THE LOWER LIMB Bones of the Lower Limb p.317 Hip bone (Coxal bone) Ilium Ischium Pubis Triradiate cartilage p.319 Ilium ala (wing) iliac crest anterior superior iliac spine iliac fossa gluteal surface gluteal lines -- anterior, posterior & inferior greater sciatic notch# p.321 Ilium ala (wing) iliac crest anterior superior iliac spine iliac fossa gluteal surface gluteal lines -- anterior, posterior & inferior greater sciatic notch# p.321 Ischium body greater sciatic notch# ischial spine lesser sciatic notch ischial tuberosity -- 坐著時身體的重量皆在此處 ramus* Ischium body greater sciatic notch# ischial spine lesser sciatic notch ischial tuberosity -- 坐著時身體的重量皆 在此處 ramus* Pubis body symphyseal surface -pubic symphysis pubic crest pubic tubercle superior ramus inferior ramus* *ischiopubic ramus Pubis body symphyseal surface -pubic symphysis pubic tubercle pubic crest superior ramus inferior ramus* *ischiopubic ramus Obturator Foramen bounded by the pubis & ischium 絕大部份被obturator membrane所覆蓋 Acetabulum articulate with the head of the femur lunate surface acetabular notch acetabular fossa Anatomical Position anterior superior iliac spine和pubic tubercle位在同一垂直平面 ischial spine與pubis symphysis的上 緣在同一水平面 pubis的symphyseal surface為垂直 方向,與正中面平行 pubic body的內表面幾乎朝向正上 方 acetabulum朝向inferolaterally obturator foramen位在acetabulum 的inferomedial side Femur the longest & heaviest bone 站立時將體重由hip bone 傳送至tibia approximately the 1/4 the length of a person’s height Femur head fovea capitis --為 ligamentum teres附著處 neck greater trochanter lesser trochanter intertrochanteric line intertrochanteric crest Femur body linea aspera gluteal tuberosity medial & lateral condyles adductor tubercle Femur angle of inclination (115-140o):股骨的head + neck 與body的角度 Patella 三角形,apex朝下 為最大的seasmoid bone 與任何bone皆無接觸 Tibia support the body weight 其前內側位於皮下;最細的 地方是中間1/3與下方1/3 的 交界處 為全身中最常骨折的長骨 Tibia medial & lateral condyles body : medial, interosseus (lateral) & posterior surfaces (∆) tibial tuberosity -- patellar ligament附著處 soleal line medial malleolus @ Interosseous memebrane Fibula lateral malleolus -- help hold the talus in its socket serves only for the attachment of muscles (doesn’t transmit body weight) provide stability to the ankle joint;故腓骨骨折多因腳 踝過度內翻(inversion)所致 為 bone graft 最常使用者,移除後下肢動作皆無問題 Tarsus Calcaneum=calcaneus Talus Navicular Cuboid Cuneiform(3) Tarsus Calcaneum=calcaneus -- transmits most of the body weight from the talus to the ground calcaneal tuberosity Tarsus Talus -- the only one which articulates with tibia & fibula in the foot -- transmit the body weight from the tibia -- the only tarsal bone that has no muscular or tendinous attachement head trochlear Tarsus Navicular -- tuberosity Cuboid -- tuberosity Cuneiform (3) -- medial (1st) (largest), intermediate (2nd) (smallest) & lateral (3rd) Metatarsus (5) -- medial & lateral seasmoid bones on the plantar surface of the head of the 1st Phalanges (14) Superficial Structures Superficial Fascia Superficial vein Cutaneous nerve Deep Fascia Fascia Lata (Deep fascia of the thigh) iliotibial tract --為 tensor of fascia lata & gluteus maximus 兩塊肌 肉的止點 Deep Fascia Fascia Lata (Deep fascia of the thigh) iliotibial tract --為 tensor of fascia lata & gluteus maximus 兩塊肌肉的止點 fascial intermuscular septa -- attached to linea aspera of femur -- 將大腿分成 anterior, medial & posterior compartments Deep Fascia