French 1 Curriculum - Rice Lake Area School District

World Language – French
Level 1
Learning Priorities
Developed by Committee Members:
Martha Fox, Jean Schmitzer, & Nancy Chartier
Adopted by the
Board of Education
May 9, 2011
World Languages Curriculum Framework - French 1
RLASD World Languages
Course Outline
Learning Priorities:
French 1
Course Description:
Students learn authentic
language and culture through
speaking, listening, reading and
writing activities. Pair and small
group work, along with multimedia instruction, provides
language practice. Students
participate in cultural
celebrations, guided
conversations, language
activities, projects, skits, games,
songs, dialogues and
Enduring Understandings
Recognize the value of
communicating in another
Utilize reading and listening
strategies to find basic meaning
in other languages.
Employ speaking and writing
strategies to express basic
thoughts, ideas, and
Develop an awareness of and a
respect for another people’s
way of life.
Identify regions where the
target language is spoken.
Enhance learning and interest
through the study of world
Develop an understanding of
how languages express
Engage in patterned conversations in which they will ask and answer questions about personal
interests, preferences, and descriptions.
Comprehend key concepts of oral language using authentic media and/or visual support.
Understand and derive broad meaning from selected written materials using reading strategies.
Develop pronunciation and intonation patterns.
Use the Writing Process
Observe, identify, and imitate patterns of behavior in formal and informal social situations.
Respectfully compare and contrast cultural differences.
Identify major countries, regions, and geographic features.
Identify the cultural significance of major objects and symbols.
Connect the study of language with other school subjects (math, science, language arts, music,
and art, social studies) to support or enhance academic achievement.
Examine structures, idioms, cultural characteristics, and phonetics of the language.
Compare and contrast English with other languages.
Level 1 Topics:
Numbers 0 – 1000
Basic Body Parts
School subjects
Classroom Objects
City and Outdoor Places
Personal Information
French-speaking Countries
Instructional Strategies:
Student Self-Assessment:
How do I engage in patterned conversation with
classmates and teachers?
What value do I find in communicating in the other
What features help me to recognize the target language
when I read it or hear it?
What letter and symbol sound relationship can I
What reading strategies do I use to understand teacher
selected passages?
How do I demonstrate that I comprehend the target
language in classroom activities?
How can visuals increase my understanding of language?
What sounds do I imitate in the target language?
How do I use the target language to deliver a short
How do I write a complete sentence in the target
How do I write a brief message to a friend?
How do I write a brief narrative using the writing process?
What does culture mean?
How do I show respect for the cultures of other people in
the world?
What are the major countries where the target language is
What currency, flag, and major symbols are identified with
the country?
How has my knowledge of the target language helped me
in other classes?
What knowledge from other subjects enhances my study
of the target language?
What is meant by gender and number of nouns?
What are cognates?
What is an idiom?
How do I use nouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives?
What parts of speech am I able to identify?
 Immerse students in the
target language
 Teach interactively
 Implement learner
centered activities
 Provide feedback with
 Offer a visually and
culturally inviting
 Use guided practice
 Assign homework
 Develop activities for pair
and group work
 Engage students in choral
responses and repetition
 Lead students in
educational games to
reinforce learning
 Create opportunities for
Belief Statement: We believe that our students must be prepared to face the challenges of an increasingly pluralistic society.
skits and oral presentations
Acquiring a World Language will equip them 
to participate
in song
our global
community and empower them to meet the challenges of
Use music and
the 21 century.
