GENRE OF THE WEEK LIST TITLE AUTHOR CALL # LOCATION RELEASE DATE The Five People You Meet in Heaven Mitch Albom FIC ALBOM ADULT RELEASED The Alchemist The Last Lecture For One More Day Eat, Pray, Love Heaven Is For Real Tuesdays with Morrie Paulo Coelho Randy Pausch Mitch Albom Elizabeth Gilbert Todd Burpo Mitch Albom ADULT ADULT ADULT QUIET ROOM QUIET ROOM ADULT RELEASED RELEASED RELEASED RELEASED RELEASED RELEASED Three Cups of Tea Greg Mortenson ADULT RELEASED Man’s Search for Meaning The Happiness Project The Help Life of Pi Any Chicken Soup for the Soul book Viktor Frankl Gretchen Rubin Kathryn Stockett Yann Martel FIC COELHO BIO PAUSCH FIC ALBOM 940.4 GILBERT 133.9013 BURPO FIC ALBOM 371.822 MORTENSON BKCD 150.198 FRANKL 158 RUBIN FIC STOCKETT FIC MARTEL ADULT QUIET ROOM ADULT ADULT RELEASED RELEASED RELEASED RELEASED QUIET ROOM RELEASED The Five Love Languages Gary Chapman 158.1 CHICKEN LP 646.78 CHAPMAN ADULT RELEASED A New Earth Eckhart Tolle Anne Morrow Lindbergh Toni Morrison 204.4 TOLLE QUIET ROOM RELEASED 818 LINDBERGH FIC MORRISON ADULT ADULT RELEASED RELEASED Dale Carnegie QUIET ROOM RELEASED Richard Carlson 158.1 CARNEGIE BKCD 158.1 CARLSON ADULT RELEASED Stephen Covey Ann Voskamp 158 COVEY 248.4 VOSKAMP QUIET ROOM QUIET ROOM RELEASED RELEASED Garth Stein David Mezzapelle FIC STEIN 158 MEZZAPELLE ADULT QUIET ROOM RELEASED RELEASED Gift from the Sea Beloved How To Win Friends and Influence People Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People One Thousand Gifts The Art of Racing in the Rain Contagious Optimism Various Authors Read any of the above titles OR ANY book that inspires you (this could be virtually anything!) to earn 2 points for each review submitted this week! All other genres read will get 1 point for each review submitted. ENJOY A BOOK THAT INSPIRES YOU FOR THE FINAL WEEK OF THE CLUB!