Fascia Lata (Deep fascia of the thigh) saphenous opening -- 由great saphenous vein進入大腿所造成 -- cribriform fascia;falciform margins Crural Fascia (Deep fascia of the leg) extensor retinaculum interosseous membrane crural intermuscular septa -- 將小腿分成 anterior, lateral & posterior compartments transverse intermuscular septum --再將小腿 posterior compartment 分成superficial & deep parts Cutaneous Innervation DERMATOME p.334 Cutaneous Innervation subcostal n. genitofemoral n. (L2,3) ilioinguinal n. (L1) lateral femoral cutaneous n. (L2,3) anterior femoral cutaneous n. (L2,3,4) obturator n. (L2,3,4) p.334 Cutaneous Innervation saphenous n. lateral sural cutaneous n. superficial fibular n. p.334 Cutaneous Innervation iliohypogastric n. (L1) superior clunial n. (L1,2,3) middle clunial n. (S1,2,3) posterior femoral cutaneous n. (S1,2,3) inferior clunial n. sural n. p.334 Superficial Veins great saphenous vein 起於 dorsal venous arch ascend anterior to medial malleolus pass posterior to medial condyle of femur (approximately a hand’s breadth posterior to patella) 穿過 saphenous opening in fascia lata 注入femoral vein p.332 Superficial Veins small saphenous vein 起於dorsal venous arch ascend posterior to lateral malleolus ascend between the heads of gastrocnemius 注入 popliteal vein p.332 perforating vein connect superficial veins & deep veins contain valves, only allow blood to flow from the superficial vein to deep vein musculovenous pump -- 藉由肌肉收縮所產生的力 量將血液以抵抗重力的 方向推回心臟 Varicose veins (靜脈曲張) 因瓣膜無法完全關閉,而 使得血液被重力下拉而造 成靜脈擴張 最常發生在posteromedial parts of lower limb Lymphatic Drainage superficial inguinal lymph nodes external iliac lymph nodes or deep inguinal lymph nodes p.332 Lymphatic Drainage deep inguinal lymph nodes -- along the medial side of the femoral v. deep structures of lower limb external iliac lymph nodes THE PELVIS 骨盆腔(pelvic cavity)為一漏斗狀的構造 pelvic inlet:為較寬的上方開口 pelvis outlet:為較窄的下方開口 Pelvic Inlet pubic symphysis的上緣 pubic crest的後緣 pecten pubis arcuate line of ilium sacrum ala的前緣 sacral promomtory p.206 Pelvic Outlet pubic symphysis的下緣 pubic inferior ramus & ischial tuberosity sacrotuberosity ligament coccyx tip 通常可分為兩個部份: 通常可分為兩個部份: Greater (false) pelvis: pelvis:由ilium的上方部份以及後方 ilium的上方部份以及後方sacrum 的上方部份以及後方sacrum的上方部 sacrum的上方部 份所圍成的空間。 份所圍成的空間。此實際上為腹腔的下方部份 Lesser (true) pelvis: pelvis:較深層處的空間, 較深層處的空間,由obturator foramen的邊 foramen的邊 緣、ischial spine以及 spine以及sacrum 以及sacrum的下半部所包圍而成 sacrum的下半部所包圍而成。 的下半部所包圍而成。其內含有真正屬 於骨盆腔的構造, 於骨盆腔的構造,如膀胱、 如膀胱、生殖器官等 兩者藉由arcuate 兩者藉由arcuate line of ilium約略加以區分 ilium約略加以區分 p.206 pelvis wall lateral – obturator internus posterior - pirifromis p.214 pelvis diaphragm 為封閉pelvis outlet處的構造 由levator ani (包括pubococcygeus & iliococcygeus)和coccygeus所構成 可支持骨盆腔內的器官並將其加以固定 Inclined angle 在解剖位置時,anterior superior iliac spine在pubic symphysis的正上方,所以使得骨盆上緣朝前方傾斜約4550度左右 男性骨盆與女性骨盆的差異 p.208 Pelvic fracture weak areas of pelvis: pubic rami acetabulum sacroiliac joint ala of ilium 最常是因為車禍或直接撞擊骨盆腔骨骼造成壓擠所致,或者是由於 下肢承受過大的力道所致 當骨盆腔的骨骼骨折時,通常都會傷害到位在骨盆腔內的臟器、血 管以及神經等,故情況都較為複雜 Ligaments Sacrococcygeal ligament Sacroiliac ligament -- 連接vertebral column (sacrum) 與pelvis -- sacroiliac joint是將來自下 肢與骨盆的力量傳遞至中 軸的重要關節 Iliolumbar ligament -- 連 接L5的transverse process與 iliac crest Pubic symphysis -- 為連 接兩pubis的 fibrocartilaginous disk Ligaments Sacrospinous ligament -- 連接ischial spine與sacrum Sacrotuberous ligament -- 連接sacrum & coccyx與 ischial tuberosity Pelvic Vasculature • internal iliac a. • obturator a. • superior gluteal a. • inferior gluteal a. • internal pudendal a. Pelvic Nerve Supply 1. 