strengthen language skills
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World Languages Curriculum Framework - French 1
French 1 Themes
Getting to know you:
- Greet someone and say
- Ask how someone is
- Introduce someone
- Ask about and share age
- Ask about things in the
Vocabulary Themes
- Greetings
- Numbers 0-30
- Classroom objects and
- Accents and special characters
- Give classroom commands and
Grammatical Emphasis:
- Subjects and verbs
- Subject pronouns
- Indefinite articles
- Plural of nouns
- The verb avoir
- Negation
Cultural Emphasis
- Gestures with greetings:
handshakes, faire la bise
- Etiquette with greetings
- Formal and informal register
- Paris
ask the teacher something
- Alphabet and spelling
- Ask for and give e-mail
me about your likes and dislikes:
Vocabulary Themes
Grammatical Emphasis:
Cultural Emphasis
- French music
- Traditional dances
- Soccer in France and
Tell me about your family:
- Definite articles
- Irregular plural of nouns
- -er verbs
- ger and –cer verbs
- Contractions with à
- Conjunctions
- Est-ce que
Grammatical Emphasis:
Cultural Emphasis
- Ask about likes and dislikes
- Agree and disagree
- Ask how often you do an
- Likes and dislikes
- Leisure activities
- Yes/No questions
- Ask how well you do an activity
and talk about preferences
- Ask about and describe people
- Ask for and give opinions
- Identify family members
- Ask about someone’s family
Vocabulary Themes
- Physical descriptions
- Personality traits
- Family and Pets
Tell me about school and free-time:
- Ask about classes
- Ask for an give an opinion
- Ask others what they need and
Vocabulary Themes
- School subjects and supplies
- Days of the week
- Time
tell what you need
- Colors
- Inquire about and buy
- Numbers 31 to 1000
- Sports and activities
- Ask about interests
- Seasons & months of the year
- Ask how often someone does
an activity
- Places in town
- Weather
- The verb être
- Adjective agreement
- -Irregular Adjectives
- Possessive Adjectives
- Showing possession
- Contractions with de
- C’est vs. Il est
Grammatical Emphasis:
- -re verbs
- Stem-changing –er verbs
- -Adjectives as nouns
- The verb faire
- Question words
- Adverbs
- The verb aller
Francophone countries
- French cinema
- Maison des Jeunes et de la
- Quebec
- Typical Quebecois surnames
- Je me souviens
- Family coat of arms
- French family life
- Traditional dances
- Summer Festivals
- Carnaval de Québec
Cultural Emphasis
- The 24-hour time system
- Typical French school schedule
- French calendar
- Lexical differences between
French in Quebec and France
- Baccalauréat
- Boules
- Celsius vs. Fahrenheit
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World Languages Curriculum Framework - French 1
Listening and Speaking
Listen for Understanding
 Listen with attention
 Follow directions
 Compare personal knowledge with
what you hear
 Compare cultural knowledge with
what you hear
Interact with Others
 Use polite conversational
 Speak clearly enough to be
 Role-play to practice social
 Engage in conversations with a
variety of people
 Follow the topic and add to the
 Build on the statements of others
 Form clear questions to gain
 Use level-appropriate specific
vocabulary when engaging in
 Participate in songs, rhymes and
Give Brief Oral Presentations
 Consider your audience
 Organize your thoughts
 Consider word choice
 Recite poems and short stories
 Use level-appropriate specific
 Use appropriate conventions for
Reading Strategies:
Writing Strategies:
Find Meaning
 Solve words: recognize cognates
and commonly used words
 Identify verbs, nouns, pronouns,
 Re-read to search for meaning
 Use visuals to find meaning
 Ask questions to clarify meaning or
get information
 Remember and use language
 Sort words by feature or category
Summarize and Adjust for
 State in English the main idea of a
text written in the target language
 Consider punctuation
 Demonstrate appropriate stress on
 Slow down to problem-solve words
Predict and Make Connections
 Use headings, titles, visuals and
print features to make predictions
 Use background knowledge to
make predictions
 Predict the ending of a text based
on what happened earlier in the
 Make and discuss connections
between the text and your personal
 Make connections between your
life experiences and those of
people from diverse cultures
Identify Purpose and Select and Genre
 Narrative: Is this a memoir, short
fiction, or a biography?
 Informational: Is this literary nonfiction, expository non-fiction, or an
 Poetic: Is this free-verse, traditional
rhyme, haiku, or song?
 Functional: Is this a friendly letter, a
formal letter, a list, a procedure, an
essay response on a test, or a
summary of a reading?
Consider the Elements of Craft
 Organization: Does my text have a
beginning, middle and end?
 Idea Development: Am I
communicating the main points
and providing descriptive details?
 Language Use: Am I using
appropriate, grammar, vocabulary,
and word order?
 Word Choice: Am I using levelappropriate vocabulary?
 Voice: Am I using my own words to
express my ideas, experiences, and
Observe the Conventions of Writing
 Use level-appropriate grammar
 Check spelling, punctuation, and
 Use a word processor or legible
Use the Writing Process
 Rehearse and plan
 Draft and revise
 Edit and proofread
 Publish
 Illustrate (if required or desired)
 View self as a writer
Study Skills:
Use your class time effectively - Be in class! Listen! Focus on French! Ask questions if you don’t understand!
