1 Anatomy – Neck


Anatomy – Neck


‘ extends from thoracic inlet to base of skull’

Hard palate – C1

Lower border of mandible – C2/3

Hyoid bone – C3

Cricoid cartilage – C6

Fascia and tissue spaces

Deep cervical fascia

Investing layer (green)

Prevertebral front of prevertebral muscles ( orange)

Pretracheal Thin membrane deep to infrahyoid musc (purple)

Carotid sheath (red)

Contents Common carotid artery, IJ vein, Vagus nerve

Surface markings line joining SC joint to midway between mastoid process/angle mandible

Soft tissue neck XR

Nasopharynx/post aspect tongue/soft palate

Retropharyngeal soft tissue


Epiglottis, Vallecula

Vestibular fold/vocal fold

Bony: C1, C2, BOS, mandible, spinous processes, laminae, disc spaces, larynx, hyoid, trachea

Cartilage: thyroid

Soft tissue anterior to upper cervical spine:

Ant longitudinal ligament

Longus colli muscle

Prevertebral fascia

Retropharyngeal space

Buccopharyngeal fascia

Pharyngeal muscle

Tissue spaces

Prevertebral space

Retropharyngeal and parapharyngeal spaces

Submandibular space

Root of neck

Borders T1, First ribs, Manubrium relation to scalenus anterior

SVC, L/R brachiocephalic A and V, carotids, subclavians

Nerves – phrenic/vagus


Subclavian artery

Surface marking – line upwards 2cm above clavicle from SC joint to mid clavicle

From brachiocephalic R, aortic arch L – behind SC joints

Post to scal ant, crosses 1 st

rib, Ends lat border 1 st

rib → axillary

3 parts: med, behind, lat to scal ant

1 st

: 3 branch: vertebral, int thoracic, thyrocervical trunk

2 nd

: between scal ant/med 2 branch: supraclav, dorsal scap

3 rd

: No branches

Subclavian vein

From axill med to outer border 1 st rib → med/post to clavicle, sup to 1 st


Lies ant to scal ant (subclavian A is behind this) groove 1 st


→ brachioceph at med border scal ant joins IJV (thoracic duct L, lymphatic R)

Anterior to it: skin, pec major, clavipectoral fascia, pec min


Origin Rounded tendon manubrium below sternal notch

Flat tendon from sup surface medial third clavicle


Lateral surface mastoid process

Lateral half superior nuchal line of occipital bone

Crossed by External jugular vein

Deep to upper part lies cervical plexus

Deep to lower part lies carotid sheath

Nerve Spinal part of accessory nerve (C3,4)

Action tilts head to ipsilateral shoulder/rotates head opposite

Posterior triangle of the neck

Borders - SCM, trapezius, clavicle


3 trunks brachial plexus

Accessory nerve

Pulsation of subclavian artery

External jugular vein

Lymph nodes

Inferior belly of omohyoid


Ant dig





Post dig


Anterior triangle of the neck

Omohyoid Midline


Muscles of anterior triangle

Suprahyoid muscles

Mylohyoid (forms floor mouth)

Digastric – ant/post bellies

Stylohyoid, Geniohyoid

Infrahyoid muscles

Sternohyoid, Omohyoid, Thyrohyoid, Sternothyroid

Borders Mandible, SCM, Midline

Subdivided into

Carotid triangle

Borders SCM, post digastric, omohyoid

Contents Bifurcation common carotid and branches external carotid

Lingual, facial, sup thyroid veins

Hypoglossal, int/ext laryngeal n.

Jugulogastric lymph nodes

Digastric - Borders Mandible, ant/post digastric

Submental - Borders Ant belly digastric, hyoid, mid

Muscular - Borders SCM, omohyoid, midline


Cervical plexus

Anterior rami upper 4 cervical nerves

Branch - Phrenic nerve (C3/4/5) over scalene anterior, behind subclavian vein into mediastinum

Thyroid gland

Enclosed by capsule and pretracheal fascia, Ant neck C5-T1

Isthmus over 2nd, 3rd and 4th tracheal rings, Join lateral lobes

Blood supply Sup/inf thyroid arteries, Thyroidea ima artery; Sup/mid/inf thyroid veins

Lymph Mainly deep cervical nodes

Great vessels of the neck

Common carotid artery

Left aortic arch, Right brachiocephalic trunk, behind SC joint into common carotid and subclavian

