Spain, visit 7: 0235
Mexico trip 3: 0044
Morocco visit 7: 0294
New Delhi, India, visit 6: 0689
Paris, France, visit 4: 0879; 7: 0101;
9: 0933
Rome, Italy, visit 6: 0001, 0054, 0144
economic situation 1: 0030; 4: 0384
Eisenhower visit 4: 0734, 0776, 0822;
5: 0046, 0084, 0136, 0167, 0202,
0309, 0360, 0761, 0826, 0867,
0906, 0948
information exchange on military
propulsion reactors 1: 0128, 0424
intermediate-range ballistic missiles
4: 0051
Jordan relations 1: 0030, 0284
Libya relations 1: 0030, 0284; 4: 0103
Middle East policy 1: 0030, 0310
and NATO 1: 0001; 3: 0911
policy toward Soviet satellite states
1: 0083, 0364
political situation 4: 0384
support for UN 1: 0001
U.S. aid to British African territories
1: 0128, 0424
U.S. relations 1: 0001, 0030, 0083,
0128, 0174, 0251, 0284, 0424;
3: 0973; 5: 0360, 0794, 0826, 0867,
0906, 0948
U.S.-UK memorandum on information
and psychological activities 4: 0161
United Nations (UN)
Chinese representation 1: 0128, 0364
effectiveness 1: 0083, 0310
General Assembly resolutions on
disarmament 10: 0562
Laos actions 5: 0867
Portuguese candidacy for Security
Council seat 10: 0387
ROK membership 9: 0344
Second Law of the Sea Conference
8: 0001
Tibet situation 5: 0360
U.S.–Latin America mutual interests
8: 0001
U.S.-UK support for 1: 0001
background paper 7: 0916
biographical data on select officials
7: 0801, 0879, 0916
briefing memorandum and discussion
issues 7: 0843
Eisenhower visit 7: 0801, 0843, 0879,
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
(USSR) cont.
biographical data on select officials
11: 0327
control of international Communist
movement 11: 0001
draft directive on collective security in
Europe, disarmament, and German
reunification 2: 0644
Eisenhower trip 8: 0325, 0398, 0452,
foreign policy 1: 0001
German peace treaty proposal 10: 0725
Iraq relations 5: 0360
negotiation tactics 1: 0909
Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development, proposal to join
11: 0001
position on East-West negotiations
3: 0843
pressures on Iran 5: 0360
Soviet bloc 7: 0843, 0916
Syrian pro-Soviet sympathies 1: 0030,
Treaty on Collective Security in Europe
proposal 2: 0589
U.S. relations 3: 0843; 5: 0309, 0794,
0826, 0906, 0948; 7: 0493; 8: 0325,
0398, 0504; 11: 0001
U.S.-UK policy toward Soviet satellite
states 1: 0083, 0364
world opinion on 2: 0399, 0489
see also Sino-Soviet bloc
United Kingdom (UK)
armed forces in FRG 1: 0174, 0424;
4: 0001; 5: 0360, 0867
biographical data on select officials
1: 0221, 0493; 4: 0384; 5: 0431;
11: 0276
closer association with continental
Europe 1: 0083, 0364
colonial policies 1: 0030, 0128, 0284,
Cyprus actions 1: 0001
delegation to Paris summit meeting
9: 0933
disarmament proposals 2: 0628, 0644
draft directive on German reunification
and collective security in Europe
2: 0589, 0644
trade and diplomatic relations with
Soviet bloc 7: 0843, 0916
U.S. relations 7: 0843, 0916
U.S. Information Agency
coverage of Eisenhower trip to Europe,
Asia, and Africa 7: 0373
USS Des Moines
7: 0001, 0039
John XXIII (pope) 6: 0001, 0144
request of unofficial Polish ambassador
for meeting with Eisenhower 6: 0054
Voice of America
7: 0373
Wahn Airport, Bonn, FRG
diagram 4: 0689
War crimes
German 4: 0051
Wars and military conflicts
USSR attitude toward 5: 0309
world opinion on prospects of war
2: 0489
West New Guinea
strategic significance 4: 0001
Western European Union
multilateral new weapons development
1: 0174, 0424
Western Foundation for Scientific
French proposal 3: 0911
Western Mediterranean Pact
Morocco and Italy proposal 4: 0001
Work stoppages
Japan strikes 8: 0632
World Agricultural Fair
Eisenhower participation 6: 0821
Wright, Jerauld
3: 0637; 7: 0101
4: 0051
Zahir, King
6: 0582
Zengakuren (All-Japan Federation of
Students’ Self-Governing Associations)
opposition to Eisenhower visit 8: 0632
Related UPA Collections
The Confidential Files of the Eisenhower White House, 1953–1961
Part 1: Confidential Subject Files
Part 2: Presidential Trips and Conferences
Part 3: Departments and Agencies
The Dwight D. Eisenhower National Security Files, 1953–1961
Part 1: Subject Files
Part 2: Presidential Files
Part 3: Correspondence Files
President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Office Files, 1953–1961
Part 1: Eisenhower Administration Series
Part 2: International Series
Confidential U.S. State Department Central Files
Confidential U.S. State Department Special Files
Minutes and Documents of the Cabinet Meetings of
President Eisenhower (1953–1961)
Documentary History of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidency
UPA Collections from LexisNexis®