Learn your vocabulary - Make & use flashcards! Study daily! Visualize new vocabulary! Practice writing vocabulary! Memorize the Exprimons-nous expressions!
Write it down - Take notes in class! Re-read or re-write notes from class! Write to friends in French!
Speak French - Volunteer to answer questions. Use mistakes as a necessary learning experience. Speak in French outside of class! Record yourself !
Explore and Expand - Further your knowledge of French with the Internet: YouTube, music, games, and news! Read a French magazine! Rent French movies!
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World Languages Curriculum Framework - French 1
RLASD World Language
Content Standards and Level I Learning Priorities
World Language Communication -Standard A Interpersonal Conversation: Students in Wisconsin
World Language Communication - Standard B Interpretive: Listening and Reading: Students in
will engage in conversations, provide and obtain
information, express feelings and emotions, and
exchange opinions in a language other than their own.
Wisconsin will understand and interpret a language
other than their own in its written and spoken form
on a variety of topics.
Rationale: Students must know how to use the
language effectively in order to exchange ideas and
information with other people in a culturally
appropriate manner. This standard focuses on the goal
of learning to engage in conversations.
Rationale: Students must develop strong listening and
reading skills to interpret the concepts, ideas, and
opinions expressed by members of other cultures
through their media and their literatures. This
standard focuses on increasing the level of
understanding as students listen to, read, or view
materials in a new language.
To meet this standard a student will:
Engages in patterned conversations where
they will ask and answer questions about
personal interests, preferences, and
World Language Communication - Standard C Presentational: Speaking and Writing - Students
in Wisconsin will present information, concepts, and
ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a
variety of topics in a language other than their own.
Rationale: Students must develop strong speaking and
writing skills to communicate their thoughts, concepts,
and opinions effectively to members of other cultures.
This standard focuses on presenting information in a
way that is appropriate for the audience.
To meet this standard a student will:
 Develops pronunciation and Intonations
 Using the writing process
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To meet this standard a student will:
 Comprehend key concepts of oral language
using authentic media and /or visual support.
 Understand and derives broad meaning from
selected written materials using reading
World Language Culture - Standard D - Practices:
Students in Wisconsin will demonstrate an
understanding of the relationship between the
practices and perspectives of the cultures studied.
Rationale: To fully understand another culture,
students need to develop an awareness of another
people's way of life, of the patterns of behavior that
order their world, and of the traditional ideas,
attitudes, and perspectives that guide their behaviors.
To meet this standard a student will:
 Observe, identifies, and imitates patterns of
behavior in formal and informal social
 Respectfully compare and contrast cultural
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World Languages Curriculum Framework - French 1
RLASD World Language
Content Standards and Level I Learning Priorities
World Language Communication -Standard E Products: Students in Wisconsin will demonstrate
an understanding of the relationship between the
products and perspectives of the cultures studied.
World Language Connections - Standard F –
Across Disciplines: Students in Wisconsin will
reinforce and further their knowledge of other
disciplines through a language other than English.
Rationale: To respect and appreciate the diversity of
their world, students need to learn about the
contribution of other cultures to the world and the
solutions they offer to problems confronting them.
Awareness of these contributions helps students
understand how their views and other people's views
of the world have been influenced.
Rationale: The conscious effort to connect the study of
languages with other disciplines opens doors to
information and experiences that enrich students’
entire lives. Students can use information and skills
learned in other classes to practice their new
language. Conversely, language classes provide
additional information to enhance what students learn
in other disciplines.
To meet this standard a student:
 Identifies major countries, regions, and
geographic features.
 Identifies and understand the cultural
significance of major objects and symbols.
To meet this standard a student:
 Connects the study of language with other
school subjects (math, science, language arts,
music, art, social studies) to support or
enhance academic achievement.
World Language Standard H - Comparisons :
Students in Wisconsin will demonstrate
understanding of the nature of language through
comparisons of the language studied and their
Rationale: Students who study more than one
language gain insight into the nature of their own
language and can analyze the power of word choice.
They can compare how different language systems
express meaning and reflect culture.