Common carotid gives no branches

Lies in carotid sheath medial to internal jugular vein, with vagus nerve

Divides at upper border thyroid cartilage (upper border of C4) Carotid sinus , Carotid body

Surface marking – SC joint to upper border thyroid cartilage

External carotid artery

Main arterial supply neck & face

Origin upper border C4/thyroid cartilage

Med to ICA at commencement (later lat), ant to SCM, ascend ant to ICA

Surface marking – point bifurcation to in front of tragus of ear


Some: Superior thyroid artery

Anaesthetists: Ascending pharyngeal artery

Like: Lingual artery

Fun: Facial artery

Others: Occipital artery


Prefer: Posterior auricular artery

S &: Superficial temporal artery (terminal)

M: Maxillary artery (terminal)

3 anterior, 2 behind, 1 medial

Ant: superior thyroid inferior, lingual above, facial above

Post: occipital inferior, posterior auricular above

Med: ascending pharyngeal

Internal carotid artery

4 parts – cervical, petrous, cavernous, cerebral

Main supply to brain and eye

Arises at bifurcation of common carotid artery (C3-4)

Lateral to external carotid at origin, Passes up poste and medial in carotid sheath

No branches in neck, Passes through carotid canal in petrous temporal bone

Surface marking – line from bifurcation to head of mandible

Internal jugular vein

Drains brain, neck & face

Thoracic duct opens into angle of union between L IJV & L subclavian vein, right lymphatic duct opens on right side

Emerges from jugular bulb at posterior part of jugular foramen

Lies on transverse process of atlas

Initially behind internal carotid artery in carotid sheath, then lateral

Covered by sternocleidomastoid in lower part

Join subclavian, form brachio behind sternal end clavicle

Surface marking – ear lobe to SC joint

Lymphatic drainage of head and neck

2 groups – superficial and deep:

Superficial: Occipital, Retro-auricular, Parotid, Buccal, Submandibular, Submental

These drain into: Anterior cervical, Superficial cervical

These drain into deep group which form a chain along the IJV in the carotid sheath and receive all lymph of head/neck

Retropharyngeal, Laryngeal, Paratracheal, Pretracheal

These form jugular lymph trunks which drain into thoracic duct or R lymphatic duct



Function sphincter, phonation


Single Thyroid



Median glossoepiglottic fold

Lateral pharyngoepiglottic fd

Valleculae (depression mucous membrane either side glossoepiglottic folds)

Paired Arytenoid, Corniculate , Cuneiform

Joints Cricothyroid, Cricoarytenoid joint

Ligaments and membranes

Extrinsic membranes

Thyrohyoid, Cricotracheal

Intrinsic membranes

Quadrangular membrane arytenoid to epiglottis; Mucous membrane covered, form aryepiglottic folds (vestibular)

Cricothyroid membrane

Ant cricothyroid ligament

Lat cricothyroid ligaments Free edge is vocal ligament (vocal cord)

Hypoepiglottic ligament

Thyroepiglottic ligament


Adduction of cords and closing of glottis Transverse arytenoid, Oblique arytenoids, Lateral cricoarytenoid

Abduction of cords and opening of glottis Posterior cricoarytenoid

Shortens and relaxes cords Thyroarytenoid

Lengthens and tightens cords Cricothyroid

Nerve supply

Motor - Muscles



CN X – recurrent laryngeal


All muscles > recurrent laryngeal

Except cricothyroid > external laryngeal

Sensory - Mucous membranes

Above cords internal laryngeal, Below cords recurrent laryngeal


Nasopharynx (behind nasal, above soft palate), Oropharynx (behind oral cavity),

Laryngopharynx (behind larynx)

Rules of Nerve Supply for Muscle Groups

Pharynx - Pharyngeal plexus - Except stylopharyngeus (glossopharyngeal – IX)

Palate - Pharyngeal plexus - Except tensor veli palatini

Tongue - Hypoglossal (XII) - Except palatoglossus (pharyngeal plexus)

Facial expression and buccinator - Facial (VII) - Except levator palpebrae superioris (occulomotor)

Mastication - Mandibular division trigeminal (Vc) - Except buccinator (facial – VII)

Larynx - Recurrent laryngeal - Except cricothyroid (ext branch sup laryngeal – X)

