WEEK 2, 2: SOCIAL HISTORY, PATRONS, AND STYLE “…the one general point to be insisted on is that in the fiFeenth century, painJng was sJll too important to be leF to the painters…this book is about the customer’s parJcipaJon in it.’ -­‐Michael Baxandall, PainJng and Experience, p. 3. Masolino and Masaccio. BRANCACCI CHAPEL. c. 1425. Church of Santa Maria del Carmine, Florence. Completed By Filippino Lippi. THE TRIBUTE MONEY GenJle da Fabriano. STROZZI ALTARPIECE [ADORATION OF THE MAGI]. 1423. Tempera on panel, 203 x 228 cm. Uffizi, Florence, once Church of Santa Trinita, Sacristry. Michelozzo. PALAZZO MEDICI-­‐ RICCARDI 1440S? Donatello. DAVID WITH THE HEAD OF GOLIATH. 1430-­‐40s (but dated into 1460s) Bronze, height, 158 cm. Bargello, Florence. Donatello, DAVID WITH THE HEAD OF GOLIATH. 1408-­‐1409 Marble, height 191 cm. Bargello, Florence. As an ardent lover of the virtues, you have extended hospitality to these viri illustres, not only in your heart and mind, but also very magnificently in the most beauJful part of your palace. According to the custom of the ancients you have honored them with gold and purple, and with images and inscripJons you have set them up for admiraJon.... To the inward concepJon of your keen mind you have given outward expression in the form of most excellent pictures, so that you may always keep in sight these men whom you are eager to love because of the greatness of their deeds. -­‐Lombardo della Seta to Francesco il Vecchio da Carrara, ruler of Padua, 1370s. Paris B.N. Ms. Lat. 6069 F, folio 144r. Andrea Mantegna. CAMERA PICTA [CAMERA DEGLI SPOSI]. 1465-­‐74. Frescoes executed mostly in secco with oil. Dimensions of room 8.05 x 8.07 m. Palazzo Ducale, Mantua. Andrea Mantegna. CAMERA PICTA [CAMERA DEGLI SPOSI]: FAMILY OF LUDOVICO (NORTH WALL). Andrea Mantegna. CAMERA PICTA [CAMERA DEGLI SPOSI]: MEETING WITH FRANCESCO GONZAGA (WEST WALL). Andrea Mantegna. CAMERA PICTA [CAMERA DEGLI SPOSI]: OCULUS AND CAESARS. Leonardo da Vinci. ISABELLA D’ESTE. 1499-­‐1500. Drawing, 46 x 36 cm (cut on all sides). Louvre, Paris. Peter Paul Rubens. COPY OF A PORTRAIT OF ISABELLA D’ESTE. C. 1605-­‐1608. Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna. School of TiJan. PORTRAIT OF ISABELLA D’ESTE. 1530s? 101 x 82 cm. Giancristoforo Romano. MEDAL OF ISABELLA D’ESTE. 1505. Gold with jewels, diameter 4.6 cm diameter, weight 109.7 grams. Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna. Titan. ISABELLA D’ESTE. c. 1534-­‐36. Oil. Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna. Andrea Mantegna. TRIUMPHS OF CAESAR. 1490s. Tempera on canvas, each 2.66 x 2.78. London, Hampton Court. Giancristoforo Romano with Tullio Lombardo. DOOR OF THE GROTTO OF ISABELLA D’ESTE. Before 1505. Marble and pietre dure. Palazzo Ducale, Mantua. AnJco. VENUS FELIX. C. 1500. Bronze with gilding, wooden base with coins, h. 32 cm. Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna. AnJco. HERCULES AND ANTAEUS. 1519-­‐1528. Bronze, h. 43.5 cm. Vienna. Andrea Mantegna. PARNASSUS. c. 1499-­‐1502. Tempera on canvas, 1.6 x 1.9 m. Louvre, Paris. Andrea Mantegna. PALLAS EXPELLING THE VICES. c. 1499-­‐1502. Tempera and oil on canvas, 1.6 x 1.92 m. Louvre, Paris. Lorenzo Costa. THE VICES EXPELLED FROM OLYMPUS. 1511. 1.52 x 2.38 m. Louvre. Lorenzo Costa. GARDEN OF THE PEACEFUL ARTS. c. 1504-­‐1506. Approximately 1.6 x 1.9 m. Louvre, Paris. Pietro Perugino. BATTLE OF VIRTUES AND VICES. c. 1505. Approximately 1.6 x 1.9 m. Louvre, Paris.