To meet this standard a student:
 Examines structures, idioms, cultural
characteristics, and phonetics of the language.
 Compares and contrasts English with other
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World Languages Curriculum Framework - French 1
RLASD World Language
Content Standards and Level I Learning Priorities
World Language Level I Learning Priorities
 Engages in patterned conversations where they will ask and answer questions
about personal interests, preferences, and descriptions.
 Comprehends key concepts of oral language using authentic media and /or
visual support.
 Understands and derives broad meaning from selected written materials using
reading strategies.
 Develops pronunciation and intonation patterns.
 Uses the Writing Process
 Observes, identifies, and imitates patterns of behavior in formal and informal
social situations.
 Respectfully compares and contrasts cultural differences.
 Identify major countries, regions, and geographic features.
 Identify the cultural significance of major objects and symbols.
 Connects the study of language with other school subjects (math, science,
language arts, music, art, social studies) to support or enhance academic
 Examines structures, idioms, cultural characteristics, and phonetics of the
 Compares and contrasts English with other languages.
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World Languages Curriculum Framework - French 1
RLASD World Language
Content Standards and Level I Learning Priorities
Enduring Understanding
Recognize the value of communicating
in another language.
Utilize reading and listening strategies
to find basic meaning in other
Employ speaking and writing
strategies to express basic thoughts,
ideas, and information.
Develop an awareness of and a
respect for another people’s way of
Identify regions where the target
language is spoken.
Enhance learning and interest through
the study of world languages.
Essential Questions
Develop an understanding of how
languages express meaning.
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How do I engage in patterned conversation with
classmates and teachers?
What value do I find in communicating in the other
What features help me to recognize the target language
when I read it or hear it?
What letter and symbol sound relationship can I
What reading strategies do I use to understand teacher
selected passages?
How do I demonstrate that I comprehend the target
language in classroom activities?
How can visuals increase my understanding of
What sounds do I imitate in the target language?
How do I use the target language to deliver a short
How do I write a complete sentence in the target
How do I write a brief message to a friend?
How do I write a brief narrative using the writing
What does culture mean?
How do I show respect for the cultures of other people
in the world?
What are the major countries where the target language
is spoken?
What currency, flag, and major symbols are identified
with the country?
How has my knowledge of the target language helped
me in other classes?
What knowledge from other subjects enhances my
study of the target language?
What is meant by gender and number of nouns?
What are cognates?
What is an idiom?
How do I use nouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives?
What parts of speech am I able to identify?
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World Languages Curriculum Framework - French 1
Learning Priorities
Essential Knowledge, Skills, Topics, Processes, and Concepts
World Language Standard A
Students will engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions,
and exchange opinions in a language other than their own.
Enduring Understanding
Essential Questions
Recognize the value of communicating in
another language.
How do I engage in pattern conversation with
classmates and teachers?
What value do I find in communicating in the
other language?
Do I value communicating in the other
Essential Knowledge, Skills, Topics,
Processes, and Concepts
Learning Priorities
Engages in patterned conversations where they will ask and answer questions about
personal interests, preferences, and descriptions.
Recognize and use sentence structure
Identifying and using parts of speech
Recognize and conjugate present tense verbs
Recognize and use basic thematic vocabulary
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World Languages Curriculum Framework - French 1
Learning Priorities
Essential Knowledge, Skills, Topics, Processes, and Concepts
World Language Standard B
Students will understand and interpret a language other than their own in its written
and spoken form on a variety of topics.
Enduring Understanding
Utilize reading and listening strategies to
find basic meaning in the target and other
Essential Questions
What features help me to recognize the target language when I
read it or hear it?
What letter and symbol sound relationship can I recognize?
What reading strategies do I use to understand teacher selected
How do I demonstrate that I comprehend the target language in
classroom activities?
How do I use visuals to increase my understanding of language?
Essential Knowledge, Skills, Topics,
Processes, and Concepts
Essential Knowledge, Skills, Topics,
Processes, and Concepts
Learning Priorities
Comprehends key concepts of oral language using authentic media and /or visual support.
 Recognize the oral target language
 Comprehends key concepts of oral language with strong visual support
Understands and derives broad meaning from selected written materials using reading
 Recognize the written target language.
 Comprehends teacher selected passages with reading strategies.