髖臼 髖臼( (acetabulum) acetabulum)的組成骨頭不 包括下列何者? 包括下列何者? (A)恥骨 (B)薦骨 (C)坐骨 (D)髂骨 2. 脛骨、 脛骨、腓骨與下列何者形成屈戍 關節( 關節(hinge joint)? joint)? (A)舟狀骨 (B)距骨 (C)跟骨 (D)骰骨 3. 在解剖學的姿勢下, 在解剖學的姿勢下,恥骨嵴 恥骨嵴與下列 與下列那 一構造的連 一構造的連線, 在同一垂直面上? 在同一垂直面上? (A)薦岬 (B)坐骨棘 (C)髂前上棘 (D)坐骨粗隆 坐骨粗隆 4. 下列何者與髖骨( 何者與髖骨(hip bone) bone)組 成骨性骨盆( 成骨性骨盆(bone pelvis)? pelvis)? (A)腸骨 (A)腸骨 (B)腰椎 (B)腰椎 (C)薦椎 (C)薦椎 (D)坐骨 (D)坐骨 5.股骨 5.股骨不 股骨不具有下列 具有下列何者? 何者? (A)粗線 (A)粗線 (B)大結節 (B)大結節 (C)大轉子 (C)大轉子 (D)恥骨線 (D)恥骨線 Hip Joint Articular surfaces acetabular fossa -- 有fat 位於其中,可被擠壓 以適應femur head運動 時在其內的改變 acetabular labrum -- 增加 acetabulum的深度 acetabular notch -transverse acetabular ligament Articular capsule Fibrous capsule 絕大部份成螺旋狀走向 attach proximally to acetabulum & transverse acetabular ligament attach distally to neck of femur only anteriorly at the intertrochanteric line & greater trochanter Articular capsule Fibrous capsule orbicular zone -- 環繞著femur neck,help to hold the femoral head in the acetabulum Articular capsule Fibrous capsule retinacula -- 為深層的縱走纖維,contain reticular blood vessels that supply head and neck of femur Capsular ligaments -- 為fibrous capsule的增厚部份 -- allow considerable flexion but restrict extension to 10 to 20o beyond the vertical position iliofemoral lig. pubofemoral lig. ischiofemoral lig. Iliofemoral ligament attach to anterior inferior iliac spine & acetabular rim proximally and intertrochanteric line distally 站立時防止 hyperextension of hip joint Pubofemoral ligament arise from obturator crest of pubis tighten during extension and abduction of hip joint 防止 overabduction of hip joint Ischiofemoral ligament arise from ischial part of acetabular rim & spiral superolaterally to greater trochanter 防止 hyperextension of hip joint Ligament of the head of the femur ( ligamentum teres of femur) attach from acetabular notch & transverse acetabular lig. to femur head 非capsular ligament 通常含有一小動脈 (來自obturator artery) Synovial membrane neck of femur介於fibrous capsule & articular cartilage of head之間 nonarticular area of acetabulum providing a covering for ligament of femoral head Movements flexion/extension -- the degree of flexion & extension depends on the position of the knee 【If the knee is flexed relaxing the hamstrings, the thigh can be moved toward the anterior abdominal wall. During extension, the fibrous capsule, especially the iliofemoral ligament, is taut; therefore, the hip can usually be extended only slightly beyond the vertical.】 abduction/adduction -- abduction is usually freer than adduction rotation -- 1/6 circle when the thigh is extended and more when it is flexed -- lateral rotation is much powerful than medial rotation circumduction Blood supply medial & lateral circumflex femoral arteries femoral artery -- main blood supply of hip joint artery to femur head obturator artery Nerve supply femoral n. anterior division of obturator n. superior gluteal n. nerve to quadratus femoris Fracture of neck of femur -- 為最麻煩的骨折種類 -- 常會傷及medial circumflex femoral artery,若不 加以治療則會形成aseptic vascular necrosis (無菌性壞死) Dislocation of hip joint -- congenital dislocation發生率 約萬分之15,兩側的約佔一 半。特徵是inability to abduct the thigh -- acquired dislocation不常見, 若發生時最常見者為posterior dislocation;有時也會傷及 sciatic nerve