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World Languages Curriculum Framework - French 1
Learning Priorities
Essential Knowledge, Skills, Topics, Processes, and Concepts
World Language Standard C
Students will present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety
of topics in a language other than their own.
Enduring Understanding
Employ speaking and writing strategies to
express basic thoughts, ideas, and
Essential Questions
What sounds do I imitate in the target language?
How do I use the target language to deliver a short
How do II write a complete sentence in the target
How do I write a brief message to a friend?
How do I write a brief narrative using the writing process?
Essential Knowledge, Skills, Topics,
Processes, and Concepts
Essential Knowledge, Skills, Topics,
Processes, and Concepts
Learning Priorities
LIWL4 Develops pronunciation and intonation patterns.
 Recite songs, short poems, and dramatizations.
 Deliver an oral presentation following a teacher directed pattern.
LIWL5 Uses the Writing Process
 Write poems, skits, compositions, and personal communication.
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World Languages Curriculum Framework - French 1
Learning Priorities
Essential Knowledge, Skills, Topics, Processes, and Concepts
World Language Standard D
Students will demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices
and perspectives of the cultures studied.
Essential Questions
Enduring Understanding
Develop an awareness of and a respect for
another people’s way of life.
What does culture mean?
How do I show respect for the cultures of other
people in the world?
Essential Knowledge, Skills, Topics,
Processes, and Concepts
Essential Knowledge, Skills, Topics,
Processes, and Concepts
Learning Priorities
LIWL6 Observes, identifies, and imitates patterns of behavior in formal and informal social situations.
 Distinguish between formal and informal interpersonal communication.
 Understand and use gestures and physical proximity.
LIWL7 Respectfully compares and contrasts cultural differences.
 Examine themes about students’ daily lives and personal experiences.
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World Languages Curriculum Framework - French 1
Learning Priorities
Essential Knowledge, Skills, Topics, Processes, and Concepts
World Language Standard E
Students in Wisconsin will demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and
perspectives of the cultures studied.
Essential Question
Enduring Understanding
Identify regions where the target language is
What are the major countries where the target
language is spoken?
What currency, flag, and major symbols are
identified with the country?
Essential Knowledge, Skills, Topics,
Processes, and Concepts
Essential Knowledge, Skills, Topics,
Processes, and Concepts
Learning Priorities
Identify major countries, regions, and geographic features.
 Identifying countries where the target language is spoken
 Identifying major geographical features
Identify the cultural significance of major objects and symbols.
 Recognize currency, major monuments, flags, national symbols.
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World Languages Curriculum Framework - French 1
Learning Priorities
Essential Knowledge, Skills, Topics, Processes, and Concepts
World Language Standard F
Students will reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through
a language other than English.
Enduring Understanding
The study of world languages enhances learning
and interest in other subject areas.
Essential Question
How has my knowledge of the target language
helped me in other classes?
What knowledge from other subjects enhance
my study of the target language?
Essential Knowledge, Skills, Topics,
Processes, and Concepts
Learning Priorities
Connects the study of language with other school subjects (math, science, language arts,
music, art, social studies) to support or enhance academic achievement.
 Review and reinforce grammatical skills in English prior to using the same skills in the
target languages.
 Reinforce the writing process and reading strategies used in Language Arts.
 Reinforce geographical concepts.
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World Languages Curriculum Framework - French 1
Learning Priorities
Essential Knowledge, Skills, Topics, Processes, and Concepts
World Language Standard H
Students will demonstrate understanding of the nature of language
through comparisons of the language studied and their own.
Essential Question
Enduring Understanding
Develops an understanding of how languages
express meaning.
What is meant by gender and number of
What are cognates?
What is an idiom?
Do I know how to use nouns, verbs, adverbs,
and adjectives?
Can I identify parts of speech?
Essential Knowledge, Skills, Topics,
Processes, and Concepts
Essential Knowledge, Skills, Topics,
Processes, and Concepts
Learning Priorities
LI WL 11
Examines structures, idioms, cultural characteristics, and phonetics of the language.
Understand the concept that nouns have gender and number
Understands how cognates function
Define and identify idiomatic expressions
Define a noun, verb, adverb, and adjective
LIWL12 Compares and contrasts English with other languages.
 Recognizes that languages cannot be translated word for word
 Recognize differences in word order
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